The international violation of the graphical shape of a word

– the intentional violation of the
graphical shape of a word (or word combination) used to reflect its
authentic pronunciation.

Functions of Graphon:

    1. serves
      as a means of speech characterization supplying information about
      the speakers origin, social and educational background, physical or
      emotional conditions etc.;

    2. often
      creates a humorous effect;

    3. it
      helps to convey the atmosphere of authentic life communication some
      amalgamated forms that are result of assimilation. (gonna, lemme)

    4. used
      in advertisement to attract the audience with an unusual form

Other graphical means used in
stylistics to emphasize the unheard phonetic characteristics – the
pitch of the voice, the stress and other melodic features:

  1. punctuation
    – a series of dots,
    dashes, exclamation and question marks;

  2. spacing
    of the graphemes
    – laaarge; high phonation
    – a-l-o-n-e; capitalization

  3. different
    types of print
    : bold type,

  4. a
    specific arrangement of printed materials

20. Morphological means and devices of stylistics: sd based on the use of nouns; sd based on the use of articles.

main unit of the morphological level is a morpheme

smallest meaningful unit
which can be singled out in a word There are two types of morphemes:
root morphemes and affix ones. Morphology chiefly deals with forms,
functions and meanings of
affix morphemes.

morphemes in English are subdivided into word-building and
form-building morphemes.
In the latter case affixation may be: 1)
lived, comes
invited, is invited, does not invite);
on the alteration of the root vowel



are few language (or paradigmatic) synonyms among English morphemes
only some of them form stylistic oppositions, e.g. he
lives- he does live. Come!
come! Don’t forget- Don’t you forget
scarcity of morphological EM which is predetermined
by the analytical character of the English language is compensated by
a great
variety of SD.

SD as a deliberate shift in the fixed distribution of morphemes can
created by means of: a) the violation of the usual combinability of
morphemes within a word, e.g. the plural of uncountable nouns (sands,
waters, times),
the Continuous
forms of the verbs of sense perception (to
be seeing, to be knowing, to be
the violation of the contextual distribution of morphemes, which is
called form transposition.


invariant grammatical meaning of the noun, that of substance, is
realised through grammatical
categories of number, case, definiteness / indefiniteness which can
be used for
stylistic purposes.

SD may be based on a) repeating the same words in a
e.g. women
are women,
b) using metaphorically nouns which belong to different
classes, e.g. He
is a devil with the women

the opposition of singular::
is a marked member, and, accordingly, the
possibilities of its stylistic use are greater. Nevertheless,
singular forms can also acquire
stylistic meaning ,
shoot dark, to hunt pig.
formant ‘s’ as the marker of
the category of possessiveness constantly widens the sphere of its
usage and its combinability.
It frequently combines with inanimate and abstract nouns, e.g.
the plan’s failure.
it refers to a word group or a sentence, e.g. The
blonde I had been dancing with’s name was Bemice Crabs or Krebs
As a result,
the opposition N1
: : N2’s
its stylistic character.


which form the nucleus of the category of definiteness /
indefiniteness in modern
English may be regarded as analytical formants that might impart to
the noun a stylistic

are two ways of achieving a stylistic effect through the usage or
non-usage of articles:

violation of usual combinability of the definite and indefinite
articles with proper
names and the nouns denoting unique objects (sun, moon, sky,
article with proper names might acquire evaluative meaning. While the
article indicates a temporary or permanent quality of the person in
question. Names
of unique objects while used with the indefinite article acquire the
meaning «one
of many»;

transposition of the meaning of an article in context

in this case the objects or
phenomena are introduced by the narrator as if they are familiar to
the reader. This

is sometimes called in
medias res (the beginning from the middle).

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1) intentional violation of the graphical shape of a word (or word combination) used to reflect its authentic pronunciation, to recreate the individual and social peculiarities of the speaker, the atmosphere of the communication act (V.A.K.) (- стилистически релевантное искажение орфографической нормы, отражающее индивидуальные или диалектные нарушения нормы фонетической.) (I.V.A.)

I had a coach with a little seat in fwont with an iwon wail for the dwiver. (Ch. Dickens ) — с гашеткой впегеди для кучега.

You don’t mean to thay that thith ith your firth time. (D.Cusack)

2) all changes of the type (italics, CapiTaliSation), s p a c i n g of graphemes, (hy-phe-na-ti-on, m-m-multiplication) and of lines (V.A.K.)

«Alllll aboarrrrrrrd».

