The grammatical form of the word in brackets


Fill in the gaps with the correct grammatical forms
of the words in brackets.
1. I want to thank everyone for the
and enthusiasm. (DEDICATE)
2. The project was set up to help
people. (HOME)
3. He fought the illness with courage and
4. Pictures of
children shocked me.
5. I have always been
about foot-
ball. (PASSION)
6. Our future
depends on the eco-
nomic situation. (PROSPER)
7. I spoke slowly, with great

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the gaps with the correct grammatical forms of the words in brackets.
It’s not my habit to write about my 1. (person) life on a blog. However, this is an exception. Last month I went on a short holiday to the Lake District in the UK. It was an 2. (ac­cident) trip, not planned at all. I was just 3. (success) in winning a trip from the local travel agency.
The Lake District is a very popular holiday des­tination in the фnorth of England. I really had a (wonder) time. Although it was November, the weather was 5. (beauty). It’s common knowledge that the English weather is 6. (predict) and autumns are mostly 7. (rain). However, my umbrella was 8. (use), because the sun shone all the seven days I was there. Generally I’m not very 9. ( athlete) or sporty, but, you know, I took up jogging there. And I still jog every morning. Probably the most 10. (memory) thing about the holiday was the 11. (magic) views, 12. (mystery) hills, and lovely picturesque villages.
It was a really great holiday. It’s certainly not the kind of place for someone looking for a 13. (fashion) resort or busy nightlife but if you want to relax in the middle of stunning landscapes, I would certainly recommend a holiday in the Lake District.

Some scientists think that humans are biologically programmed be
afraid of certain things, like the dark and (PoisoNous) insects. Others
are convinced that a frightening event in the past lies behind many
phobias. A recent breakthrough in 2) (MEDICal) research suggests that
our memories can be rewritten and our fear erased. Scientists at New
York University have found that a retrieved memory can be 3) (PERMANENTly)
changed. However, it appears that this is only possible within six
hours of the memory emerging. After this time, the mind will simply form
a second version of the memory. This means that in the future, in times
of stress or (ORIGINal) fear memory could resurface. anxiety, the 4)
Still, scientists are excited. Previously, they had thought that the
human long-term memory was fixed and that the fears and phobias which
hid inside it could only be treated with drugs. they may have discovered
a much 5) (SAFEr) way to prevent the return of fear

Упражнение 4, с. 23

4. a) Read the rubric, then do the task. Use the phrases in the Useful language box. — Прочитайте рубрику, а затем выполните задание. Используйте фразы из поля Полезные фразы.

Look at the Picture 1, Picture 2 and Picture 3. Your English friend, Laura, who is 18, is thinking of getting a summer job but she can’t decide what she wants to do. She is very good with children and is a star athlete at school. She wants your advice. Choose one of the three summer job below. 

• Choose the summer job which, according to you, is the most suitable for her, and give a reason for your decision. 

• Explain why you rejected the oter two.

Посмотрите на Рисунок 1, Рисунок 2 и Рисунок 3. Ваша английская подруга Лора, которой 18 лет, подумывает о том, чтобы устроиться на летнюю работу, но она не может решить, чем хочет заниматься. Она очень хорошо ладит с детьми и является звездой спорта в школе. Ей нужен твой совет. Выберите одну из трёх летних работ ниже.

• Выберите летнюю работу, которая, по вашему мнению, наиболее подходит для неё, и объясните причину своего решения.

• Объясните, почему вы отвергли второй вариант

Useful language

I think/To me the suitable job is … because … ./In my opinion … would be a good job because … ./seems  the best option because … ./I don’t think … would be appropriate because … ./I wouldn’t decide to work as a because … .

Я думаю, что/Для меня подходящая работа есть … потому что… ./По-моему … было бы хорошей работой, потому что … ./кажется лучшим вариантом, потому что … ./Я не думаю … было бы уместно, потому что … ./Я бы не решился работать, потому что …

Cashier: responsible job, meet lots of people, work shifts, repetitive job, work indoors all the time, earn a salary, have evenings free

Кассир: ответственная работа, встречи с большим количеством людей, рабочие смены, повторяющаяся работа, всё время работать в помещении, получать зарплату, иметь свободные вечера

Вabysitter: mostly work in the evenings, need to be good with children, responsible job, not earn good money, not steady job

Няня: в основном работает по вечерам, нужно хорошо обращаться с детьми, ответственная работа, не зарабатывает хорошие деньги, не стабильная работа

Lifeguard: good at swimming, physically fit, spend time by the sea, have evenings free, demanding & responsible job, earn good money

Спасатель: хорошо плавает, физически здоров, проводит время на море, имеет свободные вечера, требовательную и ответственную работу, зарабатывает хорошие деньги


If I were you, I would choose between being a babysitter and being a lifeguard. I wouldn’t work in a supermarket as a cashier because although it is a responsible job and you would meet lots of people, you would probably have to work shifts and it would be very boring and repetitive work. Also, you would be stuck indoors all the time.

