The last word drops

Posted by8 years ago


This weekend I had an epic quest for The Last Word and one of the best journeys in gaming I’ve had! Here is an album with pictures and the full story! If thats too long, a TLDR is at the bottom!

The Quest for the Last Word

TLDR:I Didn’t have enough coins for The Last Word so I ended up leveling a Titan to 25 in one day and going to Mcdonalds for my last coin when my towns power went out.

level 1

· 8 yr. ago

I Punch, Therefore I Live.

If that was a completely new character there is a strange coin from getting 4 gold chests on Mars.

Though of course would not have such a tale to tell if that was the case.

level 2

LOL, I wish someone would have told me that. It would have saved me some heartache, but I would not have this glorious story to tell! It all worked out in the end anyway!

level 2

There’s also a story mission that rewards a strange coin too! The one where you kill the fallen boss guy.

level 1

yo mang… not that your story isn’t epic, cause it is,

but you could have just rolled a hunter, swapped armor, and ran the heroic on level 30 and been done…

level 2

Epic journeys rarely start with careful planning.

level 2

Also, don’t you get like one freeby coin when you finish the very first intro missions on a new char? could have just done that and deleted the char and done it again a few times.

level 2

· 8 yr. ago

Think they’ll mind if we take their pikes?

Or just opened the 4th gold chest on Mars for a guaranteed coin instead of doing strikes for RNG.

level 2

Exactly what I was thinking…..

level 2

by far the funniest thing I have ever read on this sub. Fucking ever.

level 1

Damn….talk about «earning it». Also, love the truck! I learned to drive in my dad’s ’67 chevy s10 many years ago. not sure if it is exactly the same, but looks similar. Nothing like having a gas tank directly behind your back to motivate you to avoid accidents.

level 2

Haha yeah! It’s a 71, it runs great too! It’s had a lot of work, the only real problem now is the gas milage, 9 to the gallon, WOOH!

level 1

«Kids, have I ever told you the story of How I Met Your Mother?»

level 2

I was thinking the same thing and wondering if he got a phone number(s).

level 1

How far would you go if xur was selling gjallarhorn and you had no coins?

«Yours, until the last flame dies and all words have been spoken.» —Shin Malphur to you, as you journey forth into the unknown

Knew this day would come, and with it, one last lesson…

There’s an end to all things, kid. Good and bad.

Sure, the best times seem small, and the bad tend to linger, but the only permanent is eternity.

I’m off to meet it.

If you’re lucky, someday you will too.

For now, though, you’ve got road yet traveled and lives yet lived.

I know you got hate in you. Most do. Trick is to use it, ‘stead of it usin’ you.

But you know this—vengeance is a motivator, not the motive.

Meant to—hoped to—say these words to you one last time in person, but writin’ ’em down seems the safe bet with the prey we’re trackin’.

Worst part about bein’ a good guy? As much as you may want it, you can’t always win. But that truth don’t bother me. We do the right thing, ’cause the right thing needs doin’. So, when another does harm—casts their shadow upon you or your kin—you go ‘head and hunt for the justice needed to answer any sins inflicted.

Don’t hunt ’em ’cause you been wronged.

Hunt ’em ’cause what they did was wrong.

There’s a world of difference there, kid.

One makes you selfish. The other makes you a hero.

And I see a hero in you.

And with this last good lesson, a gift. I know it feels right in your hand—its weight easy, its trigger smooth. Use it as you will—I know you’ll use it right.

It’s yours now, ’til the last flame dies and all words’ve been spoken.

‘Til that time.

Safe journeys. Straight aim. And good huntin’.


—A letter to Shin Malphur from his third father, Jaren Ward, written before Ward’s ill-fated showdown with the infamous Dredgen Yor in the wooded hollow beyond Beggars’ Gulch

For the Year 1 hand cannon, see The Last Word (Year 1).

The Last Word is an exotic hand cannon. It can be purchased from Xûr, obtained as a random completion reward, from raids, or from the Prison of Elders.


The Last Word can be retrieved from one of the following activities/vendors:

Nightfall source icon.jpg Nightfall
This item can drop from Nightfall activities.

