The last word guide

The Last Word, an Exotic hand cannon of Destiny 1 fame, is now out in Destiny 2. It is acquired through a quest called “The Draw,” and it’s definitely worth your time—the gun is still an absolute monster in Crucible.

The Last Word is fully automatic, making it a beast for taking down enemies who are pushing at you with a shotgun. It seems like it’s going to be a bit of a necessity moving forward, so follow the steps below to get one for yourself.

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The Last Word Destiny 2

Step 1: Tainted Artifact

Meet up with The Drifter in the Tower for the very first step of the quest. He will give you the quest.

Seek the guidance of one who dabbles in the arcane to learn more.

This unknown artifact seethes with an odd, familiar sickness.

Step 2: The Cleansing

For the second step, you will need to farm some Hive—kills with Solar damage, 75 total Hive kills, and three Hive bosses killed. Head to Mars and farm some waves of Escalation Protocol to finish this step swiftly.

Purge the artifact of its sickness.

Some who walk a darker path believe what we call ‘Weapons of Sorrow’ ain’t a complete science. This artifact could be key to a new understanding- if you’re willing to risk temptation.” – The Drifter

Step 3: A Cleansed Artifact

Head back to the Tower and speak to The Drifter once more.

The artifact is now cleansed. But what is its purpose?

“The artifact is free of disease now. I might be able to see what it’s for. Bring it to me. Let’s see how far down this dead-end leads.” – The Drifter

Step 4: The Temptation

Up next, it’s time to head to the Crucible. Kills in Crucible will advance progress, and deaths will negate it. So, you’re going to need to get some decent kill/death ratios. Some reports are stating that you get around two percent per kill or assist, and lose one percent for a death.

Want to see what this artifact can do? Feed it Light by defeating Guardians in the Crucible. Being defeated will impede progress.

“The 7th Book of Sorrow speaks of a great Unmaking. Old friends of mine believe it’s the blueprint for terrible weapons made in its name. I think they’re mostly right, but to find out some of your friends are gonna have to suffer.” – The Drifter

Step 5: The Damnation

Head to Titan to finish a 500 Power level mission.

The artifact is calling to something dark. Uncover a dark ritual on Titan and stop the twisted ceremony.

“The artifact is in pain. Can you hear it? It’s made to feed on Light, and that Light is feeding something other. The trail is faint, but the screams don’t lie. Get to Titan. Answers wait where dead things play.” – The Drifter

Step 6: A New Jagged Purpose

Return to The Drifter once more.

You found a Guardian’s helmet penetrated by a unique bullet.

“The artifact was part of a Hive ritual tied to their efforts to perfect the Weapons of Sorrow. But that helm you found? Only one thing can cut through a Guardian like that. We may be too late. New weapons may already be in play.” – The Drifter 

Step 7: Sullied Light

This next step, the most difficult and time-consuming one, requires multiple steps.

  1. Hive precision kills
  2. Three Heroic Witch Summoning events
  3. 15 Lost Sector escapees killed
  4. 25 Blood for Blood or Best Served Cold medals in Crucible

Kill Hive anywhere for the first step, which can be done while finishing three Heroic Witch Summoning events, on either Titan or Mars. To make the event Heroic, stand on the two back platforms to take down the shields of the crystals over the gate, and destroy the crystals. Then finish whatever comes through the portal.

You can farm any Lost Sector you want for the third step, just making sure to kill any enemy with the prefix “WANTED.”

The final step requires you to avenge fallen teammates in Crucible, or kill the enemy who last killed you. This can be done by quickly killing  an enemy that just killed an ally. You can do this by playing like a jerk and watching teammates die before you help, or you can just play Crucible naturally. The choice is yours.

The Hive weapon master is creating new Weapons of Sorrow. You need to stop it. Gather powerful objects to sully your Light and complete the ritual.

  • Collect Etched Crystals from Lost Sector wanted escapees.
  • Earn multiple “Best served cold” and “Blood for blood” medals in the Crucible.
  • Defeat Hive with precision damage to collect larvae.
  • Sacrifice Hive bosses summoned in witches’ rituals.

“This is it, Guardian- the furthest you’ve gone down sorrow’s road. There ain’t no turnin’ back. If the Hive are upgrading their arsenal, we need to know where and how, so we can stop it and learn from it. Don’t worry. This ritual won’t make you a bad guy. It’ll just feel like it.” – The Drifter

Step 8: Sorrow’s Road

Talk to the Drifter again in the Tower.

