The law and crime word formation

Слайд 1Vocabulary The law and crime + Раздел Говорение С5

Vocabulary The law and crime + Раздел Говорение С5

Слайд 24Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Некоторые однокоренные слова, являющиеся разными частями речи, будут

читаться по-разному из-за различной постановки ударения. Вследствие этого, чтение определенных слогов тоже будет меняться, так как слог, который был безударным в одном слове, будет ударным в другом и наоборот. Например, вот эти слова:
Photograph /ˈfəʊ.tə.ɡrɑːf/ – фотография (ударение на первом слоге).
Photographer /fəˈtɒɡ.rə.fər/ – фотограф (ударение на втором слоге).
Photography /fəˈtɒɡ.rə.fi/ – фотография как искусство (ударение на втором слоге).
Photographic /ˌfəʊ.təˈɡræf.ɪk/ – фотографический (ударение на третьем слоге).

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Некоторые однокоренные слова, являющиеся разными частями речи, будут читаться по-разному из-за различной постановки

Слайд 25Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Technical /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/ – технический (ударение на первом слоге).
Technician /tekˈnɪʃ.ən/ –

техник (ударение на втором слоге).
Competition /ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/ – соревнование (ударение на третьем слоге).
Competitor /kəmˈpet.ɪ.tər/ – соперник (ударение на втором слоге).
Compete /kəmˈpiːt/ – соревноваться (ударение на втором слоге).
Competitive /kəmˈpet.ɪ.tɪv/ – соревнующийся (ударение на втором слоге).
Politician /ˌpɒl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/ – политик (ударение на третьем слоге)
Political /pəˈlɪt.ɪ.kəl/ – политический (ударение на втором слоге)
Politics /ˈpɒl.ɪ.tɪks/ – политика (ударение на первом слоге)

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Technical /ˈtek.nɪ.kəl/ – технический (ударение на первом слоге). Technician /tekˈnɪʃ.ən/ – техник (ударение на втором

Слайд 27Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Diana: What have you decided to do after

college, Jeremy?
Jeremy: I’m going to take up photography. Mr. McKenzie’s recommended the course at the Institute. He believes I could make a career as a photographer.
Diana: You’ll have to develop your own photographs. That requires technical skill. Jeremy, you’re not a technician! And photographic materials are very expensive.
Jeremy: Well, Diana, Mr. McKenzie thinks there’s a possibility I might win the Observer competition. I sent in four entries. All the competitors are amateurs, like myself.
Diana: I detest competitions. I never agree with the decision of the judges! I’m going to be a politician. I shall become the most distinguished woman on the political scene!
Jeremy: I thought you hated competing! Don’t tell me politics isn’t competitive!

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Diana: What have you decided to do after college, Jeremy? Jeremy: I’m going

Слайд 28Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Ударение – это еще один не менее важный

аспект английского произношения. Так как часто неправильная постановка ударения может приводить к неверному пониманию слова. Все должны помнить, что числительные с 13 по 19 в английском языке произносятся с ударением на последний слог -teen (13 – /θɜːˈtiːn/, 15 – /ˌfɪfˈtiːn/, 19 – /ˌnaɪnˈtiːn/). А в десятках ударение стоит на первом слоге (30 – /ˈθɜː.ti/, 50 – /ˈfɪf.ti/, 90 – /ˈnaɪn.ti/). Часто пренебрегая этим правилом, мы ставим ударение на первом слоге и в словах с 13-19. Попробуйте быстро проговорить сначала 13, а потом 30. Вы увидите, что в потоке речи, последний слог у слов с 13-19 просто «съедается», его не слышно. И получается, что человек слышит не 13, а 30.

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Ударение – это еще один не менее важный аспект английского произношения. Так как

Слайд 29Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Anxiety /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ – тревога – сбивает с толку чтение

однокоренного прилагательного /ˈæŋk.ʃəs/, поэтому слово anxiety пытаемся уподобить его произношению.
Chaos /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/ – хаос – велико желание произнести его на русский манер «хаос».
Choir /kwaɪər/ – хор – интересное произношение, которое не удается угадать без словаря.
Comfortable /ˈkʌm.fə.tə.bl̩/ – удобный – влияние русского языка не проходит бесследно в отношении этого слова, поэтому ударение «гуляет» по слогам.
Draught /drɑːft/ – черновик – проводим аналогию с чтением буквосочетания aught /ɔːt/, но это неправильно.
Height /haɪt/ – высота – произношение этого слова не похоже на произношение цифры 8.
Hyperbole /haɪˈpɜː.bəl.i/ – гипербола – произношение приходится просто запоминать наизусть, как и у многих других слов английского языка.

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Anxiety /æŋˈzaɪ.ə.ti/ – тревога – сбивает с толку чтение однокоренного прилагательного /ˈæŋk.ʃəs/, поэтому слово anxiety пытаемся

Слайд 30Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Infamous /ˈɪn.fə.məs/ – позорный – автоматически пытаемся прочитать так

же, как и слово famous /ˈfeɪ.məs/.
Island /ˈaɪ.lənd/ – остров и aisle /aɪl/ – ряд – пока не выучим эти слова, продолжаем читать их как /islənd/ и /isl/.
Lieutenant /lefˈten.ənt/ – лейтенант – всегда хочется прочитать первый слог /ljʊ/, а получаем сюрприз.
Opposite /ˈɒp.ə.zɪt/ – противоположный – часто произносим неправильно третий слог /’sait/, там же ставим и ударение.
Probably /ˈprɒb.ə.bli/ – возможно – переносим ударение на второй слог, добавляем гласные в конце слова.
Queue /kjuː/ – очередь – встретив это слово однажды, придется поработать со словарем.
Recipe /ˈres.ɪ.pi/ – рецепт – читаем второй слог как открытый /saip/, потому что ошибочно ставим там ударение.

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Infamous /ˈɪn.fə.məs/ – позорный – автоматически пытаемся прочитать так же, как и слово famous /ˈfeɪ.məs/. Island /ˈaɪ.lənd/

Слайд 31Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Superfluous /suːˈpɜː.flu.əs/ – избыточный – пытаемся произнести первую часть

слова /super/.
Thesaurus /θɪˈsɔː.rəs/ – тезаурус – употребляемое русское слово «тезаурус» мешает правильно произнести это слово.
Through /θruː/ – через – стремимся прочитать почти все буквы в этом слове, а этого делать не надо.
Threshold /ˈθreʃ.həʊld/ – порог – стремимся прочитать это слово, как сочетание двух отдельных thres+hold, поэтому теряем звук /ʃ/.

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Superfluous /suːˈpɜː.flu.əs/ – избыточный – пытаемся произнести первую часть слова /super/. Thesaurus /θɪˈsɔː.rəs/ – тезаурус

Слайд 32Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Особые трудности в произношении также вызывают слова, имеющие

в своем составе немые буквы, которые не читаются. Например:
Answer /ˈɑːn.sər/ – ответ.
Debt /det/ – долг.
Honor /ˈɒn.ər/ – честь.
Honest /ˈɒn.ɪst/ – честный.
Receipt /rɪˈsiːt/ – чек.
Salmon /ˈsæm.ən/ – семга.
Subtle /ˈsʌt.əl/ – тонкий.

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Особые трудности в произношении также вызывают слова, имеющие в своем составе немые буквы,

Слайд 33Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
И, конечно, не так легко справиться с прочтением

слов, состоящих из нескольких слогов.. Длинных слов в английском языке немало. Чтобы научиться их правильно читать, придется произнести несколько раз. Потренируйтесь читать эти слова:
Aluminium /ˌæl.jəˈmɪn.i.əm/ – алюминий.
Anesthetist /əˈniːs.θə.tɪst/ – анестезиолог.
Hereditary /həˈred.ɪ.tər.i/ – наследственный.
Prioritizing /praɪˈɒr.ɪ.taɪziŋ/ – определение приоритетов.
Pronunciation /prəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ – произношение.
Provocatively /prəˈvɒk.ə.tɪvli/ – провокационно.
Remuneration /rɪˌmjuː.nərˈeɪ.ʃən/ – денежное вознаграждение.

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 И, конечно, не так легко справиться с прочтением слов, состоящих из нескольких слогов..

Слайд 34Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Правила интонации в английском языке с примерами
Повышение тона

в английском языке
Обычно в интонации в английском языке тон нужно повышать, чтобы показать свою заинтересованность, недоверие, скептическое отношение, вежливость. При этом вы меняете интенсивность голоса, чтобы передать свои чувства и смысл сказанного, например:
↗Really? — Действительно?

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Правила интонации в английском языке с примерами Повышение тона в английском языке

Слайд 35Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Мы используем восходящую интонацию в следующих случаях:

вопросе, на который можно ответить «да» или «нет»: Do you like reading ↗books? — Ты любишь читать книги?
В предложении-просьбе:
Could you please ↗help me? — Не могли бы вы помочь мне?
После вводных слов и наречий в начале предложения: Sometimes ↗I read books. — Иногда я читаю книги.
При обращении к кому-то: ↗Luke, ↘come here. — Люк, иди сюда. 

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Мы используем восходящую интонацию в следующих случаях:  В вопросе, на который можно

Слайд 36Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
При перечислении каждого компонента списка (кроме последнего слова

в списке):
I’m going to buy ↗chocolate, ↗meat, and ↘eggs. — Я собираюсь купить шоколад, мясо и яйца.
В начале альтернативного вопроса:
Do you ↗work or ↘relax? — Ты работаешь или отдыхаешь?
В разделительном вопросе, если вы хотите узнать ответ на него, а не уточняете информацию:
You are a teacher, ↗aren’t you? — Вы учитель, не так ли? (То есть вы не знаете, кем работает человек, высказываете свою точку зрения, но не знаете точный ответ на свой вопрос.) 

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 При перечислении каждого компонента списка (кроме последнего слова в списке):  I’m going

Слайд 37Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Нисходящая интонация в английском языке используется в следующих

При утверждении:
I like ↘reading books. — Я люблю читать книги. В специальном вопросе: ↘Where are you? — Где ты?
При команде или распоряжении. Важно этот случай не путать с просьбой. Если вы просите кого-то о чем-то, то не знаете, согласится он это сделать или нет. В случае с приказом или распоряжением нет смысла повышать тон, придавая ему вопросительные нотки. Вы и так знаете, что команда будет выполнена, поэтому скорее утверждаете, а не вопрошаете:
↘Help him. — Помогите ему. 

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Нисходящая интонация в английском языке используется в следующих случаях:  При утверждении:

Слайд 38Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
В восклицательном предложении:
How ↘interesting! — Как интересно!

Во второй части альтернативного вопроса:
Is it ↗Mary or ↘Sarah? — Это Мэри или Сара?
В разделительном вопросе, если вы и так знаете на него ответ, просто уточняете информацию (по факту вы утверждаете что-то):
You haven’t bought any meat, ↘have you? — Ты не купил мясо, не так ли? 

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 В восклицательном предложении:  How ↘interesting! — Как интересно!  Во второй части

Слайд 39Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Логическое ударение в английском и русском языках ставится

по простому принципу: вы акцентируете голосом слово, на котором лежит основная смысловая нагрузка. Приведем пример. Вы хотите сказать простую фразу “I see red apples in this picture” — «Я вижу красные яблоки на этой картине». Как можно поставить ударение:
I see red apples in this picture — Я вижу красные яблоки на этой картине. Вы подчеркиваете, что видите именно красные яблоки, а не зеленые или желтые.
I see red apples in this picture — Я вижу красные яблоки на этой картине. Вы говорите, что видите именно яблоки, а не клубнику или персики.
I see red apples in this picture — Я вижу красные яблоки на этой картине. Вы акцентируете внимание на том, что красные яблоки находятся именно на картине, а не в вазе на столе.
I see red apples in this picture — Я вижу красные яблоки на этой картине. Вы подчеркиваете, что красные яблоки вы видите именно на этой картине, а не какой-то другой. Как видите, элементарное предложение может передавать разную информацию в зависимости от того, на какое слово упадет логическое ударение.  

