The countif function in excel

COUNTIF function

Use COUNTIF, one of the statistical functions, to count the number of cells that meet a criterion; for example, to count the number of times a particular city appears in a customer list.

In its simplest form, COUNTIF says:

  • =COUNTIF(Where do you want to look?, What do you want to look for?)

For example:

  • =COUNTIF(A2:A5,»London»)

  • =COUNTIF(A2:A5,A4)

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COUNTIF(range, criteria)

Argument name


range    (required)

The group of cells you want to count. Range can contain numbers, arrays, a named range, or references that contain numbers. Blank and text values are ignored.

Learn how to select ranges in a worksheet.

criteria    (required)

A number, expression, cell reference, or text string that determines which cells will be counted.

For example, you can use a number like 32, a comparison like «>32», a cell like B4, or a word like «apples».

COUNTIF uses only a single criteria. Use COUNTIFS if you want to use multiple criteria.


To use these examples in Excel, copy the data in the table below, and paste it in cell A1 of a new worksheet.














Counts the number of cells with apples in cells A2 through A5. The result is 2.


Counts the number of cells with peaches (the value in A4) in cells A2 through A5. The result is 1.


Counts the number of apples (the value in A2), and oranges (the value in A3) in cells A2 through A5. The result is 3. This formula uses COUNTIF twice to specify multiple criteria, one criteria per expression. You could also use the COUNTIFS function.


Counts the number of cells with a value greater than 55 in cells B2 through B5. The result is 2.


Counts the number of cells with a value not equal to 75 in cells B2 through B5. The ampersand (&) merges the comparison operator for not equal to (<>) and the value in B4 to read =COUNTIF(B2:B5,»<>75″). The result is 3.


Counts the number of cells with a value greater than (>) or equal to (=) 32 and less than (<) or equal to (=) 85 in cells B2 through B5. The result is 1.


Counts the number of cells containing any text in cells A2 through A5. The asterisk (*) is used as the wildcard character to match any character. The result is 4.


Counts the number of cells that have exactly 7 characters, and end with the letters «es» in cells A2 through A5. The question mark (?) is used as the wildcard character to match individual characters. The result is 2.

Common Problems


What went wrong

Wrong value returned for long strings.

The COUNTIF function returns incorrect results when you use it to match strings longer than 255 characters.

To match strings longer than 255 characters, use the CONCATENATE function or the concatenate operator &. For example, =COUNTIF(A2:A5,»long string»&»another long string»).

No value returned when you expect a value.

Be sure to enclose the criteria argument in quotes.

A COUNTIF formula receives a #VALUE! error when referring to another worksheet.

This error occurs when the formula that contains the function refers to cells or a range in a closed workbook and the cells are calculated. For this feature to work, the other workbook must be open.

Best practices

Do this


Be aware that COUNTIF ignores upper and lower case in text strings.

aren’t case sensitive. In other words, the string «apples» and the string «APPLES» will match the same cells.

Use wildcard characters.

Wildcard characters —the question mark (?) and asterisk (*)—can be used in criteria. A question mark matches any single character. An asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) in front of the character.

For example, =COUNTIF(A2:A5,»apple?») will count all instances of «apple» with a last letter that could vary.

Make sure your data doesn’t contain erroneous characters.

When counting text values, make sure the data doesn’t contain leading spaces, trailing spaces, inconsistent use of straight and curly quotation marks, or nonprinting characters. In these cases, COUNTIF might return an unexpected value.

Try using the CLEAN function or the TRIM function.

For convenience, use named ranges

COUNTIF supports named ranges in a formula (such as =COUNTIF(fruit,»>=32″)-COUNTIF(fruit,»>85″). The named range can be in the current worksheet, another worksheet in the same workbook, or from a different workbook. To reference from another workbook, that second workbook also must be open.

Note: The COUNTIF function will not count cells based on cell background or font color. However, Excel supports User-Defined Functions (UDFs) using the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) operations on cells based on background or font color. Here is an example of how you can Count the number of cells with specific cell color by using VBA.

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See also

COUNTIFS function

IF function

COUNTA function

Overview of formulas in Excel

IFS function

SUMIF function

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The COUNTIF function counts cells in a range that meet a given condition, referred to as criteria. COUNTIF is a common, widely used function in Excel, and can be used to count cells that contain dates, numbers, and text. Note that COUNTIF can only apply a single condition. To count cells with multiple criteria, see the COUNTIFS function.


