The funniest word in spanish

If you want to talk like a native Spanish speaker, you need to know some of the most popular Funny Spanish Words.

Being funny in Spanish will be easy when learning some of these everyday Spanish words by heart.

In this post, we will provide the 30 most Funny Spanish Words of all time and a short explanation of the context of each one.

You should definitely have a look at this post, you won’t regret it!

funny spanish words

Fun & active

1. Palangana

A palangana is a basin or a flat bowl that locals use to serve big quantities of food. 

Most funny Spanish slang words like these are hilarious because it evokes the image of a large family celebrating a banquet around a big table and the tummy ache to precede the abundant meal. 

2. Pantufla

Some funny Spanish phrases contain the word pantufla

It is an informal way to mean ‘sneaker’ and it is the traditional utensil that Spanish mothers used to throw at their children when they misbehave.

3. Descuajeringar

Descuajeringar is one of the most interesting Spanish words because it means something similar to ‘wrongly manipulate’.

When you descuajeringas something, you are making a mess of it.

This funny Spanish slang word is also used as an adjective by teenagers, meaning that someone or something looks awful. 

4. Petunia

There are several beautiful words in Spanish that name different kinds of flowers.

Petunia is a quite common flower in Spain and locals usually place them on their balconies because they are very colorful and easy to keep alive. 

Not knowing exactly why it may be considered one of the most popular and funny Spanish names of the day.

5. Mondongo

Cool Spanish words like mondongo may be considered part of the funny Spanish slang words of young locals.

Mondongo is the Spanish word to refer to the stomach and guts of an animal; however, it is commonly used to talk about a conflict or confusing situation. 

A mondongo is a vague word that can describe a big fight at the entrance of a disco, a lost person on the mountain, or an unclear explanation, among other complicated scenarios.

6. Cantimplora

You will probably never see the word cantimplora in Romantic Spanish phrases because this funny-sounding word is the Spanish equivalent of a canteen.

It is truly hilarious when young children try to say it and they misspell its syllables. 

7. Tubérculo

Funny sayings in Spanish may contain the word tubérculo, which is ‘tubercle’ in English. 

What makes this word hilarious is the fact that the last two syllables of this word mean ‘butt’.

As you may appreciate it is also a kind of childish humor but older people still find it funny.

8. Osobuco

Some funny Spanish words are related to food.

The word osobuco probably sounds hilarious to us because it is a compound noun that comes from Italian.

Its literal significance is ‘hollow bone’ and although in Spanish it should be hueso hueco, locals do not translate these Italian words.

9. Latifundio

Some fun words to say in Spanish are quite technical.

It is the case of the word latifundio, which belongs to the agriculture sector.

Latifundio can be defined as a large extension of land used to cultivate eatable goods. 

The English translation of this word is ‘latifundium’.

10. Alcachofa

This may be my funny Spanish word of the day. 

An alcachofa is an ‘artichoke’ but Spaniards also use this word to refer to the shower faucet.

It seems impossible to explain which is the association between the vegetable and the tap, but I can ensure you that if you say I need a new alcachofa in a hardware store in Spain, they will know what you want.

11. Sacapuntas

There are some funny words in Spanish in the school context and sacapuntas is one of them. 

Its translation in English is ‘sharpener’ but it may be considered peculiar because literally means ‘tip (of a pencil) bringer’

It also appears in one of the most popular Spanish Quotes about life Sácale punta a la vida, which can be understood as ‘make the most of your life’.

12. Hipotálamo

The hipotálamo is a small region of the brain, the ‘hypothalamus’ in English.

This word may be also considered one of the most fun Spanish words because it has something in common with the word ‘hippo’ in Spanish but nothing with the actual animal.

What is Spain known for is great scientists, who probably won’t find this word funny, but it is for the rest of us.

13. Intríngulis

Intríngulis may be considered a synonym of the already mentioned mondongo.

According to the Real Academia Española (RAE) the meaning of this word is ‘difficulty or complication’.

This word may be one of the most appealing Instagram captions in Spanish; however, it is also beautiful in English. The translation is ‘intricacies’.

14. Meticuloso

Most funny Spanish insults to describe a peculiar way to procced is meticuloso, which is an adjective to describe someone who proceeds to pay attention to the details.

When talking about the word tubérculo, it doesn’t matter what the term means because as long as it contains the syllables culo (which means ‘butt’ in Spanish) it will sound droll.

15. Chirimoya

Some funny sentences in Spanish will contain the word chirimoya, which sounds hilarious in our language.

A Chirimoya is a tropical sweet fruit, whose translation is ‘Cherimoya’.

This word is even funnier in English because it looks like a misspelled to Spaniards.

16. Apicultor

Apicultor may sound like someone to address Spanish love quotes.

However, nothing further from reality because an apicultor is someone who takes care of bees. 

As a curious fact, life On Earth without bees would just last 4 years. Maybe that’s a good reason to start dedicating some romantic Spanish love quotes to beekeepers.

17. Purpurina

Purpurina should be on your list of cute words in Spanish although it may be considered the nightmare of some parents.

In English, purpurina is glitter, and having children who love it, may have you cleaning your home all day long!

Nevertheless, words like these are funny things to say in Spanish!

