The l word сколько серий

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This is a list of all episodes from the series The L Word which aired from January 18, 2004 to March 8, 2009. With the exception of the pilot episode, all episode titles begin with the letter L. A total of 70 episodes aired over six seasons.

Series overview[edit]

Season Episodes Originally aired
First aired Last aired
1 13 January 18, 2004 April 11, 2004
2 13 February 20, 2005 May 15, 2005
3 12 January 8, 2006 March 26, 2006
4 12 January 7, 2007 March 25, 2007
5 12 January 6, 2008 March 23, 2008
6 8 January 18, 2009 March 8, 2009


Season 1 (2004)[edit]

No. in
Title Directed by Written by Original air date
1 1 «Pilot» Rose Troche Story by : Ilene Chaiken and Kathy Greenberg & Michele Abbott
Teleplay by : Ilene Chaiken
January 18, 2004
2 2 «Let’s Do It» Rose Troche Susan Miller January 25, 2004
3 3 «Longing» Lynne Stopkewich Angela Robinson February 1, 2004
4 4 «Lies, Lies, Lies» Clement Virgo Josh Senter February 8, 2004
5 5 «Lawfully» Dan Minahan Rose Troche February 15, 2004
6 6 «Losing It» Clement Virgo Guinevere Turner February 22, 2004
7 7 «L’Ennui» Tony Goldwyn Ilene Chaiken February 29, 2004
8 8 «Listen Up» Kari Skogland Mark Zakarin March 7, 2004
9 9 «Luck, Next Time» Rose Troche Rose Troche March 14, 2004
10 10 «Liberally» Mary Harron Ilene Chaiken March 21, 2004
11 11 «Looking Back» Rose Troche Guinevere Turner March 28, 2004
12 12 «Locked Up» Lynne Stopkewich Ilene Chaiken April 4, 2004
13 13 «Limb from Limb» Tony Goldwyn Ilene Chaiken April 11, 2004

Season 2 (2005)[edit]

No. in
Title Directed by Written by Original air date
14 1 «Life, Loss, Leaving» Dan Minahan Ilene Chaiken February 20, 2005
15 2 «Lap Dance» Lynne Stopkewich Ilene Chaiken February 27, 2005
16 3 «Loneliest Number» Rose Troche Lara Spotts March 6, 2005
17 4 «Lynch Pin» Lisa Cholodenko Ilene Chaiken March 13, 2005
18 5 «Labyrinth» Burr Steers Rose Troche March 20, 2005
19 6 «Lagrimas de Oro» Jeremy Podeswa Guinevere Turner March 27, 2005
20 7 «Luminous» Ernest Dickerson Ilene Chaiken April 3, 2005
21 8 «Loyal» Alison Maclean A. M. Homes April 10, 2005
22 9 «Late, Later, Latent» Tony Goldwyn David Stenn April 17, 2005
23 10 «Land Ahoy» Tricia Brock Ilene Chaiken April 24, 2005
24 11 «Loud and Proud» Rose Troche Elizabeth Hunter May 1, 2005
25 12 «L’Chaim» John Curran Ilene Chaiken May 8, 2005
26 13 «Lacuna» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken May 15, 2005

Season 3 (2006)[edit]

No. in
Title Directed by Written by Original air date
27 1 «Labia Majora» Rose Troche Ilene Chaiken January 8, 2006
28 2 «Lost Weekend» Bille Eltringham A. M. Homes January 15, 2006
29 3 «Lobsters» Bronwen Hughes Ilene Chaiken January 22, 2006
30 4 «Light My Fire» Lynne Stopkewich Cherien Dabis January 29, 2006
31 5 «Lifeline» Kimberly Peirce Ilene Chaiken February 5, 2006
32 6 «Lifesize» Tricia Brock Adam Rapp February 12, 2006
33 7 «Lone Star» Frank Pierson [Elizabeth Ziff February 19, 2006
34 8 «Latecomer» Angela Robinson Ilene Chaiken February 26, 2006
35 9 «Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way» Moises Kaufman Ilene Chaiken March 5, 2006
36 10 «Losing the Light» Rose Troche Rose Troche March 12, 2006
37 11 «Last Dance» Allison Anders Ilene Chaiken March 19, 2006
38 12 «Left Hand of the Goddess» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken March 26, 2006

Season 4 (2007)[edit]

No. in
Title Directed by Written by Original air date
39 1 «Legend in the Making» Bronwen Hughes Ilene Chaiken January 7, 2007
40 2 «Livin’ La Vida Loca» Marleen Gorris Alexandra Kondracke January 14, 2007
41 3 «Lassoed» Tricia Brock Ilene Chaiken January 21, 2007
42 4 «Layup» Jessica Sharzer Elizabeth Ziff January 28, 2007
43 5 «Lez Girls» John Stockwell Ilene Chaiken February 4, 2007
44 6 «Luck Be a Lady» Angela Robinson Angela Robinson February 11, 2007
45 7 «Lesson Number One» Moises Kaufman Ariel Schrag February 18, 2007
46 8 «Lexington & Concord» Jamie Babbit Ilene Chaiken February 25, 2007
47 9 «Lacy Lilting Lyrics» Bronwen Hughes Cherien Dabis March 4, 2007
48 10 «Little Boy Blue» Karyn Kusama Elizabeth Ziff March 11, 2007
49 11 «Literary License To Kill» John Stockwell Ilene Chaiken March 18, 2007
50 12 «Long Time Coming» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken March 25, 2007

