The best talent in the word

Talents are natural abilities or aptitudes that allow someone to excel in a certain activity. They can be physical or mental abilities, and often come naturally to people.

Talents can be developed with practice and training, but some people are simply more suited for a particular task than others.

Understanding what your talents are can be empowering because it allows you to excel at something innate for you, rather than something that requires more training or practice.

Being able to recognize your talents and embrace them is the first step toward using them to help yourself and others.

In this article, we list the 50 best talent examples that might help you to discover and get started on your own ones as a result.

Keep reading to find out more.

What are Talents? Definition & Meaning

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, talents are unusual natural abilities, a special often creative or artistic ability, or a person or group of people having a special ability.

It’s important to differentiate talents from skills. Talents are something that comes relatively naturally to you, although they can be improved and enhanced over time.

Skills refer to learned, sometimes even unwillingly learned, behavior that is needed in life or the workplace.

It is said that talents are 4x more accurate at predicting someone’s job performance than their skills and knowledge.

So, let’s find out what are some other benefits to recognizing your own talents.

Why is Critically Important to Recognize Own Talents

There are many reasons why it is essential to recognize and embrace your talents.

Recognizing your talents has a ton of value, especially for your personal development.

This will make it easier to fully utilize your talents and will benefit you in many ways.

10 Benefits of Using Your Own Talents

Here are some of the most important benefits:

  1. You will be able to use your talents to help yourself and others
  2. You will be more fulfilled in life since you will be using your natural abilities in work or other pursuits
  3. You will be happier and more satisfied with what you do since you will be doing something that comes naturally to you
  4. You will be more successful in whatever you do since you will have a set of skills that you are already good at
  5. You will find it easier to develop new skills since you will be starting from a place of strength
  6. You will be more confident in yourself since you are doing something easy for yourself
  7. You will have a better chance of being successful at work, school, or home since you are using skills that not everyone possesses
  8. You will be happier and healthier
  9. You will be able to get rewarded when contributed to the common good
  10. It is empowering to get to know yourself better

50 Best Talents Examples in a List

Here is a list of 50 best talents examples to help you discover your own.

While you might feel that talents are something innate, the truth is that in most situations, they can always be developed.

The key to success in life is to figure out what you are somewhat good at, and then focus on it throughout your life.

Artistic Talents (10 Examples)

Having artistic talents doesn’t have to mean being a professional artist.

Being able to create beautiful things is what matters the most, so if you have artistic talents, feel free to embrace them and use them the best way you can.

The following are some of the main artistic talents one might have.

1. Singer

Being a singer is all about using your vocal talents to make music. You can either sign up for a band, or you could go solo and become a singer-songwriter.

Entertaining people with your voice is an awesome talent to have, and it takes practice to get good at singing.

2. Graphic Designer

A graphic designer is someone who specializes in design. You can be a graphic designer on your own, or you could join a company as part of the web development team.

One of the main responsibilities of this type of professional is to create visual images that convey ideas through some form of media.

This can include branding, print media, motion graphics, video background, product packaging, infographics, user interfaces, websites, and more.

3. Web Developer

While not many associate web development with being an artist, having the creative capacity does help.

Being a web developer means that you are skilled in writing code that tells the computer what to do. This can include scripting, coding, programming, and other tasks related to designing websites.

A complementary skill is being able to understand basic graphic design so you can work with it properly.

4. Photographer/Videographer

This type of talent includes taking photos or videos. One of the key components of being good at this profession is having an eye for photography, just like how writers have an ear for words.

You need to be able to tell compelling stories through still images or video footage, which means that creativity is important too.

5. Writer

Writing comes down to being able to express your ideas in an eloquent way, which means that communicating your thoughts is very important.

Good writers are typically skilled at thinking outside the box, and they enjoy understanding complex concepts.

They can write about anything under the sun, but their writing style needs to be good enough to engage readers.

6. Painter

Painting is all about using oils or watercolors on a flat surface (canvas) and creating art through brushstrokes.

As with other talents, painting requires practice and dedication to improve, and it helps if you have a good eye for artistic detail.

7. Musician

This talent has its roots in performing music. Singers and songwriters need musicians as part of their band, or they can play an instrument on their own.

You need to have a good ear for music, resources for buying instruments, self-discipline to practice regularly, and the ability to improvise.

8. Songwriter

A songwriter is someone who creates music to go along with musical accompaniment from various instruments. They are musicians who write songs, so they will tell stories through lyrics combined with melody.

One key trait of a songwriter is ensuring that the piece goes well with the potential singer.

A good with good pitch and rhythm means it can be sung by various singers while giving them some creative freedom means they can also improvise with lyrics or song notes and make songs even better.

9. Actor/Actress

Being able to act requires physical and verbal skills, as well as charisma. If acting is something that interests you, then you should learn all there is about it by reading books, taking classes, etc.

You need to enjoy entertaining people, so having a stage presence will be an important trait too.

10. Dancer /Choreographer

Dancers are performers who use their bodies (and sometimes props) to create art through movement.

This means developing strong core strength, gracefulness, coordination, and stamina to be able to execute their routines.

Choreographers are those who come up with dance routines and work with dancers to put them together. They need creativity, self-discipline, and an ability to communicate complex movements.

Sporting Talents (10 Examples)

Being good at sports means you need to be physically fit and skillful in various sports.

While some people are born with a competitive mindset, others can be trained to develop their skills.

These are some of the most common sporting talents around.

1. Golf

Golf is one of the most popular sports around. This talent involves using various clubs to drive a ball into a series of holes on an extensive course.

One of the key components of playing golf well is having an accurate aim, which means that you need good coordination, spatial awareness, and focus on doing well.

2. Boxing

Boxing is all about two people trading punches inside four-sided gloves, with each round lasting three minutes at professional levels.

Good footwork will be important when trying to avoid your opponent’s attacks, or closing in for your own while throwing punches requires physical strength.