You have all you need to track the Hive weapon master.

“Using the thorn from your dead friend’s helm and lettin’ corruption touch your Light ain’t an easy call. But you didn’t back down. Come see me and we’ll track the weapon that fired that jagged bit of death.” – The Drifter

Step 9: The Conversation

One more 500 Power level mission stands in your way. The final encounter features an Acolyte and a plate to stand on. Standing on the plate will spawn The Last Word and allow you to take out the Acolyte’s weapon—Thorn. Defeat him and the enemies that spawn with him in good old fashioned wild west duels. Make sure to shoot the gun out of their hands. Repeat this process a few times, and The Last Word is yours.

Enkaar, the Hive weapon master, is hiding in Hellrise Canyon in the Tangled Shore. Hunt him down!

“Time to hunt us a Hive weapons master and put an end to whatever he’s cookin’ up. This is where you get to be a hero, and we both get to learn a little bit more about things best left undiscovered. Careful out there, you’ll be alone, and the odds’ll be stacked. Hope you make it back.” -The Drifter

Step 10: A Darker Path

Return to The Drifter one last time to show off your shiny new gun. Congrats, The Last Word is yours. Stay tuned for what’s next…

You defeated the Hive weapon master thanks to a mysterious gift, the Last Word. What would the Drifter say about that?

“The hunt is over. Our weapon master is defeated, thanks to you. And in his wake, you’ve found the Last Word? Well I’ll be. Hm. It’s probably best we close this case down. For now.” – The Drifter

The Draw Destiny 2 Guide

If you’ve had your interest piqued in The Last Word by our recent guide on how to defeat Enkaar the Anointed, then you’ve come to the right place. Enkaar is just one piece of a very large puzzle, which you have to put together if you want to earn one of Destiny’s most well-known Exotic weapons. Follow along with our Destiny 2 The Last Word guide and you’ll claim this bad boy in no time at all. 

Destiny 2 The Last Word Guide — The Draw Quest

If you’re wanting to pick up The Last Word, there’s a number of steps that you’ll need to go through with The Drifter’s supervision. He’ll give you a Tainted Hive Artifact to kick everything off, and you’ll be instructed to start exterminating Hive enemies to get the ball rolling here. We’ve set out the quest steps for The Draw below, so you can refer to them at the drop of a hat. 

Tainted Artifact

Speak to the Drifter and pick up the Tainted Hive Artifact which he’ll ask you to cleanse.

The Cleansing

You have to kill Hive enemies, get Solar kills against them, and also take care of three Hive bosses. If you’re wondering how to knock all those things out as quickly as possible, we have one word for you: Mars. Make sure that you have your Solar subclass equipped, a Solar energy weapon, and a Solar heavy. Once you’re locked and loaded, tramp around Mars and take care of the required foes. 

A Cleansed Artifact

Report back to The Drifter with your progress in terms of who you’ve taken down, and he’ll give you something else to do. This time, he’s ordering you to head to the Crucible and the name of the game is reasonably simple: get more kills than other people can get on you.

The Temptation

As mentioned, you’ve gotta make sure that you’re killing instead of being killed. Take out people in the Crucible and play it safe, because each time you die will affect your progress towards this part of the quest. Once you’ve built up the necessary percentage for completion by finishing off others, you can move onto the next step. 

The Damnation

You’ll have to kill a special Hive Acolyte enemy in the Lost Sector here, but doing so will involve killing Guardian Wizards first. This boss can be tough if you’re not watching out for the adds, so just make sure to prioritize them in order to get rid of the shield standing between you and the completion of this quest. 

Sullied Light

You’ll have to do a number of things here which involve a hard focus on PvP: get the Blood for Blood and Best Served Cold medals. The former involves killing someone who just killed an ally, and the other involves getting a revenge kill on someone who has killed you. You’ll also have to accomplish the following in PvE: collecting Etched Crystals from Lost Sector escapees, defeating Hive enemies with Precision damage, and sacrificing Hive bosses who are summoned in witches’ rituals. If this last portion confuses you, don’t worry: you have to complete the Summoning Ritual event either on Titan or Mars, which isn’t too onerous once you think about it. 

