The difference between word and word combinations

word-combination is a compound nominative unit of speech, which is
semantically both global and articulated. There are some differences
in the terminology in the Russian- and the English-speaking
linguistic tradition. In the Russian terminological system the term
denote the unit mentioned above, Englishmen use it to denote any
combination of words, but the usual term, which corresponds to our
approach to словосочетание,

— are the «building material» for syntax. Syntax as a
science of ordered speech deals with two basic problems:

first one -> what are those ultimate units that constitute

second one -> how these units are organized in actual speech.

understand the division of the sentence into the parts, it is
important to first see the syntagmatic relationships between the
elements. Word-combination is a unit of both, syntagmatics and

the interdependence between the syntactic and the syntagmatic
analysis is the main stumbling block for understanding. To fully
convey the purport of an utterance, it is necessary to penetrate into
the lexical-phraseological connections between the ultimate
meaningful units of the language.

difference between the syntagmatic and the syntactic analysis of
speech may be explained by means of the following example:

had become to look for himself at the family foto.

one analyses this sentence syntagmatically, it is clear that here to
become to look for oneself

are word-combinations, functionally, they are equivalent to a word.
From the point of view of syntax, had
a predicate, to
look for

an adverb, foto
object, family

unity of colligation and collocation which is so important for
syntactic study in general, has no less importance for the study of

relationships may restrict the collocability of one word with
another. Thus, the word much
be used before prefer
a sentence like In
international political arena Mr. Bush much prefer the position of
it is a mistake if the word much
used at the end of the sentence. Colligation and collocation may put
intralinguistic restriction upon the freedom with which the speaker
chooses the combination of words. First of all, a speaker while
bringing words together should follow some grammatical rules. At the
same time the process of combining words is restricted by the
lexical-phraseological valences of the words.

difference between a word-combination and a combination of words is
the following: a combination of words presupposes the possibility of
combining words together in the process of speech production; f
word-combination should be regarded as a free equivalent of a
phraseological unit.

«building material» for the construction of sentences
consists of


phraseological unit,


pay a call
a phraseological unit, which is equivalent to the word to
visit. To go to see
a word-combination, which is a free equivalent of the phraseological
unit and of the word to

are some types of word-combinations in the English language:

+ noun: pretty

+ preposition + noun: brick
at the top;

+ preposition + adjective + noun: a
man with small nose;

+ preposition + verbal -ing:
in understanding;

+ infinitive: a
book to read;

+ noun: to
give a speech;
+ infinitive: to
forget to post;
+ verbal -ing:
stop doing;

+ preposition + verbal -ing:
insist on going;

+ verb: completely

+ adverb: to
forget completely;

+ infinitive: nice
to meet;
+ preposition + noun: full
of water;
+ preposition + verbal -ing:
of reading.

the above-mentioned word-combinations function as global wholes, as
«the prefabricated units» in speech. The syntactic bond
that connects the elements of word-combinations is very tight,
usually it is the attributive bond or the closest types of the
completive bond. A very important parameter in the study of the
expression plane of word-combinations is prosody.

exist different methods of study of word-combinations, but bearing in
mind the idea of the unity of collocation and colligation, the
categorial method seems to be most fruitful. This method is based on
the opposition of the marked and unmarked element of the category.

exist five categories of word-combinations in English:

1) The
category of connotativeness.

opposition here is connotative word-combinations vs non-connotative
word-combinations. Connotative word-combinations fulfil the function
of impact, they possess expressive-emotional-evaluative connotations.
Non-connotative word-combinations are neutral, they fulfil the
function of message. Thus, in the sentence In
her tone, she made the understanding clear

were of the same kind, he and she, a sort of diabolic free-masonry
subsisted between them
word-combination diabolic
connotative, while in the sentence He
speaks English fluently
word-combination to
speak fluently

are two main parameters which help to understand the real meaning of
word-combinations — context and prosody. Thus, a word-combination
may be quite neutral, taken in isolation, for example, to
break the vessel.
within a context it becomes connotative: He
knew how near to breaking was the vessel that held his life.

