The greatest libraries of the word

Biggest Library in the world

Libraries are the temple for book lovers. They are the main source of knowledge and wisdom. As time passes by, libraries are getting bigger and better. If you are a book lover and looking for an adventurous trip to the biggest libraries in the world, then this article can be your guiding map.

1. The Library of Congress

The Library of Congress

The Library of Congress is the biggest library in the world located in the United States. It is the Oldest Cultural institution in the United States. The collections of this library are from all around the world, irrespective of subject or national boundaries. The items stored in the library is in more than 450 languages.

The Library of Congress, the world’s biggest library in America, has a collection of 32 million cataloged books; more than 61 million manuscripts. It receives 22,000 copies per day from the publication produced in the United States. The library collection fills about 1,349km of bookshelves.

Some of the major works stored in the library are Rough Draft of the Declaration of Independence, The World’s most famous architectural designs, the Betts Stradivarius; and the Cassavetti Stradivarius.

2. British Library, London

British Library

The British Library is the national library of the United Kingdom. It is the second biggest library in the world. It holds 150 million items from different countries. It receives 8,000 copies per day from the publication produced in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The Collection of the British Library includes 14 million books. Every year three million more items added to the library, occupying 9.6km of new shelf space.

The major highlights of the library collection are, Diamond Sutra, Codex Sinaiticus, Alice’s Adventures under Ground, Gutenberg Bible and many more precious works.

3. Library and Archives Canada (LAC)

Canada has the third biggest library in the world. The National Library of Canada was founded in 1953. The library holds 20 million books, 24 million of photographs and more than a petabyte of digital work. The Name of the director of the library is Guy Berthiaume.

The vast collection of the Library and Archives includes The Proclamation of the Canadian Constitution Act, the British North America Act, the oldest book of first-century historian Flavius Josephus and the chair used by world’s renowned pianist Glenn Gould.

4. The New York Public Library (NYPL)

New York Public Library

It is the fourth largest library in the world. The New York Library is the public library having 87 branches. The library has a collection of 53 million items. It is also among the second largest public library in the United States.

The New York library also has four research libraries which are open to the general public. The Directors of the library are Anthony Marx, William P. Kelly, and Andrew W. Mellon. Today there are four research libraries under NYPL which hold 44,000,000 items. You can ask and discover about anything on the Official Website of NYPL.

5. Russian State Library

State library of Russia - Greatest library in the world

It is the national library of Russia located in Moscow. Russian State Library is the largest library in Russia and Fifth (Contradictory) largest library in the world. The Library has a collection of 17.5 million items. It was renamed from V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR to Russian State Library in 1992.

The library has 275 km of bookshelves with more than 43 million items, including 17 million books, 13 million journals, 350 thousand music scores and sound records, 150,000 maps, and others. The Directors of this one of the biggest libraries in the world are Alexander I. Visly, Vladimir I. Gnezdilov, and Viktor V. Fiodorov.

6. Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Bibliothèque Nationale de France

It is the National Library of France established in 1461, located in Paris. It stands on the sixth place on the list of biggest libraries in the world. Bibliothèque Nationale de France is the national repository of the documents of France. The current president of the library is Laurence Engel. The Collection of the library includes 40 million items out of which 14 million are books and others include different publications.

The major collection of the library includes medieval chansons de gaste, Arthurian novels, and chivalric romance. The library holds 5,000 ancient Greek manuscripts.

7. National Library of Russia

National Library of Russia

The National Library of Russia in St Petersburg is not only the oldest public library and also the first national library in the country. It is also ranked in the list of biggest libraries in the world. Earlier it was also known as the Imperial Public Library. The library collection includes 36,475,000 items out of which 15,000,000 are books. The Imperial Public Library was founded by Catherine the great in 1795.

8. National Diet Library (NDL)

National Diet Library

It is the only national library in Japan. The National Diet Library was established in 1948 for assisting the members of the National Diet of Japan. The National Diet Library provides the services to KYOTO and TOKYO. The collection of the library includes 34.7 million items. The Director of the library is Sawako Hanyu.

The major collection of the library includes a microform collection of 30 million pages of documents relating to the occupation of Japan after World War II. The NDL maintains a collection of 530,000 books relating to the sciences.

9. National Library of China (NLC)

National Library of China

Next one on the list of biggest libraries in the world is The National Library of China. Located in Beijing, it is the national library for the public in China. It is the largest library in Asia and one of the biggest libraries in the world. The Collection of the library includes 33, 78 million items. The Library was founded by the government of the Qing dynasty in September 1909. The director of the library is Han Yongjin.

The library holds the largest collections of Chinese literature and historical documents in the world.

10. Biblioteca Nacional de España

Biblioteca Nacional de España

It is the major public library for the people of Spain. It is the largest library in Spain and also among the biggest libraries in the world. The Library was founded by King Philip V in 1712 and located in Madrid.

The library has 26,000,000 items which includes 15,000,000 books and other printed materials, 30,000 manuscripts, 143,000 newspapers and serials, 4,500,000 graphic materials, 510,000 music scores, 500,000 maps, 600,000 sound recording, 90,000 audiovisuals, 90,000 electronic documents, more than 500,000 microforms. The Director of the library is Ms. Milagros del Corral Beltran.

You can ask any question about the library on the Official Website of Biblioteca Nacional de España.

