The current russian word for customs tamozhnya in the times of the mongol tatar yoke

The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated in the tim перевод - The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated in the tim русский как сказать

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The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated in the times of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The word tamga, in Tatar, meant «a Customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement verifying that it had been paid».
Each market had its tamozhnya, and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the State. This right was often acquired by powerful merchants.
The Russian Customs Service, however, predates even the Mongol Yoke. Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of its individual princedoms.
Thus, Russia has had a Customs Service in some form for the past 1000 years. The first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667. It was strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of confiscation. Every tsar, from Peter the Great to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.
During the Soviet period foreign trade was strictly monopolized in the USSR and Customs neither had any significant function in the economy or played any important role.
Much was done to create Customs legislation in Russia in the period 1991–94. Two important laws were adopted: «The Customs Code of the Russian Federation» and «On Customs Tariff» All provisions and regulations in these documents are of the world standard.
Russia has the world’s longest border to police, much of it newly created and has a modern, multi-functioning Customs Service. It carries out the same functions as the Customs of other developed countries: fiscal functions, regulation oа foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of customs statistics concerning foreign trade, etc.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Текущее русское слово для таможни, таможня, возникла во времена монголо-татарского ига. Слово Тамга в татарском, означает «таможенный налог, чиновник, который собрал его и гербовая печать или заявление проверить, что она была выплачена».Каждый рынок имеет свои таможня и право собирать пошлины могут быть приобретены у государства. Это право часто была приобретена мощными купцов.Российская таможенная служба, однако, predates даже монгольского ига. Около трех столетий раньше, в Киевской Руси, были собраны налоги для перевозки грузов через границы отдельных княжеств.Таким образом Россия была в той или иной форме таможенной службы за последние 1000 лет. Первый Российский таможенный устав был вынесен в 1667 году. Он был строг к иностранцам, которым было разрешено торговать только в пограничных городах под страхом конфискации. Каждый царь, от Петра Великого до Николая II, утвердил законы, ограничивающие ввоз иностранных товаров и защиты российских производителей.В советский период внешней торговли был строго монополизирован в СССР и обычаи не имели каких-либо значительных функций в экономике или играл какую-либо важную роль.Многое было сделано для создания таможенного законодательства в России в период 1991-94. Были приняты два важных закона: «Таможенный кодекс Российской Федерации» и «О таможенном тарифе» все положения и правила в этих документах мирового стандарта.Россия имеет протяженную границу мира в полицию, много вновь созданных и современная, multi функционирование таможенной службы. Он выполняет те же функции, что обычаи других развитых стран: фискальные функции, регулирование рыболовного внешней торговли с помощью тарифных и нетарифных методов, права, правоохранительных органов, сбор и ведение таможенной статистики о внешней торговле, и др.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Действующая в России слово для таможни, tamozhnya, возникла во времена монголо-татарского ига. Слово тамга, в татарском, означало «таможенный налог, чиновник , который собирал ее, и заверенное печатью печать или заявление , подтверждающие , что она была выплачена».
Каждый рынок имеет свой tamozhnya, и право собирать пошлины можно было бы приобрести у Состояние. Это право часто приобретена мощными торговцами.
Таможенная служба России, однако, предшествовал даже монгольское иго. Около трех столетий назад, в Киевской Руси, были собраны налоги для перевозки грузов через границы ее отдельных княжеств.
Таким образом, Россия имела таможенной службы в той или иной форме в течение последних 1000 лет. Первый в России таможенный устав был вынесен в 1667 году он был строг по отношению к иностранцам, которым было разрешено торговать только в пограничных городах под страхом конфискации. Каждый царь, от Петра Великого до Николая II, одобрила законы , ограничивающие ввоз иностранных товаров и защите российских производителей.
В советский период внешней торговли был строго монополизирован в СССР и таможни ни имели какие — либо значительные функции в экономике или играл какое — нибудь важное роль.
Многое было сделано для создания таможенного законодательства в России в период 1991-94 гг. Были приняты два важных закона: «Таможенный кодекс Российской Федерации» и «О таможенном тарифе» Все положения и правил в этих документах мирового стандарта.
Россия имеет самую протяженную границу в мире в полицию, большая часть вновь созданной и имеет современный, мульти функционирующей таможенной службы. Он выполняет те же функции, что и таможни других развитых стран: фискальные функции, регулирование oа внешней торговли с помощью тарифных и нетарифных методов, правоохранительных органов, сбор и хранение данных таможенной статистики по вопросам внешней торговли и т.д.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