«Help. Help. HELP» (A.Huxley)

«grinning like a chim-pan-zee» (O’Connor)

Kiddies and grown-ups too-oo-oo // We haven’t enough to do-oo-oo. (R.Kipling)


Имена нарицательные пишутся с Заглавной Буквы при обращении или олицетворении, что придаёт тексту особую значительность и торжественно-приподнятую окраску. Приподнятость может быть иронической, пародийной.

O Music! Sphere -descended maid, // Friend of Pleasure, Wisdom’s aid! (W.Collins)

If way to the Better there be, it exacts a full look at the Worst. (Th.Hardy)

Целые слова могут быть набраны большими буквами и выделяются как произносимые с особой эмфазой или особенно громко.

I didn’t kill Henry. No, NO! (D.H.Lawrence — The Lovely Lady)

«WILL YOU BE QUIET!» he bawled (A.Sillitoe — The key to the door)

Курсивом выделяются эпиграфы, поэтические вставки, прозаический текст, цитаты, слова другого языка, названия упоминаемых произведений (необязательно) и вообще всё, что по отношению к данному тексту является инородным или требует необычного усиления (эмфатический курсив).

«You mean you’d like it best.» Little Jon considered. «No, they would, to please me.» (J.Galsworthy — Awakening)

Olwen (smiling at him affectionately): You are a baby. … Gordon (furious, rising and taking step forward): You are a rotter, Stanton. (J.B.Pristley — Dangerous Corner)

See: phono-graphical level

English-Russian dictionary of stylistics (terminology and examples) .

In modern advertising, mass media & creative prose sound is foregrounded through the change of its accepted graphical representation. The intentional violation of the graphical shape of word or word comb-n used to reflect its authentic pronunciation is called a graphon. Introduced into E. novels & journalisms in the 18 century graphon proved to be an extremely effective means of supplying info about speaker’s origin, social & educ. Background, physical & emot. condition, etc. (sellybrated, illygitmet). Graphons are also good at conveying atmosphere of authentic life communication. We have such cliché s as in conversation as gotta, wonna, gimme, lemme, wille, nowaru. It becomes popular with advertisers. E. g.: Pik-wik(pick quick). There also exist dif. Forms of foregrounding: 1)capitalization, 2)italics, 3)spacing of graphemes: — hyphenation(ч/з дефис, с пробела); multiplication(1 & the same letter written several times). A special trend- graphical imagism: e. g. the whole poem is written in form of a bird.

60. . The notion of the functional style. Classification.

Fun style(by Galperin) is a system of coordinated, interrelated & interconditioned language means intended to fulfil a specific function of com-n & aiming at a definite effect. Classification:

1 official style, represented in all kinds of  documents.

2 scientific, found in articles, brochures, monographs & other academic publications

3 publicist, covering such genres as essay, public speeches.

4 newspaper style, observed in the majority of materials printed in newspapers

5 belles-lettres style, embracing numerous genres of creative writing. it fulfils the aesthetic function, which fact singles this style out of others & gives grounds to recognize its systematic uniqueness.

Each of the style has 2 forms: written & oral.

Only recently, most style class included:

Poetic style- deals with verbal forms specific for poetry.

Oratoric style- in ancient Greece was instrumental in the creation of “Rhetoric”.

All the mentioned styles are specified within the literary type of the language. Their functioning is characterized by the international approach of the speaker towards the choice of lang-e means suitable for a particular com-ve situation & the official, formal nature of the latter.

61. newspaper st. var-s & pecul-s, distinction from pub-c st.

includes informative materials: news in brief, headlines, ads, additional articles. But not everything published in the paper can be included in N. S. we mean publicist essays, feature articles, scient. Reviews are not N. S. to attract the readers attention special means are used by british & am. Papers ex: specific headlines, space ordering. We find here a large proportion of dates, personal names of countries, institutions, individuals. To achieve an effect of objectivity in rendering some fact or event most of info is published anonymously, without the name of newsman who supplied it, with little or no subjective modality. But the position of the paper becomes clear from the choice not only of subj. matter but also of words denoting international or domestic issues.

Слайд 1
by Elina

 A STYLISTIC PERSPECTIVEby Elina PaliichukBorys Grinchenko Kyiv

Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Слайд 2

Elina Paliichuk


Слайд 3
Phonemic and Graphemic Foregrounding
Dealing with various cases

Phonemic and Graphemic Foregrounding Dealing with various cases of phonemic and graphemic foregrounding we should

of phonemic and graphemic foregrounding we should not forget

the unilateral nature of a phoneme: this language unit helps

to differentiate meaningful lexemes but has no meaning of its own. Cf.: [au], [ou] in «bow» бант, поклон etc.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 4
Elina Paliichuk

30-31/03/2015Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 5
Still, devoid of denotational or connotational meaning, a

OnomatopoeiaStill, devoid of denotational or connotational meaning, a phoneme, according to recent studies, has a

phoneme, according to recent studies, has a strong associative

and sound-instrumenting power. Well-known are numerous cases of onomatopoeia —

the use of words whose sounds imitate those of the signified object or action, such as «hiss», «bowwow», «murmur», and many more.
More examples of yours?


