The last word events

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The description of Last Word Events

With over 90 educational events taking place across five continents, Last Word has an
unrivalled events portfolio globally. Spread across our five brands, our events cover
everything from investments to tax and other industry issues.

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    Android 4.4W+

Version 1.6.6 for Android 4.4W+
Update on 2019-11-12
Installs 500++
File size 10.465.094 bytes
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Versions history:

  • 1. LATEST.

    Last Word Events 1.6.6 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.6.4 APK

    (2019-02-11, 9 MB)

  • 4.

    Last Word Events 1.21 APK

    (2018-08-05, 10 MB)

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    Last Word Events 1.17 APK

    (2018-06-27, 13 MB)

  • 6.

    Last Word Events 1.10 APK

    (2017-09-29, 13 MB)

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    Last Word Events 1.9 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.8.3 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.8.2 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.8.1 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.7.7 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.7.6 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.7.4 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.7.1 APK

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    Last Word Events 1.5 APK

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A 100% Guide for Last Word, with a walkthrough and achievement guide.


Hello and WELCOME to the 100% guide to the Last Word!
One note before I begin – this guide is not necessarily meant to be followed 100%. There are many in-game conversations to be had outside of what is written below, so first and foremost your goal is to have fun and enjoy the great story 🙂
This is my first guide, so if you see any mistakes in context or in formatting, please let me know. Thank you!

Some events are only triggered in certain chapters – if you miss them, you will have to start over in order to get the “Dutiful Inspection” achievement (and subsequently the “No Stone Left” achievement).


Edit 12/28/15: Added a subsection after every chapter listing all necessary chapter events.
Edit 06/27/16: Added indication that you can sit in any chair and still get the “Taking Me Time” achievement.
Edit 08/02/16: Changed incorrect labeling in chapter 3 (top right -> top left bookshelf).
Edit 08/08/16: Added missing “Sit in the chair” command in Chapter 3.
Edit 10/22/16: Amended the list of things needed for the “Eye Contact” achievement to include the skill “Inflection Perfection”.

Synopsis and Characters


In a society where getting the last word means having power, six guests are trapped against their will by a gentleman behind a one-way intercom. One commoner must outwit aristocratic conversationalists to uncover the motives of the man behind the machine.


  • Whitty Gawship (teal)
  • Mrs. Falar Prattle (red)
  • Professor Chet Chatters (orange)
  • Judge Chaff Boasting (yellow)
  • General Sandhoff (green)
  • Seymour Saymore (grey)
  • Mr. Holden McCall (purple)
  • Servant Will Banter (brown)
  • Harper the cat (white)

Tips Before Starting

Some General Notes before Starting…

  • If you see a lock above a character or item, do everything in the chapter BEFORE that, as activating the lock will progress the story
  • Don’t forget to sit in the armchair in every chapter. The armchair is located to the right of the fireplace. If you sit in the armchair at least one time per chapter, you will get the “Taking ‘Me’ Time” achievement. You can also sit in the chairs outside on the balcony and get the same achievement.
  • In chapter 1, you can easily go up a few levels and earn exp by level grinding with Seymour Saymore, and later Holden McCall.


  • At the beginning of the discourse, try to get as much power as you can by using strong Disruptive phrases. Your goal is to get at least 50 power in 2 turns, so you can make a quick turnaround with a strong submissive phrase.
  • If you have 50 or more power, invest in whatever Submissive phrase would net you the largest amount of tact, preferably while aggravating your opponent.
  • Keep the symbol of your opponent’s last attack in mind in order to lower their defenses with the symbol of your attack. However, remember that you don’t always have to play to lower their defenses – a strong offensive can be powerful as long as you have enough tact.
  • Try to stay away from costly aggressive attacks unless necessary. Tact is the most valuable weapon in discourse, so it must be used wisely.


