The longest word in chinese language

Unfortunately, we don’t have the » longest» word in China, because all our characters are individual. However, we have the most complex word. This one is «Biang». It is the name of a kind of noodle.

What is the longest Chinese sentence?

In China, the longest sentence is a life sentence or life imprisonment.

What is the hardest Chinese word?

1. Huáng – Unknown meaning (172 strokes) Huáng, with its incredible 172 strokes, is generally regarded as Chinese writing’s most fiendishly difficult character.

What is the longest Korean word?

The longest word in Korean is 청자양인각연당초상감모란문은구대접. It is 17 syllable blocks – which doesn’t look very long to anyone who doesn’t read Korea. But it has 46 Hangul letters – so that’s pretty long! It describes a kind of ceramic bowl.

What’s the longest Russian word?

Russian. Most likely one of the longest Russian words is a chemical term тетрагидропиранилциклопентилтетрагидропиридопиридиновая (tetragidropiranilciklopentiltetragidropiridopiridinovaya), which contains 55 letters. It was used in Russian patent RU2285004C2 (granted and published in 2006).

Longest chinese word!

What’s the longest German word?

The longest word in the standard German dictionary is Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung – which is the word for motor vehicle liability insurance. But at 36 letters, it’s rather puny. Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften, a touch longer at 39 letters, is the language’s longest non-dictionary word.

Is there a word with 183 letters?

The longest word in the English language, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, won primary school speller Jemimah Elise Sampson, the East Coast Radio’s Last Kid Standing title, as seen in the video below published by the East Coast Radio.

What word has 52 letters?

Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic. This is the longest word in English which is composed of seven words. This 52-letter word was coined by Dr. Edward Strother to describe the spa waters in Bath, England.

What is the 3 longest word in the world?

14 of the Longest Words in English

  1. 1 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (forty-five letters): …
  2. 2 Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (thirty letters): …
  3. 3 Floccinaucinihilipilification (twenty-nine letters): …
  4. 4 Antidisestablishmentarianism (twenty-eight letters):

Are there Chinese swear words?

1. 操你妈 – Cào nǐ mā Of all the bad words in Chinese Mandarin, 操你妈 is probably one of the most classic and insulting swears you can use to take someone down a notch. These negative meaning words consist of the three simple characters: 操 (f*ck) 你 (your) 妈 (mom).

What is the easiest Chinese word?

Basic Mandarin Chinese Words and Phrases

  • Hello: Nǐhǎo (Nee how)
  • Thank you: Xièxiè (Shieh-shieh)
  • You’re welcome: Bù kèqì (Boo kuh-chi)
  • Good morning: Zǎo (Zhow)
  • Goodnight: Wǎn ān (One-un)
  • My name is…: …
  • My friend’s name is…: Wǒ de péngyǒu jiào… …
  • Where is the bathroom: Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ? (See-sow-jian zai na-lee?)

What is the 13955 word sentence?

The longest sentence award goes to: Jonathan Coe’s The Rotter’s Club, 13,955 word sentence.

What is the longest Japanese word?

It is read as “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarigoe”. It is 37 letters long and is comprised of 18 syllables. It is a very odd word, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bit someone”.

What is the shortest word in the world?

The shortest word is a. Some might wonder about the word I since it consists of one letter, too. In sound, a is shorter because it is a monophthong (consists of one vowel), while I is a diphthong.

What is the weirdest 5 letter word?

11 unusual 5-letter words to kick off your next Wordle game

  • ADIEU. Adieu means the same as goodbye. …
  • TARES. Any of various vetch plants, such as Vicia hirsuta (hairy tare) of Eurasia and North Africa.
  • SOARE. …
  • DUCAT. …
  • OUIJA. …
  • CAROM. …
  • ERGOT. …
  • CRAIC.

What is the rarest letter word?

According to the English for Students website, j, q, and z occur the least if you analyze the frequency of each letter in the entries of the 11th Concise Oxford Dictionary.

What word has 190 000 letters?

The longest English word is also the longest word in the world, with almost 190,000 letters. It is the chemical name for titin, the largest protein known. The longest word in the English dictionary however, is the 45-letter word «pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis», which refers to a lung disease.

How Do You Spell 3001?

The number 3001 is Three Thousand and One in words.

Which 3 letter word has over 645 meanings?

One three-letter word does much of the heavy lifting in the English language. The little word «run» — in its verb form alone — has 645 distinct meanings.

