The fixed word stress was inherited by the germanic languages from proto germanic


  1. All
    the G.L. of past & present have common linguistic features, some
    of these features are shared by other groups in the IE family,
    others are specifically Germanic.

  2. The
    Germanic group of lang. acquired their specific distinctive features
    after the separation of the ancient Germanic tribes from other IE
    tribes and prior to their expansion and disintegration that is
    during the period of the Proto Germanic language ( unattested). The
    aim is to provide the general idea of what the PGLang was like, to
    point out its linguistic ftatures. Theese PGfeatures, inherited by
    the descendant l-ges, represent the common features of the Germanic

  3. Other
    common features developed later in the course of individual history
    of separate Germanic l-ges as a result of similar tendencies from PG
    causes. On the other hand many Germanic features have been
    disguised, transformed and even lost in later history.

languages possess several unique features, such as the following:

  1. A
    large class of verbs that use a dental suffix(/d/ or /t/) instead ofvowel
    ablaut) to indicate past tense; these are called theGermanic
    weak verbs; the remaining verbs with vowel ablaut are theGermanic
    strong verbs

  2. The
    shifting of stressaccent onto the root of the stem and later to the first syllable of
    the word

  3. Another
    characteristic of Germanic languages is the verb

    or V2
    word order
    This feature is shared by all modern Germanic languages except
    modern English

  4. Strict
    differentiation of short and long vowels

  5. Tendency
    for assimilation and reduction

  6. A
    great number of fricatives, small number of plosives

  7. No
    palatal consonants at all.

  1. English
    as a world language.

is a West
Germanic language
that developed in England
during the Anglo-Saxon
the fifth century AD when Germanic tribes began to move from their
homes in Northern Germany and Jutland in order to settle in

English originated from several dialects, now collectively termed Old
which were brought to the island
of Great Britain
by Anglo-Saxon
settlers beginning in the 5th century. English was further influenced
by the Old
Norse language
of Viking
invaders. At the time of the Norman
Old English developed into Middle
As a result of influence of the British
during the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries, and of the United
since the mid 20th century, Eng. has become the lingua
in many parts of the world. English today is probably the third
largest language by number of native speakers, after Mandarin
and Spanish.

countries with the highest populations of native English speakers
are: United
(215 million), United
(61 million), Canada (18.2 million),Australia
(15.5 million), Nigeria (4 million),Ireland (3.8 million), South
Africa (3.7 million), and New Zealand (3.6 million) 2006. Eng. is the
required international
of communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio
and diplomacy. English is the language most often studied as a
foreign language in the European Union (by 89% of schoolchildren).
Books, magazines, and newspapers written in English are available in
many countries around the world. English is also the most commonly
used language in the sciences.


  • In
    PIE there were two ways of word accentuation:

    1. musical

    2. force(dynamic)

position of stress was free & moveable. It could fall on any
syllable of a word: on a root morpheme, on an affix, or even on the
ending. It could be shifted . Both these properties of stress were
changed in common Germanic.

  • In
    PG force stress( dynamic or breath) became the only type of stress
    used. In early PG the stress was still moveable, but in late PG the
    position of stress was fixed on the first syllable (either root or
    prefix), all the other syllables were unstressed.. The fised words
    stress has played an important role in phonetic and morphological

vowels of non-initial syllables became unstressed & therefore
they were weakened & could be lost.(Verrners law) The 1st
syllable of a word was given a special prominence.

    1. The
      Proto-Germanic phonology. The consonants.


  1. Early
    (15/5c. BC — 1/4c. AD)—-
    separation of PG from the west IE (centum branch) to its
    stabilization as a separate system.

(it possessed a lot of linguistic features typical of PIE)

  • the
    existence of the fixed & moveable stress types

  • there
    didn’t exist any difference between stressed & unstressed

  • The
    3-morphe structure of the word

  • The
    existence of two-tense aspect stems in the system of the verb (the
    Infect and Perfect stems)

  1. Late
    (4/7c. – 11/16c. AD)—- from
    stabilization of PG to its dispersal into separate groups of
    Germanic dialects .

(it acquired a lot of specific features of its own)

  • the
    dynamic stress was fixed on the first root syllable

  • the
    opposition between stressed & unstressed syllables.

  • The
    3-morpheme structure of the word developed into the 2 – morpheme

  • PG
    tense forms developed from PIE tense-aspect stems


features in PG:

  • a
    great number of fricatives, small number of plosives;

  • no
    palatal consonants at all, as in other Centum languages.

a quantity of fricatives appeared in PG as a result of sound shifting
described as Grimm’s Law and Verner’s Law.