The generic syntax for COUNTIF looks like this:


The COUNTIF function takes two arguments, range and criteria. Range is the range of cells to apply a condition to. Criteria is the condition to apply, along with any logical operators that are needed.

Applying criteria

The COUNTIF function supports logical operators (>,<,<>,<=,>=) and wildcards (*,?) for partial matching. The tricky part about using the COUNTIF function is the syntax used to apply criteria. COUNTIFS is in a group of eight functions that split logical criteria into two parts, range and criteria. Because of this design, each condition requires a separate range and criteria argument, and operators in the criteria must be enclosed in double quotes («»). The table below shows examples of the syntax needed for common criteria:

Target Criteria
Cells greater than 75 «>75»
Cells equal to 100 100 or «100»
Cells less than or equal to 100 «<=100»
Cells equal to «Red» «red»
Cells not equal to «Red» «<>red»
Cells that are blank «» «»
Cells that are not blank «<>»
Cells that begin with «X» «x*»
Cells less than A1 «<«&A1
Cells less than today «<«&TODAY()

Notice the last two examples involve concatenation with the ampersand (&) character.  Any time you are using a value from another cell, or using the result of a formula in criteria with a logical operator like «<«, you will need to concatenate. This is because Excel needs to evaluate cell references and formulas first to get a value, before that value can be joined to an operator.

Basic example

In the worksheet shown above, the following formulas are used in cells G5, G6, and G7:

=COUNTIF(D5:D12,">100") // count sales over 100
=COUNTIF(B5:B12,"jim") // count name = "jim"
=COUNTIF(C5:C12,"ca") // count state = "ca"

Notice COUNTIF is not case-sensitive, «CA» and «ca» are treated the same.

Double quotes («») in criteria

In general, text values need to be enclosed in double quotes («»), and numbers do not. However, when a logical operator is included with a number, the number and operator must be enclosed in quotes, as seen in the second example below:

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,100) // count cells equal to 100
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,">32") // count cells greater than 32
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"jim") // count cells equal to "jim"

Value from another cell

A value from another cell can be included in criteria using concatenation. In the example below, COUNTIF will return the count of values in A1:A10 that are less than the value in cell B1. Notice the less than operator (which is text) is enclosed in quotes.

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"<"&B1) // count cells less than  B1

Not equal to

To construct «not equal to» criteria, use the «<>» operator surrounded by double quotes («»). For example, the formula below will count cells not equal to «red» in the range A1:A10:

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"<>red") // not "red"

Blank cells

COUNTIF can count cells that are blank or not blank. The formulas below count blank and not blank cells in the range A1:A10:

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"<>") // not blank
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"") // blank

Note: be aware that COUNTIF treats formulas that return an empty string («») as not blank. See this example for some workarounds to this problem.


The easiest way to use COUNTIF with dates is to refer to a valid date in another cell with a cell reference. For example, to count cells in A1:A10 that contain a date greater than the date in B1, you can use a formula like this:

=COUNTIF(A1:A10, ">"&B1) // count dates greater than A1

Notice we must concatenate an operator to the date in B1. To use more advanced date criteria (i.e. all dates in a given month, or all dates between two dates) you’ll want to switch to the COUNTIFS function, which can handle multiple criteria.

The safest way to hardcode a date into COUNTIF is to use the DATE function. This ensures Excel will understand the date. To count cells in A1:A10 that contain a date less than April 1, 2020, you can use a formula like this

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"<"&DATE(2020,4,1)) // dates less than 1-Apr-2020


The wildcard characters question mark (?), asterisk(*), or tilde (~) can be used in criteria. A question mark (?) matches any one character and an asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters of any kind. For example, to count cells in A1:A5 that contain the text «apple» anywhere, you can use a formula like this:

=COUNTIF(A1:A5,"*apple*") // cells that contain "apple"

To count cells in A1:A5 that contain any 3 text characters, you can use:

=COUNTIF(A1:A5,"???") // cells that contain any 3 characters

The tilde (~) is an escape character to match literal wildcards. For example, to count a literal question mark (?), asterisk(*), or tilde (~), add a tilde in front of the wildcard (i.e. ~?, ~*, ~~).