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Логическое ударение в английском и русском языках ставится по простому принципу: вы акцентируете

Слайд 40Раздел Говорение. Задание 41
Как выработать английскую интонацию? Лайфхаки.
Слушайте, как говорят носители

английского языка, и повторяйте за ними
В фильмах и сериалах производства Великобритании и США. ,
В аудиоподкастах ,
В аудиокнигах.,
В различных видеороликах. (Ютуб блогеры)

Раздел Говорение. Задание 41 Как выработать английскую интонацию? Лайфхаки. Слушайте, как говорят носители английского языка, и повторяйте

Слайд 44Домашнее задание
Макмиллан : Юнит 12, задания A,В,С (до среды,18:00)
Записать аргументы Youth

Problems / Global problems (до пятницы, 18:00)
ДЗ писать от руки(разборчиво!). Фото работы прислать на e-mail!
При отправке письма, в графе КОМУ писать 2 адреса эл.почты. : ,
В ТЕМЕ письма пишите свои ИМЯ и ФАМИЛИЮ, ДЗ от 28.02

Домашнее задание Макмиллан : Юнит 12, задания A,В,С (до среды,18:00) Записать аргументы Youth Problems / Global problems


  • Topic vocabulary

    1. Proof — Isbot (ma’lumot)

    2. Evidence — Dalil, fakt

    3. Suspect — Shubha qilmoq

    4. Arrest — Qamoqqa olmoq

    5. Charge — Ayblamoq

    6. Suspect — Shubha ostidagi odam, gumondor

    7. Accused — Aybdor

    8. Decision — Qaror

    9. Verdict — Hukm

    10. Commit — Sodir etmoq

    11. Break — Buzmoq (qonunni)

    12. Rule – qoida

    13. Law – qonun

    14. Justice – adolat

    15. Right – huquq

    16. Judge – sudya

    17. Jury – sud maslahatchisi

    18. Prosecute – qonun yo’li bilan taqib qilmoq

    19. Persecute – kamsitish (diniy, irqiy)

    20. Capital punishment – oliy jazo

    21. Corporal punishment – jismoniy jazo

    22. Robber – o’g’ri, bezori

    23. Burglar – qulf buzar

    24. Thief – o’g’ri

    25. Vandal – zolim odam

    26. Hooligan – bezori (ko’chada baqir-chaqir qiladigan)

    27. Sentence – hukm

    28. Imprison – ozodlikdan mahrum qilmoq

    29. Innocent – aybsiz

    30. Guilty – aybdor

    31. Witness – guvoh (ko’rgan)

    32. Bystander — guvoh (o’zi ishtirok etgan)

    33. Lawyer – huquqshunos

    34. Solicitor – maslahatchi, advokat

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Back down — Fikridan qaytarish

    2. Break out — Qochish (qamoqdan)

    3. Bring in — Tanishtirmoq

    4. Chase after — Quvmoq, taqib qilmoq

    5. Come forward — O’z hohishi bilan yordam bermoq

    6. Get away with — Suvdan quruq chiqmoq

    7. Go off — To’satdan otilib ketmoq

    8. Hand in — Topshirmoq

    9. Hold up — Zo’ravonlik bilan o’g’irlamoq

    10. Let off — Osonlikcha qo’yib yubormoq

    11. Look into — Fosh qilmoq

    12. Make off — Qochmoq

    13. Take down — Yozib olmoq, tushurmoq

    14. Take in — Aldamoq

    1. Phrases and collocations

    1. Account — Hisob raqam

    2. On account of — Ning hisobida

    3. Take into account — Hisobga olish

    4. Account for sth — Tashkil etish, javob berish

    5. Advantage — Afzallik

    6. Take advantage of sth/sb — Ustun bo’lish

    7. Have an advantage over sth/sb — Ustunlikka ega bo’lmoq

    8. At an advantage — Ustun

    9. An/one advantage (of sth) – Biro narsaning ustunligi

    10. Blame — Ayblamoq

    11. Be to blame (for sth/doing) — Ayblanuvchi bo’lish

    12. Get/take the blame (for sth/doing) — Aybni o’z bo’yniga olmoq

    13. Put the blame on sth/sb — Aybni bo’yniga yuklamoq

    14. Blame on sth/sb /Blame sb for sth/doing — Biror kishini nimadadir ayblamoq

    15. Damage — Zarar

    16. Do damage (to sth) — Zarar yetkazmoq

    17. Cause damage (to sth) — Zararga sabab bo’lmoq

    18. At fault — da aybdor

    19. Find fault with sth/sb — Ayb topmoq

    20. Intention – Maqsad

    21. Have the/no intention of doing — Bajarish niyati bo’lish/bo’lmaslik

    22. Mistake — Xato

    23. Make a mistake — Xato qilmoq

    24. A mistake (to do) — Xato bo’lmoq

    25. Mistake sb for sb — Adashtirmoq

    26. Do sth by mistake — Adashib bajarmoq

    27. Necessary — Kerak, zarur

    28. Necessary(for sb) to do — Bajarish zarur

    29. Order — Buyruq

    30. In order — Tartibda

    31. Put sth in order — Tartibga solmoq

    32. In order to do – maqsadida qilmoq

    33. Give an order (to sb)(to do) — Buyruq bermoq

    34. Permission — Ruxsat

    35. Give sb permission to do — Ruxsat bermoq

    36. Ask (sb) for permission to do — Ruxsat so’ramoq

    37. Have/ask for permission (from sb) to do — Ruxsat so’ramoq

    38. Get permission (from sb) to do — Ruxsat olmoq

    39. Purpose — Maqsad

    40. Do sth on purpose — Ataylab qilmoq

    41. Purpose of sth — Ning maqsadi

    42. Reason — Sabab

    43. Reason why — Uchun sabab

    44. Reason for sth/ Reason with sb — Muomila bilan tushuntirmoq/uchun sabab qilib ko’rsatmoq Solution — Yechim

    45. Have a solution to sth — Yechim bo’lmoq

    46. Find a solution to sth — Yechim topmoq

    47. Think of a solution to sth — Yechimni o’ylamoq

    48. Work out a solution to sth — Yechim o’ylab topmoq

    49. Come up with/figure out a solution to sth — Yechim o’ylab topmoq T

    50. Wrong — Xato

    51. Do wrong – xato qilmoq, noto’g’ri qilmoq

    52. Do the wrong thing – noto’gri bajarmoq

    53. The wrong thing to do — Bajarishga xato

    54. Go wrong — Adashmoq

    55. The wrong way up — Noto’g’ri yo’l

    1. Word patterns

    1. Accuse — Ayblamoq

    2. Accuse sb of sth/doing — Kimnidir nimadadir ayblamoq

    3. Arrest — Qamoqqa olmoq

    4. Arrest sb for sth/doing — Kimnidir nimadadir ayblamoq

    5. Charge — Ayblamoq

    6. Charge sb with sth — Kimnidir nimadadir ayblamoq

    7. Claim — Da’vo

    8. Claim to be/to do/that — Da’vo qilmoq

    9. Deny — Rad etmoq

    10. Deny sth/doing – qilishni rad etmoq

    11. Doubt sth/that/if/whether — Shubha qilmoq

    12. Forgive sb for sth/doing — Kimnidir nimadir uchun kechirmoq

    13. Forgive — Kechirmoq

    14. Glimpse — Nazar

    15. Glimpse sth — Nazar tashlamoq

    16. Catch a glimpse of sth- ko’rib qolmoq

    17. Guilty of sth/doing — Aybdor bo’lmoq

    18. Guilty — Aybdor

    19. Legal (for sb) to do — Qonuniy bo’lmoq

    20. Make — Qilmoq, yasamoq

    21. Make sb do — Majburlamoq

    22. Smb be made to do — Majburlamoq

    23. Refused — Rad etmoq

    24. Refuse to do sth — Biror narsani qilishni rad etmoq

    25. Refuse sth — Biror narsani rad etmoq

    26. Respect sth — Xurmat qilmoq

    27. Respect sb for sth/doing — Kimnidir nimadir uchun hurmat qilmoq

    28. Have respect for sb/sth — Xurmati bo’lmoq

    29. Threaten — Qo’rqitmoq

    30. Threaten to do — Qilish bilan qo’rqitmoq

    31. Threaten sb with sth — Kimnidir nimadir nimadir bilan qo’rqitmoq

    1. Word formation

    1. Accuse (v) — Ayblamoq

    2. Accused (adj) — Aybdor

    3. Accusation (n) — Ayblov

    4. Addict (n) — Giyohvand

    5. Addicted (n) — Berilib ketgan

    6. Addictive (adj -) O’ziga tortadigan

    7. Addiction (n) — Mayl, zararli odatga chalinish

    8. Convict (v) — Hukm qilmoq

    9. Convicted (adj) — Hukm qilingan

    10. Conviction (n) — Hukm qilish

    11. Crime (n) — Jinoyat

    12. Criminal (adj,n) — Jinoiy, jinoyat

    13. Evident (adj) — Aniq

    14. Evidence (n) — Dalil

    15. Evidently (adv) — Aniq

    16. Forge (v) — Sohtalashtirmoq

    17. Forgery (n) — Sohtalashtirish

    18. Forger(n) — Qallob, temirchi

    19. Honest (adj) — Vijdonli

    20. Dishonest (adj) — Vijdonsiz

    21. Honesty (n) — Halollik

    22. Dishonesty (n) — Vijdonsizlik

    23. Honestly (adv) — Vijdonli

    24. Dishonestly (adv) – Vijdonsizlik bilan

    25. Investigate (v) — Fosh qilmoq, tergov qilmoq

    26. Investigative (adj) — Fosh qilinadigan, tergov qilinadigan

    27. Investigation (n) — Tergov, tekshiruv

    28. Investigator (n) — Tergovchi

    29. Law (n) — Qonun

    30. Lawyer (n) — Huquqshunos

    31. Lawful (adj) — Qonuniy

    32. Unlawful (adj) — Noqonuniy

    33. Murder (v,n) — Odam o’ldirmoq, qotillik

    34. Murderer (n) — Qotil

    35. Offence (n) — Haqorat

    36. Offensive (adj) — Haqoratomuz, zo’ravonlikka asoslangan

    37. Offend (v) — Haqorat qilmoq, qonunni buzmoq

    38. Offender (n) — Qonun buzuvchi, jinoyatchi

    39. Prison (n) Qamoq

    40. Prisoner (n) — Maxbus

    41. Imprison (v) — Qamoqqa olmoq

    42. Imprisoned (adj) — Qamoqqa olingan

    43. Imprisonment (n) — Qamoqqa olish, hukm qilish

    44. Prove (v) — Isbotlamoq

    45. Proof (n) — Isbot

    46. Proven (adj) — Isbotlangan

    47. Unproven (adj) — Isbotlanmagan

    48. Disprove (v) — Noto’g’riligini isbotlamoq

    49. Rob (v) — O’g’irlamoq

    50. Robbery (n) — O’g’irlik

    51. Robber (n) — O’g’ri

    52. Secure (v) — Mustahkamlamoq, himoya qilmoq

    53. Secure (adj) — Mustahkam, ishonchli

    54. Insecure (adj) — O’ziga ishonmaydigan, ichidagini aytmaydigan

    55. Security (n) — Xavfsizlik

    56. Insecurity (n) — Xavflilik

    57. Theft (n) — O’g’irlik

    58. Thief (n) — O’g’ri

    1. Unit 14. HEALTH AND FITNESS

    2. Topic vocabulary

    1. Prescription — Dori retsepti

    2. Recipe — Taom retsepti

    3. Operation — Operatsiya

    4. Surgery — Operatsiya (majburiy , davolash)

    5. Sore — Tomoq og’rig’i

    6. Hurt — Jarohatlanmoq

    7. Pain — Og’riq

    8. Illness — Kasallik (aniq bir)

    9. Disease — Kasallik

    10. Injured — Jarohatlangan

    11. Damaged — Zararlangan

    12. Thin — Ozg’in (kassallik)

    13. Slim – ozg’in (Kelishgan)

    14. Remedy — Kichik kasallikka davo

    15. Cure — Davolamoq, dori- darmon

    16. Therapy — Davo, muolaja

    17. Affect — Ta’sir

    18. Result — Natija

    19. Healthy — Sog’lom

    20. Fit — Sog’lom (jismoniy harakatga nisbatan)

    21. Examine — Tekshirmoq

    22. Investigate — Voqeani tekshirmoq

    23. Infection — Infeksiya

    24. Pollution — Ifloslanish

    25. Plaster — Gips

    26. Bandage — Bint

    27. Ward — Bo’lim (yotib davolansa bo’ladi)

    28. Clinic – Klinika

    29. Dose — Doza, dori bermoq

    30. Fix — Belgiiangan miqdorda doza bermoq (og’riq qoldirish uchun)

    31. Fever — Isitma (bezgak)

    32. Rash — Toshma

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Break out — To’sattan boshlanmoq (yong’in, urush uchun)