I think babysitting would be a good job because you are very good with children. Also, you would probably only have to do it in the evenings so you would have most of your days free. On the other hand, you may not have the opportunity to earn very much money.

Therefore, I think you should go for a job as a lifeguard. You are very good at sports and so you have the swimming ability needed. Also you get to spend the whole summer on the beach. Finally, you would have all your evenings free and I think it would be good experience for the future. It would also be good to have a position of responsibility like this on your CV.

На твоём месте я бы выбрал между работой няни и работой спасателя. Я бы не стал работать кассиром в супермаркете, потому что, хотя это ответственная работа и вы встретите много людей, вам, вероятно, придётся работать посменно, и это будет очень скучная и повторяющаяся работа. Кроме того, вы всё время будете торчать в помещении.

Я думаю, что няня была бы хорошей работой, потому что вы очень хорошо ладите с детьми. Кроме того, вам, вероятно, придётся делать это только по вечерам, чтобы у вас была большая часть свободных дней. С другой стороны, у вас может не быть возможности заработать очень много денег.

Поэтому я думаю, что вам следует пойти на работу спасателем. Вы очень хорошо занимаетесь спортом, и поэтому у вас есть необходимые способности к плаванию. Кроме того, вы можете провести всё лето на пляже. Наконец, у вас будут все свободные вечера, и я думаю, что это будет хороший опыт для будущего. Также было бы неплохо иметь такую ответственную должность в своём резюме.

b) Listen to someone doing the task. Which job does the speaker choose? What reasons does she give to support her choice? — Послушайте, как кто-то выполняет эту задачу. Какую работу выбирает оратор? Какие причины она приводит, чтобы поддержать свой выбор?

If I were you I would choose between being a babysitter and being a lifeguard. I wouldn’t work in a supermarket as a cashier because although it is a responsible job and you would meet lots of people, you would probably have to work shifts and it would be very boring and repetitive work. Also, you would be stuck indoors all the time.

I think babysitting would be a good job because you are very good with children. Also, you would probably only have to do it in the evenings so you would have most of your days free. On the other hand, you may not have the opportunity to earn very much money.

Therefore, I think you should go for a job as a lifeguard. You are very good at sports and so you have the swimming ability needed. Also you get to spend the whole summer on the beach. Finally, you would have all your evenings free and I think it would be good experience for the future. It would also be good to have a position of responsibility like this on your CV.

На твоём месте я бы выбрала между работой няни и работой спасателя. Я бы не стала работать кассиром в супермаркете, потому что, хотя это ответственная работа и ты встретишь много людей, тебе, вероятно, придётся работать посменно, и это будет очень скучная и повторяющаяся работа. Кроме того, ты всё время будешь торчать в помещении.

Я думаю, что няня была бы хорошей работой, потому что ты очень хорошо ладишь с детьми. Кроме того, тебе, вероятно, придётся делать это только по вечерам, чтобы у тебя была большая часть свободных дней. С другой стороны, у тебя может не быть возможности заработать очень много денег.

Поэтому я думаю, что тебе следует пойти на работу спасателем. Ты очень хорошо занимаешься спортом, и поэтому у тебя есть необходимые способности к плаванию. Кроме того, ты можешь провести всё лето на пляже. Наконец, у тебя будут все свободные вечера, и я думаю, что это будет хороший опыт для будущего. Также было бы неплохо иметь такую ответственную должность в своём резюме.

The speaker chooses the lifeguard job because she thinks that it would be a good match to her friend’s skills, it would be more enjoyable to be on the beach than indoors in the summer. Also, she thinks it would be good to have such a position of responsibility on her CV for the future.

Оратор выбирает работу спасателя, потому что она думает, что это будет хорошо сочетаться с навыками её подруги, было бы приятнее находиться на пляже, чем в помещении летом. Кроме того, она считает, что было бы хорошо иметь такую ответственную должность в своём резюме на будущее.

Grammar — Text Completion

Упражнение 5, с. 23

5. Read the text. Complete the gaps with the proper grammar and lexical form of the words in brackets. — Прочитайте текст. Заполните пробелы правильной грамматикой и лексической формой слов в скобках.

When the summer 1) comes, many of us think of getting our swimsuits out and heading for the nearest beach. Some even plan a holiday to some exotic location. For many others, however, it’s time to think about working.