18. Otorrino

When talking about funny phrases in Spanish about jobs, otorrino may be considered one of the most popular ones. 

An otorrino is a doctor who specialized in the ears, nose, and throat. 

19. Ringorrango

When someone you trust asks you how are you feeling, you may answer ringorrango. 

You may find this word in some Spanish Quotes about friendship and it is a sincere way to express that you are feeling a little bit down. 

As you may notice, it is not a word that will appear in positive quotes in Spanish.

20. Chanchullo

Funny Spanish quotes with the word chanchullo will refer to situations in which people are not acting transparently to get their objectives. 

Funny Spanish sentences containing this word allow you to show your disproval of this behavior because it has a negative connotation.

It doesn’t have a literal translation in English the following example may let you understand its meaning.

‘He made a chanchullo in order to get a day off’ means that someone has cheated to get a holiday. 

21. Cháchara

Several motivational quotes in Spanish will emphasize the joy of living. 

Cháchara should be on your personal list of cute Spanish words to indicate a happy state of mind. 

Spanish travel quotes usually refer to great times, that’s why you may find the expression cháchara in some of them.

Some funny sayings in Spanish can’t be literally translated into English, and it is one of them.

However, I hope my explanation has helped you catch its meaning.

22. Ñoño

Easy Spanish words like ñoño are very easy to remember. 

Memorizing these kinds of basic Spanish words will allow you to quickly explain like a native speaker how someone is.

Ñoño is a synonym of sensitive and it has a tender connotation, it shows that it is cute to feel moved by a specific situation.

23. Adefesio

Adefesio shouldn’t be classified as kind words in Spanish because you can use it to refer to someone extremely ugly.

Some easy Spanish words have a literal translation into English.

That’s what happens with adefesio, whose meaning is ‘eyesore’.

Funny Spanish Quotes with the expression adefesio may be ideal to refer to your ex in a fit of anger.

24. Bobalicón

Insulting words in Spanish like bobalicón are common in conversations about someone who is not very clever.

Bobalicón means ‘chump’ and it is a colloquial expression to refer to dumb people.

However, these kinds of bad Spanish words allow you to tell what you think about someone without disrespecting them because it is a soft way to refer to this attribute.

25. Cantamañanas

Common Spanish Words like cantamañas are used to refer to someone that enjoys showing off or to those who are rude without a reason.

Some popular curse words in Spanish like these may be used in informal contexts to swear in order to let off steam. 

Its literal translation is ‘singer morning’ but it may be understood as ‘bullshitter’.

26. Culamen

There are also some dirty Spanish words like culamen which refers to a big butt. 

However, this expression has a positive connotation, it means that a butt is big but toned.

That’s why you should add this to your personal list of beautiful Spanish words.

27. Fantoche

It is possible to hear fantoche in some movies set in Spain because it is a soft expression, suitable for all audiences, to tell someone that he or she is easily influenced by others. 

In English, this Spanish word may be translated as ‘muppet’.

28. Mequetrefe

Everyday Spanish words like mequetrefe may be considered funny Spanish insults because it may be used to refer to someone that is insignificant physically or morally or to colloquially to refer to young children.

29. Pagafantas

There are a lot of hard Spanish words to refer to someone who is blinded by love but pagafantas is definitely one of my favorites!

This compound noun means ‘who pays the Fantas’ and it is commonly used to refer to men and women that invite their loved one to drinks in order to seduce them but they never achieve this goal.

30. Zamacuco

Cursing words in Spanish may also be funny.

This is what happens when you use the expression zamacuco, which can’t be literally translated into English but it may be understood as ‘person who, pretending to be clumsy or silent, manages to do his will’.

 As you should know by the end of this article, Spanish for funny is divertido.

When being in some of the most beautiful places in Spain, you may need hilarious expressions to impress your audience.

Do not hesitate about learning some of these 30 most funny Spanish words by heart, you never know when you may need them!

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Spanglish words are a must for language learners who want to sound native!

Can you think of the weirdest and funniest Spanish expression you have ever heard?

Throughout your Spanish journey, you’ve likely heard unusual Spanish words that sound similar to English. These quirky and unusually common words come from the blend of Spanish and English—known as Spanglish.

Spanglish phrases are unique and easy to remember. Although many don’t make sense at first, as you become more familiarized with them you’ll start using them naturally in conversation. 

Add some pizzazz and humor to your conversations with this selection of 35 funny Spanglish words and Spanglish phrases.

What Is Spanglish?

The blend of Spanish and English has existed for a long time, it might even date back to when the United States and Mexico had a territorial dispute and the exchange between both countries took force.

Read about the fascinating history behind the dispute on How The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Changed the World Map. 

The general proximity of the United States to Latin America combined with the large Hispanic diaspora abroad created an entirely new array of Spanglish phrases, expressions, and Spanglish jokes that give and take from both languages. 

Many Hispanic and Latino families have first-generation members who speak native Spanish, while their descendants do speak English and understand some Spanish. Both sides of the family use Spanglish simultaneously for communication with each other. 

Spanglish is the result of mixing both languages casually in conversation. Spanglish words don’t necessarily follow a standard, and there aren’t any other rules it needs to follow—they just come up!. 