    2. Bring on — Olib kelmoq, sabab bo’lmoq

    3. Come down with — Kichik kasallikdan azoblanishni boshlamoq

    4. Come round/to — O’ziga kelmoq

    5. Cut down (on) — Miqdorini kamaytmoq (chekishni)

    6. Feel up to — Yetarlicha yaxshi his qilmoq

    7. Get over — Tuzalmoq

    8. Give up — Tashlamoq

    9. Look after — G’amxo’rlik qilmoq

    10. Pull through — Yengib chiqmoq, omon qolmoq

    11. Put down — O’ldirmoq (kasal yoki qari hayvonni)

    12. Put on — Semirmoq

    13. Wear off — Tasiri tugamoq

    1. Phrases and collocations

    1. Alternative — Muqobil

    2. Alternative — Tabiblik

    3. Medicine- tibbiyot

    4. therapy – terapiya, muolaja (igna sanchishga o’xshash)

    5. Find an alternative to sth — Muqobil variant topmoq

    6. Appointment — Uchrashuv

    7. Make/have/break an appointment — Uchrashuv belgilamoq/ bo’lmoq/ni buzmoq

    8. Bath — Vanna

    9. Have/take a bath — Vanna qabul qilmoq

    10. Run a bath (for sb) kimnidir vannasida cho’milmoq

    11. Danger — Xavf

    12. In danger — Xavf ostida

    13. Out of danger — Xavfsiz

    14. Exercise — Mashq

    15. Do (an) exercise — Mashq bajarmoq

    16. Take/get (some) exercise — Mashq olish

    17. Fit — Sog’lom

    18. Get/stay/keep/be fit — Sog’lom bo’lmoq

    19. Fit and healthy — Formada

    20. Good — Yaxshi

    21. Do sb good — Yaxshilik qilmoq

    22. Sth does you good — Bu sizga foyda beradi

    23. Good for sb (to do) — ga yaxshilik qilmoq

    24. Health — Sog’lik

    25. In good/bad/poor health — Yaxshi/yomon/juda yomon sog’likda

    26. Health center — Sog’lik markazi

    27. Health care — Tibbiy xizmat

    28. Injection — Ukol qilish

    29. Have an injection (for/against sth) — Uchun/qarshi ukol olish

    30. Give sb an injection — Kimnidir ukol qilmoq

    31. Medicine — Dori-darmon

    32. Take medicine — Dori qabul qilmoq

    33. Prescribe medicine — Dori yozib bermoq

    34. Practice/study medicine — Tibbiyotni mashq qilmoq/o’rganmoq

    35. The best medicine — Eng zo’r dori

    36. Alternative medicine — Giyoh

    37. Shape — Shakl

    38. Get in /into shape — Shaklga kirmoq

    39. Stay/keep in shape — Shaklda qolmoq

    40. The shape of sth — Ning shakli

    41. In the shape of — Shaklda

    42. Spread — Yoymoq, tarqalmoq

    43. Spread sth — Ni yoymoq

    44. Spread sth over/on sth — Ustiga sepish

    45. Spread to a place — Joyga tarqalmoq

    1. Wordpatterns

    1. Addicted — O’rgangan

    2. Addicted to sth — O’rganib qolgan

    3. Attempt — Urinib ko’rmoq

    4. Attempt to do — Qilishga urinib ko’rmoq

    5. Benefit from sth — Dan foyda

    6. A benefit of sth — Foydasi

    7. Complain — Shikoyat qilmoq

    8. Complain (to sb) (about sth/sb doing) — Biror kishiga biror narsa haqida shikoyat qilmoq

    9. Complain of sth — Dan shikoyat

    10. Cope — Uddalamoq

    11. Cope with sth/doing – ni uddasidan chiqmoq

    12. Inject — Ukol qilmoq

    13. Inject sth into sth/sb — Ichiga tiqmoq

    14. Lead — Yo’l ko’rsatmoq, boshqarmoq

    15. Lead to sth/(your) doing — Ga olib kelish

    16. Likely to do — Ehtimol

    17. It is (un)likely that — Ehtimoli bor

    18. Need to do — Kerak, zarur

    19. Need doing — Qilinishi kerak

    20. In need of — Ga ehtiyoji bor

    21. No need for — Shart emas

    22. Operate on sb/sth — Ni operatsiya qilmoq

    23. Suffer (from) sth — Dan aziyat chekmoq

    24. Tired of sth/doing — Dan charchagan

    25. Try to do — Bajarishga harakat qilmoq

    26. Try sth/sb/doing — Sinab ko’rmoq

    27. Try and do — Urinib ko’rchi

    28. Worry about sth/sb doing — Haqida tashvishlanmoq

    29. Worried that — Dan tashvishlanmoq

    30. Worried about/by – dan xavotirlanmoq

    31. Worth — Baho, qiymat

    32. Worth sth/doing – Arziydi

    1. Word formation

    1. Allergy (n) — Allergiya

    2. Allergic (adj) — Allergik

    3. Aware (adj) — Xabardor, biluvchi

    4. Unaware (adj) — Uquvsiz, zehni past

    5. Awareness (n) — Xabardorlik

    6. Benefit (n) — Foyda

    7. Benefitical (adj) — Foydali

    8. Comfort (n) — Qulaylik

    9. Discomfort (n) — Noqulaylik

    10. (Un)comfortable (adj) — Qulay, (noqulay)

    11. (Un)comfortably (adv) – (no)qulay tarzda

    12. Emphasis (n) — Urg’u

    13. Emphasise (v) — Urg’u bermoq

    14. Emphatic (adj) — Urg’u bilan aytiladigan

    15. Fit (adj) — Sog’lom

    16. Unfit (adj) — Xasta

    17. Fitness (n) — Sog’lomlik

    18. Ill (adj) — Kasal

    19. Illness (n) — Kasallik

    20. Inject (v) — Ukol qilmoq

    21. Injection (n) — Ukol

    22. Injure (v) — Jarohatlanmoq

    23. Injury (n) — Jarohat

    24. Injuries (n) — Jarohatlar

    25. Operate (v) — Operatsiya qilmoq

    26. Operation (n) — Operatsiya

    27. Operator (n) — aloqa o’rnatuvchi

    28. Operating (n) — Operatsiya qilish

    29. Cooperate (v) – hamkorlik qilmoq

    30. Cooperation (n) – korparatsiya, hamkorlik

    31. (Un)cooperative (adj) (no)hamkorlikdagi

    32. Poison (v,n) — Zaharlamoq, zahar

    33. Poisonous (adj) — Zaharli

    34. Poisoning (n) — Zaharlanish

    35. Recover (v) — Tuzalmoq

    36. Recovery (n) — Tuzalish

    37. Strong(ly) (ad, advj) — Kuchli, baquwat

    38. Strength (n) — Kuch, quwat

    39. Strengthen (v) — Kuchaytirmoq, quvvatlantirmoq

    40. Surgery (n) — Jarrohlik, xirurgiya

    41. Surgeon (n) — Jarroh, xirurg

    42. Surgical(ly) (adj, adv) — Xirurgik, jarrohlikka oid

    43. Treat (v) — Davolamoq

    44. Treatment (n) — Davolash

    1. Unit 16. FOOD AND DRINK

    2. Topic vocabulary

    1. Chop — Go’shtni chopish

    2. Slice — Kichgina qilib to’g’rash

    3. Grate — Qirg’ichdan o’tkazish

    4. Bake — Non yopish

    5. Grill — Qovurilgan go’sht

    6. Fry — Qovurmoq (tovada)

    7. Roast — Qovurmcq, qizartirmoq

    8. Boil — Qaynatmoq

    9. Cook — Oshpaz, pishirmoq

    10. Cooker — Gaz plitasi

    11. Chef — Bosh oshpaz

    12. Oven — Pechka

    13. Grill — Qo’rada pishirmoq

    14. Hop — Gaz plitasining olov chiqadigan joyi

    15. Kitchen — Oshxona

    16. Cuisine — Taomlar, pishiriq

    17. Lunch — Tushlik

    18. Dinner — Kechgi ovqat

    19. Plate — Tarelka

    20. Bowl — Kosa

    21. Saucer — Likopcha

    22. Dish – ldish, ovqat

    23. Vegetable — Sabzavot

    24. Vegetarian — Go’sht yemaydigan

    25. Vegan — Faqat ko’kat yeydigan (o’txo’r)

    26. Fast food — Tez pishar ovqat

    27. Take away — Olib ketiladigan ovqat

    28. Kettle — Choynak (qaynatadigan)

    29. Teapot — Chiynak (damlanadigan)

    30. Freezer — Marazilnik

    31. Fridge – muzlatgich, Sovutgich

    32. Frozen — Muzlagan

    33. Freezing — Ayozli

    34. Mix — Aralashtirmoq

    35. Stir — Kovlab aralashtirmoq

    36. Whisk — Ko’pirtirgich bilan aralashtirmoq

    37. Soft drink — Yaxna ichimlik

    38. Fizzy drink — Gazli suv

    39. Menu — Menyu (taomnoma)

    40. Catalogue – Catalog (modular, va soch stili uchun)

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Drop in (on) — Kirib o’tish, tasodifiy uchrashuv

    2. Get on (for) — Yetib olish

    3. Go off — Aynimoq

    4. Go on — Davom ettirmoq

    5. Go round — Aylanib kelmoq (mehmon)

    6. Come round – mehmonga jelmoq

    7. Keep on — Davom ettirmoq

    8. Leave out — Qoldirib ketmoq

    9. Put off — Ko’nglini qoldirmoq

    10. Run into — Tasodifan uchrashmoq

    11. Run out of — Tugab qolmoq

    12. Take to — Boshlamoq (odatni)

    13. Try out — Tatib ko’rmoq, urinib ko’rmoq

    14. Turn out — Bu shunday bo’ldiki

    15. Turn up — Pay do bo’lmoq (kutilmaganda)

    1. Phrases and collocations

    1. Cook — Oshpaz

    2. A good cook / Agreat cook — Yaxshi / zo’r oshpaz

    3. Cook a meal — Ovqat pishirmoq

    4. Cook a chicken — Jo’ja pishirmoq

    5. Do the cooking — Pishirish ishlarini qilmoq

    6. Drink – Ichimlik ichmoq

    7. Make (sb) a drink — Ichimlik tayyorlab bermoq

    8. Have a drink (of smth)/ Drink smth — Ichmoq

    9. Drink to sb/ Drink to sb’s health — Kimnidir sog’ligi uchun ichmoq

    10. Drink a toast to sb — Qadah ko’tarmoq

    11. Feed — Boqmoq

    12. Feed an animal — Hayvon boqmoq

    13. Feed on smth — Dan oziqlanmoq

    14. Fill — To’ldirmoq

    15. Fill smth up — Ni to’ldirmoq

    16. Filled with sth — Bilan to’la

    17. Full of sth — Dan/ga to’la

    18. Food — Ovqat

    19. Make/ Prepare/ Cook food — Ovqat pishirmoq

    20. Serve food — Ovqat suzmoq

    21. Fast food – tez pishar ovqat

    22. Junk food -Tez pishar ovqat (kasal keltirib chiqaradigan, semirtirib yuboradigan)

    23. Pet food — Hayvonlar ovqati

    24. Health food — Sog’liqbop ovqat

    25. Meal – Taom, ovqat

    26. Make / Cook a meal — Ovqat pishirmoq

    27. Have a meal — Ovqatlanmoq

    28. Go out for a meal — Ovqatlanish uchun tashqariga chiqmoq

    29. Note – Qayd, eslatma

    30. Make/take/keep a note of sth — Eslab qolmoq

    31. Note sth down — Eslab qolmoq / yozib olmoq

    32. Occasion — Sabab, holat

    33. On this/that occasion — Shu/o’ sha holatda

    34. On occasion — Gohida

    35. On the occasion of sth — Ehtimoli yaxshi bo’lshi mumkin

    36. Special occasion -Maxsus tadbir / esda qolarli

    37. Recipe — Retsept

    38. Follow a recipe — Retseptgs rioya qilmoq

    39. Recipe book — Taomlar kitobi

    40. Recipe for disaster — Falokat uchun ko’rsatma

    41. Table — Stol, dasturxon

    42. Lay/set the table — Stol/dasturxon tuzamoq

    43. Clear the table — Stolni tozalamoq

    44. Book /reserve a table — Stol buyirtirmoq

    45. Wash — Yuvmoq

    46. Wash the dishes — Idishlami yuvmoq

    47. Wash one’s hand’s — Qo’llarni yuvmoq

    48. Do the washing up — Idishlami yuvmoq

    49. Dishwasher — Idish yuvadigan mashina

    50. Washing machine — Kir yuvadigan mashina

    1. Word patterns

    1. Associate smb/smth with smb/smth – bilan bog’liq, kasbdosh

    2. Careful with/about/of smth – da ehtiyotkor, da hushyor

    3. Choose between – o’rtasidagi tanlov

    4. Choose to do – bajarishga tanlov

    5. Compliment smb on smth – maqtamoq, hushomat qilmoq

    6. Full of smth – dan, ga to’la

    7. Lack smth/lack of smth/lacking in smth –ning yetishmasligi

    8. Offer smb/smth/offer smth to smb – taklif qilmoq

    9. Offer to do – biror ishni bajarishga taklif qilmoq

    10. Regard smb as smth –kimnidir nimadir uchun hurmat qilmoq

    11. Remember to do – qilishi kerek bo’lgan ishni eslamoq

    12. Remember doing – qilingan ishni eslamoq

    13. Remember that – ni eslamoq

    14. Suggest doing/smth to smb –taklif qilmoq

    15. Suggest that – ni taklif qilmoq

    16. Tend to do – ga moyil bo’lmoq

    17. Wait for smth/smb – ni kutmoq

    18. Wait for smth to do – …ni uchun kutmoq

    19. Wait and see – uchrashmoq

    20. Willing to do – xohish

    1. Word formation

    1. Anxious(ly) (adj/adv)–xavotirli

    2. Anxiety (n) – xavotir

    3. Appreciate (v) –qadrlamoq

    4. (un)appreciative (adj/adv) – qadrli(siz)