The Conversation

This is where you have to kill Enkaar the Anointed by being the quickest draw in the galaxy. First, you’ll have to take out a number of enemies on the Tangled Shore, including an Ogre and a number of Wizards. We have a whole guide dedicated to just doing that, so check it out for specific tips. But if you’re wanting the quick and dirty version, Enkaar has to have his weapon shot out of his hand when it glows, and the same goes for the multiple clones that he summons throughout the fight in the Broodhole where he’s located. Miss your shot, and he’ll kill you. Oh, you also have to use The Last Word for this.

A Darker Path

Take your spoils back to The Drifter and he’ll let you know that The Last Word is for keeps. This is the last step in a decently long questline, though this is far from one of the tougher Exotics to get your hands on. 

Now that you’ve got our handy Destiny 2 The Last Word guide in your back pocket, picking up this particular weapon is just a matter of patience and ensuring that you kick Enkaar’s butt when it counts. If you have any questions about other weapons that you can obtain in Destiny 2, our Pinnacle weapons guide is a great starting point for anyone looking to kill time in the lead-up to Shadowkeep.

Our The Last Word Guide for Destiny 2: Forsaken & Black Armory will show you step-by-step how-to obtain this Exotic Hand Cannon! We’ve got all the quest steps below, and we’ve added a bunch of tips and explanations on how to best complete them.

The Last Word Release Date

The Last Word was released on January 29th, 2019!

The Last Word — Exotic Kinetic Hand Cannon

«Yours, until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken.» — Shin Malphur to you, as you journey forth into the unknown

The Last Word Perks

  • Fan Fire: This weapon can be fired quickly and continuously. Faster reload and increased accuracy on successive hip-fire damage.
  • Corkscrew Rifling: Balanced barrel. — Slightly increases range and stability — Slightly increases handling speed
  • Accurized Rounds: This weapon can fire longer distances. — Increases range
  • Hip-Fire Grip: Ergonomic grips that increase accuracy and stability when firing from the hip.
  • Textured Grip: The friction on this weapon’s grip is particularly strong. — Greatly increases handling speed — Slightly decreases stability

Knew this day would come, and with it, one last lesson…

There’s an end to all things, kid. Good and bad.

Sure, the best times seem small, and the bad tend to linger, but the only permanent is eternity.

I’m off to meet it.

If you’re lucky, someday you will too.

For now, though, you’ve got road yet traveled and lives yet lived.

I know you got hate in you. Most do. Trick is to use it, ‘stead of it usin’ you.

But you know this—vengeance is a motivator, not the motive.

Meant to—hoped to—say these words to you one last time in person, but writin’ ’em down seems the safe bet with the prey we’re trackin’.

Worst part about bein’ a good guy? As much as you may want it, you can’t always win. But that truth don’t bother me. We do the right thing, ’cause the right thing needs doin’. So, when another does harm—casts their shadow upon you or your kin—you go ‘head and hunt for the justice needed to answer any sins inflicted.

Don’t hunt ’em ’cause you been wronged.

Hunt ’em ’cause what they did was wrong.

There’s a world of difference there, kid.

One makes you selfish. The other makes you a hero.

And I see a hero in you.

And with this last good lesson, a gift. I know it feels right in your hand—its weight easy, its trigger smooth. Use it as you will—I know you’ll use it right.

It’s yours now, ’til the last flame dies and all words’ve been spoken.

‘Til that time.

Safe journeys. Straight aim. And good huntin’.


—A letter to Shin Malphur from his third father, Jaren Ward, written before Ward’s ill-fated showdown with the infamous Dredgen Yor in the wooded hollow beyond Beggars’ Gulch

The Last Word Quest Steps

You will be doing a mix of Crucible PvP stuff, and then running around and killing a lot of Hive to complete these steps.

Step 1: Tainted Artifact

Seek the guidance of one who dabbles in the arcane to learn more. This unknown artifact seethes with an odd, familiar sickness.

Head on over to The Drifter to start in on this Exotic quest.

Step 2: The Cleansing

Purge the artifact of its sickness.

«Some who walk a darker path believe what we call ‘Weapons of Sorrow’ ain’t a complete science. This artifact could be key to a new understanding- if you’re willing to risk temptation.» — The Drifter

This requires the following steps that you’ll need to complete:

  • Defeat Hive with Solar damage
  • Collect 75 Hive Tablets
  • Defeat 3 Hive bosses

Hive Tablets will naturally drop as you defeat Hive on your way to completing this step of the quest. One of the best spots to complete this is on Mars and doing Escalation Protocol. You’ll fight a ton of Hive and you’ll be able to collect all the tablets and defeat the bosses required.