In connection with the category of connotativeness it is important to
note that connotations may be inherent.

oral speech, connotative word-combinations are usually determined by

  1. The
    category of reproducibility.

    (this category is also called the category of «clicheed

opposition here is clicheed vs non-clicheed word-combinations or
usual vs occasional word-combinations. In ordinary speech people
hardly ever coin word-combinations of their own, usually they use the
already existing ones. For example, in the sentence: My
favourite book was written by the famous writer,
word-combinations favourite
book and famous writer
quite usual word-combinations for our speech.

for the non-clicheed word-combinations — they should be created
anew or for the nonce, usually they are not reproducible. For
example, in the sentence Nurse
placed her in my lap, a squiggling bundle of life
word-combination a
squiggling bundle of life
a creation of the writer of the book. This kind of word-combinations
is usually very connotative.

that belong to this category are characterised by the non-idiomatic
globality. These word-combinations may be segmented into separate
words, but depending on the reproducibility they tend to fuse into a
global concept.

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The phrase is traditionally considered an independent syntactic unit, fundamentally different from the sentence. It appears in the language for nominative purposes. A complex name bearing in itself the same nominative function that a word has, is a phrase.

The sentence and the phrase — how to distinguish them?

The difference between the word-combination and the word does not need an explanation. The very name of the term indicates it. And how does the phrase differ from the sentence? First of all, it is a combination of word and word form, the implementation of the obligatory and typically optional faculties. In «Russian grammar-80» the phrase is understood as a semantic-grammatical model of word spreading.

The proposal is an extremely complex and multifaceted unit. Behind each of them are 3 samples: formal, semantic and communicative (pragmatic). The main grammatical meaning of the sentence is predicativity, which makes it possible to correlate information about extralinguistic reality (the fact of communication) with that speech situation in which the utterance is generated (with the act of communication). This is how the phrase differs from the sentence, briefly.

In the syntax, only free phrases are studied, that is, in which the independent lexical meanings of the words included in it are fully preserved. If they are lost, we are dealing with phraseological units that are no longer the subject of grammar.

Construction of word combinations

Phrases are built on a certain historically formed in the language model, that is, reproduced in speech. They have a system of forms of change, a paradigm that completely coincides with the paradigm of the main word (here is another difference of the phrase from the sentence).

They can include not only two components: the main and the dependent (a simple phrase). In a sentence, several components (more than two) can be combined in meaning and grammatically, between which there are different kinds of syntactic dependence.

Types of multicomponent word combinations

They may be:

— combined (consistent submission): buy a desk, my father’s friend;

— complex (parallel submission): widely known in the city, give a friend a book;

— common (with heterogeneous definitions at the main): an antique crystal vase, a juicy uncoated grass;

— merged (formed when the proposal is formed): bought newspapers and magazines, woolen and silk fabrics.

Analysis of word combinations

The first procedure of analysis is to extract a whole word-block from the sentence, define its type and divide it into simple (two-component) blocks.

The second step is the analysis of a simple phrase combination, taking into account many parameters characterizing it according to the following scheme:

1) the initial form;

2) spurious ownership of the main word;

3) the type of syntactic connection and means of expression;

4) the type of syntactic relations;

5) conditionality of the form of the dependent word;

6) model (structural diagram).

Conditionality of the form of the dependent word

The conditional nature of the form of the dependent word can be determined by the grammatical properties of the principal, for example, belonging to a certain class of words (part of speech) or to a particular grammatical category. Thus, the ability to determine with the help of an adjective is inherent in nouns: a cheerful milkman, an old book.

Verbs as a grammatical class of words are determined by qualitative adverbs: work hard, speak loudly. All these phrases are grammatically conditioned. The presence of a dependent form in the accusative case without a preposition is determined by lexico-grammatical properties, the transitivity of the main verb: read the book, drink milk.