11. Royal Danish Library, Denmark

Royal Danish Library, Denmark - oldest library in the world

The foundations of Royal Danish Library are traced back in the year 1648, by King Frederick III. However, it was opened for the public in 1793. It was merged with the prestigious Copenhagen University Library and later with Danish National Library for Science and Medicine, now the Faculty Library of Natural and Health Sciences.

Royal Danish Library is a collection of 35,400,000 items which includes Books, journals, newspapers, pamphlets and corporate publications, manuscripts and archives, maps, prints and photographs, music scores, documentation of folkways and popular traditions.

One of the major highlights of the history stored in this Black Diamond shaped library is the first Danish book, printed in 1482 by Johann Snell.

12. Bodleian Library, United Kingdom

Bodleian Library - Biggest Library of the world

Bodleian Library is one of the finest libraries in the world and the main research library for the University of Oxford. It is one of the oldest libraries in Europe. It was build in the year 1602 by Giles Gilbert Scott. Despite its huge infrastructure, library staff still struggles to make space for 1,000 new books every day.

The library has over 12 million items including books, documents, maps which can be traced back to the times of Pharaohs. Gutenberg Bible 1455, one of only 21 surviving complete copies, Shakespeare’s First Folio, 1623, and much other historical literature is stored in Bodleian Library.

13. German National Library, Germany

German National Library

German National Library is one of the largest libraries in the world. It was established in 1912, 107 years ago. The main purpose of the library is to store permanently archive, comprehensively document and record bibliographically all German and German-language publications since 1913, foreign publications about Germany, translations of German works, and the works of German-speaking emigrants published abroad between 1933 and 1945, and to make them available to the public.

This central archival library has around 32.6 million items serving more than 2 lakhs of members. It has three centers situated in Frankfurt, Leipzig, and Berlin.

14. Boston Public Library, United States

Boston Public Library

Boston Public Library was established in 1852 and was the first free municipal library of the United States. It is the third largest library in the US, after the Library of Congress and New Your Public Library.

Boston Public Library contains almost 24 million volumes and electronic resources with 24 branches across the countries. There are large collections of books, prints, photographs, postcards, and maps, including more than 1.7 million rare books and manuscripts.

15. State Library of Victoria, Australia

State Library of Victoria

Besides being in the list of the biggest libraries of the world, State Library of Victoria is also the oldest library of Australia and one of the first free libraries of the world. It was established in the year 1854 as the Melbourne Public Library.

The Library’s vast collection includes over two million books and 350,000 photographs, manuscripts, maps, and newspapers, with a special focus on material from Victoria. It also stores some of the original Armour of Ned Kelly.

16. Library of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

library of russian academy sciences

Library of Russian Academy of Sciences was established in the year 1714 by Peter I in Saint Petersburg on Vasilievsky Island. It is the first state academy library in Russia. Since 1747 all academic institutions and since 1783 all publishers in the country have been legally obliged to provide the library with a free copy of each published item.

The library consists of 20.5 million central collections and also housed by specialized academic institutions in Saint Petersburg and other cities.

17. Vatican Library, Rome

Vatican Library - oldest libraries of the world

Vatican Library is situated in the Vatican city is a research Library. It was established in the year 1475 and it is counted as one of the world’s oldest library. It has 75,000 codices from throughout history, as well as 1.1 million printed books, which include some 8,500 incunabula.

18. Stockholm Public Library, Sweden

Stockholm Public Library

Sweden’s largest public library, Stockholm Public Library is also one of the biggest libraries in the world. It was established in 1928 and was built by the famous Swedish architect, Gunnar Asplund. Its rotunda structure gives it monumental look and was the first public library with open shelves.

The City Library has fiction and non-fiction in various subject areas, children’s and youth literature and the Audio Library with speech and audio books. Currently, they have approximately 410,000 books and are visited daily by approximately 2,500 visitors.

19. Herzog August Library, Germany

Herzog August Library

Herzog August Library is also known as Bibliotheca Augusta. It was established in the 17th century in the year 1572, founded by Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg. It is the internationally acclaimed library for its collection from the Middle Ages and early modern Europe.

The library has more than 900,000 of books out of which a numerous number of books are printed between the 15th and 18th century. Some of the notable manuscripts which the library stores are Minuscule 97, Minuscule 126, Minuscule 429, and many others.

20. The Library of Alexandria, Egypt

The Library of Alexandria, Egypt

The library of Alexandria was one of the biggest libraries of the ancient world and was considered the most significant in ancient history. It had a collection of works of many ancient scholars like Plato, Herodotus, and was known as the shrine of Muses.

During the civil war in 48 BC, a part of its collection was accidentally burned by Julius Caesar. In 2002 The Library of Alexandria was reborn in October 2002 to reclaim the mantle of its ancient namesake.

Now the library has a collection of 900,000 books though it has space for over eight million. Moreover, the myriad activities it offers have made it a place for open discussion, dialogue, and understanding.

Final Words

As a book lover, I have always dreamt of a place with as many books as water droplets in the ocean. A place where the smell of the books diffused in its ambiance. It may sound crazy but every bibliophile has secretly dreamed about this place.

This list of the top 20 biggest libraries is just a place of your dreams.

