Before we get started with today’s post, an exciting announcement: Francophile podcaster Oliver Gee of the Earful Tower and his wife, the lovely Lina, are in Carcassonne. The newlyweds are making a heart-shaped tour of France for their honeymoon. Look forward to an episode from Cathar country. Oliver not only does podcasts but has a blog and does videos about life and cool things to do in France. Check them all out!
Back to today’s rambling. When the French say something is a gros mot, they don’t mean it’s a big word. They mean it’s a swear word or a vulgar term. This is something I was taught not by any French class or tutor but by my kid, who, in preschool, suddenly learned to be an arbiter of what was and wasn’t appropriate talk for polite society.
This post is to save you from innocently saying the wrong thing. Or maybe you don’t care, and this post will give you more ammunition for swearing in French.Speaking of not caring, when somebody asks you, “do you want an apple or an orange?” and you think either is equally good, you say, “I don’t care” or “It doesn’t matter.” If your inflection is polite, it sounds perfectly nice—as in, “I’ll take the one that’s most convenient for you to give me.”
In French, there are different ways to say it:
Ça m’est égal: it’s the same to me. Most polite.
N’importe: not important (doesn’t matter). Also polite.
Je m’en fiche: I don’t care. Less polite. It means really that you don’t care, and no matter how sweetly you say it, you are implying that the question is below you.
Je m’en fou: I don’t care but in an impolite way. A kid would be in trouble for saying it at school.In my early days in Brussels, having picked up some phrases from the general public without any context or nuances, I once brightly told a shopkeeper “je m’en fou,” intending to convey, “do whatever is easiest for you; I’m good either way.” I got a raised eyebrow (but nothing more), and the shopkeeper undoubtedly took it as proof Americans are rude, when it was proof I was ignorant. It wasn’t until much later that I learned my faux pas.
I know some English speakers who say merde as a polite alternative to saying shit, since it just sounds better. Well, the choice of polite French speakers is mince, which means skinny. As in, “Oh, mince, I spilled my wine.” Another alternative is mercredi, or Wednesday, pronounced meeeeerrrrrrrr-credi!
Knowing about mince and mercredi, I was quite charmed when I first heard the Carnivore, quite annoyed at something, mutter “singe!” How adorable, I thought, he says “monkey” when he’s mad. Later I learned that it was saint-dieu, not singe. Very gros mot.
A favorite gros mot in the south of France is putain, which means prostitute. But it isn’t restricted to swearing; instead folks say it where some English-speakers might use the F-word, which is to say, as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb or just exclamation point (challenge: use putain as a preposition! as an article!). Extreme anger might be expressed with putain de merde. Watch this subtitled standup act by Patrick Bosso, who explains how to speak like a Marseillais (somebody from Marseille). It’s absolutely truffled with gros mots.
Polite alternatives include purée (same word in English) and punaise, which are either bedbugs or thumbtacks, depending on the context. However, they only work as exclamations. Other polite exclamations: zut! flûte!
Ça me fait chier and ça m’emmerde mean to annoy intensely, although literally both translate to “that makes me defecate.” Polite alternative: ça m’enerve, or that annoys me. Also ça m’agace, ça me gonfle (that blows me up) and oh, so many others.Americans sometimes say “shut up!” to mean “I don’t doubt you’re telling the truth but what you’re saying is shocking.” The archaic term (from the last century…you know, the 20th century) is “No way!” Example: someone observes, “Beyoncé’s ex-drummer claims she does witchcraft,” and draws the response: “Shut up!”
The French don’t do that. Ferme ta guele (sometimes just ta guele), or shut your mouth, but only animals have une guele; humans have une bouche. Very rude.
Tais-toi, or shut up, is neutral, though rather than command an adult (how well do you take being told “be quiet”?), it’s better to say chut, pronounced like “shoot,” which means shush.
Casse-toi, barre-toi and va t’en all are ways to tell someone to “get lost,” though there are far more colorful choices. A milder alternative is laissez-moi tranquil, or leave me be. This just scratches the surface; the vocabulary of French gros mots is vast and rich. In fact, there are entire dictionaries dedicated to the topic, including “Dictionnaire des Gros Mots” by Marc Lemonier and “Gros Mots” by Gilles Guilleron.
Did you ever innocently utter a gros mot out of ignorance? A rite of passage for all learners of a new language…
Проект «Большое слово» (по состоянию на 8 апреля 2008 г.) |
Тип сайта |
Онлайн словарь |
Владелец | Пэдди Доннелли и Ли Манро |
Создан | Пэдди Доннелли и Ли Манро |
URL | |
Запущен | 25 февраля 2008 г. |
Проект «Большое слово» — это веб-сайт, созданный Пэдди Доннелли и Ли Манро, двумя студентами магистратуры из Университета Ольстера , Белфаст , Северная Ирландия . Проект, запущенный 25 февраля 2008 г., направлен на переосмысление словаря английского языка с веб-сайтами. Пользователи могут купить слово из списка, насчитывающего более 170 000 человек, по цене 1 доллар за букву, после чего это слово будет постоянно привязано к URL-адресу по их выбору.