в россии сегодня слово для таможенных, tamozhnya, возник во времена монголо — татарского ига.слово тамга, на татарском языке означает «таможенной пошлины, чиновник, который собрал их, и печатью печать или заявление, удостовериться в том, что он платил».каждый рынок имеет свои tamozhnya, и право на сбор пошлин можно купить от государства.это право часто приобретены мощные торговцев.таможенной службы россии, однако, была даже татаро — монгольского ига.около трех столетий назад в киевской руси, налоги собираются для транспортировки грузов через границы своих индивидуальных княжества.таким образом, россия имеет таможенной службы в той или иной форме на протяжении 1000 лет.первый российский таможенный статут был вынесен в 1667.он был строгим к иностранцам, которые разрешено торговать только в приграничных городов под угрозой конфискации.каждый царя, от петра великого до николая II, утвержденных законов, ограничивающих импорт иностранных товаров, и защиты российских производителей.в советский период внешней торговли строго монополизировала в ссср и обычаи, ни каких — либо существенных функций в экономике или какие — либо играли важную роль.многое было сделано для создания таможенного законодательства в россии в период 1991 — 94.две важные законы были приняты: «таможенного кодекса российской федерации» и «о таможенном тарифе» все положения и правила в эти документы имеют мирового уровня.россия — самый длинный в мире пограничной полиции, много новых и современных, мульти — функционирование таможенной службы.он выполняет те же функции, что и обычаев других развитых стран: фискальные функции, правила — а внешней торговли посредством тарифных и нетарифных методов, правоохранительных органов, сбора и хранения таможенной статистики о внешней торговле и т.д.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya,
appeared in the times of Mongol-Tatar yoke. The word tamga
in Tatar, meant “Customs tax, the official who collected it, and
the stamped seal or statement showing that it had been paid”. Each
market had its tamozhnya,
and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the State.
The right was often given to powerful merchants.

Russian Customs service, however, predates even the Mongol-Tatar yoke
(1237-1480). Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were
collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of
the individual princedoms.

Russia has had a Customs service in some form during the past 1000
years. Moreover, for almost all of that history, it has been much
more than a force for keeping out contraband. In fact, it has been a
powerful administrative body, serving mainly protectionist interests.

first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667. It was strict
towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns
on pain of confiscation. A special tsar’s certificate was required
for trading further inside the country.

protectionism went
on for most of the next 300 years. Every tsar, from Peter the Great
to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and
defending Russian producers.


текст, пользуясь словарем.

Российская таможня

русское слово «таможня» появилось во
времена Татаро –монгольского ига. Слово
«тамга» на татарском означало «Таможенная
пошлина, чиновник, собирающий ее и
ставящий штампы или подтверждение того,
что она была уплачена». Каждый рынок
имел свою таможню, и право собирать
налоги могло быть получено у государства.
Это право часто предоставлялось
влиятельным торговцам.

таможенная служба,   однако,
существовала еще до Татаро- монгольского
ига (1237-1480). Тремя веками ранее, в Киевской
Руси, взимались налоги за провоз товаров
через границы личных княжеств.

образом, у России была таможенная служба
в особой форме во время последнего
тысячелетия. Более того, в
течение почти всей истории она являлась
чем-то большим, чем сила для изъятия
контрабанды. На самом деле она была
могущественной административной
структурой, служащей, в основном,
протекционистским интересам.

Российский таможенный устав был принят
в 1667. Он был достаточно строг к иностранцам,
которым было позволено торговать только
в пограничных городах под угрозой
конфискации. Специальный сертификат,
выдаваемый царем, требовался для торговли
внутри страны.      

протекционизм продолжался в течение
следующего трехсотлетия. Каждый царь,
от Петра 1 до Николая 2, поддерживал
законы, ограничивающие импорт заграничных
товаров     и
поддерживающих российского производителя.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

  1. When did
    the word tamozhnya
    appear? The world tamozhnya appeared
    in the times of Mongol – Tatar yoke.

  2. What did
    the word tamga
    mean? Tamga meant
    “Customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal
    or statement showing that it had been paid”.