Speakers often take Spanish words and combine them with English, or they also take English words and add a touch of Spanish to them. 

Spanglish is bound to exist and keep growing as long as English and Spanish coexist together. It’s continually evolving and reaches many people in the United States and abroad. 

Spanglish is the result of mixing both languages casually in conversation.

Learn about The 21 Countries That Speak Spanish. 

Funny Spanglish Phrases and Spanglish Words: Nouns

1. La pari

Used by Spanish-speakers to refer to a fiesta (party). 


La pari de hoy va a estar buena.
La pari today will be good. 

La pari de hoy va a estar buena.

2. El parquing

El parquing is the Spanglish word for estacionamiento or parking lot. 


¿Dónde está el parquing del restaurante?
Where’s el parquing of the restaurant?

Parking and parquing only differ on Spelling like some cognates do. Refresh your memory on cognates with this list of Top 40 False Cognates in Spanish. 

3. Ese place

The phrase ese place is widely used among Spanglish speakers to refer to a specific location. The correct Spanish expression is ese lugar. 


Me encanta ir a ese place.
I love going to ese place. 

4. Los confleis

The Spanglish word confleis comes from the English word cornflakes. It’s a highly common word used to refer to any cereal. The actual word in Spanish is cereal


Mis confleis favoritos son los Trix.
My favorite confleis are Trix. 

5. El tiquet

The word tiquet stands for an entrance fee, concert, or movie ticket, among others. 


¿Compraste el tiquet, verdad?
You bought el tiquet, right?

¿Compraste el tiquet, verdad?

6. El maus

The Spanglish expression el maus is used to refer to the computer mouse. The actual world in Spanish is el ratón. 


El maus ya no sirve.
El maus doesn’t work anymore.

7. El locker

El locker is widely used among school Spanglish words in the United States and Latin America. The alternative in Spanish is el casillero. 


Tengo que limpiar el locker, está muy sucio.
I have to clean el locker, it’s very dirty. 

8. Vicks vaporú

The unusual Spanglish words vicks vaporú stands for Vicks Vaporub. 

It’s a highly cultural thing to say, as the use of Vicks® Vaporub™ is frequent among Latino families. Some believe it can be used to cure the most random things!


Échale un poco de vicks vaporú y vas a ver como mejora.
Put some vicks vaporú on it and you’ll see how it improves. 

9. La marketa

The Spanglish expression la marketa means the market, grocery store, or supermarket. 


Compra huevos en la marketa por favor, ya no hay para el desayuno.
Buy some eggs in la marketa please, we don’t have any for breakfast.

Compra huevos en la marketa por favor, ya no hay para el desayuno.

10. El rufo del bildin

The expression el rufo del bildin combines several Spanglish words at once. 

It stands for the English phrase “the roof of a building”. The quirky resemblance between these English and Spanglish phrases is hard to deny! 


El rufo del bildin está resbaloso.
El rufo del bildin is slippery. 

Funny Spanglish Words: Actions

11. Taipear un email

The art of typing an email on your computer, keyboard, tablet, or cell phone is known in Spanglish as taipear un email

These two Spanglish words are easily understood and used by many. 


Tengo que taipear un email y ya termino.
I have to taipear un email and I’m done. 

12. Janguear

The Spanglish word janguear is derived from the English expression hanging out. It’s common to hear it in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. 

In Spanish, the correct words are pasar el tiempo. 


¿Quieres janguear después del colegio?
Do you want to janguear after school?

13. Chilearla

The word chilearla is a popular verb in Spanglish vocabulary. It means ”to chill” also letting time pass by doing nothing. 

In Spanish, the correct word would be relajarse


Hoy sólo tengo planes de ir a chilearla a mi casa.
Today I only have plans to go to chilearla at my house. 

14. Taguear

Many Spanglish words come from technology vocabulary. 

Such is the case of taguear which comes from the act of tagging a person in a social media post, conversation, photo, video, or more. 

The word in Spanish for tagging is etiquetar


Te voy a taguear en este post.
I’m going to taguear you in this post. 

Te voy a taguear en este post.

15. Googlear

Google is the go to website for asking questions and research. The act of using Google is googlear in Spanglish. 

There isn’t a direct translation to googling in Spanish, other than buscar en google (search on google). This makes the Spanglish expression used by most Spanish speakers as it’s shorter and easier to say. 

The Royal Spanish Academy recognizes the word guglear before googlear


No te creo, lo tengo que googlear para ver si es cierto.
I don’t believe you, I have to googlear it to see if it’s true. 

Discover more social media Spanglish words in this Complete Guide to Spanish Computer Vocabulary. 

16. Chequear

The act of chequear is a Spanglish expression that means “to check.” 

People use it widely and understand it everywhere. Its Spanish version would be revisar

The Spanglish word chequear is accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy dictionary. 


Tengo que chequear mis mensajes.
I have to chequear my messages. 

17. Machar

When something is the same or shares similarities it means they are machando

For example, if you and your prima (cousin) are wearing the same outfit, you’re machando! The act of machar means “to match” in English. 

The Spanish word would be parear. 


¡Tienen la misma blusa, están machando!
You have the same blouse, you’re machando!