Season 5 (2008)[edit]

No. in
Title Directed by Written by Original air date
51 1 «LGB Tease» Angela Robinson Ilene Chaiken January 6, 2008
52 2 «Look Out, Here They Come!» Jamie Babbit Cherien Dabis January 13, 2008
53 3 «Lady of the Lake» Tricia Brock Ilene Chaiken January 20, 2008
54 4 «Let’s Get This Party Started» John Stockwell Elizabeth Ziff January 27, 2008
55 5 «Lookin’ At You, Kid» Angela Robinson Angela Robinson February 3, 2008
56 6 «Lights! Camera! Action!» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken February 10, 2008
57 7 «Lesbians Gone Wild» Angela Robinson Elizabeth Ziff February 17, 2008
58 8 «Lay Down the Law» Leslie Libman Alexandra Kondracke February 24, 2008
59 9 «Liquid Heat» Rose Troche Ilene Chaiken March 2, 2008
60 10 «Lifecycle» Angela Robinson Angela Robinson March 9, 2008
61 11 «Lunar Cycle» Bob Aschmann Ilene Chaiken March 16, 2008
62 12 «Loyal and True» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken March 23, 2008

Season 6 (2009)[edit]

No. in
Title Directed by Written by Original air date
63 1 «Long Night’s Journey Into Day» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken January 18, 2009
64 2 «Least Likely» Rose Troche Rose Troche January 25, 2009
65 3 «LMFAO» Angela Robinson Alexandra Kondracke February 1, 2009
66 4 «Leaving Los Angeles» Rose Troche Ilene Chaiken February 8, 2009
67 5 «Litmus Test» Angela Robinson Angela Robinson February 15, 2009
68 6 «Lactose Intolerant» John Stockwell Elizabeth Ziff February 22, 2009
69 7 «Last Couple Standing» Rose Troche Ilene Chaiken March 1, 2009
70 8 «Last Word» Ilene Chaiken Ilene Chaiken March 8, 2009

External links[edit]

  • The L Word at IMDb

Несколько друзей ведут однополый образ жизни и не стесняясь обсуждают свои чувства на публике. У них есть всё: счастье, любовь, горечь утраты, измены и ненависть. Эти эмоции помогают им двигаться вперёд, решать проблемы и заводить новые отношения. Сериал “Секс в другом городе: Поколение Q” (англ. “The L Word: Generation Q”) подробно рассказывает о том обществе, которое принято считать “меньшинством”. Но пора перестать закрывать на это глаза, ведь они повсюду…

Когда выйдет сериал “Секс в другом городе: Поколение Q сезон 4”?

Пока что нет официального анонса продолжения драмы “Секс в другом городе: Поколение Q”. И хоть популярность первых двух сезонов была на высоте, уже к 3-му сезону рейтинги медленно начали ползти вниз. У создателей картины ещё есть время для съёмок следующего сезона, который может появиться в конце 2023 года, ну а зрителям предлагаем следить за текущими изменениями в расписании на нашем сайте.


Бэт Портер решила баллотироваться в мэры. Недавно её обвинили в тайной связи с замужней дамой, чей муж решил вынести это на всеобщее обозрение. Понимая, что ей необходимо оправдаться перед общественностью, Бэт ищет помощи у старой знакомой Элис, которая ведёт свою телепередачу. В эфире Портер удаётся перетянуть львиную часть избирателей на свою сторону, но это становится лишь началом конфликта…

В это время семья Элис претерпевает временные трудности. Недавно она решила съехаться с Натали, у которой от прошлого брака с женщиной осталось двое детей. Ребята всячески показывают своё презрение к Элис, но та внешне спокойно реагирует на любые их выходки. Работа на телевидении закалила её уже давно, поэтому двух сорванцов ей вынести по силам. А вот бывшую Натали, сующую нос куда не следует, Элис решила не терпеть.

В это же время в город приезжает женщина по имени Шейн. Она продала свои рестораны по всей Италии и решила вернуться в родные места. Элис встретила её с удовольствием, а вскоре Шейн познакомилась с Сарой, которая явно питает к ней симпатию. Вот только Шейн не высказывает никакого интереса, ведь она настолько богата и знаменита, что может позволить себе любую девушку.


Кадр из сериала. Элис ведёт телепередачу, а в гостях у неё Бэт и Шейн

Пара Дани и Софи давно спорит по поводу брака. Дани знает, что отец никогда не одобрит её пассию, ведь она – женщина. Но скрывать свою личную жизнь от родного отца невозможно. Тот считает, что дочь нагуляется и встретит нормального мужчину. Но лишь Дани знает, что никогда ей не быть с человеком противоположного пола, ведь она не чувствует влечения ни к кому, кроме женщин.

В ходе работы Дани приходится столкнуться с Бэт Портер. Отчитав Дани за то, что ей должно быть стыдно спать по ночам за поступки, которые она совершает на работе, Бэт уходит и отказывается от её услуг. Мало кто знает, что Дани действительно мучает совесть за рабочие моменты, но девушка защищает бизнес отца и находится в затруднительном положении, когда дело касается выбора.

