The l word tibette

First, last and forever.

–Tina about Bette, «Looking Back»

The relationship between Bette Porter and Tina Kennard began when they met and started dating seven years before «Pilot». At the start of The L Word, they are in a committed relationship and are trying to start a family.

Over the course of the series, they break up and get back together several times, while also co-parenting their daughter Angelica Porter-Kennard. They eventually get married after The L Word, but are divorced by the start of Generation Q.


The L Word[]

Generation Q[]


Tina: «I think we should do some sort of combo thing, you know? Instead of the whole hyphenated thing.»
Bette: «What, like, ‘Portard’?»
Tina: «Bette…’Hey, Poor Tard, how’s your two moms, you big gaymo?’ Or whatever it’s gonna be in 2015.»
Bette: «Okay, fine. What about ‘Kenter’, then?»
Tina: «That has a nice sound to it, doesn’t it?»
— in «Lawfully«

Bette: «Dad, we’re a couple. We are starting a family.»
Melvin: «If that makes you happy.»
Bette: «Well, doesn’t it make you happy? I mean, you’re going to have another grandchild.»
Melvin: «That is biologically impossible. Unless there’s been a medical breakthrough that I don’t know anything about, the possibility that this child will be my grandchild does not exist. Therefore, I am happy if that’s what you want in your friendship with Miss Kennard. But, I cannot realistically be asked to participate in this fiction of your creation.»
— in «Lawfully«

Tina: «Bette and I have gone through so much to get here. We’ve talked about how our child could truly reflect who we are, when we’re so limited by biology. That’s why we decided to use an African-American donor. So when we look at our child, and you look at your grandchild, we’ll all be looking into a familial face.»
Melvin: «A black man is the father of this child?»
Bette: «The donor, dad. He’s an African-American artist.»
Melvin: «An African-American. And because of that I’m supposed to feel closer to this child? Because all of us blacks are somehow connected? We can traced back to some tribe in Africa, where we were beating drums? That is absurd. You are an Ivy-League-educated woman. How is this logical?»
— in «Lawfully«

Alice: «Hey, you guys, where are Bette and Tina? Boring.»
Dana: «Yeah, so boring.»
Shane: «I don’t know. You know, when you think about it, what’s more boring, right? (to Alice) You make endless lists, (to Dana) and you bawl your head off, and then puke over the side of the boat, or you get to go home and go to sleep with the same person you’ve been in love with for seven years.»
— in «L’Ennui«

Kit: «No, I mean, how do you keep it all together? I mean, you got it all down. Career, love. Look at you, now you’re going to have a family! What? Is something wrong with Tina? Is everything okay? What, what?»
Bette: «No, no, everything’s fine. Tina’s fine, everything’s great.»
Kit: «You sure?»
Bette: «Yeah, I just— I, you know, I have some things on my mind, but it’s nothing.»
Kit: «I know what it is. You’re having the daddy blues. You are worrying about all the responsibilities coming down on you, the financial responsibilities, the ‘I can’t take anymore risk’ responsibilities. Because now there are two other lives that are totally dependent on you keeping everything together. It’s a monster. It’s big.»
Bette: «Yeah, it is. I’m sure— I’m sure that’s all it is.»
Kit: «Sure it is. Because you and Tina are solid. You’ve got a marriage like God chose you two to find each other, and that’s a love you never want to let go.»
— in «L’Ennui«

Jenny: «Tina, I didn’t know that Bette was your first girlfriend.»
Tina: «Yeah. First, last and forever.»
— in «Looking Back«

Tina (to Bette): «That party was so crazy. God, it just made me want to go home and curl up in bed with you.»
— in «Looking Back«

Alice: «Did you fall in love?»
Bette: «No. I love Tina. Tina is the only person that I’m in love with.»
Alice: «But you’re still sitting on Candace’s face.»
Bette: «Actually, I’m not. I told you, I ended it as soon as I could.»
Alice: «As soon as you could? What are you, like, a sex addict now?»
Bette: «No, I’m not a sex addict. Jesus, Alice. You know, I think calling sex an addiction is just an excuse for bad behavior, and I know that I behaved badly, but I’m prepared to take responsibility for it.»
Alice: «No, you behaved really badly.»
Bette: «I know that it sounds like an excuse, but you know what? The fact is, she disappeared on me. She was depressed and she was completely wrapped up in herself, and I tried to talk to her about it, but she completely shut me out.»
Alice: «For how long?»
Bette: «Two or three months.»
Alice: «Out of seven years? I think you could have waited.»
Bette: «She abandoned me as much as I abandoned her. We both did it.»
Alice: «Yeah, but only one of you was having an orgasm.»
Bette: «Fuck you, Alice.»
— in «Life, Loss, Leaving«

