The biggest word in spanish

Count Tops Out at 24 Letters

Photo by El Colleccionista de Instantes; licensed via Creative Commons.

The answer depends on what you mean by the longest word, but regardless of your definition the longest word isn’t superextraordinarísimo, the 22-letter word once listed in a famous recordbook and the word that was usually cited as the longest in the language. (It means «most superextraordinary.»)

The designation of superextraordinarísimo seems arbitrary at best. For one thing, the word isn’t in real use. When I first researched this article in 2006, a Google search showed not a single instance where the word was used on a Spanish-language website — except on pages listing what they called the longest Spanish words. (Since I write the original version of this article, claims of superextraordinarísimoit being the longest word have mostly disappeared.) And superextraordinarísimo has two other strikes against it: If one is going to create words by adding prefixes and suffixes, one could just as well make a 27-letter word by using the adverbial form, superextraordinarísimamente. Or one could just as easily use longer root words, ending up with words such as superespectacularísimamente («most superspectacularly»). But again they’re hypothetical words rather than ones that get legitimate use.

A better choice for a 22-letter word is esternocleidomastoideo, the name of a certain neck muscle. It can be found in Spanish-language medical texts.

But we can do better without coining words. The longest words to be found in general publications appear to be two 23-letter beauties: anticonstitucionalmente («unconstitutionally») and electroencefalografista («electroencephalograph technician»), the latter also appearing in the Spanish Royal Academy’s dictionary. Since the latter is a noun, it can be made a 24-letter plural, electroencefalografistas, my designation as the longest legitimate Spanish word. Although it’s not an everyday word, you can find it in encylocopedias and some phone directories.

Of course, there’s always the 32-letter nonsense word supercalifragilisticoexpialidoso, the Spanish transliteration of «supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,» which appears in Spanish versions of the Walt Disney musical Mary Poppins. However, that word’s use is essentially limited to the film and play.

By coining cognates of some especially long English words, it would be possible to come up with longer words still. For example, some medical words and names of some chemicals in English top 30 letters, and the longest English word listed in an accepted dictionary is reported to be «pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis,» a type of lung disease. Conversion of the word to Spanish, made easy by the fact that all the roots have Spanish cognates, presumably would be neumonoultramicroscopicosiliciovolcanconiosis at 45 letters, or something similar. But such words are best spurious rather than legitimate Spanish.

This article describes some of the longest words in the Spanish language.

Esternocleidooccipitomastoideos (31 letters) is the plural of the noun esternocleidooccipitomastoideo, which is the sternocleidomastoid, a muscle in the human neck.[1] The word has a 22-letter synonym: esternocleidomastoideo,[2][3][4] which is shorter because it omits the Latin prefix occipito- (‘occipital’).[5] Both words are abbreviated as ECOM.[4]

The 24-letter word electroencefalografistas, plural of electroencefalografista, means ‘electroencephalographists’ or ‘electroencephalographers’: specialists in the brain measurement technology of electroencephalography (EEG).[3][6]

The 23-letter adverb anticonstitucionalmente means ‘anticonstitutionally’.[7] Anticonstitucionalmente is also the Portuguese translation; the French translation, anticonstitutionnellement, is an exceptionally long word as well (25 letters).[7]

Long wordsEdit

In the table below, all of the Spanish nouns except for arteriosclerosis can be pluralised by adding an s (es for internacionalizaciones) to the end. The adjective otorrinolaringológico can also be pluralised with an s; the plurals of the other adjectives end in es.

The RAE column indicates whether the Real Academia Española lists and defines the word in the Diccionario de la lengua española, its official dictionary.

See alsoEdit

  • Longest words
  • Longest word in English
  • Longest word in French
  • Longest word in Romanian
  • Longest word in Turkish
  • Cognate
  • List of English–Spanish interlingual homographs
  • Most common words in Spanish