    1. The
      first consonant shifting (Grimm’s Law).

Law expresses regular correspondences between IE and Germanic
consonant . Rasmus Rask was the fist to open the phenomenon in 1818.
and Jacob Grimm described the changes in his “Deutch Grammar” in

the type of articulation changes while the place of articulation
remains unchanged. As a result there appeared more fricatives in
Germanic languages than there were in IE l-ges.

correspondences were grouped under three categories ( acts). Each of
the acts coered quite a long period of time of 100 years and more.


voiceless plosives >Germanic voiceless fricatives








pater > E father


plosives > G.
voiceless plosives

> p

> t

> k



E pool


aspirated plosives > G.

> b

> d

> g

> gw

bhratar > E brother


  1. The
    shifting didn’t take place after fricatives(f,
    Ө,h) & s:

stare – Gt standan

  1. The
    second of the consonants didn’t undergo shifting:

Gt ahtau
1 k > h

12 2 t = t

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Слайд 1

Linguistic features of Germanic languages

Linguistic features of Germanic languages

Слайд 2
Phonetics – 1) word stress

Phonetics –  1) word stress        2) vowels

2) vowels

3) consonants

Morphology – 1) changing of grammatical forms
2) parts of speech



Слайд 3
Early Proto-Germanic – free and movable
Late Proto-Germanic –

Early Proto-Germanic – free and movableLate Proto-Germanic – fixed on the first syllable – root

fixed on the first syllable – root or prefix.

In simple forms the root-syllable was normally stressed.
In compound forms

(especially in nouns and adjectives) the stress fell on the prefix.
In verbs the prefix was still a separate particle at that time and did not take the stress.
PG fiskaz, Gt fisks, O Icel fiskr, OE fisk


Слайд 4
IE short /ŏ/ and /ǎ/ correspond to GLs

IE short /ŏ/ and /ǎ/ correspond to GLs short /ǎ/: Gr octō – Goth ahtau,

short /ǎ/: Gr octō – Goth ahtau, Rus ночь

– Germ nacht
IE long /ō/ and long /ā/ correspond to

GLs long /ō/: Lat frāter – Goth brōþar (брат), Lat flōs – OE blōma (цветок).
In the root syllable IE /e/ = GL /i/, if it was followed by 1) /i/ 2) /j/ 3) nasal+consonant, else IE /e/ = G /e/.
Examples: Lat medius – OE middle (середина), Lat ventus – OE wind (ветер) but Lat edere – OE etan (есть).
IE /u/ = GL /u/ if followed by 1) /u/ 2) nasal+consonant, else IE /u/ = G /o/.
Example: Lat sunus – OE sunu (сын)


Слайд 5
The 1st Consonant Shift, or Grimm’s Law


The 1st Consonant Shift, or Grimm’s LawIE G Examples/ p / / f / Lat

G Examples
/ p / / f / Lat

plěnus – Eng full
/ t / / þ / Gr

tres – Eng three
/ k / / h / Lat noctem – Goth nahts
/ b / / p / Rus болото – Eng pool
/ d / / t / Lat duo – Goth twan
/ g / / k / Lat ego – OE ic
/ bh / / b / Sans bhratar – Eng brother
/ dh / / d / Sans madhu – OE medu
/ gh / / g / Lat hostis — Rus гость – Germ gast


Слайд 6
Verner’s Law: unstressed vowel + voiceless stop

Verner’s Law: unstressed vowel + voiceless stop voiceless fricative  voiced fricative  voiced stop:

voiceless fricative voiced fricative

voiced stop: /t/ /þ/ /ð /

/d/ Gr patěr=> OE fæder.

The consonant pairs involved in grammatical alternation were f/b, þ/d, h/g, hw/w, s/r.

Some words retained traces of Verner’s Law:
death – dead was – were


Слайд 7
Inflections were the principal means of form-building .


Inflections were the principal means of form-building .Sound interchanges became very productive.The principal gradation in

interchanges became very productive.
The principal gradation in IE languages

was e – o which is qualitative. (умереть – мор,

беру — брал).
Suppletion- the forms of one and the same word are built from different roots or stems: иду –шел, хороший – лучше, я – меня; I-my,mine- me; ego-mei


Слайд 8
Classes of nouns: 1. vocalic stems a, o,

Classes of nouns: 1. vocalic stems a, o, i, u formed strong declension;2. n-stem formed

i, u formed strong declension;
2. n-stem formed the paradigm

of weak declension;
3. s/r–stems;
4. root-stem nouns which had never had

any stem suffix, the root and the stem in these words always coinsice.
Categories: 1. declension;
2. gender (masculine, feminine, neuter);
3. case (Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative).
4. number (singular and plural).