  3. Who was
    given the right to collect duties? Powerful merchants were often
    given to the right to collect duties.

  4. How long
    has Russia had Customs Service? Russia has had Customs service
    during the past 1000 years.

  5. What
    were the functions of Russian Customs? Russian customs kept out
    contraband and served mainly protectionist interests.

  6. When was
    the first Russian Customs statute handed down? The first Russian
    Customs statute was handed down in 1667.

  7. Where were
    foreigners allowed to trade according to the statute? Foreigners
    were allowed to trade according to the statute only in frontier

  8. What
    was required for trading further inside the country? A special
    tsar’s certificate was required for trading further inside the

Какие из следующих предложений
соответствуют/не соответствуют содержанию
текста? Обоснуйте свой ответ.

  1. The
    current Russian word for Customs tamozhnya
    appeared in the 17th
    century. False. The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya,
    appeared in the times of Mongol-Tatar yoke.

  2. The
    word tamga
    meant a Customs tax. True.

  3. The
    Russian Customs Service predates the Mongol-Tatar yoke. True.

  4. In
    Kievan Rus no taxes were collected at the frontiers of 
    princedoms. False. Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes
    were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers
    of the individual princedoms

  5. Collecting
    duties was the only function of Russian Customs.

For almost all of the history, it has been much more than a force for
keeping out contraband and a powerful administrative body, serving
mainly protectionist interests.

  1. The
    first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667.True.

  2. The
    first Russian Customs statute was loyal to foreigners.

It was strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in
frontier towns on pain of confiscation.

Найдите в
тексте английские эквиваленты для
следующих слов и словосочетаний:

слово — thecurrentword,

служба — Customs,

налог — Customstax,

(сотрудник) – theofficial,

налоги – to collect taxes,

— the stamped seal,

право собирать
пошлину — the right to collect
duties, перемещение товаров через границу
– the transportation за goods through
the frontiers ,

пресекать провоз
контрабанды – to keep out

под страхом
конфискации- to trade on pain of
confiscation, ограничивать ввоз
товаров иностранного
производства – to limit the
import of foreign goods,

российских производителей-
to defend Russian producers, протекционизм-

Изложите письменно краткое
содержание текста, используя ключевые
слова и словосочетания.

begin with, the Russian Customs service predates even the
Mongol-Tatar yoke though the current Russian word for Customs,
tamozhnya, appeared in the times of Mongol- Tatar yoke. We know that
taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the
frontiers of the individual princedoms in Kievan Rus.

has had a Customs service in some form during the past 1000 years.
For almost all of the history it has been much more than a force for
keeping out contraband and it has been a powerful administrative

first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667. It was strict
towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns
on pain of confiscation. A special tsar’s certificate was required
for trading further inside the country.


Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную
и отрицательную  форму.

  1. Mike
    has just found a new job at the customs.

Has Mike
just found a new job at the customs?

Mike hasn’t
just found a new job at the customs.

  1. The
    customs inspector had finished examining the passengers’ baggage
    by 3 o’clock.

Had the
customs inspector finished examining the passengers’ baggage by 3

The customs
inspector hadn’t finished examining the passengers’ baggage by 3

  1. I
    have been working at the Customs for 5 years now.

I haven’t
been working at the Customs for 5 years now.

Have I been
working at the Customs for 5 years now?

  1. We
    will have been discussing this problem for a long time before you

We won’t
have been discussing this problem for a long time before you come.

Will we
have been discussing this problem for a long time before you come.

  1. Customs
    business has always been important and prestigious.

Has Customs
business always been important and prestigious?

business hasn’t always been important and prestigious.

  1. The
    customs officer had been looking through the passenger declaration
    for a minute when he noticed a mistake.

Had the
customs officer been looking through the passenger declaration for a
minute when he noticed a mistake?

The customs
officer hadn’t been looking through the passenger declaration for a
minute when he noticed a mistake.

  1. Import
    laws have become a barometer of economic and political conditions of
    the time.

Have Import
laws become a barometer of economic and political conditions of the

Import laws
haven’t become a barometer of economic and political conditions of
the time.