2) Finding a summer job isn’t always easy though, especially if you don’t have experience in the particular field. Here’s some simple advice that 3) will help you get that badly needed summer job. The most important thing is 4) to make sure you start looking early. Employers plan the summer well ahead and recruit early, so the 5) earlier you apply, the more organised you look. Think about the areas of work that you are interested in and focus on the ones that tend 6) to take on students during the summer period. Have a look in the local newspaper classifieds section but remember that summer jobs are not always advertised in the newspaper so it is a good idea 7) to go and visit companies in person.

Когда наступает лето, многие из нас думают о том, чтобы достать купальники и отправиться на ближайший пляж. Некоторые даже планируют провести отпуск в каком-нибудь экзотическом месте. Однако для многих других пришло время подумать о работе.

Однако найти летнюю работу не всегда легко, особенно если у вас нет опыта в конкретной области. Вот несколько простых советов, которые помогут вам получить эту крайне необходимую летнюю работу. Самое главное — убедиться, что вы начинаете искать заранее. Работодатели планируют лето заранее и набирают сотрудников рано, поэтому чем раньше вы подаёте заявление, тем более организованным вы выглядите. Подумайте о тех областях работы, которые вас интересуют, и сосредоточьтесь на тех, которые, как правило, берут на себя студенты в летний период. Загляните в раздел объявлений в местной газете, но помните, что летние вакансии не всегда рекламируются в газете, поэтому рекомендуется лично посетить компании.

Writing (a letter of application — p WB1)

Упражнение 6, с. 23

6. Read the rubric, then do the task. — Прочитайте рубрику, а затем выполните задание.

You have seen an advert for a chef training course and want to apply. Write a cover letter to apply for the  course. In your letter write where you saw the advert, why you think you could be a good chef and ask questions about the course (120-150 words). 

Вы видели рекламу курса подготовки шеф-повара и хотите подать заявку. Напишите сопроводительное письмо, чтобы подать заявку на участие в курсе. В своём письме напишите, где вы видели рекламу, почему вы думаете, что могли бы стать хорошим шеф-поваром, и задайте вопросы о курсе (120-150 слов).


where you saw the advert – Daily Gazette 28th April, I want a career as a chef

где вы увидели рекламу – ежедневная газета, 28 апреля, я хочу сделать карьеру в качестве шеф-повара

why you think you could be a good chef – hardworking, love of food, quick learner, kitchen assistant in café, worked at a snack bar

почему вы думаете, что вы могли бы стать хорошим шеф-поваром – трудолюбивый, люблю еду, быстрая обучаемость, кухонный помощник в кафе, работал в снэк-баре

questions about the course – Please send me an application form & details of the enrolment requirements? What is course
content and length?

вопросы по поводу курса – пожалуйста, пришлите мне заявку и подробности на требования к абитуриентам? Что такое содержание и продолжительность курса?

Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the chef training course which I saw advertised in the Daily Gazette on 28th April as I am very interested in pursuing a career as a chef.

I am currently working as a part-time kitchen assistant at a local café. I also worked at a snack bar last summer. I love food and I consider myself to be hardworking and enthusiastic. I am also a quick learner.

Please could you send me an application form and details of the course content? I would also like to know the length of the course and the enrolment requirements.

Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
John Smith

Дорогой сэр/мадам,
Я хотел бы подать заявку на курс подготовки шеф-повара, который я видел в рекламе в «Дейли Газетт» 28 апреля, поскольку я очень заинтересован в продолжении карьеры шеф-повара.

В настоящее время я работаю помощником по кухне на неполный рабочий день в местном кафе. Я также работал в закусочной прошлым летом. Я люблю поесть и считаю себя трудолюбивым и полным энтузиазма. Я также быстро учусь.

Пожалуйста, не могли бы вы прислать мне форму заявки и подробную информацию о содержании курса? Я также хотел бы знать продолжительность курса и требования к зачислению.

Большое спасибо. Я с нетерпением жду вашего звонка.
С уважением,
Джон Смит

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook

Английский язык. 7 класс

Definition of Brackets in Punctuation

Brackets are the punctuation marks that are in the form of a pair and are majorly used to include certain written text within them besides the main text (written without brackets).

Types of Brackets

The following are the types of brackets being used these days for different purposes:

Parentheses ( ) also known as ‘round brackets’ or ‘curved brackets’
Square Brackets [ ] also known as closed or hard brackets
Curly Brackets { } also known as curly or French brackets
Chevrons ⟨ ⟩ also known as angle brackets
Usage of Brackets

The brackets are one of the most commonly used punctuation mark in English grammar therefore, it is necessary for one to be aware of the various ways of its correct usage to improve towards good writing skills.

