The fox at excel


  1. The fox at excel
  2. Fox Excel
  3. Book & Enquire
  4. Description
  5. What’s on
  6. Hours
  7. Location
  8. Menus
  9. Private Hire
  10. Fox-at-Twilight
  11. Contents
  12. Appearance
  13. Biography
  14. Relationships

The fox at excel

не забыть потом сделать

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 144
Откуда: С. Пб
Дата регистрации: 29.01.2013

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 2838
Откуда: Киев
Дата регистрации: 22.04.2005

Проблема в том что это всё работает абы как, и «через раз» — особенно при доступе не из VBA макроса, а из фокса или другого внешнего приложения. В общем можно сказать что и не работает Потому см. выше.

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel
Igor Korolyov

Сообщений: 34580
Дата регистрации: 28.05.2002

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 214
Откуда: Саров
Дата регистрации: 20.11.2014

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 422
Откуда: Сыктывкар
Дата регистрации: 07.11.2005

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 422
Откуда: Сыктывкар
Дата регистрации: 07.11.2005

Попробуйте в Alt-F11, в окне Immediate, галочки управляются из VBA? У меня управляются:

?Application.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(«Флажок 1»).Value
-4146 — странное какое-то значение

Application.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(«Флажок 1»).Value = 1 — галочка устанавливается
Application.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(«Флажок 1»).Value = 0 — стирается

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 23966
Откуда: Н.Новгород
Дата регистрации: 13.02.2008

#DEFINE xlOff -4146
#DEFINE xlOn 1

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel
Igor Korolyov

Сообщений: 34580
Дата регистрации: 28.05.2002

Вот код из prg. Усё ставит!

А вот и архив.
[attachment 23404]

Исправлено 1 раз(а). Последнее : descent52_tmp, 29.12.15 13:53

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 214
Откуда: Саров
Дата регистрации: 20.11.2014

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 422
Откуда: Сыктывкар
Дата регистрации: 07.11.2005

Попробуйте в Alt-F11, в окне Immediate, галочки управляются из VBA? У меня управляются:
?Application.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(«Флажок 1»).Value
-4146 — странное какое-то значение

Application.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(«Флажок 1»).Value = 1 — галочка устанавливается
Application.ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes(«Флажок 1»).Value = 0 — стирается

В Excel по F11 все получается, из фоксы делаю то же самое — увы ((

Значит, решения нет??

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 422
Откуда: Сыктывкар
Дата регистрации: 07.11.2005

Ну, Игорь же дал совет. Привяжите Checkbox к некой ячейке (например, с другого листа) и меняйте значение в этой ячейке. Дайте Checkbox самостоятельно вычислить свое значение. Не знаю, можно ли программно устанавливать/разрывать связь Checkbox и ячейки?

Вообще, объекты крайне капризно воспринимают прямое управление своим значением. Всегда предпочитают вычислять, а не устанавливать значение. Поищите способ дать Checkbox самостоятельно вычислить значение на основе каких-либо других реквизитов.

Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel
Владимир Максимов

Сообщений: 14012
Откуда: Москва
Дата регистрации: 02.09.2000

Ещё раз высылаю архив с вашим файлом Excel. (да, Excel у меня 2003!)
[attachment 23405]

Распаковываем архив на диске С в папку C:shFrm241. Запускаем program1.prg
И видим на экране
[attachment 23406 1.JPG]

Исправлено 3 раз(а). Последнее : descent52_tmp, 29.12.15 14:13


Fox Excel

Book & Enquire

Top events @ Fox Excel

Friday 7th April 2023 and 2 other dates


A large 1100 capacity warehouse style venue located right next door to The Excel with great connection to all of London.

With a combination of rustic brick walls, exposed wooden beams and soft greenery, it is very impressive. Made up of 4 private spaces that allow for a variety of settings. The Warehouse Bar offers a large open space that is ideal for those looking to bring in extensive theming or props/pop ups. The room is easily able to be transformed from a 250 seated banquet dinner to a 600 pax standing launch corporate event. Boasting a 200 capacity terrace, summer soirees are perfect at the Fox Excel.

  • Warehouse Bar — 600 standing / 250 seated
  • Terrace — 200 standing / 100 seated
  • Snug Private Dining Space — 70 standing / 24 seated
  • Basement Bar — 150 standing / 70 seated
  • Mez — 50 standing / 30 seated

What’s on

Every Wednesday

Friday 7th April 2023 and 2 other dates

Friday 26th May 2023 and 2 other dates


Re: Работа с элементами управления в Excel

Сообщений: 214
Откуда: Саров
Дата регистрации: 20.11.2014

Day Open Close Notes
Monday 12:00 23:00
Tuesday 12:00 23:00
Wednesday 12:00 23:00
Thursday 12:00 23:00
Friday 12:00 23:00
Saturday 12:00 23:00
Sunday 12:00 22:30



Fox Excel, Warehouse K, 2 Western Gateway, E16 1DR


Nearest Station

Custom House (Tube)

Getting there

This venue serves Bottomless Brunch, Pizza and British food.