Step 3: A Cleansed Artifact

The artifact is now cleansed. But what is its purpose?

«The artifact is free of disease now. I might be able to see what it’s for. Bring it to me. Let’s see how far down this dead-end leads.» — The Drifter

This step just leads directly into the next one.

Step 4: The Temptation

Want to see what this artifact can do? Feed it Light by defeating Guardians in the Crucible. Being defeated will impede progress.

«The 7th Book of Sorrow speaks of a great Unmaking. Old friends of mine believe it’s the blueprint for terrible weapons made in its name. I think they’re mostly right, but to find out some of your friends are gonna have to suffer.» — The Drifter

It’s time to head into the Crucible and get some kills. However, you are going to want to make sure to not get yourself kill too often. For every kill you get, you get 2% towards the goal, and each time you are eliminated you will lose 1%. Play pretty safe so you don’t end up having to continue this step indefinitely.

Step 5: The Damnation

The artifact is calling to something dark. Uncover a dark ritual on Titan and stop the twisted ceremony.

«The artifact is in pain. Can you hear it? It’s made to feed on Light, and that Light is feeding something other. The trail is faint, but the screams don’t lie. Get to Titan. Answers wait where dead things play.» — The Drifter

This is a pretty easy mission that just recommends that you have a 500 power level to complete. It shouldn’t be an issue to finish.

Step 6: A New Jagged Purpose

You found a Guardian’s helmet penetrated by a unique bullet.

«The artifact was part of a Hive ritual tied to their efforts to perfect the Weapons of Sorrow. But that helm you found? Only one thing can cut through a Guardian like that. We may be too late. New weapons may already be in play.» — The Drifter

Another quick step, this leads into one of the longest parts of the chain.

Step 7: Sullied Light

The Hive weapon master is creating new Weapons of Sorrow. You need to stop it. Gather powerful objects to sully your Light and complete the ritual.

  • Collect Etched Crystals from Lost Sector wanted escapees.
  • Earn multiple «Best served cold» and «Blood for blood» medals in the crucible.
  • Defeat Hive with precision damage to collect larvae.
  • Sacrifice Hive bosses summoned in witches’ rituals.

«This is it, Guardian- the furthest you’ve gone down sorrow’s road. There ain’t no turnin’ back. If the Hive are upgrading their arsenal, we need to know where and how, so we can stop it and learn from it. Don’t worry. This ritual won’t make you a bad guy It’ll just feel like it.» — The Drifter

This is a much longer portion of the quest that you’ll need to complete. The first part requires you to run Lost Sectors over and over until you collect 15 Etched Crystals. You can do this in any Lost Sector as long as it has a wanted boss at the end.

Time to head back to the Crucible for some more PvP action. You will need to get either the «Best served cold» or «Blood for blood» medal when you play 25 times. To get «Best served cold» you will need to eliminate a person who last eliminated you (getting revenge on them). «Blood for blood» is given for killing an enemy that kill your teammate most recently. Best served cold is likely going to be harder to do and you’ll just get it randomly, but if you keep an eye on your teammates and they get eliminated, you can immediately try to get the kill and will hopefully be able to rack up these medals.

To collect the Hive Larvae, you just need to kill Hive with precision hits (headshots).

You’ll need to do three Heroic Hive rituals, there’s a pretty common one on Titan. This has to be done in Heroic, so you’ll need to stand in the circular green areas and shoot the crystals in the top corners of the room to trigger the Heroic event.

Step 8: Sorrow’s Road

You have all you need to track the Hive weapon master.

«Using the thorn from your dead friend’s helm and lettin’ corruption touch your Light ain’t an easy call. But you didn’t back down. Come see me and we’ll track the weapon that fired that jagged bit of death.» — The Drifter

Almost done, time for one more mission!

Step 9: The Conversation

Enkaar, the Hive weapon master, is hiding in Hellrise Canyon in the Tangled Shore. Hunt him down!

«Time to hunt us a Hive weapons master and put an end to whatever he’s cookin’ up. This is where you get to be a hero, and we both get to learn a little bit more about things best left undiscovered. Careful out there, you’ll be alone, and the odds’ll be stacked. Hope you make it back.» -The Drifter

This is a cool little mission, and all you really need to know is that you need to shoot the guns out of the Hives hands to complete it.

