The best word for beautiful girl

150+ Sweet words to tell a woman to make her fall in love with you

Every woman should feel special and loved. There is no better way to do this than to express your feelings for her to make her fall in love with you every day. Coming up with sweet words for her and sending them to her may seem very simple, but it will brighten her day. She will feel loved and appreciated for who she is.

sweet words for her to make her smile

Sweet words to tell a woman. Photo:, @iamjiroe (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Have you been asking yourself, «How can I melt my girlfriend’s heart with words?» There are many sweet words for her that will make her swoon over you. You can always tweak them to make them more personal. Here is a compilation of sweet things to say to your girlfriend or partner.

It is not uncommon to ignore the importance of telling your girlfriend or wife just how much you love her. This is because many people are not taught how to express love in words. However, you can learn all the nice things to say to a girl today.

Sweet words for her to make her smile

Expressing your sweet love words for her in the morning will make her smile the entire day. Do not fret if you do not know what to say to her. Below are simple words that will, undoubtedly, make her happy all day long.

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  • I was just thinking about how wonderful you are. I thought you should know.
  • I really never thought I’d feel this way about someone. But then you came along. You’ve made me believe in soul mates.
  • Sometimes I look at you and can’t believe you’re with me. What did I do to deserve you?
  • God was probably just showing off by creating someone like you.
  • Every day of my life, every hour and minute, my heart is beating your name.
  • When you look into my eyes, you will find me there. But when you look into my heart, you will find yourself.
  • Life without you is so not worth living. I only feel happy and complete when you are with me.
  • Every time I see your gorgeous face and look into your amazing eyes, I fall in love with you more and more, and it feels like heaven to know that we are together.
  • Being with you, talking with you and laughing with you, that’s what I enjoy most.
  • You are more than just beautiful – you are gorgeous, charming, and magnificent.
  • I never knew how it felt to have butterflies all around my stomach before you came into my life, and now I experience it every single day.
  • You are a better part of me and my second half. Without you, I would probably be lost. You complete me, and right now, I could not wish for a better life partner.
  • Everything you do adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy!
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.
  • If I were to spell out my favourite thing in the world, I’d spell “Y-O-U.”
  • Believe me when I say that I have my eyes on you and no other, living or dead. Trust me with your heart, for I will be long dead before anything I do makes you cry or weep bitterly.
  • After all is said and done, I am convinced that you belong to me. I know that because right now, I can feel your heart thumping aloud merrily for me. That’s how it should be, my love.

sweet love words for her

Sweet love words for her. Photo:, @hudsoncrafted (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Short sweet words for her

What are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend? Here are some short and sweet words to make her feel deeply loved.

  • I love the person you are.
  • You are my favourite human being on the planet.
  • You make me so happy.
  • I’m so excited to experience life with you.
  • You’re everything to me.
  • You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into the room.
  • Whenever I see you, I think, “Good job, God!”
  • Without you, my life can be compared to a broken pencil: it is totally pointless.
  • You are my sunshine.
  • I’m thinking about you.
  • You take my breath away.
  • I’m yours.
  • Love conquers distance.
  • We have an unbreakable bond.
  • You are always in my heart.
  • We’re perfect for each other.
  • I feel so lucky to be with you.

READ ALSO: Deep love messages for her: Emotional text messages to girlfriend

Cute things to say to your girlfriend

You can use these cute and passionate words to tell your girl how she makes you feel. They will make her fall head over heels in love with you.

  • I was listening to this song on the radio about the singer’s version of his perfect lady, and it totally reminded me of you.
  • If I ended up in heaven after death and was asked in which form I would like to come back, I would choose the form of a tear. This way, I can be born in your eyes, then I would roll down your cheeks and then die right on your lips.
  • Your father must be a crafty thief because he took all the stars from the sky, stole them, and placed them in your eyes.
  • Today, I love you more than I did yesterday, but also less than I will love you tomorrow.
  • If I had a dozen roses, eleven of which were real and one was artificial, I would love you until the very last rose died.
  • Last night I went out, looked up into the sky and matched all the stars with the reasons why I admire you. Long story short, I was doing fine, but then I ran out of stars.
  • You are incredibly cute and sweet, and when I see your smile lighten up your face, I love you even more.
  • The best part of waking up is seeing your beautiful face next to me! Words can’t describe how much I love you.
  • I was about to say something… but I looked at you and forgot what I wanted to say.
  • If there was a choice between loving you and breathing, my last breath would be used just to say that I love you.
  • Do you know why I believe in God? Because He gave me the greatest miracle – He brought me you.
  • Whenever my phone rings and I see your name on the screen, my heart instantly beats faster. What have you done to me, girl?
  • If there’s anything called freedom from love, I would rather be in chains than wander aimlessly deprived of your love.
  • People say that a picture can tell you a thousand words. For me, a picture of you can tell only three of the most important words: I love you!
  • I adore all these little things you do when you show your care for me. They only make me love and appreciate you more. Thank you for being here.
  • The day I met you, I found the piece of me I didn’t know was missing. I fancy you, this relationship and the better part of me you brought out.
  • The moment I first kissed you, I gave you everything. I gave you my body, my heart and soul, and a promise that for as long as I live, my love for you will be the same.

how to express love in words

Expressing love in words. Photo:, @timmossholder (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet words for her soul

These lovely words will touch her soul and make her fall in love with you even more. Use them, and she will be yours forever.