За первую неделю проект посетили тысячи посетителей и добавил более 2000 слов, во многом благодаря яркому обзору популярного блога Daring Fireball . Но рост остыл; через семь недель после запуска на сайте было 2345 слов. Однако статья в журнале WIRED от 21 апреля возродила интерес, и 22 мая количество слов превысило 5000. По состоянию на 29 января 2010 года их количество составило 7 025 человек.
Этот совместный проект был создан как часть магистерского курса Пэдди и Ли по междисциплинарному дизайну и основывался на опыте Пэдди в области вирусного маркетинга и знания Ли о приложениях Ruby on Rails и удобстве использования в Интернете . Создатели, которые являются веб-дизайнерами , создали упрощенный веб- сайт в стиле Web 2.0 с небольшим количеством цветов и без рекламы.
Пэдди в настоящее время изучает вирусный маркетинг, чтобы выяснить, как информация распространяется из уст в уста и в Интернете, и как определенные вещи могут стать явлением в мгновение ока. Ли работал фрилансером в области веб-дизайна и разработки в течение нескольких лет, а сейчас сосредоточил свои исследования на удобстве использования веб-приложений и веб-приложениях. Студенты хотели создать проект массового сотрудничества, в котором можно было бы создать глобальное движение, объединив небольшие усилия тысяч людей и исследуя, что слова значат для разных людей.
Проект использовал вирусную маркетинговую кампанию и полагался на других людей, в первую очередь блогеров , распространяющих информацию по всему Интернету. О проекте писали газеты и журналы в Северной Ирландии и за ее пределами.
После того, как слово приобретено, это слово затем «переопределяется» в проекте «Большое слово» , которое больше не имеет традиционного значения, а ссылается на URL-адрес по выбору владельцев. Домашняя страница состоит из случайного набора из 100 купленных слов, и пользователи могут щелкнуть слово, чтобы просмотреть новое «определение». Пользователи могут искать слово из списка 170 000 или просматривать их в алфавитном порядке. С января 2010 года существует немецкая версия онлайн- проекта Das grosse Wort Projekt для немецкоязычного региона.
На сайте есть блог об исследованиях создателей, пресса о проекте и интересные сайты, представленные в проект.
Деньги, полученные от сайта, пошли на оплату их студенческих сборов.
- ^ Выпуск новостей Университета Ольстера — Проект большого слова
- ^ Ирландские новости: онлайн-словарь позволяет пользователям создавать и покупать новые слова
- ^
- ^ , получено 17 апреля 2008 г.
- ^ Студенты-аспиранты переосмысливают легкие деньги с помощью веб-сайта за 1 доллар
- ^ , получено 22 мая 2008 г.
- ^ , получено 29 января 2010 г.
- ^ — Определить слово | Посетите Thebigwordproj Архивировано 15 апреля 2008 г. на Wayback Machine
- ^ Ирландский игрок новостей последних новостей
- ^ Веб-дизайнеры предлагают буквы за доллар — Белфаст сегодня
внешние ссылки
- Проект «Большое слово»
- Блог проекта «Большое слово»
- Блог Ли Манро
- Блог Пэдди Доннелли
That’s a big word, boy, coming from you.
We put two of those guys up there just for using a big word.
On a attaché ces deux gars juste pour un gros mot.
That’s a big word for something that’s supposed to be so small.
C’est un grand mot pour quelque chose qui est supposé petit.
What a dreadfully big word for a college dropout, wouldn’t you say?
Quel grand mot pour quelqu’un qui a abandonné ses études?
Now, he’s gonna throw a big word at you!
Bien sûr, il vous lancera un grand mot à la figure!
Eh bien, c’est un grand mot mais pourquoi pas.
A gorge is a big word, a deep valley surrounded
Une gorge est un grand mot, une vallée profonde entourée
Well, that’s a pretty big word for a guy who can’t read without moving his lips.
Et bien, c’est plutôt de grands mots pour un mec qui ne sait pas lire sans bouger les lèvres.
That’s a pretty big word…»bullshit»… to describe an allegation like that.
Conneries», c’est un grand mot pour décrire
allégation pareille.
Un bien grand mot pour dire que c’est toujours bon
Results: 48,
Time: 0.0245
Have you been looking to EFFICIENTLY improve your conversational skills and effectively tackle a lot of new vocabulary? Check out our post on the 1000 Most Common French Words below. This is a French frequency vocabulary list, which means the 1st word is used twice as much as the one below it and so on. This is a great hack to learn the French language in a straightforward and painless manner.
- Get your tongue moving with these French tongue twisters
- 70% of French students dont know these words, do you? Free quiz (no email or info necessary)
- Get original French language films with this Netflix hack that will help you learn a language.