We can travel from East to West and North to South, but the biggest libraries in the world are the books in itself. The room full of books makes the library, not the empty four walls.

If you have already traveled far from the list of the twenty largest libraries in the world, then please do drop your experiences in the comments.

I don’t know about you, but I’m obsessed with my local library. I mean, if you think about it, the idea of a public library—where anyone in the community is trusted to borrow books, often for long stretches of time, for free, ad infinitum—is fairly magical. Where else do you get something for nothing? Which is not even to mention the many programs, study space, use of computers, and other perks that most public libraries offer. Basically, what I’m saying is: libraries should be even more popular than they are—but some of them are pretty popular already.

Despite the definitive headline, the below list is admittedly inexact—as, I suppose, all lists tracking the movements of large numbers of people in and out of foreign and domestic institutions must be. Not all of the libraries I researched had up-to-date public information about the number of visitors, or any information at all (so these I had to exclude), and there were a few cases where I found competing figures, or press releases in foreign languages. Plus, I admit that I did not research every single library in the world, but only the ones that seemed likely to rank. Now, with all those caveats in place, please enjoy the below popularity contest, and if you’re so moved, nominate your own favorites in the comment section.

New York Public Library, New York, NY, USA: 18 million visitors per year

In their annual report, the New York Public Library reported that they had hosted 18 million visitors and circulated 23 million items over their 92 locations in 2016. (92! That is impressive enough on its own.) Recent individual building or branch numbers were slightly more difficult to come by, but according to a NYPL press release, in 2012, the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (what you probably think of as the Main Branch) received 2.3 million visitors, and the Mid-Manhattan branch, which is now closed for renovations, received 1.4 million (though a more recent estimate puts it at 1.7 million, so you may want to mentally adjust both numbers accordingly.)

brooklyn public libraryBrooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY, USA: 8.1 million visitors per year

According to a recent press release, the Brooklyn Public Library received over 8.1 million visitors in 2017, across its 59 branches. The Central Library, the Brooklyn library system’s main branch, sees over 1.3 million visits per year. Probably only a couple hundred of those visits are me.

national library of chinaNational Library of China, Beijing, China: 5.6 million visitors per year

Established as the Imperial Library of Peking in 1909, the National Library of China is now the largest library in Asia, with holdings of over 35 million items. The library’s annual report puts their total visitors (across multiple locations) at 5.6 million (5,639,900, to be precise) in 2016.

state library victoriaState Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia: 2 million visitors per year

According to its annual report, in the 2016-2017 fiscal year the State Library of Victoria saw 2,071,250 visitors, breaking the 2 million visit mark for the first time in its history and making it the busiest library in Australia. They also recorded 4,241,307 online visits, 40,993 reference queries, 29,932 new member registrations, 174,224 collection items accessed, and 1,464,965 uses of digitized collection items. Not too shabby.

library of congressLibrary of Congress, Washington D.C., USA: 1.9 million visitors per year

The Library of Congress is not only the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States (it was founded in 1800), but is also the largest library in the country and is among the largest in the world, if not the largest. According to its website, the library hosted “nearly 1.9 million onsite visitors” in 2017—to peruse its 167,000,738 items on about 838 miles of bookshelves.

british libraryBritish Library, London, UK: 1.5 million visitors per year

The British Library rivals the Library of Congress in terms of the size of their holdings, with over 150 million items, many of them unique. According to their annual report, the British Library welcomed “almost 1.5 million” visitors in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, this figure representing “a small but disappointing reduction in our overall visitor numbers.” (In response they will be “making improvements to [their] Treasures Gallery,” which seems like it will work.)

royal danish libraryRoyal Danish Library, Copenhagen, Denmark: 1.44 million visitors per year

Okay, this one’s a little wonky, because the most recent official information I could find is from 2014, when 1.44 million people visited the Royal Library in Copenhagen. But in January of 2017, Denmark’s State and University Library and the Royal Library merged into the Royal Danish Library—a move I can only imagine has upped the visitor level, when taken as a whole. Still, as ever, I’m working with what I’ve got here.

berlin state libraryBerlin State Library, Berlin, Germany: 1.4 million visitors per year

According to this website and Wikipedia, 1.4 million people visited the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin) in 2009. I can’t confirm this, because I don’t read German, but I did find what appears to be a more recently updated stats page for the library—also in German, of course. If you can read it, update me.

russian state library
Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia: 1.17 million visitors per year

I ran into another translation issue here, because the intel on Moscow’s Russian State Library is—shockingly—in Russian. But according to this website, the Russian State Library maintains about 44.4 million items and fields 1.17 million annual visitors.

national library of franceBibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France: 1.15 million visitors per year

The national library of France, which boasts a collection of 15 million books and other items, reported 1,150,000 visits across its four Parisian branches in 2016. It’s also a pretty common (and gorgeous) tourist destination.

national library of russiaNational Library of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia: 1 million visitors per year

According to their website, in 2011, 966,000 people (I am rounding up) visited the reading rooms of the National Library of Russia, which has a collection of 35,718,000 items—though unlike some others on that list, that number was on a downward trajectory. It’s not clear what has happened in the last few years, but even if there are only (only!) a million visitors per annum, it’s worth mentioning here.

trinity college libraryTrinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland: 1 million visitors per year

According to their annual report, the Trinity College Library—the largest library in Ireland—welcomed over 964,000 visitors in 2017, which again, I am rounding up to a million. Many of those came to see the Book of Kells—a gorgeous 9th century illuminated manuscript that is among Ireland’s greatest sights—and the famous Long Room, which also ranks pretty highly as far as sights go, in my opinion.

