The last word money can buy happiness

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Money ‘can buy you happiness’ – and a ghastly white suit На деньги можно купить счастье и абсолютно белый костюм
Countless years of folk wisdom have been undermined as a new report claims that money can, in fact, buy you happiness. Старинная народная мудрость была подвергнута сомнению, так как в новом отчете утверждается, что счастье все-таки можно купить за деньги.
A study by two US economists suggests that inhabitants of richer countries are happier than those of poorer ones, The Financial Times reports. Исследования двух экономистов из США говорят о том, что население более богатых стран счастливее населения из бедных, сообщает The Financial Times.
The research contradicts several earlier findings, which have suggested that higher national earnings do not translate to a happier populace – a belief which led French president Nicolas Sarkozy to announce an effort to find other ways of measuring national success that takes in to account quality of life. Это исследование противоречит опубликованным ранее работам, в которых говорилось, что более высокий уровень национального дохода не делает население счастливее. Вера в это подталкнула французского президента Николя Саркози объявить о попытке найти другие критерии оценки государственных успехов с учетом качества жизни.
However, a paper by Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers, economists at the Wharton business school at the University of Pennsylvania, suggests that this somewhat paradoxical state of affairs is not actually true. Однако, в докладе Бетси Стивенсон и Джастина Вулферса, экономистов Уэртонского института предпринимательства Университета Пенсильвании, сообщается, что это несколько парадоксальное положение дел не соответствует истине.
Basing their findings on improved statistics covering more countries, the researchers claim that the higher your GDP, the wider your smile. Основывая полученные данные на более передовых статистических данных, охватывающим большее количество стран, ученые утверждают, что чем выше ВВП вашей страны, тем шире ваша улыбка.
However, Professor Richard Easterlin, whose 1974 paper first suggested that income and happiness were not linked, said that more research was needed. Однако профессор Ричард Эстерлин, в чьем докладе в 1974 впервые было выдвинуто предположение, что доход и счастье не связаны, отмечает, что необходимы дополнительные исследования.
The report does not specify how much happiness a pound will buy in the current market or whether, with the weak state of the dollar, it would be more cost-efficient to buy your happiness in the US. Concerns that the UK happiness market will be flooded by cheaply-made overseas contentment imports have so far proved unfounded. В новом докладе не указывается, сколько счастья можно купить на один фунт в нынешних рыночных условиях и будет ли в связи с ослаблением доллара выгоднее купить счастье в США. Беспокойство что британский рынок счастья может быть перенаполнен дешевой радостью из-за границы, до сих пор не получили подтверждения.
As ever, the last word must go to Spike Milligan: “Money can’t buy you happiness”, he said, flatly contradicting the latest research, “but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.” Как всега, последнее слово осталось за Спайком Миллиганом: “За деньги нельзя купить счастья”, – сказал он, категорически противореча последним исследованиям, – “но они действительно делают Ваши страдания более приятными”.

By Tom Chivers,

Happiness is an emotion that we discover inside our own selves as human beings. An object can make a person happy for a short while but happiness is for a lifetime. If somebody thinks money can buy happiness then that is not true happiness.

Money is given huge importance and the simple things which bring us true happiness are often overlooked. One of the things that give happiness is love. It does not cost anything but can fill your life with happiness. This feeling cannot be purchased. It cannot be traded for any amount of money in the world. Generally, people believe that they can make someone feel happy or loved with the help of money, and perhaps they can but only for a while.

Long and Short Essay on Money can’t buy Happiness in English

Here are essays of varying lengths on the topic Money can’t buy happiness. You can select anyone you need:

Money can’t buy Happiness Essay 1 (200 words)

In general, Happiness is a difficult word to define. The way of measuring happiness is different for everyone. Few people trust that money can buy happiness, whereas others disagree. According to me, although having lots of money will surely provide us lot of ways to entertain ourselves but it can’t buy love and happiness.

Money can’t buy love and a happy life comes from having good friends and family who care about us. Our life becomes meaningful and happy when we are around loved ones. For example, I have read an article about a famous actress in Bollywood who died due to depression and was all alone during her last days. She had been a really popular actress because of her beauty and acting skills. Even though she was earning a huge fortune every year, she was not happy as she didn’t have any close friend or family who could take care of her. Whereas I have seen people who have a happy life without money because they are surrounded by people who love them and care for them.

