The funniest word to type

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· 7 yr. ago

Safada, the Portuguese word for a miscievous/shameless female, is pretty interesting to type in a qwerty keyboard due to the letters placement.


level 2

Op · 7 yr. ago

Yes! Best one so far!


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· 7 yr. ago



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· 7 yr. ago

Any word I can do with one hand. Like «cascade».


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Op · 7 yr. ago

‘Brewery’ is a lot of fun to type, because the ‘rewer’ part is a little back and forth slide on the consecutive keys on the keyboard.



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· 7 yr. ago



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Op · 7 yr. ago

That’s far more fun to say than to type.


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· 7 yr. ago



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· 7 yr. ago



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· 7 yr. ago

Party because I like to drag my finger across «rty»


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· 7 yr. ago

The wife says «bubbles»


Did you know the English language is the most complicated language to learn as a second language (Japanese is a close second)? Not so surprising when you think about words like, they’re, there and their. And not to mention the confusing plural nouns, like goose is geese, but moose as a plural is moose. To celebrate the beauty, the sophistication and the history of the English language there is even a holiday on April 23rd each year named English Language day (which is also William Shakespeare day – The famous English writer). While there are millions of brilliant words in the English Language, today we look at over 100 of the funniest words in the English language. I hope you love them, as much as I do!

Funny Words starting with A:

  1. Abibliophobia: The fear of running out of reading materials to read.

Sentence: I have so many reading materials in my house, anyone would think that I have Abibliophobia or something!

  1. Abozzo: A rough sketch of a drawing or a draft poem.

Sentence: I’m almost finished with my abozzo of the Eiffel tower.

  1. Ama: Japanese diver who dives for pearls or food.

Sentence: Amas have been diving for pearls in the Japan region for many years. 

  1. Araba: A carriage or coach used in Turkey.

Sentence: I’m taking the araba through the city today.

  1. Argle-bargle:  A lot of commotion or a row happening.

Sentence: What’s all this argie-bargie about?

  1. Aye-aye: A type of lemur which can be found in Madagascar. 

Sentence: The aye-ayes are such cute little creatures.

Starting with B:

  1. Bamboozled: To trick or confuse someone. 

Sentence: I have been bamboozled again by you. 

  1. Blubber: This word has two meanings: It can mean to cry very loudly or could refer to excess body fat.

Blubber Sentence: Please, stop your blubbering.

  1. Brouhaha: An event which involves great excitement or loud confusion.

Brouhaha in a sentence: Last night’s event was such a brouhaha and nothing was achieved.

  1. Bumbershoot: A Bumbershoot is an old-fashioned word for an umbrella.

Bumbershoot in a sentence: Don’t forget your Bumbershoot, dear.

  1. Bumfuzzle: This refers to being confused.

Bumfuzzle in a Sentence: I’m completely bumfuzzled!

Starting with C:

  1. Cantankerous: Someone who is very grumpy.

Sentence: Our neighbour is such a Cantankerous.

  1. Catawampus: Something positioned diagonally. 

Sentence: To get to the school, you need to walk catawampus across that park over there.

  1. Collywobbles (kol-ee-wob-uh lz): This is the feeling when you have a stomach ache or when you feel really nervous or scared.

Collywobbles in a sentence: This place gives me the collywobbles, let’s go!

Hilarious Words Starting with D:

  1. Dingy: Something that is dark and dull.

Sentence: This house looks a little dingy to me. 

  1. Donnybrook: This refers to a fight, riot or a big brawl.

Donnybrook in a sentence: A Donnybrook broke out last night when the police when to arrest the leader of the operation.

  1. Doozy: Something that is really great.

Sentence: I’m having a doozy of a time at this party.

  1. Dweeb: This is not a nice word to call someone. It means that you think the person is boring and uninteresting.

Sentence: No-one wants to be a dweeb. 

Funny Words That Start With E: 

  1. Egad: Used as an expression of shock or amazement.

Sentence: Egad! I never thought of that! 

  1. Eep: Another expression of surprise or fear.

Sentence: Eep! That was scary!

  1. Epos: Could refer to an epic poem or something that is epic.  

Sentence: That poem was just epos!

Starting with F:

  1. Filibuster: Somone who refusing to give up the floor in a debate to prevent a vote.

Sentence: Someone get that silly filibuster out of here now!