-Opening Cutscene-

  • Saymore House 1 Unlocked

-Another Cutscene-

Discourse with Mrs. Prattle – You’re scripted to lose, since you are 11 levels lower than her level 12 🙂
☆ After the cutscene, immediately talk to the butler, Banter, to get a special event.
☆ Sit in the Chair
Gossip with Seymour
Discourse with Seymour


  • Newest Invention 1 Unlocked

Gossip with Mrs. Prattle about Newest Invention 1

  • Chatters History 1 Unlocked

Gossip with Boasting about Chatters History 1

  • Newest Invention 2 Unlocked

Gossip with Saymore about Newest Invention 2

  • Unlock Chatters History 2

Gossip with Mrs. Prattle about Chatters History 2

  • Newest Invention 3 Unlocked

☆ Chatter with Mrs. Prattle

  • KEY: Chatters History 2

Discourse with Saymore
Discourse with McCall


– Don’t Forget to Chatter and Discourse with everyone you can! Seymour is a given, and McCall is at a low level in Chapter 1, making this an easier victory here than in Chapter 2. – I would recommend leveling up Whitty to level 9 to make the last discourse of chapter 1 easy, and to make chapter 2 easier as well. -Feel free to farm experience by engaging in discourse with Seymour and McCall. This is simply the easiest part of the game in terms of discourse, so load up on exp here.

When you are done gossiping and chattering with everyone, go ahead and talk to the butler in the top-right corner of the main room.

  • KEY: Newest Invention 3

Discourse with Banter (Level 5)


  • St. Lauden Forces 1 Unlocked
  • Newest Invention 4 Unlocked

Chapter 1 Necessary Events:

☆ Sit in Chair ☆ After opening discourse & cutscene, talk to Banter. ☆ Chatter with Mrs. Prattle (Chatters History 2)


In this chapter, you may now purchase Upgrades from the Cat, and Skills from the Butler!


☆ Sit in the Chair
☆ Examine The Mouth

  • KEY: Newest Invention 4

Talk to Harper the Cat in the Study
Upgrades with Harper

  • ☆ Purchase Photography 1
  • ☆ Purchase AT LEAST Wine Tasting 1-4 in this Chapter

    If not enough exp to purchase these, Discourse with others until you get it

Skills with Banter

    Purchase at your own Discretion 🙂

Gossip with Sandhoff about St. Lauden Forces 1

  • Chatters History 3 Unlocked

Gossip with Sandhoff about Newest Invention 4

  • Newest Invention 5 Unlocked

Gossip with Seymour about Chatters History 3

  • Private Prattle 1 Unlocked

Gossip with McCall about Private Prattle 1

  • Private Prattle 2 Unlocked

Gossip with Seymour about Private Prattle 2

  • Saymore House 2 Unlocked

Gossip with Boasting about Saymore House 2

  • Chatters History 4 Unlocked

Gossip with Sandhoff about Chatters History 4

  • Private Prattle 3 Unlocked

☆ Chatter with Seymour

  • KEY: Saymore House 2

☆ Chatter with Sandhoff

  • KEY: Chatters History 4

☆ Chatter with McCall

  • KEY: Photography 1

☆ Chatter with Boasting

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 1

Discourse with Sandhoff

☆ Complete AT LEAST up to Wine Tasting 4


***After tasting all the wines available at this time, you should have all but one wine label in your wine list.***


***This is the most important chapter for wine tasting!*** – If you’re going for the 100% achievements, you MUST level up wine tasting to at least level 4 in this chapter and drink the Opal Carlin! You can level up wine tasting to level 5 at a later point if you wish, as long as you examine the level 5 wine bottle before ending the game. – You can buy upgrades with Harper in this chapter. If you are at level 9 at the beginning of chapter 2 you should have enough experienced stored up to purchase Photography 1 and Wine Tasting 1-4 from the get-go. – Taste all the wines you can in this chapter! This will give you a generous XP bonus per wine label, which will be helpful in purchasing Upgrades or Skills. – Upgrade Seymour with Harper the Cat in this chapter. It will make it faster to level up when engaging in Discourse with him. – Feel free to take your time and build up skills and upgrades in this chapter. I would definitely go for Common Courtesy, Eye Contact, and Polite Smile from the butler, then upgrade it with Elegant Smirk and Piercing Gaze from the cat. Experiment with combinations as you like – you’ll have them all by the end of the guide 🙂

When you have exhausted all your gossip, chattered with everybody, and are satisfied with your Skills, Upgrades, and Level… go talk to Mrs. Prattle.