If you love books, libraries are some of the most spectacular buildings.

To celebrate these monumentally important ones, we’ve complied a list of the most magnificent libraries.

From a library hidden in the forests of Beijing to one in Egypt designed like a sundial, these are the libraries that all book lovers should visit in their lifetime.

1. The Admont Library in Admont, Austria

Located in the foothills of the Alps, this beautiful library is the second-largest monastery library in the world.

The library hall was designed in the late baroque style by the architect Joseph Hueber in 1776 with a nearly 230-foot-long hall that contains 200,000 volumes.

The ceilings were painted by Bartolomeo Altomonte and show the stages of human knowledge, up to the high point of the Divine Revelation.

Best Libraries From Around The World - The Admont

Getty Images/Imagno

2. George Peabody Library in Baltimore, Maryland, USA

The Peabody Library was funded by the the philanthropist George Peabody. Peabody built the library as a gift to the citizens of Baltimore for their kindness and hospitality.

Designed by 19th-century architect Edmund Lind, Peabody is known for its interior that has a soaring atrium.

The five stories of cast-iron balconies are filled to the brim with books, and the skylight roof showers the library in natural light.

Libraries From Around The World - Peabody

3. The Royal Library of Copenhagen, Denmark

Completed in 1999, the «Black Diamond» was built as an extension to the national library of Denmark.

The neomodern library gets its name from its polished black granite and irregular angles.

The library’s harsh exterior is interrupted by an atrium made from glass only.

This glass atrium makes the interior of the building an incredible space full of light and views of the water, which makes for a really gorgeous reading environment.

Best Libraries From Around The World - The Royal Library of Copenhagen

Flickr/Simon Lam

4. Musashino Art University Library in Tokyo, Japan

Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto designed the library to be the simplest library in the world, made from only bookcases and a glass exterior.

The 20-foot-high walls are made from bookshelves, and are interrupted only by bridge-like reading areas.

Fujimoto tells arcspace that the only things you need to make a library are «books, shelves, light, and beautiful places.»

Libraries From Around The World - Musashino library

5. Boston Public Library, Massachusetts, USA

The Boston Public Library contains over 23 million items, making it the second-largest public library in the US.

The library is known for its incredible courtyard, Italian-inspired architecture, entrance atrium, and its quintessential library reading room: Bates Hall.

Bates Hall is named after Joshua Bates, the library’s first benefactor. In 1852, Bates agreed to donate a large sum to the building of the library with a few conditions: that the building would be an ornament to the city and that it be perfectly free for everyone.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Boston Public Library

6. Stuttgart City Library, Germany

This cube-shaped, nine-story library takes its design from the Pantheon of ancient Rome, according to Designboom.

The aim of the library was to create a continuum inside of the room, so the entire room is painted in uniform pure white. The only color in the building comes from the books.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Stuttgart City Library

7. José Vasconcelos Library in Mexico City, Mexico

Designed by architect Alberto Kalach, the library is a concrete and glass structure.

The bookshelves look as if they’re hovering in midair, and a giant whale skeleton hangs in the center of the library.

The library is named after José Vasconcelos, a philosopher and politician. Vasconcelos was an important cultural figure in Mexico and an active promoter of reading.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Vasconcelos Library

8. Liyuan Library in Beijing, China

Located in a small village outside of Beijing, the single-story library blends into its forest surroundings.

The library is made from timber beams and its exterior is covered in sticks, according to dezeen. The light of the library comes from the cracks in the twig frame.

The building may be covered in firewood but it has a very advanced integrated cooling system that draws in cold air from the lake it sits on. The library is also completely ecofriendly and made from all recyclable material.

And it looks like an incredibly cozy place to sit and read a book.

Liyuan Library

9. Vennesla Library and Cultural Center in Vennesla, Norway

This library in Norway is made of a series of arcs, or «ribs,» that support the roof. The concept of the building comes from the ribs of a whale skeleton.

«In this project, we developed a rib concept to create usable hybrid structures that combine a timber construction with all technical devices and the interior,» architects Helen & Hard told ArchDaily.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Vennesla Library

Getty Images/View Pictures

10. Beinecke Rare Book Library in New Haven, Connecticut, USA

The Beineck Rare Book & Manuscript Library is the literary archive of the Yale University Library, and is the largest building in the world devoted to the preservation of rare books and documents. The entire library is shaped around the massive display in the center.

The library’s building is iconic because of its incredible Vermont marble, granite, bronze, and glass «windows» designed to filter in enough light so that rare materials can be displayed without damage, according to ArchDaily.

From the outside, the building looks as if it is completely solid. The Beineck’s vast collection includes a Gutenberg Bible.

Libraries From Around The World - Beinecke Rare Book

11. Alexandria Library in Alexandria, Egypt

The original library of Alexandria was established in the third century B.C. and was one of largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world.

When it was destroyed in the third century A.D., there were countless scrolls and books lost.