In most cases people have to work hard to earn lots of money and due to which they have less time for their social life. Many businessmen work 6 days a week and earn good money but they don’t have the time to spend that money and remain stressed. People have money but if they don’t have the time to enjoy their life than it is worthless. 

Money can’t buy Happiness Essay 2 (300 words)


This term happiness can be well explained by the happiness model. It is quite simple; Happiness refers to a greater presentation which can bring greater rewards. Let’s take a look at the Happiness Model:

The Happiness Model

According to this model, if you love what you do then it is obvious that you will be keen on knowing it better and will have a better clarity on the subject. With this clarity, you are bound to perform better which lead you to success and thus the reward attached to it.

A Psychological study has revealed that bigger happiness, comfort, and positivity can show the way to better performance. Whatsoever activity one is undertaking, he is sure to be successful when he is in a state of happiness. It enables him to perform at a superior level.

What does it bring?  It brings the rewards that you are aiming at. These can be both monetary and non-monetary. It can be a simple appreciation from your superior at work and receiving a pat on the back. On the other hand, it may also lead to the achievement of your sales target and attainment of the bonus attached to it, or a greater opportunity of getting a promotion.

The more constant and steady your happiness and optimistic outlook is, the better performance you will have in your pursuit.

A person will be more productive and more successful in whatever work he is doing if he is coming to work with excitement each day. In your personal life, it is not different.


You will reap the reward if you do what you love. You will generally perform better and will not only be more wealthy in monetary and non-monetary terms but you will also lead a more fulfilling and happy life. There is a world of opportunities. So get out into the world and enjoy what’s around.

Money can’t buy Happiness 3 (400 words)


A lot of people think that happiness can be acquired with the help of money, or that you need money to be happy. But there are a few of us that still believe that the best things in life are free. Many things that can make us truly happy cost nothing. Friends, family, relationships all are priceless. Such things cannot be bought and that is what real happiness is about. Several people think that material wealth or just plain money can make them happy, or can buy them the things they believe can make them happy.

Money can’t buy Happiness

Our family, friends, and relatives are the people that have been there for us all through our lives. All the memories we have with us were created with them and every story behind our bumps, bruises, embarrassments, dating experiences and all other extraordinary events is known to them. No amount of money on the planet could pay for that. Memories are formed and created hence they cannot be paid for or paid off. I have been a family oriented person, so I don’t appreciate why some people would think that money could buy happiness.

Lot of us think of our friends as treasures. A friend is somebody that likes you for what you are and who you are, and they continue to believe in you even when you stop believing in yourself. The friendship which we form is a tight bond and we get emotionally involved with people. Money can’t obstruct with our approach, nor can money buy us true friends. We as individuals would be very sorrowful without friends to tell our secrets to and having a shoulder to lean on when we need it.

I have personally seen people who buy clothes, accessories, food or anything to buy friends. It might work but only for a while and then it just goes to demonstrate once again that money cannot buy happiness.


The finest things in life are indeed free. We may occasionally take for granted the items we have, which are priceless. We might not realize how important love, family, and friends are, but when we really analyze it, we know that indeed the best things in life are free of cost. Money can only buy the materialistic things and relations that last for a short while whereas no money is required for the relations build with heart and emotions. Remember, money can’t buy you happiness but happiness can get you more money!

Money can’t buy Happiness 4 (500 words)


Can you be happy if you have a big mansion to stay, an indoor pool to bathe or a luxury car to drive. Or is it something related to the sense of freedom, love, relationship, and self-realization. There are basically two types of people who think that Money can’t buy happiness – Those who have an excess of money and still find themselves unhappy and those who have never had plenty of money.

What is Happiness?

What is happiness? Is it pleasure?

Is there any difference between happiness and pleasure?

Happiness is always defined differently by different people. Somebody’s happiness may be a bad fortune to the other. So what is ultimate happiness? It is something which differentiates you from the materialistic pleasures and you stay in constant bliss. You multiply your happiness by helping others, being calm and caring. This kind of happiness cannot be bought with money.