The form of the dependent word can be determined by the belonging of the principal to a certain semantic class or lexical-semantic group (LSG). Thus, all words with the meaning of verbal communication form word combinations with a dependent noun in the form of an instrumental with the preposition «c»: to talk with someone, to discuss with someone. Lexems of different parts of speech, including the modal component (possibility, desire, necessity, etc.) in their meaning, have the infinitive of the verb as dependent: to want to learn, we must learn, the desire to learn, ready to learn. All these phrases are semantically conditioned.

Finally, the form of the dependent word can be determined by the individual lexical meaning of the principal. In this case, even representatives of one LSG can form different phrases: selling fruits — selling fruit; Pay for travel — pay for travel; To be proud of another is to bow before a friend. In this case, they speak of lexically conditioned phrases.

The difference from other combinations of words

Knowing how the phrase differs from the sentence, it is necessary to distinguish it from other combinations of words.

As a special syntactic unit with a number of properties and having a language model (structural scheme), it must be distinguished from the following combinations of words in the sentence:

1) from predicative combinations (subject + predicate): the boy runs;

2) from semi-predictive: and he, rebellious, asks for storms;

3) from the co-authors: trees and shrubs grew in the clearing;

4) from the apposition combinations (combination of the application and the word being defined): the student Ivanov went out;

5) from combinations that arise only in the sentence: father and son were very similar.

Knowing how the phrase differs from the sentence and other combinations of words in it, you will intelligently parse and not allow grammatical errors. This is an important point in the study of the «syntax» section, since the above elements are basic in it, and they need to be delimited. We hope, we have explained clearly in this article how to distinguish the word combination from the sentence.

Word combinations in Modern English Lexicology of the English language

Word combinations in Modern English Lexicology of the English language

�A Word combination (phrase ) is a non-predicative unit of speech which is, semantically,

�A Word combination (phrase ) is a non-predicative unit of speech which is, semantically, both global and articulated. 1. Word combination

�In grammar, it is seen as a group of words that functions as a

�In grammar, it is seen as a group of words that functions as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. It is an intermediate unit between a word and a sentence. �The main function of a word combination is polinomination (it describes an object, phenomenon or action and its attributes and properties at the same time). 2.

� There are two types of word combinations (also known as set-expressions, set-phrases, fixed

� There are two types of word combinations (also known as set-expressions, set-phrases, fixed word-groups, etc): � Free word combinations in which each component may enter different combinations � Set (phraseological) combinations consist of elements which are used only in combination with one another 3.

�Differences between free and set word combinations: SEMANTIC CRITERION �The meaning in phraseological units

�Differences between free and set word combinations: SEMANTIC CRITERION �The meaning in phraseological units has partially or fully shifted. The words have a transferred (metaphorical or metonymical) meaning. �cf: a wolf in sheep’s clothing – a man in cheap clothing 4.

STRUCTURAL CRITERION. � Phraseological units are characterized by stability of components: � It is

STRUCTURAL CRITERION. � Phraseological units are characterized by stability of components: � It is impossible to change the components of a phraseological unit; e. g. to have a bee in the bonnet (hat) � It is impossible to add new components; � It is impossible to change grammatical form of components, even if their form violates grammar rules: e. g. at (the) first sight, from head to foot (feet), to find faults with � However the degree of stability varies: a skeleton/skeletons in the cupboard, a (big) white elephant. � Other features ensuring stability are rhythm, alliteration, contrast, repetition, simile etc. � e. g. on and on, safe and sound, as busy as a bee � Free 5. word combinations allow any changes.