  • KEY: Private Prattle 3

Discourse with Mrs. Prattle (Level 12)


  • Hidden Word 1 Unlocked
  • Private Prattle 4 Unlocked

Discourse – You are scripted to lose this one as well! 🙂

Chapter 2 Necessary Events:

☆ Sit in Chair ☆ Wine Tasting 1-4 (See Wine Tasting Guide – Must Unlock Opal Carlin) ☆ Photography 1 (See Photography Guide) ☆ Examine The Mouth (Newest Invention 4) ☆ Chatter with Seymour (Saymore House 2) ☆ Chatter with Sandhoff (Chatters History 4) ☆ Chatter with McCall (Photography 1) ☆ Chatter with Boasting (Wine Tasting 1)


☆ Sit in the Chair
Gossip with McCall about Hidden Word 1

  • Unlock Saymore House 3

Gossip with McCall about Private Prattle 4

  • Unlock Private Prattle 5

Gossip with Prattle about Saymore House 3

  • Unlock St. Lauden Forces 2

Gossip with Sandhoff about St. Lauden Forces 2

  • Unlock St. Lauden Forces 3

Gossip with Seymour about St. Lauden Forces 3

  • Unlock Saymore House 4

Gossip with Boasting about Saymore House 4

  • Unlock Hidden Word 2

☆ Check Top Left Bookshelf(Study)

  • KEY: Saymore House 3

☆ Chatter with Boasting

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 2

☆ Chatter with McCall

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 2

☆ Chatter with Sandhoff

  • KEY: Photography 2

☆ Chatter with Seymour

  • KEY: Newest Invention 5

☆ Chatter with Mrs. Prattle

  • KEY: Private Prattle 5

☆ Chatter with Banter

  • KEY: St. Lauden Forces 3

Discourse with Prattle

☆ Complete AT LEAST up to Photography 2 in Photography Quests



– Completing the photography quests will net you a lot of experience in the same way wine tasting did. You don’t have to complete them all in this chapter… However, you will need Photography 2 to Chatter with Sandhoff, so make sure to complete that this chapter. – Discourse with McCall (Level 17) to get the most experience in this chapter.

When you have chattered and gossiped to your heart’s content, inspect the Mouth Statue in the top-left corner of the main room.

  • KEY: Hidden Word 2

Discourse with Holden McCall (Level 17)


  • St. Lauden Forces 4 Unlocked

Chapter 3 Necessary Events:

☆ Sit in Chair ☆ At Least Photography 2 ☆ Check Top Left Bookshelf in Study (Saymore House 3) ☆ Chatter with Boasting (Wine Tasting 2) ☆ Chatter with McCall (Wine Tasting 2) ☆ Chatter with Sandhoff (Photography 2) ☆ Chatter with Seymour (Newest Invention 5) ☆ Chatter with Mrs. Prattle (Private Prattle 5) ☆ Chatter with Banter (St. Lauden Forces 3)


☆ Sit in the Chair
☆ Complete the first 4 of Seymour’s Challenges


Gossip with Sandhoff about St. Lauden Forces 4

  • Unlock Hidden Word 3

Gossip with Boasting about St. Lauden Forces 4

  • Unlock St. Lauden Forces 5

☆ Chatter with Boasting

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 3

☆ Chatter with Sandhoff

  • KEY: Private Prattle 5

☆ Examine Bookshelf in the Top-Left Corner of the Main Room

  • KEY: St. Lauden Forces 4

Look in the Index
Look under Code
Look under Codes, House (Special)

    This gives you a Page Number – remember it!

Go back
Look under Page Number
☆ Enter the Page

    Note the Code for Saymore House: CMORE

Examine Mouth Statue

  • KEY: Hidden Word 3
    Enter the Code for Saymore House

-Brief Cutscene-

☆ Examine Secret Painting

  • KEY: Domestic Feline 1
  • Unlock Domestic Feline 2

Gossip with Boasting about Domestic Feline 2

  • Unlock Domestic Feline 3

Gossip with Seymour about Domestic Feline 3

  • Unlock Domestic Feline 4


– In this chapter, Seymour’s Challenges are introduced! Like with the wine tasting and photography quests, you will have to have them all done by the end of the game to get 100%. However, you can only upgrade 4 out of 5 of the challenges in this chapter, so you have to hold off until the end to get the last one. – You can now level Seymour up past level 14. Engage in Discourse with him to level him up once you have purchased Upgrades from the Cat.