  • If people say that no one is perfect, then for me, my darling, you are no one.
  • I would have conquered the world with only one hand if it was you who was holding my other one.
  • I have seen a lot of precious things in my life, but you, my love, are definitely the most precious of them all. I will never let you go.
  • I can see a thousand stars in the night sky, but there is only one star in my heart, and this, my darling, is you.
  • You are not just my lover. You are my best friend, the one who I can trust and who always supports me, the one I can absolutely count on in everything, the love of my entire life. You are everything to me, my one and only.
  • You came into my life to fill the dark holes in my heart, and I just want to hold you close and not let go because letting you go will bring back those holes.
  • When I’m with you, I feel like I am the strongest man on earth. I’m undefeatable and tireless. Oh, darling, I’m full of adoration and inspiration. You are the only one who makes me feel this way, and I wish it would never stop.
  • Your presence in my life means more than anything else in this world to me. Everything I do, I do it because I feel inspired by you. I pray for you every night before I go to sleep. You are everything that matters.
  • You are making me the happiest person in the entire wide world by just existing. And when you are with me, I am beyond happy.
  • Everything I am is thanks to your love. Without it, I have no idea where I would have been right now. You saved me from misery.
  • You inspire me to write poems and prose about love because with you I finally know what love is.
  • You are the perfect woman for me, mainly because you are always so caring and sweet.
  • Without your text or call, my day immediately becomes worse.
  • Sometimes I feel like without you in my life, I would have stepped on a dark path.
  • One thing I love about you is that you do not lie to me and that it is obvious how your love for me is true.
  • As I give my heart to you, I promise you that I will never break yours as long as I live.
  • You are such an amazing person that you could have easily won anyone’s heart. Thank you for giving your love to me.

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Romantic things to say to your girlfriend

When did you last pamper your beloved girl with romantic words? Below are sweet romantic words for her to accompany the sweet romantic things you do for her to make her love you even more.

  • You were my wish upon a shooting star. I remember wishing to find true love one day, and I did. Now, I believe that every wish always comes true if you really need it.
  • My love, you deserve the entire world. I am unable to give you the world, but I can give you something even more valuable: I can give you my heart, my soul, and all of me.
  • You are my everything, my flower. Do you notice how hard and long I stare at you, how stuck I get when I catch a whiff of your fragrance? Do you even know that you are my everything, the only flower in my entire garden?
  • From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.
  • I will always make you feel like you are the most special and beautiful woman in the entire world. This is my main objective – to make you smile and feel good about yourself.
  • When it is a beautiful cloudless night, and you, by any chance, are outside, just look at the sky. You will see thousands of stars. Every one of them stands for one reason why I cherish you so much.
  • I have never seen someone as graceful and elegant as you are. When I look at you, I understand what true love feels like. You give me goosebumps every time you smile. The day I met you was the happiest day of my life.
  • I need you like the poet needs the pain and like the flowers need the rain. Living is wonderful, but living without you is hurtful. I am entirely yours – my body and soul fully belong to you.
  • Even if I try, I won’t be able to express the way I feel about you. Every day when I wake up (even on Mondays!) I feel so overwhelmed with happiness; I almost lose my breath.
  • I adore the way you always wrap your arms around my neck. In your passionate embrace, I feel like I am protected from all troubles and worries.
  • I love all the parts of your body and all the traits of your personality. There is not one part of you that I do not love.
  • You are the reason why I breathe. If you left, it would feel like my breathing was cut off.
  • If I was asked what love means for me, I would not even hesitate – I would reply in just one world. For me, love is you.
  • Seeing you with someone else is impossible. For me, you are only mine, and you will always be mine deep in my heart.
  • It would take so long to list all the reasons why I love you. But the main reason is that you are a beautiful and charming person, and I am just magically drawn to you.
  • Being with you makes life so easy for me, and it is incredible how your presence can change so much about me.
  • Honey, do you know that after we meet, it is impossible to forget your fragrance, your touch and your smile for weeks?
  • My love for you will never end, and I mean these words. It is eternal and unstoppable, and if it ever changes, it will only change for the better.
  • In case your love is a dream, then I never want to wake up from it, otherwise, my entire life will be a nightmare.
  • English vocabulary does not have enough words for describing how you make me feel. This special feeling I feel when I am next to you is the best thing ever.

sweet things to say to your girlfriend when you miss her

What to say when you miss her. Photo:, @paulcusick (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend when you miss her

Use these beautiful words to let her know that she means the world to you even when physical distance is keeping you away from each other. Give her a little warmth and love in your own words to make her feel happy and loved by you.

  • I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see you.
  • When I remember that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I start really missing you because I want the rest of my life to come already.
  • Baby, you give me reasons to hope, to look forward to, and to keep the faith that someday, we will be united, at last, never to be separated by distance anymore.
  • Yesterday at night, I asked an angel to protect you in your sleep. The angel refused, and I asked what the reason was. The angel then told me that angels cannot protect other angels.
  • I was thinking about you today. You are always on my mind, and I constantly wonder about your well-being and safety. I hope you are alright!
  • If you will take eleven roses in your hands and look in the mirror, you will see the twelve most beautiful and amazing things in the world.
  • When you are not here, my life is an incomplete puzzle. You are the biggest missing part of my puzzle, which makes it fall into place.
  • When I am with you, I am a better person. When I am away from you, I am just half of this person you make me be.
  • For you, I wake up every day and go to bed every night knowing I will see you again tomorrow. You are worth all the good things in the world.
  • When you are far away from me, I miss you. When you are not with me, you are the only thing on my mind. When I think about you, I only wish I was with you right now. And, darling, when I am with you, I have this amazing feeling that all of my dreams have finally come true.
  • My love for you is without reason. I just adore you for the amazing, wonderful person you are, and I simply adore everything about you.
  • You can be gone for but a second, and I miss you as if you’ve been gone for weeks.
  • I cherish you so much that it hurts when you are not around, and it makes me happy when you are close to me.
  • I want to be with you, my darling. I want to meet the end of the world together with you because you would make any difficult moment easier.
  • I wish you were here with me. Together, we could create so many more beautiful memories because every day spent with you is a blessing to me.
  • I miss you so much, my sweetheart. All I can think about is hugging you tightly, and when this happens, I will be the luckiest person in the entire universe.
  • To stop thinking about you is the most difficult task in the universe. I just keep thinking about all this time spent with you, and it brings a huge smile to my face.
  • You are always with me, even when you are far away. Our memories together will not fade away in my mind, and they will always be in my heart.

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Sweet things to say when your girlfriend is stressed

Everyone goes through stressful moments in life. If your girlfriend is stressed, show her your love and support, and she will forever be grateful.