OR logic

The COUNTIF function is designed to apply just one condition. However, to count cells that contain «this OR that», you can use an array constant and the SUM function like this:

=SUM(COUNTIF(range,{"red","blue"})) // red or blue

The formula above will count cells in range that contain «red» or «blue». Essentially, COUNTIF returns two counts in an array (one for «red» and one for «blue») and the SUM function returns the sum. For more information, see this example.


The COUNTIF function has some limitations you should be aware of:

  • COUNTIF only supports a single condition. If you need to count cells using multiple criteria, use the COUNTIFS function.
  • COUNTIF requires an actual range for the range argument; you can’t provide an array. This means you can’t alter values in range before applying criteria.
  • COUNTIF is not case-sensitive. Use the EXACT function for case-sensitive counts.
  • COUNTIFS has other quirks explained in this article.

The most common way to work around the limitations above is to use the SUMPRODUCT function. In the current version of Excel, another option is to use the newer BYROW and BYCOL functions.


  • Text strings in criteria must be enclosed in double quotes («»), i.e. «apple», «>32», «app*»
  • Cell references in criteria are not enclosed in quotes, i.e. «<«&A1
  • The wildcard characters ? and * can be used in criteria. A question mark matches any one character and an asterisk matches any sequence of characters (zero or more).
  • To match a literal question mark(?) or asterisk (*), use a tilde (~) like (~?, ~*).
  • COUNTIF requires a range, you can’t substitute an array.
  • COUNTIF returns incorrect results when used to match strings longer than 255 characters.
  • COUNTIF will return a #VALUE error when referencing another workbook that is closed.

На чтение 1 мин

Функция СЧЁТЕСЛИ (COUNTIF) в Excel используется для подсчета количества ячеек по заданному критерию.


  1. Что возвращает функция
  2. Синтаксис
  3. Аргументы функции
  4. Дополнительная информация
  5. Примеры использования функции СЧЁТЕСЛИ в Excel

Что возвращает функция

Функция СЧЁТЕСЛИ в Excel возвращает числовое значение обозначающее количество ячеек, отвечающих условию в заданном вами критерии.

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=COUNTIF(range,criteria) — английская версия

=СЧЁТЕСЛИ(где нужно искать;что нужно найти) — русская версия

Аргументы функции

  • range (где нужно искать) — диапазон в рамках которого вы хотите осуществить подсчет ячеек;
  • criteria (что нужно найти) — критерий, по которому все ячейки в указанном вами диапазоне будут проверены на соответствие и только после этого функция подсчитает количество ячеек.

Дополнительная информация

  • Критерием может служить число, выражение, ссылка на ячейку, текст или формула;
  • Критерий, указанный как текст или математический/логический символ (=,+,-,/,*) должны быть указаны в двойных кавычках.
  • Подстановочные знаки могут быть использованы в качестве критерия. В Excel существует три подстановочных знака — ?, *, ~.
    • знак «?» — сопоставляет любой одиночный символ;
    • знак «*» — сопоставляет любые дополнительные символы;
    • знак «~» — используется, если нужно найти сам вопросительный знак или звездочку.
  • Для функции не важно, с заглавной или строчной буквы написан критерий («Привет» или «привет»).

Примеры использования функции СЧЁТЕСЛИ в Excel

Функция СЧЕТЕСЛИ в Excel - Примеры использования

The COUNTIF function in Excel counts the number of cells within a range based on pre-defined criteria. It is used to count cells that include dates, numbers, or text. For example, COUNTIF(A1:A10,”Trump”) will count the number of cells within the range A1:A10 that contain the text “Trump”


The syntax of COUNTIF formula in Excel is stated as follows:

COUNTIF Formula in Excel

It accepts the following required arguments:

  • Range: It represents the range of values on which the criteria will be applied.
  • Criteria: It represents the condition that is applied to the range of values.  The values that meet the criteria are returned as a result.

The output of the COUNTIF formula is a positive number which can be zero or non-zero.

Table of contents
  • What is COUNTIF Function in Excel
    • Syntax
    • How to Use COUNTIF Function in Excel?
      • #1 – Count Values with the Given Value
      • #2 – Count Numbers with a Value Less Than the Given Number
      • #3 – Count Values with the Given Text Value
      • #4 – Count Negative Numbers
      • #5 – Count Zero Values
    • The Criteria of the COUNTIF Formula
    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    • Video
    • Recommended Articles

How to Use COUNTIF Function in Excel?

