The correct word order in the interrogative sentence

8. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:A) Does money come from where?B) Does from where money come?C) Money does where come from?D) Where does money come from?E) From where does come money?
9. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:A) How old are you today?B) How old you are today?C) Old how are you today?D) Today how are you old?E) You are old how today?
10. The correct word order in the imperative sentence:A) The door not do forget to lock!B) Not do forget to lock the door!C) Do not forget to lock the door!D) To the door do not forget lock!E) Forget do not to lock the door!
11. The correct word order in the affirmative sentence:A) In the kitchen there are some chairs and a table.B) There are some chairs and a table in the kitchen.C) There are in the kitchen some chairs and a table.D) There are a table and some chairs in the kitchen.E) A table and some chairs there are in the kitchen.12. В слове «magn…ficent» пропущена буква:A) y B) e C) o D) i E) a
13. Общим для данной группы слов является слово:A) Biography B) Childhood C) Relative D) Be born E) Elder 14. Satisfaction is: A) a noun B) an adverb C) a preposition D) an adjective E) a verb 15. Часть речи слова:“delicious”
A) Числительное
B) Причастие
C) Существительное
D) Наречие
E) Прилагательное

16. Выберите вопросительное местоимение для выделенного слова:
They are usually at home in the evening.
A) How
B) Who
C) Where
D) When
E) Why

8. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:A) Does money come from where?B) Does from where money come?C) Money does where come from?D) Where does money come from?E) From where does come money?

9. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:A) How old are you today?B) How old you are today?C) Old how are you today?D) Today how are you old?E) You are old how today?

10. The correct word order in the imperative sentence:A) The door not do forget to lock!B) Not do forget to lock the door!C) Do not forget to lock the door!D) To the door do not forget lock!E) Forget do not to lock the door!

11. The correct word order in the affirmative sentence:A) In the kitchen there are some chairs and a table.B) There are some chairs and a table in the kitchen.C) There are in the kitchen some chairs and a table.D) There are a table and some chairs in the kitchen.E) A table and some chairs there are in the kitchen.12. В слове «magn…ficent» пропущена буква:A) y B) e C) o D) i E) a

13. Общим для данной группы слов является слово:A) BiographyB)ChildhoodC) RelativeD) Be bornE) Elder

14. Satisfaction is:A) a nounB) an adverbC) a preposition


: . .

1. :

Many tourists travelling to that coast.

A) H .

B) .

C) .

D) .

E) .

2. :

A) Joined

B) Cleaned

C) Helped

D) Played

E) Lived

3. :

He ___ a student.

A) am

B) be

C) is

D) are

E) has

4. An Umbrella:

A) Umbrels

B) Umbrelles

C) Umbrellas

D) Umbrellaes

E) Umbrell

5. :

You cant stop me from ____ what I want.

A) doing

B) be doing

C) that I do

D) do

E) to do

6. :

Jane enjoys to music .

A) listening

B) to listen

C) listened

D) to listening

E) listen

7. The correct word order in the affirmative sentence:

A) Two armchairs and a table there is in the room.

B) There is a table and two armchairs in the room.

C) In the room there is a table and two armchairs.

D) There is two armchairs and a table in the room.

E) A table and two armchairs there is in the room.

8. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:

A) What kind of business is a travel agency?

B) Is agency a kind of business what travel?

C) Agency is kind of business what travel a?

D) Is a business what kind of travel agency?

E) Is a travel agency what kind of business?

9. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:

A) You are which class in?

B) Are you in which class?

C) In which class you are?

D) Are you which in class?

E) Which class are you in?

10. The correct word order in the imperative sentence:

A) Do not close the windows!

B) Do not the windows close!

C) Do the windows not close!

D) Not do the windows close!

E) The windows do not close!

11. The correct word order in the interrogative sentence:

A) You are from where?

B) From where you are?

C) Where you are from?

D) Are you where from?

E) Where are you from?


You wear it when it is cold:

A) Blouse

B) Shorts

C) Sandals

D) T-shirt

E) Coat

13. :

A) Nationality

B) Championship

C) Tomorrow

D) Beautiful

E) Schoolbag

14. .

Marat is fond pop music.

A) with

B) after

C) of

D) in

E) for

15. :

… is your fathers profession?

A) When

B) Where

C) Who

D) How

E) What

16. :

A) Shake

B) Reduce

C) Skip

D) Lousy

E) Bend

17. :

Sue always arrives at work early.

A) When

B) Where

C) Why

D) How

E) Who

18. .

— How is son?

— Feeling well. Thank you.