    5. Appreciation (n) –minnatdorchilik

    6. Contain (v) – o’z ichiga olmoq

    7. Container (n) – idish

    8. Content (n) – mundarija

    9. Creat (v) — Yaratmoq

    10. Creative(ly) (adj, adv) — Yaratuvchan

    11. Creation (n) — Yaratish, ijod

    12. Creativity (n) — Yaratuvchanlik

    13. Creator (n) — Yaratuvchi

    14. Disgust (n, v) — Nafrat (uyg’otmoq)

    15. Disgusting (adj) — G’ashni keltiradigan

    16. Disguted (adj) — Nafratlangan, jirkangan

    17. Grow (v) — O’smoq, o’stirmoq

    18. Growth (n) — O’sish

    19. Grown up (adj) — Ulg’aygan

    20. Growing (n) — O’sish, ulg’ayish

    21. Grown (adj) — Ulg’aygan

    22. Home grown (adj) – Uyda o’stirilgan

    23. Grower (n) — O’smir

    24. Mix (v) — Aralashtirmoq

    25. Mixed (adj) — Aralashgan

    26. Mixture (n) — Aralashma

    27. Mixer (n) — Aralashtirgich

    28. Origin (n) — Kelib chiqish, manba

    29. Original(ly) (adv) — Asl

    30. Unoriginal(ly) (adv) — Asl emas (o’zlashtirilgan)

    31. Originate (v) — Keltirib chiqarmoq

    32. Originator (n) — Keltirib chiqaruvchi

    33. Prepare (v) — Tayyorlamoq

    34. Preparation (n) — Tayyorlash

    35. Preparatory (n) — Tayyorgarlik

    36. Prepared (adj) — Tayyorlangan

    37. Unprepared (adj) — Tayyorlanmagan

    38. Safe(ly) (ad, advj) — Xavfsiz

    39. Unsafe(ly) (adj, adv) — Xavfli

    40. Save (v) — Saqlamoq, asramoq

    41. Safety (n) — Xavfsizlik

    42. Savior (n) — Xaloskor

    43. Saver (n) — Qutqaruvchi

    44. Surprise (v) — Hayron qoldirmoq

    45. (Un)surprising(ly) (adj, adv) — Hayratlanarli, j (hayratlantirmaydigan)