- Upgrade with this quick list of common French idioms
Our list of the 1000 most common words in French below:
Number | French | in English |
1 | comme | as |
2 | je | I |
3 | son | his |
4 | que | that |
5 | il | he |
6 | était | was |
7 | pour | for |
8 | sur | on |
9 | sont | are |
10 | avec | with |
11 | ils | they |
12 | être | be |
13 | à | at |
14 | un | one |
15 | avoir | have |
16 | ce | this |
17 | à partir de | from |
18 | par | by |
19 | chaud | hot |
20 | mot | word |
21 | mais | but |
22 | que | what |
23 | certains | some |
24 | est | is |
25 | il | it |
26 | vous | you |
27 | ou | or |
28 | eu | had |
29 | la | the |
30 | de | of |
31 | à | to |
32 | et | and |
33 | un | a |
34 | dans | in |
35 | nous | we |
36 | boîte | can |
37 | dehors | out |
38 | autre | other |
39 | étaient | were |
40 | qui | which |
41 | faire | do |
42 | leur | their |
43 | temps | time |
44 | si | if |
45 | volonté | will |
46 | comment | how |
47 | dit | said |
48 | un | an |
49 | chaque | each |
50 | dire | tell |
51 | ne | does |
52 | ensemble | set |
53 | trois | three |
54 | vouloir | want |
55 | air | air |
56 | bien | well |
57 | aussi | also |
58 | jouer | play |
59 | petit | small |
60 | fin | end |
61 | mettre | put |
62 | maison | home |
63 | lire | read |
64 | main | hand |
65 | port | port |
66 | grand | large |
67 | épeler | spell |
68 | ajouter | add |
69 | même | even |
70 | terre | land |
71 | ici | here |
72 | il faut | must |
73 | grand | big |
74 | haut | high |
75 | tel | such |
76 | suivre | follow |
77 | acte | act |
78 | pourquoi | why |
79 | interroger | ask |
80 | hommes | men |
81 | changement | change |
82 | est allé | went |
83 | lumière | light |
84 | genre | kind |
85 | de | off |
86 | besoin | need |
87 | maison | house |
88 | image | picture |
89 | essayer | try |
90 | nous | us |
91 | encore | again |
92 | animal | animal |
93 | point | point |
94 | mère | mother |
95 | monde | world |
96 | près de | near |
97 | construire | build |
98 | soi | self |
99 | terre | earth |
100 | père | father |
101 | tout | any |
102 | nouveau | new |
103 | travail | work |
104 | partie | part |
105 | prendre | take |
106 | obtenir | get |
107 | lieu | place |
108 | fabriqué | made |
109 | vivre | live |
110 | où | where |
111 | après | after |
112 | arrière | back |
113 | peu | little |
114 | seulement | only |
115 | tour | round |
116 | homme | man |
117 | année | year |
118 | est venu | came |
119 | montrer | show |
120 | tous | every |
121 | bon | good |
122 | moi | me |
123 | donner | give |
124 | notre | our |
125 | sous | under |
126 | nom | name |
127 | très | very |
128 | par | through |
129 | juste | just |
130 | forme | form |
131 | phrase | sentence |
132 | grand | great |
133 | penser | think |
134 | dire | say |
135 | aider | help |
136 | faible | low |
137 | ligne | line |
138 | différer | differ |
139 | tour | turn |
140 | la cause | cause |
141 | beaucoup | much |
142 | signifier | mean |
143 | avant | before |
144 | déménagement | move |
145 | droit | right |
146 | garçon | boy |
147 | vieux | old |
148 | trop | too |
149 | même | same |
150 | elle | she |
151 | tous | all |
152 | là | there |
153 | quand | when |
154 | jusqu’à | up |
155 | utiliser | use |
156 | votre | your |
157 | manière | way |
158 | sur | about |
159 | beaucoup | many |
160 | puis | then |
161 | les | them |
162 | écrire | write |
163 | voudrais | would |
164 | comme | like |
165 | si | so |
166 | ces | these |
167 | son | her |
168 | long | long |
169 | faire | make |
170 | chose | thing |
171 | voir | see |
172 | lui | him |
173 | deux | two |
174 | a | has |
175 | regarder | look |
176 | plus | more |
177 | jour | day |
178 | pourrait | could |
179 | aller | go |
180 | venir | come |
181 | fait | did |
182 | nombre | number |
183 | son | sound |
184 | aucun | no |
185 | plus | most |
186 | personnes | people |
187 | ma | my |
188 | sur | over |
189 | savoir | know |
190 | eau | water |
191 | que | than |
192 | appel | call |
193 | première | first |
194 | qui | who |
195 | peut | may |
196 | vers le bas | down |
197 | côté | side |
198 | été | been |
199 | maintenant | now |
200 | trouver | find |
201 | tête | head |
202 | supporter | stand |
203 | propre | own |
204 | page | page |
205 | devrait | should |
206 | pays | country |
207 | trouvé | found |
208 | réponse | answer |
209 | école | school |
210 | croître | grow |
211 | étude | study |
212 | encore | still |
213 | apprendre | learn |
214 | usine | plant |
215 | couvercle | cover |
