The italian word for please

Looking for ways to say PLEASE in Italian?

Saying “please” is a crucial component of polite conversation in Italian, where manners are important. Understanding how to use “please” can help you build great relationships with those around you, whether you’re getting a coffee at a café or looking for directions.

The several Italian “please” expressions and the appropriate use of each in various contexts will be covered in this quick guide. We’ve got you covered with all the critical information you need to know to make a good impression in Italy, whether it be formal or informal.

How To Say Please in Italian

Importance of “Please” in Italian

It is vital to learn how to say “please” in Italian for various reasons. Let’s check them out.

• Politeness and respect

Using “please” in Italian indicates that you are being polite and respectful to the person with whom you are conversing. It is a manner of thanking them for their assistance or service.

• Understanding the Italian culture

Knowing how to say “please” in Italian might help you better comprehend Italian culture. In Italy, politeness and respect are highly regarded, and using the appropriate level of formality and civility in social interactions is crucial.

• Effective communication

In Italian, using “please” can help you speak more effectively. It might help you communicate your desires or needs more precisely, avoiding misconceptions or miscommunications.

• Relationship building

Using “please” in Italian can help you in developing excellent relationships with Italians. It demonstrates that you are attempting to communicate in their language and are appreciative of their culture.

• Good communication

Knowing how to express “please” in Italian is essential for good communication and cultural understanding. It can help you show respect to Italians and create strong connections with them, as well as communicate more successfully in a range of circumstances.

How To Say Please in Italian

Saying “please” is considered a courteous and respectable way to make requests or express gratitude in Italy. Here are some common situations in Italy where you should say “please.”

• When asking for help

Whether you’re asking for directions, buying meals at a restaurant, or requesting assistance from someone, utilizing “please” in Italian can help you exhibit courtesy and respect.

• When making a request

If you need someone to do anything for you, using “please” can help you make a courteous and respectful request.

• When apologizing

If you need to apologize for something, using “please” in Italian might help you express your sincerity and demonstrate respect. “Mi scusi, per favore,” for example. (Excuse me, please).

• 14+ Best Ways To Say Sorry in Italian

In general, saying “please” in Italian can help you demonstrate politeness and respect in a range of scenarios, such as asking for something, making a request, expressing thanks, or apologizing.

Ways To Say “Please” in Italian

How To Say Please in Italian

In Italy, politeness is highly valued, and saying “please” is a wonderful way to show respect and kindness when making requests or expressing gratitude.

Here, there are several scenarios where the usage of the word “please” is considered a courteous gesture. Let’s explore some of these situations.

• When requesting a table at a restaurant, it’s customary to say “per favore” to the host or waiter.

• If you need to ask for directions or assistance from a local, adding “per favore” to your request will make it more polite.

• When ordering food or drinks at a bar, using “per favore” after your request will show your appreciation for the service.

• If you’re shopping at a market or store and need to ask for a specific item, don’t forget to add “per favore” to your question.

Lastly, when thanking someone in Italy, it’s common to say “grazie per favore” as a way of expressing gratitude and politeness.

The Italian language is a treasure trove of politeness and respect, and one of the most valuable gems is the word “please.”

Whether you’re asking for a favor, making a request, expressing gratitude, or apologizing, incorporating “please” into your speech can work wonders in conveying your courteousness and deference.

Formal Ways To Say Please in Italian

How To Say Please in Italian

When you’re in a formal setting, it’s important to use proper language and treat the person you’re talking to with care. In this setting, there are several ways to say “please” in Italian. Let’s look at each of them and how they are used.

Per favore

This is the most popular way in Italian to say “please,” and it is appropriate for all formal occasions. It’s a simple phrase that can be used in every situation, from ordering meals to asking for directions.

Posso avere un bicchiere d’acqua, per favore? (Can I have a glass of water, please?)

Per cortesia

This phrase is slightly more formal than “per favore,” and it is frequently used in professional settings, such as in a business meeting or while speaking with someone in a higher position than you.

Potrebbe darmi qualche informazione, per cortesia? (Could you give me some information, please?)

Per piacere

This is another formal way of saying “please,” and it’s commonly used when asking someone to do something for you.

Potrebbe aprire la finestra, per piacere? (Could you open the window, please?)

• It’s vital to remember that while using these formal “please” expressions, you must also use the formal “you” form, which is “Lei.” To express respect, instead of saying “tu,” the informal “you,” say “Lei.”

Lei potrebbe passarmi il sale, per favore? (Could you pass me the salt, please?)

Informal/Casual/Familiar Ways To Say Please in Italian

How To Say Please in Italian

In casual or informal situations, Italians tend to speak more casually, using polite ways to say “please.” Here are some of the most popular informal ways to say “please” in Italian and when to use them.

Per favore

Per favore” is an adaptable method to say “please” in casual contexts, just as it is in formal contexts. In casual circumstances, however, a shorter variant of the term, such as “per favore” without the “per,” is more common.

Tu puoi passarmi la penna, per favore? (Can you pass me the pen, please?)

Per piacere

Per piacere” can be used in casual circumstances as well as formal settings, but it’s more typical in instances where you’re making a request that demands someone to do something for you.

Potresti portarmi una bottiglia d’acqua, per piacere? (Could you bring me a bottle of water, please?)

Ti prego

This statement is stronger than the others and is often used when making a more urgent or critical request.