  • I went to the hospital and got an x-ray, do you know what they found? You in my heart. The doctor said my heart will always be fine with you in it.
  • You free tonight? I have a little surprise for you.
  • I know you’re busy today, so no need to reply — just wanted to send a quick reminder that I love you, I believe in you, and I’m here for you.
  • What’s the best way I can support you right now?
  • Wish I could give you a huge hug right now, but I’ll save it for when I see you later.
  • I’m so proud of how you’ve been balancing everything lately under so much pressure. You inspire me each and every day.
  • I just know you’re going to do amazing. I cannot wait to see you rock this.
  • You are so close to the finish line. I know you’ll get there, darling!
  • Remember to take a break and eat something nourishing today! I love you.
  • When you need someone to be there for you, I’ll be right there by your side always!
  • Can I bring you some lunch today? #ServiceWithASmooch
  • I’m already planning the most relaxing weekend for you. Almost there!
  • How does take-out and a movie sound tonight?
  • I know you are feeling down, but please cheer up, my sunshine the world needs your smile to survive.
  • You can count on me dear, because I will always be there for you, no matter what you need.
  • I know you have a lot going on. Thinking of you!
  • Remember it’s OK to take a break. I love you.

sweet things to say to your girlfriend when she's mad

What to say when she is angry. Photo:, @nathandumlao (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Sweet things to say to your girlfriend when she’s mad

Little fights in a relationship are normal. These words will calm her whenever she is mad at you for whatever reason.

  • In case we ever fight and you would want to resolve the misunderstanding, just kiss me.
  • The biggest happiness in my life is your smile. Seeing you happy is like being blessed again and again. Thank you for being you.
  • If I could, I would hold you in my arms forever and whisper words of love and encouragement in your ear, because you absolutely deserve it.
  • I don’t enjoy making you mad, but you’re just so hot when you are.
  • I hate fighting with you, what do I have to do to make it stop?
  • Come back to me.
  • You look so cute when you are angry.
  • For my sake, I hope you’re as forgiving as you’re pretty.
  • I recognize you’re hurt, so take all the time you need, and I’ll be here when you can stand me again.
  • You’re not going anywhere, baby, and neither am I. For better or worse, remember?
  • I don’t know who first said ‘do not let the sun set on your anger,’ but I totally agree with them. Don’t you?
  • We are better together. Stop being mad at me, please.
  • I apologize from the deepest part of my heart for causing you pain. Please forgive me?
  • Not talking to you this past few days has been nothing short of agonizing. I don’t want to live like this anymore, I’d do anything.
  • I’m flattered you’re this mad at me ‘cause it shows that you care
  • I hate this so much. Can we kiss and make up already?
  • You mean the world to me, and I hope you remember that even in moments like this.

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How to say I love you without saying those words

Have you ever felt your heart overflowing with love and wondered how to tell her exactly how you feel without sounding mundane? If the three-word phrase feels inadequate to express your feelings, use the phrases below.

  • When you are with me, I always want to be close to you, just to hear the sound of your heart beating.
  • You are the crayons to my colouring book.
  • My life with you and without you is like two different worlds. You have totally changed my entire existence, and I want to thank you for sticking with me.
  • I’m crazy for you, or maybe just crazy!
  • I always say that I adore you, but you should know that I mean these words. I express what my heart feels when I say those three words to you.
  • You’re my dream come true.
  • When you are here with me, living on earth feels like heaven. I know that I do not need heaven as long as I am with you.
  • You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Girl, you are my lucky charm. Ever since I got together with you, everything in my life just started going in the right direction.
  • We go together like biscuits and gravy.
  • Your beauty attracted me, but I admire you for the person you are and the joy you’ve brought to my life.
  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  • Your heart is the only world I want to spend my whole life.
  • I do not have any fantasies, I already have a fantastic woman.
  • Now that you have entered my heart, I have locked its doors and threw the keys away.
  • Each time we look into each other’s eyes I know you are the one for me now, and forever.
  • You have stolen my heart that is why I can not breathe without you.
  • You are the crown of my glory, the fountain from where my life flows out from.

nice things to say to a girl

Nice things to say to a girl you love. Photo:, @ashkanforouzani (modified by author)
Source: UGC

What words make a girl feel special?

Words that communicate love and romance will make any woman feel special and loved, for example, my everything, gorgeous, and beautiful.

What is the sweetest word to say to a girl?

While there is no single word that is considered the sweetest, there are numerous sweet and cute words to call the one you love, for example, my love, honey, darling, and angel.

What can I text to make her smile?

You can text her sweet words to express your genuine feelings for her to make her smile all day long. If words do not come easily to you, a love meme can also do the trick.

How can I romance her with words?

You can carefully choose words that compliment her personality, physical appearance, and abilities. Make sure you do not overdo it to avoid looking clingy.

How can I melt my girlfriend’s heart with words?

Using romantic words and calling her sweet names will make her heart melt. You can say the words to her face-to-face, send her a text, or even have her listen to a special song.

How can I make my girlfriend happy with sweet words?

You can tell the words to her verbally, leave her a cute note, or send her cute and romantic texts.

Are you looking for sweet words for her to make her feel special? The list above has over 150 options to choose from. You can also modify or tweak some phrases to personalise them for her.

READ ALSO: Top text messages to make her fall in love with you in 2021 recently published the top text messages to make her fall in love that any lady would be happy to receive. Telling your loved one exactly how you feel is challenging for many people.

If you lack the words to express just how deeply you feel for someone face-to-face, you can send them a loving message. It will make them feel cherished and appreciated.


The best word to describe a beautiful girl is gorgeous. When we think of gorgeous, many positive adjectives come to mind such as stunning, lovely, attractive, graceful, alluring, and charming. A gorgeous girl is someone who looks and carries herself in a way that captivates the attention of those around her.

Her physical beauty is eye-catching, but she also has an inner beauty that radiates a sense of confidence and poise. No matter what she wears or how she styles her hair, a gorgeous girl is someone who exudes beauty.

What is one word for gorgeous girl?

The one word for a gorgeous girl would be “stunning”.

What can I say to a beautiful girl in one word?

One word that I would use to describe a beautiful girl would be “stunning”. This is a great way to express to her that she is beautiful in a quick and simple way. Stunning conveys admiration and appreciation of her beauty in such a short word.