What is ß called in English?

The German letter ß is a ligature and is also called a “scharfes s” (sharp s). But it’s simpler than it sounds–it actually just means “ss”.

What’s the longest Greek word?

392 BC) Aristophanes coined the 173-letter word Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleio-lagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon, a fictional food dish consisting of a combination of fish and other meat.

What is the longest Arabic word?

The actual longest word in Arabic is أفاستسقيناكموها (‘afastasqaynakumuha, «did we ask you to give it to us to drink»), which is a 15 letter word.

Самое длинное слово в китайском языке

На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 8.1к. Опубликовано 06.08.2020

В этой короткой заметке мы ответим на довольно распространенный вопрос, интересующий многих, кто хочет немного узнать о нашем восточном соседе. Самое длинное слово в китайском языке. Есть ли такое? Если оно существует, то как оно звучит и что означает?

Самое длинное слово в китайском

Самое длинное слово в китайском языке
Самый сложный китайский иероглиф. Состоит из 57 черт.
Обозначает название местной лапши в провинции Шаньси

Прежде всего, нужно внести полную ясность. Большинство китайских слов состоит либо из одного единственного иероглифа, либо из двух иероглифов. Конечно, встречаются слова из трех иероглифов. Но таких слов намного меньше, чем обычных односложных или двусложных слов.

В свою очередь, конкретный китайский иероглиф также может выступать в роли слова или корня слова («слога»). Такая вот, примерная аналогия для понимания очевидной разницы между китайским языком и языками, которые относятся к романской (французский, испанский, итальянский) и германской (английский, немецкий) языковым группам. Соответственно, китайский язык, попросту, не имеет длинных слов.

Поэтому вопрос «самое длинное слово в китайском языке» изначально некорректный. Правильнее спрашивать: какой самый сложный иероглиф в китайском языке? Т.е. какой иероглиф сложнее всего писать?

Самое длинное слово в китайском_Подготовка к ЕГЭ по китайскому языку_1

Самое длинное слово в китайском языке vs Самый сложный китайский иероглиф

Отдельный иероглиф может состоять из одной или нескольких черт. Простыми словами, черта – элемент иероглифа, который пишется, не отрывая шариковую ручку, карандаш, специальную кисть для каллиграфии от бумаги. Соответственно, в тот момент, когда вы оторвали ручку или карандаш от бумаги, начинается следующая черта.

Готовы удивиться красоте китайских иероглифов? Если да, поехали! Самый сложный китайский иероглиф, т.е. иероглиф, состоящий из большого количества черт,– это название одного местного блюда. Данный иероглиф вы не найдете в русско-китайском словаре. Также этот иероглиф отсутствует в упрощенном китайском языке. С другой стороны, это слово используется в одной конкретной местности в Китае. Этот иероглиф характерен для провинции Шаньси, город Шунькоу (по-китайски 陕西顺口). Провинции в Китае – это как области в России.

Это диалектное слово используется для описания широкой и плоской лапши, которая популярна в этой провинции Китая. Общеизвестно, что китайцы – любители покушать. Так вот, этот иероглиф состоит из 57 черт! Если использовать русскую транскрипцию, то слово произносится как [бян]. Местные жители считают, что это слово напоминает звук от приготовления этой лапши на разделочной доске.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию короткий видеоролик, в котором вы увидите тот самый иероглиф. Самый сложный китайский иероглиф во всем мире! Итак, наслаждайтесь:

Самый сложный китайский иероглиф в мире! 57 черт!!!

Если у вас возникли вопросы, Александр с удовольствием ответит на них.

The longest Chinese word is «科學基礎理論非常複雜多變的抽象性格» which translates to «the abstract character of scientific basic theory is very complex and changeable.» This term is often used in scientific and academic studies, as it accurately describes the difficulty of understanding and researching the fundamentals of science. It contains 26 characters, but its literal meaning can be broken down into four parts — «science basic theory,» «very,» «complex,» and «changeable.» As you can see, this word is extremely long and complex, making it the longest Chinese word in existence.

Despite its length, this term is widely used among those who study science, as it provides a concise and accurate description of the complexity that comes with researching the fundamentals of scientific theory. While many have tried to shorten or simplify it over the years, this 26-character word remains one of the most used terms in the Chinese language.