216 | nourriture | food |
217 | soleil | sun |
218 | quatre | four |
219 | entre | between |
220 | état | state |
221 | garder | keep |
222 | œil | eye |
223 | jamais | never |
224 | dernier | last |
225 | laisser | let |
226 | pensée | thought |
227 | ville | city |
228 | arbre | tree |
229 | traverser | cross |
230 | ferme | farm |
231 | dur | hard |
232 | début | start |
233 | puissance | might |
234 | histoire | story |
235 | scie | saw |
236 | loin | far |
237 | mer | sea |
238 | tirer | draw |
239 | gauche | left |
240 | tard | late |
241 | courir | run |
242 | needs a context | don’t |
243 | tandis que | while |
244 | presse | press |
245 | proche | close |
246 | nuit | night |
247 | réel | real |
248 | vie | life |
249 | peu | few |
250 | nord | north |
251 | livre | book |
252 | porter | carry |
253 | a pris | took |
254 | science | science |
255 | manger | eat |
256 | chambre | room |
257 | ami | friend |
258 | a commencé | began |
259 | idée | idea |
260 | poisson | fish |
261 | montagne | mountain |
262 | Arrêtez | stop |
263 | une fois | once |
264 | base | base |
265 | entendre | hear |
266 | cheval | horse |
267 | coupe | cut |
268 | sûr | sure |
269 | regarder | watch |
270 | couleur | color |
271 | face | face |
272 | bois | wood |
273 | principal | main |
274 | ouvert | open |
275 | paraître | seem |
276 | ensemble | together |
277 | suivant | next |
278 | blanc | white |
279 | enfants | children |
280 | commencer | begin |
281 | eu | got |
282 | marcher | walk |
283 | exemple | example |
284 | facilité | ease |
285 | papier | paper |
286 | groupe | group |
287 | toujours | always |
288 | musique | music |
289 | ceux | those |
290 | tous les deux | both |
291 | marque | mark |
292 | souvent | often |
293 | lettre | letter |
294 | jusqu’à ce que | until |
295 | mile | mile |
296 | rivière | river |
297 | voiture | car |
298 | pieds | feet |
299 | soins | care |
300 | deuxième | second |
301 | assez | enough |
302 | plaine | plain |
303 | fille | girl |
304 | habituel | usual |
305 | jeune | young |
306 | prêt | ready |
307 | au-dessus | above |
308 | jamais | ever |
309 | rouge | red |
310 | liste | list |
311 | bien que | though |
312 | sentir | feel |
313 | parler | talk |
314 | oiseau | bird |
315 | bientôt | soon |
316 | corps | body |
317 | chien | dog |
318 | famille | family |
319 | direct | direct |
320 | pose | pose |
321 | laisser | leave |
322 | chanson | song |
323 | mesurer | measure |
324 | porte | door |
325 | produit | product |
326 | noir | black |
327 | court | short |
328 | chiffre | numeral |
329 | classe | class |
330 | vent | wind |
331 | question | question |
332 | arriver | happen |
333 | complète | complete |
334 | navire | ship |
335 | zone | area |
336 | moitié | half |
337 | rock | rock |
338 | ordre | order |
339 | feu | fire |
340 | sud | south |
341 | problème | problem |
342 | pièce | piece |
343 | dit | told |
344 | savait | knew |
345 | passer | pass |
346 | depuis | since |
347 | haut | top |
348 | ensemble | whole |
349 | roi | king |
350 | rue | street |
351 | pouce | inch |
352 | multiplier | multiply |
353 | rien | nothing |
354 | cours | course |
355 | rester | stay |
356 | roue | wheel |
357 | plein | full |
358 | force | force |
359 | bleu | blue |
360 | objet | object |
361 | décider | decide |
362 | surface | surface |
363 | profond | deep |
364 | lune | moon |
365 | île | island |
366 | pied | foot |
367 | système | system |
368 | occupé | busy |
369 | test | test |
370 | record | record |
371 | bateau | boat |
372 | commun | common |
373 | or | gold |
374 | possible | possible |
375 | plan | plane |
376 | place | stead |
377 | sec | dry |
378 | se demander | wonder |
379 | rire | laugh |
380 | mille | thousand |
381 | il ya | ago |
382 | ran | ran |
383 | vérifier | check |
384 | jeu | game |
385 | forme | shape |
386 | assimiler | equate |
387 | chaud | hot |
388 | manquer | miss |
389 | apporté | brought |
390 | chaleur | heat |
391 | neige | snow |
392 | pneu | tire |
393 | apporter | bring |
394 | oui | yes |
395 | lointain | distant |
396 | remplir | fill |
397 | est | east |
398 | peindre | paint |
399 | langue | language |
400 | entre | among |
401 | unité | unit |
402 | puissance | power |
403 | ville | town |
404 | fin | fine |
405 | certain | certain |
406 | voler | fly |
407 | tomber | fall |
408 | conduire | lead |
409 | cri | cry |
410 | sombre | dark |
411 | machine | machine |
412 | Note | note |
413 | patienter | wait |
414 | plan | plan |
415 | figure | figure |
416 | étoile | star |
