The appropriate suffix for the word host

Prefixes of host

  • ghost

    • noun a mental representation of some haunting experience
      spectre; shade; spook; specter; wraith.
      • he looked like he had seen a ghost
      • it aroused specters from his past
    • noun a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

    • More ‘ghost’ Meaning
    • ghost Idioms/Phrases
    • ghost Associated Words
    • ghost Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ghost Related Words

Suffixes of host

  • host

    • noun a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
    • noun a vast multitude
      legion; horde.

    • More ‘host’ Meaning
    • hosts Associated Words
    • hosts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hosts Related Words
  • hostile

    • noun troops belonging to the enemy’s military forces
      • the platoon ran into a pack of hostiles
    • adjective characterized by enmity or ill will
      • a hostile nation
      • a hostile remark
      • hostile actions

    • More ‘hostile’ Meaning
    • hostile Idioms/Phrases
    • hostile Associated Words
    • hostile Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hostile Related Words
  • hostility

    • noun a hostile (very unfriendly) disposition
      ill will.
      • he could not conceal his hostility
    • noun a state of deep-seated ill-will
      enmity; antagonism.

    • More ‘hostility’ Meaning
    • hostility Idioms/Phrases
    • hostility Associated Words
    • hostility Related Words
  • host

    • noun a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
    • noun a vast multitude
      legion; horde.

    • More ‘host’ Meaning
    • hosted Associated Words
    • hosted Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hosted Related Words
  • hostess

    • noun a woman host
    • noun a woman innkeeper

    • More ‘hostess’ Meaning
    • hostess Associated Words
    • hostess Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hostess Related Words
  • host

    • noun a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
    • noun a vast multitude
      legion; horde.

    • More ‘host’ Meaning
    • hosting Associated Words
    • hosting Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hosting Related Words
  • hostilities

    • noun fighting; acts of overt warfare
      • the outbreak of hostilities
    • noun a hostile (very unfriendly) disposition
      ill will; hostility.
      • he could not conceal his hostility

    • More ‘hostilities’ Meaning
    • hostilities Associated Words
    • hostilities Related Words
  • hostage

    • noun a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms

    • More ‘hostage’ Meaning
    • hostage Associated Words
    • hostage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hostage Related Words
  • hostage

    • noun a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms

    • More ‘hostage’ Meaning
    • hostages Associated Words
    • hostages Related Words
  • hostel

    • noun a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      lodge; auberge; hostelry; inn.
    • noun inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips)
      student lodging; youth hostel.

    • More ‘hostel’ Meaning
    • hostel Idioms/Phrases
    • hostel Associated Words
    • hostel Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hostel Related Words
  • hostel

    • noun a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      lodge; auberge; hostelry; inn.
    • noun inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips)
      student lodging; youth hostel.

    • More ‘hostel’ Meaning
    • hostels Associated Words
    • hostels Related Words
  • hostess

    • noun a woman host
    • noun a woman innkeeper

    • More ‘hostess’ Meaning
    • hostesses Associated Words
    • hostesses Related Words
  • hostile

    • noun troops belonging to the enemy’s military forces
      • the platoon ran into a pack of hostiles
    • adjective characterized by enmity or ill will
      • a hostile nation
      • a hostile remark
      • hostile actions

    • More ‘hostile’ Meaning
    • hostiles Associated Words
    • hostiles Related Words
  • hostelry

    • noun a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      lodge; auberge; inn; hostel.

    • More ‘hostelry’ Meaning
    • hostelry Associated Words
    • hostelry Related Words
  • hostler

    • noun someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
      ostler; groom; stableboy; stableman.

    • More ‘hostler’ Meaning
    • hostler Associated Words
    • hostler Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hostler Related Words
  • hosta

    • noun robust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies; sometimes placed in family Hostaceae
      Funka; genus Hosta; genus Funka.

    • More ‘hosta’ Meaning
    • hosta Idioms/Phrases
    • hosta Associated Words
    • hosta Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hosta Related Words
  • host

    • noun a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
    • noun a vast multitude
      legion; horde.