A) theirs

B) yours

C) mine

D) this

E) your

19. clever:

A) Lively

B) Lazy

C) Silent

D) Smart

E) Shy

20. to lose:

A) Losing

B) Lost

C) To losed

D) To lost

E) Losed

21. .

A: Are there apples in your fridge?

B: Yes, there are

A) little/ some

B) some /any

C) any / some

D) some /some

E) no /some

22. .

… your teacher give you a lot of homework when you studied

at school?

A) Will

B) Did

C) Has

D) Have

E) Does

23. Future-in-the-Past:

A) Shall been read

B) Would walked

C) Will be getting

D) Should doing

E) Would continue

24. :

When the bus , we shall be ready.

A) Comes

B) Come

C) Had come

D) Will come

E) Came

25. :

A) Is she your sister or cousin?

B) Do you have a pet?

C) Can you swim?

D) What is you favourite colour?

E) Are you sixteen?

: , . .

26. :

The teacher asks: What is the date today?

A) The teacher asks what date is today.

B) The teacher wonders if the date is today.

C) The teacher wonders what date.

D) The teacher wonders what date is today.

E) The teacher wondered what date is today.

F) The teacher asks what today is the date.

G) The teacher wonders what is the date today.

H) The teacher asked what was the date today.

27. :

A) Can have I chicken please?

B) Would you like some milk?

C) When did you gone there?

D) Who lay table in your family?

E) How lessons many have you got?.

F) Do you like to read books?

G) What your favorite holiday is?

H) Does we pollute water?

28. The false statement(-s) is(-are):

A) In 1830 stanitsa Akmola got the status of a town.

B) Merchants gathered in Akmola to sell cattle and agricultural

C) In 1954 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd .

D) In the course of time Akmola became the centre of trade

E) Astana (the former Akmola) was founded as a fortification of
Russian Empire.

F) Since July 1997 Akmola has become a new capital of

G) Turkestan, Taraz and Otrar are located along the Great Silk

H) Astana is a modern growing political, financial and economic

29. The definite article is before:

A) Africa

B) Mediterranean

C) Swiss Alps

D) Canada

E) United States

F) Wall Street

G) Spain

H) western Europe

30. the:

A) play the chess

B) have the shower

C) do the shopping

D) read the book

E) have the supper

F) in the evening

G) the lot of chocolate

H) wash a hair

31. :

If you come to Kazakhstan, for entertainment, you have a rich
choice of place to relax.

A) skiing/ in winter

B) to relax/ on holidays

C) in winter/ to relax

D) to relax/ at weekends

E) offer/season

F) in autumn/ festivals

G) playing/ on holidays

H) read/ in the mountains

32. :

A) twenty fourteen

B) one thousandth

C) two hundred and three

D) fifteen twenty-seventh

E) fifteen hundred

F) eighteen hundred

G) one hundredth

H) seventeen oh five

33. The false statement(-s) is(-are):

A) The British Parliament has two parts.

B) The Queen makes her speech in the House of Lords.

C) The Houses of Parliament are open to the public in

D) The Government goes back to work in January.

E) Cambridge is a city in England.

F) The British Parliament open for all people and students over
the winter months.

G) The state opening of the Parliament is a tradition.

H) The Conservative and the Labour are the two main parties in
the UK.

34. The correct sentences with the compound word(-s):

A) He is a four-years old boy.

B) It is a twenty-storeys building.

C) A two-meters snake hid in the bushes.

D) This is a two-liters bottle.

E) We had a seven-day visit.

F) Ill have a six-day stay.

G) He gave a ten-dollar note.

H) It was a two-hours flight.

35. Infinitive:

A) I want somebody to read the question.

B) I gave up to smoke.

C) Avoid to stay under the direct sunrays for a long time.

D) Stop talking, please!

E) She pretended to be ill.

F) She goes swimming every day.

G) She asked me to translate the text.

H) To swam is good for health.

36. :

A) Who of you is the eldest one?

B) This is the woman whose son moved to Paris.

C) That is the man who owns the house.

D) My Mom, which is 50 years, has a wonderful job.

E) He is the man whom I was afraid of in my childhood.

F) Have a look at the stamps whom I bought yesterday.

G) Give me the copybook who is behind you.

H) This is my friend whom father is a musician.

37. The correct use of the tenses in the sentences:

A) They had ridden their bikes before they met their

B) Before he had sung a song he played the guitar.

C) I was very tired because I have studied too much.

D) Susan turned on the radio after she had washed the

E) When she had arrived the match already started.

F) After my brother has come home he fed the cat.

G) She watched a video after the children were going to bed.

H) After John had made breakfast he phoned his friend.