Examples of Uses of Brackets in Sentence Making

Inclusion of Extra Information

Sometimes a writer feels the need of adding an additional phrase in between the sentence or after it. For this purpose, the brackets are often used.

For example,
    • I decided to meet Jane (my childhood friend) today.
    • The children (though they weren’t willing at first) agreed to play inside the house.
    • My best friend Robert (who also went to school with me) talked to the senior.

Making Something Clear

The brackets can be used by the writer when he wants to clarify something written in the main text so that there is no chance of the reader getting confused that what he is talking about.

For example,
  • I am reading the second chapter of this novel [Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’] which I bought yesterday.
  • Diana, Mary and Sloan were talking to each other when suddenly she [Diana] fainted.
  • James, Tim, Justin and Paul were walking silently. However after sometime, the two of them [Tim and Paul] joyfully started running around the trees.

Adding Omitted Words

Sometimes when you quote from a written text, the quotation may sound odd or difficult to understand outside its context. Therefore, in order to help clarify the meaning of the quote the user of the quote is given the privilege of adding additional words within square brackets for the purpose of clarifying the meaning of the whole sentence.

For example,
  • “Don’t try to mess around [with her] if you want to be my friend.”
  • “Being honest with your [close] friends is a good quality to have.”
  • “I doubt his [writing] abilities.”

Indicating Misspelled Words

When you are quoting from another source, sometimes you may find certain spelling mistakes in the original text. So, in order to clarify this fact to the reader that you have not mistakenly misspelled the word, rather it is misspelled originally, you may use the brackets and insert the italicized word of ‘sic’.

For example,
  • “The rober [sic] ran away with the lady’s purse in a jiffy.”
  • “A young boy came up to the seargent [sic] and told him the reality.”
  • “There were seaven [sic] people found dead in the sudden upheaval.”
Indicating the Italics or Underlining

When the writer quotes from another text and wants the reader to focus on a particular word of the text he may use italics or underlining for that word in the quoted text. However, he does need to mention the fact that he did this by himself and the italicized or underlined style for the word or phrase wasn’t in the original text. For this purpose, brackets shall be used.

For example,
  • Albert Einstein said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” [Italics added]
  • “Life is half spent before we know what it is” according to George Herbert. [Underline added]

Indicating Singular or Plural

For clarity, writers may tend to add an additional letter or word that may tell the reader that the noun used in the sentence can also be singular or plural, both cases.

For example,
    • This section is for writing down your phone number(s).
    • Please write down the name of your sibling(s) here.
    • What is (are) the name(s) of your best friend(s)?

Author: Fizza Farrukh

A freelance writer based in Islamabad. Currently an M.Phil Scholar and has an ardent passion for writing and teaching.


the sentences using one of the words
: repellent life jacket
self-catering sunscreen campsites youth rope service sleeping first aid kit

are three backpacker _______________________________________  with conveniences
on the way.

2.European      hostels
are of a very high standard and offer good prices.

of a hotel, we chose to stay at_____________________________________ apartment
this year.

ordered coffee from________________________ __________ .

with gathering blanket, hot water,        ______with medicines and bandages you
may need.

insect__  should be applied on clean and dry skin.

camps a warm, light-weight
__________________________________ bag
and a good rucksack are important.

and helmet all the time you’re in a boat.

use high protection
________________________________ , at
least factor
15, usually 20—25 plus.

10. They
tied the
____________________________________ around
a rock

Choose the correct answer.

     hot. Even in the shade it was over thirty above zero.

boiling                                        b) warming                    c)

people think that
_____________________ aerobics three times a week
is the best way to keep fit.

b)making    c)doing

packed both light and warm clothes because the weather can be really

b)no-predictable     c)unpredictable

4.I____      under
the table to plug the lamp in.

b)moved    c)crawled

     cold and the foarm sleeping bag was what I  needed.

frozen                                        b) freezing                           c)

your own way to the airport?

make                                          b) do                             c)

any extreme sport you should wear
______________________ clothing.

b)protection     c)protecting

volcano could
__________________ at any time.

b)explode     c)erupt

remained overcast and I could hear the
_______ rain  
drumming on the roof.

b)heavy     c)hard

You can_______________ the heat using this
switch here.

b)adjust          c)acclimatize

in the gaps with prepositions.

buy here aren’t enough chairs to go
________________________ .

you look
__________________ the kids wrtfle I’m out?

  the word in the dictionary.

sirens went
____________________ in the afternoon.

5.Go__      your
work before you hand it in.

worry about me
I can look________________________ myself.

