The lost city excel 8 grade


  1. Excel. Grade 8. Lesson 42. The lost city
  2. Excel 8 Module 5 P55 The Lost City 11.01.2021
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  8. Excel 8 Module 5 P55 The Lost City 11.01.2021
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  14. Excel 8 modul 5 a zateryannyy gorod p 55
  15. Excel 8 modul 5 a zateryannyy gorod p 55

Excel. Grade 8. Lesson 42. The lost city

The Lost City (Text) Excel 8 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее

EXCEL 8 for Kaz M5a «The LOST CITY» textСкачатьПодробнее

EXCEL 8 Module 5 The lost cityСкачатьПодробнее

The Lost City (Vocabulary) Excel 8 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее

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EXCEL 8 for Kaz M5a «20,000 leagues under the sea» textСкачатьПодробнее

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EXCEL 8 for Kaz M5b «To the SEA» textСкачатьПодробнее


Excel 8 Module 5 P55 The Lost City 11.01.2021

Улдана Бахытбаева Ub SD 04:04


Video Excel 8 module 5 p55 The Lost City uploaded at 11.01.2021 21:43 by user Улдана Бахытбаева UB, duration: 04:04.

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    Excel 8 Module 5 P55 The Lost City 11.01.2021

    Улдана Бахытбаева Ub SD 04:04


    Video Excel 8 module 5 p55 The Lost City uploaded at 11.01.2021 21:43 by user Улдана Бахытбаева UB, duration: 04:04.

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  • Excel 8 Module 5 P55 The Lost City 11.01.2021, Улдана Бахытбаева Ub

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    Excel 8 modul 5 a zateryannyy gorod p 55

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    Excel 8 modul 5 a zateryannyy gorod p 55

    Excel 8 module 5 p55 The Lost CityСкачатьПодробнее

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    Excel  for Kazakhstan(Grade 8) Student`s book Вирджиниия Эванс

    Предмет: Английский язык
    Класс: 8 класс
    Авторы: Вирджиниия Эванс, Дженни Дулей
    Издательство: Express Publishing
    Год: 2019
    Страниц: 173
    Язык: Английский / Русский

    На данной странице предствлен электронный учебник по предмету Английский язык для учеников 8 класса, выпущен издательством Express Publishing в 2019 году, язык обучения — Английский.

    Представь всю тяжесть рюкзака за плечами, в котором лежит несколько книг, тетради, канцелярия, сменка и еще куча всяких полезностей. Не малый вес, правда? А что на счёт стоимости печатной литературы? Мы готовы помочь «разгрузить» портфель ученика и защитить финансы родителей.
    Учебник Excel  for Kazakhstan(Grade 8) Student`s book Вирджиниия Эванс можно читать on-line на любом устройстве, делать пометки, не боясь испортить странички. Если ты не нашёл нужного учебника — напиши нам, мы его найдём и добавим на сайт. Учись в удовольствие и постигай науку с ресурсом OKULYK.KZ

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    Excel  for Kazakhstan(Grade 8) Student`s book Вирджиниия Эванс учебник для 8 класса

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    — First, let`s get acquainted with new words

    Pre – reading

    Why do you think people call Jules Verne the father of science fiction? Read the biography to find out.

    Jules Gabriel Verne (1828-1905) was born in Nantes, France. As a young man, he studied law in

    Paris, but then he decided to become a writer. He published his first novel Five Weeks in a Balloon in 1863, and Journey to the Centre of the Earth in 1864. Other famous novels include Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873). Verne liked writing adventure stories and was very imaginative. He wrote about inventions like submarines, television and spaceships. This was in the 1860s when such things didn’t yet exist. For this reason he is known as the father of science fiction.



    Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea. As we got closer to Egypt, I went upstairs to the glass room at the top of the ship. It was dark outside. We were

    a long way under the sea. Captain Nemo turned on the outside lights.

    «I don’t understand, Captain. There is no exit here. We cannot go through the land.

    «But we can go under it. Watch!»

    We moved down below the country of Egypt. Suddenly, I saw a large hole in the rock.

    «A tunnel!»

    «That’s right, Professor. And we are going through.

    The Nautilus shook as we went through the small tunnel. It looked like an old cave. Then water surrounded the ship, and there was no more land.

    When Conseil and Ned woke up, I told them that we were in the Mediterranean Sea.

    «But how?»

    «Who cares how? Now’s our chance. When we go

    up again,we’re going to escape. We’re close to Europe, and we can take the small boat to get to land. Do you agree?» said Ned.

    I could not think only of myself. Conseil loved the sea, but I did not think he wanted to live his life there. Ned Land could not escape without our help.

    «I agree. Only tell me when you are ready.

    But the Nautilus did not go near the surface of the water again for some time. In fact, we went further down.

    We sailed through the Mediterranean Sea and entered the deep mysterious Atlantic Ocean. The ocean became dark, and we continued to go further and further down. Captain Nemo came into the room as I studied the ocean floor.

    «I have a little surprise for you, Professor.

    As he said this, a bright light appeared from behind the mountain of rocks in front of us.

    «What is it?»

    «Just watch!»

    We came closer to the light, and I could see trees on the ocean floor.

    «That’s not possible!»

    The Nautilus moved up over the mountain, and I saw that the light came from an old underwater volcano. There was no fire, but the hot lava still produced light.

    The light showed us parts of the ocean floor. There were stone houses and ancient temples on it. I did not understand how such things could be there.

    «It looks like a city from thousands of years ago.

    «It is. It’s the lost city of Atlantis!»

    I looked up at Captain Nemo. He never took his eyes off the window. I looked down again. So it was true, I thought. Atlantis did exist, but only Captain Nemo knew for sure.

    Task 1

    1. How did the Nautilus get to the Mediterranean Sea?

    It went through an underwater tunnel.

    2. How did they plan to escape?

    They planned to take the small boat to get to land.

    3. Where did light come from?

    They light came from an old underwater volcano.

    Task 2

    Read the extract again and complete the sentences.

    1. Captain Nemo took us north, through the Indian Ocean to the_____.

    2. We sailed through the Mediterranean Sea and entered____.

    3. There were stone houses and ancient____.

    4. Atlantis did exist, but only Captain Nemo____.


    1. Red Sea

    2. The deep mysterious Atlantic Ocean

    3. Temples

    4. Knew for sure

    Task 3

    Look at the pictures (A-E). Which shows:

    1. a man looking out of an underwater window?

    2. a man falling into the sea?

    3. two men getting onto a large ship?

    4. some divers discovering a giant oyster with a huge pearl?

    5. men standing on a submarine?


    1. B

    2. C

    3. E

    4. D

    5. A

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    • English for School Students

    • Excel for Kazakhstan

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    • size 62,64 MB
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    • added by Лариса 05/23/2019 05:40
    • info modified 05/31/2019 17:02

    Evans V., Dooley J., Obee B. Excel for Kazakhstan. Grade 8. Teacher’s Book

    Методическое пособие для учителей английского языка к учебному пособию «Excel» for Kazakhstan. для 8 класса общеобразовательных школ.
    Express Publishing, 2017. — 354 p.
    Excel for Kazakhstan is a task-based English course of five levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference and designed for learners studying English at CEFR levels A1 to low-mid B1.
    Excel for Kazakhstan develops all four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recycles key language items. Above all, it is designed to promote active (activating all new vocabulary and structures in meaningful, everyday and crosscultural contexts), holistic (encouraging the creative collective use of students’ brains as well as the linguistic analytical use of their brains) and humanistic (acquiring and practicing language through pleasant tasks and topics, paying attention to their needs, feelings and desires) ways of learning.

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