Needs V/S Wants

Life is very simple but we make it complicated. The basic rule of life includes ‘Needs and Wants’. The things which are basics for human survival like food, clothes, shelter etc are the needs. Sufficient money, electricity, education, and transport can also be counted as needs in modern day life. Once a man fulfils his basic needs, he doesn’t stop there, he desires for more. A salary hike, a better home in the city, expensive clothes, luxury vehicle and when he crosses this stage he wants even more like a world tour, a luxury villa and new hobbies like golf, sailing, etc.

So basically wants are never ending and if the happiness is dependent on these factors then it’s really hard to imagine that one will get happiness because he/she will be always indulged in acquiring more and more. It is good to be ambitious and money can be a good driving force to lead a comfortable life but when one becomes greedy and selfish then the ultimate goals of life are replaced with materialistic things. An achievement does bring happiness but for a short span. We work hard for years to achieve something but it vanishes in few days or months.

Is Money Important?

It will be wrong to say that money is not important. Just imagine, you are travelling somewhere with your family. In this journey, your goal is the journey itself and not the destination. That journey with family is the happiness but the fuel required to run the car throughout the journey requires money. If the fuel tank dries, you can still drive it on a slope but that will be risky. Human life also works the same way, money is essential to run the life and it is very difficult to survive without money. You struggle for happiness when earning money is the only goal in your life.

Happiness v/s Pleasure

You can acquire pleasure with money but actually you need a lot of money to buy pleasure. A wise man will not mix happiness with pleasure whereas a common man thinks pleasure as definitive happiness and at the end of the day he may find himself in depression, anger, loneliness but with a lot of money. There are several businessmen in India who earn in millions and can afford pleasures but they get happiness by doing social work and charity and that is the source of their happiness. Mr. Ratan Tata who is one of India’s top businessmen spends 60% of his earning to social service, NGO, and charity.


It should be noted that money is an essential part of modern life and one cannot survive without it but one should not make money as the sole source of happiness. Money can buy pleasures but not happiness and these two things should be kept different.

Money can’t buy Happiness 5 (600 words)


Happiness and honesty are some of the human attributes that cost nothing at all. As it is said, the best things in life are free and there are certain things in life where the currency has no value – like friends, family, and good memories.

True Happiness is Priceless

Some priceless possessions that are essential for happiness but cannot be bought are mentioned below:

  1. An honest opinion from a loved one.
  2. True friends who have your back.
  3. A family you can always count on.
  4. True love
  5. Humour and laughter
  6. Having a positive attitude
  7. Doing a good deed
  8. The first time someone says, “I love you.”
  9. Quality time with your loved ones.
  10. Having someone listen to you intently.
  11. The love of your children, family, and significant other.
  12. Pushing one to achieve something great.

Happiness and Other Things Money Cannot Buy

Clearly, money cannot buy happiness. What else can money not buy?

Love: Money can buy attraction, power, and lust but it cannot buy love. Love is an emotion that can only be felt and experienced. It is something intimate, heartfelt and mysterious.

Truth: Money may be able to buy authority but the truth is most powerful of all. Sometimes money is exhausted to shove beliefs or an agenda and can even be used to generate unfair study to strengthen an opinion. Sometimes, people are able to hide the truth with the help of money but not for long. In the end, no matter how much money is spent on forging the truth it will always be exposed.

Time: You will never get back the time you have spent. Each minute that has passed will never return. Despite so much scientific and medical advancements, there is no way that we can reverse the time or extend our life. No amount of money can turn the clock back so we should live our life to the fullest, work hard and enjoy what we have.

Peace: It has been seen that the wealthier a person, the less peace of mind he possesses. Money cannot buy you peace. Many individuals have spent countless amount of money to establish inner peace and this vast sum of money has never been able to come close to what we could define as peaceful. Peace does not depend on your bank statement. It depends on how you train your mind and set your expectations.

Talent: Money can certainly help you to enhance and develop a talent within you but you won’t be able to purchase talent or skill. Besides inborn talent, there is a zest to learn and gain knowledge to nurture a skill or talent. All this cannot be purchased with any amount of money.

These are all essential components of happiness!