Within Destiny 2, The Last Word was given by Shin Malphur to an unnamed Guardian in their attempt to slay a Hive Weapons Master during an exotic quest. The Guardian kept the weapon as a gift, bringing about the scrutiny of The Drifter (Character), due to The Drifter’s allegiance with the Guardian and his hatred for Shin Malphur.


The Last Word can be upgraded with the following perks:

Kinetic Damage perk icon.png Kinetic Damage
This weapon causes kinetic damage.

Column 0[]

Fan Fire icon.png Fan Fire
The weapon can be fired quickly and continuously.
Infuse perk icon.png Infuse
Consume a more powerful Weapon to boost the Attack value of this Weapon.

Column 1[]

Soft Ballistics icon.png Soft Ballistics
Less recoil.

Penalty to Impact.

Smart Drift Control icon.png Smart Drift Control
Predictable and controllable recoil.

Penalty to range.

Aggressive Ballistics icon.png Aggressive Ballistics
More predictable recoil.

Enhanced Impact.
Shorter range and more recoil.

Column 2[]

Hip Fire icon.png Hip Fire
This weapon has bonus accuracy while firing from the hip.

Column 3[]

Single Point Sling icon.png Single Point Sling
Switch weapons faster. Move quicker while aiming.
High Caliber Rounds icon.png High Caliber Rounds
Oversize rounds built to stagger targets and leave them reeling.

Their mass makes a weapon harder to handle.

Perfect Balance icon.png Perfect Balance
This weapon has extremely low recoil.

Column 4[]

Finish Ascending icon.png Last Word
Improved stability and target acquisition when firing from the hip.

Column 5[]

Ornament perk icon.png Ornament: Sequel
Applies an Ornament to this weapon.
Ornament perk icon.png Ornament: Addendum
Applies an Ornament to this weapon.


ROI Sequel Ornament

Sequel Ornament for The Last Word.

ROI Addendum Ornament

Addendum Ornament for The Last Word.


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How to unlock The Last Word in Destiny 2.

Destiny 2’s The Last Word is an Exotic quest available as part of Forsaken’s Annual Pass.

Released at the end of the first DLC drop, Black Armory, it sees the return of a fan favourite Hand Cannon from the first Destiny — and unlike other Black Armory drops, isn’t time-gated — so as long as you put the work in, you can unlock it without waiting for future weekly resets.

How to get the Destiny 2 The Last Word

In brief, The Last Word quest unfolds as follows:

  1. Visit the Drifter in the Tower
  2. Defeat Hive with Solar damage, collect 75 Hive Tablets and defeat three Hive bosses
  3. Kill players in the Crucible
  4. Complete mission The Damnation on Titan
  5. Kill 15 Wanted escapees from Lost Sectors, earn 25 ‘revenge’ medals in the Crucible, defeat 50 Hive with precision damage and complete three Witches’ Ritual Heroic Public Events
  6. Complete mission The Conversation in the Tangled Shore
  7. Visit the Drifter to receive The Last Word

Thanks to Datto for explaining the above steps, which you can view in more detail below:

Getting the Destiny 2’s The Last Word step-by-step, including The Cleansing

First, visit the Drifter in the Tower to start The Draw questline. You need to have a Forsaken Annual Pass in able to start it, so if you don’t have it, this won’t appear.

Once you’ve done that, the first full step — called The Cleansing — has three parts, all around killing Hive — with solar damage, collecting Hive Tablets that drop when they die, and killing three Hive bosses.

Pretty much anywhere in the game with Hive will fulfil this, though replaying the Core Terminus Lost Sector on Mars is mentioned in the community as an easy way to grind it out:

With that done, it’s time to defeat Guardians in the Crucible, with each kill filling up a gauge. A snag is every time you die the bar goes down, but as long as you have a positive kill death ratio, then you will eventually succeed.

With that done, you have to visit Titan to complete The Damnation mission. This is actually a Lost Sector, so it might be familiar to you, and with a 500 Power requirement, it should be fairly easy to beat provided you’ve played Forsaken and done some of the end-game activities.

Here’s WeePow161 on YouTube showing how it’s done:

After that is another multi-stage step named Sullied Light. Unlike The Cleansing, you cannot complete these all at once, forcing you to play different activities.

One has you collect 15 Etched Crystals — which means you have to complete Lost Sectors with a Wanted escapee at the end of it. Most Lost Sectors post-Forsaken have these, but if you’re struggling to find them, look at the latest Wanted Bounties to learn some of their locations.