Слайд 9
Adjective declension in all GLs has no parallel

Adjective declension in all GLs has no parallel with other IE languages.1. strong declension which

with other IE languages.
1. strong declension which is a

combination of substantival and pronominal endings;
2. weak declenstion which reflected

the declension of n-stem substantives.
Categories: 1. gender;
2. number;
3. case;
4. degrees of comparison (positive, comparative, superlative). Comparative degree was built by means of the suffixes –iza, -oza; superlative degree was built with the suffixes –ist, -ost.


Слайд 10
The oldest classes are personal, demonstrative and interrogative.


The oldest classes are personal, demonstrative and interrogative.Personal pronoun had only two persons, the 3rd

pronoun had only two persons, the 3rd person developed

later from the demonstrative pronouns.

Another ancient feature was the dual

number of personal pronouns (ic – wit – wē; þu –   ʒit –  ʒē ).


Слайд 11
1. Strong verbs (had four principal forms —

1. Strong verbs (had four principal forms - Infinitive, Past singular, Past plural and Participle

Infinitive, Past singular, Past plural and Participle II);
faran —

fōr — fōrum – farans ( ехать )
letan –

lailot – lailotum – letans ( оставлять )
2. weak verbs (Past tense, Participle I);


Слайд 12
3. united preterit-present verbs (used vowel gradation to

3. united preterit-present verbs (used vowel gradation to derive the forms of the present tense

derive the forms of the present tense while their

form of the preterit was build with the help of

the dental suffix..
Examples: OE wītan (inf) — wāt (pres sg) – wĭton (pres pl) – wiste (pret sg) – wiston (pret pl) — ʓewiten (P2) (знать).
Here belong modal verbs , verbs denoting possession and verbs denoting estimation.
Categories: 1. number;
2. tense (Present and Past);
3. mood (indicative, imperative and subjunctive);


Слайд 13
IE words

Pure Germanic words


IE wordsPure Germanic wordsVOCABULARY

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1. Phonetics

2. Grammar

3. Vocabulary

    2 слайд


    1. Phonetics

    2. Grammar

    3. Vocabulary

  • the 5th c. AD - the ruthless and barbaric Germanic tribes of Angles, S...

    3 слайд

    the 5th c. AD — the ruthless and barbaric Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians, who up to that time had lived in western Europe between the Elbe and the Rhine, started their invasion of the British Isles.

    “Romanised Celts”
    The Celtic tribes (their languages are represented in modern times by Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh, Cornish, Breton)

    The Roman Invasion

  • Table 1
Classification of old and modern Germanic languages

    5 слайд

    Table 1
    Classification of old and modern Germanic languages


    6 слайд

    The principal features common to all the languages of the Germanic language area were:
    fixation of the main stress on the initial syllable of the word;
    (ii) the first, or Germanic sound shift affecting the Indo-European voiceless and voiced stops and the spirant [s];
    (iii) certain vowel changes;
    (iv) reduction in the number of cases as compared to Common Indo-European;
    (v) full development of the weak declension of the adjective with a particular categorial meaning;
    (vi) development of a dental preterite and appearance of the strong/weak verb distinction;
    (vii) a peculiar alphabet.

  • WORD STRESS1) Fixed position of the stress
	The main stress fell on the root-...

    7 слайд

    1) Fixed position of the stress
    The main stress fell on the root-syllable and never shifted in building grammatical forms.
    English: be’come, be’coming, over’come; ‘lover, ‘loving, be’loved;
    German: ‘Liebe, ‘lieben ‘liebte, ge’liebt, ‘lieberhaft, ‘Liebling.
    (cf. these native words with words of foreign origin which move the stress in derivation, though never in form-building: ex’hibit v, exhi’bition n).
    2) Many endings merged with the suffixes, were weakened and dropped
    PG *fiskaz, Gt fisks, O Icel fiskr, OE fisc.

  • Vowels. Types of changes	 qualitative changes affect the quality of the sound...

    8 слайд

    Vowels. Types of changes

    qualitative changes affect the quality of the sound, e.g.: [o>a] or [p>f];
    quantitative changes make long sounds short or short sounds long, e.g.: [i>i:], [ll>l];
    dependent changes (also positional or combinative) are restricted to certain positions or phonetic conditions, for instance, a sound may change under the influence of the neighbouring sounds or in a certain type of a syllable;
    independent changes — also spontaneous or regular — take place irrespective of phonetic conditions, i.e. they affect a certain sound in all positions.