  1. Flibbertigibbet (flib·ber·ti·gib·bet): Is a word used to describe someone who talks a lot or is very gossipy.

Flibbertigibbet in a sentence: Imagine sitting on a 12-hour flight with a flibbertigibbet next to you.

  1. Flabbergasted: To be surprised or shocked by something.

Sentence: I’m just flabbergasted to hear that.

  1. Formication: The feeling that ants are crawling on your skin.

Sentence: Her constant shivering could be described as a formication.

  1. Fuddy-duddy: Someone who is a mild-mannered person.

Sentence: He can be such a fuddy-duddy sometimes.

Starting with G:

  1. Gaberlunzie: A beggar that walks around town to town.

Sentence: He didn’t really have a profession, some may even call him a gaberlunzie.

  1. Gardyloo (gahr-dee-loo): This is a disgusting one. It refers to the cry people use to shout when they would throw their slops or droppings out of the window.

Gardyloo in a Sentence: Watch out, Gardyloo coming!

  1. Gazump: This word really has a specific meaning. It means to refuse to sell your house to someone who you previously agreed to sell your house to.

Sentence: I’m so happy my offer to buy the house next door was accepted, but what if I get gazumped?

  1. Gobbledygook: Speaking Nonsense.

Sentence: Why do you always have to speak such Gobbledygook?

  1. Goombah: An older friend who protects you.

Sentence: Jamie didn’t have many friends, but was glad that his grandpa could be his protector – His Goombah.

  1. Gubbins: These are objects of very little value like rubbish or litter.

Gubbins in a sentence: No one’s going to buy your gubbins.

Starting with H:

  1. Hairball: A ball of hair that a cat normally chokes out.

Sentence: Cats are cute, but I hate it when they throw-up hairballs everywhere.

  1. Hocus-pocus: A trick or magical spell.

Sentence: What’s all this hocus-pocus about?

  1. Hokey: Something is is silly or old-fashioned.

Sentence: Now that was hokey old movie to watch!

  1. Hootenanny: A country music party or get-together.

Sentence: I’m going to an old-fashioned Hootenanny on Saturday, would you like to come?

  1. Heckler: Someone who interrupts a public performance with offensive comments.

Sentence: Those footballers are always having to deal with hecklers at their matches. 

Starting with I:

  1. Itty-Bitty: Something that is really small or tiny.

Sentence: That ladybird is so itty-bitty.

  1.  Ickle: Something that is small and normally cute

Sentence: Look at that ickle baby dolphin!

  1. izzat:  This relates to your personal respect and dignity.

Sentence: I’m afraid of saying that in public, as it’ll be against my izzat. 

Starting with J:

  1. Jabberwock: Something that is complete nonsense or gibberish

Sentence: Everything he just said was complete Jabberwock.

  1. Jazzetry: The reading of poetry which is accompanied by jazz. 

Sentence: I love reading poems, but I’ve never tried jazzetry.

  1. Jink: The sudden change in direction.

Sentence: He jinked out of the way, as the ball came towards him.

Fun Words Starting with K:

  1. Kagu: An blueish-greyish type of bird which is now an endangered species. 

Sentence: The rare Kagu can be found in the Pacific island of New Caledonia.

  1. Kaka: A breed of parrot that can be found in New-Zealand.

Sentence: The kaka parrots are so cool!

  1. Kebbie: A Scottish term relating to a walking stick with a hooked end.

Sentence: Pass the old man his keebie.

  1. Kibble: Ground meal or gains used as animal feed. 

Sentence: The chickens love this new brand of kibble.

  1. Kraken: A mythical sea creature.

Sentence: Just like the loch ness monster, the Kraken is a myth. 

Starting with L:

  1. La-di-da: If you described someone as “La-di-da”, you are suggesting that they are upper-class or behaving unnaturally only to impress other people.

La-di-da in a sentence: She thinks she is all La-di-da, but I know what she’s really like.

  1. Lol: Short for laughing out loud. Mosting used on social media and in text messages. 

Sentence: Lol – That’s so funny!

  1. Lollygagger: Someone who walks around with no aim or goal.

Sentence: They spent their summer lying about, eating and general lollygagging.