Overall, the longest Chinese word is «科學基礎理論非常複雜多變的抽象性格» which translates to «the abstract character of scientific basic theory is very complex and changeable.» While it is lengthy and complex, this word is often used in academic circles due to its accuracy in describing the difficulty of understanding and researching scientific fundamentals.

What is the hardest word to write in Chinese?

The answer to this question will depend on the individual and their level of knowledge when it comes to Chinese. However, some of the most difficult words to write in Chinese include 独特 (dútè), which means «unique,» 现代 (xiàndài), which means «modern,» or 壮观 (zhuàngguān), which means «spectacular.» When writing these words, it is important to remember the correct stroke order and radicals for each character. Additionally, some characters have alternate forms depending on their position in a sentence, so one must be careful when writing them. All of these factors can make writing in Chinese a challenging and complex task. With practice and dedication, however, anyone can become proficient in writing Chinese characters.

What is the longest Filipino word?

The longest Filipino word is mamimilihinamonacayonnalupa, which translates to «to choose between two things.» This long and difficult-to-pronounce word is usually used in legal documents or speeches. It is composed of 19 syllables and has its origin in the Tagalog language. The literal meaning of the word is «to select between two options or choices.» This word is widely used in Filipino literature, as well as to refer to situations that require making a decision. With its nineteen syllables, it’s no wonder why this is the longest Filipino word!

In short, mamimilihinamonacayonnalupa is the longest Filipino word that translates to «to choose between two things.» It is composed of 19 syllables and has its origin in the Tagalog language. This long and difficult-to-pronounce word serves as an example of how complex and interesting the Filipino language can be.

In addition, this long word can also be used to refer to situations where decision-making and choosing between two options is required. As such, it serves as an important part of the Filipino language.

Reaching 19 syllables, mamimilihinamonacayonnalupa is the longest Filipino word currently in use. It has been widely used in Filipino literature and serves as an example of how complex and interesting the Filipino language can be.

This word is also used to refer to situations that require making a decision, making it an important part of the Filipino language.


Updated on

4 Aug 2019

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what is the longest word in Chinese?

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I don’t there is a longest word in Chinese but there is a biggest word

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@Salian this means something?? I thought it was fake🤔

  • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
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  • Simplified Chinese (China)
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@freysteinn03 that word means Biangbiang noodles (biangbiang mian)

  • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)

  • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

  • English (UK)
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@freysteinn03: This word TRULY exists!It’s called Biáng and it has an interesting story.You can look for it and i bet you will like the story!LOL

  • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)

  • Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)

  • English (UK)

Each word is individual and has a meaning in Chinese and a new meaning is formed when two or more words are put together. This is not a ‘spellable’ language so there is not a thing called ‘the longest word’.

  • English (US)

  • Icelandic

  • Norwegian (bokmal)
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  • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)

@Frey_15 龘,靐,齉,齾 — are the most complicated Chinese words. There is no longest in Chinese word’s concept , yet you can describe by their complexity by strokes

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what is the longest word in Chinese?

  • hello, what is the most used form of chinese writing, simplified or traditional Chinese ?


    50 50 depends on where you are :)

  • Can someone help me write this Chinese words? It’s hard to read. Tks!

  • how many alphabet is there in Chinese??

    This video explains the concept quite well, although it use simplified Chinese to be the examples

  • Can someone help me write this Chinese words? It’s hard to read. Tks!

  • What’s the noun omitted after 的 in the following sentence? 中国人起名字的讲究很多


    I think this is spoken Chinese instead of formal written Chinese.

  • Can someone help me write the Chinese words? It’s hard to read. Tks!



    Hope can help😬

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Vietnamese is an isolating language, which naturally limits the length of a morpheme.

The longest, at seven letters, is nghiêng, which means “inclined” or “to lean”.

This is the longest word that can be written without a space.

However, not all words in Vietnamese are single morphemes.

What is the hardest word to write in Chinese?

The Hardest Chinese Character. The character biáng requires 62 total strokes to write and contains a 馬 horse, 月 moon,刂 knife and 心 heart plus other radicals.

The longest known Filipino word in a dictionary is the 32-letter, 14-syllable Pinakanakapagpapabagabag-damdamin, which means “the most emotionally disturbing (or upsetting) thing” from the root bagabag which means “to upset”.

What Chinese word has the most strokes?

Made up of 58 strokes in its traditional form (42 in simplified Chinese), the Chinese character for biáng is one of the most complex Chinese characters in modern usage, although the character is not found in modern dictionaries or even in the Kangxi dictionary.