Being a worksheet (WS) function, the COUNTIF function can be entered as a part of the cell formula. The usage of the COUNTIF function is the same in Excel and VBA (COUNTIF function VBAVBA COUNTIF is a worksheet function used to count the number of times the criteria are fulfilled in the worksheet range. The VBA code for this function is written as more).

You can download this COUNTIF Function Excel Template here – COUNTIF Function Excel Template

Let us consider some uses to understand the working of the COUNTIF excel function.

#1Count Values with the Given Value

The following table shows a list containing numerical values in the cells A2:A7. Count the given range of cells for the values matching the number “33”.

The COUNTIF function is applied to the given range of cells, and the formula is stated as follows:

“=COUNTIF (A2:A7,33)”

Here the condition applied to the formula is the number “33”.The formula checks the range of cells A2:A7 for the values matching number “33”. The range contains only one such number, which satisfies the condition. Hence the result returned by the COUNTIF function is “1”. The result is displayed in cell A8.

COUNTIF Example 1

#2 – Count Numbers with a Value Less Than the Given Number

A list of data in the cells A12:A17 is provided in the succeeding table. Count the given range of cells for the values less than “50”.

The COUNTIF function is applied to the given range of cells, and the formula is stated as follows:


Here the condition applied to the formula is “<50”. The COUNTIF formula checks the range of cells matching the condition, less than 50. There are only four values that are less than 50 in the range. Hence the result returned by this function is “4”. The result is displayed in cell A18.

Example 2

#3 – Count Values with the Given Text Value

A list of data in the cells A22:A27 is provided in the below table. Count the range of cells for the text value “john”.

The COUNTIF function is applied to the given range of cells, and the formula is stated as follows:

“=COUNTIF(A22:A27, “john”)”

Here the condition applied to the formula is the value “john.” The COUNTIF formula checks the range of cells matching the given condition. The given range has only one cell that satisfies the text value “john”. Hence, the result is “1” which is displayed in cell A28.

Example 3

#4 – Count Negative Numbers

A list of data in the range of cells A32:A37 is provided in the below table. Count the range of cells for negative values (that is, less than zero).

The COUNTIF function is applied to the given range of cells, and the formula is stated as follows:

“=COUNTIF(A32:A37, “<0”)”

Here the condition applied to the formula is less than zero. Now, the COUNTIF formula will identify and count the numbers with negative values in the given range. There are three such numbers in the given range. Hence, the result is “3” which is displayed in cell A38.

Example 4

#5 – Count Zero Values

A list of data in the range of cells A42:A47 is provided in the below table. Count the range of cells for the value “0”.

The COUNTIF function is applied to the given range of cells, and the formula is stated as follows:


Here the condition applied to the formula is equal to “0”. Now the COUNTIF formula will identify and count the numbers with zero values. There are two zeros in the range. Hence, the result returned is “2” which is displayed in cell A48.

Example 5

The Criteria of the COUNTIF Formula

It is enclosed within double quotes if non-numeric and without quotes if numeric.

It returns the result only if the values in the cell range satisfy the given criteria.

It can be supplied with wildcard characters like “*” and “?”. The question mark matches any one of the characters, and the asterisk matches any sequence of characters.

It uses the tilde operators followed by the wildcard characters such as “~?” and “~*”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the COUNTIF function in Excel?

COUNTIF function allows counting of the range of cells that meets the specified criteria. It is used to count cells that contain dates, numbers, and text.
The formula is stated as follows:
• “Range” is a required parameter that refers to the range on which the criteria will be applied.
• “Criteria” is another required parameter that represents the condition applied to the values of the range.

2. What is the syntax of the COUNTIF function in Excel for multiple criteria?

The syntax of COUNTIF function for the same range of cells (“range 1”) with multiple criteria (“criteria 1”, “criteria 2”) is as follows:
“=COUNTIF(range 1,criteria 1)+COUNTIF(range 1,criteria 2)”
In the case of counting multiple ranges of cells with multiple criteria, the COUNTIFS function can be used.

3. What is the COUNTIFS function?

COUNTIFS function is used to evaluate cells across multiple ranges, based on single or multiple conditions. It is similar to the COUNTIF, but multiple criteria are used in the formula.
The formula of the COUNTIFS is stated as follows:
“=COUNTIFS(range 1, criteria1, range 2, criteria 2… )”
• “Range” refers to the given range of cells.
• “Criteria” refers to the conditions applied to the range.