  1. Lickety-split: When something moves really fast.

Sentence: He was out of the door lickety-split.

Starting with M:

  1. Malarkey: An informal word for talking about meaningless things or nonsense.

Malarkey in a sentence: This is all malarkey, I tell ya!

  1. Moist: Something that is slightly wet.

Sentence: This blanket seems a little moist to sit on. 

  1. Mollycoddle: To be extra nice to someone or to overprotect them.

Sentence: Sometimes what a child needs is some tough love and not mollycoddling all the time.

Starting with N:

  1. Nacket: A light lunch or snack.

Sentence: I’m going to have a quick nacket before dinner. 

  1. Namby-pamby: Someone who is weak, with no backbone.

Sentence: I don’t want to be some namby-pamby little girl!

  1. Napoo: The end of something. A term mostly used by soldiers.

Sentence: Napooh! That’s the end of that story.

  1. Niff: Something that smells bad.

Sentence: It’s got that horrible fishy niff. 

  1. Nincompoop: This refers to someone who is not intelligent or a fool.

Nincompoop sentence: You act like such a nincompoop sometimes.

Starting with O:

  1. Obi: A sash worn around the waist of a kimono.

Sentence: That pink obi would look nice with this kimono. 

  1. Oozy: Something that is slimy and wet

Sentence: That table is dripping in ooze. 

  1. Oompah: The sound of deep brass instruments in a band.

Sentence: The oompah music in the background really set the tone.

Starting with P:

  1. Panjandrum: Someone who thinks that they are superior to others.

Sentence: She’s no queen, but she saw acts like a panjandrum.

  1. Patroon: The captain of a ship

Sentence: Look sharp, the patroon will be here soon.

  1. Pettifogger: A pettifogger is someone who deals with small or petty businesses. It can also be to argue over small, unimportant matters.

Pettifogger in a sentence: Why do you look up to such a pettifogger?

Starting with Q:

  1. Quab: Something that is incomplete or immature

Sentence: That baby bird is still just a quab.

  1. Quark: Scientific term used to describe atoms which are made up of smaller particles. 

Sentence: Understanding quarks of fundamental to the world of physics.

  1. Quoz: Something that is strange.

Sentence: That’s so quoz! No-one wants to eat cheese and ice-cream together!

Silly Words Starting with R:

  1. Ratoon: This refers to the small root that sprouts from a plant, especially during the springtime.

Sentence: I heard somewhere that ratooned plants grow taller and healthier.

  1. Rugrat: Refers to a young child or toddler

Sentences: Those rugrats don’t know what’s coming to them!

  1. Ruddy: The term sometimes can be used to suggest good health in a person.

Sentence: That ruddy-faced girl was someone I never seen before. 

Starting with S:

  1. Sialoquent: Somone who splits while talking.

Sentence: My old science teacher was Sialoquent. I was always scared to go near him!

  1. Skedaddle: To ask some to leave or run away very quickly

Skedaddle in a sentence: This is no place to play your silly games, now skedaddle before I get you!

  1. Skullduggery Refers to dodgy dealings and some no good business.

Sentence: We need to put a stop to all this skullduggery around this town.

  1. Shenanigan: This is when someone is causing a lot of mischiefs or playing tricks.

Shenanigans in a sentence: What’re all the shenanigans about?

  1. Snollygoster (snol·ly·gos·ter): This refers to an unethical politician who is guided by personal advantage.

Snollygoster in a sentence: I don’t want any help from a snollygoster.

  1. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious: Something that is really good. And the longest word in the English dictionary.

Sentence: Your cake is simply supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Starting with T:

  1. Tatterdemalion:  A poor child wearing rags.

Sentence: I grew up like a tatterdemalion on the streets and now I’m a billionaire!

  1. Taradiddle (tar-uh-did-l): this is a small lie or when someone is speaking nonsense.

Taradiddle in a sentence: That’s such taradiddle –  I don’t trust you at all!

  1. Thingamajig. A thing for which you have forgotten the name of. 

Sentence: Can you pass that thingamajig over?

  1. Troglodyte: Someone that lives in a cave.

Sentence: All my life I’ve been living like Troglodyte cooped up in this house!

