The british word form in american english is grade


итогового тестирования по английскому языку

11 класс

1. Назначение итогового тестирования: определить уровень

образовательных достижений по английскому языку за курс 11 класса средней


2. Документы, определяющие содержание итогового тестирования.

1. Обязательный минимум содержания среднего общего образования по

английскому языку (приложение к приказу Минобразования России от 19.05.1998г.


2. Федеральный компонент государственного образовательного стандарта

общего образования. Английский язык. Среднее общее образование риказ

Минобразования России от 05.03.04г. №1089 «Об утверждении Федерального

компонента государственных стандартов общего, основного общего и среднего

(полного) общего образования»).

3. Программа для общеобразовательных учреждений по английскому языку.

5-11 классы. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.

4. Рабочая программа по английскому языку 11 класс, утверждённая

приказом №42 от 29.08.2016.

5. Биболетова М.З., Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. Английский язык: учебник

для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2013.

3. Структура итогового тестирования.

Итоговое тестирование включает в себя 20 заданий с выбором одного

правильного ответа из четырех предложенных.

4. Распределение заданий по содержанию.

5. Распределение заданий по уровням сложности.

Тест «Образование в Великобритании и США»

Test 1. Education in the UK and the USA

Variant 1

A1. Choose the correct variant.

A … is a private fee-paying boarding school for pupils aged between 13 and 18 in Great Britain.

1) high school        

3) preparatory school

2) public school        

4) comprehensive school

A2. Choose the correct variant.

A … is a general term denoting a common school for children aged 12-18 in the USA.

1) high school

2) boarding school

3) school specializing in English

4) primary school

A3. Choose the correct variant.

A … is a school for children with physical problems or learning problems.

1) special school        

2) public school

3) preparatory school

4) high school

A4. Choose the correct variant.

An exam taken at the age of 16 in British comprehensive schools is….

1) an entrance exam        

2) a level exam

3) a GCSE exam        

4) an eleven-plus exam

A5. Choose the correct variant.

A … is a place in a school where meals are provided, usually quite cheap.

1) gym        

2) laboratory

3) cloakroom

4) canteen

B1. Underline the appropriate word.

A (break / lesson) is a period of time when pupils can play or talk.

C1. Write the definition.

A headmaster_____________________________________________________        

Test 2. Education in the UK and the USA

Variant 2

A1. Choose the correct variant.

A … is a secondary school for children aged 11-16 in Britain, used especially in names.

1) high school        

2) public school

3) nursery school        

4) primary school

A2. Choose the correct variant.

A … is a free local school in the USA, controlled by the state, for children who study there but live at home.

1) private school

2) boarding school

3) preparatory school

4) public school

A3. Choose the correct variant.

… is a school where pupils live as well as study.

1) A high school        

2) A kindergarten

3) A boarding school        

4) An infant school

A4. Choose the correct variant.

… is education or training at universities, colleges and polytechnics.

1) Secondary education

2) Primary education

3) Compulsory education

4) Higher education

A5. Choose the correct variant.

The British word form in American English is ….

1) exam        

2) school

3) grade

4) mark

B1. Underline the appropriate word.

(Level exams / GCSE exams) are exams taken at the age of 18 in British schools.

C1. Write the definition.

A school-leaver___________________________________________________

Подборка по базе: экзамен мой 79 баллов.docx, 12.02.Гиренко,628,РК 80 баллов.docx, ОТВЕТЫ 100 баллов.pdf, Распределение баллов.docx, Управление инновационным проектом 6 семестр на 87 баллов из 100., Командная работа и лидерство 97 + баллов (1).pdf, Аня. ИТ 3 тест 87 баллов.pdf, Ответы 57 баллов.docx, Математика 5 класс Тарау Ондық бөлшектер және оларға амалдар қол, Схемы выставления баллов.docx

Bob … much better today.

Выберите один ответ:

a. is feeling

b. was feeling

c. felt

d. feels 

Вопрос 2


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

British people … tea to coffee.

Выберите один ответ:

a. prefer

b. are prefered

c. prefered

d. prefers 

Вопрос 3


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

By tonight I … to a diet for 2 weeks already.

Выберите один ответ:

a. have been keeping

b. keep

c. will have been keeping

d. had kept 

Вопрос 4


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

A … is a place in a school where meals are provided, usually quite cheap.

Выберите один ответ:

a. laboratory

b. cloakroom

c. gym

d. canteen 

Вопрос 5


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

He said that the tractors … there soon.