Private Hire

The Warehouse Bar is a chameleon style of space and can be transformed to almost anything. It offers a large open space that is ideal for those looking to bring in extensive theming, props/pop ups to those wanting to take advantage of its rustic Warehouse feel. The room is easily able to be transformed from a 250 seated banquet dinner to a 600 pax standing corporate event. Plenty of space for a stage and is equipped with projector screens and high speed WIFI.

Take advantage of our 200 capacity outdoor terrace! A pop-up bar is able to be placed in the space. Guests can choose their style of furniture layout from low sitting picnic tables to high tables and bar stools.

If the weather is a concern, we have the option of constructing a marquee over this area for an additional fee which then gives the added options of outdoor private dining.

The Snug overlooks the Warehouse bar while offering a private space for guests. The room is able to be transformed for private dinners to standing functions. Comes equipped with a flat screen TV and WIFI for all presenting needs.

The Basement Bar offers a private bar with an endless array of setup options. This space boasts a large projector screen allowing for theatre style meetings. Alternatively, high tables can replace dining tables to offer a more relaxed environment for drinks and finger buffet.

The Mezz offers a private space away from the main bar area. This works well for a small breakfast function to a gathering of up to 50 for drinks and nibbles. Room layout is completely flexible.

* The minimum spends are a guideline only and vary according to the day and time of the year.



The Fox-at-Twilight is a creation of author Erik Scott de Bie .

A swashbuckler and con artist, the moon elf called the Fox-at-Twilight (or “Light,” as her friends name her) is an enigma at best. She fights by trickery as much as by blade, luring her opponents into underestimating her by guile or plying her considerable charm to get what she wants. She is an accomplished duelist, extremely agile, and possesses powers akin to those of a divine seeker (a holy spy/thief who can sense the location of certain objects and call upon divine providence to save herself from mortal wounds) and a shadowdancer (able to teleport/»dance» through shadows and animate her own shadow).

Her exact origins are unknown, and she has made a variety of outrageous claims about her past, including being a former lover of her divine patron, Erevan Ilesere .



Twilight is often described as having an athletic build, slight and lithe (sensual) with a kind of allure not entirely like that of an elf. Some find her beautiful, while others do not, but hers is not a forgettable face or frame (see Depths of Madness 20-21). Human men who find themselves drawn to her seem to do so for what they see as her “elf” nature. Elf men are drawn to her for much the same reason they are drawn to humans: her vibrancy does not seem entirely like other elf women (like Yldar). Twilight does not exhibit the patience of elves and is as lusty as a human woman.

Twilight has pale skin and raven blue-black hair that she usually wears in a tail to the small of her back. The color of her eyes depends upon the light and her mood, and she is often described as having “pale eyes.” She also has alabaster skin and delicate features (Depths 21). She wears several earrings and has at least two tattoos: a gold, eight-pointed, asymmetrical star on her lower back (this is the symbol of Erevan Ilesere), which has been known to shock at a touch (Realms of the Elves 186), as well as a small black-and-silver fox tattooed on her lower belly (Depths 150).

Her favored garments seem to be black breeches, a billowy white blouse, vest, a single scarlet glove (as of a fencer), and a matching half-cape (Elves 150). Whether any of these items have magical properties is unknown. She also carries a particular rapier (shorter than most of its kind) called “Betrayal,” which is fashioned of Hizaghuur metal. In addition, Twilight is never found without her “Shroud,” which is a star-sapphire amulet that seems to hide her from scrying. She seems to have some sort of fixation on the device and fear of being “visible” without it (Depths 7-9).

Twilight’s appearance is updated slightly in 1479: she has solid gold eyes like those of a wolf (she is definitely an eladrin in the 4e FR) and has Gargan’s name (see Depths) tattooed across her breastbone. She is said to wear only black in mourning for a lost love, though she herself denies this (Downshadow).


Twilight first appeared in the Realms of the Elves novella, “ The Greater Treasure ” (dated 2006) in which she helped the sun elf Yldar Nathalan and his sister Cythara in their quest for Ynloeth’s Bracer, a powerful elven relic. Twilight proved herself to be far from trustworthy or dependable, and vanished rather than allow Yldar to grow close to her (though she left him the bracer as a token of their time together). She seems to follow this pattern through her adventuring career: using deception to throw potential romantic interests off track and thus avoid intimacy.