Tina: «It was Bette’s house. She bought it before we met, but she put me on the title after I moved in.»
Joyce: «Did you contribute to the mortgage payments?»
Tina: «I offered, but Bette never wanted me to. I made pretty good money as a Development Executive, but not as much as Bette, and she insisted on paying the mortgage.»
Joyce: «And you always did what Bette wanted?»
Tina: «No.»
Joyce: «Did you pay for anything?»
Tina: «I paid for utilities, and I paid for the food. Although most of the utilities are in Bette’s name.»
Joyce: «Well, of course they are. That’s the way she wanted it. Why should the little wife have to put her name on anything?»
Tina: «That’s absolutely not the case. I just never bothered to change it. Look, I don’t even know why I’m here. I’m not going after Bette’s money.»
Joyce: «If we wind up in court—«
Tina: «Wind up in court? Whoa! I don’t want to be here.»
— in «Lap Dance«

Joyce: «Do you want me to tell you why you need a lawyer?»
Tina: «Okay.»
Joyce: «Because in the eyes of the world, especially the world as embodied by the courts, you are shit. You gave up your autonomy in a relationship that the law doesn’t recognize. And your ex controls everything.»
Tina: «She always said what’s hers is mine. Doesn’t matter whose name it was in. If I needed money in my checking account, I just took it from savings. I was authorized on the account. I never had to ask her for anything.»
— in «Lap Dance«

Joyce: «Let’s review the facts. Did you give up your career at her urging?»
Tina: «Yes.»
Joyce: «Did you make a home for her, did you cook, decorate, entertain, fill the house with liveliness and warmth?»
Tina: «Yes.»
Joyce: «Okay. Did you offer your womb to give birth to her child?»
Tina: «Bette doesn’t know about this. I mean, nobody knows about this.»
Joyce: «You’re kidding.»
Tina: «I just started showing. I had a miscarriage about five months ago. Bette didn’t handle it so well. I didn’t want her to have to go through it again.»
Joyce: «So you went and got inseminated on your own, and you’re protecting her until you’re sure it’s going to stick?»
Tina: «Yeah.»
Joyce: «And then she cheated on you. She spread her legs for another woman.»
Tina: «Could you please not say that?»
Joyce: «It’s true! Deal with it. Doesn’t it make you angry?»
Tina: «Fuck, yes.»
Joyce: «So what do you want? Take responsibility for yourself. Get what you rightfully deserve, and don’t let Bette decide that for you. Look, Tina, I am not a marriage wrecker. If you want to get back together with Bette…do you?»
Tina: «I don’t know.»
Joyce: «Well, either way, you have to come at this from a position of strength. Whether or not you and Bette eventually reconcile— especially if you decide to get back together and rebuild trust in your relationship, first, you need to have your autonomy. Can you see why?»
Tina: «Yes, I can see why. I want my autonomy.»
— in «Lap Dance«

Bert: «This wasn’t a marriage.»
Joyce: «It wasn’t? Well, let’s see, we’ve got a house, cars, vacations, love, commitment, a promise to be true? A baby that was lost. A trust that was broken. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a marriage to me. Does that sound like a marriage to you?»
Bette: «It was. It’s a marriage that I don’t want to have end.»
Joyce: «Yeah, well, it’s a little late for that. So let’s get back to the business at hand, the equitable division of funds.»
Bert: «I think we’ve got it—«
Bette: «How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?»
Joyce: «Here we go.»
Bette: «I am. Please don’t do this to us. This is not who we are. Tina, we can fix this. Okay? We can fix this. Tina, do you still love me? Do you? Do you still love me? Don’t do this. Don’t destroy us.»
Joyce: «If I could just interject for a second here, um…it wasn’t Tina who destroyed this relationship. That was you, and it’s a good thing to remember, as you’re dealing with the consequences.»
Bette: «I am dealing with the consequences.»
Joyce: «Well, good for you, but this moment isn’t about you. This is about Tina and what she wants. Tina, is this what you want?»
Tina: «I—I think things need to be different.»
Joyce: «Did you hear that?»
Bette: «They will be. They will be different.»
Joyce: «So why don’t you get off the floor and let her do what she wants for once, instead of you running the whole show? Come on. Why don’t we reschedule this at a time when everyone is feeling a little less dramatic? Well, talk about a command performance. Meryl Streep couldn’t have done it any better.»
— in «Loneliest Number«

Bette (to Tina): «I fucked up. I did not fuck off. I did not leave. I am still here.»
— in «Lagrimas de Oro«

Tina: «How could you do that? How could you make all those decisions without me?»
Bette: «What do you mean? I didn’t make this decision without you. We both decided, Tina.»
Tina: «No, we decided nothing of the sort. Angelica should go to Beverly Montessori. There is no way we are going to pay $18,000 for preschool.»
Bette: «We will pay whatever it takes to get her the best education available.»
Tina: «Beverly Montessori is a wonderful school, and it happens to be very close to my house.»
Bette: «That is not a factor.»
Tina: «So you’re gonna make Angelica take a two-and-a-half-hour car ride every single day so she can go to preschool with Diane Keaton’s kids?»
Bette: «No! I will make sure that she goes to the best school, period. The best school! Period!»
Tina: «You know what? Fuck it! I don’t even know why I bother. You clearly decided all of this without me. And you know what, for the record, I am not going to let your overachieving, psycho dysfunction stress out our kid before she’s three years old! It’s just fucking preschool, for god’s sake. Crayons and playdough.»
Bette: «No, it is not just crayons! It is a fucking Ivy League education. So naive! Jesus!»
— in «Luck Be a Lady«