What does Biang mean in Chinese?

The Chinese character for “biang”, is made up of 56 pen strokes. The word holds no meaning but local media said Mr Wang drew inspiration for it from the name of a noodle dish he had while visiting Shaanxi province.

What is the most complex Chinese character?


What is the most difficult kanji?

The most difficult kanji is 「鬱」 with a total of 29 strokes.

What is the shortest word in the world?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea.

What is the longest French word?

French. The longest usual word in French is intergouvernementalisations (27 letters), plural form of intergouvernementalisation (26 letters) but the longest known word is “anticonstitutionnellement” (25 letters). As in English, the longest technical word in French is the scientific name for titin (189,819 letters).

What are the 10 longest words in the English language?

Take a look at these 10 longest words in the English language that are enlisted in the dictionary.

  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies (39 letters)
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What is the kanji with the most strokes?

Taito, daito, or otodo ( ) is a kokuji (“kanji character invented in Japan”) written with 84 strokes, and thus the most graphically difficult CJK character—collectively referring to Chinese characters and derivatives used in the written Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.

What is Youpo?

YOUPO is a famous brand owned by Bessto. Inc. It is specialized in designing and producing consumer electronics, including Bluetooth Speaker, VR motion controller, car charger, car refrigerator, car purifies and so on. Bessto is destined to provide quality products and services for customers.

What are Biang Biang noodles made of?

Biang Biang noodles is actually a simple spicy noodle dish. The noodles are freshly made and quite wide and thick. The word “biang” is an onomatopoeia – it mimics of the sound made in the process making the noodles, when the dough is pulled and slapped against the working surface.

Which Chinese character has most strokes?

The most complex character consisting of 58 strokes is pronounced as biáng. Biang Biang Noodles – biáng biáng miàn is a typical noodles-dish that is famous and popular in China’s Shaanxi province.

What are hand pulled noodles made of?

Generally, the elasticity of the noodle is depending on the amount of flour, water and salt. On one hand, the dough should be tough enough so the noodles are elastic and smooth on surface.

Is La Mian ramen?

The term “ramen” is supposedly the Japanese pronunciation for the Chinese word for pulled noodles, lamian. Additionally, an alternative term for ramen is chuka soba, literally “Chinese noodles.” As anyone who has had both ramen and lamian can tell you, the types of noodle dishes are very different.

Is bread flour high gluten?

High-gluten flour, which is bread flour with extra protein, is ideal for chewy breads like bagels. Keep in mind that different brands of flour differ in their protein content as well. This is because the bran and high protein content of whole-wheat flour make it very absorbent, so it needs more water.

What is penghui?

Penghui was originally an ash made from burning mugwort, a grass that grows on the arid hillsides of northwestern China, where la mian originates. In the 1990s, Lanzhou University identified and refined this essential component of hand-pulled noodles, without which the noodles could not be pulled.

Is Korean easier than Japanese?

Learning Korean is actually a lot easier than you think. Although Korean might be ranked as one of the more difficult languages to learn by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), it is by no means impossible. In fact, compared to Japanese and Chinese, Korean has some huge advantages that make it easy to learn.

What is the kanji for Dragon?

In Japanese, dragon is “ryuu” (or “ryū”, they are the same) and the kanji is 竜 in shinjitai script, or 龍 in traditional (kyuujitai) script. Dragons can also be called “tatsu”, although “ryuu” is more common.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

I doubt there is a single word in the English language that includes all 26 letters, but the following sentence does: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. An individual character from an alphabet is a “letter”.

What are the 5 longest words?

The longest words in Oxford Dictionaries are:

  1. antidisestablishmentarianism – opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England – 28 letters.
  2. floccinaucinihilipilification – the estimation of something as worthless – 29 letters.
  3. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters.

What is the English translation of llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch?

The village is also known as Llanfair PG or Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. The name means “St Mary’s church in the hollow of the white hazel near to the fierce whirlpool of St Tysilio of the red cave” in Welsh.

What is the shortest sentence using all 26 letters?

The quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog. One of the shortest sentences that contain all the 26 letters is: Blowzy night-frumps vex’d Jack Q.

Which word is longest?

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

Is English the easiest language to learn?

Why English is Easy. Despite these difficulties, English is actually the easiest language in the world to learn. English speakers sometimes have difficulties when learning Portuguese because they are not used to words having genders.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia”

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