Having good reflexes will help you dodge incoming strikes too.

3. Swimming

Swimming is moving through water through a variety of strokes and kicks, with the goal being to get from one point to another as quickly as possible.

It is a physically demanding sport that requires coordination, stamina, speed, and strength.

4. Yoga

Yoga takes various postures (asanas) and combines them into different routines that are aimed at increasing flexibility, improving breathing techniques, relieving stress, etc.

This makes it ideal for recovering from injury, pain management, etc., but practicing yoga can improve your fitness levels too.

One key requirement for yoga has the right body type – i.e., having good muscle definition or a lower percentage of body fat can make certain postures easier.

Having strong core muscles will be important too to maintain balance during some poses.

5. Athletics

Athletics is the name given to various sporting events like running, jumping, and throwing various objects (shot put, javelin).

Having outstanding speed or strength can be enough to excel in this sport.

6. Basketball Player

Basketball is a popular team-based game that involves five players on each side trying to score points by shooting a ball through an elevated hoop.

They need good passing skills for their team to create good opportunities when they have possession of the ball, and knowing how to dribble down the court will allow them to move forward in attack.

Defensively, they will need to work with their teammates for them not to lose sight of their opponents too. They must also be able to maintain their concentration and composure throughout the game.

7. Footballer

For those who want to be a footballer, they need to have some degree of talent for this sport as it is very competitive.

Being physically fit and having good stamina will be important as players can cover up to 12km per match.

They also need speed, agility, flexibility, and strength so that they can compete with opponents in one-to-one situations.

Other key skills involve being able to pass the ball precisely, shooting accurately, and anticipating moves by their teammates/opponents so that they can create space and offer themselves as an option for a return pass, etc.

8. Tennis player

Tennis is played on a rectangular court between two or four individuals who try to score points by hitting a ball so that their opponent is unable to return it.

Being able to react quickly and move across the court will be important for this sport, as you need to be constantly moving to get into good positions.

You should have good reflexes, too, and be able to serve powerfully and accurately if you want your serve-and-volley style of play (where you advance towards the net directly after serving) to work.

9. Hockey

Hockey is a fast-paced team game that involves players trying to hit a small rubber ball into the opposing team’s goal using sticks.

Players must know how to make accurate passes, avoid opponents’ tackles as well as have speed and agility as they chase the puck.

Being fit and having good stamina are also important.

10. Triathlon/Paratriathlon

This sport involves swimming, cycling, and running, with competitors tackling each of these activities in one continuous sequence over various distances.

It is an excellent full-body workout that helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, stamina, strength, and coordination – all of which are crucial for success in this sport.

Academic and Resume Talents (10 Examples)

Academic and resume talents help students and job seekers stand out among the rest of the applicants based on their academic and professional backgrounds.

There is a wide range of talents that can be added to your resume, including information about languages you speak, certifications and training programs completed, awards won, etc.

In school, you could add extra-curricular activities or volunteer work to your resume to expand on the skills you have acquired throughout your life.

1. Mathematics or Science

Those who are talented in mathematics or science can make good use of these skills throughout their academic and professional careers, as there is a wide range of jobs that require these talents.

Being skilled at mathematics or science can be useful in a range of jobs throughout your life, from being an astronomer to a chemist.

In school, you could apply these skills to try and win trophies for various math/science competitions.

2. Public Speaker

Becoming a public speaker is an excellent way to expand your resume, especially if you want to become involved with politics or lead some non-profit community organizations.

You can also become a motivational speaker, ranging from events like school assemblies to workplace seminars.

Being able to communicate complex information will be important if you aim to inspire others through your words.

3. Teacher/Professor

The desire to teach and pass on knowledge has been ingrained into humans since ancient times.

These roles can be part of a person’s career for their entire life, as professors work at universities and teachers often remain within schools until they retire.

Being knowledgeable in both academic and professional areas will be important to ensure you can educate others effectively.

4. Resume Writer

A resume writer specializes in creating resumes for other people, using their skills as expert communicators along with their creativity/innovation so that they can market the skills of those who have been applying for jobs.

This is a good way for individuals who are talented at writing to put these skills to use while also working from home.

You could even expand on your resume writing talents by offering LinkedIn profile critiques to various professionals online.

5. Entrepreneurial Talents

A skill that will be useful throughout your life is entrepreneurship, as many people aim to start their own businesses at some point in their lives.

This can range from becoming an independent digital marketer to starting a non-profit organization.

There are various important talents that you need to become successful as an entrepreneur, including the ability to work well with others and manage finances.

You also need creativity and innovation to come up with new ideas for businesses/projects and marketing skills so that you can promote them successfully.

6. Businessman/CEO

This talent helps individuals who want to take on leading roles within big companies, as they have experience running smaller firms as a CEO or manager.

Your different talents will be valued by various businesses so that they can have a wider range of expertise/skills to help out within the company.

You could also take on roles as an investor or adviser so that you don’t necessarily need to work at the top, but instead advise those who do.

7. Project Manager

It’s important to create a project plan when undertaking any large task, and this is why project managers are useful for any type of project.

They organize everything involved with running projects, including timelines and budgets, while also ensuring there are no setbacks throughout the process.

Having experience managing multiple projects will help secure these types of jobs. You can even work on independent projects during school hours, learning to better manage your time.

8. Start-Up Investor

The desire to invest in companies that might become successful can be a great business, as it allows you to gain a great skill to include on your resume.

In addition, those who are skilled at analyzing the stock market and coming up with new investment opportunities will be able to find profitable ventures for their start-up company.

The ability to network and work well with others is necessary if you hope to persuade other investors or CEOs of large companies to let you invest in them and create a sound strategy for achieving greater profits.

9. Economist

Economists advise both private and public sectors on how they can make better decisions about economics that could affect them, such as investments or financial strategies.