___________________ her notes before the

gun went
______________________ by accident, no one was

________________________ my keys. Have you seen

the milk away. It’s gone
________ .

you look
____________________ the opening times on the

think we’ll go
___________________ the plan again.

car alarm goes
________________ every time it rains.

there enough cookies to go
_______ ?

promise to look
_________________ the garden while you’re
on holiday.

Open the brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Future

don’t know when my elder brother  1)   (come)
back home. If he 2)
after eight, he  3)

his favourite TV show.

2. When
4).             (return), he    5).            
 (help) us; but I don’t know yet when he 6).        
(come) back.

the ecological situation
           (improve), people 8).         
(feel) much better; but we still don’t know when it

10).            (not,
tell) you anything if you
11)._    (not,
ask); but I’m not sure if you
12).   (be)
brave enough  to ask.
5. If it
13).          (stop)
raining, we 
14)._________ (go)
picnicking. But I’m not sure  if it
15). (stop)
raining at all today.

Open the brackets. Use each form (Present Simple, Present
Continuous, Future Simple
, the
be going to-
-form) only once in each dialogue.

I’ve made up my mind to try and learn the German lan­guage. And I
  (do) a course. It
2)  .       (start) next Monday.

That’s really great. I’m sure you
3)   (enjoy)
it. Languages
  4)          (become) more and more
important now.

5).     (go)
to England 

B: Have a good time!

Thanks. I 
6).  (send)  you a postcard when I  7).    (be) 
in London.

В: I
think it
8).    (be)

Where are you going to stay in London?

We’ve already booked a room. We
9).                    (stay)
at the Royal Hotel in the city centre.

What are you going to do in London?

10).     (do) all the
  if we 11).  
(have) time! But I
don’t think we
12).    (man­age) that.

the type of the conditionals

would you do if you won a million dollars?

will have to go back home if they fail their exams.

I had known you were ill, I’d have gone to visit you.

would have happened if they hadn’t come to the party?

you heat water to
100 degrees,
it begins to boil.

it stopped raining, we could go out.

the weather remains as fine as now, we may go on a picnic.

Fill in the gaps with the correct grammatical forms of the
words in brackets.

not my habit to write about my
(person) life on a
blog. However, this is an exception. Last month I went on a short holiday to
the Lake District in the UK. It was an
2.          (ac­cident)
trip, not planned at all. I was just
3. (success)
in winning a
trip from the local travel agency.

Lake District is a very popular holiday des­tination in the
of England. I really had a
(wonder) time. Although it
was November, the weather was
(beauty). It’s common knowledge that the English weather
6. (predict) and autumns are mostly 7. (rain). However,
my umbrella was
8.   (use), because the sun shone all the
seven days I was there.
Generally I’m not very 9.     
( ath
lete) or sporty, but, you know, I took up jogging there. And
I still jog every morning.
Probably the most 10.
(memory) thing about the holiday was the 11.  (magic)
12.   (mystery) hills, and lovely
picturesque villages.

was a really great holiday. It’s certainly not the kind of
for someone looking for a
13.  (fashion) resort
or busy nightlife but if you want to
in the middle of stunning landscapes, I would certainly recommend a holiday in
the Lake District.

Choose the correct answer.

1.I wish I       my key at home.

hadn’t left b) didn’t leave c) don’t leave

2.       are
animals that are not dangerous at all.

Deers                                           b) Deer                          c)

the temperature falls below
0 degrees Centigrade, wa­ter 

freeze                                          b) freezes                      c)
is freezing

           ___ you, I would never go

were                                             b) am                            c)
will be

like to book a flight.

How are you? b) Can I help you? c) Sure. Where to?

will never make any progress
____________________ you
work hard at your English.

if                                                  b) unless                       c)
as soon as

I have my room key, please?

Yes, please. b) Of course. c) Here you are!

      warmer clothes, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.

put on                                          b) would put on c)
had put on

rare animal species may become        soon, a) threat b) dead

  • 0

4. Complete the text with the correct grammar forms of the words in brackets.
The London Eye is known as one of the______________(attractive)
places in London.
It is a large metal structure. It also __________________ (know) as the
Millennium Wheel and is one of the_______ (large) observation wheels in
the world. It was opened in 2000.
It ________________ (be) 135 metres high. The London Eye is very popular
More than three million people ______________________(visit) it last year.
At the time it was built, in 1999, it ____________(be) the tallest giant wheel in
the world.
The London Eye______________ (stand) at the western end of Jubilee
Garden, on the South Bank of the river Thames near Westminster Bridge.

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  • 0

1. Most attractive
2. Is known
3. Largest
4. Is 
5. Visited
6. Was
7. Stands

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