Выберите один ответ:

a. would be 

b. are

c. were

d. will be

Вопрос 6


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

How many books they … tomorrow?

Выберите один ответ:

a. bring

b. brought

c. will bring 

d. are brought

Вопрос 7


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

I … Japanese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.

Выберите один ответ:

a. study

b. am studying

c. studied

d. will be studying 

Вопрос 8


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

I always … Christmas cards to my grandparents.

Выберите один ответ:

a. sent

b. had sent

c. send 

d. has send

Вопрос 9


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

I dropped my wallet when I … on the bus.

Выберите один ответ:

a. am getting

b. got

c. get

d. was getting 

Вопрос 10


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

I hope I … my test by midnight.

Выберите один ответ:

a. finish

b. will have finished 

c. have finished

d. will finished

Вопрос 11


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

The British word form in American English is ….

Выберите один ответ:

a. mark

b. grade

c. exam

d. school 

Вопрос 12


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

I never … Japanese food.

Выберите один ответ:

a. try

b. have never tried 

c. will never tried

d. tried

Вопрос 13


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

I’m afraid she … in ten minutes.

Выберите один ответ:

a. will be sleeping 

b. sleeps

c. sleep

d. will sleep

Вопрос 14


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

It … his first voyage that day. He …to New York many times.

Выберите один ответ:

a. was/ been already 

b. wasn’t/ had already been

c. was not/ was already

d. were not/ was already

Вопрос 15


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Listen! Why the dogs … ?

Выберите один ответ:

a. barking

b. are barking 

c. barked

d. bark

Вопрос 16


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Mark … a new telephone for an hour before he bought it.

Выберите один ответ:

a. had been choosing 

b. chosen

c. will have been choosing

d. chooses

Вопрос 17


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Newton … the telescope in 1668.

Выберите один ответ:

a. invented

b. invents

c. had invented 

d. invent

Вопрос 18


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Nina and Nick … in two weeks.

Выберите один ответ:

a. will get married 

b. get marry

c. get married

d. have got married

Вопрос 19


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

… is education or training at universities, colleges and polytechnics.

Выберите один ответ:

a. Compulsory education

b. Secondary education

c. Primary education

d. Higher education 

Вопрос 20


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

She … a yellow coat when I saw her.

Выберите один ответ:

a. worn

b. is wearing

c. was wearing 

d. wears

Вопрос 21


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Ted was so happy because his dream … true.

Выберите один ответ:

a. have come

b. had come

c. came 

d. come

Вопрос 22


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

The astronomer told us that the Moon … 240,000 miles from the Earth.

Выберите один ответ:

a. was

b. is

c. are 

d. will be

Вопрос 23


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

The girls were good friends. They … each other for 5 years.

Выберите один ответ:

a. knew

b. know 

c. have known

d. had known

Вопрос 24


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

The kids … cartoons in their room now.

Выберите один ответ:

a. watches

b. watch

c. are watching 

d. watched

Вопрос 25


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Tom, you … me at the railway station next Sunday.

Выберите один ответ:

a. will meet 

b. met

c. meet

d. meeted

Вопрос 26


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Wake up! You … for 12 hours already!

Выберите один ответ:

a. sleep

b. sleeped 

c. are sleeping

d. have been sleeping

Вопрос 27


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

An exam taken at the age of 16 in British comprehensive schools is….

Выберите один ответ:

a. a level exam

b. an eleven-plus exam 

c. an entrance exam

d. a GCSE exam

Вопрос 28


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

We … on the beach for several hours by the time she reads our letter.

Выберите один ответ:

a. have been sunbathing 

b. will have been sunbathing

c. sunbathe

d. are sunbathing

Вопрос 29


Баллов: 1,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

What … at 20 years old, that’s to say five years ago? … anywhere or were you jobless?

Выберите один ответ:

a. did you do/ did you work 

b. were you working/ did you work

c. were you working/ did you work

d. had you worked/ were you working

Вопрос 30


Баллов: 0,00 из 1,00

Снять флажок

Текст вопроса

Where your husband … five years ago?

Выберите один ответ:

a. work

b. did work

c. does work

d. worked 

Назначение итогового тестирования в форме теста: определить уровень образовательных достижений по английскому языку за курс 11 класса средней школы 2021-2022 учебный год.

Структура итогового тестирования. Итоговое тестирование включает в себя 20 заданий с выбором одного правильного ответа из четырех предложенных.