  1. The
    customs officers will have been clearing the cargo for 2 hours by
    the time they arrive.

Will the
customs officers have been clearing the cargo for 2 hours by the time
they arrive?

The customs
officers won’t have been clearing the cargo for 2 hours by the time
they arrive.

  1. We
    will have prepared the documents by Monday.

Will we
have prepared the documents by Monday?

We won’t
have prepared the documents by Monday.

  1. The
    delegation has already arrived at the airport.

Has the
delegation already arrived at the airport?

delegation hasn’t already arrived at the airport.

Раскройте скобки,
употребляя глаголы 
в Present Perfect или
Past Simple. 

  1. A
    foreigner has just arrived at the airport and is going through
    customs control now.

  2. The
    customs officers confiscated narcotics last Friday.

  3. I
    have already passed through customs and passport control.

  4. Russia
    has had a Customs service during the past 1000 years.

  5. Derzhavin
    worked out the customs tariff in 1795.

  6. The
    President has signed a new law limiting import of foreign goods

  7. Alexei
    Michailovitch Romanov signed the New Trade Statute and established
    customs regimes.

  8. Has
    the Government imposed customs duties yet?

  9. Mendeleev
    was sure that protectionist policy stimulated industrial production.

  10. Drug
    contraband has grown considerably since last year.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя
глаголы  в Past Simple или Past Perfect.

  1. Before
    Radischev became Head of St.Petersburg customs house he had worked
    for Commerce Board.

  2. He
    had been the Customs Office chief for 10 years. Then he retired.

  3. It
    was clear that he hadn’t paid the customs duties yet.

  4. The
    customs officer detained the passenger after he had found an icon in
    his traveling bag.

  5. Our
    chief informed us of new customs tariffs after he had returned from
    the business trip.

  6. They
    had cleared the cargo before he phoned.

  7. The
    customs officer asked the passenger when and where he had bought his

  8. The
    arrival hall was full of people. They had just arrived  in

  9. The
    passenger was a French businessman who had come to Washington to
    have talks with the head of the company.

  10. Only
    when I boarded the plane I understood that I had left my handbag

Раскройте скобки,
употребляя глаголы
в Present Simple, Present Progressive,
Present Perfect или Present Perfect

a) My friend works at the customs.

b) My
friend is working at a very interesting project


My friend has already worked at this project.

My friend has been working at the customs since 2000.

2. a)
I always fill in a customs declaration form when I travel abroad.

I am filling in a customs declaration form now. Don’t disturb me.

I haven’t filled in a customs declaration form yet. Wait a minute.

d) I have
been filling a customs declaration form for 15 minutes


3. a) Customs officers often uses different inspectional techniques

detect  contraband.

b) The
customs officers is using the inspectional techniques at the

to make sure there is no contraband in this petrol tank.

c) The
customs officers has just used the inspectional techniques. There

are  no
concealments in this part of the ship.

d) The
customs officers found no drugs though they have been using all
the         inspectional
techniques they had at their disposal for an hour.

4. a)
Our team usually clears the cargo.

b) Our
team is very busy at the moment. We are clearing the cargo.

c) Our
team has cleared all the cargo today.

d) Our
team has been clearing the cargo for 2 hours now.

    1. a)
      Passengers who arrive in our country always pass through


b) The
passengers who have just arrived in Moscow are passing through

control now.

The passengers have passed through customs control and now they are

the terminal.

d) The
passengers have been passing through customs control for the last 15


Раскройте скобки,
употребляя глаголы
в Past Simple, Past Progressive,
Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive. 

a) I looked through the passengers’ declarations very
attentively a few   


I was looking through the passengers’ declarations when you found


I had looked through just the passengers’ declarations before you

asked for help.

I had been looking through the passengers’ declarations for quite a
while when I realized that I needed a rest before it happened. 

a) This company imported its products into our country in 2010.

b) This
company wasn’t importing its products into our country from 2007


c) This
company hadn’t imported its products into our country before


d) This
company had been importing its products into our country for many

3.  a)
We prepared all the necessary documents in time.

b) We were
preparing all the necessary documents when we got the news.

c) We had
prepared all the necessary documents by 6.

d) We had
been preparing all the necessary documents for a week before we got
the news.