What is a beautiful female called?

A beautiful female can be called many things depending on the context, such as an angel, a goddess, a queen, a vision, a masterpiece, a knockout, a ravishing beauty, and even a work of art. There are no hard and fast rules in terms of naming a beautiful female, but most people will agree that anything that describes a female with grace, beauty, and elegance is a good way to go.

Some other words for a beautiful female include: gorgeous, stunning, majestic, lovely, vivid, exquisite, captivating, and breathtaking. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what descriptive word best fits their opinion of a beautiful woman.

What is a fancy word for beauty?

Amorousness. Amorousness is an incredibly elegant and sophisticated synonym for beauty. It suggests unfeigned love and tenderness, a deep affection for the charming and delightful pleasantries of life.

Amorousness implies an intensity in our appreciation for the beauty that routinely graces our world, inspiring appreciation and joy within our hearts and minds.

How do you praise a girl beauty?

Praising someone’s beauty can be quite a delicate matter, as it can be seen as either genuine admiration or as superficial compliments. The best way to compliment a girl on her beauty is to focus on her individual attributes.

For example, you could say something like “You have such beautiful eyes,” or “I love the way you always take the time to look polished and put together. ” Complimenting a girl on her physical qualities, while not going overboard, can be quite a nice way to let her know you appreciate her good looks.

Additionally, you could go beyond purely physical compliments and talk about how she radiates positive energy. Praise her inner beauty and her personality traits, such as her kindness, intelligence, or her aspirations and goals.

Doing so will make her feel appreciated for more than just her looks, and will let her know that she is valuable to you.

What to say instead of she’s beautiful?

There are a multitude of ways one can express admiration for someone’s physical appearance without using the phrase “she’s beautiful”. Depending on context, some potential options may include:

• She looks stunning.

• She’s gorgeous.

• She’s a vision.

• She’s alluring.

• She’s captivating.

• She’s ravishing.

• She’s stunningly attractive.

• She’s lovely.

• She’s an absolute stunner.

• She radiates beauty and grace.

• She’s absolutely radiant.

What are cool ways to say beautiful?

There are so many fun and creative ways to describe someone or something beautiful! Here are some cool ways to say something is beautiful:

1. Ravishing

2. Alluring

3. Charming

4. Beguiling

5. Comely

6. Graceful

7. Enchanting

8. Glorious

9. Angelic

10. Radiant

How do you call someone pretty?

One of the most common ways to describe someone as being “pretty” is by saying, “You look beautiful/gorgeous/stunning!” or “You are so gorgeous!” You can also use these phrases to praise someone’s other qualities, such as intelligence or style.

Other words or phrases you can use to compliment someone’s physical appearance include “You look ravishing/sexy/lovely/incredible/awesome/amazing/charming,” or “Your looks are so captivating. “.

What are the most attractive words?

The most attractive words are often subjective, as different people may be drawn to different words. However, some of the most attractive words are considered to be words that express positivity, enthusiasm, and kindness.

Words like “smile”, “adventure”, “laugh”, “happiness”, “dream”, “magic”, “wonderful”, “unconditional”, “appreciate”, “courage”, “amazing”, “genuine”, “moment” and “magical” can all evoke feelings of genuine attraction.

Other attractive words include the more romantic terms like “love”, “romance”, “passion”, “hope”, and “believe”. In general, warm and romantic words such as these can form a strong connection between two people.

When used at the right times, these words can create an instant spark of compassion and make someone feel desirable, appreciated and special.

How do you say cute in unique way?

You could say someone is adorable, delightful, winsome, darling, alluring, endearing, lovable, sweet, captivating, fetching, foxy, bewitching, or charming. These unique words can be used to describe someone or something that is cute.

English is a beautiful language as it is filled with all the amazing words which have the power to influence your day. Now if you are one of those who is looking for a good list of beautiful words then perhaps you have come to the right place. Whenever you are describing a woman you look of some of the best words that can make her feel confident hand happy. But sometimes you get stuck with the vocabulary. It would not happen to you anymore.

We will help you with learning some adjectives that will help you to describe a beautiful woman. We have already been into the fact that “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” which is a true fact. Hence we can say that everyone who could potentially have a different opinion of what the word beautiful means and what would be a beauty for them.

Following is a list of adjectives to describe a beautiful woman and girl in writing:

Wonderful Magnificent Superb Grand
Splendid Groovy Astonishing Stylish
Fabulous Clever Lovable Remarkable
Glorious Sensual Vibrant Effervescent
Strong Scrumptious Succulent Cute
Radiant Adorable Exquisite Radiant
Clever Curvy Fox Sexy

Now we realize that this is a very subjective topic and it can be very difficult to pick out wrong and right here. So just to help you out we have come up with some really good adjectives that would be defining a beautiful woman.

1. Cute

The most common word that we hear for all girls and women. Cute is a word which means someone is very appealing and pretty in away. It can be used for a person you are usually attracted to. It is used to symbolize somebody whether in a romantic way or in a non-romantic way.

2. Adorable

The meaning of the word can be similar to that of cute, which means someone who is really pretty and quite appealing in the appearance. It can also be used to describe the way to talk about in a lighter and more playful form.

Adore as you see is a verb and means that you have a deep love and respect for someone.

3. Attractive

It is a bit strong word to describe a woman. It can also be considered as one of the most generic and objective ways to describe a woman. “Attractive” means that a person has a pleasing appearance which does not necessarily mean to denote romantic interest.

4. Exquisite

The word by definition means that something or someone which is very beautiful as well as very delicate in a refined way.

It is very similar to the word lovely. It is used when you wish to define a person’s extreme feminine beauty and shows that you are giving importance to the details.

5. Radiant

The word itself means that something which very bright and shining. It is a kind of beautiful and specifically used to describe feminine beauty. With this word, you can describe the beauty in a very light, manner full of energy.

6. Fox

By definition, it is a word that is used to describe a woman who is very attractive and with her boldness and confidence. It is her look that makes her appear wild and superior. It is a British slang word that is mostly used to describe a confident woman.