    46. Surprised (adj) — Hayron qolgan

    47. Sweetfly) (adj, adv) — Shirin

    48. Sweetener (n) — Shakar o’rnini bosuvchi

    49. Sweetness (n) — Shirinlik

    50. Thoroughly) (adj, adv) — Puxta, to’la

    51. Thoroughness (n) — Puxtalik


    2. Topic vocabulary

    1. Take — Topshirmoq

    2. Pass — O’tmoq

    3. Read — O’qimoq

    4. Study — Maktab, universitetda o’qimoq

    5. Test — Test

    6. Exam — Imtixon

    7. Primary — Boshlang’ich maktab

    8. Secondary — O’rta maktab

    9. High — Yuqori maktab

    10. Colleague — Kasbdosh

    11. Classmate — Sinfdosh

    12. Prefect — Klaskom

    13. Pupil — O’quvchi

    14. Student — Talaba

    15. Qualifications — Malaka

    16. Qualities — Sifat, harakter

    17. Count — Sanamoq

    18. Measure – O’lchamoq

    19. Degree — Daraja, diplom

    20. Certificate — Sertifikat

    21. Result — Natija

    22. Speak — Gapirmoq

    23. Talk — Suxbatlashmoq

    24. Lesson — Dars

    25. Subject — Fan, mavzu

    26. Achieve — Erishmoq

    27. Reach — Yetmoq

    28. Task — Vazifa

    29. Effort — Urinish

    30. Recognize — Tanimoq

    31. Teach — O’qitmoq

    32. Learn — O’rganmoq

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Catch on — Tushunmoq

    2. Come (a)round (to) — Xushiga kelmoq, fikrini o’zgartirmoq

    3. Cross out — Xatoni chizib qo’ymoq

    4. Dawn on — To’satdan esiga kelmoq

    5. Deal with — Kelishmoq, uddalamoq

    6. Drop out (of) — Maktabni, o’qishni tashlab ketmoq

    7. Get at — Tushuntirishga urinmoq

    8. Get on with — Davom ettirmoq

    9. Give in — Urinishni to’xtatmoq

    10. Keep up with — Yetmoq, yetishmoq

    11. Sail through — Osongina bajarmoq

    12. Set out — Maydalab tushuntirmoq

    13. Think over — O’ylab ko’rmoq

    1. Phrases and collocations

      1. Attention — Diqqat

      2. Pay attention (to sth/sb) — Diqqatni jalb qilmoq

      3. Attract (sb’s) attention/ Draw sb’s attention to sth — E’tiborini biror narsaga jalb etish

      4. Break — Tanaffus

      5. Have/take a break (from sth/doing) — Tanaffus qilmoq

      6. Lunch break — Katta tanaffus

      7. Tea break — Kichkina tanaffus

      8. Commercial break — Reklama

      9. Give sb a break — Holi qo’yish, tinch qo’yish, tushuntirish

      10. Discussion — Muhokama

      11. Have a discussion (with sb) about/on sth/doing — Muhokama qilmoq

      12. Exam — Imtixon

      13. Take/do an exam — Imtixon topshirmoq

      14. Have an exam — Imtixonga bor bo’lmoq

      15. Pass an exam — Imtihondan o’tmoq

      16. Fail an exam — Imtihondan yiqilmoq

      17. Sit (for) an exam — Imtihonda o’tirmoq, imtihon topshirmoq

      18. Homework — Uyga vazifa

      19. Do your homework — Uyga vazifani bajarmoq

      20. Have homework to do — Bajarishga uyga vazifasi bo’lmoq

      21. Idea — G’oya

      22. Question an idea — Ishonmaslik, so’rov, fikr

      23. Have an idea — G’oya bo’lmoq

      24. Bright idea — Ajoyib fikr

      25. Have no idea (about) — (Haqida) g’oya bo’lmaslik

      26. Learn — O’rganmoq

      27. Have a lot to learn about smth/doing — Biror narsa haqida ko’p o’rganmoq

      28. Learn (how) to do — Qanday bajarishni o’rganmoq

      29. Lesson — Dars

      30. Go to a lesson — Darsga bormoq

      31. Have a lesson — Darsi bo’lmoq

      32. Double lesson – 2 ta dars

      33. Learn a lesson — Darsni o’rgamnoq

      34. Learn your lesson — Darsni o’rganmoq

      35. Teach sb a lesson — Darsni o’qitmoq

      36. Mind — Qaror

      37. Make up your mind (about sth/doing) — O’zingiz qaror qabul qiling

      38. Bear sth in mind — Yodda tutish

      39. In two minds aboutsmth/doing — Bir to’xtamga kelolmaslik

      40. Change your mind about sth/doing — Fikringizni o’zgartiring

      41. Cross your mind — Hayolga kelish

      42. To my mind — Fikrimcha, menimcha

      43. (Not) mind if — Agar shunday bo’Isa

      44. Opinion — Fikr

      45. In my opinion – Mening fikrimcha

      46. Give an opinion (of/about sth/ doing) — Fikr bildirish

      47. Express your opinion (of/about sth/doing) — Fikrni ifoda etish

      48. Hold an opinion (of/about sth/doing) — Fikrida turish

      49. Have an opinion (of/about sth/doing) — Fikrga ega bo’lish

      50. Pass — O’tmoq

      51. Pass sth (over) to sb — Uzatish

      52. Pass an exam — Imtixondan o’tish

      53. Pass a test — Testdan o’tish

      54. Pass a building — Bino yonidan o’tish

      55. Point — Lahza

      56. See/take sb’s point (of/about sth/doing) — Tushinish

      57. See the point in/of sth/doing — Maqsadini ko’rish

      58. There is no point in sth/doing — Maqsadsiz

      59. Make a point (of doing) — Rejalashtirmoq

      60. Sense — His-tuyg’u

      61. Make sense of sth — Biror narsani tushinish

      62. It makes sense (to do) — Mantiqli

      63. Sense of humour — Yumor tushunchasi, hazilni tushinish

      64. Sense of taste — Ta’m tushunchasi, did

      65. Sense of sight — Ko’rish tushunchasi

      66. Suggestion — Taklif

      67. Make a suggestion — Taklif qilmoq

      68. Accept a suggestion — Taklifni qabul qilmoq

      1. Word patterns

    1. Able to do — Qobilyatli bo’lmoq

    2. Admire sb (for smth) — Qoyil qolmoq, lol qolmoq

    3. Boast of/about smth/doing (to smb) – g’ururlanmoq, maqtanmoq

    4. Capable of doing – qobiliyatli bo’lmoq

    5. Congratulate smb on smth/doing – tabriklamoq

    6. Fail to do – da muvaffaqqiyatsizlikka uchramoq

    7. Hope to do – umid qilmoq

    8. Hope that – ni umid qilmoq

    9. Learn about smth/doing – o’rganmoq

    10. Learn to do – qilishni o’rganmoq

    11. Learn by doing – bajarish orqali o’rganmoq

    12. Settle for/on smth – hal qilmoq

    13. Similar to smth/smb/doing – ga o’xshamoq

    14. Study smth – o’rganmoq

    15. Study for smth – o’qimoq

    16. Succed in smth/doing – muvvaffaqiyatga erishmoq

    17. Suitable for smth/doing – mos bo’lmoq

    18. Suitable to do – mos bo’lmoq

    1. Word formation

    1. Academy (n) – akademiya

    2. Academic (n) – akademik, professor

    3. Attend (v) – qatnashmoq

    4. Attention (n) – diqqat

    5. Attentive(ly) (adj/adv) – xushyor, ziyrak

    6. Inattentive(ly) (adj/adv)– xushyor emas

    7. Attendance (n) – qatnashish

    8. Attend (n) – xamroh

    9. Behave (v) – o’zini tutmoq

    10. Behavior (n) – xulq-atvor

    11. Certify (v) –tasdiqlamoq

    12. Certificate (n) – sertifikat

    13. Certified) (adj) – sertifikatlangan

    14. Educate (v) — Ta’lim bermoq

    15. Education (n) — Ta’lim

    16. Educator (n) — Pedagog

    17. Educational(ly) (adj, adv) — Ta’limga oid

    18. Fail (v) — Mofaqqiyatsizlikka uchramoq

    19. Failure (n) — Mofaqqiyatsizlik

    20. Failing (n) — Mofaqqiyatsizlikka uchrash

    21. Improve (v) — Yaxshilamoq

    22. Improvement (n) — Yaxshilanish

    23. Improved (adj) — Yaxshilangan

    24. Intense(ly) (adj,adv) — Keskin

    25. Intensity (n) — Qizginlik, g’ayrat

    26. Intensify (v) — Kuchaytirmoq

    27. Literate (adj) — Savodli

    28. Illiterate (adj) — Savodsiz

    29. (Il)literacy (n) – (Savodsizlik), savodxonlik

    30. Literature (n) — Adabiyot

    31. Reason (n) — Sabab

    32. Reasonable (adj) — Oqilona

    33. (Un)reasonable (adj) — Nooqilona

    34. Reasoning (n) — Fikr

    35. Revise (v) — Qayta ko’rib chiqmoq

    36. Revision (n) — Qayta ko’rib chiqish

    37. Revised (adj) — Qayta ko’rib chiqilgan, tahrir qilingan, tuzatilgan

    38. Scholar (n) — Olim

    39. Scholarship (n) — Stipendiya

    40. Scholarly (adj) — Olimlikka oid

    41. Scholastic (adj) — O’qituvchi va o’quvchilikka oid

    42. Study (v) — O’qimoq

    43. Student (n) — Talaba

    44. Studies (n) — O’qish

    45. Studious (adj) — Ilm bilan band bo’lgan, tirishqoq

    46. Solve (v) — Yechmoq

    47. Solution (n) — Yechim

    48. Solvable (adj) — Hal qilib bo’ladigan, yechsa bo’ladigan.

    49. (Un)solvable (adj) — Hal qilib bo’l(may)adigan yechib bo’l(may)adigan

    50. Teach (v) — O’qitmoq

    51. Teacher(n) — O’qituvchi

    52. Taught (adj) — O’qitilgan

    53. Think(v) — O’ylamoq

    54. Thought (n, adj) — O’y-fikr, o’ylangan

    55. Unthinkable (adj) — O’ylab bo’l(may)adigan

    56. Thought fill (adj) — G’amxo’r

    57. Thought less (adj) — Beparvo

    58. Understand(v) — Tushunmoq

    59. Understanding(n) — Tushunish

    60. Understood(adj) — Tushungan

    61. Understandable(adj) — Tushunarli

    62. Understandably(adv) — Tushunarli


    2. Topic vocabulary

    1. Urban — Shahar, shaharga oid

    2. Suburban — Shahar atrofidagi

    3. Rural — Qishloq, qishloqqa oid

    4. Smog — Zaxarli tutun

    5. Fog — Tuman

    6. Smoke — Sigaret tutuni

    7. Mist — Qirovli tuman

    8. Weather — Ob-havo

    9. Climate — Iqlim

    10. Forecast — Ob-havo bashorati

    11. Prediction — Bashorat

    12. Waste — Musor (keraksiz material)

    13. Litter — Axlat chiqindi

    14. Rubbish – Musor, chiqindi

    15. Clean — Toza(lamoq)

    16. Clear — Toza, aniq

    17. Pour — Chelaklab quymoq

    18. Dizzle — Maydalab yog’ish

    19. Flood — Suv toshqini

    20. Environment — Atrof-muhit

    21. Surroundings — Atrof

    22. Wind — Shamol

    23. Air — Havo

    24. Reservoir — Suv ombori

    25. Lake — Ko’l

    26. Puddle — Ko’lmak

    27. Pond — Hovuz, havza

    28. Thunder — Momaqaldiroq

    29. Lightning — Yashin

    30. Global — Global, xalqaro

    31. Worldwide — Dunyo bo’ylab

    32. Plain — Tekislik

    33. Land — Quruqlik

    34. Field — Dala

    35. Desert — cho’l

    36. Extinct — Noyob, yo’q bo’lib ketgan

    37. Endangered — Yo’q bo’lish xavfida ostida

    38. Reuse — Qayta ‘istilatish

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Call for — Talab qilmoq

    2. Call off — Qoldirmoq, bekor qilmoq

    3. Clear up — Yaxshilanmoq (ob- havo)

    4. Cut off — Aloqani uzish

    5. Die down — Pasaymoq, susaymoq

    6. Do up — Remont qilmoq

    7. Face up to — Ko’nikmoq

    8. Get (sb) down — Umidini so’ndirish

    9. Put down to — Natijasini tushuntirmoq

    10. Put out — O’chirmoq

    11. Set in — Kirib kelish

    12. Stand for — Chidamoq

    13. Tear down — Olib tashlamoq, buzmoq

    14. Throw away — Otib yuborish, tashlab yuborish

    1. Phrases and collocations

      1. Control — Nazorat

      2. Lose control(of sth) — Nazoratni yo’qotmoq

      3. Take control (of sth) — Nazoratiga olmoq

      4. Have control(of sth) — Nazoratga ega bo’lish

      5. In control — Nazoratda

      6. Out of control — Nazoratsiz, nazoratdan chiqqan

      7. Effect — Ta’sir

      8. Have an effect (on sth/sb) — Ta’siri bo’lmoq

      9. Take effect — Kuchga kirish

      10. End — Oxiri,tugamoq

      11. In the end Nihoyat /At the end (of) — Ning oxirida

      12. Come to an end — Oxiriga, nixoyasiga yetmoq

      13. Come to the end (of sth)/ Reach to the end (of sth) – oxiriga yetmoq

      14. Happy ending — Baxtli yakun

      15. Floor — Pol

      16. On the floor — Polda

      17. On the ground floor — 1- qavatda

      18. On the first floor — 2- qavatda

      19. On the second floor — 3- qavatda

      20. Fuss — Injiqlik

      21. Make a fuss (about sth doing) — Injiqlik qilmoq

      22. Cause a fuss (about sth doing) — Shov-shuvga sabab bo’lish

      23. Long — Uzun

      24. (for) as long as — Sharti bilan

      25. (for) a long time(to do) — (uzoq) vaqt oladi

      26. Long to do — Bajarishga uzoq

      27. Long for sth (to do) — Intiqlik bilan kutmoq

      28. Look – Qaramoq

      29. Have a look at /Take a look at – ga nazar tashlamoq

      30. Look like sb/sth — 0 ’ xshamoq(ko’rinishi)

      31. Look at — Ga qaramoq

      32. Look for — Qidirmoq

      33. Mess — Tartibsizlik

      34. Make a mess (of sth) — Tartibsizlik qilmoq

      35. In a mess — Tartibsiz

      36. Responsibility — Javobgarlik

      37. Have (the) responsibility for — Ma’suliyati bo’lmoq

      38. Take (the) responsibility for — Ma’suliyatni bo’yniga olish

      39. Shower — Dush

      40. Take a shower — Dush qabul qilmoq

      41. Have a shower — dush qabul qilmoq

      42. A rain shower — Mayin yomg’ir

      43. A light shower of rain — Maydalab yog’adigan yomg’ir

      44. A heavy shower of rain — Jala

      45. Sight — Ko’rish

      46. Catch sight of — Ilg’ab olish

      47. Lose sight of — Ko’zdan yo’qotish

      48. In sight of — Ning ko’rinishida

      49. At first sight — Bir qarashda

      50. Waste — Behuda sarflash

      51. A waste of time — Vaqtni behuda sarflash

      52. Waste your time – vaqtni behuda o’tkazish

      53. Industrial waste — Sanoat chiqindisi

      54. Household waste — Uy- ro’zg’or chiqindisi

      55. Weather forecast — Ob-havo bashorati

      56. Under the weather Ob-havo ta’sirida, xarakteri tez o’zgaradigan insonlar

      57. World — Dunyo

      58. All over the world — Butun dunyoda

      59. Around the world — Dunyo bo’ylab

      60. Throughout the world — Butun dunyo bo’yi

      61. The whole world — Butun dunyo

      62. In the world — Dunyoda

      63. World record — Jahon rekordi

      1. Word patterns

    1. Aware of — Xabardor

    2. Aware that – xabardor bo’lishicha

    3. Covered in/with sth — Qoplamoq

    4. Disappointed with/by sth — Hafsalasi pir bo’lmoq

    5. Disappointed in smb – dan ko’ngli qolgan

    6. Except for sth/doing — Dan tashqari

    7. Expect sth/sb (to do) — Kutmoq

    8. Expect that — kutilishicha

    9. Familiar with sth — Bilan tanish

    10. Familiar to smb — Kim bilandir tanish

    11. Famous for smth/doing — Bilan mashhur

    12. Glance at sth/sb — Tikilib qaramoq

    13. Hard to do — Qilishga qiyin

    14. Hard doing –qiynalib qilish

    15. Prevent sth — Xalaqit bermoq

    16. Prevent smb from doing — Bajarishdan qaytarmoq

    17. Prevent sth from happening — Yuz berishiga xalaqit bermoq

    18. Short of/on sth — Yetishmaslik

    19. Warn sb about sth/doing — Haqida ogohlantirmoq

    20. Warn sb against sth/doing — Ga qarshi ogohlantirmoq

    21. Warn sb of sth — Ogohlantirmoq

    22. Warn (sb) that — ogohlantirilishicha

    23. Warn sb not to do — Qilmaslikka ogohlantirmoq

    1. Word formation

    1. Accurate (adj) — To’g’ri, aniq, puxta

    2. Accurately (adv) — Aniq ravishda

    3. Inaccurate(ly)(adj, adv) — Xato, yangilish

    4. (In)accuracy (n) — Kamchilik, nuqson

    5. Danger (n) — Xavf

    6. Dangerous(ly) (adj, adv) — Xavfli, xavf tug’diradigan

    7. Endanger (v) — Xavf ostida qoldirmoq

    8. Endangered (adj) — Xavf ostida qolgan

    9. Develop (v) — Rivojlanmoq

    10. (Un)developed (adj) — Rivojlangan (magan)

    11. Developing (adj) — Rivojlanayotgan

    12. Developer (n) — Rivojlantiruvchi kishi

    13. Development (n) — Rivojlanish

    14. Environment (n) — Atrof-muhit

    15. Environmental(ly) (adj, adv) — Atrof-muhitga oid

    16. Environmentalist (n) — Atrof-muhit himoyachisi

    17. Extreme (adj) — Ashaddiy, g’irt

    18. Extremely (adv) — Juda

    19. Extremity (n) — Nihoya, xotima

    20. Extremist (n) — Ekstrimist

    21. Freeze (n) (v) — Muzlash, sovush

    22. Froze (v) — Muzlamoq, sovumoq

    23. Frozen (v, adj) — Muzlagan

    24. Freezing (adj) — Muzlatadigan

    25. Freezer (n) — Muzlatgich

    26. Globe (n) — Globus

    27. Global(ly) (adv) — Olamshumul, umumiy

    28. Great (adj) — Katta, ulkan, buyuk

    29. Greatly (adv) — Juda, nihoyatda

    30. Greatness (n) — Kattalik

    31. Harm (n) — Ziyon, talofat

    32. Harmful(ly) (adj, adv) — Zararli

    33. Harmless(ly) (adj, adv) — Zararsiz, ziyonsiz

    34. (Un)harmed (adj) — Zararli(siz), ziyonli(siz)

    35. Likely (adj) — Ehtimol

    36. Unlikely (adj) — Ehtimoldan holi

    37. Likelihood (n) — Ehtimollik

    38. Low (adj, adv) — Past, pastda

    39. Lower (adj, v) — Pastgi, ostki, quyi

    40. Lowness (n) — pastlik

    41. Nature (adj) — Tabiiy

    42. (Un)natural(ly) (adj, adv) — Tabiiy ravishda

    43. Neighbour (n) — Qo’shni

    44. Neighbourly (adj) — Axil

    45. Neighbouring (adj) — Qo’shni, yonma-yon joylashgan

    46. Neighbourhood (n) — Mahalla

    47. Pollute (v) — ifloslanmoq

    48. (Un)polluted (adj) — Ifloslangan (magan)

    49. Pollution (n) — Ifloslanish

    50. Pollutant (n) — Ifloslantiruvchi

    51. Reside (v) — Yashab turmoq

    52. Residential (adj) — Aholi yashaydigan

    53. Resident (n) — (Doimiy) yashovchi

    54. Residence (n) — Yashab turish

    55. Sun – quyosh

    56. Sunny (adj) — Quyoshli

    57. Sunshine (n) — Quyosh yorug’ligi

    1. Unit 22. MONEY AND SHOPPING

    2. Topic vocabulary

    1. Economic — Iqtisodiyot

    2. Economical — Tejamkor

    3. Receipt — Chek

    4. Bill — Hisob

    5. Make — Marka

    6. Brand — Marka nomi / brendi

    7. Bargain — Chegirma; arzon narxda xarid qilish

    8. Sale — Savdo

    9. Discount — Chegirma

    10. Offer — Taklif

    11. Price — Narx

    12. Cost — Narx

    13. Change — Mayday pul

    14. Cash — Naqd pul

    15. Wealth — Boylik (pul va boshqa narsalar)

    16. Fortune — Boylik (faqat puli bo’lish)

    17. Till — Kassa

    18. Checkout — Kassa (do’kon)

    19. Products — Maxsulot

    20. Goods — Sotish uchun ishlab chiqariladigan mahsulot

    21. Refund — Pulini qaytannoq

    22. Exchange — Almashtirmoq

    23. Fake — Sohta

    24. Plastic — Plastic

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Bank on — Ishonmoq, tavakkal qilmoq