Step 10: A Darker Path

You defeated the Hive weapon master thanks to a mysterious gift, the Last Word. What would the Drifter say about that?

«The hunt is over. Our weapon master is defeated, thanks to you. And in his wake, you’ve found the Last Word? Well I’ll be. Hm. It’s probably best we close this case down. For now.» — The Drifter

Once you’ve completed the previous mission, you will earn yourself this sweet new Hand Cannon!

Destiny The Last Word Guide by versi0n

The Last Word. The hand cannon that can very much make or break how great your Destiny experience will be. To all those who have been graced with rotating, yellow, square frames depicting a third of the very model of the Golden Gun itself, I say, you don’t know it top to bottom, with its ins-and-outs deeply engraved in your inner-Guardian. Not as much as me. And prove me wrong, because if by the end of this guide you are not using your Last Word as if its your last gun, quit this game. Bungie doesn’t want ungrateful swine (they deal with enough, cough). And for those who haven’t, one way or another, you will obtain one.

Seeing as how there are no confirmed stat values or hitbox systems from Bungie, these won’t be 100% accurate, and might even be mistaken. However, it is data taken directly from gameplay, so it will give you a gist of things. For instance, percentage differences will not line up with damage values, but they may rely upon certain factors such as armor or range differentiation. I am not an expert on Destiny’s gun mechanics, so just use this as a guideline. I simply decided to choose actual damage values from in-game, rather than tweak percentages down to their finite decimal value. Besides, the only time a few damage points make a difference is in PvP, but I will get into that as well.

Perk Rundown

  • soft ballistics (SB) – ~66% impact, ~14% range, ~40% stability
  • smart drift control (SDC) – ~70% impact, ~6% range, ~50% stability
  • aggressive ballistics (AB) – ~75% impact, 9% range, ~25% stability
  • hip fire – bullets simply stay within the outer-most frame of the reticle
  • single point sling (SPS) – reduces the gun spin animation time by 50%, can sprint immediately after switching weapons (delayed without)
  • high caliber rounds (HCB) – 3% boost to impact, stagger on flinching mobs
  • perfect balance (PB) – 33% boost to stability
  • last word – bonus damage and stability (see below for numbers). it seems to be that a random bullet does bonus damage, given the ADS headshots sometimes having a bonus

Damage Values

tested on Level 28 Elite Cabal Phalanxes/Legionaries in Nightfall, all shots are point-blank

  • SB: ~515 body shot; ~915 ADS head shot; ~1208 hip fire headshot
  • SDC: ~538 body shot; ; ~962 ADS headshot; ~1268 hip fire headshot
  • AB: ~592 body shot; ~1057 ADS head shot; ~1395 hip fire headshot

To Stability or Not to Stability (in both PvE and PvP)

The absolute lowest stability on TLW is around 25% (AB + no PB). With both SDC + PB on, it will give you around ~83% stability, and the difference is quite noticeable. Standing from a wall about 10-12 meters shows that a full clip with SDC + PB covers approximately half the height of AB + no PB.

While the difference is noticeable in these two comparisons, interchanging perks to give you anywhere between 40-60% total stability do not suffer too much more from any noticeable recoil than having max (83%) stability. If I could pick out anything from my testing, it would be that the first 3-4 shots were in a slighty tighter spread, but the rest of the clip would follow the same height. My recommendation is to not use PB if you can spare because of how entirely useful the other perks can be in certain situations and game modes. If you are a huge fan of the “shoot first, ask later” style of FPS, by all means equip some gauntlets that increase HC reload speed on your Gunslinging Hunter, and max the stability to fully enjoy the fan-fire perk. If you are a selective shooter that peeks and hides and prefers to ADS while manually shooting each bullet, put the High Caliber Rounds on, because those few damage points in the Crucible will be the difference between kills, deaths, and assists. I cannot stress this enough, but like I said, useless for those who like to shoot at any cost, which is completely suitable for a gun like TLW. And if you are a Bladedancing Hunter who switches from gun to gun in CQC, the Single Point Sling will also be the difference between kills, deaths, and assists. The gun is designed to tailor to your hand cannon needs.