Classifications of phraseological units � According to thematic (etymological) classification, idioms are classified according

Classifications of phraseological units � According to thematic (etymological) classification, idioms are classified according to their sources of origin. ◦ E. g. Word-groups associated with the sea and the life of seamen are especially numerous in English vocabulary. Thus there may be singled out a group of “marine” phraseological units. � To be all at sea — to be unable to understand; to be in a state of ignorance or bewilderment about something (e. g. How can I be a judge in a situation in which I am all at sea? I’m afraid I’m all at sea in this problem � To sink or swim — to fail or succeed (e. g. It is a case of sink or swim. All depends on his own effort. ) � In deep water — in trouble or danger. � In low water, on the rocks — in strained financial circumstances. 6.

Semantic classification � describes word combinations from the viewpoint of the shift in meaning

Semantic classification � describes word combinations from the viewpoint of the shift in meaning of words: � Phraseological fusions (idioms) are most idiomatic, the meaning of both words is fully transferred. � e. g. tit for tat, to skate on thin ice � Phraseological unities are motivated semantically, based on imagination. Usually one of the components has retained its meaning. � e. g. to fall ill, to fall in love, small talk � Phraseological combinations are less idiomatic, most motivated � e. g. as dead as mutton 7.

Structural classification takes into consideration the fact that phraseologisms are, in fact, equivalents of

Structural classification takes into consideration the fact that phraseologisms are, in fact, equivalents of words. Phraseological units can perform the same functions as words. So, set expressions are classified according to their function. � Verbal : to run for one’s life, to get the upper hand � Substantive: dog’s life, red tape � Adjectival: high and mighty, safe and sound � Adverbial: high and low � Equivalents of auxiliary parts of speech: by way of, as long as, Good God! � Stereotyped sentences: take your time! 8.

Stylistic classification �Set expressions, as well as words, may be stylistically neutral and stylistically

Stylistic classification �Set expressions, as well as words, may be stylistically neutral and stylistically marked. �e. g. it’s raining cats and dogs (bookish) �to do smb. brown (colloquial) 9.

Notions related to set expressions �A simile is a figure of speech that directly

Notions related to set expressions �A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words «like» , «as» , or «than» . �Even though both similes and metaphors are forms of comparison, similes indirectly compare the two ideas and allow them to remain distinct in spite of their similarities, whereas metaphors compare two things directly. �e. g. as alike as two peas in a pod (identical or nearly so) �as blind as a bat (completely blind) 10.

�A cliché is a stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech, very often overused to

�A cliché is a stereotyped expression mechanically reproduced in speech, very often overused to the point of losing its intended force or novelty. �e. g. Love is blind. ◦ Put two and two together. 11.

�A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses

�A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim. �If a proverb is distinguished by particularly good phrasing, it may be known as an aphorism. 12.

�A collocation is sequence of words or terms which co-occur more often than would

�A collocation is sequence of words or terms which co-occur more often than would be expected by chance. e. g. �time flies �Times passes �the appointed time �Present time �Right time �Wrong time �Opening time �Closing time 13.

�A phrasal verb is a phrase (as take off or look down on) that

�A phrasal verb is a phrase (as take off or look down on) that combines a verb with a preposition or adverb or both and that functions as a verb whose meaning is different from the combined meanings of the individual words. 14.

Translation Tips � Free word combinations and collocations are usually translated by calque (word-for-word).

Translation Tips � Free word combinations and collocations are usually translated by calque (word-for-word). However, translating attributive word groups is challenging, because one and the same attributive word may be translated differently depending on the meaning of the defined head word. � E. g. public opinion – общественное мнение, jamoatchilik fikri � Public debt – государственный долг, davlat qarzlari � Public scandal – публичный скандал, ommaviy janajal � Sometimes more complicated transformations are needed: � E. g. working expectancy – ожидаемая продолжительность трудовой деятельности, ishchini kutilayotgan ishlash muddati 15.

� Phraseological unities are usually translated by one word or equivalent combinations: � e.

