The living word vocabulary

The Living Word Vocabulary: A National Vocabulary Inventory

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Edgar Dale, Joseph O’Rourke

World Book-Childcraft International, 1981 — Всего страниц: 692

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Terms in this set (10)


From the Latin trinus, meaning «threefold,» referring to the central mystery of the Christian faith that God exists as a communion of three distinct and interrelated Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the Trinity is a mystery that is inaccessible to human reason alone and is known through Divine Revelation only.

Salvation History

How God’s serving hand has been at work in and through human history


An appearance or manifestation of God, as when he «appeared» to Moses in a burning bush.

Divine Revelation

The voice of God, who has revealed himself as Truth and Love.


A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made.


Highest church official


A Hebrew word meaning «law,» referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.

Nicene Creed

(Christianity) a formal creed summarizing Christian beliefs


«five scrolls», refers to the first five books of the Bible

primeval history

stories or myths about the origins of the earth, humans, other creatures, languages, and cultures. Before Writing was invented

Development of Abstract Word Knowledge

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    Frontiers in Psychology

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Support is found for the affective embodiment account: word valence, interoception, and mouth action all facilitated abstract word acquisition more than concrete word acquisition, and contextual diversity facilitated vocabulary acquisition, but did so for both abstract and concrete words.

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Morphological Awareness and Recall of Passive Vocabulary in Adult Learners

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Evidence of the Generalization and Construct Representation Inferences for the GRE® revised General Test Sentence Equivalence Item Type

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The report is the first systematic evaluation of the sentence equivalence item type introduced by the GRE® revised General Test. We adopt a validity framework to guide our investigation based on

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Age of acquisition ratings score better on criterion validity than frequency trajectory or ratings “corrected” for frequency

  • M. Brysbaert
  • Psychology

    Quarterly journal of experimental psychology

  • 2017

Four databases are used that aimed to establish the order of English word acquisition, going from the very first words learned to words taught in secondary education, and the criteria for word knowledge included word production, multiple-choice questions about the meaning of the words, and teacher judgments about when words should be taught in the school curriculum.

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2. When an image on the film is obliterated with a round black mark it is an indication that the film inspector noticed either blurred copy because of movement during exposure, or duplicate copy.

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An Evaluation of Binary Comparative Lexical Complexity Models

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This paper investigates the performance of binary comparative Lexical Complexity Prediction (LCP) models applied to a popular benchmark dataset — the CompLex 2.0 dataset used in SemEval-2021 Task 1.0.

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Age of Acquisition of Personality Terms: Implications for Personality Theory

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  • Psychology

    Europe’s journal of psychology

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Analysis of the age of acquisition (AoA) of personality terms represents a genetic method for the study of the individual personality lexicon and offers a potential alternative to correlational

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Corpus-based age of word acquisition: Does it support the validity of adult age-of-acquisition ratings?

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    PloS one

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Age of acquisition (AoA) is presumed to reflect the age or relative order in which words are learned, but is often measured using adult ratings or adult-reported observations and might thus reflect

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Quantifying children’s sensorimotor experience: Child body–object interaction ratings for 3359 English words

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Body–object interaction (BOI) ratings measure how easily the human body can physically interact with a word’s referent. Previous research has found that words higher in BOI tend to be processed more

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Quantifying social semantics: An inclusive definition of socialness and ratings for 8388 English words

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It has been proposed that social experience plays an important role in the grounding of concepts, and socialness has been proffered as a fundamental organisational principle underpinning semantic

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