Ссылка для скачивания тестирования: в ворде, в пдф

Итоговое тестирование по английскому языку 11 класс 2021-2022 с ответами

1)Choose the appropriate word. All people have the right to… of opportunity 1) equal 2) equally 3) equalize 4) equality

2)Match the words on the left and the elements on the right to make adjectives. 1) hope, care, help 2) ideal, real, individual 3) interest, tire, bory 4) practice, nature, logic a) – ing b) – less c) –al d) – istic

3)Guess the area in a town where a lot of shops have been built close to each other. 1) corner shop 2) supermarket 3) department store 4) shopping centre

4)The biggest state of the USA is… 1) California 2)Texas 3)Montana 4)Alabama

5)Choose the correct variant. ….. is the scientific study of living things. 1) Geography 2) Biology 3) Geology 4) Chemistry

6)Match the people with their inventions. 1) Eckert and Mauchly 2) Alexander Popov 3) Alexander Bell 4) Chinese a) paper b) radio c) the world’s first computer d) telephone

7)Choose the correct variant. Television …. its programmes all over the country. 1) watches 2) educates 3) sees 4) broadcasts

8)Choose the correct variant. People who write article in newspapers are…. 1)journalists 2)postmen 3)correspondents 4)commentators

9)Choose the right translation of the word combination impartial edition. 1) жёлтая пресса 2) периодическое издание 3) респектабельное издание 4) беспристрастное издание

10)Choose the correct variant. An exam taken at the age of 16 in British Comprehensive Schools is … 1) an entrance exam 2) a level exam 3) a GCSE exam 4) an eleven-plus exam

11)Choose the correct variant. The British word form in American English is … 1) exam 2) school 3) grade 4) mark

12)Complete the sentence using the missing word. Choosing the right car depends … what people want to use it for. 1) down 2) in 3) on 4) over

13)Choose the correct form of the verb. They …. Their house since last year. 1) are building 2) build 3) have built 4) have been building

14)Choose the appropriate word. To my mind, the government … take care of old people. 1) can 2) must 3) may 4) could

15)Find an extra word. 1) reptile 2) bird 3) radiation 4) snake

16)Choose the years of the American Civil War. 1) 1607-1620 2) 1775-1776 3) 1781-1787 4) 1861-1865

17)Washington, D.C., is situated in: 1) Texas 2) Utah 3) Nevada 4) Columbia

18)Choose the appropriate prefix to make the opposite of the word possible. 1) un2) im3) in4) il

19)Complete the sentence using the missing word. My mother can see … my tricks. 1) around 2) through 3) to 4) off

20)Choose the appropriate suffix to make the noun. Kind… 1) -ence 2) -ness 3) -ment 4) -ity

Другие тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку:

Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому языку 11 класс задания с ответами

Тренировочный вариант №210906 ЕГЭ 2022 по английскому языку 11 класс 100 баллов с ответами


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Senior Member

  • #1

is there a difference between class and grade?

Does first class only refer to ‘upper’ e.g. when I travel by train, or could I also attend the first class of elementary school?

  • Packard

    • #2

    We need more context to provide a well-reasoned reply. What is this in reference to? Please use it in a sentence.


    Senior Member

    • #3

    So two sentences I can think of are e.g.:

    I always travel first class. (here I think I know that only class works)
    I go to first class elementary school. (here I don’t know if class is correct or if grade is the only word that works)


    Hau Ruck

    • #4

    Class can mean both an schoolroom in which children learn and a division based on quality or rank.
    In your two examples, it would be a division based on quality or rank.

    And it really should be «I go to a first class elementary school.

    In regards to your first post:

    «…or could I also attend the first class of elementary school?»

    This would cause the reader to think perhaps you are attending the first day of a classroom at an elementary school.


    Senior Member

    • #5

    Thank you.
    Could I then also say: I go to THE first class elementary school.

    I don’t understand what you want to say about my first post. Do you mind reexplaining it to me?

    Hau Ruck

    • #6

    Well you see, in english we’d not assign «the» to «a» first class school. It might be comparable to die schule vs. eine schule.

    The only time you’d really use «the» would be for a specific first class school.

    Such as: I attend the first class school, Oakwood High. You would use «the» because you are referring to a particular first class school.

    This would hardly be said or heard though. 99% of the time you’d hear someone say «I attend a first class school» or «my school is a first class school» or «my school is first class!»


    Senior Member

    • #7

    Thank you.
    Could I then also say: I go to THE first class elementary school.

    I don’t understand what you want to say about my first post. Do you mind reexplaining it to me?

    In the sense of first school year.