“Money has never made a man happy and nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness”. A precious and priceless asset, happiness is something no sum of money can ever buy. It is doubtlessly treasured more than any material item you possess.

Can Money Buy Happiness? Можно ли купить счастье?

1.It is difficult to imagine our today’s life without it. We need money to buy living essentials, such as clothes and food products.

Трудно представить повседневную жизнь без них. Деньги нужны нам для того, чтобы покупать предметы первой необходимости, такие как одежда и продукты.

2.Well-off people buy various luxuries. They have more money, so they can afford more. With the money we can buy not only material things, but can also pay for services and knowledge.

 Состоятельные люди покупают предметы роскоши. У них больше денег, поэтому они могут больше себе позволить. Деньги нужны нам не только для того, чтобы покупать материальные вещи, но и платить за услуги и знания.

3. People often think that money equals happiness. However, it is not always like that. Happiness is a complicated concept which depends on things that surround the person. These things can be both material and spiritual. For example, love, health and care can’t be bought. A lot of examples prove that. Truly rich people still face serious illnesses. Others feel very lonely despite millions of people around them.

 Люди часто уравнивают деньги со счастьем. Счастье – это сложное понятие, которое зависит от того, что окружает человека. Сюда входят как материальные, так и духовные составляющие. Например, любовь, здоровье и заботу нельзя купить. Многие примеры служат тому доказательством. По-настоящему богатые люди также сталкиваются с серьезными заболеваниями. Другие чувствуют одиночество, несмотря на многочисленное окружение.

4. «Money is like snow. If on the way are formed snow drifts, no one can get through» These words belong to the American religious figure Henry Ward Beecher. He has compared money with a snow. And it’s a very good comparison. Snow as money it is, then it is not. And this can happen suddenly.

«Деньги, как снег. Если на пути образуются сугробы, то никто не может пройти через них.» Эти слова принадлежат американскому религиозному деятелю, Генри Уорду Бичеру. Он сравнил деньги со снегом. И это очень хорошее сравнение. Снег, как деньги, то он есть, то его нет. И это может произойти внезапно.

The guestion is — what for teenagers spend pocket money for and what they should spend ones on.

Зачем подростки тратят карманные деньги и на что им следует тратить их?

5. The majority of schoolchildren today get pocket money. It’s due to the fact that modern parents have less time to consider their children’s needs. They eagerly give them pocket money to solve this contradiction. The question is whether this method is useful and how considerable are children when spending this money. Some people think that teenagers have become more serious and sensible in this respect, while others think that they cannot deal with money and spend it wisely. Most people think that children buy only useless things. However, it depends on each individual child. There are some youngsters, who buy flowers for their mothers and sisters. Others buy stationery for school or food when they are starving.

Большинство школьников сегодня получают деньги на карманные расходы. Это связано с тем, что современные родители не имеют достаточно времени, чтобы заниматься нуждами своих детей. Они охотно дают им карманные деньги, чтобы разрешить это противоречие. Возникает вопрос, полезен ли этот метод и насколько ответственно дети тратят эти деньги. Некоторые люди думают, что подростки стали более серьезными и разумными в этом отношении, в то время как другие считают, что они не могут иметь дело с денег и тратить их с умом. Большинство людей думают, что дети покупают только бесполезные вещи. Тем не менее, это зависит от каждого конкретного ребенка. Есть некоторые подростки, которые покупают цветы для своих матерей и сестер. Другие покупают канцтовары для школы или пищу, когда проголодаются.

6. Notable disadvantage of pocket money is that some children can spend it on cigarettes or other health-threatening habits. That’s when parents should be alarmed. To avoid such situations, they should know exactly what their children are spending money on. Besides, giving too much money to children isn’t a good idea. They can get spoiled by easy and luxurious life.

Значительный недостаток карманных денег в том, что некоторые дети могут потратить их на сигареты или прочие угрожающие здоровью привычки. Вот, когда родители должны быть встревожены. Чтобы избежать подобных ситуаций, они должны точно знать, на что их дети тратят деньги. Кроме того, давать слишком много денег детям – не очень хорошая идея. Легкая жизнь и роскошь могут испортить их.