Starting with U:

  1. Uber: Something that is really great.

Sentence: That’s a really uber-looking coat you got there!

  1. Ube: Type of yam which is coloured purple

Sentence: You can make really nice curry using ube.  

  1. Upsy-daisy: Lifting up a small child. 

Sentence: Upsy daisy! It’s time for your nap. 

  1. Urubu: A blank vulture found in South American.

Sentence: The Urubu is a rare species of bird found in America.

Starting with V:

  1. Vamp: To make something brand-new.

Sentence:  Let’s vamp-up your car. 

  1. Vexed: Something that is really annoying or frustrating. 

Sentence: This puzzle has really got me vexed. 

  1. veepstakes: A competition to find a party-s vice president. 

Sentence: Have you prepared for the upcoming veepstakes?

Starting with W: 

  1. Wabbit: A Scottish word referring to feeling exhausted or a little unwell.

Sentence: I’m feeling wabbit today.

  1. Widdershins (with -er-shinz): This refers to going in the opposite direction or going down the wrong path.

Widdershins in a sentence: Only widdershins going down that road.

Starting with X:

All words beginning with X are funny ones!

  1. Xanthoderm: A person with yellowish skin. 

Sentence:  This make-up makes my skin look a little Xanthoderm. 

  1. Xebec: A small sailing-ship with square sails.

Sentence: Let’s take a ride on my new Xebec. 

Starting with Y:

  1. Yabby: Refers to any Australian crayfishes used for food. 

Sentence: These yabbies are going to taste delicious. 

  1. Yachty: Relates to yachts.

Sentence: I have a yachty-looking T-shirt. 

  1. Yaff: A type of bark.

Sentence: The dog yaffed at the mailman.

  1. Yawny: When you yawn or when something is boring

Sentence: That movie was a little yawny. 

  1. Yahoo:  A rube, a country bumpkin.

Sentence: What’s that yahoo doing here!

  1. Yerk: Pull or push something with a sudden movement.

Sentence; She yerked at the rope, as they tried to pull the bucket up from the well.

  1. yips: When a golfer misses an easy putt due to nervousness. 

Sentence: Looks like he has the yips today. 

Funniest Words starting with Z:

  1. Zaftig: Having a full-rounded figure.

Sentence:  Her zaftig figure was admired by all. 

  1. Zappy: Something that is lively and energetic.

Sentence: She looks very zappy today. 

  1. Zazzy:  Something that is shiny and flashy

Sentence: Jenny brought herself a new zazzy handbag to match her shoes.

  1. Zeze: A string instrument from South Africa. 

Sentence: The sound of the zeze is unique in South Africa.

  1. Zizz: To take a short nap or sleep.

Sentence: James likes to take a 2-hour zizz every afternoon at 2 pm.

  1. Zoanthropy (zoh-an-thruh-pee): This is when someone believes that they are an animal.

Zoanthropy in a sentence:  I think she suffers from a mild case of Zoanthropy.

What do you think of our selection of the funniest words in the English language? Do you have any more to add on? Let us know in the comments below. In the meantime, why not take a look at our post, 12+ Words Beginning with X Used in Sentences.

Funny words are fun to say. This is a collection of funny words and their meanings. Drop them into your every day vocabulary and make everyday life a bit more fun. Add your favorite funny word in the comments!

Bumfuzzle — To confuse someone.

Lollygag — To dawdle or be overly slow.

Nudiustertian — The recent past (literally “the day before yesterday”).

Brouhaha — An overexcited response.

Batrachomyomachy — To make a mountain out of a molehill.

Cattywampus — Disorganized, when something is not arranged correctly.

Flibbertigibbet — A flakey, overly talkative person.

Quire — The leaves within a manuscript.

Absquatulate — To suddenly leave.

Billingsgate — Rough language filled with profanity.

Borborygm — A word for the noise your stomach makes when it rumbles.

Gardyloo — A warning shouted before water or waste is thrown from above.

Malarkey — Nonsense.

Ratoon — A sprout in a crop plant.

Comeuppance — A fate or punishment that someone deserves.

Boustrophedon — A kind of ancient writing that is written right to left and left to right in alternate lines.

Bowyang — A strap that holds pants up.

Pandiculation — The way your torso stretches when you are tired or yawning.

Yarborough — A weak hand in contract bridge.