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 6

Onomatopoeia is a deliberate use of words or combinations

 Onomatopoeia is a deliberate use of words or combinations of words whose sounds produce an

of words whose sounds produce an imitation of a

natural sound. It is often based on and combined with



Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 7

Onomatopoeia Types:
Direct, contained in words that imitate natural

Onomatopoeia Types:Direct, contained in words that imitate natural - sounds Indirect, which is a

— sounds 
Indirect, which is a combination of sounds making the sound

reflection of the meaning. E.g.: And the silken, sad, uncertain

rustling of each purple curtain. (E A. Poe)


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 8
Elina Paliichuk

30-31/03/2015Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 9
Poetry abounds in some specific types of sound-instrumenting,

Poetry abounds in some specific types of sound-instrumenting, the leading role belonging to alliteration -

the leading role belonging to alliteration — the repetition

of consonants, usually-in the beginning of words, and assonance —

the repetition of similar vowels, usually in stressed syllables. They both may produce the effect of euphony (a sense of ease and comfort in pronouncing or hearing) or cacophony (a sense of strain and discomfort in pronouncing or hearing). As an example of the first may serve the famous lines of E.A. Poe:
…silken sad uncertain
rustling of each purple curtain…


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 11
is the repetition of a particular sound in

Alliteration is the repetition of a particular sound in the prominent lifts (or stressed syllables) of

the prominent lifts (or stressed syllables) of a series

of words or phrases. Alliteration has developed largely through poetry,

in which it more narrowly refers to the repetition of a consonant in any syllables that, according to the poem’s meter, are stressed, as in James Thomson’s verse «Come…dragging the lazy languid Line along».


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 13
is the repetition of vowel sounds to create

Assonanceis the repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and

internal rhyming within phrases or sentences, and together with

alliteration and consonance serves as one of the building block

of verse.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 15

is a characteristic feature of poetry but in

Rhymeis a characteristic feature of poetry but in prose euphony final sound (ending). Such recurrence

prose euphony final sound (ending). Such recurrence takes place

at the end of a poetic line. With regard to

the similarity of sounds we distinguish: full rhymes, imperfect rhymes.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 16

With regard to the structure of rhymes we

With regard to the structure of rhymes we distinguish: masculine (or single) rhyme, feminine (or

distinguish: masculine (or single) rhyme, feminine (or double) rhyme,

dactylic (or triple) rhyme, full double or broken rhyme. The

arrangements of rhymes may assume different schemes: couplet rhyme, cross rhyme, frame rhyme. The functions of rhyme in poetry are very important: it signalizes the end of a line and marks the arrangement of lines into stanzas.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 17
is a regular alteration of similar or equal

Rhythmis a regular alteration of similar or equal units of speech. It is sometimes used

units of speech. It is sometimes used by the

author to produce the desired stylistic effect, whereas in poetry

rhythmical arrangement is a constant organic element, a natural outcome of poetic emotion.
Example: The fallibly irrevocable cat met its intrinsic match in the oppositional form of a dog.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 18
To create additional information in a prose discourse

GraphonTo create additional information in a prose discourse sound-instrumenting is seldom used. In contemporary advertising,

sound-instrumenting is seldom used. In contemporary advertising, mass media

and, above all, imaginative prose sound is foregrounded mainly through

the change of its accepted graphical representation. This intentional violation of the graphical shape of a word (or word combination) used to reflect its authentic pronunciation is called graphon.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 19
«The b-b-b-b-bas-tud-he seen me c-c-c-c-com-ing» in R. P.