4.  a)
This man tried to bring exotic reptiles into Russia yesterday.

This man was trying to bring exotic reptiles into Russia when he was

by Customs.

This man had tried to bring exotic reptiles into Russia twice before

finally he
was detained by Customs.

This man had been trying to bring exotic reptiles into Russia for
many years before 2009.

5.  a)
The students studied the Customs Code last term.

b) The
students were studying the Customs Code at the lesson yesterday.

c) The 
students had studied the Customs Code before they began to study

Criminal Code.

d) The
students had been studying the Customs Code for the whole semester

they had an examination.  

Раскройте скобки,
употребляя глаголы 
в Future Simple, Future
Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive.

a)  I will buy a new car in less than a year.

I will be buying a new car at this time tomorrow.

I will have bought a new car by April.

I will have been buying a new car for an hour when you come to help

a) We will keep these goods in the warehouse until we pay the

We will be keeping these goods in the warehouse the whole winter.

We will have already kept these goods in the warehouse by the time

be cleared.

We will have been keeping these goods in the warehouse for two months
by the 1st 
of December.

a) He will translate the Customs Convention into Russian next week.

He will be translating the Customs Convention into Russian from 9


He will have translated the Customs Convention into Russian by 3.

He will have been translating the Customs Convention into Russian for
2 hours    by the time you appear.    

a) They will repair our X-ray machine in two days.

They will be repairing our X-ray machine the whole day tomorrow.

They will have repaired our X-ray machine by Monday, I hope.

d) They
will have been repairing our X-ray machine for 3 days by Monday.   

a) The Customs Office chief will sign the permits in a minute.

The Customs Office chief will be signing the permits when you come

The Customs Office chief will have signed the permits by the time you

to take them.   

d) The
Customs Office chief will have been signing the permits for 10
minutes when you come to take them. 

Переведите следующие предложения 
на английский язык.

    1. Вы заполнили 
      таможенную декларацию?

Have you
filled in a customs declaration?

    1. До
      того как сотрудники таможни растаможили 
      груз, он находился на складе больше

The cargo
had been kept in the warehouse for more than a month before the
customs officers cleared it.

    1. Они
      изменят пошлины на автомобили к концу

They will
have changed the car taxes by the end of the year.

    1. С
      самого утра начальник таможни
      инструктирует сотрудников.

The Custom
Office chief has been giving instructions to his staff since morning.

    1. Как
      долго вы работаете в таможне?

How long
have you been working at the Customs?

    1. Контрабанда
      наркотиков в этот регион за последние
      10 лет значительно возросла.

contraband in this region has grown considerably for the last 10

    1. Я
      проверял документы уже два часа, но не
      проверил еще и половины.

I have been
checking the documents for 2 hours already but haven’t checked even
a half of it.

    1. Через
      5 минут будет два часа, с тех пор как я
      начал объяснять вам таможенные правила, 
      а вы так ничего и не поняли.

In 5
minutes it will have been 2 hours since I began explaining to you the
Customs Code but you haven’t understood anything yet.

    1. Я
      надеюсь, к 5 часам мы проверим все

I hope we
will have inspected all the containers by 5 o’clock.

    1. Вы
      пришли в 10 часов. К этому времени он
      уже ушел на терминал.

You came at
5 o’clock. He had already left for the terminal by that time.




certify (v)    


(n) ;
syn. seizure, forfeiture         




defend (v)




keep out (v)


limit (v)




merchant (n)

купец, коммерсант

a trader

official (n)


predate (v)

возникать до



purchase (v)  


purchase (n) 


require (v)




seal (n)


seal (v)









тема: «Customs Areas».

тема: Система времен английского 
глагола. Страдательный залог. Времена 
группы Indefinite (Simple). Времена

группы Continuous


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1. The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade was signed in Geneva in 1947.
2. Goods which are imported outright for use or consumption within the customs territory are declared for home use.
3. The current Russian word for Customs, «tamozhnya», originated in the times of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
4. Before the passenger boards a plane, he goes through the customs control.
5. Not until the passenger clears customs formalities, he is legally free to enter the country to which he travels.
6. We had been waiting in the arrival lounge for an hour before they unloaded the luggage.
7. The customs inspector will help you if you have questions about any point of the declaration.