Bette: «I’m sitting here with Jenny’s little fucking tome, wondering why you didn’t give me a heads-up.»
Tina: «Well, you know what? It didn’t even occur to me to talk about it. I don’t know, you’re the one that said it was, you said it was fluff, remember? You said it was frivolous entertainment.»
Bette: «Well, I hadn’t read the whole book.»
Tina: «Look, look, it’s not you. It’s a character. All it is, is a character. It’s not you. You’re personalizing it way too much. …No, no, look, no, you’re not narcissistic. If anything, you’re just a little bit of a control freak. But you know what? It’s endearing. It’s endearing. Everybody— you know what? I have to go. I’m having lunch with my director.»
Bette: «Oh, you mean Kate Arden? You’re having lunch with Kate Arden? Enjoy yourself.»
— in «Literary License to Kill«

Tina: «Look, it’s okay to cry. You can cry with me.»
Bette: «What do I do wrong, T? What do I do wrong?»
Tina: «You don’t do anything wrong.»
Bette: «No, really, I mean it. Why is it so fucking hard to be in a relationship with me? Look, just tell me. Tell me everything that I did to make you run from me. I’m begging you. Please.»
Tina: «You’re a control freak. You are!»
Bette: «So? That’s fucking ridiculous. Everybody’s a control freak sometimes. That’s what you have to do to get things done.»
Tina: «Yeah, but you think your things are more important than everyone else’s, and that’s really, really hard in a relationship. When your work, your needs, your ideas are always right, always on a higher plane. You’re more enlightened, you’re more informed, you’re more intuitive—«
Bette: «It must have been hideous. I’m sorry.»
— in «Literary License to Kill«

Bette: «What else are you afraid of, Tina?»
Tina: «I’m afraid of, um… what everyone will think of us, how they’ll judge us, how hurt Jodi will be.»
Bette: «She already knows there’s something wrong.»
Tina: «Did you tell her about us?»
Bette: «God, no. I’ve been such a fucking coward.»
— in «Liquid Heat«

Marci: «I mean, this is my body, and my baby, and my decision, and you’re the family that I want my baby to go to.»
Tina: «Are you sure?»
Marci: «Yeah.»
Tina: «Have you met the other two couples?»
Marci: «Yeah, I met them. I mean, they’re fine. I just…I don’t like them as much as I like you guys. They’re just not as interesting and this baby, he’s gonna have an interesting life.»
Bette: «He?»
Marci: «Yeah. It’s a boy. Which is another reason why I want you to be his parents. ‘Cause this world needs boys who are gonna do things different. And I really want my baby to have a chance at that. At making this world, you know, just a little better.»
— in «Leaving Los Angeles«

Bette: «You know, for as long as I can remember, I’ve been able to identify what I want and I’ve been willing to pursue it. Do you really think I should apologize for that?»
Tina: «I’m not asking you to apologize. But I definitely put your career first, your feelings first—«
Bette: «I never asked you to do that.»
Tina: «You didn’t have to. Everything was on your timeline, on your terms.»
Bette: «I don’t think that’s fair.»
Tina: «Of course you don’t. Because you’re never wrong.»
Bette: «Look around. I am wrong all the fucking time.»
— in «Loose Ends«


The L Word[]

LW S1 Bette Tina promo 01

TLW s1 promo

LW S1 Bette Tina promo 02

TLW s1 promo

Generation Q[]

Gen Q S01E06 Bette and Tina 01

Gen Q S02E09 Bette and Tina 01


Generation Q[]


1 — 20 of 404 Works in Tina Kennard/Bette Porter

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  1. Tags

    When their show is under threat of cancellation, lead actresses Bette and Tina are told they have two options. Pretend to date or lose their jobs. It should be an easy choice, except for the part where they don’t get along.

  2. Tags

    Bette and Tina are divorced and co-parenting 12yo Angelica.

  3. Tags

    Tina Kennard is a flight attendant, today is not her day. Bette Porter is a lawyer, she is taking the plane for work, today is not her day either. But…their paths cross.

  4. Tags

    This is just another Tibette beginning fanfic. From when Tina met Bette at her gallery till they’ve fallen in love. I’ve written it because:
    1. I wanted to give Tina the backstory she deserved
    2. Eric is not exactly the supposedly innocent party here
    3. Tina is a painter! And everything else is pretty much the same.

  5. Tags

    Seventeen years ago, Bette Porter made the biggest mistake of her life. She cheated on her long-term partner. What she didn’t expect was Tina to disappear into the night and not been seen for years. Tina is now living in New York when she sees a gallery opening, with an owner she knows very well. can she bring herself to rekindle a romance hat hasn’t been for seventeen years.