18. Watchar

Watchar is another one of those funny Spanglish words you’ll remember easily. It means “to watch” in English. 

The Spanish words for watchar are ver, mirar, observar, or vigilar. 


Vamos a watchar la nueva película de Spider-man.
Let’s watchar the new Spider-man movie. 

19. Tuitear

Tuitear is another one of those memorable Spanglish words from social media. 

“To tweet” or the act of sending a tweet is called tuitear. A tweet is also referred to as un tuit. 

Tuitear is also part of social media Spanglish words recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy. 


Que buen chiste, lo quiero tuitear.
What a great joke, I want to tuitear it. 

Que buen chiste, lo quiero tuitear.

20. Estar ready

Estar ready is Spanglish for “to be ready” in English. 

In Spanish you say estar listo. 


¿Estás ready para irnos?
Estás ready to leave?

Funny Spanglish Phrases: Descriptions

21. Bien fresh

These are my favorite Spanglish blended words. Bien fresh is used to describe anything that’s cool, good, pleasant, or enjoyable. 

The Spanglish words are also used to describe any situation where it’s all good.


Me siento bien fresh después de ir a la playa.
I feel bien fresh after going to the beach. 

Me siento bien fresh después de ir a la playa.

22. Muy cripi

The Spanglish words muy cripi mean very creepy. Use them for anything that weirds you out, or makes you feel awkward. 


Esa película es muy cripi, yo no quiero verla otra vez.
That movie is muy cripi, I don’t want to see it again.

23. Estar a full

Estar a full are Spanglish phrases that are used to describe when you feel full, when you’re close to your limit, or are super busy. 


No me puedo juntar hoy, estoy a full en el trabajo.
I can’t get get together today, estoy a full at work. 

24. Lo más top

Lo más top are Spanglish phrases for describing something that is really awesome and out of this world good. 


La música fue lo más top de la fiesta.
The music was lo más top of the party. 

25. Qué show

The Spanglish words qué show describe when someone makes a scene or causes controversy. 

The Spanish expression for que show are qué espectáculo


Qué show el que hiciste hoy, todavía no puedo creer que vi eso.
Que show you did today, I still can’t believe I saw that. 

26. Mi broder

The Spanglish words mi broder are a way to call a close friend, or someone who’s like a brother to you.


Andrés es mi broder, nos conocemos hace años.
Andrés is mi broder, we’ve known each other since years ago.

Andrés es mi broder, nos conocemos hace años.

27. Mi best friend

Mi best friend are the Spanglish words you use to call your dear bestie and closest friend.


Tú eres mi best friend, confío mucho en tí.
You are mi best friend, I trust you so much. 

28. Teikirisi

Teikirisi is Spanglish slang that means “take it easy.”


Espérate, teikirisi que no hay prisa.
Hold on, teikirisi that there’s no rush.

29. Bien nice

The Spanglish words bien nice are used to describe something that is very nice and pleasant. 


Tu nuevo reloj está bien nice.
Your new watch is bien nice. 

30. Muy friki

The Spanglish words muy friki are used to describe something that is very freaky. 

Curiously, friki is used more in Spain than in Latin America. 


La serie de Netflix que vimos ayer es muy friki.
The Netflix series we saw yesterday is muy friki. 

La serie de Netflix que vimos ayer es muy friki.

Funny Spanglish Jokes

31. Spanglish: When you can’t find la palabra en un idioma so you fill it with la otra.

32. Sometimes empiezo a sentence in español and termino in English.

33. Benefits of speaking Spanglish:

  • You can chismear
  • You can watch telénovelas
  • You can tell chistes
  • You can sing Selena
Benefits of speaking Spanglish image

34. Spanglish is the best of both languages without any rules.

35. What if soy milk is regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?

If you enjoyed these Spanglish memes, you’ll enjoy this entertaining list of 20 Hilarious Spanish Grammar Memes. 

Spanglish Leads To Spanish

Spanglish phrases will continue to appear as long as Spanish keeps growing next to English. 

In the United States alone, there are close to 53 million people who speak Spanish. According to CNN, there are 41 million native Spanish speakers using Spanish in their homes with their families. 

As the population continues to grow, more people will keep combining English and Spanish into new sayings and unforgettable Spanglish words. 

If you’re fluent in Spanglish phrases but still struggle with speaking Spanish confidently, you can sign up for a free trial class with our certified teachers from Guatemala. 

Conversing with a native speaker and following effective language learning methods are guaranteed to put you on track to Spanish fluency. 

Choose among our impeccable Spanish programs. Each one is made of top language learning strategies and caters to your specific needs and level. 

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Sofía Godoy

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Native speaker of English and Spanish, I’m a sustainable travel and social impact entrepreneur who loves going to new places and meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds. I love spending time with my family and being outdoors with my dogs. Writing, communicating, and creating are my passions. I strongly believe there are more creative ways to solve the issues our world is facing and I like doing my part in any way I can.

Sofía Godoy

If you need to talk like a local Spanish speaker, you want to grasp one of the vital hottest humorous Spanish phrases.

Being humorous in Spanish will likely be simple while you memorize a few of these on a regular basis Spanish phrases.

In this put up, we provide the 30 funniest Spanish phrases of all time and a short lived clarification in their context.