The new library of Alexandria was built in 2002 to pay homage to the openness of the original library. Built by Snøhetta architects, the building is designed like a sundial and tilts toward the Mediterranean Sea.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Alexandrina Library

12. Central Library in Seattle, Washington, USA

First opened in 2004, the 11-story glass-and-steel building in downtown Seattle was designed to be a reinvention of the traditional library.

The contemporary building is not only a space dedicated to books but an access point for all forms of media.

Designed by Rem Koolhass, the building combines «futuristic lines with the functionality of a library.» The interior of the building is notable for its large public spaces and natural light.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Central Library

13. Trinity College Dublin Library, Ireland

Famed for its Long Room, the library of Trinity College library is home to the largest collection of books in Ireland.

The over 200-foot-long main room is covered in marble and dark wood pilasters.

When it was first completed, the Long Room had a flat ceiling, but the roof was raised to accommodate more books.

Best Libraries From Around The World - Trinity Library

14. Sir Duncan Rice Library in Aberdeen, UK

The Sir Duncan Rice Library is the new library of the University of Aberdeen.

The library incorporates 21st-century design, and has a huge spiraling atrium in its center.

The library gained a lot of attention for the range of sustainable features that were included in its design.

The spiraling atrium lights up all eight floors — the building also has photovoltaic cells on its roof to convert the energy of light directly into electricity.

Libraries From Around The World - Sir Duncan Rice Library

15. Sainte-Geneviève Library in Paris, France

The Sainte-Geneviève library is the main research and reference library for the students of the University of Paris.

Constructed in the mid-19th century by the famed architect Henri Labrouste, the library is well known for its cast-iron column reading room.

The MoMA even described the library as a «temple of knowledge and a space for contemplation.»

Sainte Genevieve Library

16. New York Public Library in New York City, USA

The New York Public Library has nearly 53 million items, and is the third-largest library in the world.

The incredible beaux arts landmark was one of the largest marble structures in the US when it was built.

The Rose Main Reading Room of the library stretches nearly two city blocks. The reading room measures 297 feet long by 87 feet wide and has 42 long oak tables for visitors to sit in.

Beautiful Libraries From Around The World - New York Public LIbrary

17. Kanazawa Umimirai Library in Kanazawa City, Japan

This three-story library is designed like a cake box, with large white hole-punched windows that light up the space.

The library is meant to be a tranquil room, and the “punching walls” are meant to make it look like a forest of books.

«This environment would allow users to experience the joy of reading while surrounded by a treasure trove of books with a overwhelming physical presence, something that the convenience of electronic and digital books cannot offer,» the architects told ArchDaily.

Beautiful Libraries From Around The World - Kanazawa Library

18. Royal Portuguese Reading Room in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Built in the 19th century, this gorgeous rooms is home to over 350,000 works — and the largest collection of Portuguese works outside of Portugal.

The library is known for its Neo-Manueline design, which “evokes the Gothic-Renaissance style that flourished during the time of the Portuguese Discoveries,” according to My Modern Met.

The room is covered in books, many of them rare works dating from the 16th century. It’s the perfect destination for anyone who loves to be surrounded by beautiful books.

 Most Beautiful Libraries From Around The World - Royal Portuguese Reading Room

What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘library’? The information it gives, right? While there are people who take libraries as a place to get all the information required, be it for school projects, for personal research or any work assignments. But for many others, it’s a heaven for them to sit and spent hours among books. So, whatever is the reason for your visit to a library, see below which are the best libraries in the world.

10. The Library of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt

Once considered to be the largest library in the world, the Library of Alexandria in its earlier glory was also one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Originally built during the reign of Ptolemy II, the present form came into being in the year 2002 at the cost of $220 million. The present state of the library also has museums, art galleries, manuscript restoration lab, a conference center, planetarium and also libraries for blind, children and young adults. The library has a capacity of 8 million books.

9. New York Public Library, New York

Nearly 53 million items catering to 3.5 million people, the New York Public Library has some special stack of books like the first Gutenberg Bible that had gone to America. Not just books, the library is equally famous for its architectural beauty with huge chandeliers and windows, gold plated, painted ceiling adorning the Rose Main Reading Room. In fact, this place is quite recognizable for its multiple features in movies like ‘Ghostbusters’ and ‘The Day After Tomorrow’.

8. Library of Parliament, Ottawa, Canada

This library that sits in the Parliament Hill, at the back of Centre Block in Ottawa, Ontario, has undergone a lot of construction and renovation right after it was built in the year 1876. Presently, the library building is a Canadian icon, appearing on the Canadian ten-dollar bill and houses more than 600, 000 items, maintained by a huge number of staff of 300.

7. Abbey Library of Saint Gall, St. Gallen, Switzerland

Abbey Library of Saint Gall stores some rare manuscripts dating back to 8th century and is one of the primeval monastery libraries in the world. A World Heritage Site, the library also offers access to rare manuscripts with dates before 1900 through online portal. Manuscript B of the Nibelungenlied can be found in this library.  Some 400 manuscripts are preserved in the portal and about 160, 000 volumes of picture postcard are stored here.

6. National Library of St. Mark’s, Venice, Italy

Housed in a Renaissance building in the northern part of Italy, the National Library of St. Mark’s is the home to some rare classical texts. It all started with the collection when Cardinal Bessarion donated his collection of 750 codices and 250 manuscripts, but at present, it has a collection of more than 24, 000 works from the 16th century, millions of books, 2880 incunabula and 13,000 manuscripts. National Library is named after the patron saint of Venice, St. Mark.