Russian Customs The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated in the times of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The word tamga, in Tatar, meant “ a Customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement verifying that it had been paid”. Each market had its tamozhnya, and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the State. This right was often acquired by powerful merchants. The Russian Customs Service, however, predates even the Mongol Yoke. Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of its individual princedoms. Thus, Russia has had a Customs Service in some form for the past 1000 years. The first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667. It was strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of confiscation. Every tsar, from Peter the Great to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers. During the Soviet period foreign trade was strictly monopolized in the USSR and Customs neither had any significant function in the economy or played any important role. Much was done to create Customs legislation in Russia in the period 1991- 94. Two important laws were adopted: “The Customs Code of the Russian Federation” and ”On Customs Tariff”. All provisions and regulations in these documents are of the world standard. Russia has the world’s longest border to police, much of it newly created and has a modern, multi-functioning Customs Service. It carries out the same functions as the Customs of other developed countries: fiscal functions, regulation oа foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of customs statistics concerning foreign trade, etc. (1500 symbols)

История Российской таможниНынешнее российское слово для таможни, таможня, возникла во временамонголо-татарское иго. Слово тамга, на татарском языке, означало “ Таможенный налог, чиновник, который собрал его, и гербовой печатью, либо заявление, подтверждающее, что онбыли оплачены”.Каждый рынок имеет свою таможня и право собирать пошлины может быть приобретенот государства. Это право часто была приобретена мощная купцов. Однако Российская таможенная служба, даже до монгольского ига.Около трех веков до того, в Киевской Руси, налоги были собраны заперевозка грузов через границы отдельных княжеств.Таким образом, Россия имеет таможенные услуги в той или иной форме на протяжении последних 1000 лет.Первый российский Таможенный устав были вынесены в 1667 году. Он был строг киностранцы, которым было разрешено торговать только в пограничных городах на больконфискации. Каждый царь, от Петра Великого до Николая II, утвердил законы, ограничивающиеввоз иностранных товаров и защите российских производителей.В советский период внешняя торговля была жестко монополизирована в СССРи обычаи не имели каких-либо важных функций в экономике или игралважную роль.Многое было сделано для создания таможенного законодательства в России в период 1991 — 94.Были два важных законов: “Таможенный кодекс Российской Федерации”и ”О таможенном тарифе”. Все положения и правила в эти документымировой стандарт.Россия имеет самую длинную в мире границу для полицейских, большая часть вновь созданных иимеет современный, мульти-функционирования таможенной службы. Она выполняет те же функциикак обычаи других развитых стран: фискальные функции, регулирование ОА иностранныхторговли с помощью тарифных и нетарифных методов, правоохранительной деятельности, сбора иведение таможенной статистики внешней торговли и т. д.(1500 символов)

Добрый вечер. Помогите пожалуйста, вошел в тупик. Переведите, заранее спасибо

Text A

The History of Russian Customs

The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, originated in the times of

the Mongol-Tatar yoke. The word tamga, in Tatar, meant “ a Customs tax, the

official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement verifying that it had

been paid”.

Each market had its tamozhnya, and the right to collect duties could be purchased

from the State. This right was often acquired by powerful merchants.

The Russian Customs Service, however, predates even the Mongol Yoke.

Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were collected for the

transportation of goods through the frontiers of its individual princedoms.

Thus, Russia has had a Customs Service in some form for the past 1000 years.

The first Russian Customs statute was handed down in 1667. It was strict towards

foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of

confiscation. Every tsar, from Peter the Great to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting

the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.

During the Soviet period foreign trade was strictly monopolized in the USSR

and Customs neither had any significant function in the economy or played any

important role.

Much was done to create Customs legislation in Russia in the period 1991- 94.

Two important laws were adopted: “The Customs Code of the Russian Federation”

and ”On Customs Tariff”. All provisions and regulations in these documents are of

the world standard.

Russia has the world’s longest border to police, much of it newly created and

has a modern, multi-functioning Customs Service. It carries out the same functions

as the Customs of other developed countries: fiscal functions, regulation oа foreign

trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and

keeping of customs statistics concerning foreign trade, etc.

(1500 symbols)

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