The children are talking about their families choose the correct word a b or c

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Ca ain. 2 Two friends, Rob and Emma, are talking about places they would like to visit. Read the conversation and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. A dash (-) means no article is necessary. Rob: Emma, what country would you like to visit? Emma: Oh, that’s (1)— easy question! I’d like to go to (2) 1 А — Ba Can 2 A the Ba C- New Zealand. 3 Aa B the C an Rob: New Zealand? Where’s that? 4 A — B the Emma: It’s (3) — small country in (4) — Pacific Ocean. 5 A the Ban C- Rob: Oh, of course! It’s near (5) — Antarctic. 6 A the B — Ca — weather in New Zealand is much Emma: Yes, that’s right. But (6) 7 A an C the warmer! In summer, (7)— temperatures can reach 35° to 40°C! 8 A a B the C- Rob: That’s hot! I’ve heard that it’s (8) — very beautiful country. 9 A the B an Ca 10 A an B the Ca Emma: Yes, a lot of films are made there because (9) — mountains and 11 A the B Can the forests are so amazing. 12 A the C an Rob: I think there was (10) — very bad earthquake there last month. Emma: Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately, (11) — earthquakes are common in New Zealand. Rob: Oh, dear. I hope that (12)— people in that area are OK. Ba Ba​

H.​ Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold:

1.​ Adventurous people get a lot of ………………………..going skydiving or rafting. ENJOY

2.​ In the USA ……………………Day is celebrated on July 4. INDEPEND

3.​ We wish you the fastest …………………….. RECOVER

4.​ Please, express your ………………………..with new rules directly. DISAGREE

5.​ Jack stared at Helen in …………………………… AMAZE

6.​ Stay in our comfortable …………………… and relax in style! ACCOMMODATE

Test 2


A Match the words in Column A with the words/ phrases in Column B

Column A Column B

1 student A arts

2 martial B pounds

3 waste C spree

4 shopping D money

5 exchange E loan

B Fill in the correct word.

straight earn presenter borrow save

6 The famous …… comments on the football match on the BBC channel!

7 Do you manage to …….. any money or do you spend it all?

8 Judy is honest person. She plays it ….. .

9 Sandy really likes his job, but she doesn’t …. very much.

10 Can I …… £ 10 to go to the cinema, Dad?

C Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

11 ……. children usually create games to play

A imaginative B outgoing C adventurous

12 James tends to enjoy extreme sports; he’s very …… .

A sociable B ambitious C adventurous

13 Mark likes to meet other people; he’s so …… .

A sensitive B sociable C shy

14 Jane seems to have no friends at school; she’s very ….. .

A boring B reserved C brave

15 Her sister prefers doing aerobics; she’s extremely ….. .

A fit B cautious C ambitious

D Choose the correct preposition.

16 Ian would love to take in/ up tennis.

17 Please, take off/ out your sweater! It’s warm!

18 I’ve got my first salary and want to take you over/ out to a restaurant.

19 My friends say that I take off/ after Britney Spears. We look so much alike (одинаково).

20 I think you need to take this blouse out/ in; it’s too big for you.

21 I think he will take over/ up the company when his father gets old.

F Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form (ing form/ inf./ inf. without to)

21 I’m keen on ……(go) to the gym after school.

22 You must ……(tidy) your room every week!

23 Would you like …… (go) clubbing tonight?

24 I can’t help ……(laugh) when I see him.

25 Do you fancy ……(watch) the new Harry Potter film?

26 Let me …… (use) your laptop please.

27 Don’t make me ……(cry). It’s not my fault.

28 Ronald can’t stand …… (travel) by bus.

29 What do you want ……(wear) for today party?

30 Harry forgot …… (close) the front door yesterday.

31 Oh, it’s expensive! I’d rather …… (buy) clothes in second –hand shops.

32 That’s OK. I don’t mind …… (stand) here for a while.

G Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

33 Ann is really keen ……… archery.

A about B in C on

34 Mrs Jones is good ….. cooking.

A at B with C of

35 My English friend is crazy …. rock music.

A with B of C about

36 She’s not interested …. fashion.

A in B at C with

37 I don’t like to take part ….. school competitions.

A at B in C on

H Write the true sentences about yourself.

