The hidden word is ответ

Do the crossword. What’s the hidden word?
Задание рисунок 1

Английский язык 5 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. Classroom objects (страница 23). Номер №2


Перевод задания
Разгадайте кроссворд. Что за скрытое слово?

Решение рисунок 1
1. sleep
2. pencil
3. chair
4. notebook
5. blackboard
6. ruler
7. book
8. eraser
9. sing

The hidden word is “school bag”.

Перевод ответа
1. спать
2. карандаш
3. стул
4. тетрадь
5. доска
6. линейка
7. книга
8. ластик
9. петь
Скрытое слово «школьная сумка».

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  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Find the Hidden Words Quiz Answers from Video Facts 100% correct answers. Complete your quiz offer with 100% accuracy and get credited.

Quizzes are constantly updated. New questions are added and answers are changed. If you find any questions that are not present here or if your score was not 100% with the answers on our site, please let us know in the form before the comment section with the quiz link. We will update the answers as soon as we can.

Click On The Button Below Each Question To See Answer

Q 1. Can you spot the word hidden somewhere in this picture?


  • Home
  • Lone
  • Hour
  • Hark


Q 2. Think you can spot the hidden word here?


  • House
  • Mouse
  • Louse
  • Fleas


Q 3. Which word is hidden here?


  • Tricky
  • Tariff
  • Turkey
  • Traffic


Q 4. Let’s see how sharp your eyes really are. What word is hidden here?


  • Blind
  • Bird
  • Herd
  • Perch


Q 5. Can you find the hidden word?


  • Swarm
  • Swum
  • Swim
  • Swam


Q 6. Think you can spot the word hiding in this image?


  • Maraschino
  • Mosquito
  • Morocco
  • Walls


Q 7. What word is hiding here?


  • Mispell
  • Misspell
  • Mistake
  • Mispel


Q 8. Think you can spot the hidden word? Type your answer below!

Type Answer


Q 9. What word is hidden here?

Type Answer


Q 10. What about this one? What word is hidden here?

Type Answer


Q 11. Take a look at our image. How many words are hidden here? Type your number below!

Type Answer


Q 12. How many words are hidden here? Type your number in below!

Type Answer


Q 13. What kind of words are hidden in this image? Type your answer below!

Type Answer


Q 14. What kind of words are hidden in this image? Type your answer in below!

Type Answer


Q 15. Look carefully! How many words are hidden here? Type the number in below!

Type Answer


Q 16. How many NOUNS can you find? Type the number in below!

Type Answer


Q 17. Which hidden word is the odd one out? Type your answer in below!

Type Answer


Q 18. Which word is the odd one out? Type your answer in below!

Type Answer


Q 19. How many hidden words are NOT located in Europe? Type the number in below!

Type Answer


Q 20. How many state capitals can you find in this image? Type your answer in below!

Type Answer


Quizzes are constantly updated. New questions are added and answers are changed. If you find any questions that are not present here or if your score was not 100% with the answers on our site, please let us know in the form below (Click the below button) with the quiz link. We will update the answers as soon as we can.

A)Do the puzzle. Find out what the hidden word is.

1. It is work which teachers give their students to do at home.

2. It is a place where people watch plays.

3. It is a book with a long story about imaginary characters and events.

4. It is a trip which you make by going on foot, often got pleasure.

5. It is a place where you can see collections of different things.

6. It is a place where people watch films.

7. It is a place where people move small things pieces around on a special surface.

b) Make up your own sentences. Write what you usually do at the weekend. Use the words from the puzzle.






Заранее спасибо! Если затрудняетесь с частью b), то оставте, я сама её сделаю.




Вопрос по английскому языку:

A)Do the puzzle. Find out what the hidden word is.
1. It is work which teachers give their students to do at home.
2. It is a place where people watch plays.
3. It is a book with a long story about imaginary characters and events.
4. It is a trip which you make by going on foot, often got pleasure.
5. It is a place where you can see collections of different things.
6. It is a place where people watch films.
7. It is a place where people move small things pieces around on a special surface.
b) Make up your own sentences. Write what you usually do at the weekend. Use the words from the puzzle.
Заранее спасибо! Если затрудняетесь с частью b), то оставте, я сама её сделаю.

Изображение к вопросу

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Воспользуйся формой подбора репетитора и занимайся онлайн. Пробный урок — бесплатно!

Ответы и объяснения 1



1 homework
2 theatre
3 novel
4 walk
5 museum
6 cinema
7 board

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Как написать хороший ответ?

Чтобы добавить хороший ответ необходимо:

  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
    правильный ответ;
  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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