Chatter with everyone and Gossip about everything before continuing per usual.
Talk to the Cat

  • KEY: Domestic Feline 4


  • Unlock Hidden Word 4

☆ Examine Secret Painting again

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 3

Talk to Sandhoff

  • KEY: St. Lauden Forces 5

Discourse with General Sandhoff (Level 20)


Chapter 4 Necessary Events:

☆ Sit in Chair ☆ Complete First 4 of Seymour’s Challenges ☆ Chatter with Boasting (Wine Tasting 3) ☆ Chatter with Sandhoff (Private Prattle 5) ☆ Examine Main Room’s Top-Right Bookshelf (St. Lauden Forces 4) ☆ Examine Secret Painting


☆ Sit in the Chair

    Congrats! If you’ve been following along, you should get an achievement for sitting down in every chapter. Wow, that’s lazy!

☆ Chatter with Mrs. Prattle

  • KEY: Private Prattle 5

☆ Chatter with Boasting

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 4

☆ Chatter with McCall

  • KEY: Photography 5

☆ Chatter with Seymour

  • KEY: Hidden Word 4

Examine the Books on a Chair in the Top-Right corner of the Main Room

  • KEY: Hidden Word 4

Enter the Word that Chatters keeps mentioning… STONE

  • Unlock Domestic Feline 5


Enter what you think The Last Word is! Good Luck! 🙂

What is the correct answer? Well… No matter what you enter, you’re going to be wrong. Such is the nature of the Last Word – its power is only guaranteed if you possess it. Therefore, it can not be transcribed.

Gossip with McCall about Domestic Feline 5

  • Unlock Saymore House 5

Gossip with Seymour about Seymour House 5

  • Unlock Chatters History 5

Gossip with Boasting about Chatters History 5

  • Unlock Hidden Word 5

    You should now have Accomplished Gift of Gab! Congratulation, A Winner is You

☆ Chatter with Sandhoff

  • KEY: Hidden Word 5

☆ Chatter with the Cat

  • KEY: Wine Tasting 5

☆ Chatter with Banter

  • KEY: Chatters History 5

☆ Examine the New Cabinet

  • KEY: Saymore House 5


– Purchase the last upgrade for Seymour from the Cat, and Discourse with him until he’s at the right level to unlock his last challenge. At that point, you should be around the same level as Judge Boasting, so you could Discourse with him right after and get both achievements in one go.

☆ Complete Seymour’s Last Challenge, and get the subsequent Achievement!


☆ Examine Bookshelf in the Top-Left Corner of the Study

  • KEY: Saymore House 3
    Note the Nickname of Seymour’s Mother: GABBY

☆ Examine Doll on the Table of the Study

  • KEY: Saymore House 5

Discourse with Boasting (Level 32)
Discourse with the Cat (Level 57! Good Luck :3)

    ☆ Make sure you have engaged in Discourse with everyone in this Chapter, including the Cat, to get the Achievement!
    ☆ Make sure you have gossiped with everyone and unlocked the Gift of Gab Achievement!


Completion: 98%
Seymour Challenges: 5 of 5
Special Events: 41/41
Key Topic Levels: 45/45
Skills: 13/13
Wine Labels: 9/9
Accomplishments: 8/9
You should also have 50 bows (from Discourse and Upgrades from the Cat)

Chapter 5 Necessary Events:

☆ Sit in Chair ☆ Complete All of Seymour’s Challenges ☆ Complete All Wine Tasting ☆ Complete All Photography ☆ Discourse with All Characters ☆ Chatter with Mrs. Prattle (Private Prattle 5) ☆ Chatter with Boasting (Wine Tasting 4) ☆ Chatter with McCall (Photography 5) ☆ Chatter with Seymour (Hidden Word 4) ☆ Chatter with Sandhoff (Hidden Word 5) ☆ Chatter with the Cat (Wine Tasting 5) ☆ Chatter with Banter (Chatters History 5) ☆ Examine New Cabinet (Saymore House 5) ☆ Examine Lampshade Doll in Study (Saymore House 5)

Once you make sure you have that, you can go into your Skills menu and unequip all your Skills! Since we have 50 Bows at this point, we can equip THE LAST WORD, which will make the last Discourse ridiculously easy and save us a bunch of time!
Alternatively, you can keep your Skills and do the last Discourse as-is (if you like a challenge). It’s possible to beat it without using the Last Word!