  1. ^ a b Roldán Calzado, Juan Luis (2008). «La palabra más larga». Me la juego a letras (in Spanish). Lulu Press. p. 34. ISBN 978-1-4092-2893-6. Retrieved 15 March 2017 – via Google Books.
  2. ^ a b «esternocleidomastoideo». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 15 March 2017.
  3. ^ a b c Erichsen, Gerald (15 June 2014). «What Is the Longest Word in Spanish?». ThoughtCo. About, Inc. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  4. ^ a b Peninou, Gilles; Tixa, Serge (2010). «Introducción local: el cuello». Las tensiones musculares: Del diagnóstico al tratamiento (in Spanish). Barcelona: Elsevier Masson. p. 4. ISBN 978-84-458-2015-5. OCLC 889248601. Retrieved 15 March 2017 – via Google Books.
  5. ^ «occipito-«. Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  6. ^ a b «electroencefalografista». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 15 March 2017.
  7. ^ a b c Sundem, Garth (2009). «The Longest Words in Many Languages». The Geeks’ Guide to World Domination. New York: Three Rivers Press. p. 185. ISBN 978-0-307-45034-0. OCLC 232980435. Retrieved 14 March 2017.
  8. ^ a b c d e f «Cuáles son las palabras más largas en español (y cuales son las falsas o inventadas)». Solosequenosenada (in Spanish). 2 April 2010.
  9. ^ «electroencefalografía». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  10. ^ «otorrinolaringológico». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  11. ^ «internacionalización». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 18 March 2019.
  12. ^ «electroencefalograma». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  13. ^ «otorrinolaringología». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  14. ^ «electrocardiografía». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  15. ^ «Separar en sílabas la palabra: electrocardiografiamente». Buscapalabras. Retrieved 25 June 2018.
  16. ^ «desafortunadamente». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  17. ^ «anticonstitucional». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  18. ^ «desconsoladamente». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  19. ^ «interculturalidad». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  20. ^ «arteriosclerosis». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  21. ^ «electrodoméstico». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  22. ^ «inconstitucional». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  23. ^ «limpiaparabrisas». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.
  24. ^ «inexorablemente». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 1 March 2019.
  25. ^ «paralelepípedo». (in Spanish). Real Academia Española. Retrieved 31 March 2017.

External linksEdit

  • Words of specified length
  • Words of specified length in Spanish

В этой статье описаны некоторые из самых длинных слов в испанском языке .

Esternocleidooccipitomastoideos (31 буква) — это множественное число существительного esternocleidooccipitomastoideo , которое представляет собой грудинно-ключично-сосцевидную мышцу, мышцу шеи человека. У этого слова есть синоним из 22 букв: esternocleidomastoideo , который короче, поскольку в нем отсутствует латинский префикс occipito- ( затылочный ). Оба слова сокращены до ECOM .

24-буквенное слово « электроэнцефалографист» во множественном числе от « электроэнцефалографиста» означает «электроэнцефалографов» или « электроэнцефалографов »: специалистов в области технологии электроэнцефалографии (ЭЭГ) для измерения мозга .

Наречие из 23 букв anticonstitucionalmente означает « антиконституционно ». Anticonstitucionalmente — это также португальский перевод; Французский перевод « антиконституционный элемент» — тоже исключительно длинное слово (25 букв).


  • 1 Длинные слова
  • 2 См. Также
  • 3 ссылки
  • 4 Внешние ссылки

Длинные слова

В приведенной ниже таблице все испанские существительные, кроме артериосклероза, могут иметь множественное число, добавив в конец s ( es для internacionalizaciones). Прилагательное otorrinolaringológico может иметь множественное число с буквой s ; множественное число других прилагательных оканчивается на es .

RAE колонка показывает ли Real Academia Española списки и определяет слово в Diccionario де ла Lengua española , официального словаря.

Слово Письма Слоги Часть речи Перевод RAE Ref.
гипопотомонстро 33 13 имя существительное бегемот Нет
эстерноклеидоокципитомастоидео 30 13 имя существительное грудино-ключично-сосцевидный Нет
гексакозиоигексеконтагексафобия 28 год 10 имя существительное гексакозиигексеконтагексафобия Нет
антиконституционный 23 9 наречие антиконституционно Нет
электроэнцефалографист 23 10 имя существительное электроэнцефалограф да
esternocleidomastoideo 22 9 имя существительное грудино-ключично-сосцевидный да
электроэнцефалография 21 год 10 имя существительное электроэнцефалография да
оторриноларингология 21 год 10 прилагательное оториноларингологический да
internacionalización 20 8 имя существительное интернационализация да
электроэнцефалограмма 20 9 имя существительное электроэнцефалограмма да
оторриноларингология 20 10 имя существительное оториноларингология да
электрокардиография 19 9 имя существительное электрокардиография да
Desafortadamente 18 8 прилагательное к несчастью да
антиконституционный 18 7 прилагательное антиконституционный да
Desconsoladamente 17 7 наречие безутешно да
межкультурный 17 7 имя существительное межкультурность да
атеросклероз 16 6 имя существительное атеросклероз да
электродоместико 16 7 имя существительное Бытовая техника да
неконституционный 16 6 прилагательное неконституционный да
limpiaparabrisas 16 7 имя существительное стеклоочиститель да
неумолимый 15 7 наречие неумолимо да
паралелепедо 14 7 имя существительное параллелепипед да

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What is the longest word in Spanish accepted by the Real Academia Española? What about words not officially accepted by the RAE?