417 | boîte | box |
418 | nom | noun |
419 | domaine | field |
420 | reste | rest |
421 | correct | correct |
422 | capable | able |
423 | livre | pound |
424 | Terminé | done |
425 | beauté | beauty |
426 | entraînement | drive |
427 | résisté | stood |
428 | contenir | contain |
429 | avant | front |
430 | enseigner | teach |
431 | semaine | week |
432 | finale | final |
433 | donné | gave |
434 | vert | green |
435 | oh | oh |
436 | rapide | quick |
437 | développer | develop |
438 | océan | ocean |
439 | chaud | warm |
440 | gratuit | free |
441 | minute | minute |
442 | fort | strong |
443 | spécial | special |
444 | esprit | mind |
445 | derrière | behind |
446 | clair | clear |
447 | queue | tail |
448 | produire | produce |
449 | fait | fact |
450 | espace | space |
451 | entendu | heard |
452 | meilleur | best |
453 | heure | hour |
454 | mieux | better |
455 | vrai | true |
456 | pendant | during |
457 | cent | hundred |
458 | cinq | five |
459 | rappeler | remember |
460 | étape | step |
461 | tôt | early |
462 | tenir | hold |
463 | ouest | west |
464 | sol | ground |
465 | intérêt | interest |
466 | atteindre | reach |
467 | rapide | fast |
468 | verbe | verb |
469 | chanter | sing |
470 | écouter | listen |
471 | six | six |
472 | table | table |
473 | Voyage | travel |
474 | moins | less |
475 | matin | morning |
476 | dix | ten |
477 | simple | simple |
478 | plusieurs | several |
479 | voyelle | vowel |
480 | vers | toward |
481 | guerre | war |
482 | poser | lay |
483 | contre | against |
484 | modèle | pattern |
485 | lent | slow |
486 | centre | center |
487 | amour | love |
488 | personne | person |
489 | argent | money |
490 | servir | serve |
491 | apparaître | appear |
492 | route | road |
493 | carte | map |
494 | pluie | rain |
495 | règle | rule |
496 | gouverner | govern |
497 | tirer | pull |
498 | froid | cold |
499 | avis | notice |
500 | voix | voice |
501 | énergie | energy |
502 | chasse | hunt |
503 | probable | probable |
504 | lit | bed |
505 | frère | brother |
506 | œuf | egg |
507 | tour | ride |
508 | cellule | cell |
509 | croire | believe |
510 | peut-être | perhaps |
511 | choisir | pick |
512 | soudain | sudden |
513 | compter | count |
514 | carré | square |
515 | raison | reason |
516 | longueur | length |
517 | représenter | represent |
518 | art | art |
519 | sujet | subject |
520 | région | region |
521 | taille | size |
522 | varier | vary |
523 | régler | settle |
524 | parler | speak |
525 | poids | weight |
526 | général | general |
527 | glace | ice |
528 | question | matter |
529 | cercle | circle |
530 | paire | pair |
531 | inclure | include |
532 | fracture | divide |
533 | syllabe | syllable |
534 | feutre | felt |
535 | grandiose | grand |
536 | balle | ball |
537 | encore | yet |
538 | vague | wave |
539 | tomber | drop |
540 | cœur | heart |
541 | h | am |
542 | présent | present |
543 | lourd | heavy |
544 | danse | dance |
545 | moteur | engine |
546 | position | position |
547 | bras | arm |
548 | large | wide |
549 | voile | sail |
550 | matériel | material |
551 | fraction | fraction |
552 | forêt | forest |
553 | s’asseoir | sit |
554 | course | race |
555 | fenêtre | window |
556 | magasin | store |
557 | été | summer |
558 | train | train |
559 | sommeil | sleep |
560 | prouver | prove |
561 | seul | lone |
562 | jambe | leg |
563 | exercice | exercise |
564 | mur | wall |
565 | capture | catch |
566 | monture | mount |
567 | souhaiter | wish |
568 | ciel | sky |
569 | conseil | board |
570 | joie | joy |
571 | hiver | winter |
572 | sat | sat |
573 | écrit | written |
574 | sauvage | wild |
575 | instrument | instrument |
576 | conservé | kept |
577 | verre | glass |
578 | herbe | grass |
579 | vache | cow |
580 | emploi | job |
581 | bord | edge |
582 | signe | sign |
583 | visite | visit |
584 | passé | past |
585 | doux | soft |
586 | amusement | fun |
587 | clair | bright |
588 | gaz | gas |
589 | temps | weather |
590 | mois | month |
591 | million | million |
592 | porter | bear |
593 | finition | finish |
594 | heureux | happy |
595 | espoir | hope |
596 | fleur | flower |
597 | vêtir | clothe |
598 | étrange | strange |
599 | disparu | gone |
600 | commerce | trade |
601 | mélodie | melody |
602 | voyage | trip |
603 | bureau | office |
604 | recevoir | receive |
605 | rangée | row |
606 | bouche | mouth |
607 | exact | exact |
608 | symbole | symbol |
609 | mourir | die |
610 | moins | least |
611 | difficulté | trouble |
612 | cri | shout |
613 | sauf | except |