5. Vatican Library, Vatican City, Rome

One of the oldest in the world, the Vatican Library in Rome is believed to be founded in 1475, but there are traces of its existence since the starting of Catholic Church. With more than 1.1 million books, 8, 500 incunabula and 75, 000 manuscripts, Vatican Library have received its collection either as gifts or as a part of inheritance. The earliest complete form of the manuscript of Bible is owned by the library.

4. Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S

Boston Public Library being the first to be funded by the public was established in 1848 and had grown to its present state of 22 million items! It’s equally appealing architecture is well known worldwide for its beautiful murals of the legend of Holy Grail. The main room of the library’s McKim building, known as Bates Hall has a spectacular coffered ceiling. The McKim houses some rare collections like early works of Shakespeare including a First Folio, a good collection of Daniel Defoe, medieval manuscripts and also libraries of great historical figures like William Lloyd Garrison, John Adams and Nathaniel Bowditch.

3. Reading Room at the British Museum, London, England

The Reading Room is located at the center of the Great Court of British Museum and has a ceiling that is made of papier-mache. It is said that the room had served many great figures of history like Oscar Wilde, Rudyard Kipling, Karl Marx, Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Twain, George Orwell, H. G Wells and Lenin. Currently, the Reading Room also accommodates an information center and a temporary exhibition featuring the well-known Terracotta Army of China.

2. Bodleian Library, Oxford, UK

The library of University of Oxford  established in 1602, the Bodleian Library boasts a collection of 11 million items including many imports of historical importance like a Gutenberg Bible, Magna Carta and First Folio of Shakespeare (from 1623). The Radcliffe Camera is the most famous building among all and accommodates the Radcliffe Science Library.

1. Library of Congress, Washington D.C

Finally at the first place is the national library of USA, the Library of Congress is the biggest in the whole world when it comes to number of volumes and the amount of self space available. Although, this library is available to public, but it’s being a research center of Congress, only members of Congress are allowed to go through books. Library of Congress includes more than 32 million books, a draft of the Declaration of Independence, 61 million manuscripts, 1 million newspapers from the last three millennia, 6 million copies of sheet music, 5 million maps and 14 million prints and photos.

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The largest libraries of the worldFulfilled by  Irina Sharonova,

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  • Сейчас обучается 128 человек из 39 регионов

  • Сейчас обучается 114 человек из 42 регионов

  • Сейчас обучается 226 человек из 56 регионов

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The largest libraries of the worldFulfilled by  Irina Sharonova,

    1 слайд

    The largest libraries of the world
    Fulfilled by
    Irina Sharonova,

  • The Russian state library

    2 слайд

    The Russian state library

  • The Russian state library is the national library of the Russian Federati...

    3 слайд

    The Russian state library is the national library of the Russian Federation, the largest public library in Russia and continental Europe and one of the largest libraries in the world.It was founded on 19 Jun 1862. Since the formation gets the mandatory copies of national publications.

  • The Foundation of the library    The Foundation of the Russian state library...

    4 слайд

    The Foundation of the library
    The Foundation of the Russian state library originates from the collection of N. P. Rumyantseva, who had more than 28 thousand books, 710 manuscripts, more than 1,000 maps. A year and a half after the founding of Museums, the Library Fund amounted to 100 thousand units. On 1 January, 1917 in the Library of the Rumyantsev Museum it was 1 million 200 thousand units of storage. In 2016 the funds amounted to 45 million units.
    The page from Arkhangelsk Gospel (1092)

  • Library and Archives of Canada

    5 слайд

    Library and Archives of Canada

  • Library and archives of Canada — Federal government of Canada Department...

    6 слайд

    Library and archives of Canada — Federal government of Canada Department responsible for collecting and saving the documentary heritage of this country, texts, images and other documents relating to the history, culture and politics of Canada. The facility is located in Ottawa.The Department was created by the Parliament of Canada in 2004 and combines the national archives of Canada and National library of Canada.

  • The amount of the Fund is 20 million units. In the collection of the libr...

    7 слайд

    The amount of the Fund is 20 million units. In the collection of the library was primarily interested in materials related to the history and culture of Canada. Here are the logs of the indigenous population, albums, artifacts, works of art, children’s literature, Newspapers, films, diaries and personal journals, manuscripts, globes, maps, photographs, poems, portraits, rare books, sketchbooks, stamps, treatises and dissertations. To store the most fragile documents in Gatineau opened a conservation center.
    The Foundation of the library

  • The New York Public Library

    8 слайд

    The New York Public Library

  • The New York Public Library is one of the largest libraries in the world....

    9 слайд

    The New York Public Library is one of the largest libraries in the world. In addition, it is one of the largest research library systems in the world. It was founded in 1895. Historian David McCullough has described the new York public library one of the most important libraries of the USA. The Fund volume is 53 million units.

  • The panorama of the main reading room

    10 слайд

    The panorama of the main reading room

  • British Library

  • British Library  is the national library of the UK. The law of its creat...

    12 слайд

    British Library is the national library of the UK. The law of its creation by combining the library of the British Museum and some of the more important meetings was adopted by the Parliament in 1972; the new library building opened in London on 1 July 1973. It is the second largest library in the world after Library of Congress.