  6. Tags

    It’s a bodyguard AU fic — inspired by/loosely based on The Bodyguard (1992), all rights to that particular work of fiction belong to Warner Bros. etc. etc.

    TW/CW for stalking, harrassment, guns, minor violence, minor explosion, minor character death.
    I will NOT be gratuitously describing the gun/violence/death/stalking elements, as that’s not my intent for this fic.

  7. Tags

    Feeling sad and depressed and this just poured out of me. One-shot from Tina’s POV. Title stolen from the gut-wrenching song from Sara Bareilles’ Broadway musical, Waitress.

  8. Tags

    When two people from different worlds fall in love, is it always meant to be? Or will the world work against them and keep them apart? Are two people meant to be with one another in spite of love? Or will love betray them?

  9. Tags

    The room next door to Tina and Bette’s remind them of something they’ve been missing the last few weeks.

  10. Tags

    After the death of her wife, Bette Porter moves to Seattle with her daughter, Angie. When Angie calls in to a talk-radio program to find a new wife for her mother, Bette grudgingly gets on the line to discuss her feelings. Tina Kennard, a correspondent in Baltimore, hears Bette speak and falls for her, even though she is engaged. Unsure where it will lead, she writes a letter asking Bette to meet her at the Empire State Building on Valentine’s Day.

    (An AU based on the 1993 Nora Ephron film «Sleepless in Seattle»)

  11. Tags

    The idea for this story is based on an interview Laurel did many years ago. A certain reporter asked about her sexuality, and interesting answers were given.

    Part 1 (Chapters 1-8): 2007ish
    Part 2 (Chapters 9-?): 2019-2022

    Obviously these are fictional characters.

  12. Tags

    It’s the summer of 1984 in Crema, Italy. Tina spends her days biking to and from the café, reading in her mother’s garden, and swimming with her (not) boyfriend at the lake. Daughter of a wealthy, intellectual art professor, some would call her pretentious. They must not have met her father’s intern this year.


    Inspired by ‘Call Me By Your Name,’ Mr. Kennard is an art professor and Bette is his mentee for the summer.

  13. Tags

    She was a punk. She did ballet. What more can I say?

  14. Tags

    Tina Kennard is on course to marry the seemingly perfect man when a beautiful woman enters and turns her life upside down.

  15. Tags

    Bette and Tina come home together after Bette breaks up with Jodi.
    Missing moment between 5×11 and 5×12.

  16. Tags

    What happens when two souls collide? Tina moves to Vancouver after she sees Bette and Candace together. But no matter how many miles she puts between them, their souls are forever connected.

  17. Tags

    Normally, it’s life or death. For Tina though, there’s a chance to live in between.

  18. Tags

    The President has been through a lot in the last twenty four months. She’s coping with more than she ever thought she would. Can love save her? Can a relationship cope with the pressure of the job, the Presidents nightmares and the outside world?

  19. Tags

    Actress Tina Kennard is not you’re every day actor. she’s a talented woman who knows she flawed.
    Bette Porter owns ShowCase a TV./Movie company and enjoys a rich full life but she is lonely. until she comes to rescue of an actress that she can’t help but fall for.

  20. Tags

    How my imagination conjured the first meeting between Tina Kennard and Bette Porter. Inspired by that sappy ass song from Richard Marx and Donna Lewis, «At The Beginning» Tina’s POV.


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    какой-то трек

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    Extasy |запах секса| (MF remix)

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So I ah…wrote some fanfiction. People seem to like it, so I thought I’d share it here too. If this isn’t a good place for fanfic, its cool, I’ll take it down.

Its Bette and Tina and Angie at home after episode 11 of season 5. Just a quiet night at home. S5 spoilers.

Two cars pulled into the driveway, one behind the other, headlights picking out details. Porch steps. Curtains. A bloom blushing on a bush. Glints of reflection from the pool. Home.

There were sounds, but not much talking. Car doors chunked open and shut. Click click clicks as Angelica’s car seat belts were released. The rustle of diaper bags and briefcases. Beeps from cell phone messages left unchecked. Happy nonsense whispers from the baby.

Just through front door, life was both familiar and impossibly strange. Bette and Tina stood there for almost a full minute, facing each other. Silent. Adjusting. Incredulous.

And then a small cocky smile quirked a corner of Bette’s pretty mouth. An answering grin spread slowly across Tina’s face. And then there they were, standing in the doorway with coats on and a squirming baby, laughing at the ludicrous beauty of their situation. In that moment they were not contrite about where they had been. Their sordid, sad, sloppy, singular past had brought them to this moment, and they were giddy with the possibility of what they might become. Together. Again.

Angelica caught the giggles from them. Bette and Tina both turned to her, and gazing at her chubby cheeks, in the echo of her sweet baby laugh, life was recalibrated. Useful things could be said. And done. Starting with taking their coats off.