Playing the Crucible is also a requirement, having you earn 25 ‘revenge’ Medals — these are ‘Best Served Cold’ (killing the player who last killed you) and ‘Blood for Blood’ (killing the player who just killed a team mate). You can play this tactically, working with others to hunt down those who kill them, or simply playing team-based matches will see these drop naturally.

The Season of Defiance is here alongside the We Stand Unbroken quest.

You can also unlock two new weapons — the Vexcaliber and Deterministic Chaos — by completing The Variable and Unfinished Business.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Lost Sector and King’s Fall challenge rotation schedule!

The last two stages are Hive-related. One has you defeat 50 Hive with precision damage, which you can do as you complete the other stage — winning three Heroic versions of the Witches’ Ritual Public Event.

These are found on Titan (The Rig) and Mars (Glacial Drift), and provided you defeat the Hive with precision damage, it’ll save you a bit of effort. Otherwise, return to the Core Terminus Lost Sector as mentioned earlier as an easy way to breeze through this step.

Finally, you have to complete mission The Conversation in the Tangled Shore. There is a trick to doing this one — if you’re struggling, here’s a walkthrough by Esoterickk on YouTube:

Once that’s done, visit The Drifter a final time to collect your reward, The Last Word. Nicely done, and nice to finally play something as part of Black Armoury that doesn’t require you to wait weeks on end to finish it, right?

Гайд. Как в Destiny 2 получить револьвер «Последнее слово» (The Last Word) - фото 1

Револьвер «Последнее слово» (The Last Word) — оружие из давних времен, то есть из первой части Destiny. И вот в пятом сезоне Destiny 2, получившем название «Кузня», Bungie решила, что пора вернуть эту мощнейшую пушку.

Я не раз говорил, что в Destiny замечательный лор. Сценарий — не очень, а вот лор крутой — буквально у каждого элемента истории есть свой бэкграунд. Есть он и у «Последнего слова»: там все вертится вокруг Шина — ученика легендарного Стража, Джарена Уорда. После гибели своего наставника Шин вооружился револьвером и отправился за некогда великим титаном Резилом Аззиром, который убил Уорда с помощью Шипа, единственного оружия, способного добить Стража.

С 29 января вооружиться «Последним словом» может и каждый поклонник Destiny 2. У The Last Word крайне впечатляющая скорость стрельбы, плюс это единственный револьвер в игре, с которого предпочтительнее палить от бедра. Он отлично подойдет и новичкам, и опытным игрокам — хотя окончательно свой потенциал эта пушка раскроет после нескольких матчей в «Горниле», когда вы начнете чувствовать расстояние до врага и сможете без труда комбинировать прицельную стрельбу с пальбой от бедра.

Чтобы получить «Последнее слово», нужно купить дополнение «Отвергнутые» и сезонный пропуск на год — если вы еще этого не сделали, конечно. Дальше летим на Странника и идем к Скитальцу, у него берем первый квест на… получение Шипа. Да, именно Шипа — того самого, с помощью которого Резил Аззир убил Джарена Уорда. Дело в том, что по сюжету задания мы ищем оружие, способное одолеть Шина, ведь Скиталец — один из последователей Аззира, то есть вроде как негодяй.

После этого летим в «Горнило» и набиваем фраги, умирать нельзя. Одно убийство дает +2%, одна смерть отнимает 1%. Серия убийств увеличивает набор очков, так что с нормальным K/D вы закроете первый этап за 2-3 матча.

Возвращаемся к Скитальцу и беремся за новый этап задания. Все еще проще:

  1. Медали «Око за око» и «Лучше подавать холодным» набираем в режиме «Хаос»
  2. Убиваем бойцов Улья из Солнечного выстрела на Марсе (запускаем эскалационный протокол)
  3. Выполняем героические мероприятия с ведьминскими ритуалами (Марс или Титан)

Остальные этапы элементарны — вы и сами прекрасно справитесь. Потом проходим финальное задание — забавную отсылку к ковбойским дуэлям из спагетти-вестернов, — и вот «Последнее слово» у вас!

Автор: Юрий Никитин

Гайд. Как в Destiny 2 получить револьвер «Последнее слово» (The Last Word) - фото 2

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