  • Strict differentiation of long and short vowels is commonly regarded as an i...

    9 слайд

    Strict differentiation of long and short vowels is commonly regarded as an important characteristic of the Germanic group.
    After the changes, in Late PG, the vowel system, contained the following sounds:
    SHORT VOWELS i e a o u

    LONG VOWELS i: e: a: o: u:
    In addition to these monophthongs PG had a set of diphthongs made up of more open nuclei and closer glides:
    [ei], [ai], [eu], [au] and also [iu];

    Nowadays many scholars interpret them as sequences of two independent monophthongs.

  • Ablaut or gradation is a spontaneous, positionally independent аlteration of...

    10 слайд

    Ablaut or gradation is a spontaneous, positionally independent аlteration of vowels inhabited by the Germanic languages from the Common Indo-European period. This ancient phenomenon consisted in alteration of vowels in the root, suffix or ending depending on the grammatical form or meaning of the word.

 The qualitative Ablaut is the alteration of different vowel...

    11 слайд

    The qualitative Ablaut is the alteration of different vowels, mainly the vowels [e] / [a] or [e] / [o]
    Old Icelandicbera (to give birth) — barn (baby)
    Old High German stelan (to steal) — stal (stole)
    Cf.: Russian бреду (I stroll, I wade) — брод (ford, wade)
    Latintego (to cover, to cloth) — toga (clothes)
    Quantitative Ablaut means the change in length of qualitatively one and the same vowel: normal, lengthened and reduced. A classic example of the Indo-European Ablaut is the declension of the Greek word “pater” (father):
    [e:] [e] [ — ]
    patēr patěr patros
    (nominative case, (vocative case, (genitive case,lengthened stage)
    normal stage) reduced stage)

  • Ablaut in Germanic languages is a further development of Indo-European alter...

    12 слайд

    Ablaut in Germanic languages is a further development of Indo-European alterations.
    quantitative ablaut Goth qiman (to come) — qums (the arrival)
    qualitative ablaut OHG stelan (to steal) — stal (stole)
    quantitative+qualitative ablaut OE findan (to find) — fand (found, past tense) — fundan (found, past part.).
    Ablaut as a kind of an internal flexion functioned in Old Germanic languages both in form- and word-building, but it was the most extensive and systematic in the conjugation of strong verbs.

  • The first consonant shift, or Grimm’s lawThe law explains correspondences fou...

    13 слайд

    The first consonant shift, or Grimm’s law
    The law explains correspondences found between Indo-European and Germanic consonants in the following manner: the Germanic sounds are the result of a development of the original Indo-European sounds, as they existed in the Indo-European ancestor language:
    IE p becomes Germc. f. IE t becomes Germc. p, etc.

    IE Germanic IE Germanic IE Germanic
    p > f b > p bh > b
    t > T d > t dh > d
    k > x g > k gh > g

  • Verner’s LawVerner’s Law explains some correspondences of consonants which se...

    14 слайд

    Verner’s Law
    Verner’s Law explains some correspondences of consonants which seemed to contradict Grimm’s Law and were for a long time regarded as exceptions.
    According to Verner’s law all the early PG voiceless fricatives [f, θ, x] which arose under Grimm’s Law, and also [s] inherited from PIE, became voiced between vowels if the preceding vowel was unstressed; in the absence of these conditions they remained voiceless.
    The voicing occurred in early PG when the stress was not yet fixed on the root-morpheme. The process of voicing can be shown as a step in a succession of consonant changes in prehistorical reconstructed forms.
    e.g. the changes of the second consonant in the word father: PIE Early PG Late PG
    *pa΄ter> *fa΄θar > *fa΄ðar > > *΄faðar

  • Grammar change in the word structure.
 in Early PG the word consisted of thre...

    15 слайд

    change in the word structure.
    in Early PG the word consisted of three main component parts: the root, the stem-suffix (a means of word derivation) and the grammatical ending (a marker of grammatical form)
    in Late PG the old stem-suffixes lost their derivational force and merged with other components of the word, usually with the endings.
    The word was simplified: the three-morpheme structure was transformed into a two-morpheme structure. The original grammatical ending, together with the stem-suffix formed a new ending:

  • e.g. PG *fisk-a-z       Gt fisks (NE fish) 
       PG *mak-ōj-an  OE mac-ian...