Be certain to take a look at this put up, you will not be apologetic about it!

The funniest Spanish words

1. Palangana

A palangana is a basin or shallow bowl that native folks use to serve huge quantities of meals.

Most humorous Spanish phrases like those are hilarious as a result of they evoke the picture of a big circle of relatives celebrating a ceremonial dinner round a big desk and a stomachache that precedes the splendid meal.

2. Pantufla

Some amusing Spanish words comprise the phrase pantufla.

It’s an off-the-cuff method of that means “sneaker,” and it is the conventional utensil that Spanish moms would throw at their youngsters once they had been misbehaving.

3. Descuajeringar

Descuajeringar is likely one of the maximum fascinating Spanish phrases as it way “to manipulate incorrectly”.

If you descuajeringas one thing, you’re making a large number of it.

This humorous Spanish slang phrase could also be used as an adjective by means of youngsters, that means any individual or one thing seems to be terrible.

4. Petunia

There are a number of stunning phrases in Spanish that title several types of flora.

petunyeah is a flower commonplace in Spain and locals generally put them on their balconies as a result of they’re very colourful and simple to stay alive.

Without understanding precisely why it is thought to be some of the widespread and funniest Spanish phrases of the day.

5. Mondongo

Cool spanish phrases like Mondongo may also be thought to be a part of the humorous Spanish slang phrases utilized by younger locals.

Mondongo is the Spanish phrase that refers back to the abdomen and entrails of an animal; However, it’s continuously used to speak about a struggle or complicated state of affairs.

A Mondongo is a imprecise phrase that may describe a large struggle on the front of a disco, a misplaced particular person at the mountain, or an unclear clarification, amongst different sophisticated eventualities.

6. Cantimplora

You’ll most likely by no means see the phrase cantimplora in romantic Spanish phrases, as a result of that funny-sounding phrase is the Spanish similar of a canteen.

It’s in point of fact hilarious when little children attempt to say it and so they misspell the syllables.

7. Tuberculosis

Funny sayings in Spanish can comprise the phrase tuberculothis means that “tubercle” in English.

What makes this phrase so hilarious is the truth that the final two syllables of this phrase imply “butt”.

It’s additionally a type of infantile humor, as you may recognize, however older folks nonetheless to find it humorous.


Some humorous Spanish proverbs relate to meals.

The phrase osobuco most likely sounds bizarre to us as a result of it is a compound noun derived from Italian.

Its literal that means is “hollow bone”, and even if this is the way it will have to be in Spanish hueso huecoLocals do not translate those Italian phrases.

9. Latifundio

Some amusing phrases to mention in Spanish are lovely technical.

It is the case of the phrase latitudebelonging to the rural sector.

Latifundio may also be outlined as a big house of ​​land on which fit for human consumption items are grown.

The English translation of this phrase is latifundium.

10. Alcachofa

That may well be my amusing Spanish phrase of the day.

A alcachofa is an “artichoke”, however Spaniards additionally use this phrase to check with the bathe tap.

It turns out unimaginable to provide an explanation for what the affiliation is between the vegetable and the tap, however I will be able to guarantee you that while you say I desire a new one alcachofa in a ironmongery shop in Spain they know what you need.

11. Sacapuntas

There are some humorous phrases in Spanish within the faculty context and sacapuntas Is one in all them.

The English translation is ‘sharpener’, however it may be thought to be ordinary because it actually way ‘level (of a pencil) brings’.

It additionally seems in some of the widespread Spanish quotes about lifestyles Sacale punta a los angeles vidawhich may also be understood as “make the most of your life”.

12. Hipotalamo

That hipotalamo is a small area of the mind, the “hypothalamus” in English.

This phrase will also be thought to be one of the most funniest Spanish phrases because it has one thing in commonplace with the phrase “hippopotamus” in Spanish however not anything with the real animal.

What Spain is understood for is excellent scientists who most likely would possibly not to find that phrase humorous however it’s for the remainder of us.

13. Intrinsic

intrangulis may also be observed as a synonym of what has already been discussed Mondongo.

According to that Real Academia Española (RAE) the that means of this phrase is “difficulty or complication”.

This phrase is in all probability some of the enticing Instagram captions in Spanish; however additionally it is stunning in English. The translation is “complexity”.

14. Meticulous

The funniest Spanish phrases to explain a specific form of processing are meticulouslywhich is an adjective to explain any individual who continues to concentrate on the main points.

When speaking concerning the phrase tuberculono matter what the time period way, so long as it comprises the syllables ass (this means that “butt” in Spanish) it’s going to sound humorous.

15. Chirimoya

Some humorous words in Spanish comprise the phrase cherimoyawhich sounds hilarious in our language.

A Chirimoya is a tropical candy fruit whose translation is “cherimoya”.

This phrase is even funnier in English as it seems like a misspelling to Spaniards.

16. Beekeeper

beekeeper might sound like any individual addressing spanish love quotes.

However, not anything farther from fact as a result of a beekeeper is any individual who looks after bees.

Curiously, with out bees, lifestyles on earth would handiest final 4 years. Maybe that is a excellent explanation why to commit some romantic Spanish love quotes to the beekeepers.