� Phraseological unities are usually translated by one word or equivalent combinations: � e. g. to take a chance – рисковать, imkoniyat berish � To take offence – обидеться, arazlamoq � To put an end to – положить конец, преодолеть, tugatish � To take into account – принимать во внимание, e’tiborga olish � Phraseological fusions (idioms) are translated by their equivalents or analogues or description. e. g. � whip-and-carrot policy – политика кнута и пряника, qamchi va sabzi siyosati (equivalent) � To beat about the bush – ходить вокруг да около, butani o’rab olish (analogue) � Carbon footprint — негативные экологические последствия какой-либо деятельности, faoliyatni salbiy ekologik natijalari (decription) 16.

Origin of set expressions � One of the words becomes archaic: kith and kin

Origin of set expressions � One of the words becomes archaic: kith and kin of the meanings of a word becomes archaic: to be in two minds � An expression may pass from professional use into common use: to hit below the belt (from boxing) � Part of a proverb may become isolated: the last straw (that was the last straw which broke the camel’s neck) � Literary sources: a Troyan horse; to be or not to be � Translation borrowings: to kill two birds with one stone (calque translation from French) � 17.

� � � � � What do we call word combinations in which the

� � � � � What do we call word combinations in which the components retain their main meaning, and can freely enter different combinations? What do we call word combinations in which the components typically have shifted meaning and are not freely chosen? What do we call a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words «like» , «as» , or «than» ? What do we call a trite or overused phrase or expression? What is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of mankind? What do we call a familiar grouping of words that habitually appear together and thereby convey meaning by association? Which of the following underlined word combinations with the word “stand” is free and which one is fixed? a) The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal. b) She was standing beside my bed staring down at me. 18. CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING

� Which of the following word combinations in bold are set phrases? 1) Where

� Which of the following word combinations in bold are set phrases? 1) Where do you think you lost your purse? 2) Don’t lose your temper when you talk to her. 3) Have a look at the reverse side of the coat. 4) The reverse side of the medal is that we’ll have to do it ourselves. 5) Keep the butter in the refrigerator. 6) Keep an eye on the child. 19. Case study

� � � 1) lost your purse — it is a free word combination,

� � � 1) lost your purse — it is a free word combination, as it allows any combinations without change of the basic (denotative) meaning of words, e. g. lost you bag, found your purse etc. 2) lose your temper – it is a set (phraseological) word combination, as the meaning of the word ‘lose’ in this combination is not direct but figurative (= to become angry). 3) reverse side of the coat — it is a free word combination, as it allows any combinations without change of the basic (denotative) meaning of words, e. g. reverse side of the dress 4) reverse side of the medal — it is a set (phraseological) word combination, as the meaning of the words in this combination is not direct but figurative (= other side of the matter) 5) Keep the butter — it is a free word combination, as it allows any combinations without change of the basic (denotative) meaning of words, e. g. keep the cheese in the refrigerator etc. 6) Keep an eye — it is a set (phraseological) word combination, as the meaning of the words in this combination is not direct but figurative (= to watch closely or carefully) 20. Key


ONE NINE TWO THREE FOUR(S) FIVE SIX(ES)S EVEN(S) TEN 1) 2) She crawled on all _____ to the window = on her knees, feet and hands. He is at _____ and _____ = He is confused and doesn’t know what to do. 3) He puts _____ and _____ together. = He begins to draw conclusions about something 4) He looks out for number _____ = He only thinks about his interests. 5) «the _____ R’s. » = The basics of education 6) He has a _____ o’clock shadow. = A man hasn’t shaved for a day or two 7) Things that are very cheap and common are _____ a penny. 8) This four bedroom home, located in Country Club Estates, is completed and ready to move in. This home has «the whole _____ yards» in convenience. ’ (=all of it) 21. Fill in the blanks with proper numerals to make an idiom with the specified meaning.

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) fours sixes and sevens two and

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) fours sixes and sevens two and two one three five ten nine 22. Key

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