Warren’s Sugar Boy’s speech or «You don’t mean to

thay that thith ith your firth time» (D.C.) show the

physical defects of the speakers — the stumbling of one and the lisping of the other.
cliches in contemporary prose dialogue: «gimme» (give me), «lemme» (let me), «gonna» (going to), «gotta» (got to), «coupla» (couple of), «mighta» (might have), «willya» (will you), etc.
«Pik-kwik store», or «The Donut (doughnut) Place», or the «Rite Bread Shop», or the «Wok-in Fast Food Restaurant», etc. «Sooper Class Model» cars, «Knee-hi» socks, «Rite Aid» medicines.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 20
According to the frequency of usage, variability of

According to the frequency of usage, variability of functions, the first place among graphical means of

functions, the first place among graphical means of foregrounding is occupied

by italics. Besides italicizing words to add to their logical or emotive significance,

separate syllables and morphemes may also be emphasized by italics.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 21

Intensity of speech (often in commands) is transmitted

Intensity of speech (often in commands) is transmitted through the multiplication of a grapheme or

through the multiplication of a grapheme or capitalization of

the word, as in Babbitt’s shriek «Alllll aboarrrrrd», or in

the desperate appeal in A. Huxley’s Brave New World — «Help. Help. HELP.»


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 22
of a word suggests the rhymed or clipped

Hy-phe-nationof a word suggests the rhymed or clipped manner in which it is uttered as

manner in which it is uttered as in the

humiliating comment from Fl. O’Connor’s story — «grinning like a

e.g. I really do n – o – t love you


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 23
Shaped (Visual) Text

a text,

Shaped  (Visual)  Text
 a text, in which the lines/words form a recognizable shape

in which the lines/words form a recognizable shape (figure),

such as a cross, a star, a heart, a triangle,

etc. usually to reflect the contents.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 24
What is sound-instrumenting? Types?
What is graphon? Its

Discussion What is sound-instrumenting? Types?What is graphon? Its types and functions? What is achieved by

types and functions?
What is achieved by the graphical

changes of writing — its type, the spacing of graphemes

and lines?
Which phono-graphical means are predominantly used in prose and which ones in poetry?


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 25

Indicate the causes and effects of the following

Indicate the causes and effects of

cases of alliteration, assonance and onomatopoeia

Streaked by a quarter

moon, the Mediterranean shushed gently into the beach. (I.Sh.)
He swallowed

the hint with a gulp and a gasp and a grin. (R. K.)
His wife was shrill, languid, handsome and horrible. (Sc.F.)
The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, the furrow followed free. (S. C.)


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 26
Indicate the kind of additional information about the

Indicate the kind of additional information about the speaker supplied by graphon

speaker supplied by graphon
«De old Foolosopher, like Hickey calls

yuh, ain’t yuh?» (O’N.)
«It don’t take no nerve to do

somepin when there ain’t nothing else you can do. We ain’t gonna die out. People is goin’ on — changin’ a little may be — but goin’ right on.» (J. St.)


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 27
Think of the causes originating graphon (young age,

Think of the causes originating graphon (young age, a physical defect of speech, lack of

a physical defect of speech, lack of education, the

influence of dialectal norms, affectation, intoxication, carelessness in speech, etc.):

demons of jealousy were sitting on his shoulders and he was screaming out the same old song, wheethehell whothe don’t think you canpull the wool how dare you bitch bitch bitch. (S.R.)
«My daddy’s coming tomorrow on a nairplane.» (S.)


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 28
State the function of graphon in captions, posters,

State the function of graphon in captions, posters, advertisements, etc. repeatedly used in American press,

advertisements, etc. repeatedly used in American press, TV, roadside

Weather forecast for today: Hi 59, Lo 32, Wind lite.

jeans for this Jeaneration.
Terry’s Floor Fashions: We make ’em — you walk on ’em
Our offer is $ 15.00 per WK.
Thanx for the purchase.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 29
You work at a large promotion

CASE STUDY 1You work at a large promotion department. One of you is the creative

department. One of you is the creative director. Have

a brainstorming activity with your employees and discuss the possible

phono-graphical means you would employ to advertise a new product of your company. Visualize your idea.
Use the materials offered and any examples of yours at your discretion.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 30
Кухаренко В.А. Практикум з стилістики англійської мови: Підручник.

ASSIGNMENTКухаренко В.А. Практикум з стилістики англійської мови: Підручник. – Вінниця. «Нова книга», 2000 - 160

– Вінниця. «Нова книга», 2000 — 160 с.
Word and

its Semantic Structure. Connotational Meanings of a Word. The Role

of the Context in the Actualization of Meaning. Stylistic Differentiation of the Vocabulary. Literary Stratum of Words. Colloquial Words.


Elina Paliichuk

Слайд 31
Summing up the informational options of the graphical

ConclusionsSumming up the informational options of the graphical arrangement of a word (a line, a

arrangement of a word (a line, a discourse), one

sees their varied application for recreating the individual and social

peculiarities of the speaker, the atmosphere of the communication act — all aimed at revealing and emphasizing the author’s viewpoint.


Elina Paliichuk

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