17. Purpurina

purpurina will have to be in your record of adorable phrases in Spanish, even if it may be observed as a nightmare for some oldsters.

In English, purpurine is glitter, and when you’ve got children who like it, you may to find your self cleansing your own home all day lengthy!

Nonetheless, such phrases are amusing to mention in Spanish!


When speaking about humorous words about jobs in Spanish, Otorino may also be thought to be some of the widespread.

A Otorino is a consultant in ear, nostril and throat drugs.

19. Ring orrango

If any individual you consider asks how you might be doing, you’ll resolution ringorrango.

You may to find this phrase in some Spanish quotes about friendship and it is a trustworthy method of expressing that you are feeling just a little down.

As you could understand, it is not a phrase that looks in sure quotes in Spanish.

20. Chanchullo

Funny spanish quotes with the phrase Chanchullo refers to scenarios the place folks don’t act transparently to reach their targets.

Funny Spanish words containing this phrase let you display your dislike of this habits because it has damaging connotations.

There isn’t any literal translation into English, the next instance let you perceive its that means.

‘He made one Chanchullo to get a break day” way any individual cheated for a holiday.

21. Chachara

Several motivational quotes in Spanish emphasize the enjoyment of lifestyles.

Chachara will have to be in your private record of adorable Spanish phrases to signify a cheerful mind-set.

Spanish commute quotes most commonly check with nice occasions, that is why you may to find the expression chachara in a few of them.

Some humorous sayings in Spanish cannot be translated actually into English, and that is one in all them.

However, I am hoping that my clarification has helped you to grasp its that means.

22. Ñoño

Simple Spanish phrases like ñoño are really easy to keep in mind.

By memorizing those elementary Spanish phrases, you’ll temporarily give an explanation for how any individual is doing like a local speaker.

Ñoño is synonymous with delicate and has a young connotation, it presentations that it’s candy to really feel moved by means of a undeniable state of affairs.

23. Afesio

adefesio will have to no longer be labeled as great phrases in Spanish as it may be used to check with any individual extraordinarily unpleasant.

Some easy Spanish phrases have a literal translation into English.

That occurs with afesiowhose that means is “eyesore”.

Funny spanish quotes with the expression afesio may also be best for turning for your ex in a are compatible of anger.

24. Bobalicon

Offensive phrases in Spanish like Bobalicon are commonplace in conversations about any individual who isn’t very vivid.

Bobalicon way “stupid” and is a slang time period that refers to silly folks.

However, those dangerous Spanish phrases let you say what you take into consideration any individual with out respecting them as this is a mild method of regarding that characteristic.

25. Cantamañanas

Common Spanish phrases like Cantamañas are used to check with any individual who loves to sing their own praises or those that are impolite with out explanation why.

Some widespread Spanish swear phrases like those can be utilized in casual contexts to swear to let off steam.

Its literal translation is “singer morning”, however it may be taken as “bullshitter”.

26. Kulamen

There also are some grimy Spanish phrases like culamen which refers to a large butt.

However, this expression has sure connotations, that means {that a} butt is large however toned.

That’s why you will have to upload this for your private record of gorgeous Spanish phrases.

27. Fantoche

It is conceivable to listen to fantoche in some motion pictures set in Spain as a result of to mention to any individual that she or he is well influenced by means of others is a comfortable expression appropriate for all audience.

In English, this Spanish phrase may also be translated as “Muppet”.

twenty eighth Mequemeeting

Spanish on a regular basis phrases like mequetrefe may also be thought to be humorous Spanish insults as they are able to be used to check with any individual who’s bodily or morally insignificant, or colloquially to check with babies.

29. Pafantas

There are many harsh Spanish phrases to check with any individual blinded with love, however pagafantas is for sure one in all my favorites!

This compound noun way “who pays the fantasies” and is regularly used to check with women and men who invite their beloved one out for a drink as a way to seduce them, however by no means reach that function.


Swear phrases in Spanish may also be humorous too.

This is what occurs while you use the expression Zamacucowhich can’t be translated actually into English, however may also be understood as “a person who manages to do his will by pretending to be clumsy or silent”.

As you will have to know by means of the top of this text, Spanish is for humorous divertido.

When you might be in one of the vital most lovely puts in Spain, you may want hilarious expressions to provoke your target market.

Don’t hesitate to memorize a few of these 30 funniest Spanish phrases, you by no means know when you can want them!

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When you start learning a new language, it’s always good to know phrases that native speakers use, and so in this post, we gathered 26 funny Spanish phrases that you can start using right away.

Something being “funny” is a little subjective, and so some phrases we included sound odd when translated to English, while sound funny in both languages.

You’ll soon see what we mean.

Let’s dive in.

1. No saber ni papa de algo

Literal translation: Not knowing a potato about something

When you have zero knowledge about something, or you are unable to remember something, this phrase can come in handy.

In other words, it’s the equivalent of saying you “do not have a clue about something” in English.

  • I can’t answer that question because I don’t have a clue about politics – No puedo contestar esa pregunta porque no sé ni papa de política

2. Tirar/Botar la casa por la ventana

Literal translation: To throw the house out of the window

Let’s say you organize a huge party or celebration, for which you are open to splurging a ridiculous sum of money on. Similar to “sparing no expense” in English.