38. The false statement(-s) is(-are):

A) Kazakhstan borders on China, Russia, Armenia, Uzbekistan and

B) The Ural is in the northwest of Kazakhstan.

C) There is a border coast line on the Aral Sea in the southwest
of Kazakhstan.

D) Astana is situated in the southern part of the country.

E) The Ili is in the southeast of Kazakhstan.

F) The Irtysh is in the east of Kazakhstan.

G) Kazakhstan is the largest state in the Central Asia.

H) The Syrdarya is in the southwest of Kazakhstan

39. :

A) Astana is not a cultural and business center.

B) The entertainment center Duman is not popular.

C) Astana is famous for its modern buildings.

D) Almaty is the capital of Kazakhstan.

E) The monument of Baiterek is not popular.

F) Astana is on the Syrdariya river.

G) Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

H) Astana is noisy and crowded.

40. Black Rod is one of the Queens officials. Black Rod carries
the black baton. He summons the members of the Commons. He walks
from the House of Lords through the Central Lobby. The Central
Lobby links the 2 Houses.

When Black Rod reaches the House of Commons, they close the door
in his face, then he knocks on the door with his baton and states
his name. This is a symbol of the Commons independence from the
Queen. The MPs then join Black Rod and walk through the Central
Lobby to the House of Lords. There the Queen gives her speech.

The false statement(-s) is(-are):

A) The Queen gives her speech in the House of Lords.

B) The colour of Black Rods baton is black.

C) The Central Lobby links the two Houses of the Parliament.

D) The Queen summons the members of the Commons.

E) The Commons are independent from the Queen.

F) One of the Queens officials is Black Rod.

G) Black Rod knocks on the door of the House of Commons with his

H) Black Rod walks from the Central Lobby through the House of

In some languages, you can ask a question by changing only the intonation in the voice. This is not enough in English. In English, there is special word order in interrogative sentences.

Therefore, in English, when we see the interrogative word order, we already understand that this is a question and not a statement!

What is the interrogative word order? This is the order in which we put the auxiliary verb first in the sentence.

Take a look at these two examples:

Statement: I know you.
Question: Do I know you?

As you can see, this interrogative order still contains the main verb after the subject. That is, the subject and predicate remain in their usual order. But in the question, the predicate has an additional part: an auxiliary verb. And this auxiliary comes first.

The auxiliary verb in an interrogative sentence plays a huge role. The auxiliary verb depends on who we ask the question, who is the subject in our question.

Does she like you?

Did you throw your ring?

Have they been there before?

Will he work here someday?

Another important function of the auxiliary verb in the question is that the auxiliary verb indicates the tense. By changing the auxiliary verb, we change the meaning of the question.

Thus, if we want to know what a person is currently doing, we ask:

Do you live here?

If we are interested in the past of this person, we ask:

Did you live here?

Or we can ask about future plans:

Will you live here?

Explanation about auxiliary verb in a questions sentence, examples.
Auxiliary verbs.

Word Order in Interrogative Sentence With the Verb To Be

We ask a question with the verb to be using the same scheme where we put an auxiliary verb at the beginning of the question.

But the main difference between to be and other verbs is that to be has no auxiliary verbs. The verb to be acts as an auxiliary verb for itself.

So to ask a question with to be we just put to be first before the subject. Compare:

I am going to spoil the plan!

Am I going to spoil the plan?

The rule how to ask a question with the verb to be.
A question with the verb to be.

The only exception to this rule is when we form a question with the to be verb in the future.

The verb to be in the future has the form: Will be.

To ask a question with Will be, we put only Will in the first place, and be remains in its place.

Correct: Will you be there next time?
Incorrect: Will be you there next time?

Remember that we do not use auxiliary verbs with to be. Many English learners make the mistake of using auxiliary verbs to form a question with to be.

Correct: Is she here?
Incorrect: Does she here?
Incorrect: Does she is here?

Correct: Were they in your school?
Incorrect: Did they in your school?
Incorrect: Did they were in your school?

Correct: Are we friends?
Incorrect: Do we friends?
Incorrect: Do we are friends?

The verb to be in questions plays the same role as auxiliary verbs with ordinary verbs. The verb to be also changes depending on who is the subject in the sentence:

Is she your girlfriend?

Were they in your old team?

Will you be working as always?

Are we the people you are looking for?

Also, the verb to be indicates the tense we are asking about:

Past: Was she your friend?

Present: Is she your friend?

Future: Will she be your friend?

Look at all forms of the verb to be not to be mistaken when you use it:


  • I am
  • He is
  • She is
  • It is
  • We are
  • They are
  • You are


  • I was
  • He was
  • She was
  • It was
  • We were
  • They were
  • You were


  • I will be
  • He will be
  • She will be
  • It will be
  • We will be
  • They will be
  • You will be
The rule and correct and incorrect examples of usage of the verb to be and auxiliary verbs.
Auxiliary verbs with to be.

