The french word for girls

What is French word for girl?

The word for girl in French is fille.

What does Ipuda mean?


What is Yeppeo?

yeppeo 예뻐 – you are pretty or it is pretty (informal, btw friends) yeppeuda 예쁘다 (it could be used to make an exclamation) yeppeoyo 예뻐요 (formal, polite version) yeppeo 예뻐 – you are pretty or it is pretty (informal, btw friends) yeppeuda 예쁘다 (it could be used to make an exclamation) yeppeoyo 예뻐요

What does Kenchana mean?

It means “that’s ok” or “it’s ok” or “it’s alright”. In Korean, it’s spelled 괜찮아. This is the low form of expression. The higher form of expression is said like this, 괜찮습니다 and is pronounced gwenchan sumnida.

What is Jeongmal?

There are two different words for ‘really’ in the Korean language: 정말 (jeongmal)

How do you say OK in Korean slang?

괜찮아 (gwaenchana) 괜찮다 (gwaenchanta) can be used to say that something is ‘good’, ‘alright’, or ‘fine’. It can also be used to ask about somebody’s feelings. To answer such a question, rather than saying yes, you should respond with ‘괜찮아요 (gwaenchanayo)’ or ‘안괜찮아요 (angwaenchanayo).

What is Gwenchana English?

Gwenchana. You can use this expression when you want to say “That’s okay” or “That’s fine.”

How do you say cute in Korean?

To say “cute” as in “It is cute” or “she is cute”, you can use the word 귀엽다 (gwiyeopda).

How do you pronounce Gwenchana?

3:04Suggested clip 76 secondsHow to say OKAY in Korean. What does GWENCHANA – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip

Someone on Duolingo asked:

I see the simalarities between the word for women and girl but not for man and boy. Why does French do that?

So I did a little digging and discovered some interesting things.

The French word for «girl» is the same as the word for «daughter»: fille. It is closely related to the word for «son»: fils. These words come from the Latin fīlius (son) and its derivation fīlia (daughter).

The French word for «woman», femme, comes from the Latin fēmina, which shares an etymology with fīlius: the Proto-Indo-European root that means «to suck». The woman suckles the child, and the child suckles on the mother.

The French word for «man», homme, comes from the Latin homō (man). This traces back to the Proto-Indo-European root that means (roughly) «earthling».

EDIT: added the last link.

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The French word for girl is «Fille».

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Girls. The French for "girls" is "filles".


The French translation for “girls” is filles.

Pronounced the same

Examples of «girls» in use

There are 2 examples of the French word for «girls» being used:

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The French word for girl is



The gender of fille is feminine. E.g. la fille.


The plural of fille is filles.

French Definition

     1. n. Fille (jeune personne féminine).
     2. n. Danseuse de revue.

Translations for girl and their definitions

fille pronunciation
     1. n. girl
           Ce ne sont pas toutes les filles qui aiment jouer avec les poupées. — Not all girls like playing with dolls.
     2. n. daughter
           Je vous présente mes fils, Gérard-Marcel et Pierre-Vincent, et mes filles, Marie-Léonore et Jacqueline-Hélène. — May I introduce you to my sons, Gérard-Marcel and Pierre-Vincent, and my daughte
     3. n. (slang) prostitute, wench
           Il buvait et courait les filles avant qu’il ne contracte la cirrhose et la blennorragie. — He drank and consorted with hookers before contracting cirrhosis and gonorrhea.
jeune fille
     1. n-f. a girl; a maiden (unmarried woman/girl)
femme pronunciation
     1. n. woman
     2. n. wife
     1. n. female servant




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