38 I really love ……

39 I prefer ……

40 I’m looking forward to ……

Test 3 A (Module 3)


A       Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps.

e.g.   invented  
Mike invented the device, but it was his brother who put it on the

Columbus discovered America in 1492.

1   Geography   
Earth Science

Tom finds___ fascinating, because he learns a lot of things about the formation
and history of our planet.

Mary wants to travel to all those countries she studied in her __________

 raise     lift

You don’t have to _______ your voice. I can hear you very well.

This sofa is really heavy. Help me __________ it.

3   salary   

He earns a lot. He has a high __________.

The company has announced an increase in the workers’ hourly________.

4 employers  

The company’s business is growing, so it needs to hire more __________.

Ann is very happy because her _________ gave her a pay rise.

B      Fill in the
missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Freelancer, permission, shift, living, bring up, conclusion, invented,
deadline, swapped, sound, bring out, overtime

The police came to the _________ that it wasn’t the accountant who had stolen
the money.

6. I _________
addresses with the two girls I met on holiday.

7. Does your dad
often work _________?

8. Susan asked for
_______ to leave early.

9.  Charles
Babbage _________ the computer.

10. It is amazing
how Ann has been able to _____ four children and work at the same time. I
really admire her.

11.  He works as a
___________ from home.

12. Alex has a
tough _______ to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

13. What does your
mum do for a ________?


C       Put the
verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

14. “Lisa was
exhausted yesterday.” – “I know.  She ______(study) for a history exam
all day.”

15. “Why was Mr.
Smith angry with Pam?” – “Because she _______ ( not/ finish) her work.

16. How long
_______ (you/study) French before you first visited France?

Test 3 A (Module 3)

17. They _______ (
live) in Spain before they moved to Greece.

18._______ ( she/
) making the lunch when the guests arrived?

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple, Past Perfect or the Past
Perfect Continuous.

19. Kate _______ (go)
out with her friends after she had finished her homework.

20.  Dr Stephens
_______ (perform) a lot of experiments before he made an important

21. How long
______ (you/wait) before the bus arrived?

22. When ________
(James/ graduate) from the university?

23. Sam _____ (not/
) the Young Inventor of the Year Award last year, but he’s sure he will
this year.

E     Underline
the correct item.

24. I believe Sam
will have a brilliant career in/ at law.

25. Her husband’s
new job brings around/in an extra 200 pounds a week.

26. Mary was under/in
charge of presenting our science project to the class yesterday.

27. This song
brings out/back happy memories from my childhood.

28. I don’t think
Evelyn can work well under/ in pressure; maybe someone else should do
this project.

29. In/At
the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.

30. Abraham
Lincoln began his political career at/in the young age of twenty-three.

31. The new
government has brought round/ about many changes in education.

32. Ben couldn’t
believe it while/when he won first prize at the science show.

Everyday English

F  Use the
sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Pat: Guess what! I’ve
got some great news.                                a) How does he
like his new job?

Sue: 33)
_______________________.                                         b) That’s too bad.

Pat:  My brother got a
new job last week.                                  
Really? What happened?

Sue: 34) ________________________.                                      
d) What
does his new job involve?

Pat: Yes, he works for
a company as a computer programmer.    e) Wow! That’s fantastic!

Sue: 35)

Pat: Well, he creates
software for the company.

Sue: 36)

Pat: He loves it, but
the pay isn’t really that good.

Sue: 37)_____________.
Is he disappointed?                                                                  

Pat: No, he’s very
optimistic that he’ll get a pay rise in the near future.   

Sue: That’s great.

Test 3 A (Module 3)


G      Read the
following text and choose the correct answer (A, B, С or D).

38. When Al was
young, he wanted to be a(n)

A shop owner                    
inventor                     C computer designer             

Al’s mother believed that

wasn’t important for Al to get a good education.                        C Al
would make a very good lawyer.

B Al might not earn
enough money from the job he wanted to do.    D a good education would
help Al with his                    


While Al was at university, he

A got a job as an
architect.                                                       C
trained to be a professional actor.

B worked at the
university library.                                           D
continued to build model airplanes.

What did Al soon after graduation?

lived in France for a while.                                            C
He opened up his own business.