You’ll need an understanding of topics like macroeconomics, money markets, and financial markets, as well as the ability to create reports and infographics to explain these ideas understandably.

10. Lawyer

A lawyer is someone who uses their skill in communication along with their knowledge of laws to represent individuals involved in legal disputes.

This means that lawyers need to be skilled at making persuasive arguments during court cases and differentiating between relevant and irrelevant information when preparing for these situations.

Lawyers need to prioritize their cases carefully, as they cannot represent clients that are directly conflicting with each other.

They also need to be honest about their abilities so that they don’t take on more cases than they can handle.

Interpersonal Talents (10 Examples)

Interpersonal talents are the skills that help people to communicate with others, which is important for many different careers.

Being able to recognize and develop your interpersonal talents can help you to recognize your true passion because you’ll be able to communicate better with others so that they understand what it is that you’re trying to say.

Interpersonal talents are useful for various professions, including careers in medicine, teaching, social work, and business.

You might even have other interpersonal talents that could help you become successful in your career while using your interpersonal skills to help others.

1. Realist

A realist is someone who can see the big picture, while also recognizing that there are certain things beyond their control.

They’re good at understanding why things occur, both in society and within themselves. This often allows them to make predictions about future events.

2. Negotiator

Negotiators use their ability to understand others’ feelings and perspectives to get different parties involved with a discussion or relationship, on the same page.

They need to be able to weigh information objectively while still finding ways to relate it to each person’s emotional state without causing conflict.

This means that negotiators must know how they feel for them to have better communication with others.

3. Persuader/Convincer

Persuaders have a very specific way of communicating, which makes it easy for them to convince others that they’re right.

This is useful in a variety of situations because persuaders can influence their audiences’ opinions and actions.

Persuasion talents allow people to become politicians or writers, as well as make good lawyers when working within the legal system.

Being able to negotiate is also an important part of persuasion because persuaders need to be able to compromise for them both to come out on top.

4. Team Player

Team players are often skilled at collaborating with others to achieve a common goal.

This means understanding how other individuals work and what motivates them so that they can effectively communicate with the people on their team.

Knowing how to be a good leader is also important, so team players might need to step up and take charge of different situations when necessary.

Being able to build effective teams is what makes some careers possible, which means that teamwork talents are very useful for almost any career path.

5. Leader

Leaders are people who are capable of motivating others to accomplish something specific.

They know how to guide groups of individuals into achieving things that benefit them all, but they’re often not afraid of doing whatever it takes for everyone involved to succeed.

They might even have special skills relating specifically to leadership, like coaching or mediation, depending on what kind of work they do.

6. Therapist

Therapists are people who use both their listening skills and perspective-giving talents to help others through tough times.

They need to be able to communicate with patients to better understand what they think or feel about another person, event, etc.

7. Motivator

Motivators try to encourage others by convincing them that they can accomplish whatever they set out to do.

Some motivate individuals by inspiring them (which is more effective than simply informing them), while others might inspire groups of people (like employees) on a more broad scale.

This often results in more people being willing to work hard, but some are only capable of motivating specific groups of people (like employees).

8. Network Builder

Network builders know how to create social networks within their communities or workplaces.

They can attract many types of individuals to connect by using their communication skills, which is helpful when it comes to finding solutions for any issues that might arise.

This talent could be useful for anyone looking to start a business.

9. PeaceKeeper/Peacemaker

Peacekeepers are usually skilled at resolving conflicts between others through a communication or other peaceful ways.

They try to find the root cause of the issue so they can understand what’s at the core of the problem and can work toward a solution.

They need to be understanding and patient too because it might take some time for people to open up about what’s bothering them.

10. Philanthropist

Philanthropists are people who donate their time, skills, money, etc., to help those in need. They might not be able to help everyone, but they’re willing to do something to make the world a better place.

A person could have philanthropy as a talent because it’s helpful for all sorts of careers and tasks in life that might require some form of charity or altruism.

Philanthropists can use their talents in many different ways, so this talent is very good at being adaptable for various situations.

Personal Talents (10 Examples)

Having certain talents that aren’t common or obvious is helpful for those who want to stand out at work and make a name for themselves.

These abilities can help employees accomplish more and either move up the career ladder faster or perform their jobs better, so it’s not surprising that many people would like to develop them.

1. Humor

People who have a good sense of humor are capable of being the life of the party because they don’t take themselves too seriously.

They might not always be in a jovial mood, but they can make anyone feel better with their positive approach to dealing with problems.

This talent could help people in many different careers, like acting or comedy; however, it’s also possible for someone to simply develop this talent on their own.

2. Communication

Communication is one of the most important talents that any person should possess.

It doesn’t matter what career path someone takes because they’re going to need to know how to get their point across or relate to other people for everything to go smoothly at work.

Of course, communication is important in practically every job, but it’s especially key for people working in customer service or sales.

3. Intuition

Being good at connecting the dots and finding patterns makes someone an intuitive thinker.

Their way of viewing things might be very different from everyone else’s because they’re thinking less logically; however, this allows them to do things that no one else can (like solve problems easily).

People can learn how to trust their intuition more while also gaining a better understanding of what other people think.

4. Warmth

Warmth refers to people having genuine compassion for others, which makes them good at working with others.

Someone who can put other people at ease while also feeling strongly about something is going to be an asset in most settings.

They tend to have a positive outlook on life, so they could have all sorts of talents, from sales and customer service to counseling and education.

Warmth helps with both personality development and communication, which are two factors that help people succeed in any field.

5. Passion

Passionate individuals love what they do, which gives them a strong foundation for being successful in their careers.

They’re generally optimistic too because they always see the bright side of things.

Passion comes from knowing exactly what it is that a person wants out of life, so there’s a lot of self-reflection involved with this talent.

It can help people in all sorts of careers, including entertainment and music.