После просмотра эфира, где Бэт оправдывается за свои отношения с замужней дамой, Дани решает кардинально изменить собственную жизнь – она делает предложение Софи, увольняется из офиса отца и убеждает Бэт взять её в свою команду. Портер знает, что Дани прекрасно справляется с поставленными задачами, но сомневается, что ей можно доверять. Их рассудит лишь время, ведь не с самого начала они поймут, что чувствуют друг к другу…

Актеры и их роли

  • Элис – всеми любимая телеведущая, которая приглашает в эфир известных личностей и заставляет их делиться своим мнением на разные темы; испытывает трудности в общении с детьми своей возлюбленной, но пытается не показывать вид, что ей обидно; Элис добрый, но требовательный руководитель, добивающийся от подчинённых полного послушания – Лейша Хейли.
  • Софи – долгое время ждала предложения от Дани, но вскоре обстоятельства поменялись, поскольку обе девушки оказались не честны друг с другом; работает на телешоу и отвечает за гостей, которые приглашены в эфир – Розанни Зейес.
  • Дани – после университета устроилась в компанию по производству фармацевтики, построенную её отцом; благодаря Бэт решилась на изменения в своей жизни и уволилась с ненавистной работы – Арьенн Мэнди.
  • Бэт – полагается на внутреннее чутьё, когда берёт Дани к себе в офис, чтобы та помогала ей с предвыборной кампанией; опровергает обвинения в свой адрес, когда ей в вину вменяют отношения на рабочем месте – Дженнифер Билз.

Интересные факты

  1. Первый сезон вышел 8 декабря 2019 года на канале Showtime. Спустя 2 месяца, в январе 2020 года, продюсеры сериала продлили его на 2-й сезон, однако из-за пандемия коронавируса съёмочный процесс начался лишь спустя 11 месяцев — в декабре 2020 года. В итоге показ нового сезона состоялся только 6 августа 2021 года. Третий сезон появился 20 ноября 2022 года.
  2. По сюжету действие происходят спустя 10 лет после событий, произошедших в финальной серии картины “Секс в другом городе” (англ. “The L Word”) 2004 года. Многие актёры вновь присоединились к своим ролям, например, Дженнифер Билз, Лейша Хэлли, а также Кэтрин Мёнинг в роли Шейн Маккатчен.
  3. В 2022 году на 33-й премии GLAAD Media Awards сериал “Секс в другом городе: Поколение Q” попал в номинацию “Выдающийся драматический сериал”.

Секс в другом городе: Поколение Q 4 сезон — дата выхода серий

Номер серии Название серии Дата выхода
4×01 Серия 1 2023 год
4×02 Серия 2 2023 год
4×03 Серия 3 2023 год
4×04 Серия 4 2023 год
4×05 Серия 5 2023 год
4×06 Серия 6 2023 год
4×07 Серия 7 2023 год
4×08 Серия 8 2023 год
4×09 Серия 9 2023 год
4×10 Серия 10 2023 год

ТОП-10 Очень хороших мелодрам

The L Word
The L Word logo.jpg
Genre Drama
Created by
  • Ilene Chaiken
  • Michele Abbot
  • Kathy Greenberg
  • Jennifer Beals
  • Mia Kirshner
  • Pam Grier
  • Laurel Holloman
  • Katherine Moennig
  • Leisha Hailey
  • Erin Daniels
  • Karina Lombard
  • Eric Mabius
  • Sarah Shahi
  • Rachel Shelley
  • Eric Lively
  • Daniel Sea
  • Dallas Roberts
  • Janina Gavankar
  • Rose Rollins
  • Marlee Matlin
Opening theme «The L Word» performed by Betty (seasons 2–6)
Composer Elizabeth Ziff
Country of origin
  • United States
  • Canada
Original language English
No. of seasons 6
No. of episodes 70 (list of episodes)
Executive producers
  • Ilene Chaiken
  • Rose Lam
  • Steve Golin
  • Larry Kennar
  • Rose Lam
  • Kim Steer
  • Elizabeth Ziff
  • Angela Robinson
  • Elizabeth Hunter
  • A.M. Homes
Production locations
  • Vancouver, British Columbia
  • Los Angeles, California
Running time 50 minutes
Production companies
  • Anonymous Content
  • Dufferin Gate Productions
  • Coast Mountain Films
  • Posse
  • Showtime Networks
Original network Showtime
Original release January 18, 2004 –
March 8, 2009
The L Word: Generation Q

The L Word is a television drama that aired on Showtime in the US from 2004 to 2009. The series follows the lives of a group of lesbian and bisexual women who live in West Hollywood, California.[1][2] The premise originated with Ilene Chaiken, Michele Abbot and Kathy Greenberg; Chaiken is credited as the primary creator of the series and also served as its executive producer.

The L Word featured television’s first ensemble cast of lesbian and bisexual female characters,[3][4] and its portrayal of lesbianism was groundbreaking at the time.[2][5][6][7] One of the series’ pioneering hallmarks was its explicit depiction of lesbian sex from the female gaze,[8] at a time when lesbian sex was «virtually invisible elsewhere on television.»[9] It was also the first television series written and directed by predominantly queer women.[10]

The L Word franchise led to the spin-off reality show The Real L Word (2010–2012) as well as the documentary film L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin (2014), both of which aired on Showtime. A sequel television series, The L Word: Generation Q, debuted in December 2019, and a spin-off, The L Word: New York, is in development.