    • More ‘host’ Meaning
    • hostessing Associated Words
    • hostessing Related Words
  • hosteller

    • noun an owner or manager of hotels
      hotelman; hotel manager; hotelier; hotelkeeper.
    • noun a traveler who lodges in hostels
      • a youth hosteller

    • More ‘hosteller’ Meaning
    • hostellers Related Words
  • hosteller

    • noun an owner or manager of hotels
      hotelman; hotel manager; hotelier; hotelkeeper.
    • noun a traveler who lodges in hostels
      • a youth hosteller

    • More ‘hosteller’ Meaning
    • hosteller Associated Words
    • hosteller Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hosteller Related Words
  • hostilely

    • adverb with hostility; in a belligerent hostile manner
      • he pushed her against the wall belligerently

    • More ‘hostilely’ Meaning
    • hostilely Associated Words
    • hostilely Related Words
  • hostelry

    • noun a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      lodge; auberge; inn; hostel.

    • More ‘hostelry’ Meaning
    • hostelries Associated Words
    • hostelries Related Words
  • hostler

    • noun someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
      ostler; groom; stableboy; stableman.

    • More ‘hostler’ Meaning
    • hostlers Associated Words
    • hostlers Related Words
  • hosta

    • noun robust east Asian clump-forming perennial herbs having racemose flowers: plantain lilies; sometimes placed in family Hostaceae
      Funka; genus Hosta; genus Funka.

    • More ‘hosta’ Meaning
    • hostas Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hostas Related Words
  • hostel

    • noun a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      lodge; auberge; hostelry; inn.
    • noun inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips)
      student lodging; youth hostel.

    • More ‘hostel’ Meaning
    • hostelling Associated Words
    • hostelling Related Words
  • host

    • noun a person who invites guests to a social event (such as a party in his or her own home) and who is responsible for them while they are there
    • noun a vast multitude
      legion; horde.

    • More ‘host’ Meaning
    • hoster Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hoster Related Words
  • hostel

    • noun a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      lodge; auberge; hostelry; inn.
    • noun inexpensive supervised lodging (especially for youths on bicycling trips)
      student lodging; youth hostel.

    • More ‘hostel’ Meaning
    • hosteling Associated Words
    • hosteling Related Words

Derived words of host

  • ghost

    • noun a mental representation of some haunting experience
      spectre; shade; spook; specter; wraith.
      • he looked like he had seen a ghost
      • it aroused specters from his past
    • noun a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

    • More ‘ghost’ Meaning
    • ghosts Associated Words
    • ghosts Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ghosts Related Words
  • ghostly

    • adjective satellite resembling or characteristic of a phantom
      spectral; spiritual; ghostlike; phantasmal; apparitional.
      • a ghostly face at the window
      • a phantasmal presence in the room
      • spectral emanations
      • spiritual tappings at a seance

    • More ‘ghostly’ Meaning
    • ghostly Associated Words
    • ghostly Related Words
  • orthostatic

    • adjective satellite pertaining to an upright standing posture
      • orthostatic hypotension

    • More ‘orthostatic’ Meaning
    • orthostatic Idioms/Phrases
    • orthostatic Associated Words
    • orthostatic Related Words
  • shostakovich

    • noun Russian composer best known for his fifteen symphonies (1906-1975)
      Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich; Dmitri Shostakovich.

    • More ‘shostakovich’ Meaning
    • shostakovich Idioms/Phrases
    • shostakovich Associated Words
    • shostakovich Related Words
  • ghost

    • noun a mental representation of some haunting experience
      spectre; shade; spook; specter; wraith.
      • he looked like he had seen a ghost
      • it aroused specters from his past
    • noun a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

    • More ‘ghost’ Meaning
    • ghosting Associated Words
    • ghosting Related Words
  • ghost

    • noun a mental representation of some haunting experience
      spectre; shade; spook; specter; wraith.
      • he looked like he had seen a ghost
      • it aroused specters from his past
    • noun a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

    • More ‘ghost’ Meaning
    • ghosted Associated Words
    • ghosted Related Words
  • ghostlike

    • adjective satellite resembling or characteristic of a phantom
      spectral; spiritual; phantasmal; ghostly; apparitional.
      • a ghostly face at the window
      • a phantasmal presence in the room
      • spectral emanations
      • spiritual tappings at a seance

    • More ‘ghostlike’ Meaning
    • ghostlike Associated Words
    • ghostlike Related Words
  • ghostwriter

    • noun a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

    • More ‘ghostwriter’ Meaning
    • ghostwriter Associated Words
    • ghostwriter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ghostwriter Related Words
  • ghostwriter

    • noun a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else

    • More ‘ghostwriter’ Meaning
    • ghostwriters Associated Words
    • ghostwriters Related Words
  • gnathostome

    • noun a vertebrate animal possessing true jaws

    • More ‘gnathostome’ Meaning
    • gnathostome Associated Words
    • gnathostome Prefix/Suffix Words
    • gnathostome Related Words
  • ghostwrite

    • verb write for someone else
      • How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

    • More ‘ghostwrite’ Meaning
    • ghostwritten Associated Words
    • ghostwritten Related Words
  • ghostwrite

    • verb write for someone else
      • How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

    • More ‘ghostwrite’ Meaning
    • ghostwriting Associated Words
    • ghostwriting Related Words
  • ghostwrite

    • verb write for someone else
      • How many books have you ghostwritten so far?