614 | écrit | wrote |
615 | semence | seed |
616 | ton | tone |
617 | joindre | join |
618 | suggérer | suggest |
619 | propre | clean |
620 | pause | break |
621 | dame | lady |
622 | cour | yard |
623 | augmenter | rise |
624 | mauvais | bad |
625 | coup | blow |
626 | huile | oil |
627 | sang | blood |
628 | toucher | touch |
629 | a augmenté | grew |
630 | cent | cent |
631 | mélanger | mix |
632 | équipe | team |
633 | fil | wire |
634 | coût | cost |
635 | perdu | lost |
636 | brun | brown |
637 | porter | wear |
638 | jardin | garden |
639 | égal | equal |
640 | expédié | sent |
641 | choisir | choose |
642 | est tombé | fell |
643 | s’adapter | fit |
644 | débit | flow |
645 | juste | fair |
646 | banque | bank |
647 | recueillir | collect |
648 | sauver | save |
649 | contrôle | control |
650 | décimal | decimal |
651 | oreille | ear |
652 | autre | else |
653 | tout à fait | quite |
654 | cassé | broke |
655 | cas | case |
656 | milieu | middle |
657 | tuer | kill |
658 | fils | son |
659 | lac | lake |
660 | moment | moment |
661 | échelle | scale |
662 | fort | loud |
663 | printemps | spring |
664 | observer | observe |
665 | enfant | child |
666 | droit | straight |
667 | consonne | consonant |
668 | nation | nation |
669 | dictionnaire | dictionary |
670 | lait | milk |
671 | vitesse | speed |
672 | méthode | method |
673 | organe | organ |
674 | payer | pay |
675 | âge | age |
676 | section | section |
677 | robe | dress |
678 | nuage | cloud |
679 | surprise | surprise |
680 | calme | quiet |
681 | pierre | stone |
682 | minuscule | tiny |
683 | montée | climb |
684 | frais | cool |
685 | conception | design |
686 | pauvres | poor |
687 | lot | lot |
688 | expérience | experiment |
689 | bas | bottom |
690 | clé | key |
691 | fer | iron |
692 | unique | single |
693 | bâton | stick |
694 | plat | flat |
695 | vingt | twenty |
696 | peau | skin |
697 | sourire | smile |
698 | pli | crease |
699 | trou | hole |
700 | sauter | jump |
701 | bébé | baby |
702 | huit | eight |
703 | village | village |
704 | se rencontrent | meet |
705 | racine | root |
706 | acheter | buy |
707 | augmenter | raise |
708 | résoudre | solve |
709 | métal | metal |
710 | si | whether |
711 | pousser | push |
712 | sept | seven |
713 | paragraphe | paragraph |
714 | troisième | third |
715 | doit | shall |
716 | en attente | held |
717 | cheveux | hair |
718 | décrire | describe |
719 | cuisinier | cook |
720 | étage | floor |
721 | chaque | either |
722 | résultat | result |
723 | brûler | burn |
724 | colline | hill |
725 | coffre-fort | safe |
726 | chat | cat |
727 | siècle | century |
728 | envisager | consider |
729 | type | type |
730 | droit | law |
731 | peu | bit |
732 | côte | coast |
733 | copie | copy |
734 | phrase | phrase |
735 | silencieux | silent |
736 | haut | tall |
737 | sable | sand |
738 | sol | soil |
739 | rouleau | roll |
740 | température | temperature |
741 | doigt | finger |
742 | industrie | industry |
743 | valeur | value |
744 | lutte | fight |
745 | mensonge | lie |
746 | battre | beat |
747 | exciter | excite |
748 | naturel | natural |
749 | vue | view |
750 | sens | sense |
751 | capital | capital |
752 | ne sera pas | won’t |
753 | chaise | chair |
754 | danger | danger |
755 | fruit | fruit |
756 | riche | rich |
757 | épais | thick |
758 | soldat | soldier |
759 | processus | process |
760 | fonctionner | operate |
761 | pratique | practice |
762 | séparé | separate |
763 | difficile | difficult |
764 | médecin | doctor |
765 | s’il vous plaît | please |
766 | protéger | protect |
767 | midi | noon |
768 | récolte | crop |
769 | moderne | modern |
770 | élément | element |
771 | frapper | hit |
772 | étudiant | student |
773 | coin | corner |
774 | partie | party |
775 | alimentation | supply |
776 | dont | whose |
777 | localiser | locate |
778 | anneau | ring |
779 | caractère | character |
780 | insecte | insect |
781 | pris | caught |
782 | période | period |
783 | indiquer | indicate |
784 | radio | radio |
785 | rayon | spoke |
786 | atome | atom |
787 | humain | human |
788 | histoire | history |
789 | effet | effect |
790 | électrique | electric |
791 | attendre | expect |
792 | os | bone |
793 | rail | rail |
794 | imaginer | imagine |
795 | fournir | provide |
796 | se mettre d’accord | agree |
797 | ainsi | thus |
798 | doux | gentle |
799 | femme | woman |
800 | capitaine | captain |
801 | deviner | guess |
802 | nécessaire | necessary |
803 | net | sharp |
804 | aile | wing |
805 | créer | create |
806 | voisin | neighbor |