Twilight next appeared in the novel Depths of Madness (1375), in which she and a number of disparate adventurers were trapped in a dungeon controlled by a mad priest of Demogorgon. She demonstrated her speed, physical prowess, and shadowdancing abilities, but was almost driven insane by the machinations of her tormentor. Only the timely intervention of Erevan Ilesere—the Seldarine deity of trickery—spared her, though this may have been just a hallucination. She escaped the Depths, along with the goliath Gargan Vathkelke.

Twilight appeared a hundred years later (1479) in the novel Downshadow, in which she was living in the bustling city of Waterdeep in disguise as a silk merchant and fashion queen called Lady Ilira Nathalan (Ilira was revealed in Depths as her real name—Nathalan is Yldar’s surname, suggesting a relationship with him in the intervening time). She was framed for the murder of her best friend Lorien (a priestess of Sune) and quickly took revenge through use of a spellscar that burned any flesh she touched like acid. She fled the scene rather than be arrested. This (along with her shadowdancing abilities and her now entirely gold eyes) has led to speculation that she is a shade agent, and evidence has been uncovered that sometime in the early 15th century, she may have been a Netherese assassin.

It was been rumored that the Silver Fox series of chapbooks deals with her adventuring career. The latest volume (Fox and the Blue Fire)—would ostensibly deal with her life in and around the Spellplague. (Downshadow)

Note: Twilight is particularly notable in that she is one of the few 1370s-era characters currently known to have survived the 3.5/4e transition to the Realms of the Year of the Ageless One (1479). This is presumably due to her elven blood (which allows her to live centuries) though her actual age is uncertain.


Twilight was the sometime lover of Yldar Nathalan, and a dream sequence (in Downshadow) suggests that she had a long, bitter struggle with Cythara (Yldar’s sister) that ended in Cythara’s death at Twilight’s hands. Cythara’s daughter—the fey’ri warlock Fayne—has sculpted herself to excel at Twilight’s strengths (“beat her at her own game”) and finally gets her revenge in Downshadow, though she finds it unsatisfying.

In 1375, Twilight became a close companion to Gargan Vathkelke, a goliath ranger who helped her escape the Depths of Madness. In 1479, Gargan manifests as a tattoo of his name across Twilight’s breastbone, and Twilight’s sentient shadow (which she can detach from her body and cause to fight on its own) has a shape similar to his. This precise situation is still a mystery.

In 1479, Twilight (as Lady Ilira) had a close relationship with the Sune priestess Lorien that was rumored to be more than a mere friendship, but Lorien herself denied that their intimacy had ever been physical. This may have been due to Twilight’s spellscar.

Twilight mentioned two particular men in Depths that share an unknown connection with her: Neveren (whose identity is still a mystery) and Lilten, who appears in 1479 as Fayne’s extremely handsome and charming patron (also he claims to be her father). Whether these men are friends or foes to Twilight is unknown.



Name Type Capacity
Cost Min spend
Min spend
Warehouse Bar Private Room 250 600 From £7k From £7k
Terrace Outdoor Space 100 200 From £1000 From £1000
The Snug Private Room 70 24 From £500 From £500
Basement Bar Private Room 70 150 From £1000 From £1000
The Mez Private Room 30 50 From £500 From £500

Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant London

Fox at ExCel is another exciting eating place in the British capital that serves a variety of mouth-watering international dishes from its spacious bistro on the Docklands. This venue also has a large bar therefore it is segregated in three different sections; large restaurant, smaller upstairs bar and downstairs main bar. The delicious food offered to guests at this establishment is not too pricey and similar is the case with the beverages served here. However, being affordable does not mean Fox at ExCel Restaurant doesn’t have any variety in food and drinks. Due to these fine qualities, Fox at ExCel Restaurant has been a great success and both locals and tourists love to hang out at this restaurant.

Contact: +44 20 7473 2288
Visit: Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant Website


  • 1

    Products & Services offered at Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant:

    — International Cuisines
    — Bar
    — A La Carte Menu
    — Breakfast Menu
    — Kids Menu
    — Sunday Roast
    — Large Screen showing sports events
    — Games Machines
    — Events & Entertainment
    — Conference Suits
    — Connaught Meeting Rooms

    To see all menus offered at Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant, click the following link; Food Menus.

  • 2

    Operational Hours of Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant:

    Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant is one of the bistros in the British capital that open on all days of the week and the operational hours of this eating place between Monday and Saturday are from 12:00 to 23:00, whereas on Sunday, the opening hours are from 12:00 to 22:30.