6. Spirituality

Spiritual people believe that there’s more to life than just what they see, so they tend to be very introspective.

Spiritual-minded individuals are good at being patient because they take the time to explore their minds.

They might not always be able to explain it well since spirituality is difficult for some people to comprehend, but this ability could help someone in various forms of work like counseling, teaching, and even law enforcement.

7. Empathy

Empathy means understanding what other people are feeling without them having to tell you, which makes it a highly useful trait when working with others.

Someone who has empathy will be able to help people get what they need during conversations, which can greatly improve their ability to connect with other people.

8. Patience

Patient individuals are willing to take the time necessary to reach their goals, so they tend to have very high levels of success.

Being patient goes hand-in-hand with being spiritual because this allows them to better connect with themselves and understand why they feel certain ways about things.

This talent could help almost anyone in almost any career simply by improving how well they’re able to communicate with others while also taking the time needed for creating solutions.

9. Spontaneity

Spontaneous people have a great sense of curiosity, so they tend to be very creative.

This talent can help with being flexible, which can be useful when going through life transitions or trying something new at work.

Spontaneity makes someone a more dynamic thinker, so they could excel in careers that involve both creativity and problem-solving.

10. Inquisitiveness

Inquisitive people always want to know more, which can be excellent when they’re looking into new opportunities or trying out activities that seem interesting.

The mind of someone curious about life is constantly exploring their surroundings and figuring things out, so there’s boundless potential for success in both business and education.

This talent helps with being open-minded as well as having an analytical mindset, which are useful traits for almost any career path.

Frequently Asked Questions About Talents

What are some unique talents?

Some unique talents that not many people have are being ambidextrous, being able to juggle multiple objects at once, or being able to control your dreams.

Anything that stands out can be considered a talent.

What are natural talents examples?

Natural talents are things people tend to be born with. Things like having an exceptional singing voice, or being double-jointed are natural talents.

What talent can I learn?

Some common skills you can learn are playing the guitar, learning another language, and cooking new recipes.

Talents can come in many forms so try opening yourself up to new experiences.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

лучшие таланты

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наиболее талантливых кадров

наилучшие таланты

самых талантливых людей

лучших специалистов

лучших талантов

лучший талант

You can search for the best talent from anywhere in the world, thanks to technology that allows freelancers to work remotely.

Вы можете искать лучшие таланты в любой точке планеты благодаря технологиям, которые позволяют фрилансерам работать удаленно.

That’s why we hire the best talent.

In such cases, it is difficult to attract or even effectively utilize the best talent.

They retain the best talent in their teams, and people listen to their ideas.

To enhance the best talent, human resource development implies a number of strategic actions sustained over a long period.

Для поддержки наиболее талантливых специалистов стратегия развития людских ресурсов предполагает осуществление ряда долгосрочных стратегических мер.

We are focused on attracting and retaining the best talent by creating unique opportunities for career advancement and personal development.

Мы постоянно работаем над привлечением и удержанием наиболее талантливых специалистов, создавая уникальные возможности карьерного роста и личностного развития.

We have couple of different marketplace mechanisms to help people find the best talent.

Мы используем разные механизмы рыночных площадок, чтобы помочь людям найти лучшие таланты.

The best project directors are sensitive to the needs and expectations of these individuals in order to retain the best talent.

Лучшие руководители проектов остаются восприимчивыми к потребностям и ожиданиям людей с целью удержать лучшие таланты.

We attract the best talent from around the world, people with ambitions that match those of our business.

Мы привлекаем лучшие таланты, людей с амбициями, совпадающими с целями нашего бизнеса.

Leverage the best talent regardless of location.

Нанимайте лучшие таланты, несмотря на их местожительство.

Fiverr Pro pools the best talent on its platform.

Education, STEM, visas, all kinds of things, bringing the best talent here.

Образование, STEM, визы — всё, чтобы собрать лучшие таланты здесь.

But teams like Chelsea and Arsenal have resources at their disposal that allow them to accumulate the best talent.

Но такие команды, как «Челси» и «Арсенал», имеют в своем распоряжении ресурсы, которые позволяют им накапливать лучшие таланты.

Retaining the best talent is a huge priority for HR departments.

Flavio Costa knew he had to use all the best talent available.

Флавио Коста понимал, что в этой игре он должен использовать все лучшие силы, которые имелись в его распоряжении.

In 2003 when we were trying to rapidly transform the business, I simply focused on hiring the best talent.

В 2003 году, когда мы пытались быстро преобразовать бизнес, я просто сосредоточилась на найме лучших талантов.

This also may seem obvious, but getting the best talent is truly a delicate balancing act.

Это также может показаться очевидным, но получение лучших людей — действительно тонкий балансирующий акт.

When that day comes, we’ll be snatching all the best talent from every company in town.

Когда этот день настанет, мы сманим всех лучших людей из всех компаний в городе.

Select the best talent when building your team.

As a young star she represents the best talent of the millennial generation in the art and culture of music.

Будучи молодой звездой, она представляет собой лучший талант тысячелетнего поколения в искусстве и культуре музыки.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 370. Exact: 370. Elapsed time: 135 ms.


Corporate solutions



Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


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У нас есть абсолютно четкая цель: мы хотим привлечь лучшие таланты для работы в UMG.


Attract and retain the best talent by offering rides with Uber as part of your commuter benefits.

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Чтобы привлечь и удержать лучших специалистов, предложите им комфортные поездки с Uber до работы и домой.

Top class surgeons and technicians are needed efficiently handled these equipment’s,

we must thank InterManagement for ensuring that we get the best talent as far as India is concerned.

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хирурги класса и техники эффективно отрегулировали эти оборудования,

за это мы должны благодарить InterManagement гарантируя, что мы получаем лучшие таланты, насколько Индия обеспокоена.