7. Pretty

It is similar to beautiful in meaning but in a more innocent and/or physical way. 

Ex. Ashima was standing next to me. I was astonished to see that she has turned out to be so pretty.

8. Gorgeous

It is another synonym for beautiful that denotes a very powerful physical attraction. While the world beautiful may have more of an inner/outer quality, gorgeous is purely physical attraction. 

Ex. It was a cocktail party yesterday. You could have met gorgeous ladies in the party.

9. Lovely

It is a synonym for what is generally a feminine beauty that describes an elegant and/or radiant beauty.

Ex. I gifted my wife a saree and it looked lovely on her.

10. Exquisite

It means to be beautiful in a very delicate and refined way. 

Ex. I was mesmerised by witnessing her exquisite beauty when she walked on the ramp for the first time. 

11. Stunning

Defined as a surprising and/or shocking appearance, which supposedly may even cause the loss of consciousness. 

Ex. She was looking stunning with the outfits she bought from the online store.

12. Sexy

It is a word that I believe translates into other languages and most people have an understanding of. It means that the person is attractive in a very sexual, sensual way, that they cause excitement. 

Ex. Maya was looking sexy when she was dressed for the cocktail party. 

13. Alluring

Something that seduces or lures you in a mysterious way.  You can say this about a person or a thing.

Ex. You can see Smriti entering the Great Hall and spread the alluring effect in the air. Everyone was stunned by the look of Smriti.

14. Bewitching/Bewitched (adj)

The quality of “casting a spell” on somebody, being hypnotized, or losing control, as is often the case with romantic desires.

Ex. The Yule Ball was the deciding event that took place before Triwizard Tournament. Mohini was looking bewitching in her white dress and surprised everyone by her look. 

15. Good-looking

It is one of the most common ways to describe a person who is attractive.

Ex. There was a gang of girls staying at the Resort. They all were good-looking and had a glow on their faces. It was because their team won the championship.

16. Breathtaking

It is something that takes the breath away and is often used to describe natural beauty or something of extreme grace.

Ex. The queen of the Mehrana Gharanas has breathtaking beauty that was taking the town by surprise. 

17. Blooming: thriving in vigor, health, and beauty.

Ex. If you want to have a blooming beautiful look. Go for eyelash extensions. It will make you look beautiful and young. 

18. Classy: stylish; elegant; fashionable.

Ex. She was a classy woman and had immense energy to balance work life and personal life. 

19. Dazzling

It is something or someone who dazzles you or blinds you with a bright and surprising light that confuses your vision.

Ex. When you are happy from inside, your beauty is dazzling.

20. Dashing spirited: elegant; audacious; fashionable; showy.

Ex. If you wan to look dashing, just wear your confidence. It will do the magic. 


The English dictionary is filled with a lot more word that can be used to describe a woman in a positive way. These are some of the sweet words that you can use for your female friends, colleagues or even your elders.

These are some of the words which can make her day. Being positive does not cost you anything so always be positive. If you can put up some more words then they are always welcomed. For more updates stay tuned to EnglishBix.

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  1. Adjectives for Beautiful Smile
  2. Adjectives for Beautiful Eyes
  3. Words for Valentine’s Day

In this article, you will find words to describe a beautiful woman. For a long time, beauty has been a topic of debate. On the other hand, the discussion has reached its zenith in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Even though the term has been defined variably, it typically refers to features or a combination of attributes that provide pleasure to the senses.

We have included words to describe beauty to ensure that you get the best understanding. In other words, beauty can be described as any trait or attribute of a person that is enjoyable to the eye. Most of the time, attractiveness is associated with a woman’s traits.

Beauty is merely skin deep, yet the perception of one’s inability to be beautiful may lead to harmful societal prejudice. You can find a full collection of words to describe a beautiful woman here.

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Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with A

Adorable: charming, lovable, attractive, and easily loved.

Attractive: very pleasing in appearance, sexually alluring.

Aesthetic: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

Alluring: powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.

Amazing: stunningly beautiful; inspiring awe or admiration.

Angelic: heavenly; divine; pure; cute.

Appealing: attractive; interesting; charming.

Athletic: well-proportioned and developed body; strong; muscular.

Attractive: having quality or power to attract interest; enticing.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with B

Breathtaking: extremely beautiful; astonishing.

Beauteous: beautiful, very attractive to look at.

Babe: dear; sweetheart; an attractive woman.

Banging: highly attractive.

Barbie: highly attractive and doll-like beauty.

Beaut: very good or beautiful.

Beautified: made beautiful.

Beautiful: pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

Beckon: appear attractive or inviting.

Beguiling: charming or enchanting, often in a deceptive way.

Bonny: attractive or beautiful.

Bootylicious: voluptuous; curvaceous; callipygous; sexually attractive.

Brilliant: outstanding; impressive.

Buxom: having pleasing curves.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with C

Captivating: capable of attracting interest; charming.

Celestial: heavenly; divine; supremely good.

Charming: delighting; fascinating; attractive.

Chic: attractive and fashionable; stylish.

Chichi: fashionable and trendy; chic.

Classy: stylish; elegant; fashionable.

Comely: pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive.

Conspicuous: attracting notice or attention.

Curvy: pleasantly shaped body.

Cute: attractive; adorable; pretty.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with D

Dapper: neat and trim in appearance.

Darling: cherished; dear.

Dashing: elegant; audacious; fashionable.

Dazzling: extremely impressive, beautiful, or skillful.

Debonair: courteous; attractive; affable; urbane.

Delectable: delightful; delicious.

Delicate: lovely; graceful; luxurious; smooth.

Delightful: highly pleasing; bringing pleasure.

Deluxe: sumptuous; luxurious; superior.

Doll: attractive and pretty woman or girl.

Dollface: an attractive woman; Barbie.

Dreamboat: good-looking or sexually attractive.

Dreamlike: having the qualities of a dream.

Dreamy: delightful; gorgeous.

Dressy: elegant; stylish; modish.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with E

Effulgent: shining; radiant; resplendent.

Elaborate: intricate in detail; fancy; showy.

Elegant: displaying tasteful; polished.

Enchanting: delightfully charming or attractive.