  • 3

    Location of Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant:

    2 Western Gateway, City of London, Greater London E16 1DR, United Kingdom.

  • 4

    How to Get to Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant:

    By Tram

    Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant is about 0.4 miles away from Prince Regent Tram Station and by walk a patron can bridge this gap in 9 minutes roughly. In order to do so, he/she should head west on Sandstone Lane then turn left. Afterwards, make a slight right turn at Western Gateway and Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant will be in front of him/her. Directions from Prince Regent Tram Station to Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant.

    By Bus

    Bus stop called Custom House, ExCel Exhibition Centre (W-bound) is the nearest of all bus stops from Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant — about 187 ft away and by walk a 41 seconds journey. In order to get to Fox @ ExCeL Restaurant from this bus stop, a person should head east on Western Gateway and then turn left to find the destination right in front of him or her.

Posted by Linda Barbra in London

Probaby my most sucessful HDR shot to date. (my 5th so far). This is the fox pub next to the excel centre in Canning Town london

Luke Agbaimoni

About this space

The terrace is the perfect backdrop for a summer bbq or a late afternoon cocktail party. When this space is privately hired, a pop up bar is set up to offer you and your guest your own private bar.
If the weather is a concern, we have the option to construct a marquee in this space which extends the possibilities to a private dining space.


Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.

Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.

Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.

Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.

Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.

Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.

Per session

8:00 –



min. spend

Alcohol licence until 2:00.
Extension available.
All prices include VAT.


Catering and drinks

In-house catering

External catering not allowed

Venue provides alcohol

BYO alcohol not allowed


Free parking is available on-site

Conference call facilities

Music & sound equipment

PA system / music speakers available


Rules of the space

Allowed events

Promoted / ticketed events

Temporary event notices (TENs) available

About Fox@ExCeL

This venue is a charismatic, grade II listed, converted tobacco warehouse. Boasting real wooden beams, large open spaces and offering a wide range of areas and rooms available for event hire.

Situated right next door to the excel centre making it the ideal venue for after exhibition parties, informal product launches, business lunches or networking events.

As well as renting our rooms for hire, we often have a number of open to the public events here at Fox@ExCeL such as themed parties and musical performances

Other spaces and event packages at this venue

from £850
minimum spend / per session

from £500
minimum spend / per session

from £2500
minimum spend / per session

from £500
minimum spend / per session

from £500
minimum spend / per session

from £3000
minimum spend / per session


Group Booking?

If you are looking to book a group of 10 and over or have some questions, get in touch!

1200 capacity

5 rooms

3 bars

Next door to

The Excel

7 min to Canary Wharf

Fitted out for all meeting requirements


Intimate Dining Space

‘The Snug’ is our private dining space overlooking the main Warehouse bar.  Boasting long wooden beams and exposed brick, this stunning space is finished off with elegant green velvet curtains and hanging ivy.  With the choice of 3 set menus, we cater to a range of budgets and taste buds.

Rhythm of the Week

Treat yourself everyday of the week

with our daily offers.  

The week just got so much better…

What’s on at

Intergalactic Afterparty 2023

8th-9th April 2023

Star Wars Celebration Europe 2023 comes to The Excel. In a galaxy not so far, far away at The Fox Excel and we cannot wait for the best full weekend fun-filled afterparty.   

Leave your Wookies at the door and subscribe to our website for the latest information; may the force be with you 

MCM Comic Con Afterparty

26th, 27th & 28th May

Comic Con is coming back around and we can’t wait to throw another party!! Three nights of jam packaged entertainment. 

After taking part in the epic three-day celebration of all things pop culture at The Excel, turn up the volume at The Fox Excel after each day and join in the official afterparty until late. 

Live Music 

Starting from 8th Feb 

Enjoy live music every Wednesday in the Main Bar from 6.30pm (Starting from 8th Feb)

Get ready for an evening of vibrant entertainment full of funk, heart and soul!

Genres include: RnB, Disco, Motown, 90’s, Garage

With a combination of rustic brick walls, exposed wooden beams and soft greenery the Fox Excel is made up of 4 private spaces that allow for a variety of settings.

The Warehouse Bar offers a large open space that is ideal for those looking to bring in extensive theming or props/pop ups. The room is easily able to be transformed from a 250 seated banquet dinner to a 600 pax standing launch corporate event. Boasting a 200 capacity terrace, summer soirees are perfect at the Fox Excel. The Basement Bar, Mez and Snug are also available spaces to reserve 

Looking to make to a booking?

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