  • The library a total has 150 million units.The Foundation of the library

    13 слайд

    The library a total has 150 million units.
    The Foundation of the library

  • Library of Congress

    14 слайд

    Library of Congress

  • Library of Congress  is the national library in the USA, the largest libra...

    15 слайд

    Library of Congress is the national library in the USA, the largest library in the world. It is situated in Washington. It is scientific library of Congress, it serves governmental bodies, research institutions, researchers, private firms and industrial companies, school. It was founded in 24 April, 1800.

  • According to the beginning 2000-x years the library only contains over 13...

    16 слайд

    According to the beginning 2000-x years the library only contains over 130 million units (total length of bookshelves — almost 850 km).The library of Congress has 18 reading rooms on the 1460 seats for readers.

  • Thank you for your attention!

    17 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

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  • «Английский язык. 10-11 класс», Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш.

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The Greatest Libraries of the World


The Library of the British Museum


1. In what street is the museum situated? 2. How many books does it have? 3. What shape is the Reading Room? 4. When was the library founded?


The University library of Cambridge


Bodlean Library in Oxford


The University Library in Harvard


The Library of Congress in the USA


Bibliotheque Nationale in France


The Beijing Library in China


The State Public Library in Moscow

Обновлено: 13.04.2023

The word library comes from the Latin word liber, meaning «a book». This is a place where information in print (books, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected and arranged to serve people of all ages and interests.

Libraries appeared in ancient times in Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Rome.

Perhaps the most famous library of that early day was at Alexandria. It was founded by Ptolomy I. Ptolomy ordered the librarians to collect all Greek texts as well as manuscripts in other languages from every part of the known world. By the middle of the 1st century BC there were about 700,000 papyrus rolls in the library.

The first libraries in Russia were established in medieval monasteries. Public libraries were opened in the 19 century at the Academy of Sciences and Moscow University.

The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded, and even electronically stored. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn, and think.

The national libraries of different countries keep in touch and exchange books and information. Most libraries have a professionally educated staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select and purchase books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need.

Many people have books at home. These are the books of their favourite authors, dictionaries and reference books and the like. My family also has a home library. It was my grandfather who started to collect it at the beginning of the century. There are over two thousand books in it. The authors I like most of all are Chekhov, Bulgakov, Fitzgerald, Cortasar and others.


Слово «библиотека» происходит от латинского слова «луб», что означает «книга». Это место, где информация в печатном виде (книги, рукописи, периодические издания и музыкальные партитуры) и в иных формах собрана и организована, чтобы служить людям всех возрастов и интересов.

Библиотеки появились в древние времена в Египте, Ассирии, Греции и Риме.

Пожалуй наиболее известная библиотека тех далеких дней была в Александрии. Она была основана Птоломеем I. Птоломей приказал библиотекарям собрать все греческие тексты, а также рукописи на других языках из каждой части мира. К середине первого века до нашей эры библиотека насчитывала около 700 тысяч рулонов папируса.

Первые библиотеки в России были созданы при средневековых монастырях. Публичные библиотеки были открыты в 19 веке при Академии наук и МГУ.

Библиотека сегодня является центром всех видов коммуникации: печатных, фото носителей, записанных на пленку, и даже в электронной форме. Люди ходят в библиотеку чтобы читать книги, смотреть, слушать, искать, запрашивать, расслабиться, обсудить, учиться и думать.

Библиотеки есть во многих местах. Есть библиотеки в малых и крупных городах, есть в школах, университетах, колледжах. Крупнейшие и наиболее известные библиотеки в мире: Британская национальная библиотека в Лондоне, Библиотека Конгресса в Вашингтоне и Русская государственная библиотека.

Национальные библиотеки различных стран сотрудничают и обмениваются книгами и информацией. Большинство библиотек имеют профессионально образованных сотрудников, первый долг которых — помочь вам. Библиотекари также отбирают и покупают книги и другие материалы, организовывают материалы, что позволяет их легко использовать, отвечают на вопросы о фактах, людях, событиях, или советуют вам как найти нужную информацию.

Многие имеют книги у себя дома. Это книги ваших любимых авторов, словари, справочники и тому подобное. Моя семья также имеет домашнюю библиотеку. Мой дедушка начал собирать ее в начале прошлого века. В ней более 2000 книг. Мне нравится больше всего нравятся Чехов, Булгаков, Фитцджеральд, Кортасара и другие.

В топике Библиотеки я расскажу о библиотеках вообще и о трех самых известных библиотеках мира: Британской Национальной библиотеке в Лондоне, библиотеке Конгресса в Вашингтоне и о Российской государственной библиотеке. Подробнее остановлюсь на описании Российской государственной библиотеки: расскажу историю строительства принадлежащих ей зданий, о ее архивах, фондах, каталогах и о читальных залах. Из топика вы узнаете о профессии библиотекаря и его основных профессиональных обязанностях. В современных библиотеках вся информация хранится в виде печатных изданий или фотографий, а также — на микроносителях.

The word ‘library’ comes from the Latin word ‘liber’, meaning ‘book’. This is a place where information in print (book, manuscripts, periodicals and musical scores) and in other forms is collected. Libraries can be found in many places. There are libraries in small towns and large cities and there are libraries at schools, universities, colleges. People go to the library to read, look, listen, search, inquire, relax, discuss, learn and think.

