The last word on nothing

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The Last Word On Nothing


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    Medicine in the Fourth Dimension

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NewAmerica said:

Does «the last word on nothing» mean «(science) never bullshits»?

Click to expand…

«Science explains all new things but never reaches a final explanation.»

As Dara Obreian said “Science knows it doesn’t know everything; otherwise, it’d stop. But just because science doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy tale most appeals to you.”


The Last Word on Nothing is a group blog authored by some of the world’s top science writers. The blog’s name originates from a Victor Hugo quote: «Science says the first word on everything and the last word on nothing.» In the spirit of this quote, the team behind The Last Word on Nothing seeks to explore scientific topics with «curiosity and humility.» In one recent blog post, Craig Childs explores the budding field of archaeoacoustics, which examines sound in archaeological contexts. In another blog post, Emma Marris describes her experience eating an «impossible burger» (a veggie burger made with wheat and yeast that is genetically engineered to taste more like beef) and discusses the work and legacy of agricultural scientist Norman Borlaug, who developed disease-resistant wheat. The Last Word on Nothing is updated almost daily, and visitors can browse previous posts by author or by subject.

Date of Scout Publication

December 1st, 2017

Date Of Record Creation

November 27th, 2017 at 3:29pm

58 minutes |
Aug 22, 2020


Ramblin’ on again! — Send in a voice message:

64 minutes |
Aug 15, 2020

Fast Cars and Spicy Wings

We have a guest! Oh and also we eat some spicy wings!  — Send in a voice message:

67 minutes |
Jul 17, 2020

untitled (seemed artsy)

Didn’t know what to name this episode, but still we talk about toilets and other random things! Also if you haven’t go give Rather Nice band some love on all the social media’s! Like us on Facebook and instagram! Listen on most major listening platforms! — Send in a voice message:

59 minutes |
Jul 11, 2020

Kanye West, Kool-aid, and Rather Nice Band!

This episode we interview the Rather Nice band! Follow their instagram page, also give them a listen on Spotify! Enjoy Like us on Instagram, and Facebook!  Available now on most major listening Platforms! — Send in a voice message:

65 minutes |
Mar 20, 2020

Father Calvin

PREDESTINATION! Yes thats right, we discuss a very controversial topic in the church doctrine.  Also Fatherhood, and the corona virus! Leave us a review and/or a voice memo!  — Send in a voice message:

53 minutes |
Mar 13, 2020

Ramblin’ on part 2

This week we talk about the various things, ranging from worship music to Questions that make your head hurt! Give it a listen!  Leave us a review and/or voice memo! — Send in a voice message:

73 minutes |
Mar 6, 2020

Ramblin’ on

Our conversation this week jumps to all sorts of topics! Give it a listen, and let us know what you think. Leave a voice memo, or questions you may have on our Facebook and/or Instagram! — Send in a voice message:

65 minutes |
Feb 28, 2020

Talkin’ about dreamin’

We discuss types of sleep and, how dreams work! Also we give our review on the movie, Birds of Prey. Like us on facebook and instagram! — Send in a voice message:

69 minutes |
Feb 21, 2020

Fun with Theology

We talk about theology, and school lunches, and lots of other fun stuff! Like us on Facebook and instagram! — Send in a voice message:

71 minutes |
Feb 14, 2020

«Crackin» Up!

We talk about Marvel comics, dog breeds, heritage, and lots of other stuff! Don’t worry Caden is ok! Thanks for listening, Enjoy! — Send in a voice message:

67 minutes |
Feb 7, 2020

Decently Deep!

This episode will trigger some of you. Listener discretion advised. ( Ok maybe not really, but this could be a triggering episode!)  Enjoy!!! Like us on Facebook, and instagram.   — Send in a voice message:

83 minutes |
Jan 31, 2020


In this episode we talk about different names for peanut butter, and other things you probably never wondered about.  Like us on facebook and instagram!  — Send in a voice message:

82 minutes |
Jan 24, 2020

Wait, is that a new name?!

Season 2, We changed our name! Due to some legal things we didn’t want to deal with. But we continue talk about things no one really cares enough to know! Enjoy.   — Send in a voice message:

1 minutes |
Jan 18, 2020

Just a nada podcast (trailer)

 2 guys, 2 mics and questions that you may or may not want the answers too! — Send in a voice message:

67 minutes |
Jan 18, 2020

Never sniff the nothing pepper!!!

We try serrano peppers, terrible ideas all around,  we also answer questions from our listeners.   Enjoy! PS: Also this is actually episode 11 — Send in a voice message:

63 minutes |
Jan 11, 2020

Something or Nothing

We talk about politics, drones, knock off toys, and many other things.  Join us on an adventure through nothingness! — Send in a voice message:

51 minutes |
Jan 4, 2020

A New Nothing

We talk about our New Years resolutions and the movies coming out in this the year 2020 of our Lord. — Send in a voice message:

55 minutes |
Dec 28, 2019

You are Nothing!

We talk about our favorite movies of 2019 and delve deep into the new Star Wars movie! — Send in a voice message:

43 minutes |
Dec 21, 2019

Nothing but a good time!

Today, we talk about actors who are also musicians, and lots of other interesting things! — Send in a voice message:

46 minutes |
Dec 14, 2019

The sound of nothing!

Taking you on a musical journey with special guest the band Folk Kid Carl (ok not that special) but, anyways enjoy our randomness! — Send in a voice message:

Posted in Uncategorized

by Tim DeRochePosted on April 30, 2014

I love the tagline of this blog, a quote I’ve never heard before:

“Science says the first word on everything, and the last word on nothing” – Victor Hugo”

Looking forward to following.

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“Science says the first word on everything, and the last word on nothing,” said Victor Hugo. The Last Word on Nothing is a collaborative blog by science writers all over the world. They write for publications like New Scientist, Scientific American, Smithsonian, National Geographic, and more.

via The Last Word On Nothing — Discover

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