    • More ‘ghostwrite’ Meaning
    • ghostwrite Associated Words
    • ghostwrite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • ghostwrite Related Words
  • ghostliness

    • noun strangeness by virtue of being mysterious and inspiring fear

    • More ‘ghostliness’ Meaning
    • ghostliness Associated Words
    • ghostliness Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `host`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `host`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

хозяин, множество, ведущий, воинство, принимать гостей, вести программу


- хозяин (по отношению к гостю)

host country — дип. принимающая страна
to act as host — принимать гостей, быть хозяином; быть за хозяина

- хозяин гостиницы; трактирщик; содержатель постоялого двора (тж. шутл. mine host)
- биол. хозяин (паразитирующего организма)
- радио, тлв. ведущий, конферансье
- спец. основное устройство
- главный компьютер, центральный процессор
- множество, уйма; толпа, сонм

hosts of friends — масса друзей
a host of children — куча детей
a whole host of servants — целая армия слуг
a host of difficulties — множество /тьма/ трудностей
a host of thoughts — сонм мыслей

- поэт., арх. войско, воинство

the host(s) of heaven, the heavenly host — а) силы небесные, небесное воинство (об ангелах); б) небесные светила
the Lord of Hosts — библ. господь сил
a host in himself — ≅ один стоит многих

- гостия; тело христово (хлеб, облатка)


- выступать в роли хозяина, принимать гостей; быть распорядителем

to host the VIP’s around the town — показывать город важным гостям

- разг. выступать в роли ведущего

Мои примеры


the loquacious host of a radio talk show — словоохотливый ведущий радио ток-шоу  
a TV show that spawned a host of imitations — телепередача, породившая множество подражаний /похожих передач/  
to act / play as host — принимать гостей  
host of a live radio programme — ведущий прямой радиопередачи  
a host in oneself — работник, который стоит многих  
to host a party for — быть хозяином вечера, устраивать вечер для  
to host a reception — быть хозяином на вечере  
host processor — главный процессор  
host-language processor — процессор базового языка  
host interface — интерфейс главного процессора  
chiral clefts in guest-host chemistry — хиральные щели в химии гость-хозяин  
host a formal dinner — устраивать официальный обед  

Примеры с переводом

He makes a great host.

Он отличный хозяин.

Who will play host to the next Olympic Games?

Какой город будет принимать следующую Олимпиаду?

Our host greeted us at the door.

Наш хозяин встретил нас у двери.

We were very well hosted and even dined at his house.

В его доме нас очень хорошо приняли и даже накормили ужином.

The host circulated among the guests.

Хозяин подходил то к одному гостю, то к другому.

We hosted 4 couples last night.

Прошлой ночью у нас гостили четыре пары.

Our host gave us an effusive welcome.

Наш хозяин приветствовал нас уж очень радушно. / Наш хозяин устроил нам чересчур радушный приём.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a host of adorable moppets were hired for the ad campaign…

The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith

…the consecration of the Host during Communion…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hostage  — заложник, залог
hosting  — главенство, выполнение роли ведущего, являться главным

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: host
he/she/it: hosts
ing ф. (present participle): hosting
2-я ф. (past tense): hosted
3-я ф. (past participle): hosted

ед. ч.(singular): host
мн. ч.(plural): hosts

  • 1

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > host

  • 2

    1) мно́жество; толпа́; сонм



    во́йско, во́инство

    а) небе́сные свети́ла;

    б) а́нгелы, си́лы небе́сные

    host [həυst]

    1) хозя́ин;

    2) содержа́тель, хозя́ин гости́ницы; тракти́рщик

    1) принима́ть госте́й

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > host

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > host

  • 4

    HOST, hardened optical sensor testbed

    стенд для испытания защищенных в противоядерном отношении оптических датчиков

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > HOST

  • 5

    host computer

    основной вычислитель

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > host

  • 6

    1. n хозяин гостиницы; трактирщик; содержатель постоялого двора

    2. n биол. хозяин

    3. n тлв. радио, ведущий, конферансье

    4. n спец. основное устройство

    5. n вчт. главный компьютер, центральный процессор

    6. v выступать в роли хозяина, принимать гостей; быть распорядителем

    7. v разг. выступать в роли ведущего

    8. n множество, уйма; толпа, сонм

    9. n поэт. арх. войско, воинство

    10. n церк. гостия; тело христово

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. catholic sacrament (noun) altar bread; bread of the last supper; catholic sacrament; communion; communion loaf; Eucharist; sacrament; wafer