    16 слайд

    e.g. PG *fisk-a-z Gt fisks (NE fish)
    PG *mak-ōj-an OE mac-ian, Past Tense mac-ode
    (NE make, made)
    In Gt fisks the stem-suffix was dropped, in OE macian, macode it merged with the ending, preserving one of the sounds — [i] or [o].)
    The simplification of the word structure and the loss of stem-suffixes as distinct components was caused by the heavy Germanic word stress fixed on the root.

  • Germanic languages belonged to the synthetic type of form-building, which m...

    17 слайд

    Germanic languages belonged to the synthetic type of form-building, which means that
    they expressed the grammatical meanings by changing the forms of the word itself, not resorting to any auxiliary words.
    The Germanic nouns had:
    four cases (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative)
    two number forms (singular and plural)
    the category of gender (feminine, masculine and neuter)
    The means of form-building were the endings added to the root/stem of the noun.

  • The Germanic adjectives had:
 two types of declension (called strong and wea...

    18 слайд

    The Germanic adjectives had:
    two types of declension (called strong and weak). Most adjectives could be declined both in accordance with the strong and weak type.
    agreed with the noun in gender, case and number
    the adjective by its type of declension expressed the idea of definiteness (weak declension) or indefiniteness (strong declension), the meaning which was later to become expressed by a grammatical class of words unknown in Common Germanic — the article.
    degrees of comparison (formed with the help of suffixes -iz/ōz and –ist/-ōst)
    there were instances of suppletivism, i.e. use of different roots for different forms — a means common for mаnу Indo-European languages:
    Goth leitils—minniza—minnists (little—less—least)
    Rus хороший—лучше—лучший

  • strong verbs had preserved the richness of form since the age of the parent...

    19 слайд

    strong verbs had preserved the richness of form since the age of the parent-language
    weak verbs lacked such variety of form.
    the main difference between these groups lies in the means of building the principal forms: the Present tense, the Past tense and Participle II.
    the strong verbs built their principal forms with the help of root vowel interchanges plus certain grammatical endings; they made use of IE ablaut with certain modifications due to phonetic changes and environment.
    Weak verbs built the Past tense and Participle II by inserting a dental suffix (an interdental fricative consonant) between the root and the ending.
    Infinitive Past Tense Participle II NE
    Gt domjan domida [D] domips deem, deemed
    OE macian macode macod make, made

    Strong and Weak Verbs

  • The Germanic verb had a well-developed system of categories:
 person (first...

    20 слайд

    The Germanic verb had a well-developed system of categories:
    person (first, second, third),
    number (singular and plural),
    tense (past and present, the latter also used for expressing future actions),
    mood (indicative, imperative and optative),
    voice (only in Gothic—active and mediopassive).

    The categorial forms employed synthetic means of form-building.

  • The IE etymological layer in the Germanic vocabulary is made up of words (o...

    21 слайд

    The IE etymological layer in the Germanic vocabulary is made up of words (or roots) shared by most IE languages. They refer to a number of semantic spheres:
    — natural phenomena and animals,
    — terms of kinship,
    — verbs denoting basic activities of man,
    — some pronouns and numerals.
    the common IE element also includes word-building affixes and grammatical inflections.

  • the purely Germanic words occur in Germanic alone and have no parallels outs...

    23 слайд

    the purely Germanic words occur in Germanic alone and have no parallels outside the group
    they appeared in PG or in later history of separate languages from purely Germanic roots
    semantically they belong to basic spheres life: nature, sea,home life.
    the specifically Germanic layer includes not only roots but also affixes and word-building patterns.

  • Table Specifically Germanic Words and Word Building Patterns

    24 слайд

    Specifically Germanic Words and Word Building Patterns

  • Borrowingswere made in Late PG at the time when the Germanic tribes lived cl...

    25 слайд

    were made in Late PG at the time when the Germanic tribes lived close together as a single speech community
    e.g. the name of the metal iron was borrowed from the Celtic languages in Late PG
    cf. Celt isarno, Gt eisarn, О Icel isarn, OE isen, iren.
    (The Teutons may have learnt the processing of iron from the Celts.)
    A large number of words must have been borrowed from Latin prior to the migration of West Germanic tribes to Britain. (These words reflect the contacts of the Germanic tribes with Rome and the influence of the Roman civilization on their life; they mostly refer to trade and warfare)
    e.g. L pondō, Gt pund, О Icel pund, OE pund, NE pound
    L prunus, О Icel рlómа, OE plūme, NE plum
    L strata via, OHG strâza, OS strâta, OE stræt, NE street

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  • The english word law means various forms of behavior текст
  • The first word you see describes you
  • The english word law means various forms of behavior some laws are descriptive
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  • The english word games