Donnybrook — An uproarious argument.

Anencephalous — Absence of all or part of a brain.

Snickersnee — A large knife.

Sialoquent — Spraying saliva while speaking.

Xertz — To drink or eat quickly or greedily.

Nincompoop — A stupid, useless person.

Canoodle — To cuddle or get close to.

Godwottery — Overelaborate style of speech or gardening.

Gonzo — Far out journalism.

Cantankerous — Overly argumentative or uncooperative.

Widdershins — Counterclockwise.

Wabbit — A computing term related to a type of denial of service attack.

Cockamamie — Implausible.

Goombah — An older, protective friend or associate.

Hobbledehoy — A young, clumsy person.

Hocus-pocus — Nonsense or sleight of hand.

Codswallop — Nonsense.

Lickety-split — ASAP.

Mollycoddle — To treat someone in a pampered manner.

Mugwump — A person who is aloof or truly independent in political matters.

Collop — A slice of roasted meat.

Namby-pamby — A person lacking energy and courage.

Ornery — Crabby.

Pettifogger — An inferior lawyer with dubious practices.

Rigmarole — A long, rambling statement.

Collywobbles — Anxiety and stomach queasiness.

Shenanigan — A mischevious activity.

Skedaddle — Depart quickly.

Smellfungus — A habitual fault-finder.

Snool — To bully someone into submission.

Snollygoster — A shrewd, unprincipled person.

Zoanthropy — A person who believes they have transformed into an animal.

Crapulence — A light weight, someone who gets sick while drinking.

Doozy — Something outstanding, not normal.

Gubbins — The parts of fish that are generally thrown away and not consumed.

Erinaceous — Something that looks like a hedgehog.

Pauciloquent — Someone who doesn’t speak a lot, or is especially brief when they talk.

Fard — Excessively made up.

Fatuous — Silly and pointless.

Abibliophobia — The fear of running out of reading material.

Bibble — Software that converts raw images.

Bloviate — To talk in a lengthy, inflated manner.

Fuddy-duddy — A person who is old-fashioned or fussy.

Bumbershoot — An umbrella.

Impignorate — To pawn something.

Gobbledygook — Language that is so overly-technical and complicated it’s unintelligible.

Troglodyte — A person who lives in a cave.

Vomitory — An entrance or exit in a theater or ampitheater.

Add your favorite funny word in the comments! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Some words are just weird… but some weird words and also quite funny for one reason or another in addition to being bizarre in general.

Read on below and discover our picks for some of the best funny weird words you need to know!

Funny Weird Words (With Examples)

Here are 25 of the funniest weird words you’ll ever learn:

1. Fartlek

The first word on our list of funny weird words is fartlek. The word fartlek describes a type of activity that runners perform while changing from sprinting to jogging.

Example of the word fartlek in a proper sentence:

“The runner completed the first fartlek ok. by the third one, however, his over-worked muscles began to spasm.”

2. Sozzled

To say someone is sozzled, you are saying that they are drunk in a playful manner.

Example of the word sozzled in a proper sentence:

“Talk about being sozzled… I think it’s time we take your keys away from you, buddy.”

3. Bumfuzzle

Bumfuzzle is an old-fashioned word that refers to a mental state of confusion.

Example of the word bumfuzzle in a proper sentence:

“I have never heard such a bumfuzzle statement in all my days! I am SO confused.”

4. Lollygag

Another old-fashioned funny weird word is lollygag. Someone that lollygags is a person that is used to sitting around/taking their time in all things.

Example of the word lollygag in a proper sentence:

“No time to lollygag, soldier! There’s hamburger to make on that hill! Move! move! move!”

5. Erf

One of the strangest funny words on our list is erf. The word technically means “plot of land” but it has also found its way into American slang as a word for the sound you make when the air gets knocked out of you.

Example of the word erf in a proper sentence:

*takes soccer ball to the stomach* “Erf!”

6. Foppish

Someone described as foppish is a person that cares a little too much about their image. If you can’t leave the house without thinking about your clothes, and how you will look to others, you are foppish.

Example of the word foppish in a proper sentence:

“Have you ever seen a more foppish man? He always looks SO good! How does he do it?”