Time management and meeting management techniques are important, as well as overall strategies of hiring,


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Управление временем и встречами имеют важное значение, также как и общие стратегии найма,


Air Products offers competitive salaries and benefits that attract,


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Компания Air Products предлагает конкурентоспособную заработную плату и преимущества, которые привлекают,


To repair


eroded image of


public service so as to make it attractive to the best talent;


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Возродить подорванную репутацию государственной службы, чтобы повысить ее привлекательность для лучших специалистов;


We remain committed to developing local content and we continue to develop our employment practices and policies to ensure


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Мы по-прежнему привержены идее развития местных ресурсов, и мы продолжаем развивать наши практики и политику в области занятости, с тем,


We will continue to develop our employment practices and policies to ensure we


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Мы будем продолжать развивать наши процедуры и политики в области занятости в целях обеспечения того,


To face this challenge, a number of countries are attempting to revamp


public service in order to attract and


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Для решения этой проблемы ряд стран пытается реформировать государственную службу с целью привлечения и


We understand


challenges in today’s rapidly changing Commercial World in attracting and

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This will require a larger peacekeeping staff, on permanent assignment,


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Для этого потребуется увеличение численности миротворческого персонала на постоянной основе,

а в его состав должны войти наиболее талантливые и опытные люди, которых нам посчастливиться найти.


We hire professional translators only

so that our clients have access to the best talent to translate their content and websites.


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Мы нанимаем только профессиональных переводчиков,

так что наши клиенты имеют доступ к лучшим талантом, чтобы перевести их содержание и веб- сайтов.


We are focused on attracting and retaining the best talent by creating unique opportunities for career advancement and personal development.


Our goal is to access the best talent, and such personnel in Russia very much.”.

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Similar exercises will be conducted for UNMIK and



first quarter of 2003, so that the best talent is retained and reassigned to continuing missions.


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Аналогичная работа будет проводиться для МООНК и МООНПВТ

в первом квартале 2003 года, с тем чтобы сохранить самых талантливых сотрудников и перераспределить их в действующие миссии.


While attracting and retaining the best talent in


public service remains a critical strategic issue,


current situation in many developing countries presents human resources management dilemmas and challenges including.


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Хотя привлечение и удержание лучших специалистов в государственной службе остается одним из важнейших стратегических вопросов,

многие развивающиеся страны в нынешней ситуации сталкиваются со следующими дилеммами и проблемами в области управления людскими ресурсами.


Companies, seeking to be a leader in


market, invest a huge resources and develop


internal infrastructure of research and development,

as well as try to attract the best talent and outside organizations

in order to use their potential in


creation and implementation of innovative products and services.


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Компании, стремящиеся к лидерству на рынке, вкладывают значительные средства, развивая внутреннюю инфраструктуру исследований и разработок,

чтобы использовать их потенциал в создании и реализации инновационных продуктов и сервисов.


Now she is successfully running her own dance school in Dallas called»Cherish Institute of Dance»;


school is described as»an assembly of talented dancers, a voluntary body to enhance multi-culture,

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Сейчас она успешно работает в собственной школе танцев в Далласе« Cherish Institute of Dance», которую описывает как« собрание талантливых танцоров, добровольная организация для повышения мультикультуры,


staff selection system is based on, inter alia,


need to ensure accountability for


work entrusted to programme managers and on


fact that programme managers can be held accountable for their

work only if they are able to select the best talent available.


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Система отбора персонала базируется, среди прочего, на необходимости обеспечения подотчетности за работу, порученную руководителям программ, и на том, что руководители программ могут быть подотчетными за свою работу только в том случае,


As Şişecam Group; our priority, besides attracting, developing and retaining the best talent, is to provide our employees with a happy,

secure and motivating workplace which enables them to reach their full potential while sustaining high performance and continuous development.


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Приоритетом нашей Группы Компаний помимо привлечения, развития и удержания лучших талантов является предоставление нашим сотрудникам благоприятных и безопасных рабочих мест,

которые позволяют раскрыть их полный потенциал, способствующий высокой производительности и постоянному развитию.



Human Resources Officer(P4) would be responsible for


implementation of

frameworks/policies related to staff development to ensure that the best talent is recruited and retained in


field missions.


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Сотрудник по вопросам людских ресурсов( С4) будет отвечать за реализацию рамок/ направлений

политики, связанных с повышением квалификации персонала, для обеспечения того, чтобы в отделениях на местах набирались и удерживались наиболее талантливые сотрудники.



main priorities of


Field Personnel Division for


2013/14 period are to continue to provide human resources services to peacekeeping operations,

to attract and retain the best talent and to implement


global field support strategy

with regard to human resources.


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Основными приоритетными задачами Отдела полевого персонала в 2013/ 14 году являются продолжение оказания миротворческим операциям услуг в области людских ресурсов,

привлечение и удержание на службе лучших специалистов и осуществление глобальной стратегии полевой поддержки в части,

касающейся людских ресурсов.


Therefore, to make


right decision for this sector of strategic importance,


President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, decided to enter into a contract between


National Security Council and

McKinsey to attract the best talent, who will develop a strategy for Armeniain this sector.


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Поэтому, чтобы принять правильное решение


сферы, имеющей стратегическое значение, по поручению президента Армении Сержа Саргсяна было принято решение заключить договор между Советом национальной безопасности и




World Public Sector Report for 2004 and 2005 to human resource development in


public sector,

including further research on and discussion of


challenge of recruiting and retaining the best talent in


public sector.


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Подготовка следующего доклада о государственном секторе в мире за 2004- 2005 годы с упором на вопросы развития кадрового

потенциала государственного сектора, в том числе на дальнейших исследованиях и обсуждении проблемы набора и удержания наиболее талантливых специалистов в государственном секторе.



delegated authority is premised on


questionable rationale that»programme managers can be held accountable for their

work only if they are able to select the best talent available»(A/63/132, para.