The L Word was co-created by Ilene Chaiken, Michele Abbot, and Kathy Greenberg; Chaiken served as the primary creator and executive director of the series, as well as a writer and director.[11] Steve Golin and Larry Kennar served as additional executive producers, while Guinevere Turner, Susan Miller, Cherien Dabis, and Rose Troche were among the series’ writers.

The series premiered on Showtime on January 18, 2004 and ran for a total of six seasons, airing its finale on March 8, 2009. The L Word was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia at Coast Mountain Films Studio, as well as on location in Los Angeles, California.

Series overview[edit]

Cast and characters[edit]

(Left to right) Mia Kirshner, Daniel Sea, and Anne Ramsay at L6, «The L Word» Fan Convention in 2009

Actor/Actress Character Appearances
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6
Jennifer Beals Bette Porter Main
Mia Kirshner Jenny Schecter Main
Pam Grier Kit Porter Main
Laurel Holloman Tina Kennard Main
Katherine Moennig Shane McCutcheon Main
Leisha Hailey Alice Pieszecki Main
Erin Daniels Dana Fairbanks Main Guest
Karina Lombard Marina Ferrer Main Guest Guest
Eric Mabius Tim Haspel Main Guest Guest
Sarah Shahi Carmen de la Pica Morales Main Guest
Rachel Shelley Helena Peabody Main
Eric Lively Mark Wayland Main
Daniel Sea Max Sweeney Main
Dallas Roberts Angus Partridge Main Guest
Janina Gavankar Eva «Papi» Torres Main Guest
Rose Rollins Tasha Williams Main
Marlee Matlin Jodi Lerner Main


Contemporary use of the phrase «the L word» as an alias for lesbian dates to at least the 1981 play My Blue Heaven by Jane Chambers, in which a character stammers out: «You’re really…? The L-word? Lord God, I never met one before.»[12]

The original code-name for The L Word was Earthlings, a rarely used slang term for lesbians.[13]

«The Chart»[edit]

«The Chart», an undirected labeled graph in which nodes represent individuals and lines represent affairs or hookups, is a recurring plot element throughout the series.[14] Originally, The L Word was to be based around a gay woman, Kit Porter, and «The Chart» was tattooed on her back.

The idea for the chart was formed in the L word’s writers room. The creators of the show were discussing their own mutual friends and who had had romantic entanglements with whom. This led to them creating a beta version of what the chart comes to be on a piece of paper. The writers eventually decide to incorporate this chart into the show.

In season 4, Alice launches The Chart as a social networking service. Concurrently, a real-world parallel project was created.[15] The website, which allowed registered members to create their own profiles and hosted several blogs on the show, operated from the beginning of season four until the end of season six, after which the site was discontinued and redirected to Showtime’s official website.[16]

A small portion of The Chart, covering some of the relationships established throughout the series. Pink circles denote primary characters, purple circles denote supporting and minor characters, and grey circles denote characters who are only alluded to and never depicted.


Season 1[edit]

The first season of The L Word premiered on January 18, 2004 and ended on April 11, 2004. The season introduces Bette Porter and Tina Kennard, a couple in a seven-year relationship attempting to have a child; Marina Ferrer, owner of the local cafe The Planet; Jenny Schecter, who has recently moved to Los Angeles to live with her boyfriend Tim Haspell; Shane McCutcheon, an androgynous, highly sexual hairstylist; Alice Pieszecki, a bisexual journalist who maintains The Chart; Dana Fairbanks, a closeted professional tennis player; and Kit Porter, Bette’s straight half-sister.

Season 2[edit]

The second season of The L Word premiered on February 20, 2005 and ended on May 15, 2005. The season introduces Carmen de la Pica Morales, a DJ who becomes part of a love triangle with Shane and Jenny; Helena Peabody, a wealthy art patron who becomes a rival to Bette and love interest to Tina (while she and Bette are separated).

Major storylines in the season include Tina’s pregnancy following a second insemination, culminating in Tina and Bette’s reconciliation at the end of the season; the introduction of Mark Wayland, a documentary filmmaker who moves in with Shane and Jenny and Kit’s acquisition of The Planet following Marina’s departure from Los Angeles;[17] Shane and Jenny becoming the unknowing subjects of Mark’s documentary after he places hidden cameras in their home; a developing relationship between Alice and Dana; and insights into Jenny’s past as an abused child.

Season 3[edit]

The third season of The L Word premiered on January 8, 2006 and ended on March 26, 2006. The season introduces Max Sweeney, a working-class trans man initially introduced presenting as a butch; and Angus Partridge, a male nanny who becomes Kit’s lover.[18]

The season is set six months after the birth of Tina and Bette’s daughter Angelica. Major storylines include Bette and Tina’s relationship deteriorating once again, which leads Tina to start a fake relationship with a man in order to win a possible custody battle with Bette; Max coming out as a trans man; Dana’s diagnosis with and ultimate death from breast cancer;[19] and Shane and Carmen’s engagement and wedding, which ends when Shane abandons Carmen at the altar. Helena is integrated into the primary group of characters as a friend rather than a rival; she acquires a movie studio, where she is entangled in a sexual harassment lawsuit that leads her mother to cut her off financially.