Bette took Tina and Angie’s jackets to hang up, while Tina settled Angie on the couch to take off her shoes.

“Are you hungry?” Bette called over her shoulder from the closet.

“Yeah, starving. I didn’t get a chance to eat today.”

The jackets taken care of, Bette wasn’t quite sure what to do with her hands. The house was different with all three of them there, with a family in it. Surfaces seemed to be at a slightly different height. Items she had not noticed in a long while reasserted their presence. Bette was suddenly, irrationally, afraid she might accidentally break something. She shoved her hands in her pockets tried to affect a nonchalant air.

“I can make us dinner…”

Tina heard the notes of insecurity in Bette’s voice and looked up from a stubborn knot in Angelica’s shoelace.

“I would love it if you would make dinner. Thank you,” she said with a reassuring smile.

“And I,” Tina continued, “will get Angelica ready for bed.”

She gave up on the shoelace and yanked the shoe off without untying it. Picking up the baby, she walked toward Bette.

“Then you and I can have dinner and…” Tina placed a soft kiss at Bette’s jawline, “relax.” Bette grinned. Minutes passed. And she stood still, thinking of nothing. Devoting herself instead to fully experiencing a new and filling sensation. Happiness.

The sound of water running for Angie’s bath roused her. “Dinner. Right. Dinner. “

Opening the fridge, Bette realized that her plan for impressing Tina with a healthy, delicious, stunningly presented meal was out the window. Between being out of town for the physically and emotionally grueling Pink Ride and the dramatic day with Jodi today, the mundane task of grocery shopping had fallen by the wayside. A wilted head of lettuce and some leftover brown rice were the most edible things the fridge had to offer.

“I’ll just have to prove my prowess in other areas this evening.” Bette thought as she pulled a premade gourmet pizza from the freezer and stuck it in the oven. Making sure the timer was set for 20 minutes, Bette applied herself to choosing a bottle of wine.

In the bathtub, Angelica was splashing happily. Tina knelt at the side of the tub, supervising and providing appropriate sound effects for the boats and rubber ducks. Tina had been surprised that Bette allowed such garish plastic toys to interrupt her tasteful bathroom décor. But there they had been, blues, red, yellows. Awkward shapes on a shelf. Not even curated, just neatly piled, awaiting Angelica.

Tina let the baby play, hoping the warm water would calm her down, make her sleepy after this long day full of strange energies. Angie plopped a boat into the water with surprising force, and the resulting splash reached Tina’s clothes.

“Let’s try and keep the water in the tub, ok babyface?” Tina quickly stripped off her damp things and threw them in the hamper. She grabbed a fluffy robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door, knotted the belt around her waist and knelt again by the tub.

“Now let’s wash your hair and get you to bed.”

“Sleep here?” Angelica asked, surprised.

“What sweetie?” Tina answered, distracted, rubbing shampoo into the child’s hair.

“With Mama B?”

“Oh…” Tina let out a soft sigh. She hadn’t considered that Angelica might be confused by the confluence of what she had come to know as completely separate homes. Mama T putting her to bed at Mama B’s house might be blowing her little mind.

Tina filled a cup with water. “Tilt your head back sweetie. Eyes closed tight.” She poured the water over Angelica’s hair, rinsing away suds.

“Yes. We’re going to sleep here. You and me and Mama B.” Tina couldn’t keep a big grin off her face. “Its nice to be together, right?”

Angelica yawned and nodded. “Together.”

Reaching for a towel, Tina marveled at the power she and Bette had to create Angelica’s world. To change it.

The thought sobered Tina as she wrapped Angelica in the towel and lifted her out of the tub. She bit her lip, and stopped moving, lost in thought.

“Mama?” Angie patted Tina’s cheek. “Mama?”

Tina came back to the present and turned to face her daughter.

“Yes Angelica?”

Angelica took her mother’s face in her hands and brought her lips to Tina’s cheek.

“Sweet baby.” Tina thought, expecting a kiss.

“Pppthppppht!” Angelica went with a raspberry instead.

Tina gasped in mock shock. In retaliation, she tickled Angelica through the towel and carried the squirming, giggling kid into the hallway, toward her bedroom.

Outside Angelica’s bedroom door, they ran into Bette coming from the master bedroom. She had changed into a light gray tanktop and a pair of loose black pants. Her slender fingers were gathering her hair into a ponytail, exposing the graceful curve of her neck.

“Bette…” Tina’s breath caught on the exhale and the name came out a sigh. She loved seeing Bette in power suits, feeling the warm press of her body through a silk blouse….but Bette in casual clothes could positively undo Tina’s sense of propriety. Bette didn’t have to make a show of control. Without any effort, the elegance of her power in repose was intoxicating.

“Ladies…” Bette flashed Tina and the baby a suave smile.

“Mama B!” Angelica crowed joyfully and wiggled around in Tina’s grasp.

“Hi boo…” Bette stepped in close and dropped a kiss on Angelica’s forehead. “You smell nice.”