Enticing: charming; attractive; alluring.

Exalted: praised; elevated; honored; heavenly.

Exceptional: unusually good; outstanding.

Exquisite: keen; precise; exact; exceedingly beautiful.

Eye-catching: immediately appealing or noticeable.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with F

Fabulous: astonishing; exceedingly pleasing; outstanding.

Faddy: intensely fashionable for a brief time.

Fair: very beautiful and pleasing appearance.

Fancy: find sexually attractive.

Fantastic: excellent; marvelous; wonderful.

Fascinating: extremely interesting.

Fashionable: stylish and elegant.

Fetching: very attractive; capturing interest.

Fine: attractive; good-looking; of superior quality.

Flamboyant: richly colored; highly elaborate; showy or bold in behavior.

Flashy: showy; visually impressive or appealing.

Foxy: attractive; sexy; stylish.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with G

Glamorous: stylish, fascinating; beautiful; visually showy.

Glossy: having a shiny, showy; stylish and attractive.

Glowing: full of praise; highly energetic or enthusiastic; beautiful.

Goddess: a female of incredible beauty, grace and charm; a female deity.

Good-looking: handsome; beautiful; attractive.

Gorgeous: very beautiful or magnificent; wonderful.

Graceful: characterized by beauty of style, shape or execution.

Groovy: wonderful; very pleasing; cool.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with H

Handsome: good-looking.

Head-turning: extremely noticeable or attractive.

Heart-stopping: full of suspense or excitement.

Hot: exciting; energized or charged; sexual; passionate.

Hottie: sexually or physically attractive.

Hunky: masculine beauty; in a good condition.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with L

Ladylike: characteristic of a lady or woman.

Lavish: excessive; very abundant.

Looker: a very attractive person (especially woman).

Lovely: loving; full of love; beautiful; enjoyable.

Lure: an attractive or appealing quality.

Luscious: pleasant and sweet; delicious.

Luxuriant: rich and profuse in growth.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with M

Magnetic: very attractive or alluring.

Magnificent: extremely beautiful, elaborate.

Majestic: dignity or nobility; noble; grand.

Marvelous: miraculous; exciting surprise or wonder; astonishing.

Mesmeric: fascinating; irresistible; holding and attracting interest.

Modish: popular and fashionable.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with P

Perfect: excellent; pure; complete.

Pleasing: giving enjoyment, cheer, gratification or pleasure.

Polished: shiny and smooth; refined; elegant; cultured.

Posh: fashionable and smart; stylish; elegant.

Pretty: attractive and pleasing; clever; adroit.

Prim: very proper or neat in appearance; excessively decorous or nice.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with R

Rad: excellent; impressive.

Radiant: emanating great love.

Rakish: sportingly or dashingly stylish.

Ravishing: extremely attractive or beautiful; entrancing.

Recherché: exquisite; lavishly elegant; exotic.

Remarkable: worthy of attention; striking.

Resplendent: splendid; brilliant; dazzling; colorful and shiny.

Ritzy: luxurious and elegant; fancy.

Riveting: capable of holding and arousing the attention; fascinating.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with S

Sassy: spirited and lively; bold; chic; stylish.

Scrumptious: splendid; delicious; fine.

Seductive: alluring or tempting.

Sensuous: gratifying or appealing to the senses.

Sexy: sexually attractive or exciting.

Shapely: well-formed; suitable.

Sharp: intellectually keen; exact; precise.

Shining: brilliant or excellent.

Shiny: radiating or reflecting light; bright; glossy; excellent; remarkable.

Showy: aesthetically pleasing; brilliant; stylish.

Sightly: visually pleasing and appealing; scenic; conspicuous.

Sleek: smooth; glossy; healthy; thriving.

Slick: smooth and efficient; glossy.

Smart: bright; clever; fashionable; elegant.

Snappy: energetic; lively; brisk; sharp.

Snazzy: fashionable; flashy; elegant; attractive.

Spectacular: worthy of special notice; amazing; impressive.

Sportive: frolicsome; playful; sporty.

Sprauncy: showy and smart.

Spruce: neat in dress and appearance.

Stunning: exceptionally attractive or beautiful; impressive; amazing.

Suave: charming; courteous; elegant.

Sublime: majestic; noble; awe-inspiring and impressive.

Swank: fashionably stylish, luxurious, expensive and elegant.

Sweet: pleasing to the senses; gratifying; kind.

Swell: excellent; wonderful; elegant.

Swish: fashionable; elegant; posh; smooth.

Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman That Start with W

Well-dressed: having tasteful, fashionable or attractive clothing.

Well-formed: attractively or correctly shaped or proportioned.

Well-groomed: tidy and trim; well-dressed and neat.

Winning: victorious; successful; attractive.

Wonderful: extraordinary; surprising; astonishing; great.

  • Adorable
  • Attractive
  • Aesthetic
  • Alluring
  • Amazing
  • Angelic
  • Appealing
  • Athletic
  • Attractive
  • Breathtaking
  • Beauteous
  • Babe
  • Banging
  • Barbie
  • Beaut
  • Beautified
  • Beautiful
  • Beckon
  • Beguiling
  • Bonny
  • Bootylicious
  • Brilliant
  • Buxom
  • Captivating
  • Celestial
  • Charming
  • Chic
  • Chichi
  • Classy
  • Comely
  • Conspicuous
  • Curvy
  • Cute
  • Dapper
  • Darling
  • Dashing
  • Dazzling
  • Debonair
  • Delectable
  • Delicate
  • Delightful
  • Deluxe
  • Doll
  • Dollface
  • Dreamboat
  • Dreamlike
  • Dreamy
  • Dressy
  • Effulgent
  • Elaborate
  • Elegant
  • Enchanting
  • Enticing
  • Exalted
  • Exceptional
  • Exquisite
  • Eye-catching
  • Fabulous
  • Faddy
  • Fair
  • Fancy
  • Fantastic
  • Fascinating
  • Fashionable
  • Fetching
  • Fine
  • Flamboyant
  • Flashy
  • Foxy
  • Glamorous
  • Glossy
  • Glowing
  • Goddess
  • Good-looking
  • Gorgeous
  • Graceful
  • Groovy
  • Handsome
  • Head-turning
  • Heart-stopping
  • Hot
  • Hottie
  • Hunky
  • Ladylike
  • Lavish
  • Looker
  • Lovely
  • Lure
  • Luscious
  • Luxuriant
  • Magnetic
  • Magnificent
  • Majestic
  • Marvelous
  • Mesmeric
  • Modish
  • Perfect
  • Pleasing
  • Polished
  • Posh
  • Pretty
  • Prim
  • Rad
  • Radiant
  • Rakish
  • Ravishing
  • Recherché
  • Remarkable
  • Resplendent
  • Ritzy
  • Riveting
  • Sassy
  • Scrumptious
  • Seductive
  • Sensuous
  • Sexy
  • Shapely
  • Sharp
  • Shining
  • Shiny
  • Showy
  • Sightly
  • Sleek
  • Slick
  • Smart
  • Snappy
  • Snazzy
  • Spectacular
  • Sportive
  • Sprauncy
  • Spruce
  • Stunning
  • Suave
  • Sublime
  • Swank
  • Sweet
  • Swell
  • Swish
  • Well-dressed
  • Well-formed
  • Well-groomed
  • Winning
  • Wonderful