Enter Chet Chatters’ Room!
Discourse with The Mouth


  • KEY: Hidden Word 6
    We don’t have this quite yet…



  • KEY: Photography 5
    Receive picture with Last Input Combination – remember it!


    Not quite yet! Load your last save!


Load your Last Save…

Enter Hidden Room

    To locate the Hidden Room, follow the instructions on the riddle you get for completing Seymour’s Challenges. Refer to the Seymour’s Challenges section of this guide for more information.

☆ Examine Broken Mirror

  • KEY: Hidden Word 5
    Enter the Last Input Combination you got when you beat the game!


  • Unlock Hidden Word 6

Examine the bottle by the lounge chair to get your final achievement.

You should have all the achievements at this point!

Enter Chet Chatters’ Room again
Discourse with The Mouth

  • KEY: Hidden Word 6



Answer: Judge Chaff Boasting

Watch the true ending, and pat yourself on the back. You did it!
Did you notice what changed between the two endings? 🙂

Thank you for using my guide! If you found it helpful, please give it a good rating.

Wine Tasting Guide


  • Wine Rack of Bar
      Level 1
  • Bathroom Toilet
      Level 1
  • Dining Room Table, middle
      Level 1
  • Patio Table (bottom right room)
      Level 2
  • Glass Wine Cabinet in Bar
      Level 2
  • Dining Room Table, far left
      Level 3
  • Dining Room Table, far right
      Level 4
  • Counter of Bar
      Level 4
  • Living Room Armchair by the Fireplace
      Level 5

Chapter 4-5 Specific:

  • Secret Room Painting
      Level 3

Photography Guide

  1. Gossip with Prattle about Photography 1
    Receive picture with Input Combination – remember it!
    Go to bathroom and examine left wall

      Receive phrase: 2 TURN RIGHT

    Photography 2 Unlocked

  2. Gossip with McCall about Photography 2
    Receive picture with Input Combination – remember it!
    Go to dining room and examine golden statue
    Enter Input Combination

      Receive phrase: 3 PRESS WALL

    Photography 3 Unlocked

  3. Gossip with Boasting about Photography 3
    Receive picture with Input Combination – remember it!
    Go to Study and examine back of green chair
    Enter Input Combination

      Receive phrase: 1 FACE DOLL

    Photography 4 Unlocked

  4. Gossip with Sandhoff about Photography 4
    Receive picture with Input Combination – remember it!
    Go to bar and examine the cabinet with a statue on top
    Enter Input Combination

      Receive phrase: 4 HOLD TIGHT

    Photography 5 Unlocked

  5. Examine Painting in the bathroom next to the mirror
      KEY: Photography 5


What this is referring to is the Lighthouse Doll on the Table in the Study. Face it, turn right until you hit the wall, and continue holding right for 6 seconds until you pass into a Hidden Room. Inside this Hidden Room is a Broken Mirror.

    KEY: Hidden Word 5

Game Replay Specific:

You will need to return here once you have the Input Code from the last photograph. Seymour shows you this once you beat the game, so as soon as you beat the game, return to your last save and Examine the Broken Mirror.

Seymour’s Challenges Guide

Examine the Book on the table in the Study to view Seymour’s Challenges. This is unlocked in Chapter 4.
Win Discourse in all the Challenges to proceed.

  • In order to unlock all of Seymour’s Challenges, you must upgrade Seymour fully through the Cat.
  • The last of Seymour’s upgrades is unlocked in Chapter 5, so don’t be afraid when you can’t finish them all in Chapter 4 🙂

Once you complete all 5 of the Challenges, you will get the Achievement!

Challenge A: No Challenge 🙂

  • You just get to hear Seymour’s introduction.

Challenge B: Seymour is challenged by McCall.

  • The first thing you want to do is build up a lot of power initially. Land on power pegs and use your first 2 turns to build up at least 50 power.
  • Use a submissive phrase that lowers McCall’s defense.
  • Spend the rest of the disourse using Aggressive phrases that expend 10 or 20 tact. It is not necessary to lower his defenses if the only way to do so requires an expenditure of 30 tact.
Challenge C:

Seymour is challenged by Mrs. Prattle.