Other library which is known throughout the world is the Library of Congress. It was established as a reference library in 1600 and gradually would come a world famous institution that now occupies three huge buildings. A great number of items in collections of books, newspapers, periodicals, manuscripts, films, maps and works of drama, music, art and important and exciting documents from American history are kept in library’s archives. There are materials on practically every subject to which members of Congress can refer.

And now I would tell you about Lenin State Library. The Lenin Library is the central library and is one of the world’s largest. The old library building was built by Vasily Bashenov in 1786 on a hill opposite the Kremlin and it was a typical example of a Moscow town residence of that time. Its new buildings were built in 1940. When the library was founded in 1961, it contained over 1000.000 volumes, and was then located in the old Pashkov part of the complex. In 1915 its one reading room had a sitting capacity of only 170. Now it has 23 reading rooms of 2500 seating capacities and a book fund of 27 millions. There a wide choice of books: fiction, non-fiction, serious books, detective stories, science fiction, biographic, history and encyclopedias which are extremely useful in work, because it gives information about every branch of knowledge.

Of cource there is a catalogue of books. The titles and authors of all the books in the library can be found in a card catalogue or a computer listing. Each card in catalogue gives very helpful information about the book; the title send to the author, the time and place of publication and the even something about it contents. The library is used daily by around 10000 people.

Most libraries have a professionally staff whose first duty is to help you. Librarians also select books and other materials, organize materials so that you can easily use them, answer questions about facts, people, events, or advise you how to find the information you need. The library today is a centre for all kinds of communications: printed, pictured, recorded and even electronically stored.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

The greatest libraries of the world подготовила учитель английского языка ПОЛ.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The greatest libraries of the world подготовила учитель английского языка ПОЛ.

The greatest libraries of the world подготовила учитель английского языка ПОЛЕНОВА Н.В Answer the questions:

1. One of the oldest libraries in the world. It contains a lot of hieroglyphi.

1. One of the oldest libraries in the world. It contains a lot of hieroglyphic scripts.

…the writings in all world languages. Alexandria Library.

…the writings in all world languages. Alexandria Library.

2. One of the greatest libraries in Italy, dated back to the 15th century. It.

2. One of the greatest libraries in Italy, dated back to the 15th century. It is…

…it is the Vatican Library.

…it is the Vatican Library.

3. This museum has the largest reading hall in Great Britain. A) It is called…

3. This museum has the largest reading hall in Great Britain. A) It is called…

…the British museum. B) Is it in the left or in the right?…

…the British museum. B) Is it in the left or in the right?…

The British Museum is in the right (in the left there is the National Gallery)

The British Museum is in the right (in the left there is the National Gallery)

4. The most important and great libraries in Russia are a) in Moscow…

4. The most important and great libraries in Russia are a) in Moscow…

…the Russian State library… b) and in St Petersburg… In Moscow In Pashkov’s h.

…the Russian State library… b) and in St Petersburg… In Moscow In Pashkov’s house

…the Russian National Library in… St. Petersburg… Nevsky avenue…

…the Russian National Library in… St. Petersburg… Nevsky avenue…

5. The most famous library in France is in…It is called…

5. The most famous library in France is in…It is called…

…La Biblioteque Nacionale … in Paris

…La Biblioteque Nacionale … in Paris

6. One of the richest book collections in the world is in the USA. A) It is c.

6. One of the richest book collections in the world is in the USA. A) It is called… b) Its director …is.

The Congress Library. By the way, its director specializes in Russian Literat.

The Congress Library. By the way, its director specializes in Russian Literature

Презентация подготовлена учителем Поленовой Н. В. для проведения викторины «Б.

Краткое описание документа:

Презентация «Библиотеки мира» предназначена для работы по теме «Как хорошо читать!» для учащихся 7 класса спецшкол или 10-11 классов средних общеобразовательных школ.

Большинство сведений получены из учебника АфанасьевойМихеевой, поэтому надо сначала пройти тексты учебника. Фотографии пригодятся при введении материала или его закреплении. Также в конце темы можно провести викторину по теме.

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

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По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

План урока английского языка по теме «В мире животных»

Учащиеся отправляются в увлекательное путешествие по сафари парку. Цель урока: развитие навыков аудирования и говорения, активизация знаний учащихся по теме урока и развитие навыков работы с инт.

Тип урока: урок формирования лексических навыков.Цели урока:Учебная: формирование лексических навыков говорения;Развивающая: развитие познавательной деятельности, мышления, умения переносить пол.

Использование мультимедиа на уроках английского языка.

Преподавание английского языка с использованием современных цифровых образовательных ресурсов.

Урок английского языка по теме «Страны мира»

Урок английского языка «Экскурсия по странам мира»

Урок построен в форме заочного путешествия по миру и знакомит с англоязычными странами — Великобританией и Америкой, с достопримечательностями и культурным наследием этих стран.В материал урока включе.

Методическая разработка урока по теме «Сохранение мира» для 7 класса с использованием тезнологии ТРИЗ, к Конспекту урока также прикреплены приложения и презентация.

Конспект урока английского языка на тему «Театр» в 7 — 8 классах и презентация к уроку.

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