¿Cuál es la palabra en español más larga aceptada por la Real Academia Española? ¿Y la palabra no oficialmente aceptada por la RAE?

Sergio Cinos's user avatar

asked Mar 29, 2012 at 17:59

jrdioko's user avatar


Its difficult to give a reliable source for this, but searching in google it appears these words, for example in this page. But it’s difficult to say this because there are lots of technical terms which are difficult to list, because many of them can be formed by adding a lot of prefixes.

  • Longest word:

Ciclopentanoperhidrofenantreno (30 letters) — Sterane

(31 letters in plural): Ciclopentanoperhidrofenantrenos

(wikipedia entry for it)

  • Longest accepted word by RAE

Electroencefalografista (23 letters) — An expert in Electroencephalography

in plural it even has one letter more (24 letters) as electroencefalografistas

answered Mar 29, 2012 at 18:29

Javi's user avatar


7,68935 silver badges37 bronze badges


Una que es bastante cómica es


que, no sin cierta ironía, significa: Miedo irracional a la pronunciación de palabras largas, científicas o poco comunes en el lenguaje coloquial.

answered Apr 6, 2012 at 11:04

Alejandro Riera's user avatar

According to this page:

Superextraordinarísimo, (22-letters) was once listed as the word most often cited to be the longest in spanish. (It means «most superextraordinary»), however superextraordinarísimo seems arbitrary at best. For one thing, the word isn’t in real use. As of this writing, a Google search shows not a single instance where the word was used on a Spanish-language Web site — except on pages listing what they called the longest Spanish words. And superextraordinarísimo has two other strikes against it: If one is going to create words by adding prefixes and suffixes, one could just as well make a 27-letter word by using the adverbial form, superextraordinarísimamente. Or one could just as easily use longer root words, ending up with words such as superespectacularísimamente («most superspectacularly»). But again they’re hypothetical words rather than ones that get legitimate use.

Also, the longest English word listed in an accepted dictionary is reported to be pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis, a type of lung disease. Conversion of the word to Spanish, which is made easy by the fact that all the roots have Spanish cognates, presumably would be neumonoultramicroscopicosiliciovolcanconiosis (45 letters), or something similar. But such words would probably be considered spurious rather than legitimate Spanish.

Community's user avatar

answered Mar 29, 2012 at 22:45

DarkAjax's user avatar


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When I was a kid they kept telling us at class that «esternocleidomasteoideo» (22 letters) was the longest word in Spanish.

Of course, I can see it wasn’t true :D

Just thought I should share.

answered Mar 29, 2012 at 20:41

M Rajoy's user avatar

M RajoyM Rajoy

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Tataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratataratatarabuelo beats all other answers so far…

answered Sep 1, 2013 at 16:42

Rodrigo A. Pérez's user avatar

Rodrigo A. PérezRodrigo A. Pérez

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anticonstitucionalmente = unconstitutionally (RAE)
laparosalpingooforotomía = a surgical intervention (NO RAE)

answered Mar 27, 2013 at 4:36

user2213831's user avatar

A mi me parece que contrarevolucionariamente es mas larga(25 letras) o anticontrarevolucinariamente que cuenta con 29 letras. También anticontrarevolucionariamentísimamente (38 letras).


Él se comportó antirevolucionariamentísimamente.

Diego's user avatar


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answered Feb 23, 2013 at 9:54

Joaquin Blanco's user avatar


Parangaricutirimicuaro que es como se «conoce» a Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro a través de algunos trabalenguas.

answered Oct 21, 2015 at 18:39

rraallvv's user avatar


4091 gold badge4 silver badges13 bronze badges


Sería más o menos así:

Reconocida por la RAE:

Electroencefalografista (23 letras)

Oficiales pero añadiendo sufijos o prefijos:


No oficiales:


answered Oct 22, 2015 at 3:05

Damalux's user avatar


Another long long spanish word, well I don’t know if it’s a real word but,…

Parangaricutirimicuado (22 letters)

answered Apr 17, 2015 at 13:29

dockeryZ's user avatar


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Longest word in Spanish

The longest word in the Spanish language has been debated over for a long time, as is the case with the longest word in English.

The word «superextraordinarísimo» at 22 letters, is often considered to be the longest in the Spanish language. [ [ What Is The Longest Word in Spanish?] ]


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