7. Schmooze

Someone who is a schmooze is someone who is constantly trying to impress people, in a friendly way. Alternatively, the word can be used to describe the act of trying to friendly impress someone as well.

Example of the word schmooze in a proper sentence:

“What a schmooze. My butt has never felt more kissed.”

8. Hullabaloo

The funny weird word hullabaloo refers to the loud commotion that a large group of excited (or angry) people makes. The sound of a protest is a good example of a hullabaloo.

Example of the word hullabaloo in a proper sentence:

“What kind of hullabaloo is going on down there, you two!? Why I oughta… back in my day we used to… what was I saying, Margret? Margret!?” 

9. Adorbs

The term adorbs is one of the funniest modern words to join the rank of hilarious words in the English language. It means “adorable.”

Example of the word adorbs in a proper sentence:

“She’s totes adorbs! What should we name her?”

10. Fuddy-Duddy

A fuddy-duddy is old-fashioned speak for an old-timer who is dead-set against modern trends and new-fangled ideas (like computers, the internet, and credit cards).

Example of the word fuddy-duddy in a proper sentence:

“What a fuddy-duddy! He doesn’t even carry a smartphone.”

11. Titter

The word titter can be used in place of “laugh” or even more specifically the word “giggle.” It’s an old-fashioned one, and funny sounding for sure!

Example of the word titter in a proper sentence:

“Don’t make me titter in your face! That’s simply absurd!”

12. Blubber

Another funny-sounding old-fashioned word is blubber. It stands for the thick layer of fat that is found inside of the stomach (on animals, or people).

Example of the word blubber in a proper sentence:


13. Popple

Popple is a funny word that describes the conditions of the sea before and after storms. In other words, it is a way to say “choppy sea water.”

Example of the word popple in a proper sentence:

“I don’t suggest taking the row boat out this night, son. The bay looks a popple.”

14. Gardyloo

The word Gardyloo is an old-fashioned and funny alternative to the phrase “warning cry.”

Example of the word gardyloo in a proper sentence:

“If it weren’t for old iron-shanks McClusterson giving us the Gardyloo, we’d have never stood a chance!”

15. Smicker

A smicker is a sort of look that someone gives to another person. It is another word for “ogle.”

Example of the word smicker in a proper sentence:

“Wipe the smicker off your face, Gerald. I’m sitting right here, you know?”

16. Dollop

A dollop is something akin to a spoonful, usually referring to food. For example, asking for a dollop of mashed potatoes is the same as asking for a bit less than a full serving spoon.

Example of the word dallop in a proper sentence:

“Just a dollop’ll do ya’! It is the world’s hottest hot sauce after all!”

17. Rubaboo

Rubaboo is a type of soup that is made from veggies, meat paste, and flour. It isn’t even made up, it really exists!

Example of the word rubaboo in a proper sentence:

“You should join us for dinner tonight, the wife is making her family’s special rubaboo soup recipe! You’ll love it.”

18. Lickety-Split

Another funny weird word that actually exists is lickety-split! It means the same as “asap” or “really quick.” When something happens lickety-split, it practically happens right meow.

Example of the word lickety-split in a proper sentence:

“When Donna works the morning shift, the restaurant’s drive-through spits out food lickety-split. When Jordan works the morning shift… the only thing happening lickety-split is mess after mess!”

19. Bupkis

One of the funniest weird words that exist, in our book, is none other than bupkis. It is a word that means “nothing.” 

Example of the word bupkis in a proper sentence:

“Keep messing around, Jack, and you’re gonna be left holding nothin’ but bupkis… so, nothin’!”

20. Cutesy-poo

Cutesy-poo is a funny word that means “super-cute” or “sickeningly cute.”

While this might sound like a pet’s name, it really is a word that means “sickeningly cute.”

Example of the word cutesy-poo in a proper sentence:

“That Masha… she sure is a cutesy-poo.”

21. Scalawag

Thanks to the Pirates of the Caribbean movies in the early 2000s, this funny weird word has become much more popularized. Scalawag means a no-good rascal.

You can probably imagine Jack Sparrow using this word to describe a member of his crew that was a rascal.

Example of the word scalawag in a proper sentence:

“… and then the bloody scalawag had the nerve to ask for more!”