Ti prego, non parlare così forte. (Please, don’t speak so loudly.)

It’s important to remember that when saying “please” in an informal way, you should use the polite form of “you,” or “tu,” instead of “Lei.”

Tu puoi aiutarmi con i compiti, per favore? (Can you help me with my homework, please?)

Slang/Colloquial Ways To Say Please in Italian

How To Say Please in Italian

Italian slang or colloquial ways of saying “please” are usually more casual and are often used between friends or in very casual settings. Here are some popular Italian slang ways to say “please” and when to use them.


This is a pretty frequent slang expression that can be used to convey “please” or “come on” in a nice manner. It’s most commonly heard around friends or in a casual situation.

Dai, vieni al cinema con noi stasera! (Come on, come to the movies with us tonight!)

Per carità

This statement is used when making an urgent or impassioned plea, sometimes with a touch of hyperbole or drama.

Per carità, non fare così! (Please, don’t act like that!)

Fai vedere

This statement means “make me see” and is frequently used in an informal situation to make a request or beg for a favor.

Fai vedere, mi presti la tua bicicletta? (Can I borrow your bike, please?)

Per amor del cielo

This is a more formal expression that has now become slang. It’s used to exaggerate or playfully ask for a favor or to stress a request.

Per amor del cielo, fammi un favore e portami quella bottiglia di vino! (Please, do me a favor and bring me that bottle of wine!)

• 33 Easy Italian Slang Words and Phrases To Make You Sound Like a Local

It’s important to remember those slang expressions of “please” are not appropriate in formal or professional settings, and they should be used only in very casual or familiar situations. Using slang expressions with strangers or in formal situations can come across as disrespectful or rude.

Rules To Keep in Mind When Using “Please” in Italian

How To Say Please in Italian

• Use the proper level of formality

When addressing someone in Italian, it is vital to utilize the right amount of formality. For more formal situations, such as speaking to someone in authority or someone you don’t know well, use more formal options like “ti prego” and “per cortesia.”

• Insert the word appropriately into the sentence

In Italian, “please” is frequently inserted at the end of the phrase, following the request or declaration.

• Use a pleasant tone of voice

When saying “please” in Italian, employ a polite and respectful tone of voice.

By remembering these guidelines and examples, you will be able to use “please” in Italian responsibly and effectively in a range of contexts.

Learn how to say please in Italian with real life examples and sentences you can use while traveling in Italy.

You don’t need to speak Italian to enjoy your time in Italy. However, being able to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is a great skill to have.

We love when people make an effort to learn our language and you will find a little goes a long way, when trying to communicate with a local.

We have learned before how to say ‘thank you’ in Italian so today we look at how to say ‘please’.

How do you say ‘please’ in Italian? ‘Per Favore’

The direct translation of ‘please’ in Italian is ‘per favore’. Hear its pronunciation here.

In the most common use, you add per favore at the end of a sentence and that adds politeness to your request.

For instance, you can express please in Italian as follows:

Un caffe’, per favore – one coffee please

Il conto, per favore – the bill please

Un’informazione, per favore – can you give me info please

In many cases, you can also use per favore at the start of the sentence:

Per facore, ci porta un caffe’ un succo e un cornetto – please, can we get a coffee, a juice and a croissant.

Good to know: unlike English, Italian doesn’t use per favore in the expression ‘yes please’. Instead, we say, Si, grazie (yes, thank you)!

Example: Vuoi un caffe? Si Grazie! Would you like a coffee? Yes please!

Important: ‘favore’ is also the Italian word for ‘favour’ as in ‘would you do me a favour?’ To express ‘please’, it is always preceeded by the preposition ‘per’.

Other ways to say please in Italian

While per favore is the most common way to say please in Italian, there are may other ways to express a polite request in Italian. Some are easy, some a little less straightforward!

Some other easy and common ways to say please in Italian include:

Per piacere

Per piacere – this is an idiom and it does not mean ‘for pleasure’, which is its literal meaning. In the context of a polite request, per piacere means ‘please’.

Mi fa un caffe’ per piacere? – Can I have a coffee please?

Cortesemente or gentilmente

Cortesemente and gentilmente are adverbs which means ‘graciously’ or ‘nicely’

Cortesemente, un caffe’ – please, a coffee

Gentilmente, mi mi porterebbe il conto? Please, can we have the bill

Per cortesia

Per cortesia – similar to the above, it means please in expressions such as ‘per cortesia, mi porta il conto?” please can I have the bill?

Si prega di

This is not an expression you use but one you may come across on signs, regulations and PA announcements.

‘Si Prega di’ literally translates as ‘we beg you to …” and it is a polite way to give a command, similar to the English ‘you are kindly requested to’.

A practical example of it suse is: si prega di chiudere il portone (you are kindly requested to close the front door) or si prega di rimuovere le scarpe da sci prima di accedere al ristorante (you are kindly requested to take off your ski shoes before entering the restaurant).

Like in English, this kind request is, in fact, a command and you are expected to abide by it.

Do Italians say please?

As you can tell from the sentences above, Italian say please however, if you listen to conversations at a bar, you may notice the words ‘per favore’ are not used quite as much as you would expect.

This is something my students of Italian as a second language often reported when going out in Rome especially and which caused confusion.