    2. one who entertains guests (noun) emcee; entertainer; hostess; innkeeper; man of the house; man offering hospitality; master of ceremonies; one who entertains guests; talk-show moderator; toastmaster

    3. organism harboring a parasite (noun) animal; animal tissue; host body; host mother; organism; organism harboring a parasite; organism harbouring a parasite; plant; victim

    4. throng (noun) army; cloud; crowd; drove; flock; gathering; horde; legion; mass; multitude; rout; scores; swarm; throng; troop

    5. receive guests (verb) accommodate; be the master of ceremonies; entertain; provide lodging; receive; receive guests; treat; welcome; wine and dine

    English-Russian base dictionary > host

  • 7


    host хозяин; to act as host принимать гостей fake host вчт. псевдоведущая машина host радио, тлв. ведущий программу host вести программу (по радио, телевидению) host уст. войско, воинство host вчт. главная машина host церк. гостия host множество; толпа; сонм host биол. организм, питающий паразитов, «хозяин» host принимать гостей host содержатель, хозяин гостиницы; трактирщик host содержатель гостиницы host хозяин; to act as host принимать гостей host хозяин host attr.: host country страна-устроительница (конференций и т. п.) the hosts of heaven ангелы, силы небесные; a host in himself один стоит многих (по работе и т. п.) host team спорт. хозяева поля; to reckon without one’s host недооценить трудности; просчитаться the hosts of heaven ангелы, силы небесные; a host in himself один стоит многих (по работе и т. п.) the hosts of heaven небесные светила host team спорт. хозяева поля; to reckon without one’s host недооценить трудности; просчитаться

    English-Russian short dictionary > host

  • 8

    English-russian biological dictionary > host

  • 9

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > host

  • 10


    to act as host — принимать гостей, быть хозяином; быть за хозяина

    2. хозяин гостиницы; трактирщик; содержатель постоялого двора (

    шутл. mine host)


    , тлв. ведущий, конферансье

    1) главный компьютер, центральный процессор

    2) = host computer

    to reckon without one’s host — ошибиться в расчётах, крупно просчитаться

    1. выступать в роли хозяина, принимать гостей; быть распорядителем


    выступать в роли ведущего


    1. множество, уйма; толпа, сонм

    a host of difficulties — множество /тьма/ трудностей


    , арх. войско, воинство

    the host(s) of heaven, the heavenly host — а) силы небесные, небесное воинство (); б) небесные светила

    a host in himself — ≅ один стоит многих



    гостия; тело христово ()

    НБАРС > host

  • 11

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > host

  • 12

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > host

  • 13

    I [həust]


    1) масса, куча; толпа

    host of ideas / possibilities — масса идей / возможностей





    воинство, войско; тьма

    — God of Hosts



    II [həust]



    to act / play as host — принимать гостей


    host country — страна-устроительница, страна-хозяин (конференций, соревнований)



    ведущий программы




    хозяин, питающий паразитов организм



    организм, используемый для развития в нём других эмбрионов, клеток




    1) принимать гостей; выступать в роли хозяина, принимающей стороны

    We were very well hosted and even dined at his house. — В его доме нас очень хорошо приняли и даже накормили ужином.

    Next year our country will host the Olympic Games. — В будущем году Олимпиада пройдёт в нашей стране.

    III [həust]



    хлеб в таинстве причащения, Тело Христово; облатка, гостия

    Англо-русский современный словарь > host

  • 14


    We are using it as a host for Unix. — Мы используем его как хост для Unix. Может играть роль глагола

    We are using it to host for Unix. — Мы используем его, чтобы разместить (для размещения) Unix hosting service, Web host




    3) главный, основной

    4) посещение, заход на сайт

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > host

  • 15

    1. главный компьютер

    2. ведущий

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > host

  • 16

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > host

  • 17

    1. масса; первичный материал

    host mineral — первичный минерал, минерал-«хозяин»

    2. оказывать гостеприимство

    3. ведущий узел

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > host

  • 18

    1. хост
    2. хозяин (возбудителя инфекции, инвазии)
    3. хозяин
    4. узловой компьютер сети
    5. организм-хозяин
    6. гибридная технология открытых систем

    Организм, являющийся реципиентом при трансплантации (редко — подвой); также Х. — организм, являющийся местообитанием другого (паразитического) организма, в частности, клетка, зараженная вирусом (клетка-Х.).
    [Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А. Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов 1995 407с.]