    Senior Member

    • #8

    Thanks you helped me a lot!!!

    But now something else came into my mind: are the verbs ‘grade’ and ‘form’ synonyms of ‘class’? Could you give me an example of how to use them?

    Hau Ruck

    • #9

    Well……not necessarily.

    Grade and form can be both nouns and verbs. Class cannot be a verb. Classify is a verb.
    Grade (quality) and class as nouns could be synonyms.
    «What is the grade of this diamond?»
    «What class would you rate this diamond?»

    Using classify in the verb sense here:
    «What grade would you classify this diamond?»

    Grade as a verb and a noun: I will grade (verb) your paper. After I’ve done so, you will receive a grade (noun).


    • #10

    Thanks you helped me a lot!!!

    But now something else came into my mind: are the verbs ‘grade’ and ‘form’ synonyms of ‘class’? Could you give me an example of how to use them?

    In BE, to grade, to form and to class are all verbs.

    To grade and to class both describe judging something and putting it with similar objects/animals/persons

    You grade something by size or quality
    You class something by any criterion/criteria you choose.

    However, both verbs often depend on the final selection is normally described — e.g. First grade diamonds, second class apples.

    To form has nothing to do with to grade or to class; to form is to create, or mould, «He formed a house out of Lego.» «He formed a man out of plasticine.»


    Senior Member

    • #11

    I’ve learned a lot.
    — Could I use these verbs also reflexively, e.g. I grade myself (give myself a grade/mark; I estimate myself). Or should then the verb ‘I rate myself’ be used?
    — And if these words are used as nouns, could the following work (I retake the sentence from post 8):
    I attend first class of elementary school.
    I attend first grade of e.s.
    I attend first form of e.s.


    • #12

    I’ve learned a lot.
    — Could I use these verbs also reflexively, e.g. I grade myself (give myself a grade/mark; I estimate myself). Or should then the verb ‘I rate myself’ be used?

    Much depends what you are going to say next, but «Yes, it is possible.»

    You do not attend a form, class or year. You are in a form, class or year:

    I am in the first class of the/at elementary school.:tick:
    I attend first grade of the/at e.s.:cross: This is wrong in BE as we do not have «grades»
    I am in the first form of the/at e.s.:tick:

    You are in a class/form/year at a school
    You go to/attend a school.

    Hermione Golightly

    • #13


    I suggest that you tell us if you are interested in American-English or British-English terminology. They can be very different.
    The word ‘form’ isn’t used much in English state schools these days. We talk about ‘Year One’, ‘Year Two’ and so on up to ‘Year Twelve’. If you use the WR dictionary, you will often find previous threads on topics. We don’t talk about elementary schools either — we mostly have primary schools (5-11 year olds), and secondary schools (11- 16 or 11-18 years).

    I don’t know anybody who talks about ‘attending’ school. It is most unnatural in speech, used formally and in certain sorts of writing. It’s useful to know as passive vocabulary.

    It would also be useful to know how you are using these sentences, in other words the broader context.



    • #14

    Ohhh I see. In this sense, it would be «I go to the first class of elementary school.

    I’ve never heard anyone say that. In AE I’ve only heard «first grade» and in Canadian English it’s usually «grade one.» If I heard «I go to the first class of elementary school» I wouldn’t know what it meant, and I’d guess it meant a couple other things before «first grade.»

    Hau Ruck

    • #15

    I read his post incorrectly. I thought he asked about attending the first day of class. Granted, it seemed odd to me, but I thought that was what he had asked in the prior post. I’ll go edit it now.


    Senior Member

    • #16

    Actuually I’m interesten in both systems, American and British, and the differenece (in the words form, grade, class) between both.

    Can you tell me all possible ways of saying:
    1. I am in the first class of (the) elementary school. (what can be used instead of t

    o be

    , what instead of


    2. I go to / attend (the) high school of name of town.

    Really appreciate your help.

    The Prof

    • #17

    Most English schoolchildren start primary school at the age of four, and spend the first year in the reception class. This is commonly abbreviated to «reception«. Therefore, in the unlikely event of a child of that age actually voicing it, they would probably say, «I’m in reception«.

    The following year, they move into «Year 1», so would say «I’m in year 1».

    I can’t think of a natural alternative to «I’m in …» for expressing this, but the average


    child would probably use their teacher’s name in place of the words «reception» or «year …»: «I’m in Mrs Brown’s class«.


    • #18

    Actuually I’m interesten in both systems, American and British, and the differenece (in the words form, grade, class) between both.