In the lead-up to the third season, the fan fiction website launched a contest where individuals could submit a piece of L Word fanfiction, with the winner’s story incorporated into a scene in third-season episode.[20][21]

Season 4[edit]

The L Word was renewed for a fourth season on February 2, 2006,[22] and began filming on May 29, 2006.[23] The season aired from January 7, 2007 to March 25, 2007,[24] and introduces Jodi Lerner, a love interest for Bette;[25] Phyllis Kroll, Bette’s closeted new boss at California Art College;[26] Paige Sobel, a love interest for Shane;[27] Tasha Williams, a former Captain in the Army National Guard and love interest for Alice; and Papi, who has slept with the most women on The Chart.[26] Karina Lombard reprises her role for two episodes.[28]

Major storylines in the season include the adaptation of Lez Girls, an article written by Jenny for The New Yorker, into a film; Bette taking a job as a dean at California Art College; and Tasha’s struggle to reconcile her military service with her sexuality under don’t ask, don’t tell.

Season 5[edit]

The L Word was renewed for a fifth season on March 8, 2007, and began filming in summer 2007.[29] The season aired from January 6, 2008 to March 23, 2008 and introduces Nikki Stevens, a closeted gay actress who portrays the lead role in Lez Girls. [30] Adele Channing is also introduced, potentially by chance meeting Jenny at the Planet, and soon becoming her personal assistant. Papi and Angus were written out of the series.[31]

Major storylines in the season include Bette and Tina reconciling their relationship, Jenny being ousted from the production of Lez Girls, and Tasha’s dishonorable discharge from the military.

Season 6[edit]

The sixth and final season of The L Word aired from January 18, 2009 to March 8, 2009.[32] The season introduces Kelly Wentworth, Bette’s college roommate, who attempts to open a gallery with her; Jamie Chen, a social worker who becomes involved in a love triangle with Alice and Tasha; and Marybeth Duffy and Sean Holden, detectives with the LAPD.[33]

The season is a whodunit storyline focused on the murder of Jenny. The events of the season are depicted as a flashback leading up to the night of the crime, with each episode focused around what could have potentially motivated each character to have killed Jenny. The series concludes without revealing the identity of her murderer.

Interrogation tapes[edit]

Following the series finale of The L Word, Showtime released a series of seven short videos depicting Bette, Alice, Tina, Nikki Shane being questioned by the police over Jenny’s murder. The episodes were posted weekly on Showtime’s website. Showtime additionally released an interview with L Word series creator Ilene Chaiken, released in two weekly installments. In the interview, Chaiken stated that Alice went to jail for Jenny’s murder, but was not necessarily guilty of the crime.[34][35]

Generation Q[edit]

On July 11, 2017, it was announced a sequel series was in the works with Showtime.[36] Marja-Lewis Ryan has been selected to serve as executive producer and showrunner.[36][37][38] On January 31, 2019, Entertainment Weekly reported Showtime had picked up the sequel series for a premiere later in the year, in which Jennifer Beals, Katherine Moennig, and Leisha Hailey would reprise their roles.[39] Other sources, such as TVLine,[40] call the eight-episode order a revival, so the nature of the follow-up is unclear. The new series, titled The L Word: Generation Q, premiered in the fall of 2019.[41]


The Farm[edit]

In July 2008, Showtime CEO Matthew Blank announced that the network would shoot a pilot for The Farm, an L Word spin-off series based on a pitch from L Word series creator Ilene Chaiken. Set in a women’s prison, the series was slated to star Famke Janssen, Melissa Leo, Laurie Metcalf, and Leisha Hailey, the lattermost of whom would reprise her role as Alice Pieszecki. The pilot was shot in December 2008.[42] In April 2009, Showtime declined to pick up The Farm for a full series order.[43]

The Real L Word[edit]

The Real L Word, a reality television series produced by Chaiken, aired on Showtime from June 20, 2010 to September 6, 2012. The series, initially set in Los Angeles and later in Brooklyn, New York City, followed a group of real-life gay women.[44]

L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin[edit]

L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin, a documentary directed by Lauren Lazin and produced by Chaiken, premiered on Showtime on August 8, 2014.[45] The documentary, which follows a group of LGBT women in rural Mississippi, won the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Documentary in 2015.[46]


EZgirl served as The L Word’s music composer, while Natasha Duprey served as music supervisor. A total of five soundtracks were produced.

All three of Leisha Hailey’s bands were referenced in the series: a song by The Murmurs was used in the first season, Shane wears a shirt for Gush in the second season. Songs by Uh Huh Her were featured in the show’s fifth and sixth seasons; Tasha is seen wearing an Uh Huh Her t-shirt during the sixth season.

The band Betty wrote and performed the theme song, which is first introduced in season two. Betty makes numerous appearances in the show, and their music is featured throughout the series from season two


The show’s first season was «broadcast to critical acclaim and instant popularity»; as an article from The New York Times pointed out:[47]

Before The L Word, female gay characters barely existed in television. Interested viewers had to search and second-guess, playing parlor games to suss out a character’s sexuality. Cagney and Lacey? Jo on Facts of Life? Xena and Gabrielle? Showtime’s decision in January 2004 to air The L Word, which follows the lives of a group of fashionable Los Angeles gays, was akin to ending a drought with a monsoon. Women who had rarely seen themselves on the small screen were suddenly able to watch gay characters not only living complex, exciting lives, but also making love in restaurant bathrooms and in swimming pools. There was no tentative audience courtship. Instead there was sex, raw and unbridled in that my-goodness way that only cable allows.