807 | lavage | wash |
808 | chauve-souris | bat |
809 | plutôt | rather |
810 | foule | crowd |
811 | blé | corn |
812 | comparer | compare |
813 | poème | poem |
814 | chaîne | string |
815 | cloche | bell |
816 | dépendre | depend |
817 | viande | meat |
818 | rub | rub |
819 | tube | tube |
820 | célèbre | famous |
921 | dollar | dollar |
822 | courant | stream |
823 | peur | fear |
284 | vue | sight |
825 | mince | thin |
826 | triangle | triangle |
827 | planète | planet |
828 | se dépêcher | hurry |
829 | chef | chief |
830 | colonie | colony |
831 | horloge | clock |
832 | mine | mine |
833 | lien | tie |
834 | entrer | enter |
835 | majeur | major |
836 | frais | fresh |
837 | recherche | search |
838 | envoyer | send |
839 | jaune | yellow |
840 | pistolet | gun |
841 | permettre | allow |
842 | impression | |
843 | mort | dead |
844 | place | spot |
845 | désert | desert |
846 | costume | suit |
847 | courant | current |
848 | ascenseur | lift |
840 | rose | rose |
850 | arriver | arrive |
851 | maître | master |
852 | piste | track |
853 | mère | parent |
854 | rivage | shore |
855 | division | division |
856 | feuille | sheet |
857 | substance | substance |
858 | favoriser | favor |
859 | relier | connect |
860 | poste | post |
861 | passer | spend |
862 | corde | chord |
863 | graisse | fat |
864 | heureux | glad |
865 | original | original |
866 | part | share |
867 | station | station |
868 | papa | dad |
869 | pain | bread |
870 | charger | charge |
871 | propre | proper |
872 | bar | bar |
873 | proposition | offer |
874 | segment | segment |
875 | esclave | slave |
876 | canard | duck |
877 | instant | instant |
878 | marché | market |
879 | degré | degree |
880 | peupler | populate |
881 | poussin | chick |
882 | cher | dear |
883 | ennemi | enemy |
884 | répondre | reply |
885 | boisson | drink |
886 | se produire | occur |
887 | support | support |
888 | discours | speech |
889 | nature | nature |
890 | gamme | range |
891 | vapeur | steam |
892 | mouvement | motion |
893 | chemin | path |
894 | liquide | liquid |
895 | enregistrer | log |
896 | signifiait | meant |
897 | quotient | quotient |
898 | dents | teeth |
899 | coquille | shell |
900 | cou | neck |
901 | oxygène | oxygen |
902 | sucre | sugar |
903 | décès | death |
904 | assez | pretty |
905 | compétence | skill |
906 | femmes | women |
907 | saison | season |
908 | solution | solution |
909 | aimant | magnet |
910 | argent | silver |
911 | merci | thank |
912 | branche | branch |
913 | rencontre | match |
914 | suffixe | suffix |
915 | particulièrement | especially |
916 | figue | fig |
917 | peur | afraid |
918 | énorme | huge |
919 | sœur | sister |
920 | acier | steel |
921 | discuter | discuss |
922 | avant | forward |
923 | similaire | similar |
924 | guider | guide |
925 | expérience | experience |
926 | score | score |
927 | pomme | apple |
928 | acheté | bought |
929 | LED | led |
930 | pas | pitch |
931 | manteau | coat |
932 | masse | mass |
933 | carte | card |
934 | bande | band |
935 | corde | rope |
936 | glissement | slip |
937 | gagner | win |
938 | rêver | dream |
939 | soirée | evening |
940 | condition | condition |
941 | alimentation | feed |
942 | outil | tool |
943 | total | total |
944 | de base | basic |
945 | odeur | smell |
946 | vallée | valley |
947 | ni | nor |
948 | double | double |
949 | siège | seat |
950 | continuer | continue |
951 | bloc | block |
952 | graphique | chart |
953 | chapeau | hat |
954 | vendre | sell |
955 | succès | success |
956 | entreprise | company |
957 | soustraire | subtract |
958 | événement | event |
959 | particulier | particular |
960 | accord | deal |
961 | baignade | swim |
962 | terme | term |
963 | opposé | opposite |
964 | femme | wife |
965 | chaussure | shoe |
966 | épaule | shoulder |
967 | propagation | spread |
968 | organiser | arrange |
969 | camp | camp |
970 | inventer | invent |
971 | coton | cotton |
972 | né | born |
973 | déterminer | determine |
974 | litre | quart |
975 | neuf | nine |
976 | camion | truck |
977 | bruit | noise |
978 | niveau | level |
979 | chance | chance |
980 | recueillir | gather |
981 | boutique | shop |
982 | tronçon | stretch |
983 | jeter | throw |
984 | éclat | shine |
985 | propriété | property |
986 | colonne | column |
987 | molécule | molecule |
988 | sélectionner | select |
989 | mal | wrong |
990 | gris | gray |
991 | répétition | repeat |
992 | exiger | require |
993 | large | broad |
994 | préparer | prepare |
995 | sel | salt |
996 | nez | nose |