    Can you tell me all possible ways of saying:
    1. I am in the first class of (the) elementary school. (what can be used instead of t

    o be

    , what instead of


    2. I go to / attend (the) high school of name of town.

    Really appreciate your help.

    I don’t think you have many options, in AE at least.

    1. «I am in (the) first grade (at [name of school]).» There’s no need to say «first grade of elementary school.» Everyone knows first grade is part of elementary school and nobody would ever say «the first grade of high school» to mean ninth grade.
    You could also say «I am in elementary school» or «I go to elementary school» if you don’t want to say the exact grade or school.
    In Canada we say «grade one» instead of «first grade,» and I think some Americans say that too, but it’s much less common.

    2. «I go to (or ‘I attend’) [name of school].» Some high schools are named after towns but many are not. You could say «I go to (a) high school in [name of town].»


    • #19

    American schools are divided into sections in three ways (in different school districts):

    (common, and increasing)
    Elementary school: Kindergarden, first grade through sixth grade
    Middle school or junior high school: seventh grade through ninth grade
    High school (or senior high): tenth grade through twelfth grade (or sophomore, junior, senior)

    (common, but decreasing)
    Elementary school: Kindergarden, first grade through eighth grade
    High school: ninth grade through twelfth grade (or freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)

    (extremely rare; only in very small and isolated schools)
    Kindergarden through twelfth grade (possibly even in a single classroom — the so-called One-Room Schoolhouse)
    (I once attended a school in which all grades from kindergarden through eighth grade were combined in two rooms with two teachers; there were nineteen students.)

    To speak of all these grades collectively, sometimes the abbreviations «El-Hi» or «K-12» are used. (This is educator-speak, and not much used by others.)

    I would say «He is in the second grade,» «He is a second-grader,» or «He is in elementary school.» I would not combine the two:

    «He is in the second grade in/of elementary school.»

    (When giving just the grade, the reader/listener is expected to understand what school is implied. Where there is ambiguity {7th — 9th} the listener should ask, if interested: «Is that in a Junior-high system?»)

    I would say «He is a junior,» «He is an eleventh-grader,» or «He is in the eleventh grade.» I might also say «He is in high school,» or «He is a junior in high school,» but not «

    He is in the eleventh grade in/of high school.

    Note that the named grades (freshman, etc.) are the only ones that can be combined with the type of school. (I suspect that this is to avoid confusion with the similarly-named «grades» in college.)

    Class is generally only used to describe the year of graduation from a school: «He is in the Class of 2013
    (Formerly only used in reference to college and high school, but recently used for middle school and even elementary school.)

    First class would only be used to describe the quality of a school. «I am sending my child to a first-class high school

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2012

    • #20

    Are these sentences correct and common to hear in English?

    What grade are you in at school?
    What class are you in at school?


    • #21

    Cengizhanbasyayla said:

    Are these sentences correct and common to hear in English?

    What grade are you in at school?
    What class are you in at school?

    Hi, Cengizhanbasyayla. There are some previous threads on this topic, so I’ve merged your question with one of these. You might find your answer in this thread — though it’s complicated because, as you’ll see, usage varies depending on the kind of English you’re trying to write. But if your questions aren’t answered, you’re welcome to add questions to this thread.

    English Only moderator

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2014

    • #22

    Are these sentences correct and common to hear in English?

    What grade are you in at school?
    What class are you in at school?

    Which English are you referring to? Or rather which English-speaking country’s educational system are you referring to and at what level (age range)?

    • #23

    I’m referring to Turkey’s educational system, secondary school students (between 10-13 ages and 5th-8th grades). What I mean by class is for example, we have two classes for 6th Graders: 6A and 6B. So, I want to ask a question to find out which class the student attends: 6A or 6B?


    • #24

    In that case (at least in AmE), we would use class. The students are in 6th grade, but the specific group they belong to that differentiates them from the other 6th graders would be a class.


    • #25

    Are these sentences correct and commonly heard in English?

    What grade are you in at school? Not in the UK (BE does not speak of ‘grades’), but it is usual in AE.
    What class are you in at school? Yes, this is the usual question.


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #26

    In American English, the usual question is, «What grade are you in?»

    «What grade are you in at school?»
    is also correct, and may be said. However, it is usually considered unnecessary to specify ‘at school’ because in most cases that would be understood.

    • #27

    Hi everyone!
    I just wanted to say that this whole thread was EXTREMELY useful! So a big thanks to all:thumbsup:

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