Final Thoughts on Words to Describe a Beautiful Woman

Thank you for taking the time to read our post on words to describe a beautiful woman. Women are more susceptible to social anxiety, discrimination, and injustice than males due to their physical appearance, as shown by the studies.

Generally speaking, beauty is a characteristic that is admirable and pleasant and lovely to see. Men and women should work together to promote it as a valuable asset to the community. We have mentioned 143 words to describe a beautiful woman.

Beauty is defined differently in various parts of the globe and different civilizations. However, it is crucial to highlight that, due to creating a global culture, which has been hastened by globalization; there are certain commonalities in some notions about beauty across societies.

Because the American culture is seen as superior to all other civilizations, it has spread to practically every corner of the globe. Despite this, there are several noteworthy distinctions. We hope you enjoyed our article about words to describe beauty.

Good Compliments For The Girl You Like 1

Girls love compliments. It’s an undeniable fact that nobody will have the courage to challenge! Flattering your crush is the best way to show your woman love and appreciation. Praising a girl provides great relationship development and positive reinforcement. Remember, nothing has the power to lighten the girl’s mood quite like a subtle compliment from the guy she loves.

However, it’s important to choose the right words for your lady. And that’s where we can help you. Below you’ll find a list of compliments for girls that can help you express your deep feelings in different situations. Check out these strong phrases and make your girl go crazy for you.

Good Compliments For The Girl You Like

  1. Your presence warms the coldest heart.
  2. I get excited every time I see you.
  3. You are a dream come to life.
  4. Breathtaking is not enough of a word to describe you.
  5. I love how easy it is to be around you. You make me feel comforted and comfortable.
  6. No matter what you encounter, you are always classy.
  7. You’re my queen.
  8. They say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but you are my perfect catch.
  9. I’d rather spend time with you than anyone in the world.
  10. You have cute elbows. For reals!
  11. I feel so much happier around you.
  12. You make people want to stay wherever your heart is.
  13. I miss you even when you haven’t left yet.
  14. If someone wrote a book about you, it would be a bestseller.
  15. You’re the best at cuddling.
  16. I cannot keep my eyes off of you.
  17. You are the reason that I wake up every day with a huge smile on my face.
  18. The best part of my day is waking up next to you.
  19. You are the manifestation of sweet dreams.
  20. You make my insides jump around in the best way.
  21. You are alluring.
  22. There’s no way an extremely cute girl like you could exist in this world. But here you are!
  23. You have the smile of someone who knows the big secret of living beautifully. That is so charming.
  24. Everything would be better if more people were like you!
  25. Nobody in this world makes me happier than you do.
  26. The hardest part of hugging you is letting you go.
  27. All my dreams came true when I met you.
  28. I love that I can just be myself when I am with you.
  29. You are the first thing that I want to wake up to every morning and the last thing I want to see before I fall asleep. I want my days to begin and end with you.
  30. You’re a gift to those around you.
  31. You deserve the world.
  32. You know how to make people feel special. That is a gift.
  33. I notice that you cheer up the room when you walk in.
  34. Do you know why I wouldn’t ever compare you to a unicorn? It’s because you’re actually real.
  35. No matter who is in the room, I always find myself staring at you.
  36. My heart melts when it sees your cute smile. Oh look, it started again.
  37. You’re really something special.
  38. Girls run the world and you are a prime example of that.

Best Compliments That Highlight A Girl’s Beauty

  1. Your voice adds cheer to the most dreary day.
  2. Your skin is so soft.
  3. You look great every single time.
  4. I love every inch of you — even your toes.
  5. Lovely is such an understatement for the perfection that is you.
  6. You do not need makeup. You are already so naturally beautiful.
  7. I’m fascinated by your lips because they always say the most amazing things and outline the most beautiful smile.
  8. Every time I look at your eyes, it brightens up my day.
  9. You have the hands of a princess. They’re so smooth and immaculate.
  10. You remind me of a garden in bloom. It must be because you always look so cool, fresh and lovely.
  11. You look prettier than a picture.
  12. Your hair looks bewildering.
  13. You’ve got a sexy personality.
  14. You are such a ray of sunshine, especially when the days feel so dreary.
  15. Perfection is personified in the lovely embodiment of excellence that is you.
  16. You are the most perfect you there is.
  17. That color is perfect on you.
  18. You are awesome!
  19. You have the most beautiful, radiant eyes.
  20. You are too adorable.
  21. I love hearing you laugh. It makes me smile.
  22. Your voice echoes like that of an angel’s.
  23. I can’t take my eyes off the beauty you radiate with that confident smile.
  24. You look beautiful even when you don’t try.
  25. You look stunning no matter what you wear.
  26. I love how comfortable you are in your own body.
  27. Your style is amazing, and I wish I was as fashionable as you.
  28. You are tremendously elegant.
  29. Your lips always look kissable.
  30. I love looking at you.
  31. You have the best laugh.
  32. Your voice is magnificent.
  33. Your beauty knows no bound. You are meant to conquer my heart and the universe.
  34. You look mesmerizing.
  35. Your beauty is like the mirror reflection of an angel.
  36. You’re even more beautiful on the inside than you are on the outside.
  37. I love how sassy you are.