    2. Come across – Tasodifan uchrashib qolmoq

    3. Come by — Qiyin narsani topmoq

    4. Come into — Meros tariqasida qolmoq

    5. Do without -siz yashamoq

    6. Get by — Uddalamoq, tirikchilik j qilmoq

    7. Get through — Tugatmoq

    8. Give away — Tekinga bermoq

    9. Live on — Tirikchilik qilmoq

    10. Look round — Tekshirmoq

    11. Make out — Chek yozmoq

    12. Ma ke up for — Kamchiligini topmoq

    13. Put by — Olib qo’ymoq

    14. Save up(for) — Pul yig’moq

    1. Phrases and collacations

    1. Amount — Hisob, miqdor

    2. An amount of sth — Miqdori

    3. In large /small amounts- Katta / kichik hisobda

    4. Amount to — Miqdor

    5. Charge — Xizmat haqi

    6. Charge sb (an amoun of money) — Pul undirish

    7. Pay a charge — To’lamoq

    8. Take charge (of sth/doing) — Boshqaruvni qo’lga olmoq

    9. In charge of sth/doing — Boshqaruvida

    10. Debt – Qarz

    11. In debt (to sb) — Qarzdor

    12. Get in/into debt — Qarzga botish

    13. Clear a debt — Qarzni uzish

    14. Owe sb a debt of gratitude — Sizdan qarzdor

    15. Demand — Talab

    16. In demand — Talabi katta

    17. On demand — Talabi bilan

    18. A demand for sth — Uchun talab

    19. Enough – Yetarli

    20. Have enough (of sth) — Yetarli bo’lmoq

    21. Have enough sth to do — Bajarishga yetarli bo’lmoq

    22. Enough is enough — To’ydim, o’zi bilan o’zi bo’ldi

    23. Expense — Xarajat

    24. At sb’s/your own expense — Ning zarariga/zararizga

    25. Go to the expense of — Xarajat qilmoq

    26. Business expense — Biznes xarajati

    27. Expense account — Xarajat miqdori

    28. Fortune — Omad

    29. Make/earn a fortune — Boyib ketmoq

    30. Win a fortune — Boylik yutmoq

    31. Spend a fortune — Boylikni sarflamoq

    32. Cost (you) a fortune — Katta pulga tushmoq

    33. Make your fortune — Katta pul yutmoq

    34. Increase — O’sish, o’smoq

    35. An increase in sth of a certain amount — Aniq bir narsaning miqdorida o’sish

    36. A wage/price increase — Oylik, narx oshishi

    37. At least — Eng kamida

    38. At the very least — Hech bo’maganda ham

    39. Last but not least — Oxirgisi ammo muximi

    40. To say the least — Hech bo’lmaganda

    41. Money — Pul

    42. Make/earn money — Pul ishlab topmoq

    43. Win money — Pul yutmoq

    44. Save money — Pul yig’moq

    45. Have money — Puli bo’lmoq

    46. Spend money on sth/doing — Pul sarfiamoq

    47. Short of monev — Pul yetishmasligi

    48. Do sth for the money — Pul uchun qilmoq

    49. Notice – Payqamoq

    50. Notice sb doing/do – bir kishini qilayotganini/qilishini payqamoq

    51. Take notice of sth — Bilib qolmoq

    52. A short notice — Oz qolganda xabar bermoq

    53. Give sb notice of — Ga xabar bermoq

    54. Profit — Daromad

    55. Make a profit (from sth) — Dan daromad qilmoq

    56. Save money/time — Pul/vaqtni tejamoq

    57. Save sth for later — Keyinroqqa olib qo’ymoq

    58. Shopping — xarid

    59. Do the shopping – xarid qilmoq

    60. Go shopping – xarid qilishga bormoq

    61. Shopping center – xarid markazi

    62. Window shopping – narsa olmasa ham tomosha qilish

    1. Word patterns

    1. Afford to do — Bajarishga qurbi yetmoq

    2. Argue with sb Argue about sth/doing — Tortishmoq

    3. Argue that — tortishmoq

    4. Beg sb (for sth) — Yalinmoq

    5. Beg sb to do- kimgadir qilishini so’rab yalinmoq

    6. Belong to sb/sth – Ga tegishli bo’lmoq

    7. Borrow sth from sb — Qarz olmoq

    8. Charge sb (for sth/doing) — Biror narsa uchun biror kishidan pul undirmoq

    9. Demand sth (from sb) — Talab qilmoq

    10. Demand that – ni talab qilmoq

    11. Forget to do – qilishni unitmoq

    12. Forget doing – qilganini unutmoq

    13. Forget about sth/doing – haqida unutish

    14. Forget if/whether – bo’lish bo’lmasligini unutish

    15. Lend sth to sb — Qarz bermoq

    16. Lend sb/sth – ni qarz bermoq

    17. Pay sb (for sth/doing) — Uchun pul to’lamoq

    18. Pay sth (to sb) – ni to’lamoq

    19. Profit from sthJdoing — Dan foyda qilmoq

    20. Save sb from sth/doing — Dan saqlamoq

    21. Save sth (for sth/sb) – ni saqlamoq

    22. Spend sth (on sth/sb/doing) — Sarflamoq

    1. Word formation

    1. Accept (v) — Qabul qilmoq

    2. Acceptance (n) — Qabul qilish

    3. Accepting (adj) – Maqul

    4. Acceptable (adj) – maqul bo’ladigan

    5. Acceptably (adv) – maqul tarzda

    6. Unacceptable(ly) (adj,adv) — Nomaqul

    7. Assist (v) — Yordam bermoq

    8. Assistance (n) – Yordam

    9. Assistant (n) — Yordamchi

    10. Day (n) — Kun

    11. Daily (adj) — Kunlik

    12. Everyday (adj) — Har kuni

    13. Economy (n) – Iqtisodiyot

    14. Economic (adj) — Iqtisodiy

    15. Economical(ly) (adj, ■J adv) — Tejamkor

    16. (Un)economical(ly) $ (adj, adv) — Isrofgar, noshud

    17. Economies (n) — iqtisod

    18. Economist (n) — Iqtisodchi

    19. End (v) — Tugamoq

    20. Endless(ly) (adj, adv) — Cheksiz

    21. Ending (n) — Nihoyasi

    22. Unending (adj) — Cheksiz, bepoyon

    23. Expense (n) — Xarajat

    24. Expensive(ly) (adj, adv) — Qimmat

    25. Inexpensive(ly) (adj, adv) — Arzon

    26. Expenses (n) — Xarajatlar

    27. Finance (n) — Moliya

    28. Financial(ly) (adj, adv) — Moliyaviy

    29. Finances (n) — Mablag’lar

    30. Invest (v) — Mablag’ sarflamoq

    31. Investment (n) — Sarmoya

    32. Investor (n) — Sarmoyachi

    33. Luxury (n) — Dabdaba

    34. Luxuries (n) — Dabdabagarchilik

    35. Luxurious(ly) (adj, 1 adv) — Dabdabali, lyuks

    36. Pay(v) — To’lamoq

    37. Paid (adj) — To’langan

    38. Payment (n) — To’lov

    39. Payable (adj) — To’lovga moyillik

    40. Poor (adj) — Kambag’al

    41. Poorly (adv) Nosog’lom, betob, xasta tarzda

    42. Poverty (n) — Kambag’allik

    43. Real (adj) — Haqiqiy

    44. Unreal (adj) — Haqiqiy emas

    45. Really (adv) — Haqiqatdan

    46. Realize (v) — Anglamoq

    47. Realization (n) — Anglash, amalga oshirish

    48. Reality (n) — Haqiqat

    49. Realistic (adj) — Haqiqatga o’xshash

    50. Realistically (adv) — haqiqatomuz

    51. Value (v) — Baholamoq

    52. Valuable (adj) — Qimmatbaho

    53. Valuably (adv) – qiymatli tarzda

    54. Invaluable (adj) — Bebaho

    55. Invaluably (adv) – bebaho tarzda

    56. Valueless (adj) — Arzimas

    57. Valuation (n) — Baholash

    58. Wealth (n) — Boylik

    59. Wealthy(adj) – boy

    1. Unit 24. ENTERTAINMENT

    2. Topic vocabular

    1. Enjoy — Rohatlanmoq

    2. Entertain — O’yin-kulgu

    3. Play — O’ynamoq (rolni)

    4. Act — Harakat qilmoq

    5. Star — Yulduz (eng mashhur artist)

    6. Audition — Kasting (rolga olish)

    7. Rehearsal — Repetitsiya

    8. Rehearse — Repetitsiya qilmoq

    9. Practice — Amaliyot o’tamoq

    10. Scene — Manzara, sahna (parcha)

    11. Scenery — Sahna jihozlari

    12. Stage — Sahna (zaldagi)

    13. Band — Ansambl (guruh)

    14. Orchestra — Orkestr

    15. Group — Guruh

    16. Review – Sharh, qayta ko’rib chiqish

    17. Criticism — Tanqid

    18. Ticket — Bilet

    19. Fee — Badal, haq

    20. Novel — Roman

    21. Fiction — Badiiy asar (uydirma)

    22. Comic — Rasmli hikoya, kulguli, qiziqarli

    23. Cartoon – Multfilm

    24. Comedian — Komik aktyor

    25. Watch — Tomosha qilmoq

    26. See — Ko’rmoq

    27. Look — Qaramoq

    28. Listen — Tinglamoq

    29. Hear — Eshitmoq

    1. Phrasal verbs

    1. Come (a)round – qayta sodir bo’lmoq

    2. Count on – ishonmoq

    3. Drop off – uxlab qolmoq, mashinada tashlab o’tmoq

    4. Drown out – rejalashtirmoq, eshitilmaydigan qilib qo’ygan

    5. Fall for – sevmoq, aldanmoq, yolg’onga ishonmoq

    6. Get along with – chiqishmoq

    7. Go down (as) – sifatida tarixda qolmoq

    8. Grow on – biror narsaning sekin asta yoqib qolishi

    9. Let down – pand yemoq

    10. Name after – nomiga qo’ymoq

    11. Put on – ijro etmoq

    12. Show off – maqtanmoq

    13. Take after – xarakteri tortmoq

    14. Take off – birdan mashhur bo’lib ketmoq

    1. Phrases and collocations

    1. Fun — Xursandchilik

    2. Have fun — Xursandchilik qilmoq

    3. Be fun — Hazil

    4. Make fun of sb — Birovning ustidan kulmoq

    5. Funny — Kulgili

    6. Find sth funny — Kulgili deb bilmoq

    7. Make yourself at home — O’zingizni uyingizdagidek his qiling

    8. Be/stay at home — Uyda bo’lmoq/qolmoq

    9. Go home — Uyga bormoq

    10. Get home — Uyga yetib bormoq

    11. Leave home — Uyni tark etmoq

    12. Make your way home — Uyga qarab yo’lga chiqmoq

    13. Impression — Taassurot

    14. Give sb the impression — Biror kishida taassurot qoldirmoq

    15. Do an impression of sb — Qilig’ini qilmoq

    16. Have the impression — Fikri, taassuroti bo’lmoq

    17. Make an impression (on sb) — Taassurot qoldirmoq

    18. Joke — Hazil, latifa

    19. Joke about sth/doing — Hazillashmoq

    20. Joke with sb – kim bilandir hazillashmoq

    21. Tell a joke — Latifa aytmoq

    22. Make a joke — Hazil qilmoq

    23. Hear a joke — Latifa eshitmoq

    24. Get a joke — Hazilni ko’tarmoq

    25. Understand a joke — Hazilni tushunmoq

    26. Laugh — Kulmoq

    27. Laugh at/about sth/sb — Ustidan kulmoq

    28. Laugh out loud — Baqirib kulmoq

    29. Roar with laughter- baqirib kulmoq

    30. Have a laugh — Kulmoq

    31. Do’stlaringiz bilan baham:
  • 10000+ результатов для ‘law and crime’

    Law and Crime /vocabulary/

    Law and Crime /vocabulary/

    от Maxi69

    Law and crime wordformation

    Law and crime wordformation
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    от Ekaterinabudnik


    Поиск слов

    от Eburbakh58

    Law, Crime and Justice

    Law, Crime and Justice

    от Olganagaeva874

    Crime and law

    Crime and law

    от Mariyaglotova

    Law and Crime /vocabulary/

    Law and Crime /vocabulary/

    от Izipanova22

    Phrasal Verbs (Law and Crime)

    Phrasal Verbs (Law and Crime)

    от Zavgorodnyaya

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (phrasal verbs) Macmillan B2

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (phrasal verbs) Macmillan B2
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    от Fireflyeltresources