7. It’s better to let them earn their pocket money doing minor but useful acts. For example, some juniors deliver newspapers in their free time and earn some money. Others help with gardening or work at a carwash. This way they are involved in physical activity, which is always useful. Besides, they earn decent money and they don’t have enough time for developing bad habits. Summarizing the above-mentioned viewpoints, I’d like to say that parents should give their children only limited amount of pocket money for their daily necessities, such as buying snacks and food, pens and pencils, little toys or presents for friends.           

Лучше, если они будут зарабатывать свои карманные деньги, занимаясь несложной, но полезной деятельностью. Например, некоторые подростки разносят газеты в свободное время и так зарабатывают немного денег. Другие помогают с садовыми работами или на автомойке. Таким образом, они вовлечены в физическую деятельность, которая всегда полезна. Кроме того, они зарабатывают достойные деньги и не имеют достаточно времени для всяких вредных привычек. Подводя итог по вышеупомянутым точкам зрения, я хотел бы добавить, что родители должны давать своим детям только ограниченное количество карманных денег для удовлетворения их повседневных нужд, таких как покупка еды и закусок, ручек и карандашей, маленьких игрушек или подарков для друзей.

8. I think teenagers spend their pocket money free and it is their choose. Some teenagers spend all their money at one but some teens buy something special. I think teens should plan their own budget. Pocket money makes teens more independent and responsible. Teens become independent from their parents. But parent`s need know what their children spend money. Many teens waste money a lot of things which don`t need them really. In spite of teenagers buy tickets textbooks, lunch’s and others important things should be paid for with pocket money. Pocket money gives teens many opportunities. For example teenagers go to the cinema or to the swimming pool with their friends or to buy common things together many others common causes. Personally I am a pupil when I`ll be student or I`ll work in the future, I`ll plan my own budget.

9. I strongly believe that money brings improvements in all spheres of life. However, a wrong attitude to it and poor moral of its owner lead to embarrassing situations, crimes and even disasters.

Я твердо верю, что деньги приносят улучшения во все сферы жизни. Однако неправильное отношение к ним и низменные моральные принципы их обладателя приводят к неловким ситуациям, преступлениям и даже катастрофам.

10. The problem is not in money itself, but in the attitude to it. National governments should put all their efforts to minimize the gap between the poor and the rich. Проблема не в самих деньгах, а в отношении к ним. Национальные правительства должны полагать все усилия, чтобы свести к минимуму «разрыв» между бедными и богатыми.

To sum up, money is a means for living and development. However, it has a bad impact on people, who can easily violate any legal norm or moral principle. Подводя итог, можно сказать, что деньги – это средство жизни и развития. Тем не менее, они имеют плохое влияние на людей, способных с легкостью нарушить любую правовую норму или моральный принцип

Просмотр содержимого документа

«Can Money Buy Happiness? Можно ли купить счастье?»

[People ★]


(P1) The Beatles said money can’t buy us, love. Many people believe it cannot buy happiness and that it causes evil. New research says money can buy happiness. A study compared what 625 people bought with their personality. The conclusion was that buying the right things can bring happiness.

(P2) The study could change how people think about money and happiness. Internet companies could recommend things that make us happier. A researcher said spending money could be very important. It could be as important to our happiness as finding the right job and the right friends.



VOCABULARY: evil, research, personality, conclusion, recommend


If you found the passage difficult to read or had problems understanding specific words or idiomatic expressions, please discuss them with your tutor. The following discussion questions should be answered in your own words and with your own arguments.

  1. Briefly, summarize the content of the article in your own words.
  2. Does money buy you happiness? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think money can be evil at times? Why or why not?
  4. Tell me 3 things that make you happy?
  5. Are you happy right now? Why or why not?


What do the following expressions or phrases mean?

  • Can’t buy us, love (P1)

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money can't buy happiness

There’s an old cliche that says, “Money can’t buy happiness.” But is that actually true? There’s research to suggest that, up until a certain income level, money certainly can have a positive impact on your happiness. In this article, we’re going to dive into some of the arguments on both sides of the debate.

When it comes to the question of whether money can buy happiness, there’s a lot of research out there. The frustrating but true answer is: It depends. Money is a tool. If you use it correctly, it can absolutely have an impact on your finding happiness.