  • The neighbors will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary, so they’ve decided to spare no expense for it – Los vecinos celebrarán su décimo aniversario, así que han decidido botar la casa por la ventana

3. Ponerse las pilas

Literal translation: To put in the batteries

If a native Spanish speaker tells you “¡ponte las pilas!”,  then you are probably absent-minded, or not focused enough.

Similar to telling somebody “wake up!” in English.

  • Finish your homework. Come on, put some energy on it, Laura! – Termina tu tarea. Dale, ¡ponte las pilas, Laura!

4. Hablando del Rey de Roma…

Literal translation: Speaking of the King of Rome

Similar to “speak of the devil”, this funny Spanish phrase is used when you are talking or gossiping about someone else and that person shows up out of nowhere at that exact moment.

  • Lisa said she would be here at noon… (Lisa shows up out at the exact moment you’re saying this to your friend) Oh, look, speaking of the devil, there she comes! – Lisa dijo que llegaría al mediodía (Lisa llega en el momento exacto cuando le estás diciendo eso a tu amigo) ¡Mira! Hablando del Rey de Roma, ¡allí viene!

5. Ser pan comido

Literal translation: To be eaten bread

When something was simple to do or accomplish. Similar to a “piece of cake” in English.

  • The Spanish test about subjunctive will be a piece of cake – El exámen de español sobre el subjuntivo será pan comido

6. Hacer su agosto

Literal translation: To make your august

This is used to say that somebody made a fortune by doing something very successfully.

  • The street vendors made a bomb by selling those t-shirts – Los buhoneros hicieron su agosto vendiendo esas franelas

7. Tomar el pelo

Literal translation: To take someone else’s hair

In English, this would be pulling your leg and it is used when you are lying or teasing somebody, in a playful way.

  • Miguel didn’t win the lottery, he was pulling your leg. He’s completely broke – Miguel no se ganó la lotería, él estaba tomándote el pelo. No tiene ni un centavo

8. Estar vivito y coleando

Literal translation: To be alive and kicking

Just like the same phrase in English, or saying “alive and well”.

  • Manuel was close to death in that crash. Fortunately, he is alive and kicking – Manuel estuvo a punto de morir en ese choque. Afortunadamente, se encuentra vivito y coleando

9. Irse por las ramas

Literal translation: To go through the branches

This colorful and weird phrase is used when talking about a topic but the main points are often omitted or delayed intentionally. Perhaps because the situation is difficult or unpleasant. Similar to “beat around the bush” in English.

  • They never talk about their problems at school, they’re always beating around the bush – Ellos nunca hablan de sus problemas en la escuela, siempre se van por las ramas

10. Creerse la última Coca-Cola del desierto

Literal translation: To think of oneself as the last coca-cola in the desert.

I love this one.

It’s probably my favorite funny Spanish phrase.

It’s similar to saying that somebody has “their head stuck up their a**” in English. You can use the phrase to describe somebody who is full of their own self-importance.

  • She is so bossy and cocky, she thinks she is the s**t – Ella es tan mandona y arrogante, se cree la ultima coca-cola del desierto

11. Feliz como una lombriz

Literal translation: Happy as a worm

While it sounds a bit odd, it’s easy to remember since the main reason this is a phrase is due to the fact that the word lombriz (worm) rhymes with the word feliz (happy).

You can use this one to express real happiness about something.

  • My sister was as happy as a clam when she bought her new flat – Mi hermana estaba feliz como una lombriz cuando compró su nuevo apartamento

12. Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda

Literal translation: Although the monkey is dressed in silk, monkey remains.

Another one of my favorite funny Spanish phrases, native speakers use this one to refer to someone who may be trying to make something/someone look appealing or attractive, but it’s clear that it’s not working.

Similar to the phrase “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s earin English.

  • They wore those hideous purple dresses and too much makeup. I suppose they don’t know that they can’t make a silk purse out of sow’s ear – Ellas vestían unos espantosos vestidos morados y demasiado maquillaje. Supongo que no saben que aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda

13. Meter la pata

Literal translation: To put in the paw

This is a random one, but it’s basically used to say: “I f**ked up”.

  • I’m really sorry for spoiling the ending of the movie, I messed up! – Lo siento muchísimo por contarte el final de la película, ¡metí la pata!

14. No tener pelos en la lengua

Literal translation: To not having hair on the tongue.

Can you guess the meaning of this?

Another funny Spanish phrase that is used to describe a person as straightforward, because they are honest and direct, and do not try to hide their feelings. Similar to saying that somebody doesn’t “mince his words” in English.

  • Lucia seems so friendly and kind, plus she’s so outspoken on behalf of her feelings – Lucía parece tan amigable y atenta, además no tiene pelos en la lengua para expresar sus sentimientos

15. Ser uña y mugre

Literal translation: To be nail and grime.

Even with the translation, you probably don’t have a clue what this one means, right?

Ok, word for word, this phrase means “to be a nail and dirt”. It’s used to describe two people who are together ALL the time. They go everywhere together, and talk all the time.

Similar to “joined at the hip” in English.