Angelica’s cheeks bloomed with a happy blush, and she nuzzled into her mother’s kiss.

Bette moved another step closer and placed a kiss on Tina’s forehead too, lips lingering as she reveled in the mingled scents of Tina’s hair, perfume, lipstick, fingertips, breath.

Bette bent to place a kiss at Tina’s earlobe. “You smell nice too.”

Bette’s mouth moved against the delicate arc of Tina’s ear. Warm breath, the flick of a tongue. A nibble.

A delicious chill ran over the nape of Tina’s neck. She had to lean against the doorjamb. Reaffrim her grip on Angelica.

Bette stepped back and enjoyed watching Tina attempt to collect herself. “I should check on dinner. I’ll come back to give you a goodnight kiss Angie.”

Tina and Angelica stood in the bedroom doorway, watching Bette go. The baby rested her head on Tina’s shoulder. “I love Mama B.”

Tina leaned her cheek on Angelica’s head. “Me too.”

Moving down the hall, Bette heard them, but not their words. Felt their gentle murmur floating, following her. And she knew that she was loved.

In the kitchen, Bette forced herself to focus on ordinary tasks, not ready to fully consider the implications of the extraordinary way this evening was making her feel. She checked on the pizza, and finding it done, turned the oven down to “warm.” She gathered dishes, napkins and silverware, and set the dining room table for two. She picked up the bottle of wine, which she had left breathing, and poured a glass for her, and one for Tina. Bringing the glasses with her, she walked back to Angelica’s room.

Bette opened the baby’s door slowly, silently, not wanting to disturb Angelica if she was already asleep. Peeking around the door, she saw the lights low, the glass mobile Bette had hung in the nursery twinkling in the dim, Tina on the edge of Angelica’s new big girl bed, reading a picture book in a low hum. And in a and in the midst of all this calm, Angelica, wide awake.

At the sight of Bette, she perked up even more. “Come, Mama.” She stood up in bed and held out her arms for a hug.

Bette put the wine glasses down on the bureau and sat down on the other side of Angelica. “Sorry T,’ she apologized as she hugged the baby. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Tina closed the book she had been reading and put it on the nightstand“Thanks. But you didn’t. She’s wired.”

Bette loosened her grip on Angelica and leaned back, giving the girl an appraising look. “Are you wired?”

Angelica shrugged.

Tina leaned back against the pillows. “I think Angelica is very excited about having two mamas home all night long.”

Bette watched Tina in the dim light. The robe she had put on was tied loosely, and her every movement revealed and concealed landscapes of skin. A glance of the swell of her cleavage. a glimpse of the silky planes of a thigh, the enticing rill of her collarbone…It was Bette’s turn to raise an eyebrow. ”This is very exciting.”

Turning to Angelica, she continued. “Which is exactly why you need to get to bed.”

She picked the child up and settled her back down under the covers. Angelica safely retucked, Bette walked to the bookshelf and picked out a new book. “Clearly we need some heavy artillery tonight. Time tested tactics.”

She handed the book to Tina and sat down on the other side of the bed. Snuggled between her mamas, Angelica gave a huge yawn and relaxed as Tina began to read.

“In the great green room
There was a telephone
And a red ballon
And a picture of-
The cow jumping over the moon…”

Within a few minutes, Angelica was nodding off. Her eyelids fluttered shut, long lashes coming to rest against her cheeks. She wriggled around to a more comfortable sleeping position, lying on her stomach. Bette rubbed her daughter’s back in soothing circles, and Angelica slid deeper into sleep.

“Goodnight stars,
Goodnight air,
Goodnight noises everywhere.”

Tina closed the book and turned off the bedside lamp. Bette stopped moving and let her hand rest, palm open, on Angelica’s back. She felt the rise and fall of Angelica’s gentle breath.

Tina reached over and covered Bette’s hand with her own.

The only light now was the small glow of Angelica’s nightlight. But Tina was close and Bette was watching her closely. Tina opened her mouth, and a soft exhale of breath made it “I”. The tip of Tina’s tongue darted out to form the L in “love”, her bottom lip against her teeth for the V, and a pout for “you”, almost a kiss, to end the sentence.

These days there was dull ache always inside Bette, a never absent physical craving for Tina’s presence. The ache now tightened, tying itself into a knot.

In one motion, without letting go of Tina’s hand, Bette was off the bed and standing, tugging Tina up after her.


Bette’s touch was firm, her gaze insistent, and Tina caught her urgency. Hand in hand, they moved quietly through the door, quickly through the bright light of the hallway, plunging again into the dim, closing the master bedroom door behind them.

Tina pulled Bette to her, the momentum bumping her back against the bedroom wall. Bette stumbled but caught herself with a hand against the wall, the other at Tina’s waist. Their lips met in a bruising kiss and Bette moved to untie the loose knot that held Tina’s robe closed. Suddenly exposed, Tina was cold for a second, a feeling quickly replaced by firey trails Bette’s hands left on her skin, roaming over her shoulders, her arms, her back, down over her ass, gently squeezing, then lower again, and back up, Bette’s nails dragging lightly over the backs of Tina’s thighs.