Why do Italians not use per favore, are we just rude? That’s not the case!

The fact is that while we have the word per favore to express ‘please’, the Italian language often expresses a polite request not adding the word please but with a different turn of phrase altogether.

Let’s stay with the ordering coffee example.

When I order my coffee, I can say ‘un caffe’ per favore’.

Most likely, however, I will say something along the lines of ‘mi farebbe un caffe? Grazie’ accompany the request with a smile.

The sentence translates in ‘would you make me a coffee’ (formal you) and the politeness in the intention is in the tone used and the choice of tens/mode of the verb.

In the case of asking for the bill, I can say: il conto per favore but also ‘mi porterebbe il conto‘? Lit. would you bring me the bill.

As you can see, these sentences without the explicit use of please require fluency and mastery in the use of your Italian verbs. They also run the risk, if you do not get the tone, verb or situation right, to make you come across as demanding and rude.

So if you want to ask something politely in Italian, the safest and best way to do it is to add per favore at the end of your request.

Just do not assume the fact that you don’t hear it as much means we simply bark orders around: we most definitely don’t do and that would not go down well 🙂

I hopw you enjoyed this quick overview about saying please in Italian. Don’t forget you can find many more useful Italian phrases for travel in this essential guide to travelers’ Italian.

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Saying ‘please’ in Italian is more than just using ‘per favore’. From ‘Per piacere’ to ‘Prego’ here are 9 ways to sound like a native Italian.

Being polite is very important in Italian culture, which is why knowing how to say ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’ should be among the first things you learn. These magic little words will make a huge difference in your relationship with native speakers and how you experience the country as you travel around.

However, there is no single translation of the word ‘please’ in Italian. As a beginner, you are probably familiar with the most commonly used translation, per favore. However, this is not the only way to say ‘please’ in Italian and the phrases you may need to use depend a lot on the tone of the conversation, the nature of the relationship between the speakers, context, urgency, and even regionality.

Saying ‘please’ in Italian is often more than just sticking a per favore onto the end of your request. In this guide, you’ll learn how to say please in Italian in 9 different ways appropriate to various situations you’ll find yourself in.

Communicating with Italian native speakers

Bear in mind that most Italians do not speak much English, and if they do, it’s mostly a little maccheronico, or ‘macaronic’, from ‘macaroni’ (pasta): a form of broken English, heavily peppered with facial expressions, body language, and the inevitable hand gestures which are the signature of every Italian speaker.

English and Italian are quite different in their pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, and Italians are often quite anxious when speaking English. If you learn a few key phrases in Italian, it will help you put your Italian friends at ease when talking to them so they can communicate more successfully and easily.

You don’t have to wait until you reach fluency – Italian native speakers will feel relieved and be grateful if you use even a few phrases in Italian when talking to them. I call this level between beginner and fluent, travel fluent. Italians are generally very welcoming to people trying to speak their mother tongue, they will often be glad to chat with you and help you practice, and you will establish a connection quite fast.

However, even with the basic phrases, it is important to take nuances and connotations into account: for instance, there are different ways of saying please in Italian that may be appropriate in different situations.

One of the best ways to begin learning Italian is to start with common everyday expressions such as saying hello and goodbye, please and thank you, ordering food at a restaurant, buying something at a store, and making small talk. This way you will not only learn some Italian words and phrases, but you will also be able to start communicating in your target language from day one.

This may sound a bit overwhelming, but don’t worry! By being patient and going step-by-step, you will surely master the beautiful Italian language. In this guide, I’ll help you with one of the first steps: learning how to say please in Italian.

Cominciamo! (Let’s begin!)

How to say ‘Please’ in Italian

In this guide, you will find different ways of saying please in Italian with translations, explanations, and important cultural notes.

1. Per favore

How to say Please in Italian - Per FavoreThis is probably the most common way of saying please in Italian and it is definitely the first one most beginners are taught. Its meaning is quite straightforward: it can be literally translated as ‘for favor’ or ‘as a favor’, and it originally used to describe something done as a favour to someone. For example:

Non sono tenuto a farlo, ma lo farò ugualmente per favore.
Meaning: I don’t have to do it, but I will do anyway as a favour.

Over the years, this term became a common politeness formula used when asking for something. For example:

Hai da accendere, per favore?
Meaning: Do you have a lighter, please?

Or, for instance, at the table:

Mi puoi passare il sale, per favore?
Meaning: Can you pass me the salt, please?

Interestingly enough, in mail etiquette, the expression per favore used to be stamped or handwritten on letters or parcels delivered personally by an assistant or middleman to the recipient, without the use of any sort of mailing service.

Generally, per favore is indeed the most suitable expression to learn as a beginner in Italian. It is versatile and has no explicit social connotations or references to rank or hierarchy. It can be used by parents talking to their children and children talking to their parents, superiors talking to their subordinates and vice versa.

It can be used in an informal context, such as a conversation with a friend, or in a more formal setting, such as a business meeting or a job interview. However, it is rarely, if ever, used in formal written documents.

However, it is important to remember that not every English ‘please’ will be translated with an Italian equivalent – an altogether different phrase could be more appropriate and used instead. For example, translating ‘yes, please’ as ‘sì, per favore’ is not technically a mistake, but people just don’t say that. Instead, sì, grazie, which literally means ‘yes, thank you’, is used instead in Italian.