  • Mrs. Prattle’s defenses are as low as they can get, so don’t worry about lowering them throughout the discourse.
  • First thing’s first – you start off in the danger zone, so use a 10-tact Aggressive move to begin at level ground.
  • Your second move should be to use a Subtle Disruptive phrase to move you an additional 2 spaces forward.
  • Immediately start building power and converting it into tact. Try following up your Subtle Disruptive phrase with a Common Disruptive phrase, netting you a total of 30 power. Convert that next turn with a Common Submissive phrase for a 40-tact turnover.
  • Use Aggressive attacks to push Prattle foward. Try to use low-cost Aggressive attacks, trying to save tact as your opponents attack you. If possible, match their attack shape for a 5-tact bonus per turn. Eventually they will run out of tact, and you will have some in reserve to go in for the kill.
Challenge D:

Seymour is challenged by General Sandhoff.

  • You have Saving Grace, so don’t worry if the marker goes to ‘LOSE’ once.
  • Build up lots of power initially – start with a strong Aggressive attack.
  • Use the biggest Submissive phrase you can on the second turn to keep up with Sandhoff.
  • Start fighting back with Aggressive phrases. Use lower-power ones so that you will have tact in reserve when Sandhoff runs out. Repeat the process: Large Disruptive Phrase, Large Submissive phrase, Small Agressive phrases.
  • Get your marker in the ‘Win’ twice repeating this process, as Sandhoff has saving grace.
Challenge E:

Seymour is challenged by Banter.

  • Your defense is quite low, while his is untouched. Try to lower his defense as much as possible, but make sure not to let the marker slip too far in your corner, as that may cost you the discourse if you are not careful.
  • Thankfully, you have saving grace again! 🙂 Banter doesn’t have saving grace, so make use of your power!
  • Make use of the power pegs. Build up as much power as possible so that you can turn it around into a lot of tact immediately. The pattern is similar to the last: Large Disruptive, Large Submissive, Small Aggressive… The difference is that you are trying to lower his defenses as much as possible every turn.
  • Using submissive phrases will heal your defenses by one. Try using a submissive phrase that also counters his Shape and lowers his defenses.

Achievement Guide

  1. Pragmatism
    Learn the Expression Accession Skill from Servant Banter

      Must have Elegant Smirk and Piercing Gaze Upgrades from the Cat
  2. Gift of Gab
    Max out every Key Topic

      Follow this guide and you should unlock it with no effort.
  3. No Stone Left
    Find everything before the final confrontation!

      You must beat the game at least once to get this achievement.
      This is because in the final scene, Photography 5 unlocks a picture with an Input Code. You will need to load your last save after the credits and enter the input code in the Hidden Room by the Study.
  4. Refined Tastes
    Sample the Opal Carlin in Chapter 2

      Must have at least Wine Tasting 4 to collect the Wine Label
  5. Dutiful Inspection
    Activate every Special Event!

      All of them are listed in this guide.

    For a quick reference of all the Special Events, please refer to m66’s Special Events Guide!

  6. Wealth of Experience
    Complete all of Seymour’s Challenges from his not-so-hidden journal!

      Refer to the Seymour’s Challenges section of this Guide for a detailed explanation
  7. Social Butterfly
    Engage in Discourse with every character, including the cat!

      This should be self-explanatory… Once you get to Chapter 5, you will be able to engage in discourse with everyone if you are a high enough level. If not, just level up from engaging in Discourse with Seymour or someone else.
  8. Eye Movement
    To get this achievement, you must first have these three things equipped: Inflection Perfection, Piercing Gaze (from the Cat) and Expression Accession (from the Butler).

      Obtain 100 Percent Power
      Use a Disruptive phrase to move 2 spaces before the Red Dot on the bottom bar.
      Your Disruptive phrase will raise power past 100, activating Piercing Gaze, which will move you onto the red dot.
      This will move you an additional 2 spaces due to Piercing Gaze!
      Win the Discourse to get the Achievement.
  9. Taking ‘Me’ Time
    Sit down in the chair next to the fireplace at least once per chapter.