7), which would require every new manager to hire his/her own pool of



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Предпосылкой для делегируемых полномочий служит сомнительное обоснование в отношении того, что<< руководители программ могут быть подотчетными за свою работу

только в том случае, если они могут отбирать наиболее талантливых из имеющихся кандидатов>>(

A/ 63/ 132, пункт 7), а это требует, чтобы каждый новый руководитель отбирал свою собственную группу




Despite that shift, human resources policies had not evolved, creating inefficiencies and inequality which caused


Secretariat to lag behind United Nations agencies,

funds and programmes in competing for the best talent and in recruiting, managing and retaining staff of


highest calibre.


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Несмотря на эти перемены, политика в области людских ресурсов не изменилась, и это приводит к возникновению недостатков и перекосов, в результате чего Секретариат проигрывает учреждениям,

фондам и программам Организации Объединенных Наций в конкурентной борьбе за наиболее одаренные кадры и в наборе, административном обслуживании и удержании сотрудников,

обладающих самой высокой квалификацией.



main priorities of


Field Personnel Division for


2014/15 period are to continue to provide dedicated support in


area of human resources services to United Nations peacekeeping operations,

to attract and retain the best talent and to implement all aspects with regard to


integrated human

resources management framework component of


global field support strategy as outlined in


third progress report on its implementation A/65/643.


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Основными приоритетными задачами Отдела полевого персонала в 2014/ 2015 году являются продолжение оказания миротворческим операциям целевых услуг в области людских ресурсов,

привлечение и удержание на службе лучших специалистов и осуществление всех аспектов компонента комплексной системы управления людскими ресурсами в рамках глобальной

стратегии полевой поддержки, как указано в третьем докладе о ходе работы по ее осуществлению A/ 65/ 643.


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Дайджест по теме

Wondering if you have any talents and if so, what those are?

Many people downplay the idea that they have talents. 

But everyone does.

There are just many different kinds of talents people never even consider.

In this article, we will explore the different kinds of talent. And then give you a list of 67 talent examples to help you uncover your own.

So let’s dive in!

What is talent?

Talents are the skills, mental strengths, and abilities that come naturally to you and give you a competitive advantage over others. 

Because by definition, talent means that someone is naturally good at something, you can say that people are born with talents.

So can you learn talent?

The answer is no. You cannot learn a talent because it is defined as the abilities that come naturally to you.

That said, you should not let the definition of talent define your limits.

Just because you may not be talented in an area does not mean that you cannot develop yourself and achieve excellence.

Quite the contrary.

Talent vs skill

While talent is something that you are born with (or what you naturally excel at), a skill is something that you can develop through practice. 

The advantage of leaning into your talents is that it gives you a headstart in that area. But to achieve success, everyone needs to put effort and practice into the development of the skill.

In other words, talent alone does not guarantee success.

Consistent effort towards developing a skill does.

There are many instances of successful people and elite athletes who didn’t have talent, yet became the very best at what they did. Like basketball player Kobe Bryant, for example.

Starting with talent vs skill

Here’s the deal: talent gives you a competitive advantage, but from that point on, hard work takes over.

That said, it pays to find your talents and use them to your advantage. 

So let’s figure out where yours lay.

5 Types of Talents

The area that comes to mind most often when you talk about talents is specific skills. 

Think about playing the piano or chess, for example. 

But you can also think about general skills, measured with IQ tests. And what about social talents?

In my research, I discovered 5 kinds of talent categories: 

  1. Self-conceptual talents – like self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and self-confidence.
  2. Social talents – like social awareness, communication, relationship management, collaboration, and influence.
  3. General talents – like language skills, mathematical abilities, reasoning, visual-spatial processing, and learning abilities.
  4. Specific expertise – like strategic thinking, arts, writing, research, sports, design, storytelling, and kinesthetic abilities.
  5. Fun talents – any cool talents such as exceptional taste, ventriloquism (ability to make your voice appear from somewhere else or with delay), and hypermobility, to name a few.

Do you already have an idea in what categories your talents lay?

Maybe you even have many talents in a variety of categories. Either way, here is a list of talent examples to help you find yours!

Remember that any of the following examples are skills, mental strengths, and abilities that you can improve and develop. 

That said, if you naturally excel in some of the talent examples, you can consider these to be your talents.

Self-conceptual talents

  1. Self-awareness – you have a strong awareness of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and actions. 
  2. Self-regulation – you can manage and control your thoughts, emotions, and actions in any situation.
  3. Self-motivation – you enjoy a high drive and motivation and are naturally being proactive. 
  4. Positive attitude – you maintain a positive outlook and attitude regardless of the circumstance.
  5. Stress management – you can handle and manage stress well.
  6. Self-confidence – you enjoy high self-esteem and embrace fearful situations.
  7. Resilient – you recover from setbacks with ease.
  8. Responsible – you take responsibility for your actions (the opposite is that you blame others or situations).
  9. Patient – you can tolerate delays without becoming annoyed or anxious by them.
  10. Intuitive – you naturally feel what is right.
  11. Energetic – you are very involved with others and tasks.
  1. Social awareness – you understand social situations and can understand them from someone else’s perspective.
  2. Social confidence – you exert confidence under social pressure while giving presentations, for example.
  3. Verbal communication – you are able to vocally bring your point across in a way that is easily understood by others.
  4. Written communication – similar to verbal communication, but in this case through written mediums, like email.
  5. Storytelling – your natural style is to bring points across in the form of a story and can do so effectively.
  6. Relationship management – you quickly develop and maintain healthy relationships and connections.
  7. Conflict management – you stay calm during conflict and can resolve arguments effectively.
  8. Cooperative – you easily find common ground in working together towards common goals.
  9. Active listening – you are able to listen to, reflect on, and respond accordingly to others during a conversation.
  10. Empathy – you understand and share the feelings of others.
  11. Accountable – you do what you say and agree on.
  12. Intimate – you make others feel comfortable and easily connect with them on a deeper level.
  13. Persuasion – you influence the choices and behavior of others.
  14. Leadership – you can rally people behind an improved vision of the current situation.
  15. Assertive – you stand up for your values and beliefs and express your thoughts and feelings towards others.
  16. Honest – you speak truthfully even when that is difficult or seemingly unfavorable for you at that moment.