Recommended Articles

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  • COUNT in Excel

The COUNTIF function is included in the group of statistical functions. It allows you to find the number of cells by a certain criterion. The COUNTIF function works with numeric and text values, as well as with dates.

Syntax and features of the function

First, let’s consider the arguments:


  • Range – the group of values for analysis and counting (required).
  • Criteria – the condition by which cells are to be counted (required).

The range of cells can include textual and numerical values, dates, arrays, and references to numbers. The function ignores empty cells.

A criterion can be a reference, a number, a text string, or an expression. The COUNTIF function only works with one criterion (by default). However, you can “force” it to analyze two criteria simultaneously.

Recommendations for the correct operation of the function:

  1. If the COUNTIF function refers to a range in another workbook, this workbook must be opened.
  2. The «Criteria» argument must be enclosed in quotation marks (except for references).
  3. The function does not take into account the letter case.
  4. When formulating a counting condition, you can use wildcard characters. The question mark «?» is any character. The asterisk «*» is any sequence of characters. For the formula to search for these signs directly, put a tilde (~) before them.
  5. For normal operation of the formula, cells with text values should not contain spaces or non-printable characters.

Countif function in Excel: examples

Let’s count the numerical values in one range. The counting condition is one criterion.

We have the following table:

following table.

Count the number of cells with numbers greater than 100. Formula: =COUNTIF(B1:B11,»>100″). The range is В1:В11. The counting criterion is «>100». The result:

umbers greater.

If the counting condition is entered in a separate cell, you can use the reference as a criterion:

reference as a criterion.

Count the text values in one range. The search condition is one criterion. Formula: =COUNTIF(A1:A11,A3).


Or used reference inside the table:

inside table.

In the second case, the cell reference was used as a criterion, result is the same – 2.

Formula with the wildcard character application: =COUNTIF(A1:A11,»Tab*»). To calculate the number of values ending in «и» and containing any number of characters: =COUNTIF(A1:A11,»*s»). We obtain:


All names that end with a letter «s».

We use the search condition «not equal» in the COUNTIF.

Formula: =COUNTIF(A1:A11,»<>»&»Stools»). The operator «<>» means «not equal». The ampersand sign (&) is used to merge this operator and the “Stools” value.


When you apply a reference, the formula will look like this:

apply a reference.

Often you need to perform the COUNTIF function in Excel by two criteria. In this way, you can significantly expand its capabilities. Let’s consider special cases of using the COUNTIF function in Excel and examples with two criteria.

  1. Let’s count how many cells are contained in the » Tables » and » Chairs » text. Formula:

    To specify several criteria, several COUNTIF phrases are used. They are united by the «+» operator.

  2. .

  3. Criteria – cell references. Formula:

    The function searches for » Tables » text in cell A1 and » Chairs » text – in cell A2 based on the criterion.

  4. based on the criterion.

  5. Count the number of cells in B1:B11 range with a value greater than or equal to 100 and less than or equal to 200. Formula:
  6. value greater.

  7. Apply several ranges in the COUNTIF function. This is possible if the ranges are contiguous. It searches for values by two criteria in two columns simultaneously. If the ranges are not adjacent, then the COUNTIFS function is used.
  8. simultaneously.

  9. When the criterion is a reference to a range of cells with conditions, the function returns the array. To enter a formula, you need to highlight as many cells as the range with criteria contains. After entering the arguments, simultaneously press Shift + Ctrl + Enter control key combination. Excel recognizes the formula of the array.


COUNTIF with two criteria in Excel is very often used for automated and efficient data handling. Therefore, an advanced user is highly recommended to carefully study all of the examples above.

Subtotal command and the countif function

Count the number of goods sold in groups.

  1. First, sort the table so that the same values are close.
  2. Sort.

  3. The first argument of the formula “SUBTOTAL” – “Function number”. These are numbers from 1 to 11, indicating a statistical function for calculating the intermediate result. Counting the number of cells is carried out under number «2» (“COUNT”).


Download example COUNTIF in Excel

The formula has found the number of values for the «Chairs» group. For a large number of rows (more than a thousand), this combination of functions can be useful.

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