Co-creator and executive producer Ilene Chaiken had some issues with the reaction:[47]

I do want to move people on some deep level. But I won’t take on the mantle of social responsibility. That’s not compatible with entertainment. I rail against the idea that pop television is a political medium. I am political in my life. But I am making serialized melodrama. I’m not a cultural missionary.

While the show was seen as fulfilling gay characters’ «obvious and modest representational need»[48] or even the «ferocious desire not only to be seen in some literal sense… but to be seen with all the blood and angst and magic that you possess»,[49] the show was criticized for various scenes which served to «reify heteronormativity».[50] The show was also praised for its nuanced consideration (in the first season) of how and in what ways gay women should stand up to the religious right, with the «Provocations» art show storyline being «a fictionalized version of what happened when Cincinnati’s Contemporary Art Center booked a controversial exhibition of Mapplethorpe photographs in 1990».[51]

As the series progressed, however, reviews became far more negative. By the time the sixth and final season began, The New York Times called the show a «Sapphic Playboy fantasia» that has «shown little interest in variegating portrayals of gay experience. Instead it has seemed to work almost single-mindedly to counter the notion of «lesbian bed death» and repeatedly remind the viewer of the «limits and tortures of monogamy» while «never align[ing] itself with the traditionalist ambitions [for same-sex marriage] of a large faction of the gay rights movement».[52] The decision to make the final season into a murder mystery which was ultimately left unresolved was also met with negative response.[53]

The series currently holds a 57% «Rotten» rating on Rotten Tomatoes.[54]

Cultural impact and legacy[edit]

The L Word broke new ground as the first television series to feature an ensemble cast made up of lesbian and bisexual female characters.[3][4] Similarly, it was also the first television series to be written and directed predominantly by queer women.[10] The series has been lauded for revolutionizing the depiction of queer women on television,[2][5][6][7] particularly for its portrayal of a queer community at a time when lesbian representation was often relegated to a single lesbian character amid an otherwise heterosexual cast.[10] One of the pioneering hallmarks of the series was its graphic lesbian sex scenes from the female gaze,[8] at a time when lesbian sex was «virtually invisible elsewhere on television.»[9][55]

Several shows have referenced The L Word, including South of Nowhere’s first season episode «Girls Guide to Dating»; According to Jim; the medical drama House; the first season finale of Weeds, Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show (July 24, 2006); Chappelle’s Show: The «Lost Episodes»; The Sopranos episode «Live Free or Die»; the US version of The Office; Gilmore Girls fourth season episode «Scene in a Mall»; The Big Gay Sketch Show; The Simpsons episode «You Kent Always Say What You Want»; and Family Guy episode «Brian Sings and Swings». Also, movies such as Puccini for Beginners, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and I Can’t Think Straight have made mention of The L Word as to reference lesbians but considers the term is sometimes used as slander.

Awards and honors[edit]

In 2004, Laurel Holloman won a Satellite Award for Best Actress – Television Series Drama. The show was also for a Satellite Award for Best Television Series – Drama in the same year. In the second season, Ossie Davis received a posthumous Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series in recognition of his portrayal of Bette and Kit Porter’s father, Melvin. The show received multiple nominations for GLAAD Media Awards, and both Pam Grier and Jennifer Beals were repeatedly nominated for NAACP Image Awards.

In 2006, The L Word won the GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Drama Series. It was consequently honored with a Special Recognition Award in 2009 from the same organization.

In 2008, The L Word’s companion website was honored at the 59th Annual Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Media Technology for Best Use of Commercial Advertising on Personal Computers.