2. Per piacere

How to say Please in Italian - Per piacerePer piacere is a close synonym of per favore and are both often perceived as interchangeable. Literally translated it means ‘for favor/courtesy/pleasure’, per piacere is also acceptable in the majority of situations.

However, there is one very subtle difference between the two phrases. With per favore the person asking for something is reminding you to do it as a favour to them, while with per piacere the listener is asked to do something or provide something to their own advantage. It is more similar to the archaic and very polite English expression ‘If you please’ or ‘As you please’.

The expression per piacere also implies the benefit of the receiver, that they will be pleased by receiving something: the noun ‘piacere’ means ‘pleasure’ in Italian.

However, the difference between per favore and per piacere is extremely subtle and rarely conscious or intentional, so you can safely use whichever expression you prefer.

Here are a couple of examples:

Per piacere, non fate troppo rumore.
Meaning: Please, don’t make too much noise.

Per piacere, puoi venirmi a prendere alla stazione dei treni?
Meaning: Could you please pick me up at the train station?

3. Per cortesia

How to say Please in Italian - Per cortesiaCompared to the previous two expressions, per cortesia is a more formal and slightly more old-fashioned way of saying please in Italian. If you want your request to sound slightly more formal and/or respectful, you can replace per favore with per cortesia. However, this difference is not too striking.

Italians prefer to use this expression when actually asking someone for a courtesy. For example:

Mi fa un caffé per cortesia?
Meaning: May I have a coffee, please?

A customer at a bar or a coffee shop can ask for their drink with a per favore or per piacere, as well, without any significant difference. But by choosing per cortesia one can show a deeper sense of respect towards the barman or the barista and appreciation for their work.

When asked for something with a per cortesia, the listener might feel more motivated to give you what you ask for or provide you with an excellent service, as this expression implies a greater thankfulness towards the person giving you what you are asking for.

Here is another example:

Per cortesia, potrebbe portarmi il conto?
Meaning: Could you bring me the bill, please?

4. Cortesemente

How to say Please in Italian - CortesementeCortesemente can be translated as ‘courteously’ or ‘kindly’, however, in some contexts, translating it as ‘please’ is also suitable. ‘Cortesemente’ is used in written communication or in spoken situations that are quite formal. For extra emphasis, it can be combined with phrases like si prega and La prego.

Interestingly, adding cortesemente makes a sentence that would otherwise sound rather rude in English sound very polite in Italian. For example:

Cortesemente, mi servirebbe il fascicolo del signor Rossi.
Meaning: Courteously, I need Mr. Rossi’s file.

Saying ‘I need Mr. Rossi’s file’ – even with ‘please’ added to it – is not always an appropriate way to ask for something, and a more suitable option would be ‘Could I have Mr. Rossi’s file, please?’ However, in Italian, it is a perfectly acceptable polite formal request.

Cortesemente can, of course, also be used in polite interrogative sentences, as in the following example:

Potresti cortesemente passarmi il sale?
Meaning: Could you please pass me the salt?

As you have seen in the example above, per favore can be used in the same context. This request, however, is much more formal. You can imagine that, while in the previous example we were at the table with a relative or a friend, in this case, we are having a business lunch, or we are eating with someone we deeply respect, don’t know well, or even fear.

Using cortesemente brings the conversation to a very formal written or spoken level. And on this note, we can safely say that it is mostly used in written communication rather than spoken one, such as in public signs and warnings, such as:

Cortesemente, chiudere il cancello.
Meaning: Kindly close the gate.

This is a generic request to whoever is using the gate, say, in a large apartment block; however, it is very polite and quite formal.

5. Gentilmente

How to say Please in Italian - GentilmenteGentilmente is a close synonym of cortesemente, just a bit less formal and more friendly, possibly used in family situations or with people we know, when we want to be extra kind. It is rarely seen in a written form. Translated literally, it means ‘kindly’, ‘courteously’, ‘politely’.

It is often used in affirmative sentences, expressing a need that we want to be fulfilled. For example:

La prego gentilmente di spegnere il microfono.
Meaning: I kindly ask you to turn your microphone off.

In English, a similar effect is usually achieved by using a modal verb like in, ‘Could you please turn your microphone off?’

An interrogative sentence with a similar meaning is possible in Italian. For example:

Potrebbe cortesemente spegnere il microfono?
Meaning: Could you please turn your microphone off?’

However, it conveys a higher sense of urgency and denotes that, in some way, some sort of nuisance was created by this person’s microphone which needs to be addressed or solved immediately.

6. Ti prego, La prego, Vi prego

How to say Please in Italian - Ti prego, La prego, Vi pregoPrego is the first person singular conjugation of the Italian verb pregare (to ask, pray, beg), and by using one of these expressions, we are practically begging for something. Ti prego (I beg you [informal]), La prego (I beg you [formal]), or Vi prego (I beg you [plural]) expresses a deep need for something as if we were asking for something our life literally depends on or something we strongly desire – it can sound quite dramatic, so make sure not to overuse it.

Quite often, choosing this expression reflects our feeling that the person we are begging for something is not keen on doing us a favour: like, for instance, a teenager begging their parents for a night out, or someone begging for mercy in a desperate situation – which means it is probably not the best phrase to use in a cafe or any other typical every-day situation.