Word Order in Subject Question

A subject question has exactly the same word order as an affirmative sentence. But at the beginning, we use the question word who or what.

Who broke the vase?

Who told you the truth?

What fell to the roof?

Thus, it is the word who or what that plays the role of the subject in the sentence. But we do not know who exactly is the subject, who is this person, thing, or being. Therefore, we ask a question.

Compare the usual question in which we know who the subject is and the question to the subject.

Who did she ask about it? (The subject is she)
Who asked you about it? (The subject is who)

What did he throw from the roof? (The subject is he)
Who threw something from the roof? (The subject is who)

Who will you take with you to the dance? (The subject is you)
Who will take you to the dance? ((The subject is who)

This is your car? (The subject is you)
Whose car is this? (Subject is Whose)

Most often, we use a singular verb after the word who or what. Because by asking a question to the subject, we mean that who or what is one person or thing.

Who works here?

We can use the main verb as we do it for the plural if we and our interlocutor understand exactly that who or what in the question means several people or objects:

Who were the people you are talking about?

The rule of the subject question word order, examples
Subject questions.

Word Order in Short Answer and Full Answer

A short answer to a question in English also has its own specific order.

In English, it is not customary to answer questions shortly: Yes or No.

Question: Do you like the movie?
Answer: Yes.

This answer may be considered rude.

So, in English, it is customary to form an answer in this order:

  1. Affirmative or negative word.
  2. Subject.
  3. Auxiliary verb.

Question: Do you like the movie?
Answer: Yes, I do.

The word order in the answer above is considered correct and polite.

A full answer is even simpler. In a full answer, we keep the order of an affirmative or negative sentence. At the beginning of the sentence, we add the affirmative or negative words Yes or No.

  1. Affirmative or negative word.
  2. Subject
  3. Predicate.
  4. Object.

Question: Do you like the movie?
Answer: Yes, I like the movie. (Yes, I like / Yes, I like it)

If the answer is no, then we add an auxiliary verb with a negative particle not. In a full negative answer, the order looks like this:

  1. Affirmative or negative word.
  2. Subject
  3. Auxiliary verb + not.
  4. Predicate.
  5. Object.

Question: Do you like the movie?
Answer: No, I don’t like the movie. (No, I don’t like / No, I don’t like it)

In some cases, we can add an auxiliary verb even in an affirmative full answer if we want to emphasize the main verb.

Question: Do you like the movie?
Answer: Yes, I do like the movie.

In this example, the verb do underlines the main verb like. Such an answer seems to mean:

Yes, I really like the movie.

The usage of auxiliary verbs in an affirmative answer, examples.
Auxiliary verbs in affirmative answer.

Interrogative sentence is the type of sentences, when we ask something to receive information. As declarative sentences, interrogative ones can be one-member and two-member, simple and compound. The word order in an interrogative sentence depends on the way it has been formed. For example, we can turn declarative sentence into interrogative and the word order will be the same — we will change only intonation.

For example:
Мы пойдём вечером в парк — We will go to the park tonight.


Мы ПОЙДЁМ вечером в парк? — WILL we GO to the park tonight?
Мы пойдём ВЕЧЕРОМ в парк? — Will we go to the park TONIGHT?
Мы пойдём вечером в ПАРК? — Will we go TO THE PARK tonight?

We raise the intonation on any part of a sentence depending on what we want to ask. In another case, the word order can be changed, if it should be done according to the norms of speech and if this option sounds more naturally. For example:

Мы пойдем в парк ВЕЧЕРОМ? — Will we go to the park TONIGHT?

sounds more naturally because along with intonation we point out the word, which we want to specify, by putting it in the end of a sentence (we pay much more attention to the words standing in the beginning and in the end of a phrase in Russian).

All interrogative sentences can be divided into 2 groups: pronominal and nonpronominal.
The first group includes those sentences where interrogative word is interrogative pronoun or adverb. In the second one — interrogative word is a content word (you can answer these questions only with «да» (yes) or «нет» (no)). There can be particles «неужели» (really), «разве» (really), «если» (if) in the second group of interrogative sentences. Here are the examples:

1. Кто съел бутерброд? — Who ate the sandwich?
2. Маша съела бутерброд? — Did Masha eat the sandwich?

The word order in the question of the first group is quite clear: a pronoun does always stand in the beginning of a sentence (if there is no inversion). An interrogative word in the second group is often in the end of a sentence.

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