997 | pluriel | plural |
998 | colère | anger |
999 | revendication | claim |
1000 | continent… | continent |
When learning a new language the amount of vocabulary can be daunting. Have you heard people say things like: “We only use around 700 words when we talk?” This is true to some degree. The number of words to learn to speak a language really depends on your purpose. Remember that 300 to 600 words may be enough to travel, but at least 1000 words are necessary for a conversation. The most important thing is not knowing how many words you need to speak a language, but which words to know. Complete fluency is in the 10,000 word range. According to the economist: “Most adult native test-takers range from 20,000–35,000 words. Average native test-takers of age 8 already know 10,000 words. Average native test-takers of age 4 already know 5,000 words. Adult native test-takers learn almost 1 new word a day until middle age”
10,000 words. Wow. That does seem daunting when you are first starting out. But like anything new, you just have to start small and keep adding to it.
That’s why we wrote this blog article: Find the 1000 words used most often in spoken French below.
Why these 1000 words?
Let’s imagine that you just got a job as a bartender. Would you try to learn every cocktail known to man, or would you focus on the cocktails that are most popular in your area? We developed this list of words based on the idea of the 80/20 principle (the cornerstone of results-based living). This strategy developed by David Kock says :”The 80/20 Principle asserts that a minority of causes, inputs or efforts usually lead to a majority of the results, outputs or rewards” So instead of learning 10,000 words in no particular order, learn the most common 100 words, then the most common 500 words, and then the most common 1000 words. If you want to check out this classic business book, you can order it here.
Other great ways to improve your vocabulary:
- Watch Netflix in Original language with original language captions
- Check out a great book like this: 2000 most frequently used French words
- Do some quick daily exercises on DuoLingo or any other free language learning app
- Take some classes with us at Strømmen and speak to a real human in person or online
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article lists some of the longest words in the French language.
As in many languages, chemical nomenclature may be used to construct indefinitely long chemical names (if referring to fictional molecules), and therefore is not on this list. The chemical name of titin could be translated, and therefore would be the longest technical word in the French language.
The longest word listed below, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie (36 letters) is the fear (or phobia) of long words. The word is formed from the Latin word sesquipedalia (singular sesquipedalis), which the Ancient Roman poet Horace used in Ars Poetica to describe excessively long words; literally, it means «a foot-and-a-half long».
Like the other phobias in the list, hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie can be pluralised by adding the letter s to the end. The adjective interdépartemental (18 letters), which also appears in the list, can be made longer by appending the letters es , which gives its plural, grammatically gendered form.
Long words[edit]
See also[edit]
- Longest words
- Longest word in English
- Longest word in Romanian
- Longest word in Spanish
- Longest word in Turkish
- ^ a b c d e Martin, Philippe (2018). «Groupes accentuels et phrasé». Intonation, structure prosodique et ondes cérébrales: introduction à l’analyse prosodique. Série Linguistique du langage oral (in French). London: ISTE Editions. ISBN 978-1-78405-370-3. OCLC 1033658031 – via Google Books.
- ^ Case 2014, p. 86–87.
- ^ Case 2014, pp. 27–28.
- ^ George, Kenneth E. M. (1991). Néologismes du français contemporain. Datations et documents lexicographiques (in French). Klincksieck. p. 175. ISBN 978-2-252-02749-3. OCLC 256644341.
- ^ Leconte, Bernard (2007). «Diafoirus en pleine forme». A la recherche du bon français (in French). Éditions Lanore. p. 57. ISBN 978-2-85157-301-8 – via Google Books.
- ^ Case 2014, p. 34–35.
- ^ Case 2014, p. 125.
- ^ Case 2014, p. 65.
- ^ «Interdépartemental». Le Dictionnaire. Retrieved 25 June 2018.
- Case, Camille (2014). Dictionnaire commenté des phobies (in French). ISBN 978-1-326-01419-3. OCLC 980437079 – via Google Books.
External links[edit]
Longest words in French