However, if you need what you are asking for really badly, or if you have asked for it multiple times and/or your chances of getting it are slim, this may be just the phrase you need.

Ti prego, fammi usare la tua auto!
Sounds almost like: I’m begging you, let me use your car! Rather than a simpler and less urgent: Please, let me use your car.
Which, in Italian, would be: Per favore, fammi usare la tua auto.

The request made with the use of per favore is definitely less urgent and desperate.

Judging by the choice of words alone, we can sometimes see the whole situation quite clearly. For example:

Mamma, ti prego, fammi andare al concerto!
Meaning: Mom, please (I’m begging you), let me go to the concert!

This is probably a teenager, who has been asking their mom to go to this concert for quite a while and has heard a lot of ‘no’s’. However, they still really really want to go, and all of their friends are going too.

Or, the other way around, an exhausted parent might be asking their child:

Marco, ti prego, finisci i compiti!
Meaning: Marco, I’m begging you, finish your homework!

We immediately know that Marco has been putting off doing his homework for quite some time and he probably does it regularly – his mom or dad is not just annoyed, but exasperated.

In using this expression, the tone and level of respect are signalled by the choice of pronoun ti, la, or vi: as you probably already know, Italians differentiate these direct object pronouns while in English all of them can be translated as ‘you’.

If you choose ti, you are talking to someone you know quite well, like a friend, a coworker, or a family member. La indicates distance and respect, it is chosen when addressing older people, teachers, our superiors, strangers, especially in a formal or professional context. Vi can be chosen as an equivalent of ti when we are talking to multiple people (the English ‘you’ in the second person, plural).

Vi can also demonstrate a higher level of distance and politeness than La, however, this is rarely seen nowadays. It is mostly used in the Southern regions of the country, to show an extreme form of respect. It used to be the way of addressing royalties, members of the Church, ambassadors, and consuls, but in the past century, it came to be associated with the fascist regime and Mussolini’s dictatorship, and this is the main reason why it has been progressively abandoned by the average Italian speaker.

7. Si prega di… / Siete pregati di…

How to say Please in Italian - Si pregi di, Siete pregati diThe expressions Si prega di… and Siete pregati di… use the same verb pregare (to beg) as in the previous section but in its impersonal form. It is very rarely used in speech, you will mostly come across it in written form and in a rather formal context.

Si prega di… is a rather ceremonious, official and polite way of requesting something. It is not directed at any specific person, but at the public in general – that is why it is most commonly used for various instructions, rules, and prohibitions.

You may see it written on billboards, notice boards, signs, and in users’ manuals, in schools, universities, and public offices, on public transportation, in industrial and commercial settings, too; you may hear it only on special, very formal occasions, on the TV or the radio, in official speeches intended for a wide audience.

The second version of this expression, Siete pregati di…, is a little more direct as it addresses a generic second plural person, sounding slightly less formal and more straightforward, but still fairly impersonal and official.

A voice message on a speaker at a store might warn you that it’s almost closing time with a message like this:

Si prega la gentile clientela di avvicinarsi all’uscita.
Meaning: We invite our kind customers to approach the exit.

In Italian, this sounds extremely polite and well-mannered while it is still asking you to quickly finish doing your shopping and leave the place as soon as possible.

On a train or a bus, for instance, a sign might warn you that you are not allowed to smoke, in a polite way, such as:

Si prega di non fumare or Siete pregati di non fumare
Which we could translate to: ‘Please do not smoke’ rather than the usual ‘no smoking’ which is more direct and straight to the point, but could sound a little rude to the Italian ear.

As you may remember, politeness is extremely important in Italian culture – even when imposing strict rules.

8. Prego

How to say Please in Italian - PregoPrego literally means ‘I pray’ or ‘I beg’, and it may seem like an unusual way to say please in Italian. The more common use of ‘prego’ is in reply to grazie (thank you), as an equivalent of the English ‘you are welcome’. However, in certain contexts, it is also an equivalent of the English ‘please’.

Unlike the examples above, ‘prego’ is not used to ask questions or make requests. It becomes the Italian equivalent of please when the speaker is making an invitation or giving someone permission to do or take something.

For example, when a friend is inviting us to their place, we may hear something like:

Prego, entrate.
Meaning: Please, come in.

Later on, when gathering in the dining room, the hosts might invite us to sit down at a specific spot with a polite:

Prego, si sieda qui.
Meaning: Please, sit down here.

On the phone or at the reception, talking to a secretary or a nurse, you might be addressed with a: Prego, mi dica
Which invites you to explain what you need, and can be literally translated as: Please, tell me

Once again, it is a rather formal way of saying please in Italian, but still very effective and polite.

9. Per carità

How to say Please in Italian - Per caritàCalling this a way of saying please in Italian is a bit of a long stretch, but it is still worth mentioning. Per carità literally means ‘by charity’, and it is mostly used as an exclamation: the person using it is most likely overwhelmed, annoyed, or wants to emphasize what is going on.

This expression usually corresponds to the English ‘for goodness’ sake!’, but occasionally it can be used as a very expressive, even dramatic ‘please’, as in:

Smettetela per carità!
Meaning: Stop it, please / Stop it for goodness’s sake!
Through this choice of words, you can clearly feel the exasperation of the speaker.