Talents in general

  1. Language – you have the gift of being able to identify, learn, and speak languages relatively easily.
  2. Math – you have a high understanding of abstract ideas.
  3. Memory – you can remember and recall high volumes of information and/or visuals.
  4. Reasoning – you excel at reasoning with logic.
  5. Visual-spatial processing – you are able to access where objects are in space with high precision.
  6. Creativity – you excel at using imagination to create something.
  7. Organizational skills – you can manage energy, focus, time, and space in a way that enhances focus and productivity.
  8. Problem-solving – you can identify a problem and its cause and formulate, prioritize, and select the best solutions.
  9. Decision-making – you understand problems, research potential solutions, and make the best decision to solve the problem.
  10. Learning abilities – you learn anything fast through either auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learning.

Talents in hard skills

Talents in hard skills often come from combining the talents we already discussed. But you may find it easier to recognize yourself in these examples.

  1. Artistic skills – you excel at creating works of art.
  2. Design skills – you understand what something will look like in the future and are able to realize that result. 
  3. Strategic skills – you see the big picture and are able to generate advantageous plans for the future.
  4. Innovative skills – you exploit ideas to generate value.
  5. Executional skills – you enjoy the day-to-day process and excel at performing and achieving tasks.
  6. Planning skills – you are able to effectively manage activities with the available resources.
  7. Presentation skills – you are able to bring your point across to a group of people in the form of a presentation.
  8. Project management skills – you organize, communicate, and manage projects effectively. 
  9. Writing skills – you are able to write well, express your point through the written word, and create an image in the readers’ minds.
  10. Research skills – you excel at collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to find an answer or solve a problem.
  11. Teaching skills – you are able to create a positive learning environment and effectively help others to understand ideas.
  12. Musical skills – you are able to sense, understand, follow, and produce musical elements like melody and rhythm.
  13. Marketing skills – you excel at interesting others for an offer by creating, communicating, and delivering value.
  14. Technical skills – you excel in areas where a high understanding is required to perform practical tasks, like science and engineering.
  15. Computer skills – you understand and excel at working with computing devices and their software and applications.
  16. Financial skills – you understand how money works and are exceptional at money management and/or bookkeeping.
  17. Entrepreneurial skills – you easily discover and utilize commercial opportunities in the market. 
  18. Kinesthetic skills – you shine in hands-on activities as a result of exceptional motor skills, bodily awareness, and perfect coordination.
  19. Analytical skills – you are effective in collecting, analyzing, and acting on information and data to solve problems. 

Fun and cool talents

Here is a fun list of talents that I’ve found. By no means is this a complete list, but it might help you discover any cool talents you may have.

  1. Exceptional taste – you are able to distinguish flavors with ease, which can benefit you with stuff like wine tasting or understanding the ingredients in food recipes.
  2. Ventriloquism – you are able to make your voice appear from somewhere else or with delay.
  3. Hypermobility – you are exceptionally mobile, which could help you excel in performance acts, like magic.
  4. Voiceover – you are able to speak in many different voices, accents, and/or dialects.
  5. You can recognize fonts.
  6. You are able to talk or read backwards.
  7. The ability to move body parts independently.
  8. You can cry on command.
  9. Solve a Rubix cube with your feet (or just in general).
  10. Being able to sing along with songs after you hear them once.
  11. You can switch between normal and slow motion.
  12. And many more to name…

Closing thoughts

Everyone has some talents – and so do you. 

And I hope that this list of talent examples helped you find yours. But if you didn’t that is okay too. 

After all, whereas talent can give you a head start, it does not substitute hard work by any means. And many successful people and athletes have proven this.

In other words: it’s nice to find your talent and lean into it – but don’t let “talent” be the deciding factor for how you want to live your life.

Action is more important than talent.

And if you take action, soon enough, you will figure out where your talent resides.

Want to learn more about how you can use your talents to design your best life? Then make sure to sign up for the newsletter below for more practical personal development tips!

Everybody is talented in their own special way. Some people can paint colorful portraits, while others can sing beautifully. Some can even do both while standing on their heads! But will these talent examples help employees be successful in their roles? Probably not!

While these kinds of talents are all quite impressive, they shouldn’t be the general focus when searching for the perfect candidate to fill your role. Instead, hiring managers should be focusing on the hard skills and soft skills that candidates bring to the table. We’ve outlined some of the talent examples that every hiring manager should be looking for when hiring new employees.

Define the Talents Needed in Your Workplace

Talent is the natural ability or aptitude that somebody has for something. Talent examples include hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are measurable abilities that people possess and have mastered, while soft skills are interpersonal talent examples that people inherently have that allow them to succeed in the workplace. While most people can learn hard skills, soft skills are more valuable as they are quite often fixed in individuals and are much harder to learn. It’s important to know what particular talents you are searching for when hiring someone.

Before posting your job description, think about whether or not the language you are using reflects the talent examples you’re looking for in a hire. Are you hiring a payroll office or an accountant? These employees should be good with numbers, punctual, and should pay great attention to detail. They will be in charge of administering wages to your employees, so it’s important for them to possess these talents. Are you hiring a content manager? They’ll be in charge of creating the content for your business. Meeting deadlines is a must, so they must have excellent time management skills. They’ll definitely need to be creative to make their content stand out from your competitors’ content. Additionally, they should be good writers.

Finding good talent is great, but finding the right talent is better. Look out for these talent examples when looking for the perfect hire.