  1. ^ Brown, Tracy (December 6, 2019). «Commentary: Why ‘The L Word’ was must-see lesbian TV — and the reboot doesn’t need to be». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved August 31, 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Higgins, Bill (December 15, 2019). «Hollywood Flashback: ‘L Word’ Was a Groundbreaking Take on Gay Women’s Lives». The Hollywoood Reporter. Retrieved August 1, 2021.
  3. ^ a b Salam, Maya (November 29, 2019). «The Very (Very) Slow Rise of Lesbianism on TV». The New York Times. Retrieved December 19, 2019.
  4. ^ a b Hoeffner, Melissa Kravitz (November 29, 2019). «‘The L Word’ Is Back With Sex, Glamour and a Wider Lens». The New York Times. Retrieved August 31, 2021.
  5. ^ a b Hashemi, Sarah (December 6, 2019). «‘The L Word’ changed television. Its reboot speaks to a new generation». The Washington Post. Retrieved August 1, 2021.
  6. ^ a b Nicholson, Rebecca (December 2, 2019). «The return of The L Word: the groundbreaking lesbian show is back». The Guardian. Retrieved August 1, 2021.
  7. ^ a b Loh, Stefanie (December 6, 2019). «‘The L Word’ was groundbreaking in the canon of LGBTQ media. Here’s why its reboot, ‘Generation Q,’ is relevant today». The Seattle Times. Retrieved August 1, 2021.
  8. ^ a b Bahr, Robyn (December 5, 2019). «‘The L Word: Generation Q’: TV Review». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved September 8, 2021.
  9. ^ a b Patton, Elaina (August 6, 2021). «‘The L Word: Generation Q’ cast is caught between marriage and monogamy in Season 2″. NBC News. Retrieved August 7, 2021.
  10. ^ a b c Baker, Sarah; Rutherford, Amanda (2020). «Upgrading The L Word: Generation Q». M/C Journal. 23 (6). ISSN 1441-2616.
  11. ^ Amy Cavanaugh, «An interview with Ilene Chaiken» Archived 2009-03-14 at the Wayback Machine, Washington Blade, 2009-03-09.
  12. ^ Bailey, Lucille M. (1995). «Still More on «X-Word»«. American Speech. Duke University Press. 70 (2): 222–223. doi:10.2307/455820. JSTOR 455820.
  13. ^ Schenden, Laurie K. «Folk Like Us». Curve Magazine. Archived from the original on May 6, 2006. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  14. ^ Elizabeth Jensen, «‘The L Word’ Spins Off Its Chart», The New York Times, 2006-12-18.
  15. ^ Pete Cashmore, « – The L-Word Launching Lesbian Social Network», Mashable, 2006-12-18.
  16. ^ Ilene Chaiken, «A New Year A New OurChart». (Archived June 29, 2009, at the Portuguese Web Archive.) Showtime.
  17. ^ m (2005-02-27). «Lap Dance». Showtime. Archived from the original on 2007-03-09. Retrieved 2007-02-01.
  18. ^ «Lifesize». Showtime. 2006-02-12. Archived from the original on 2007-03-09. Retrieved 2007-01-25.
  19. ^ «Losing the light». Showtime. 2006-03-12. Archived from the original on 2007-03-09. Retrieved 2007-01-25.
  20. ^ Hibberd, James (December 5, 2005), «Lights! Camera! ‘L Word’ Action!». Television Week. 24 (49):4
  21. ^ (December 5, 2005), «At Deadline».MediaWeek. 15 (44):3
  22. ^ «More Love! More Lust! More Longing! Showtime’s The L Word Returns for a fourth Season». Showtime. 2006-02-02. Archived from the original on 2013-02-02. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  23. ^ «Film List: Television series in production in BC». British Columbia Film Commission. 2006-08-29. Archived from the original on 2006-10-20. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  24. ^ «Next On The L Word«. Archived from the original on 2006-06-27. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  25. ^ «Marlee Matlin Joins Cast of Showtime’s Hit Series The L Word». Showtime. 2006-05-01. Archived from the original on 2013-02-02. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  26. ^ a b «The L Word «Sheperds» in a New Cast Member». Showtime. 2006-06-06. Archived from the original on 2013-02-02. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  27. ^ Dodd, Stacy (2006-07-26). «Kristanna Loken». Variety. Archived from the original on 2011-11-09. Retrieved 2012-02-06.
  28. ^ «News». P Papi World. 2006-06-14. Archived from the original on 2013-01-27. Retrieved 2006-09-03.
  29. ^ «Five Times the Love! Lust! Laughs! Longing! SHOWTIME’s THE L WORD(R) Returns for a Fifth Season» (Press release). PR Newswire. Archived from the original on 2008-05-11.
  30. ^ Adalian, Josef (2007-03-08). «Showtime loyal to ‘L Word’«. Variety.
  31. ^ «OurChart. You’re On It». OurChart. Archived from the original on 2012-07-11. Retrieved 2013-12-18.
  32. ^ «Showtime will have last ‘Word’«.[dead link]
  33. ^ Exclusive: Elizabeth Berkley Utters ‘The L Word’ Jul 22, 2008 by Michael Ausiello
  34. ^ «Showtime : The L Word : Home». Archived from the original on 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2013-12-18.
  35. ^ Executive Producer Ilene Chaiken and The Cast Comment on different Theories about Jenny’s death on YouTube. Originally aired Dec. 18, 2008.
  36. ^ a b Goldberg, Lesley (July 11, 2017). «‘The L Word’ Sequel in the Works at Showtime». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved July 11, 2017.
  37. ^ Otterson, Joe (2017-11-20). «‘The L Word’ Sequel Series Taps Marja-Lewis Ryan as Showrunner». Variety. Retrieved 2017-11-24.
  38. ^ Andreeva, Nellie (2017-11-20). «‘The L Word’ Sequel Taps Marja-Lewis Ryan As Showrunner At Showtime». Deadline. Retrieved 2017-11-24.
  39. ^ Romano, Nick (January 31, 2019). «The L Word sequel ordered to series for 2019 premiere on Showtime». Entertainment Weekly.
  40. ^ Iannucci, Rebecca (January 31, 2019). «The L Word Revival Officially Snags Eight-Episode Order at Showtime». TVLine.
  41. ^ «‘The L Word’ Sequel Gets Official Title, Set For Fall Premiere On Showtime». Deadline Hollywood, May 22, 2019
  42. ^ Valerie Anne del Castillo (2008-10-06). «‘The L Word’ Set to Come Back in January Next Year». Showtime. Archived from the original on 2009-02-26. Retrieved 2009-02-26.
  43. ^ Annie Barrett (2009-04-03). «Showtime passes on L Word spinoff (whew!) and Matthew Perry series (sniff!)». Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2009-04-03.
  44. ^ Rudolph, Ileane (18 June 2010). «The L Word Franchise Keeps It Real with New Series». TV Guide. Retrieved 18 June 2010.
  45. ^ Thomas, June (8 August 2014). «L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin, a Great Documentary With a Terrible Title». Slate. Retrieved 2 August 2019.
  46. ^ Lowe, Kinsey (9 May 2015). «GLAAD Awards NYC: Kelly Ripa, ‘Lilting,’ ‘L Word Mississippi: Hate The Sin’«. Deadline. Retrieved 2 August 2019.
  47. ^ a b Glock, Alison (February 6, 2005). «She Likes to Watch». The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-03-16.
  48. ^ Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, «Foreword: The Letter L.» Reading the L Word, edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe. London: I. B. Tauris (2006): xix
  49. ^ Dana Heller, «How Does a Lesbian Look? Stendhal’s Syndrome and the L Word.» Reading the L Word, edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe. London: I. B. Tauris (2006): 57
  50. ^ Samuel A. Chambers, «Heteronormativity and The L Word: From Politics of Representation to a Politics of Norms» Reading the L Word, edited by Kim Akass and Janet McCabe. London: I. B. Tauris (2006): 91
  51. ^ Margaret McFadden, «»We cannot afford to keep being so high-minded»: Fighting the Religious Right on The L Word» The New Queer Aesthetic on Television: Essays on Recent Programming, edited by James R. Keller and Leslie Stratyner. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers (2006): 125
  52. ^ Ginia Bellafante (2009-01-16). «So Many Temptations to Succumb to, So Many Wandering Eyes to Track». The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-03-16.
  53. ^ Hogan, Heather (26 February 2009). «R.I.P., Jenny Schecter, and other things on her tombstone». Logo). Archived from the original on 13 December 2010. Retrieved 18 July 2010.
  54. ^ «The L Word». Rotten Tomatoes.
  55. ^ Goldblatt, Henry (July 13, 2020). «How to Shoot a Sex Scene in a Pandemic: Cue the Mannequins». The New York Times. Retrieved August 7, 2021.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to The L Word.