But it doesn’t necessarily increase our happiness in the ways you might expect it to. More money isn’t going to improve your mindset, and buying more stuff won’t really bring you more joy.

But money can also buy things like time and experiences which no doubt bring us happiness. It’s also a leading cause of stress (including debt stress) — stress that can be alleviated when we make enough to live comfortably.

Ways in which money can’t buy happiness

That old saying about money not being able to buy happiness has been around so long for a reason. Money can’t fix everything, and there are certainly ways that more money won’t lead to more happiness.

Money can’t change your mindset

Your mindset has a significant impact on your happiness, and it’s something that money can’t fix. If you’re a glass-half-empty person without a lot of money, chances are that your mindset will be similar even once you have money.

Money can’t buy relationships

Relationships are the most consistent predictor of happiness. When we have people in our lives who we love, we’re more likely to be happy. And ultimately, that’s something that money can’t buy.

Sure, there might be people who want to spend time with you because you have a lot of money. But those won’t be genuine relationships, and they aren’t likely to bring lasting happiness.

Material things don’t make us happy

When we get more money, perhaps as a gift or from a raise at work, many of us immediately jump to thinking about the material possessions we can buy. But those possessions don’t do much to increase our happiness.

Plenty of people have nice clothes or drive nice cars but still aren’t happy. In fact, many people use shopping as an escape when they’re unhappy, thinking it will increase their happiness. But ultimately, it doesn’t work.

Ways that money can buy happiness

You could certainly make the argument that money itself doesn’t make people happy. But there’s plenty of research that shows that when spent on the right things, money can have a dramatic impact on your happiness.

Money reduces stress, and stress reduces happiness

Studies show that money is the number one cause of stress for Americans. It’s also one of the leading causes of marital stress and divorce.

So it’s no surprise that having more money — at least enough to live comfortably and get out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle — can reduce stress. And when people have less stress in their lives, they can focus on the things that make them happy.

Money buys time

One of the greatest gifts that money can buy is time. Sure, money itself may not be able to buy us happiness. But it can indirectly buy us time with the people we love.

The amount of money we make has a huge impact on our ability to spend time with loved ones. Someone who doesn’t make enough at their full-time job to pay the bills may have to get a second job, resulting in less time spent with family.

But someone with plenty of money not only can afford to work just one job, but they can also take vacation time to spend even more time with loved ones.

Buying time can bring us happiness in other ways. Are there any chores that you find particularly draining? Money allows us to outsource those chores, eliminating something that once made us unhappy.

Money buys experiences

Plenty of research has shown that experiences bring us more happiness than possessions. When you have more money at your disposal, you can spend it on experiences like vacations, concerts, festivals, and more.

While they may not last as long as material belongings, the memory of these events lasts far longer and helps to make us happier.

Money can help others

When you have more disposable income, you can share more through giving. Research suggests that when people can financially give to others, they are happier than if they had spent the money on themselves. Money allows you to donate to the causes most important to you.

How much money do you need to be happy?

Researchers at Princeton University dug into the question of whether money can buy happiness. The researchers surveyed more than 450,000 people to look for a correlation between each person’s emotional wellbeing and their level of income.

The researchers found that money does increase one’s emotional wellbeing, but only up to a certain point. Up to $75,000 per year, more money leads to more happiness.

The lower someone’s income below $75,000, the worse their emotional wellbeing. But making more than $75,000 per year had no additional impact on happiness.

This number actually isn’t all that surprising. Based on data from GoBankingRates, the median amount you’d need to make to live comfortably in the United States is $67,690. So someone making $75,000 per year would be able to pay all their bills, while also having some money left over to enjoy.

Money can’t buy happiness but it can lead you to it!

There are plenty of good points on both sides of the argument of whether money can buy happiness. Sure, the money itself doesn’t make you happy. And buying more possessions likely won’t either.

But money is a tool. And when used properly, it can absolutely help you to reach financial goals that make you happier.

For some, that happiness looks like more time with family. For others, it’s simply the stress relief that comes with knowing you don’t have to worry about being late on your bills. It’s not the money that makes you happy — it’s how you use it.

Delve deeper into this topic and learn about some other things money can’t buy!

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