The future we want word



Outcome document of


UN Conference on Sustainable Development“The future we want”.


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Конференции Организации Объединенных Наций по устойчивому развитию“ Будущее мы хотим”.


I urge ministers responsible for


environment to come to Rio armed with bold,


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Я настоятельно призываю министров, ответственных за охрану окружающей среды, принять участие в Конференции в РиодеЖанейро,




centre of a socially, environmentally, and economically sound world.


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нищеты является центром социально, экологически и экономически стабильного мира.





opportunity to work with Women and Youth Groups to plan the future we want in every country and to’Put Equality on




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приветствуем возможность работать с женскими и молодежными группами в целях планирования такого будущего, которое мы хотим, в каждой стране,

а также возможности<< нанести на карту всеобщее равенство!


Action areas A, B1 to B26 and

C are based on section V of»The Future we want«(General Assembly resolution 66/288,

annex), paras. 104 to 251.


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Области деятельности A, B1- B26 и C определены,

приложение), пункты 104- 251.



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Справедливый переход можно рассматривать


Realizing the future we want for all requires


post-2015 sustainable development goals to catalyse rapid

and appropriate development of marginalized communities.


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Выстраивание такого будущего, которое мы хотим для всех людей, требует, чтобы цели устойчивого развития на период после 2015 года

выступали катализатором быстрого и надлежащего развития маргинализованных сообществ.



Secretary-General(SG) deemed Rio+20 a success,

with agreement on


Rio outcome document The Future We Want representing»an important victory for multilateralism.


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По мнению Генерального секретаря,<< Рио+ 20>>

увенчалась успехом ввиду достижения соглашения по итоговому документу<< Будущее, которое мы хотим>>, который следует расценивать как<<

важную победу концепции многосторонности.



architects of change have shown it is possible- now


wider development community can build their own,


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Архитектура изменений показала, что это возможно- теперь более широкое сообщество развития может создавать свои собственные,


inclusive and equitable economic growth, creating greater opportunities for all.


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стимулирования поступательного всеохватного и справедливого экономического роста, создания более широких возможностей для всех.



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Конференция» Рио+ 20″,


состоится в следующем году,



recommend these Stories of Change to policy makers, practitioners,


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рекомендуем эти« Истории перемен» политикам, практикам и сообществам,


Twenty years ago,


United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(Earth Summit) addressed this warning,


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Двадцать лет назад участники Конференции Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде и развитию( Встреча на высшем уровне по проблемам Земли) приняли во внимание это предупреждение,


action on


ground and solid and sustained global partnership.


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принятия соответствующих мер на местах и формирования прочного и устойчивого глобального партнерства.


and creative societies, cannot be achieved unless


cultural component of sustainability is explicit.


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безопасные, толерантные и творческие общества, не может быть построено без полного учета культурного компонента устойчивости.




do not exclude


possibility of a new participation in


Eurovision Song Contest. Time will tell:

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не исключаем возможности нового участия в конкурсе Евровидение. Время покажет.


call on Member States,


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просим государства- члены, гражданское

общество и частный сектор способствовать развитию инноваций в интересах построения будущего, которого мы хотим.


United Nations Environment Programme, Global Environment Outlook 5:


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Программа Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде, Глобальная экологическая перспектива- 5:



first report by


United Nations System Task Team on


Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda,


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Первый доклад Целевой группы системы Организации Объединенных Наций по повестке дня Организации Объединенных Наций в области развития на


Recognizing paragraph 135 of


Rio+20 outcome document entitled The Future We Want in which governments committed themselves to promote an integrated approach to planning

and building sustainable cities and urban settlements and


generation of decent jobs.


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Ссылаясь на пункт 135 итогового документа Конференции<< Рио+ 20>>, озаглавленного<< Будущее, которого мы хотим>>, в котором правительства обязуются пропагандировать применение комплексного подхода к планированию и

созданию экологически устойчивых городов и населенных пунктов городского типа и создавать достойные рабочие места.


In its report to


Secretary-General entitled»Realizing the future we want for all»,


United Nations System Task

Team on


Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda urged us to make globalization a positive force for current and




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В своем докладе Генеральному секретарю, озаглавленном» Создание будущего, которого мы желаем для всех», Целевая группа системы Организации Объединенных Наций по повестке

дня Организации Объединенных Наций в области развития на период после 2015 года настоятельно призывает


сделать глобализацию позитивной силой для настоящего и




Source: United Nations System Task Team on


Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda,»Realizing the future we want for all: report to


Secretary-General» New York, United Nations, 2012.


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Источник: Целевая группа системы Организации Объединенных Наций по повестке

дня в области развития после 2015 года,<< Создание будущего, которого мы желаем для всех: доклад Генерального секретаря>> Нью-Йорк, Организация Объединенных Наций, 2012 год.


Investing in equal rights, economic empowerment, health and education for girls, women and young people is not only



thing to do— it’s a smart investment in the future we want and a more equitable world for all.


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Инвестиции в равноправие, расширение экономических прав и возможностей, здравоохранение и образование для девочек, женщин и молодежи— не только наш моральный долг,

но и выгодное вложение в будущее, которого мы хотим, и путь к построению более справедливого мира для всех.




final outcome document of


United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development(Rio+20), The Future We Want, and


10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns(A/CONF.216/5*)

as agreed by




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Принял к сведению итоговый документ Конференции Организации

Объединенных Наций по устойчивому развитию( Рио+ 20)» Будущее, которое мы хотим» и десятилетние рамки программ по рациональным моделям потребления и производства( A/

CONF. 216/ 5*), утвержденные Конференцией;


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

будущем мы хотим

будущего мы хотим

будущее, которое мы хотим

будущего, которого мы хотим

будущего, которое мы хотим

будущее мы хотим

Будущее, которого мы хотим


Now we know the world level so in future we want to get better.