Great Compliments That Emphasize Her Personality

  1. Your creativity and artistic ability blow me away.
  2. Your mind is just as sexy as your beauty.
  3. Just one glance at you is enough to tell me that you’re a great leader.
  4. There’s really something about you that is so uplifting. You are good-natured, cheerful, and pleasant to be around especially at stressful periods of my life.
  5. Every time I look into your eyes, I see kindness and intelligence.
  6. You have such a talent for putting together the most gorgeous outfits.
  7. I love how confident you are. It makes me even more attracted to you.
  8. You’re always learning new things and trying to better yourself, which is awesome.
  9. I’ve never met anyone as trustworthy and honest as you.
  10. You’re the kind of person that can achieve pretty much everything they put their mind into.
  11. Your honesty must be the reason why they turned it into the best policy.
  12. You are the picture of modern beauty: fair, free and strong. I am flattered that you choose to spend time with me.
  13. You have already accomplished so much.
  14. You are as bright as the sun.You warm the hearts of everyone.
  15. I am mesmerized by your beauty, but I am even more enthralled by your wit and wisdom.
  16. You are so gorgeous and that is the least interesting thing about you.
  17. You’re more helpful than you realize.
  18. Your creative potential seems limitless.
  19. The first thing I noticed about you is your elegance.
  20. The way you hold yourself, both in public and private, is truly a magnificent sight to behold.
  21. You’re even sexy when you’re bossy.
  22. You never fail to show me that you care about me. Thank you for that.
  23. Your flamboyant personality excites me.
  24. Out of all the people in the world, you’re my favorite conversation partner.
  25. You have a way of making everything you do look so easy.
  26. You were blessed with the perfect face, but your inner beauty is even more perfect.
  27. The way you present yourself professionally and as a private person tells me that you have great taste and impeccable upbringing.
  28. You always find something special in the most ordinary things.
  29. You make my insides jump around in the best way.
  30. I could listen to you talk for hours and never get tired of it.
  31. You’ve got an awesome sense of humor!
  32. Your energy and bold spirit make me want to be with you forever.
  33. When I’m down you always say something encouraging to help me feel better.
  34. I am exhilarated by your energy and passion.
  35. When you make up your mind about something, nothing stands in your way.
  36. You have impeccable manners.
  37. I love how passionate you are.
  38. When you speak, everyone in the room listens to you.

Cute Compliments For Her That She Will Appreciate

  1. Your encouragement makes me feel like I can change the world.
  2. You complete everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman.
  3. You complete me.
  4. You help me be the best version of myself.
  5. I love how beautiful you look when you sleep.
  6. You are my reason for living. There’s something about you that makes me feel alive every single day.
  7. You are breathtaking in so many ways. I consider myself fortunate to know you.
  8. You are my favorite person to talk to. Thank you for listening with a caring heart.
  9. Every part of you is worth all the love in the world. It’s the reason why I fell in love with you in the first place.
  10. You make me want to be my best because you deserve the best.
  11. You’re a goddess through and through. That’s why I adore and worship you.
  12. There is something about being with you that makes me want to be the best person that I can be.
  13. You make me feel so full in my heart and in my soul.
  14. You fill up an empty space in my heart that I never knew existed.
  15. You are one of women that I really admire and look up to.
  16. I like how you know exactly who you are and what you want from life.
  17. My heart and soul are always full thanks to you.
  18. I have fun just being beside you doing nothing.
  19. You’re a great example to others.
  20. You make me the happiest man in the world.
  21. You have brought great joy into my life.
  22. I can never put into words how much you mean to me. I love you more deeply each day.
  23. You showed me I’m capable of having the best relationship in the world.
  24. No piece of jewelry can ever hope to match your splendor. You’re my precious treasure.
  25. You are my greatest adventure.
  26. When I focus on you, the big picture is revealed.
  27. You’re everything to me.
  28. You are always the most beautiful woman in the room.
  29. You help me feel more joy in life.
  30. There is something about you that motivates me to be the best person I can be. You bring out the best in me.
  31. If we were in the Middle Ages, I’d fight a dragon for you.
  32. You’re perfect just the way you are. Remember that there’s no one else in the world like you.
  33. Every word that comes out of your mouth is always exact and well-timed.
  34. If life was a river, I’d choose to paddle alongside you.
  35. I can hold your hand for the rest of my life only to make sure I don’t lose you.
  36. Somehow you make time stop and fly at the same time.
  37. My life was a little boring before you came around.

How To Compliment A Girl

What are the best ways to compliment a girl? Romantic words? Wise quotes? Funny sayings? Actually, there’s no single right option. But any of these ways works well in a particular situation.

If you’re looking for things to compliment a gorgeous girl’s picture on Facebook, focus on hot phrases for a girl in one word or our collection of sweet comments for her to highlight a girl’s beauty. When you need appropriate things to say that will melt her heart, look at the selection of flirty compliments for the girl you like listed above. For those men who prefer to send lovely lines over text, we’ve gathered nice compliments that emphasize her personality and amazing phrases for her that she’ll appreciate. So you can choose what you really need and make your girl feel fantastic.

However, don’t expect your crush to immediately jump into your arms after a couple of pretty compliments. Don’t confuse compliments with pick-up lines. Praising a girl you try to plant a seed that may develop into romance eventually. You should start slow, assess her reaction to your cute gestures, and then decide what to do and say next time.

Good Compliments For The Girl You Like 2

It can be challenging to find the right words to compliment a girl on her looks and pictures. But don’t forget that ladies love to hear sweet words and most important that they need compliments in unlimited quantities.

That’s why we’ve collected a great list of compliments – poetic, fascinating, and sexy ones – in order to help you make your girl feel pretty and charming. Here you’ll find not only appropriate phrases for your girl, here you’ll find inspiration for praising your crush.

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