B He did some
travelling.                                                         D He
learned how to speak French.

Al wants to open

A another shop     
  B shops in different countries         C five shops in his
town             D shops in different cities

Test 3 A (Module 3)


H         Listen
to some people talking about their jobs on a radio programme. Then, match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements ( A-F). There is one extra statement.

A  The speaker
finds it difficult to meet deadlines.

B  The speaker
turned his/her hobby into a career.

C  The speaker is
thinking about doing a different job.

D  The speaker‘s
job involves a lot of travelling.

E  The speaker
wants to become famous.

F  The speaker has a
part time job.

43.  Speaker 1

44.  Speaker 2 

45. Speaker 3

46. Speaker

47. Speaker 5

Test 3 B (Module 3)


A       Choose the
correct word to fill in the gaps.

e.g.   invented  
Mike invented the device, but it was his brother who put it on the

Columbus discovered America in 1492.

1   job   work

Cindy has been looking for ____ since the beginning of the month.

James wants to find a second ________ because he needs the extra money.

 toddler    infant

Ben a cute ______! He’s just learning to walk and he keeps falling down  all
the time.

Of course Annie can’t talk yet; she just a four-month old _________!

3   salary   

If Jane gets the promotion, it will add an extra four thousand pounds to her
annual _________.

b) The
pizza delivery boy thought his _______ was rather low for a full day’s work.

4  raise     

Jake’s back hurts because he tried to _______ a very heavy box on his own.

If you have any questions, please _________ your hand.

B      Fill in the
missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Freelancers, permission, shift, living, bring up, conclusion, invented,
deadline, swapped, sound, bring out, overtime

5. Ann  asked for
_______ to leave early.

6. She works as a
___________ from home.

7. What does your
dad do for a ________?

The police came to the _________ that it wasn’t the accountant who had stolen
the money.

9. Ben has a tough
_______ to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

10. It is amazing
how Liz has been able to ______ five children and work at the same time. I
really admire her.

11. I _________
addresses with the two girls I met on holiday.

12. Charles
Babbage _________ the computer.

13. Does your dad
often work _________?


C       Put the
verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous.

14. _______ (he/
) making the lunch when the guests arrived?

15. How long
_______ (you/study) English before you first visited England?

16. They _______ (live)
in France for ten years before they moved to Canada.

Test 3 B (Module 3)

17. “Why was Mr.
Black angry with Ann?” – “Because she _______ (not/ finish) her

18. Grandma _____
(go) to the supermarket before they got home from school.

    Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple, Past Perfect or the Past
Perfect Continuous.

19. _____ (the
) their mother yesterday?

20. John _______ (try)
to fix his computer for two hours before he decided to call a professional.

21. Laura _____ (read)
the report many times before she gave it to her boss.

22. Tom________ (not/
) with us last night because he had arranged to go out with his

23.   Two weeks
ago Dr Stephens ____ (perform) an experiment with the help of some university

E       Underline
the correct item.

24. Abraham
Lincoln began his political career at/in the young age of twenty-three.

25. Jim couldn’t
believe it while/when he won first prize at the science show.

26.  In/At
the beginning of his career, Thomas Edison mostly invented telegraphic devices.

27. The new
government has brought round/ about many changes in education.

28. I don’t think
Mary can work well under/ in pressure; maybe someone else should do this

29. Tim was under/in
charge of presenting our science project to the class yesterday.

30. I believe Kate
will have a brilliant career in/ at law.

31. This song
brings out/back happy memories from my childhood.

 32. Her husband’s
new job brings around/in an extra 150 pounds a week.

Everyday English

F  Use the
sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue.

Pat: Guess what! I’ve
got some great news.                                a) What does his
new job involve?

Sue: 33)
_______________________.                                         b) That’s too bad.

Pat:  My brother got a
new job last week.                                  
Wow! That’s fantastic

Sue: 34)
________________________.                                       d) How does he
like his new job?

Pat: Yes, he works for
a company as a computer programmer.   e)! Really? What happened?

Sue: 35)

Pat: Well, he creates
software for the company.

Sue: 36)

Pat: He loves it, but
the pay isn’t really that good.

Sue: 37)_____________.
Is he disappointed?                                                                  

Pat: No, he’s very
optimistic that he’ll get a pay rise in the near future.   