22. Skedaddle

to skedaddle means to get out of dodge quick, fast, and in a hurry, with no questions asked. Greased lightning skedaddles when the thunder claps.

Example of the word skedaddle in a proper sentence:

“Skedaddle, Jack! Before I put you on blast.”

23. Bunghole

Bunglehole is a really funny and weird word that was widely popularized by the MTV show Beavis and Butthead in the 1990s. In actuality, it is the hole in a barrel/cask that liquid pours through.

Example of the word bunghole in a proper sentence:

“TP for my bunghole! Bungholio for my TP!”

24. Mollycoddle

To mollycoddle someone means to coddle and pamper them like a baby who needs their mommy and/or daddy.

Example of the word mollycoddle in a proper sentence:

“Look, bub, no one is going to mollycoddle you. This is Boot camp. Stiffen that upper lip up, little soldier!”

25. Ill-Willie

Giving someone the Ill-willie means that you are looking at them in a very unpleasant and perhaps even menacing way.

Example of the word ill-willie in a proper sentence:

“That chump over there in the corner of the club keeps giving me the ill-willie every time Sarah looks my way.”

It’s important to add new words to your vocabulary. Even though you might read and write every day, there are still plenty of words you haven’t heard before. There are some examples of funny words to say below. Make sure to share them with your friends and family soon!

Short Funny Words To Say 

Whether you’re writing a text or speaking aloud, here are some of the funniest words to say. They sound absolutely hilarious!


This refers to an object with little or no value. It can also be used to describe a silly person.


This word means you’re messing around or wasting time.


This means someone is spewing insincere or foolish words.


If you see someone eating or drinking noisily, you can use the word bibble!


This word has a Scottish origin. It means you’re exhausted.


This is an example of a hilarious word. It refers to two dozen sheets of paper.


This is a weird-sounding word. It refers to a plot of land.


This sounds like a creek. However, it refers to a big hook.


This is a fun word. It means frightened.


This refers to a thick layer of fat.


This means leaping into the air with an arched back and stiff legs.


This means someone is speaking nonsense.


This is a dog that is a mix between a pug and a beagle.


This refers to wasting your time.


This is a small quality of something, normally food.


This is the sound that bagpipes make.


This is a piece of hardware.


This is a word for armpit.


This refers to knicknacks with no real value.


This means something sounds fake.


This means nothing.


This is what you call residents of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.


This could be used to describe a mouthpiece or recorder.


This means someone is not friendly.


This refers to the small shoot that grows from the root of a plant.


This refers to feeling nauseous.


This is a person who uses Twitter.


This means spam sent over instant message.


Use this word when you forget what something is called.


This means you’re eating food quickly or greedily because you’ve been starving.

Funny Words To Say Out Loud

Here are some funny-sounding words in the English language. They’ll make you laugh aloud!


This means you’re confused, perplexed, or flustered.


This is a term used in the Midland and Southern United States. It means something is in disarray or askew.


This word has a Scottish origin. It’s the word that people in Edinburgh shouted out their windows as a warning before dumping their slop buckets out of their windows.


This word is meant to be used when you catch someone telling a pretentious lie.


This word refers to a long, dangerous knife.


This means something is moving counter-clockwise or in the wrong direction.


This word means you have a weird feeling in your stomach.


This word describes people who are afraid of running out of things to read.


This means you’re pawning something.


This means the day before yesterday.


This word should be used when playing cards. It refers to a time when the dealer hands out cards without any numbers above a nine.


This means shouting in joy with a group.


This word is used to describe anyone who believes they have changed into an animal.


This is a word you can use to someone who doesn’t say much or who gives an extremely short speech.


If you see someone who resembles a hedgehog, use this funny word to describe them.


This word is used to describe someone who talks incessantly.


This word means you’re spraying saliva as you’re speaking.


This refers to the action of stretching and yawning when you’re exhausted.


This refers to someone who talks nonstop and their words have no meaning.


This refers to the rumbling sensation in your stomach when you’re hungry.


This word describes a big event.


This is a form of slang for when someone leaves suddenly.


You’ve probably heard this funny word before. It means someone is going to get what they have coming to them.


This describes coarse language.


This word is used to describe a commotion.


This word means an uprising, melee, or riot.


This refers to the way a house is decorated.