В ролях


Дженнифер Билз, Лейша Хейли, Лорел Холломан, Миа Киршнер, Кэтрин Менниг, Пэм Гриер, Рэйчел Шелли, Даниэла Си, Эрин Дэниелс, Марли Мэтлин, Эрик Мэбиас


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Серии 1-го сезона

1 серия: Эпизод 1Pilot

Дата выхода:18 января 2004

2 серия: Эпизод 2Let’s Do It

Дата выхода:25 января 2004

3 серия: Эпизод 3Longing

Дата выхода:1 февраля 2004

4 серия: Эпизод 4Lies, Lies, Lies

Дата выхода:8 февраля 2004

5 серия: Эпизод 5Lawfully

Дата выхода:15 февраля 2004

6 серия: Эпизод 6Losing It

Дата выхода:22 февраля 2004

7 серия: Эпизод 7L’Ennui

Дата выхода:29 февраля 2004

8 серия: Эпизод 8Listen Up

Дата выхода:7 марта 2004

9 серия: Эпизод 9Luck, Next Time

Дата выхода:14 марта 2004

10 серия: Эпизод 10Liberally

Дата выхода:21 марта 2004

11 серия: Эпизод 11Looking Back

Дата выхода:28 марта 2004

12 серия: Эпизод 12Locked Up

Дата выхода:4 апреля 2004

13 серия: Эпизод 13Limb from Limb

Дата выхода:11 апреля 2004

Постер undefined: 1 сезон

1 сезон

13 серий, 2004

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Секс в другом городе
The L Word
Обложка второго сезона сериала

комедия / драма

В главных ролях

Дженнифер Билз
Эрин Дэниэлс
Лейша Хейли
Лорел Холломен
Миа Киршнер
Кэтрин Мённинг
Пэм Грир
Карина Ломбард
Эрик Мабиус
Рэйчел Шелли
Эрик Лайвли
Сара Шахи


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Тони Голдуин
Джереми Подесва
Лиза Холоденко
Тришиа Брок

На экранах

с 18 января 2004
по 8 марта 2009

Длительность серии

56 мин

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ID 0330251

«Секс в другом городе» (англ. The L Word) — сериал продюсера Айлин Чайкен.

Ряд саундтреков к сериалу написан известной американской рок-группой Бетти.


В центре сюжета — судьбы восьми лесбиянок, которых между собой связывает гораздо больше, чем каждую из них — с окружающим их внешним миром. Действие фильма, прослывшего одним из самых скандальных телесериалов 2004 года, происходит в Лос-Анджелесе.

В ролях

  • Дженнифер Билз — Бетт Портер
  • Эрин Дэниэлс — Дэйна Фэрбэнкс
  • Лейша Хейли — Элис Писецки
  • Лорел Холломен — Тина Кеннард
  • Миа Киршнер — Дженни Шектер
  • Кэтрин Моннинг — Шейн Маккатчен
  • Пэм Грир — Кит Портер
  • Карина Ломбард — Марина Феррер
  • Эрик Мабиус — Тим Хэспел
  • Рэйчел Шелли — Хелена Пибоди
  • Эрик Лайвли — Марк Уэйленд
  • Сара Шахи — Кармен де ла Пика Моралес
  • Даниэла Си — Макс Суини
  • Марли Матлин — Джоди Лернер
  • Янина Гаванкар — Папи

См. также

  • Лесбийские отношения в кинематографе
  • Список фильмов на лесбийскую тематику


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