Sue: That’s great.

Test 3 B (Module 3)


G      Read the
following text and choose the correct answer (A, B, С or D).

38. When Al was
young, he wanted to be a(n)

A pilot                  
computer designer                     C inventor                   
shop owner

Al’s mother believed that

might not earn enough money from the job he wanted to do.   C a good
education would help Al with his career.

B it wasn’t
important for Al to get a good education.                         D Al
would make a very good lawyer.

While Al was at university, he

at the university library.                                             C
continued to build model airplanes. 

B got a job as an
architect.                                                          D
trained to be a professional actor.   

What did Al soon after graduation?

learned how to speak French.                                            C 
He lived in France for a while.

did some travelling.                                                        
  He opened up his own business. 

Al wants to open

A   shops in
different cities       B shops in different countries          C
five shops in his town          D another shop

Test 3 B (Module 3)


H         Listen
to some people talking about their jobs on a radio programme. Then, match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements ( A-F). There is one extra statement.

A The speaker‘s job
involves a lot of travelling.

B  The speaker
wants to become famous.

C  The speaker is
thinking about doing a different job.

D The speaker finds
it difficult to meet deadlines.

E  The speaker has
a part time job.

F  The speaker
turned his/her hobby into a career.

43.  Speaker 1

44.  Speaker 2 

45. Speaker 3

46. Speaker

47. Speaker 5



A 1 a) Earth
Science                    3 a) salary  

Geography                           b) wage

    2 a) raise                    
             4 a) employees

       b) lift                               
       b) employers

conclusion                                    8  permission                      11

swapped                                         9  invented                         12

    7 overtime                              
        10  bring up                         13 living

C 14
had been studying                D       19  went

    15 hadn’t finished                                20 
had performed

    16 had you been
studying                    21  had you been waiting

    17 had lived                              
          22 did Kames graduate

    18 had she finished                           
  23  didn’t win

24 in                                 29   At

    25 in                     
           30   at

    26 in                    
            31   about

    27 back                      
      32  when

    28 under                            

 33 c                                G      38 A                              
H         43   C    

     34 e                                          39
B                                           44   B 

     35 d                                         
40 D                                           45  A

     36 a                                        
 41 B                                           46  D

     37 b                                         
42 D                                           47  E



A 1 a) work                 
                   3 a) salary  

       b) job      
                                   b) wage

    2 a) toddler              
                  4 a) lift

       b) infant                 
                    b) raise

permission                                    8 conclusion                          
        11 swapped

freelancer                                      9   deadline                       
             12 invented

    7  living                                    
      10  bring up                                     13 overtime

14 Had he finished               D       19 Did the children see

    15 had you been
studying              20 had been trying

    16 had been living                
         21 had read

    17 hadn’t finished                        
 22 didn’t come

    18 had gone                            
       23 performed

24 at                                       29   in

    25 when                       
         30   in

    26 At                             
        31   back

    27 about                   
             32 in


33 e                                G      38 D                              
H         43   C    

     34 c                                          39
A                                           44   F 

     35 a                                          40
C                                           45  D

     36 d                                         
41 B                                           46  A

b                                          42 A                                         
 47  B

Tape script

1 a   2 b   3 c   4 b   5 a



A:   Do you have any brothers and sisters, Natalie?

B:   No brothers. I wish I did. But I have three sisters.

A:   Really!

B:   Yeah. And I’m the youngest.

A:   Poor you!


A:   Tell me about your family, Abby.

B:   Well, I have one brother – he’s older than me.

A:   What does he do?

B:   He’s a student. And I have two younger sisters.

A:   Wow. You have a big family.


A:   Do you have any brothers or sisters, Ben?

B:   Just one – my sister, Anna.

A:   Is she older than you?

B:   Yes, she is. She always bosses me around!


A:   Tell me about your family, Rosie.

B:   Well, I come from quite a big family. I have two brothers, both of them younger than me.

A:   Really? Do you have any sisters?

B:   Yeah. I have one older and one younger sister.

A:   You’re lucky. I wish I came from a big family.


A:   Do you come from a big family, Tim?

B:   No, I’m an only child. It’s just me and my parents.

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