A famous example is from the opera buffa The Barber of Seville (Italian: Il barbiere di Siviglia), when Figaro is asking his patrons to come in for his services one at a time:

Uno alla volta, uno alla volta, uno alla volta per carità!
Meaning: One at a time, one at a time, one at a time, I beg you, please!

The song by Gioacchino Rossini is a popular example of Italian opera, one of the biggest points of pride and passion for Italian people.

Listen to this extract from the 3:36 minute mark.

Quotes and more examples

Similar to the example above, there are lots of songs, poems, books, and movies that can help you memorize these ways of saying please in Italian and give you practical examples of their uses. Let’s take a look at a few!

In her famous hit La Solitudine from 1993, Laura Pausini sings:

Ti prego aspettami amore mio.
Meaning: Please wait for me, my love.

With the choice of ti prego, it sounds close to desperate begging, which is quite common for love songs.

Many children’s books teach the importance of the magic polite words, such as Chiedi per favore, where a rude hippo needs to learn to ask kindly for what he wants in a conversation that goes as follows:

Dammi un palloncino. — Chiedi per favore!
Meaning: Give me a balloon. — Ask, please!

Because it’s never too early to learn good manners!

Saying ‘thank you’ in Italian

You can’t truly learn how to say please in Italian without also learning to say thank you. After all, if you ask someone to do you a favour and they do it, you need to thank them for it!

You’ve seen above that there are many ways of saying please in Italian – there are at least as many, if not more, ways to say thank you. But there is one key word at the heart of most of them: grazie (thank you).

Attenzione! (Be careful!) Don’t confuse ‘grazie’ with ‘grazia’ which means ‘grace’ while ‘grazie’ is the plural form of this noun which has become the most common way of saying thank you in Italian.

How to say Please in Italian - grazie is not the same as grazia

Similar to per favore, grazie is a versatile expression – it can be used to thank anyone, anywhere, at any time. But if you want to be more expressive or add a certain flavour to your ‘thank you’, you can add many different words to grazie:

  • Grazie mille / Mille grazie. – Thank you very much / A million thanks (Thanks a million).
  • Grazie tante. – Thanks a lot. / Many thanks
  • Grazie di tutto. – Thanks for everything.
  • Grazie di cuore. – Thanks from the heart.
  • Grazie di nuovo. – Thanks again.
  • Grazie infinite. – Infinite thanks.

In a formal situation, you can also say
La ringrazio tanto.
Meaning: Thank you very much.

And, of course, if someone says grazie to you, don’t forget to reply with a ‘prego’ (you are welcome) to be polite.

How to say Please in Italian - Ways to say thank you in Italian

To sum it all up

There are many ways of saying please in Italian: some are more versatile, like per favore, others are more formal, emotional, or even dramatic.

If you are just beginning to learn Italian, starting with the most common option is totally fine. However, if you want to be more fluent in Italian, communicate with native speakers on many topics, and be able to understand and convey nuanced meanings, a simple per favore may not be enough.

Italian is a beautiful language with hundreds of nuanced expressions for different situations. Now you know the ones that will help you say please in Italian and be polite in any formal or informal context.

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How to Learn Italian for Travel FAST!

Travelling to Italy? Don’t be treated like a tourist! Live your best travel experiences and learn Italian for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant or a taxi driver who has “taken you for a ride”.  In addition to my free Italian travel phrase guides, I’ve made it even easier for you to master the Italian language so you can create lifelong memories as you mingle with locals, get local tips, avoid tourist traps, and make new friends. Who knows you, you might even be invited over for afternoon tea by a lovely Sicilian family like I was! Read all about how speaking Italian changed my life and check out The Intrepid Guide Languages courses here.

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Learning Italian? Check out these Italian language guides

  • 41 Italian Greetings: How to Say ‘Hello’ in Italian Like a Local
  • 10 Ways Natives REALLY Say ‘You’re Welcome’ in Italian
  • 125 Most Common Italian Phrases for Travel You’ll Ever Need [PLUS Printable]
  • Is Italian Hard to Learn? 7 Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
  • Master Days of the Week in Italian (7 Simple Memory Hacks)
  • Italian Numbers: How to Count in Italian From 0 to 1 Billion (Plus PDF Download)
  • How to Order Food & Drinks in Italian [Italian for Beginners]
  • 15 Italian Words You Should NEVER Mispronounce [& How Not To]
  • 11 Effective Hacks That’ll Help You Learn Italian So Much Faster
  • Top 14 Italian Words You Should NEVER Say [& What to Use Instead]
  • 20 Hilarious Everyday Italian Expressions You Should Use
  • Romanesco: 25 Cool Roman Dialect Words You Should Use in Rome
  • 10 Reasons Why Learning Italian Will Change Your Life
  • 10 Italian Expressions Italians Love Saying
  • Italian for Beginners | 8 DEADLY Mistakes in Italian (& How to Avoid Them)
  • 10 Italian Phrases That Will Instantly Make You Sound more Italian
  • Funny Italian Sayings: 26  Food-Related Insults You Won’t Forget
  • 15 Romantic Italian Films That’ll Make You Love Italy Even More
  • How to Master Common Italian Phrases for Travel (Like a Local!) 
  • How to Conjugate Italian Verbs in 3 Simple Steps [Italian for Beginners]

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How to say Please in Italian in 9 Different Ways

Over to you!