Tina pressed her mouth to Bette’s ear.

“You want me,“ her voice was a warm, ragged whisper.

Bette lifted her gaze to meet Tina’s. “I need you,” she corrected.

In Bette’s eyes, Tina saw love, steady and soft. But the shape of Bette’s mouth was pure sex. Tina recognized that set of the lips, the way Bette moved her tongue when she was throbbing with desire. And then there, the way she cocked her head, the slight hitch in her breathing. That was Bette’s fear, her more than physical need for Tina. Her delicate breakable hope for this family.

With the complete, complex Bette standing before her, Tina was filled with a dual sense of power and protectiveness. She pressed her lips to Bette’s forehead.

“I love you.”

Tina’s hands found their way under the hem of Bette’s tanktop and lifted it over her head. She bent her head to nibble on Bette’s neck.

“I love you.” Tina repeated, her words buzzing against Bette’s jugular vein.

Bette left out a soft gasp of pleasure, and Tina moved her hands to the drawstring of Bette’s pants. The pants slipped down to join Tina’s robe at their feet.

Tina spoke again, pouring her words into Bette’s mouth now.

“I love you. I love you. I love you.”

And they tumbled into bed, falling endlessly into each other.

Almost two hours later, they were still in bed, hair tousled, sheets tangled. Multiple orgasms had tired them, calmed the rush of passion to tenderness. But they didn’t want to stop touching each other. They lay naked and entwined, whispering onto each other’s skin.

Bette felt a burst of energy and kissed her way down Tina’s neck, licked between her breasts. Tina’s skin was salty with their mingled sweat. Bette laid her head on Tina’s abdomen, and listened to her lover’s blood pump. Then, above the muffled rhythm of Tina’s heart, a loud rumble of complaint from Tina’s stomach.

“You’re hungry.”

“Ravenous,” Tina admitted.

Bette slid back up to the head of the bed and took Tina in her arms. “That’s sexy, say it again.”

“I’m rrrrravenous Bette,” Tina played the bombshell, rolling the r and arching into Bette’s embrace. She bit Bette’s shoulder. “Feed me.”

Bette disentangled herself from Tina, laughing. “I made pizza,” she said, getting up from bed to find clothes. “Its been in the oven on warm this whole time. Hopefully it’s still edible.”

Tina moved to get up, but Bette shook her head. “No, you relax. I’ll get it, we can eat in here.”

Tina lay down again, curled around a pillow. “You never used to eat in bed. The crumbs.”

Bette loved the sight of Tina naked in her bed. Their bed.

“Fuck the crumbs.”

Tina noticed Bette’s eyes on her and stretched languorously, showing off.
“You’ve turned into a wild woman. Can we have wine in the bedroom now too?”

“I’m the wild one?” Bette stopped in the middle of pulling her tanktop down, and gestured to the hickeys and bites Tina’s mouth had left on her breasts, the scratches Tina’s nails had left on her shoulders and biceps. She bent and kissed Tina’s head. “Wine too.”

Tina raised her face to Bette’s for a quick kiss. “I’ll miss you.”

Bette stepped into the hallway, and the brighter lights made her blink. It was only in these moments of small discomfort that Bette could even be sure this night was real. She smiled, thrilled at the reassurance that she wouldn’t wake up from this dream.

Quietly, Bette crept down the hall and into Angelica’s room to retrieve the wine glasses she had left on the dresser. She stood for a minute and watched her daughter sleeping peacefully, whispered “I love you Angie.” and then tiptoed out again.

In the kitchen, Bette put the wine glasses on a tray, along with the bottle she had left on the counter. She took the pizza from the oven to survey the damage. It looked dry but not completely inedible. She broke off a piece of crust and tried it. She shrugged and washed the mouthful of crust down with a swig of wine that had been sitting out for two hours.

“Mmm. Gourmet.” Bette’s sarcasm was lost on the empty kitchen.

Bette attacked the crispy pizza with a pizza cutter. After some aggression on her part, the pizza yielded. Adding pizza, plates and napkins to the tray, she headed back to Tina.

In the bedroom, Tina had been busy, re-making the bed and pulling on one of Bette’s old t-shirts and a pair of shorts. She looked marvelously cute, Bette thought, laying on her stomach, leafing through a gallery catalog that had been left on the bedside table. She looked up when Bette entered the room.

“Food. You’re my hero.” Tina sat up and scooted to the head of the bed.

“You might want to hold off on the accolades until you’ve tasted it.” Bette looked doubtful as she handed Tina a plate and a napkin.