    • генетика


    • host

    хозяин (возбудителя инфекции, инвазии)
    Человек или животное, включая птиц и членистоногих, в организме которых поддерживается существование возбудителя инфекционной или паразитарной болезни в природных условиях.
    [Англо-русский глоссарий основных терминов по вакцинологии и иммунизации. Всемирная организация здравоохранения, 2009 г.]


    • вакцинология, иммунизация


    • host

    Понятие, которое часто используется в рейтингах и счётчиках. Количество уникальных пользователей, загрузивших страницу, на которой установлен счётчик. Уникальный пользователь различается по уникальному IP адресу. Менее точное выявление уникальных пользователей, чем Cookies, так как по уникальному IP адресу может находится не один пользователь.


    • реклама


    • host

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > HOST

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    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > host

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См. также в других словарях:

  • Host — Host …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Host — • Archaeological and historical aspects Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Host     Host     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Host — Host(s) may refer to:In Christianity: * Heavenly host, an army of good angels in Heaven * Host (Holy Communion), bread in the EucharistIn culture: * Host (event), a television or radio show presenter * Host (album), a 1999 album by the band… …   Wikipedia

  • host — host·al; host·ess ship; host·ing; host·less; host·ly; kink·host; host; non·host; host·ess; …   English syllables

  • Host — (h[=o]st), n. [OE. host, ost, OF. host, ost, fr. L. hostis enemy, LL., army. See {Guest}, and cf. {Host} a landlord.] 1. An army; a number of men gathered for war. [1913 Webster] A host so great as covered all the field. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Host — [hoʊst] (englisch „Wirt“, „Gastgeber“) steht für: Host (Datenbankanbieter), Computer, der im Internet Datenbanken zur Verfügung stellt Host (Informationstechnik), Computer, der Dienste in einem Rechnernetz zur Verfügung stellt ein Gerät mit IP… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Host — 〈[ hoʊst] m. 6〉 1. 〈kurz für〉 Hostcomputer 2. Adresse im Internet [engl., eigtl. „Gastgeber“] * * * Host [hoʊst ], der; [s], s [engl. host ↑ (Hostess)] (EDV): (in einem System von Computern od. Terminals) Zentralrechner mit permanenter… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • host — Ⅰ. host [1] ► NOUN 1) a person who receives or entertains guests. 2) the presenter of a television or radio programme. 3) a person, place, or organization that holds and organizes an event to which others are invited. 4) often humorous the… …   English terms dictionary

  • host — host1 [hōst] n. [ME hoste < OFr hoiste < ML(Ec) hostia, consecrated host < L, animal sacrificed, prob. < hostire, to recompense, requite] 1. a wafer of the bread used in a Eucharistic service 2. [H ] a consecrated Eucharistic wafer… …   English World dictionary

  • Host — (h[=o]st), n. [OE. host, ost, OF. hoste, oste, F. h[^o]te, from L. hospes a stranger who is treated as a guest, he who treats another as his guest, a hostl prob. fr. hostis stranger, enemy (akin to E. guest a visitor) + potis able; akin to Skr.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Höst — Høst ist der Name von Gerd Høst Heyerdahl (1915−2007), norwegische Schauspielerin, Schriftstellerin und Professorin für Germanistik Jens Kragh Høst (1772−1844), dänischer Jurist, Historiker und Übersetzer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

Suffix for lion or host

Word Craze September 21, 2021

If you are stuck with Suffix for lion or host crossword clue then you have come to the right place for the answer. This clue was last seen today on September 21 2021 at the popular Word Craze Daily Puzzle. In our website you will find dozens of trivia games and their daily updated solutions.

Clue: Suffix for lion or host

Possible Solution: ESS

If you are looking for other clues from the daily puzzle then visit: Word Craze Daily Puzzle September 21 2021 Answers

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What is a suffix of duration?

The suffix is -tion. This suffix means the process of.

What is the suffix to state?

The suffix is -ate. This suffix means state of.

Is envious a suffix or a prefix?


What is the suffix of moon?

the suffix is on

What is the Suffix for Teachers?

There is no suffix.

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