This describes a place that looks like it’s going to fall apart.


This refers to someone learning the alphabet.

Funny Words To Say To Your Friends

woman smiling near tree outdoor during daytime

Here are some fun words along with their definition. Your friends are going to laugh when they hear you use them the next time you see them!


When you’re friends are bothering you, call them a nincompoop. It refers to someone who is silly.


This is what runners do when they change between sprinting and jogging.


This means all the time.


Use this word instead of giggle or laughter.


This is the real name for the hashtag symbol.


This is a person who steals books.


When you feel like you were tricked, you can use this word.


This means sickeningly cute.


Use this word on anyone who is inexperienced in video games.


This word describes someone overly concerned with their appearance.


Use this funny word when you’ve been surprised.


This is the shortened form of adorable.


This is a warning cry.


This is the name of a southern-style cornbread.


This is what happens when your friends eat or drink while they’re laying down.


This means you’re looking amorously after someone.


When your friend has mucus hanging from their nose, refer to it as a meldrop.


This is the name for the division symbol in math.


This funny word refers to choppy seas.


This is the hole where you pour liquid through in a barrel.


These are small trees in New Zealand and Australia.


This means a mischievous child.


This is a herb with a prickly flower head.


This word is Yiddish for backseat driver.


This is a gadget that is a tablet and a smartphone.


Use this word to describe someone who is used to being pampered.


This word means someone dressed in rags.


This means paper edges were cut by hand.


This word is used when companies are trying hard to win over customers.


This means you endured something.


This means to deceive.


This means resembling a lover.


This has to do with summer theater.


This describes something with small protuberances or tumors.


This means something is outstanding or unique.


This is fudge made from buttercream, nuts, and brown sugar.

Funny Words To Say With A Retainer

Talking with a retainer is tricky. Especially when you’re trying to say the words on the list below:

Wishy-Washy. This describes a person who has trouble making decisions.

Lickety-Split. This means right away or ASAP.

Slumgullion. This refers to a cheap meat stew.

Snollygoster. This word can be used to describe politicians who make decisions for their own personal advancements, even if it means ignoring their principles.

Ill-Willie. This refers to an unfriendly disposition.

Scalawag. This is a pirate word for rascal.

Sleenwort. This is a small fern that grows on rocks and walls.

Sozzled. When your friends are drunk, call them sizzled.

Salopettes. This means a pair of high-waisted skiing pants with shoulder straps.

Scmooze. This is when you try to impress someone in a smooth, friendly way.

Smaze. This is a combination of smoke and haze.

Whippersnapper. You can call anyone younger than you a whippersnapper.

Flummoxed. Use this word when you’re confused.

Frippery. This refers to something that is both snobby and elegant.

Hodgepodge. This refers to a mix of random items.

Draggle. This means to make something wet by dragging it.

Cabotage. This means to transport passengers or goods between places in the same country.

Wampum. This refers to cylindrical beads made from shells.

Funny Words To Say Fast

It’s fun to learn new languages. But there are plenty of words in the English language that you still don’t know. Here are a few of them that sound hilarious out loud!

Bumbershoot. This means an umbrella.

Whirligig. This refers to something that whirls or revolves.

Teetotaler. This means someone who doesn’t drink alcohol.

Stumblebum. This refers to a clumsy person.

Canoodle. This means to kiss and cuddle.

Waesucks. This means alas.

Rubaboo. This is a soup with flour, meat paste, and vegetables.

Gobbledygook. This means gibberish.

Megadeath. This refers to a million deaths.

Palaver. This is a long dispute between different cultures.

Buttress. This is an architectural structure that stabilizes a wall or building.

Foolscap. This refers to a bell worn by jesters.

Makeweight. This is something that is thrown onto a scale to bring the weight on the scale to a certain value.

Williwaw. This means a violent wind that blows in polar latitudes.

Squeegee. This is a tool to remove water from windows.

Doohickey. This is a small gadget.

Fuddy-Duddy. This is a word for old-fashioned folks who can’t stand modern trends.

Skedaddle. This means to run away.

Flibbertigibbet. This refers to someone irresponsible.

Spondulicks. This means cash.

Funny Words To Say Backwards

Here are some funny words to say backwards. Some of them sound ridiculous. Others form real words!


















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