Which of these phrases do you use the most? Which expression will you start using more? Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

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Learn how to say please in Italian to be polite with native speakers and make friends!

ways how to say please in italian

Interacting with native Italian speakers

Keep in mind that most Italians don’t speak much English, and if they do, it’s mostly a little maccheronico: a broken English heavily filled with facial expressions, body language, and the inevitable hand gestures that are the signature of every Italian speaker.

The accent, syntax, and vocabulary of English and Italian are very different, and Italians are often nervous while speaking English.

If you master a few key phrases in Italian, you can put your Italian friends at ease when speaking with them, allowing them to communicate more efficiently and effortlessly.

You don’t have to wait until you’re fluent in communicating with native Italian speakers; even a few phrases in Italian will make them feel relaxed and thankful.

Italians are often very receptive to persons who are learning their mother tongue; they will often be happy to chat with you and assist you in practice, and you will quickly form a bond.

Starting with simple everyday expressions like saying hello and goodbye, please and thank you, ordering meals in a restaurant, and making small talk are one of the best methods to begin learning Italian.

You will not only learn some Italian words and phrases this way, but you will also be able to communicate in your target language from the beginning.

Even with basic phrases, though, it’s crucial to consider nuances and connotations.

For example, there are several ways to say please in Italian, each of which may be appropriate in different situations.

please in italian

How to say please in Italian?

There are a few ways ‘please’ can be translated into the Italian language, and you need them depending on the situation. As you know already, in formal situations you need to use formal expressions.

A simple ‘please’ can be more complicated than it looks. Just saying ‘per favore,’ or ‘per piacere’ to make a polite request may not be enough in some moments.

It’s a good idea to research all the options and choose the best one for your situation.

Here are the best and most common expressions you can say please in Italian.

how to say please in italian

Basic phrases to say please in Italian

Per favore

Per favore’ is one of the first Italian phrases you will learn in any course of this beautiful language. It’s very easy and it literally means ‘as for favour.’

You can use it in the majority of situations, with your friends, family situations, and colleagues.

A typical phrase is “the bill please” in Italian:

  • Il conto per favore

Per piacere

This is another way of saying ‘per favore.’ or please in Italian. It’s commonly used and can also be used in most informal citations. It literally translates as “for favour/courtesy.

It is similar to the archaic and very polite English expression ‘If you please’ or ‘As you please’.

Just like per favore, this phrase is acceptable in most situations.

Per cortesia

Per cortesia’ can be a formal way of saying please in Italian. Instead of using ‘per piacere’ or ‘per favore,’ use this one whenever you’re in formal situations.

You can use it whenever you’re talking to older people, strangers, waitresses, or your boss.

Ti prego / La prego / Vi prego

The informal expression ti prego sounds dramatic, like a child begging for a toy or a victim begging for mercy.

La prego is the formal version of ti prego, and should be used when talking to strangers, older adults, or those with a higher status such as your boss, whereas vi prego is used when addressing more than one person.

Si prega di…

This is not a very common way of saying please in Italian. It’s used for very polite and formal situations and it’s usually not directed towards one person or group, but for a large audience.

You may hear it on television in official speeches rather than in daily life.


Cortesemente means courteously or kindly, but in some contexts, please is also a suitable translation. It is normally used in written communication or very formal spoken situations.

Note that it can be combined with phrases such as si prega and La prego for extra emphasis.


Gentilmente is very similar in meaning to cortesemente, also appearing frequently in written correspondences or formal speech.

How to say thank you in Italian

Of course, you will also need to say thank you in Italian to make the conversation complete. There are many ways of expressing your gratitude towards someone.

Here are some ways of saying thank you in the Italian language!

  • Grazie. – Thank you.
  • Ti ringrazio (informal) /La ringrazio (formal). – Thank you.
  • I miei ringraziamenti – All my gratitude
  • Porgo i miei più sinceri ringraziamenti.- I offer you my sincerest thanks.
  • Grazie mille / mille grazie. – Thanks a million.
  • Grazie tante. – Thanks a lot.
  • Molte grazie. – Many thanks.
  • Grazie di tutto. – Thanks for everything.
  • Lo apprezzo tanto. – I really appreciate it.
  • Grazie di cuore. – Thanks from the heart.
  • Grazie dal più profondo del cuore. – Thanks from the depth of my heart.
  • Grazie infinite. – Infinite thanks.
  • Grazie di nuovo. – Thanks again.
  • Grazie ancora. – Thanks again.
  • Le/Ti sono grata/o. – I’m grateful to you.
  • Non ho parole per ringraziarti/ringraziarla. – I don’t have words to thank you.

how to learn languages fast ebook

How to Learn Languages Fast

In the Italian culture, politeness is very important, and Italian will always respond to any thank you, with a proper you’re welcome.

the bill please in italian

How to say you’re welcome in Italian

How to answer “thank you”? You’re welcome!

  • Di niente, non era niente – You’re welcome; it was nothing

This is an attempt to take away the weight of the action, especially if one party is bound to feel indebted to the other.

The phrase in the target language means that you did not go out of your way to help, and there was no inconvenience.

  • È il minimo che avrei potuto fare – It’s the least I could have done

You use this to show that you were willing to do more if you were in a position to. It is also ideal when there is a relationship of mutual benefit between two parties.