Tina bit into the pizza. Her face betrayed surprise for a minute, but she persevered. Swallowing, she gratefully accepted the glass of wine Bette was holding ready for her. After a gulp, she grinned up at Bette. “Uh. Yum? “

Bette laughed, settling herself at the foot of the bed with her own plate, and glass. “Well at least it’s not as tragic as what happened to that stir fry…”

“Oh god.” Tina took another sip of wine. “We need to make some rules about sex and cooking.”
“I don’t know T, knowing us it might be easier just to get rid of the stove.” Bette considered taking another bite of pizza, but thought better of it and put the plate on the floor by the bed. “Angie will be damned to a lifetime of takeout, but at least we won’t burn the place down.” Bette smiled at Tina, enjoying the thought of Angelica growing up, even if her only nourishment came from Chinese food containers.

Tina was hungry enough to brave another bite of pizza. “This is amazing.”

Bette crinkled her brow.

“Not the pizza.” Tina clarified. “This. Us. Being here. Promise me this is real?”

Bette didn’t say anything, but moved closer to Tina, until they were both sitting cross legged on the bed, their knees touching.

“My day was so awful. But being here with you…” Tina chuckled at herself. “It sounds so trite. But it’s true. Being here with you makes all that other nonsense seem a lifetime away.”

Bette put a hand on Tina’s knee, caressed her silky skin.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Tina gave up on the pizza and put her plate on the bedside table. “I don’t even know where to start. It was surreal. Adele had this sex tape of Jenny and Nikki in that ridiculous tent. From the Pink Ride.”

“She what?” Bette had been expecting a typical crazy Jenny story, or maybe budget stress. “A sex tape?”

“I know! She called a meeting and played it for everyone. Jenny was there, it was horrible”

“Wait. Adele? Jenny’s assistant?”

“I told you Bette. Surreal.” Tina took a sip of wine. “I’m not even going to get into the details. But Adele’s basically blackmailing the whole production. She’s in charge now.”

“What the fuck?” Bette’s disbelief was overshadowed by anger. This was Tina’s movie.

“Bette, I’m not telling you this to get you upset.” Tina finished her wine and put the glass down. “It’s bizarre, but I’ve heard of crazier things happening on sets. It’s my job to make sure filming goes on. It’s my job to make it work.” Tina put her hands on Bette’s strong shoulders and kneaded gently.

At Tina’s touch, Bette relaxed. “I know you’ll make it a great movie Tina. I just hate that this is trouble for you. I wish I could fix it. I even feel bad for Jenny. Jenny! She’s done a lot of…questionable things in her day…but what does Adele have to be so vindictive about?”

Tina sighed “Oh, I’ve given up trying to figure out Adele’s motives. Its more important that I learn to react to her in a way that keeps us under budget.”

Bette lay her head in Tina’s lap and looked up at her, eyes shining with admiration. This new side of Tina, competent and in control, was extremely appealing.

“I just wish I could have done something to help you today.” Tina said, running her fingers through Bette’s hair, “I’m sure your day was even worse than mine.”

“It was really hard, T.” Tina didn’t respond, just kept stroking Bette’s hair, fingertips smoothing over Bette’s forehead.

“I have a shitty tendency…compulsion…to make myself look good. I wanted to take responsibility. I meant to. But I talked her in circles. I obfuscated. I…” Bette stopped.

“What is it Bette?”

Tears welled up in Bette’s eyes. “I let her kiss me.” A single tear escaped, met Tina’s fingers resting at Bette’s left temple.

Tina eyes locked on Bette’s. Her gaze was steady, no hint of anger.

“I stopped her before… Well. I stopped her. But. It was so hard to make her understand.”

“She didn’t want to understand, if it meant losing you.”

Tears coursed freely down Bette’s cheeks now. “I should have said something a long time ago. I knew what I felt for you. But I never thought you’d really trust me again. And it hurt too much to hope…So I just tried not to. I thought if I pretended long enough with Jodi that it would become real one day. And I feel terrible for doing it, because she deserved so much better. I was cruel. Because I knew she would never be enough for me. Because she could never come close to you.”

Tina bent her head to Bette’s and kissed the tears away.

“Baby. You weren’t trying to be cruel. We just…we both made mistakes. And I’m sorry Jodi got hurt, I really am.”

Bette watched Tina’s mouth turn down at the corners, her eyes blink away tears of her own.

“Tina, no. No. Please don’t be sad. I’m just angry at myself. I wish I were a better person. I’m trying to be a better person. But I can’t be that person without you. And I’m so happy that we’re here, whatever it took. Putting our beautiful daughter to bed. Eating this terrible dried out pizza. Laughing. Making love. I’m still reeling from the fact that this is possible. And I’m just thrilled and excited and terrified to see what we make possible tomorrow. Together.”

Bette sat up and brought her lips to Tina’s. They were exhausted, and this kiss was sleepy and slow. They continued kissing as they lay down together, entwined in each other’s embrace. Tina sucked dreamily on Bette’s bottom lip, loving the taste of wine on her mouth. Unhurried, Bette flicked her tongue against Tina’s top lip. There was no urgency. They knew they’d find each other there in the morning.

They fell asleep together, their kisses turning into their dreams.

And then, the quiet even breath of sleep was the only sound in the house. A warm, graceful beat that seemed to say,


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