Talent Examples in High Performing Employees

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to think reasonably without too much emotion or subjectivity. People who think critically try to push all of that aside when making decisions. Instead, these individuals rely on objectivity, reason, and logic to solve problems. This is a great talent that all ideal employees should have.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive and manage emotions. Emotionally intelligent people are aware that their emotions drive their behavior and impact those around them. If you are hiring an employee that is going to be a part of a team, emotional intelligence is a good talent to have.


Communication skills really help members of a team. This talent example allows employees to get across their ideas and emotions. Communication skills like respect and active listening really help employees to communicate well. The great thing about communication is that it’s a skill that employees can continuously work on improving.


This talent example is one that might be gauged by more obvious talent examples like being an artist or a creative writer. Creative employees should be able to use their imagination to produce original ideas for your company. This is a talent example that hiring managers should look for when filling roles within their marketing department. Not only do creative minds have imaginative ideas, but they’ll also be able to think outside the box to give creative solutions to problems.


Resilience has never been as important as it is in a post-COVID-19 world. To have resilience is to have the ability to quickly recover and adapt to difficult situations that arise in the workplace. When resilient employees make mistakes, they learn from them and come back stronger than they were before. They are aware of their environment, and they aren’t afraid to ask for help. This is a great talent example of a high performing employee.

Recognizing Talent in Job Interviews

Now that you’ve defined the talent examples you are searching for in candidates, you’re ready to find your perfect hires. The first step is asking the right questions. Every question should be clear and have purpose. Also be sure to ask questions that try measuring certain talent examples. For example, your questions should be open-ended if wanting to measure critical thinking ability in candidates.

Additionally, be sure to allow the candidate time to ask you questions. A candidate with good communication skills won’t hesitate to ask you questions about the role they might be stepping into.

Bryq Helps You Hire Talent, Not Resumes

While some of these talent examples might seem obvious, many of them are harder to gauge – especially if you don’t know how to gauge them. Bryq’s talent assessment software makes it easy for hiring managers to find the right talent through personality traits and cognitive abilities. Our software is able to detect talent examples like emotional intelligence and learning agility in job candidates. Bryq assessment software is backed by science, and being able to understand these talent examples will really simplify your hiring process.
Get started with Bryq today by signing up for a free 7-day trial, or schedule a demo with us. We’d love to show you how to recognize talent examples in your job candidates!

Eight qualities that will help you find a work-life balance and help you help others to do the same.

The Best Talent Is Bringing Out Talent in Others

When I was at Wharton, a successful entrepreneur told my class, “A superior leader is a person who can bring ordinary people together to achieve extraordinary results.”

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that his lesson works for everybody, not just leaders. It works in all walks of life, whether you are able to help a friend, guide a student or nudge a neighbor in the right direction.

Three years ago, seeking to find a better balance between my work and personal lives, I set out to formulate a simple credo that would guide my actions 365 days a year. A big part of my motivation was the desire to help others in a meaningful way. I came up with this sentence:

Be generous and expert, trustworthy and clear, open-minded and adaptable, persistent and present.

At first, I simply lived with these words, noting how they pushed me to be a bit kinder and a bit less concerned about being “right.” But they quickly found their way into my writings, and recently, I’ve shared them in talks at places as diverse as Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut and a Web/marketing conference in Bend, Oregon.

One woman in Bend confessed that she was crying during my presentation, because it had been years since anyone in business had taken the time to sincerely express an interest in the needs of other people, outside of a sales conversation. She was in the process of reinventing her career—again—and she very much needed support and understanding.

When I’m in front of an audience, I can see in the eyes of various attendees that they are desperate to find more meaning in their careers and their lives. Getting ahead, or going it alone, isn’t enough. They want to feel as though they are “in it together” with others, rather than on board until some or all of us get laid off.

Let me break down my simple little sentence for you:

Generous means to help others long before—and after—you need their help.

Expert means to be competent in one or more areas that others value and to use this expertise to benefit others.

Trustworthy means to be a person who stands behind others, especially in tough times.

Clear means to help people clarify what they want and also help them express this in a simple and straightforward manner.

Open-minded means never stop listening and learning and make it easier for others to do the same.

Adaptable means sharing one of the most valuable insights anyone can gain, which is that we all have a greater ability to change our situations than it often seems.

Persistent means to help people even when it is hard, and they don’t immediately succeed.

Present means to set your thoughts and agenda aside so that you can listen to others and prove that they are important to you.

Let me give you a few examples of how these words translate into action.

To be generous, I follow two simple practices. First, every time I interact with another person, I put the words, “Help this person” into my head. This is true when the phone rings, when someone walks into my office or when I’m chatting at a happy hour. These three words are enough to shift my mindset from my thoughts and goals, to focus on what I can do to enrich the other person’s day. I can’t prove it, but my sense is that having these three words in your mind changes the way others perceive you, because they change the way you interact with others.

To also be generous, I put kindnessfirst on my to-do list. I start each day by doing something kind for another person. This might mean introducing two special people to each other or sharing a superb article by a writer who hasn’t yet received the attention she or he deserves.

To be adaptable, I keep in mind a lesson I learned in Management 101 from Kenwyn Smith, professor of organizational behavior at the University of Pennsylvania, which is that no matter how high you rise on the ladder, you still feel caught in the middle between various forces. As a result, people tend to underestimate their ability to effect change. Professor Smith taught me that we can make change happen, as long as we are willing to pay the price of that change. Sharing this lesson with others, I help them muster the energy and motivation to improve their circumstances.

One last example: The single best way to empower another person is to empty your mind (and agenda) to listen to him or her. I don’t mean listen in a half-hearted, distracted manner. I mean listen as though nothing else in the world matters to you. When you do this, you start to understand what really makes the other person tick. Often times, you can also pick up on what they aren’t saying and for what reason.

Whether or not you adopt my sentence—and I urge you to consider doing so—please keep in mind this important lesson: the best talent of all is bringing out talent in other people.

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