  • Gabriel and Manuel haven’t seen each other in ages, but they used to be joined at the hip at school – Gabriel y Manuel no se han visto en muchísimo tiempo, pero en el colegio solían ser uña y mugre

16. Echarse al agua

Literal translation: To get in the water

An expression to describe a couple who are going to get married. Similar to “ tie the knot” in English.

  • Cindy and Leonardo will get married next Friday. They are thrilled! – Cindy y Leonardo se echarán al agua el viernes que viene. ¡Están contentísimos!

17. ¡Que pedo!

Literal translation: What fart!

Ay, dios.

Believe it or not, this expression isn’t as filthy as it sounds. It’s actually a common Mexican expression meaning “what’s up?” but depending the tone, can also mean “what’s the matter?” or “what’s your problem?”.

  • What’s up, buddy! Do you fancy going to the party?, it’s tonight – ¡Que pedo, guey! ¿Te apuntas al reventón de esta noche?

18. Burro hablando de orejas

Literal translation: A donkey talking about ears

It is an expression used when someone criticizes another for a fault that they have themselves. Similar to “the pot calling the kettle black” in English.

  • Do not tell me what to do!. That’s rich, the pot calling the kettle black, and you used to be like me when younger – ¡No me digas que hacer! Qué gracioso, el burro hablando de orejas, y tú solías ser como yo cuando eras joven

19. Crear / criar fama y echarse a dormir

Literal translation: To create/raise fame and lay down to sleep

Hmmm, I’m guessing that you have no idea about this one? fair enough.

Basically, this phrase is a way of saying that once you gain a certain reputation, it follows you and takes a long time to shake it off, or change.

You can use it both in a positive or in a negative sense.

  • Patricia was a good student, well educated, a good person, and a role model for all her classmates. She won a good reputation and slept at her ease – Patricia era una buena estudiante, bien educada, buena persona y un ejemplo para todos sus compañeros de clase. Ella creó fama y se echó a dormir

20. Sacar los trapos al sol

Literal translation: To take the rags out in the sun

When your best friend reveals unpleasant or private things in front of other people, he or she “está sacando tus trapos al sol”. Similar to the phrase “airing your dirty laundry in public” in English.

  • Anna couldn’t put off with his insults, so she started airing out his laundry in front of his whole family – Anna no podía aguantar más sus insultos, así que empezó a sacarle los trapos al sol delante de toda su familia

21. Mejor malo conocido que bueno por conocer

Literal translation: It is better a well-known bad guy, than a good one you’re about to know.

The translation is a bit clunky.

I suppose this one is similar to “better the devil you know” in English. This phrase is perfect when you think it is wiser to deal with someone or something familiar, although you do not like him, her, or it, than to deal with someone or something you do don’t know, which might be worse.

  • Mariana and Robert sold their house since they didn’t like the new neighborhood. They decided to move back to the old one because it is better the devil you know than the devil you don’t – Mariana y Robert vendieron su casa porque no les gustaba el vecindario nuevo. Decidieron regresar a su antigua casa porque es mejor malo conocido que bueno por conocer.

22. Camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente

Literal translation: The shrimp who falls asleep is washed away by the flow

A funny Spanish phrase with a similar meaning to “you snooze, you lose” in Engish. In other words, if you don’t pay enough attention and act quickly, someone else will get there before you.

  • She was distracted and missed the chance to meet her favourite singer; as the old saying goes: you snooze, you lose – Ella estaba distraída y perdió la oportunidad de conocer a su cantante favorita. Como dice el viejo refrán: camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.

23. Tener mala leche

Literal translation: To have bad milk

In most Spanish speaking countries, the phrase “having bad milk” means having bad luck. We should mention that the Chileans have another meaning for this expression, since they use it to describe a person who is “bad-tempered” or “moody”. If you want to use it in this way, you’ll need to change the verb “tener” to “ser”.

For the below example, we’ll use it to express bad luck.

  • After the divorce, Andrés lost his job and all his money. What bad luck the poor guy has! – Después del divorcio, Andrés perdió su trabajo y todo su dinero. ¡Que mala leche tiene el pobre hombre!

24. Estar loco como una cabra

Literal meaning: To be as crazy as a goat

Even if you’re convinced that goats are crazy, this one is easy to understand. It’s a simple, yet funny Spanish phrase used to describe a person as crazy, stupid, or out of their mind.

  • He is thinking about climbing Mount Everest, but he has no experience with it, he’s nuts! – Él está pensando en subir El Monte Everest pero no tiene ninguna experiencia, está loco como una cabra.

25. Tirar / echar los perros a alguien

Literal meaning: To throw the dogs at somebody

A phrase used to express the action of flirting or making your romantic interest to someone obvious.

  • Manuel had flirted with her for ages, but she never liked him – Manuel le había echado los perros desde hace tiempo, pero a ella nunca le gustó

26. Dar (la) lata

Literal meaning: To give the can

Honestly, I can’t think of a similar expression in English.

This one is used when something or someone either makes you angry, or annoys you or bores you.

  • Jessica’s sister always bothers her, saying the same thing over and over again –  La hermana de Jessica siempre le da lata, diciendo lo mismo una y otra vez


Did we miss any common, funny Spanish phrases?

Comment below with your favorites!

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