      Obviously, this is the hardest achievement to get 🙂

Fun Facts

    ☆ If you refuse Discourse with Sandhoff enough times, she says “Weaksauce” instead of “Weakness” … and she’s not even Catholic!
    ☆ The only time you see Seymour smile is when you’re doing his Challenges, wherein he is known as “Seymour the Great.” What a nerd.
    ☆ The statues you see all around the house (ex. on top of the Cabinet in the Bar) are elephants.
    ☆ Whitty’s favourite sparkling wine, Tofell, is named after the person that voices her. Excellent!

Special Thanks

☆ Lan (Merlandese)

    Thank you so much for creating such a spectacular game! The “combat” system was novel, unlike any I’ve seen before in a game, and the story was entertaining. I liked the colourful cast of characters as well! A big thanks to whomever did the art, as well as the music, for the Last Word – Both were a delight Hope to see more games from you in the future!

☆ m66

    Thank you for letting me use the Guide “Dutiful Inspection – All Special Events” to help create this guide. It made writing this walkthrough so much easier, thanks a billion.
    A link to the guide is listed under “Dutiful Inspection” in the Achievements section of this walkthrough.

☆ fragilefox

    For proofreading and playing through the game following my guide… Thank you so much!!! This guide wouldn’t be what it is without you 🙂

☆ ShadowForteXD

    Thanks for your suggestions for the formatting of this guide.

☆ You

    Thanks for reading! 🙂 If you liked this guide, please give it a good rating.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Last Word is a game show seen in syndication in the United States and on the Global Television Network in Canada that was produced by Merrill Heatter Productions and ran for 65 episodes from September 18 to December 15, 1989, with reruns continuing until January 5, 1990. The host was Wink Martindale, and the co-host/announcer was Jennifer Lyall. It was taped in Vancouver, British Columbia. In the Los Angeles-produced pilot, Burton Richardson was the announcer, and Jana White operated the computer and acted as co-host. The show was distributed by Turner Program Services.


Two teams consisting of a celebrity and a civilian contestant competed to guess group words that had something in common in order to win cash and prizes. The civilians received all winnings credited to their teams. Among the celebrities who appeared include Jill Whelan, Ted Lange, Susan Ruttan, and Gordon Jump.[1]

Main game[edit]

A puzzle consisting of three rows of blanks was displayed, representing three related words, and one letter of each word was filled in at the outset. The player in control pressed a button to stop a randomizer that flashed around the board. If it stopped on an empty space, that letter was filled in and the player could either try to guess the word or pass control to the opponent. When a player guessed, the remaining letters were revealed one at a time, starting from the leftmost, until either they had all been revealed (indicating a correct guess) or a letter came up that differed from the guess. However, the final letter of any word remained hidden on an incorrect guess.

A correct guess awarded the option to either guess another word or pass, while an incorrect guess gave control to the opponent. If the randomizer stopped on a letter that had already been filled in, the player had to choose one unrevealed letter in any word to be filled in and the opponent took control.

The player who solved the last word won the puzzle, regardless of who solved the first two, and received prizes for the team based on the number of words he/she had solved in that puzzle. The first team to win two puzzles won the match and advanced to the bonus round. Only one person played for each team at any given moment; the first two puzzles were played by one celebrity and the opposing civilian, and the third (if necessary) was played by both civilians.

If time ran out in the middle of a puzzle, all the words were revealed and a new puzzle was played at the start of the next episode.

Bonus round: The 60 Second Challenge[edit]

The winning team had 60 seconds to solve 10 puzzles. For each puzzle, two one-word clues were given and the letters of a third word were revealed one at a time until only one letter remained. Multiple guesses were allowed from either member. The team won a $100 gift certificate for each correct answer, and solving all 10 won a prize package which had a new prize added to it for each attempt in which it was not won; the largest jackpot awarded during the show’s brief run was $46,500.

The civilians switched celebrity partners after each bonus round, and the first civilian to win two matches became champion and remained on the show to face a new challenger, competing until they were defeated or held their title for a total of six matches, whichever came first.


  1. ^ TV Guide Guide to TV. Barnes and Noble. 2004. pp. 357. ISBN 0-7607-5634-1.

External links[edit]

  • The Last Word Rules

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