Range Values

  • dropoff at ~6/11/18 meters, and about 3 damage points every step back

So how do I own with this thing

In PvE you want to obviously equip gear that is beneficial to hand cannons, and you want to hip fire as much as you can. Bump up your armor and recovery and watch ultras fall like level 4 dregs. The downside of hitting more body shots are easily accounted for in its near 50% damage boost on hipfire headshots, and it expands on what this gun adds to your gameplay. It does take some time to get used to the higher sensitivity of hip fire aim, but it will improve you in more ways than one when you switch back to any other primary weapon. Just remember, this gun can be played in pretty much any way you like and you still won’t have as much trouble as shooting an Unwilling-Soul with no stability/accuracy perks on it. It can act as a very short range scout rifle, and even if the range seems to be nonexistent on this gun, the impact will surprise you. At the same time, it can act as a mini-Invective, so just be open to the powers at your disposal.

In PvP you rarely want to hip fire, but that does not mean you shouldn’t try. It is much more effective when it is aimed down sights, simply because it whops for 50+ damage at a very decent range, and the stability is surprisingly controllable, as stated above. With TLW, shooting once every half second will net you many more kills than holding the trigger down. This isn’t to say that this gun is limiting, because you very well can net a frag by unloading 6 quick bullets, but unless you’re playing very conservatively, you won’t be netting more multi-kills, which are already near impossible to get with this clip already. Single out targets, use your recovery, and be aggressive! Only the Invective and fusion rifles can challenge this gun, and even then, you are given many more options to counter. Plus, the few times here and there where you do net a 2-shot kill (yes, it is possible) will give you more satisfaction than any number of Exotics weapons and gear can amount to.

The un-upgraded gun is blatantly and famously strong, but its perks provide a lot more fun than you would expect. It also has its uses in every game mode. So go wild with it! Because from my experience, I still have not found as much fun in this game with any other gun, even pre-patch Suros Regime.

Гайд. Как в Destiny 2 получить револьвер «Последнее слово» (The Last Word) - фото 1

Револьвер «Последнее слово» (The Last Word) — оружие из давних времен, то есть из первой части Destiny. И вот в пятом сезоне Destiny 2, получившем название «Кузня», Bungie решила, что пора вернуть эту мощнейшую пушку.

Я не раз говорил, что в Destiny замечательный лор. Сценарий — не очень, а вот лор крутой — буквально у каждого элемента истории есть свой бэкграунд. Есть он и у «Последнего слова»: там все вертится вокруг Шина — ученика легендарного Стража, Джарена Уорда. После гибели своего наставника Шин вооружился револьвером и отправился за некогда великим титаном Резилом Аззиром, который убил Уорда с помощью Шипа, единственного оружия, способного добить Стража.

С 29 января вооружиться «Последним словом» может и каждый поклонник Destiny 2. У The Last Word крайне впечатляющая скорость стрельбы, плюс это единственный револьвер в игре, с которого предпочтительнее палить от бедра. Он отлично подойдет и новичкам, и опытным игрокам — хотя окончательно свой потенциал эта пушка раскроет после нескольких матчей в «Горниле», когда вы начнете чувствовать расстояние до врага и сможете без труда комбинировать прицельную стрельбу с пальбой от бедра.

Чтобы получить «Последнее слово», нужно купить дополнение «Отвергнутые» и сезонный пропуск на год — если вы еще этого не сделали, конечно. Дальше летим на Странника и идем к Скитальцу, у него берем первый квест на… получение Шипа. Да, именно Шипа — того самого, с помощью которого Резил Аззир убил Джарена Уорда. Дело в том, что по сюжету задания мы ищем оружие, способное одолеть Шина, ведь Скиталец — один из последователей Аззира, то есть вроде как негодяй.

После этого летим в «Горнило» и набиваем фраги, умирать нельзя. Одно убийство дает +2%, одна смерть отнимает 1%. Серия убийств увеличивает набор очков, так что с нормальным K/D вы закроете первый этап за 2-3 матча.

Возвращаемся к Скитальцу и беремся за новый этап задания. Все еще проще:

  1. Медали «Око за око» и «Лучше подавать холодным» набираем в режиме «Хаос»
  2. Убиваем бойцов Улья из Солнечного выстрела на Марсе (запускаем эскалационный протокол)
  3. Выполняем героические мероприятия с ведьминскими ритуалами (Марс или Титан)

Остальные этапы элементарны — вы и сами прекрасно справитесь. Потом проходим финальное задание — забавную отсылку к ковбойским дуэлям из спагетти-вестернов, — и вот «Последнее слово» у вас!

Автор: Юрий Никитин

Гайд. Как в Destiny 2 получить револьвер «Последнее слово» (The Last Word) - фото 2

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