Теперь нам знаком международный уровень, так что в будущем мы хотим показать себя лучше».

«In the future we want to be involved in all aspects of the project,» Sun said.

«В будущем мы хотим принимать участие во всех аспектах этого проекта,» — говорит Сан.

We know the future we want.

However, in the coming future we want to be established as a franchise.

But in the future we want to be suppliers of these machines to Azerbaijan.

Но в будущем мы хотим быть поставщиками этих машин в Азербайджан.

But in the future we want to be recognized in the status of the Patriarchate.

The sustainable future we want depends on ending this indifference.

We are building the future we want and deserve.

Maybe that’s not the future we want.

That’s the future we want.

The future we want will not happen by itself.

Think about the future we want.

Water will play a central role in creating the future we want.

The Future We Want campaign on sustainable development

For the future we want to sign some artists to it of course.

Millennials will actually be that majority to determine what kind of future we want for ourselves.

Миллениалы на самом деле будут тем большинством, которое определит, какое будущее мы хотим для себя.

It’s a way for us to be accountable to ourselves and remind ourselves of the future we want.

They and so many others are helping to build the future we want.

The Future We Want is not to be found in the document that bears this name.

We must be in the first track and decide equally and together with men on the future we want.

Мы должны быть в первых рядах и решать наравне и вместе с мужчинами каким мы хотим видеть будущее.

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Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Policy Document

The Future We Want is the declaration on sustainable development and a green economy adopted at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio on June 19, 2012. The Declaration includes broad sustainability objectives within themes of Poverty Eradication, Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture, Energy, Sustainable Transport, Sustainable Cities, Health and Population and Promoting Full and Productive Employment. It calls for the negotiation and adoption of internationally agreed Sustainable Development Goals by end 2014. It also calls for a UN resolution strengthening and consolidating UNEP both financially and institutionally so that it can better disseminate environmental information and provide capacity building for countries.


Geographic coverage




The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 64/236 of 24 December 2009, in which it decided to organize, in 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development at the highest possible level, as well as its resolution 66/197 of 22 December 2011,
1. Expresses its profound gratitude to the Government and the people of Brazil for hosting the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro from 20 to 22 June 2012, and for providing all the necessary support;
2. Endorses the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, entitled “The future we want”, annexed to the present resolution.

123rd plenary meeting

27 July 2012




Words: 722
Pages: 2

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This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students’ samples.

People are often asked the question, what do you want? A simple question, really, yet a question people have found consistently hard to answer. The human race is a melting pot of different beliefs, circumstances, opinions, religions, and ideologies yet at our core most of us really want the same thing. You might think I am talking about money, a stable job, prosperity, or success but I am not. I am talking about Happiness. When we look into our futures we all see different things, some may see a life as a Lawyer, a CEO, life as a mother or a life travelling but at the core of all of our hopes and dreams is the ideal of being happy, contented with your life and living with no regrets. If we want this personally why don’t we want this as a society? Why when we gaze longingly into the future, do we only see personal success and happiness and not happiness as a collective. I know that everyone has and should continue to have personal ambition, a goal in life but I also think people should have ambition for society and the progression of it

Our race has improved by leaps and bounds since the beginning of time. We have made many terrible and unforgivable mistakes yet tried to move on from them and create a Stabler, kinder and happier society for everyone but we still have so far to go. An estimated 320,000 people are homeless in our country, our GDP was 2.855 trillion USD in 2018 yet we still have people living on the streets. Approximately fourteen million people live in poverty in the UK, that is more than one in five of our population, this includes four million children. It is completely unfair and a political abomination that the circumstances in a which a child was born should affect their futures and ability to break out of the cycle of poverty. We as a society need to do something to help these helpless children and vulnerable adults. The future we want is a future in which everybody has equal opportunities to thrive and prosper in life no matter if they were born to a billionaire or parents living on the poverty line. We should also aim to help the homeless, the vulnerable and needy members of our population who would do anything for a second chance at life and fully deserve this chance. Absolutely nobody should be discriminated against for there past and we should embrace and protect those most in need of our help and compassion. The future we want is a future not just of success and prosperity but of empathy and charity

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I hail from a town called Middlesbrough in the North-East of England. We are a beautiful town full of colour and character but have an extremely high rate of poverty. It is incredibly sad that when you walk into Middlesbrough town centre the first thing you see is the floods of homeless people begging for help, empathy, and compassion. It is even sadder when you see the children of parents living in poverty struggle and suffer in school not just with work but the evil bullying that comes with not being able to afford the new trendy Nike air force ones. The future we want is a future in which children are taught empathy and compassion from an early age. They are taught to recognise the signs of suffering and taught not to judge a person on their materialistic possessions but on the continent of their character. Ideally, we want poverty to be completely eradicated but I believe that it should be any Governments goal to significantly reduce the rates of poverty and invest in the futures of the poorest in society

The future we want is a future of economic success, stability, and prosperity. The future we want is a future in which no person feels alone and afraid, where everybody feels appreciated and worthy of love and joy. The future we want is a future in which we appreciate the oldest and youngest, the poorest and richest and the happiest and saddest member of society. The future we want is a future in which when we are asked, what do you want? We say nothing, we are happy and content with life as it is

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