    State Ex vocab Crime and Law

    State Ex vocab Crime and Law
    Правда или ложь

    от Rmakeenko

    State exam vocab crime and law

    State exam vocab crime and law
    Угадай буквы

    от Rmakeenko

    DB2 U12 law and crime vocabulary

    DB2 U12 law and crime vocabulary

    от Antoninashvec88

    McMillan The law and crime Phrasal verbs

    McMillan The law and crime Phrasal verbs
    Угадай буквы

    от Oksana6

    12 The Law and Crime (verbs) Mac

    12 The Law and Crime (verbs) Mac

    от Izipanova22

    DB2 U12 Law and Crime vocabulary

    DB2 U12 Law and Crime vocabulary

    от Antoninashvec88

    The crime and law - match the collocations

    The crime and law — match the collocations

    от Bestteacherever

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (nouns+adj) Macmillan B2

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (nouns+adj) Macmillan B2

    от Fireflyeltresources

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (verbs) Macmillan B2

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (verbs) Macmillan B2
    Угадай буквы

    от Fireflyeltresources


    Случайное колесо

    от Alyonakushnarenko


    WHAT DO WE SAY... (Crime and Punishment (unit 8 outcomes upper)

    WHAT DO WE SAY… (Crime and Punishment (unit 8 outcomes upper)
    Случайные карты

    от Kristina245

    crime and punishment
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    The law and crime — phrasal verbs finishing sentences

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    Wider World 3 Unit 8.1 Crime, Criminals, Law

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    Wider World 3

    McMillan The law and the crime topic vocabulary

    McMillan The law and the crime topic vocabulary
    Поиск слов

    от Oksana6

    12 The law and the crime topic vocabulary

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    от Izipanova22

     12 The Law and Crime (nouns+adj) Mac

    12 The Law and Crime (nouns+adj) Mac

    от Izipanova22

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (phrasal verbs) Mac

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (phrasal verbs) Mac
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    от Izipanova22

     Unit 12 The Law and Crime (phrasal verbs)

    Unit 12 The Law and Crime (phrasal verbs)
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    от Anzhelasoprun

    Crime and Punishment

    Crime and Punishment
    Викторина «Игровое шоу»

    от Kruglikova

    Crime and Punishment
    English File Upper-Intermediate

    State Exam crime&law

    State Exam crime&law
    Привести в порядок

    от Rmakeenko

    NEF Upper-Int 3A Crime And Punishment Vocabulary Group Sort

    NEF Upper-Int 3A Crime And Punishment Vocabulary Group Sort
    Групповая сортировка

    от Daryakrasnova

    Crime And Punishment
    New English File Upper-Intermediate

    Passive voice

    Passive voice
    Откройте поле

    от Kruglikova

    Crime and Punishment
    English File Upper-Intermediate

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    Привести в порядок

    от Gilea777


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    Latin terms in legalese

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    Lesson 12 intellectual rights — collocations
    Пропущенное слово

    от Gilea777


    Make up the sentences

    Make up the sentences
    Привести в порядок

    от Sofiya2


    Fill in the gap

    Fill in the gap
    Пропущенное слово

    от Sofiya2


    Mack up the words

    Mack up the words

    от Sofiya2


    Collocations - legislation

    Collocations — legislation

    от Gilea777


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    Fashion and copyright in the USA — homework
    Пропущенное слово

    от Gilea777


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    Competition law. Is it true about Russia?
    Пропущенное слово

    от Gilea777


    System of courts in the UK - basic terms

    System of courts in the UK — basic terms

    от Gilea777




    от Ysklyueva

    Go getter 4
    Go getter 4. Crime



    от Sofiya2


    Find the words (negligent tort )

    Find the words (negligent tort )

    от Sofiya2


    Sources of law: common law

    Sources of law: common law
    Найди пару

    от Gilea777


    Legal elements chart - categorization

    Legal elements chart — categorization
    Групповая сортировка

    от Gilea777


    WIPO domain names - law

    WIPO domain names — law
    Пропущенное слово

    от Gilea777


    Domain names - law

    Domain names — law

    от Gilea777


    Sources of law : Legislation (practice 1)

    Sources of law : Legislation (practice 1)
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    Law lesson 2 — UK constitution and jurisdictions

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    UK constitution and jurisdictions quiz

    UK constitution and jurisdictions quiz
    Перевернуть плитки

    от Gilea777


    Lesson 12 (practice)

    Lesson 12 (practice)
    Найди пару

    от Gilea777


    Fill in the words

    Fill in the words
    Пропущенное слово

    от Sofiya2


    Mediation - match two parts of collocations

    Mediation — match two parts of collocations

    от Gilea777


    Match the words(8)

    Match the words(8)

    от Sofiya2


    Тип урока: комбинированный

    Цели урока:

    • Практическая: формирование
      коммуникативной компетенции; краткое
      ознакомление с уголовным кодексом;
    • Образовательная: семантизация
      лексического материала по теме ”Crimes and Punishment”;
    • Развивающая: развитие кругозора и эрудиции
      учащихся; развитие нравственной и гражданской
      позиции; развитие навыков самоконтроля и
      самостоятельной работы; развитие эмоциональной
      и мотивационной сферы личности.
    • Воспитательная: способствовать осмыслению
      необходимости изучения прав и обязанностей
      граждан, законов в современном мире; воспитывать
      культуру общения.

    Задачи: закрепить лексические
    единицы, изученные ранее по теме “Crime & Punishment”,
    повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

    Оборудование к уроку: ноутбук,
    проектор, экран, CD-проигрыватель, раздаточный
    материал (ответные листы), приложение.

    Ход урока

    1. Организационный момент. Введение в новую

    Teacher: Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to speak about different
    kinds of crimes. Here you can see a few photos from newspapers. I’d like you to read
    them and choose the one which is connected with a crime, giving an opinion.

    1. What is the connection between the pictures?
    2. Would you like to be a judge? Why/ Why not?
    3. What do you know about the prison system in our & other countries?

    2. Речевая разминка.

    а) Фронтальная работа

    Teacher: As we are speaking about crimes, criminals and laws I want you to
    express your opinion and give your arguments “for” and “against” the following
    ideas written on the blackboard.

    Crime is inevitable in any society.

    The number of crimes committed in the society shows the state of it.

    The reason of many crimes committed by people is poverty.

    Don’t forget to use some linking devices:

    First of all, Secondly, Moreover, Besides, Finally

    Time for discussion 3-4 min.

    3. Развитие навыков аудирования.

    Pupils listen to monologues of 6 young people about crimes and match them with the

    A. I feel frustrated about the increase in crime.

    B. I think there should be stricter punishments for criminals.

    C. We need to fight crime as a community.

    D. Crime is being fought, but not in the right ways.

    E. I don’t worry too much about crime where I live.

    F. It’s important to try to reduce certain kinds of crime.

    G. I am concerned about my personal safety.

    Answers: CEGABF

    4. Отработка нового лексического
    материала.Word formation.

    Stop Press

    Frank Turner, the (accuse)……in a trial that has attracted national
    attention, was today convicted of murder. The police (investigate)…….lasted for
    a year and during the trial over 100 hours of (evidence)…….were heard.
    Turner’s (law)……had all argued that he was not in the area at the time, but
    could not provide the necessary (prove)…… Police described Turner as a
    well-known (theft)…… who was responsible for many (rob)…….in the
    local region. This is not Turner’s first (convict)…….Seven years ago, he was
    found guilty of (forge)…… and served three years in prison. The judge is
    expected to sentence Turner to a period of (prison)…….later this week.

    Answers: accused; investigation; evidence; lawyers; proof; thief;
    robberies; conviction; forgery; imprisonment.

    5. Teacher: Read the sentences and then use the words in bold to complete
    the sentences below.

    Capital punishment is punishment by death. Techniques include the electric chair,
    the gas chamber, hanging and lethal injection.

    Some people believe that capital punishment acts as a deterrent. This means they
    think it stops people committing murder.

    The serial killer was sentenced to life imprisonment.

    The police think I committed the burglary! I’m going to have to get a lawyer/solicitor.

    She was arrested on suspicion of fraud, and later was officially charged with
    the crime.

    The court case lasted for three months before the jury found him guilty.

    Judge: How do you plead?

    The accused: Guilty, your Honour.

    The jury found him not guilty, but nobody really thinks he is innocent.

    There is lots of evidence that he did it –his fingerprints were all over the
    gun, for example.

    Having served 15 years in prison, Mason is to be released next week.

    1. My lawyer advised me to……guilty, but I’m not going to. I’m innocent!
    2. People imprisoned for life are usually ……after about 20 years.
    3. My……has instructed me not to discuss this case with reporters.
    4. The suspect was released without being charged due to lack of……
    5. No European country supports……Most Europeans think it’s barbaric.
    6. Losing your driving license would be a good……against drinking and driving.
    7. I’m buying a new suit. My……at the County Court starts on Monday.
    8. I can’t believe the police have……Jane with embezzlement. They must have made a
    9. Can you imagine being sentenced to ……and knowing you have to spend the rest of your
      life behind bars?
    10. The foreman of the jury read out the verdict. “……,” he said.

    Answers: 1. plead; 2. released;3. lawyer/solicitor; 4. evidence; 5. capital
    punishment; 6. deterrent; 7. case; 8. charged; 9. life imprisonment; 10. Not guilty

    6. Развитие навыков поискового
    чтения (с общим пониманием)

    Match the headlines A-H with Texts 1-7.One headline is extra.

    A. Capital Punishment

    B. Shoplifting

    C. Crime Prevention

    D. Kidnapping

    E. Frightening Changes

    F. Long-Term Effect

    G. Virtual Crime

    Y. Guilty or not Guilty?

    1. The presumption of innocence is a legal right that the accused in criminal trials has in
      many modern countries. The burden of proof is thus on the prosecution. It has to collect
      and present enough compelling evidence to convince the jury of the fact that beyond a
      reasonable doubt the accused has broken the law. In case of remaining doubts, the accused
      is to be acquitted.
    2. Sarah and Lisa always enjoyed hanging out at the mall. But one Saturday, after shopping
      for jeans, Sarah pulled a new shirt out of her bag. Lisa didn’t remember seeing her buy
      it. “I didn’t,” Sarah told her. “I lifted it.” Lisa was upset and puzzled.
      Stealing didn’t seem like something Sarah would do. Sometimes people do not realize the
      consequences of this crime.
    3. Even families living in so-called “safe” neighborhoods are concerned. They may feel
      safe today, but there is always a reminder that violence can intrude at any moment. Polly
      Klaas and her family no doubt felt safe in Petaluma, California. But on October 1, 1993,
      she was abducted from her suburban home during a sleepover. If she can be abducted and
      murdered, so can nearly any other child.
    4. The Internet is a great place to find information, make friends, keep in touch with
      others, and do business. There always are other sides as long as there is a criminal
      element. As our world becomes more computerized and ever more interconnected, different
      kinds of computer crimes will continue to grow. These include break-ins of computers to
      get trade secrets or illegal entry for the thrill and challenge.
    5. Movie violence these days is louder and bloodier than ever before. When a bad guy was
      shot in a black-and-white Western, the most we saw was a puff of smoke and a few drops of
      fake blood. Now the sights, sounds, and special effects often jar us more than the real
      thing. Slow motion and pyrotechnics conspire to make movies and TV shows more gruesome
      than ever.
    6. University of Illinois psychologist Leonard Eron studied children at age eight and then
      again at eighteen. He found that television habits established at the age of eight
      influenced aggressive behavior through childhood and adolescent years. The more violent
      were the programs preferred by boys in the third grade, the more aggressive was their
      behavior, both at that time and ten years later.
    7. In the debate about execution and human dignity, supporters and opponents of the death
      penalty have found very little common ground. Since the 18th century, those who
      wish to abolish the death penalty have stressed the significance of requiring governments
      to recognize the importance of each individual. However, supporters of this penal practice
      see nothing wrong with governments deliberately killing terrible people who commit
      terrible crimes.

    Answers: HBDGEFA

    7. Teacher: Let’s check your hometask. You were to read the text
    “Corruption” and to choose the right answers in the task. What type of crime is
    described here?

    Answers: 3412231

    8. What types of criminals do you remember?

    Who is a shoplifter, a robber, a vandal…?

    Примерные ответы учащихся:

    • А thief is someone who takes things which do not belong to them.
    • An arsonist is someone who sets fire to property on purpose.
    • A kidnapper is someone who takes a person by force and demands a ransom.
    • A mugger is someone who attacks people in the street in order to steal something.
    • A burglar is someone who breaks into people’s houses to steal things.
    • A murderer is someone who kills somebody on purpose
    • A hijacker is someone who uses force to take control of a plane.
    • A vandal is someone who damages property on purpose
    • A forger is someone who forges documents, paintings, etc.
    • A robber is someone who steals something from shops, banks, etc.
    • A shoplifter is someone who steals something from shops.