  • Non menzionarlo – Don’t mention it

This is a casual expression and should be used when there is shared familiarity. When this phrase is used, it means your actions were not driven by a need to get recognition, and it was a pleasure to assist.

  • Non è un problema – Not a problem

This can be used for both formal and informal conversations. It dismisses the notion that anything you are to do for someone might be inconvenient.

  • È stato un piacere – It was my pleasure

It portrays a shared benefit level, and you did not mind helping. It is formal and can be interpreted to mean that you enjoyed assisting.

  • Sono sempre felice di aiutare – I am always happy to help

The phrase showcases a certain level of enthusiasm to be of assistance to anyone and at any time. It can be used for formal conversations and informal ones.

  • Nessun problema – No worries

It can be interpreted to mean “that should not worry you.” It is an appropriate response when the expression of gratitude turns into a concern for any inconvenience caused.

  • In qualsiasi momento – Anytime

This shows an openness to be helpful whenever there is a need. It is not ideal for formal settings since it comes off as vague.

please in italian language

Please! Learn more Italian!

Now you know how to say please in Italian, and of course, go ahead and have a real conversation with a native!

By the way, do you know how to say hello in Italian? How are you in Italian? Happy birthday in Italian? Goodbye in Italian? And thank you in Italian?

Still translating in your head? Wanna speak Italian for real? Check out Stefano’s courses to think directly in Italian and become fluent fast!

What is the meaning of Prego?

Italian Word Prego: You’re Welcome, Come in, Please, and More.

How do you politely ask for something in Italian?

How do you pronounce per favore?

Is Prego formal or informal?

Prego is the first person of the verb pregare (to ask, pray, beg). The informal expression ti prego means I ask you but it can also be translated as please. You can use it with friends, children and family members. Italians also use it to beg someone to do something.

What is Italian for no?

The Italian words for Yes is Sì, and the Italian word for No is No! Find out how to pronounce them in this free Italian lesson.

What is the difference between Ciao and Arrivederci?

Ciao is very informal, while arrivederci is more formal. Also, ciao means both “hello” and “goodbye“, whereas arrivederci only means “goodbye”.

Is Per favore informal?

Of course the context can be pretty hard for a foreigner to grasp, and adding “per favore” or “grazie” is always polite. Using formal speech can make some people really uncomfortable, and it’s normally not used with children and teenagers.

Is Prego informal?

Prego is a versatile little word. … It is a very common word and is used in both formal and informal relationships.

Is Buonanotte formal or informal?

Buona notte (also spelled buonanotte) is both a formal and informal greeting to wish somebody a good night. The words echo through the streets and piazzas of Italy everywhere as people part for the night. It is used only when you or someone else is going home to sleep.

Is buonasera formal or informal?

Hello in Italian (evening greeting) – formal

The formal and polite way to greet someone in the evening is ‘Buona sera’. This expression literally translates into ‘good evening’ and it is used the same way as the English equivalent.

What is your name in Italian?

How do you say hello formally?

There are many other options, but here are six of the most common formal ways to say “hello”:

  1. “Hello!”
  2. “Good morning.”
  3. “Good afternoon.”
  4. “Good evening.”
  5. “It’s nice to meet you.”
  6. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)

What is the response to Ciao?

– Nice to meet you too. You may hear people saying piacere di conoscerti or piacere di conoscerla (formal) which also means nice to meet you. Here, the reply could be altrettanto (nice to meet you too).

What can I say instead of Hi everyone?

5 Best Alternatives to Use Instead of “Hello Everyone”

  • Hi team.
  • Regarding [business topic/business matter]
  • Good morning.
  • Good afternoon.
  • Good evening.

What is the best reply for hi?

How to Respond when someone Says “Hi” — 14 Best Ways

  • “Hey!” (Yes, you can respond in kind!)
  • “Hello!”
  • “What’s up?”
  • “Hey you!”
  • “What are you up to?”
  • “How’s your day going?”
  • “Hey! What a pleasant surprise!”

Can you say hi all?

“Hi all” is not incorrect. It is a common enough greeting used by many native English speakers in addition to the other one. It is a common enough greeting used by many native English speakers in addition to the other one.

Is it rude to say Dear all?

“Dear All” is fine. There’s nothing wrong with it. It is informal – you are addressing people as members of a group of which you are one.

How do you say hi all?

Email greetings to groups

If it’s a group of people you know really well, you can use something more informal such as “Hi all,” “Hi team” or “Hi everyone.” If it’s a small group of people (five or less), use their first names: Dear Sarah, Roxy and Chad.

Should Hi all have a capital A?

Example: “Hi, Everyone.” A greeting such as this is casual, so capitalization is not necessary. … In formal letters or memos, nouns in salutations should be capitalized, according to EditPros, a California writing and editing group.

Is using Hey unprofessional?

GREETINGS TO AVOID IN MOST SITUATIONS: ‘Hey! ‘ This is fine to use with your friends, but the very informal salutation should stay out of the workplace. It’s not professional — especially if you’re writing to someone you’ve never met, says Pachter.

Is it rude to say hey?

But while “Hey” tends to be used more over here informally to attract someone’s attention, it isn’t generally construed as rude.

Is Hello there rude?

Is it polite to say hi there? In general, we use hi there in spoken English. It is informal and usually used in a positive, upbeat tone. It is not rude but if you want to be polite you can learn more about polite and formal greetings here.

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