The least important word is i

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Posted byu/[deleted]7 years ago

level 1

Dumbasses clearly misremembered the three most important words: «Would you kindly…»

But otherwise, great advice. Just remember, when you’re out drinking with your buddies and you’re finishing your beers, you should probably tell them «You did a great job» and also «We».
And whenever you meet someone, open with «I admit that I was wrong».
This is truly human relations 101 guys and gals, I hope you took notes.

level 2

· 7 yr. ago

The burning money represents money being evil

level 2

Would you kindly avoid spoilers from a game released in 2007

level 1

Its…Its actually 2 of the 6 most important words…

level 2

So does it simplify and become 1/3?

level 2

OP’s like: I admit that I was wrong

level 1

· 7 yr. ago

The burning money represents money being evil

My Linkedin is becoming an increasing source of bullshit.

level 2

Wow this was on LinkedIn? The new Facebook I guess.

Back when I had Bebo I thought that Facebook was for old people. Then when I got Facebook I thought that LinkedIn is for old people. Maybe it’ll go full circle. I should get a Bebo account ready.

level 2

That site has become so cringey since going public and adding «likes» and a newsfeed… hard to believe it was nothing more than a really good job app / resume site a few years ago.

level 1

You don’t understand it’s so logical, duh!

‘I’ itself is nothing. Only when it works together with other words it becomes important. It must become ‘we’ to be important.


level 1

So if you follow this…and end up removing «I» from the first one, you wind up with «Admit that was wrong!» haha!!

level 2

· 7 yr. ago

The burning money represents money being evil

It’s still incorrect and idiotic.

In language, very few components are universally more important than others — a word like «the» is used a lot, but it’s not like it’s the most important one — we can piece together most sentences even with it missing. The subject of a sentence could be argued to be the most important component, but even that doesn’t get us far — «the cat» isn’t the most important part of «I fed the cat this morning.»

level 1

The six most important words are: «Help! I’ve been lit on fire!»

Light yourself on fire, see how admitting you were wrong helps out.

level 2

The six most important words are «I can’t believe you’ve done this.»

level 1

If you apply this to Philosophy, it’s the dumbest thing on the planet.

If you apply it to Human Resources, it’s the 2nd dumbest thing on the planet.

level 1

Ayn Rand would like to have a word with whoever wrote that.

level 2

We just had to read that book the other day. I get the joke.

level 1

Shouldn’t the 5 most important words be 5 of the 6 most important words? Otherwise one of them doesn’t have the most important words. In fact, what is stated as THE most important word, isn’t even in the top 6, so how can it be number 1? That would be like if in the football finals, a team that didn’t even make the play-offs won the grand final, even though they didn’t play in it.

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A place to talk about stupid ‘deep and meaningful’ philosophy found on blogs, tumblr, facebook, reddit, or anywhere else. Insights that people should have outgrown by the time they were 14.

Jaden Smith is our patron saint, along with many deep twitter posts.


The six most important words: I admit I made a mistake.
The five most important words: You did a good job.
The four most important words: What is your opinion?
The three most important words: If you please.
The two most important words: Thank you.
The one least important word: I.


The word’ I ‘ is one of the shortest words in English Language.The other being ‘ A ‘

Somewhere I read,we use ‘ I ‘ more than 20 times a day, which in turn says more about ‘you’

The other frequently used words are me,my and mine.

Some of the Word Press blog articles contain more of I,my me and mine.

Many Experts & Pundits in Word Press blogosphere, have warned the bloggers not to hammer the readers, to the extent of exhaustion, by talking, more of ‘ I ‘

Is anybody interested in your daily stories in a chronological order ?

And believe me if I say none is interested to know about you and vice versa.

My Apologies for this shock statement.

This is how the society is run.

Should I forget ‘ I ‘ in me ?

I don’t know.

( Ha ha again I & me are used )

How can I ever talk to to you without me starting the dialogue and using the word ‘ I ‘ ?

And what about others ? Society ?

People talk to you only when they need your services.Otherwise no body cares you and better you forget the ‘ I ‘ in you.

You are just a spare part.

Is using ‘ I ‘ frequently a bad idea ?

I am not sure about this statement…..’The more you use…I,me,my,my own good,and mine…the more egoistic you are or may be a kind of excessive self focusing, even a narcissist’.

My guess is people who are superiors in the office culture use it less compared to the people who are inferior in the hierarchy.

In family relationships it is different altogether and ‘ I ‘ is used liberally.

Who speak lot, men or women ?

Men speak approximately 7000 words per day,women…more than 13000 (Women do talk more than men )

Any reason why women speak a lot 🤔 ??

Are you the ‘ I ‘ talker ?

How does anybody decide whether they belong to ‘ I ‘ talker or not ?

I don’t know. You can help me.

Thank you. Namaste  🙏🙏🙏

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Другие результаты

those last three words were the most important words you said.

The most important words being the last two words.

The important word had at last been uttered.

‘Special’ and ‘limited’ are important words in the last sentence.

The Holy Hierarch John Chrysostom offered important words that each one of us must remember until our last breath.

Святитель Иоанн Златоуст говорит важные слова, которые каждый должен помнить до последнего своего издыхания.

But these words were, perhaps, the most important words spoken at the convention last night.

Your most important keywords need to be first in your title tag, with your least important words coming last.

Вы должны разместить свой самый важные ключевые слова сначала в вашем заголовке, в то время как наименее важный последний.

One last important point is every day we see a lot of new registered domain names containing words like «Fifa Live World Cup steaming 2014».

И последнее важное замечание: каждый день мы наблюдаем появление множества новых зарегистрированных доменных имен, содержащих слова вроде «Fifa Live World Cup steaming 2014».

It is a SOV-language, meaning the verb most often comes last in the sentence, and that generally in a phrase the most important word is the last word.

So I think responsibility is an important word.

Это вопрос ответственности, по-моему, ответственность — это важное слово.

They’re actually very important words.

Buffet feels those are the most important words ever written about investing.

Уоррен Баффет считает, что это самые важные слова, когда-либо сказанные об инвестициях.

It gave us important words like balaclava and cardigan.

Она дала нам такие слова как «Балаклава» и «Кардиган».

Those important words you left unspoken.

Эти важные слова, которые вы оставили невысказанными…

Buffet feels those are the most important words ever written about investing.

Баффетт неоднократно отмечал, что это самая важная мысль, когда-либо высказанная об инвестиционной деятельности.

Those are the most important words you should remember.

Это и есть самые главные слова, о которых мы должны помнить.

The important word here is past.

And these are really important words.

Now we must transfer these important words into real action, Kantor said.

И теперь мы должны перевести эти важные слова в реальные действия», — подчеркнул президент ЕЕК.

A simple small but important word for each human being.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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