    9. Look at the text and complete the exercise. You also have this exercise on your
    sheets of paper.

    The Criminal They Can’t Lock Up

    Burgar, 14, walks free for 33rd time

    Britain’s most persistent young burglar walked free for the 33rd time

    Two hours later the politicians promised to take action against tearaways who the law
    says are too young to be locked up.

    Youngsters aged between 12 and 15 who repeatedly 1……… crimes will
    be held in ten new “secure training centres” for up two years.

    The 14-year-old, in 2……….. yesterday, was responsible for a mini
    crime wave near his home totaling $58,000. As he was releasing his worried mother said:
    “I really thought he would have been locked away. I’m worried that he’ll be out 3………..
    it again before the week’s out”.

    Her son had stolen clothes worth $ 28,000 and dropped into the same branch of one
    particular shop three times in one week. He played with the laces of his $ 100 trainers as
    the court heard he had also 4……….. his local chemist’s at least six

    Before one raid a shop assistant was even handed his “calling card” marked with his
    initials and advising: “Ring the police”.

    The boy, who cannot be identified for law reasons, 5……….. seven
    charges of burglary and asked for another 24 to be taken into 6………

    The court heard he was too young to be remanded in custody and that there was no place
    for him in secure accommodation.

    The boy’s mother added after the trial: “I just find it astonishing that nowhere
    can be found for him. I’ve warned him he’s living on borrowed time. I’ve tried –
    but I can’t 7……….. him”.

    A commit B do C make D practice
    A trial B court C dock D cell
    A making B taking C burgling D doing
    A taken B stolen C burgled D shoplifted
    A denied B admitted C confessed D accused
    A consideration B thought C mind D understanding
    A check B control C limit D prevent

    Answers: ABDDBAB

    10. Teacher: Here are some sentences from a discursive composition about
    capital punishment. What is the purpose of each sentence? Write a letter from the box next
    to each sentence.

    A introducing the topic E presenting a disadvantage
    B giving opinion F presenting two opposing points of view
    C giving an example G presenting a conclusion
    D presenting an advantage  
    1. For instance, the majority of people executed for murder in the United States are black.
    2. To sum up, there is little evidence that capital punishment acts as a deterrent.
    3. I would argue that there is no place for capital punishment in a humane, civilized
    4. Capital punishment is an extremely controversial issue.
    5. Secondly, when a murderer is executed, the family of the victim often feel that justice
      has been done.
    6. Finally, there have been many occasions throughout history when innocent people have
      been executed.
    7. Firstly, it is said that capital punishment sends a message to society that murder will
      not be tolerated, but it also clearly sends the message that is acceptable in certain

    Answers: CGBADEF

    11 Teacher: Now, you’ll listen to some articles from a criminal code. Try
    to understand and find a translation.

    Article 105. Murder

    Murder is the intentional killing of another person.
    It shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term of six to fifteen years.

    Article 158. Theft

    Theft shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 700 minimum wages or in the
    amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of
    two to seven months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours or by
    deprivation of liberty for a term of up to three years.

    Article 162. Robbery with Violence

    Robbery committed using violence which threatens human life and health or with the
    threat of using such violence, shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of
    three to eight years, with confiscation of property or without such confiscation.

    Статья 162. Разбой

    Разбой, совершенный с применением насилия,
    опасного для жизни или здоровья, либо с угрозой
    применения такого насилия, наказывается
    лишением свободы на срок от трех до восьми лет со
    штрафом в размере до пятисот тысяч рублей или в
    размере заработной платы или иного дохода
    осужденного за период до трех лет либо без

    Статья 105. Убийство

    Убийство, то есть умышленное причинение смерти
    другому человеку, наказывается лишением свободы
    на срок от шести до пятнадцати лет.

    Статья 158. Кража

    Кража, то есть тайное хищение чужого имущества,
    наказывается штрафом в размере до восьмидесяти
    тысяч рублей или в размере заработной платы или
    иного дохода осужденного за период до шести
    месяцев, либо обязательными работами на срок до
    ста восьмидесяти часов, либо лишением свободы на
    срок до двух лет.

    (Уголовный кодекс Российской Федерации)

    12 Teacher: Your hometask will be to write an essay “The crime rate in our
    city is too high and extreme measures should be taken to reduce it”.

    Appendix Text for reading. Task № 9


    Sharon had marched up to my desk, obviously furious, and demanded “a word outside”.
    At that moment I was just curious to find out what had bothered her so much. I followed
    her outside. “I’ve just paid a little visit to our old friend Fat Mickey,” she said,
    “to put some pressure on him about last year’s Renfrew robbery, and he says you took
    some cash to “lose” some evidence. Well?

    If I’d known what was coming. I could have reacted better, but I’d been caught
    completely off guard and I knew it showed. “It’s a lie,” I said, as coolly as I
    could. “He’s a criminal and will say anything.” I hoped I sounded convincing but she
    was looking straight at me with her sharp blue eyes and I left like a schoolboy in trouble
    with the headmaster. I leaned back against the wall trying to look like I didn’t have a
    care in the world, despite the fact that I was having difficulty breathing and I could
    feel the beads of sweat gathering on my forehead.

    Sharon was a woman I’d always admired. A tough detective and a very good one, too. It
    wasn’t easy for a woman to make it as a detective and earn the respect of all her
    colleagues. But it hadn’t been easy for me either, a boy from the poorest area in
    Glasgow. I was a good detective, one of the best, in fact, and I’d only ever made one
    mistake – taking money from Mickey. It had been just after I had split up with my wife
    and I was badly in debt. I had never done anything like it before and I never intended to
    do it again.

    Now, as Sharon confronted me, I felt small, ugly and very guilty. I also felt

    annoyed with her at the moment. What made her so perfect? Had she never put a foot
    wrong anywhere? Ever? My mind raced as I tried to decide what to do. Should I tell the
    truth, explain what had happened and hope she’d take my side? Or should I just brush off
    the accusation and pray she didn’t tell anyone? I had no idea if this conversation could
    finish off my promising career as a police officer or not.

    At the end of the day it would all come down to my word against Mickey’s and he was
    just a cheap criminal. But I didn’t want people whispering behind my back, wondering if
    it were true, whether I really was a corrupt officer off the law. If word goes out, this
    would always be on my record. Once your superiors had lost confidence in you it was almost
    impossible to get it back and I didn’t want to lose my chance of further promotion.
    I’d already made it to detective inspector and I saw no reason why I couldn’t go
    higher. Except now there was Mickey’s betrayal casting a dark shadow over my dreams.

    I shrugged my shoulders and attempted a cheeky grin at Sharon. “You’re the last
    person I expected to believe Mickey. I should be offended,” I said. She laughed, but it
    was an empty laugh and it didn’t reach her cold eyes. “I didn’t believe him. Until
    now, that is. It’s a shame really, because you were always the one person in the station
    that I looked up to. I thought you were very honest and I’ve just lost a little more
    faith in humanity,” she said. “But don’t worry, your dirty little secret is safe
    with me.”

    As I watched her turn around and go back into the station, I finally managed to take a
    deep breath. Of course, I was very relieved that she wouldn’t talk and I trusted her
    because I knew that, unlike me, she really was an honest person. But her words had
    affected me deeply. I had lost her respect forever. I would be able to hold my head high
    with everyone in the station, apart from her. Even if I ever did manage to get the
    promotion I longed for, there would always be one person who knew I didn’t deserve it.

    A15 Sharon was angry because

    1. Fat Mickey was threatening her
    2. she found out the writer had put her in danger
    3. she thought the writer may have harmed the case
    4. she had been tricked by Fat Mickey

    A16 When the writer says “I’d been caught completely off guard” in paragraph
    two, he means he

    1. reacted wrongly
    2. was seeing doing wrong
    3. wasn’t feeling confident
    4. was taken by surprise

    A17 When Sharon made her accusation the writer

    1. was afraid that he looked guilty
    2. managed to persuade her that he was innocent
    3. didn’t try to defend himself
    4. succeeded in staying calm

    A18 In the third paragraph, the writer implies that his mistake

    1. was Sharon’s fault
    2. should be forgiven
    3. hadn’t hurt anyone
    4. ended his marriage

    A19 The writer was worried that

    1. he would lose his job
    2. his colleagues would lose their trust in him
    3. Mickey would try to hurt him
    4. Sharon’s career would be affected

    A20 In paragraph six, Sharon shows that she

    1. still admired the writer
    2. would reveal what she knew
    3. felt disappointed with the writer
    4. believed the writer was innocent

    A21 After his conversation with Sharon, the writer

    1. knew she would never trust him again
    2. was relieved that she would forgive him
    3. knew that he would never be promoted
    4. felt very annoyed with her

    Список используемой литературы

    1. Ю.С. Веселова 11 класс Английский язык. Сборник
      тренировочных и проверочных заданий (в формате
      ЕГЭ). 2009
    2. Olga Afanasyeva, Virginia Evans, Victoria Kopylova “Practice Exam Papers for the
      Russian National Exam”; Express Publishing, 2011
    3. Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles “Grammar and Vocabulary. Exam Skills for
      Russia”. Macmillan, 2010
    4. Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles “Reading and Writing. Exam Skills for Russia”.
      Macmillan, 2010
    5. Е.С. Музланова. Английский язык.
      Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Чтение.
      Издательство Астрель, 2010
    6. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Copyright, 2009 (на английском
      и русском языках)

    На этой странице вы найдете английскую лексику на тему «Преступление» (Crime).

    Crimes — Преступления
    burglary кража со взломом
    robbery грабеж
    rape насилие
    murder убийство
    arson поджог
    assault словесное оскорбление
    inciting racial hatred разжигание расовой ненависти
    contract killing заказное убийство
    forgery подделка (документов, денег)
    manslaughter убийство по неосторожности
    shoplifting магазинные кражи
    theft воровство
    treason гос.измена
    vandalism вандализм
    white-collar crime должностное преступление
    homicide убийство человека
    house-breaking проникновение в дом, взлом
    extortion вымогательство
    hacking компьютерные атаки
    motor vehicle theft угон автомобиля
    pilferage мелкая кража
    pickpocketing карманная кража
    hijack угон самолета
    smuggling контрабандный ввоз
    kidnapping похищение с целью выкупа
    drug traffic торговля наркотиками
    disorderly conduct нарушение общественного порядка
    mugging уличное ограбление
    bribery взяточничество
    slander клевета (устная)
    libel клевета (письменная)
    perjury лжесвидетельство
    complicity соучастие в преступлении
    harassment домогательство
    money laundering отмывание денег
    Punishment — наказание
    penal servitude каторга
    exile ссылка
    banishment депортация
    penitentiary исправительная колония
    to reprimand сделать выговор
    death penalty смертная казнь
    capital punishment высшая мера наказания
    confinement тюремное заключение
    imprisonment лишение свободы
    a heavy fines крупный штраф
    a prison sentence приговор к тюремному заключению
    a suspend sentence условное заключение
    a corporal punishment телесное наказание
    crucifixion распятие
    electrocution казнь на электрическом стуле
    eviction лишение имущества
    firing squad расстрел
    gas chamber газовая камера
    hanging казнь через повешение
    lethal injection смертельная инъекция
    life imprisonment пожизненное заключение
    lynching линчевание, самосуд
    probation условное освобождение
    public execution публичная смертная казнь
    solitary confinement одиночное заключение
    community service общественные работы
    In the court — в суде
    a solicitor адвокат
    convict осужденный
    culprit обвиняемый, подсудимый
    a prosecutor обвинитель, прокурор
    suspect подозреваемый
    a witness свидетель
    felony уголовное преступление
    cross-examination перекрестный допрос
    to serve a sentence отбывать наказание
    to serve on a jury выступать в роли присяжного
    a circuit judge окружной судья
    petty offence незначительные правонарушения
    a plaintiff истец, заявитель
    attorney for defense адвокат по защите
    presiding judge главный судья
    bailiff судебный пристав
    defendant ответчик, обвиняемый
    jury присяжные
    misdemeanor судебно наказуемый проступок
    a sentence/verdict приговор
    to accuse/charge with обвинять
    to bring lawsuit привести иск
    a clerk of the court секретарь суда
    to condemn/sentence to death приговорить к смерти
    to file a complaint подавать жалобу
    to interrogate/question допрашивать
    to plead guilty признать себя виновным
    to put in prison заключать в тюрьму
    warrant of arrest ордер на арест

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