The answer to this question is the word birds

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Birds Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers

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Do you know that not every bird can fly? And what do you know about the extinct birds which were the ancestors of the birds we can see today? Our quiz will help you to check your knowledge about these creatures.

The Birds Quiz consists of multiple choice trivia questions related to the topic. Good luck!

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Birds can be found all over the world, and come in different species, sizes, colours, and shapes. No other animals are able to fly faster, further, and higher than them. Check out the following 39 trivia bird quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge about these amazing

Bird Quiz Questions And Answers

Bird Quiz Questions And Answers

1. Which of the following body parts do not exist in birds?

A. Spines

B. Toes

C. Teeth

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Answer: C. Teeth

2. What do we call a baby swan?

A. A joey

B. A calf

C. A cygnet

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Answer: C. A cygnet

3. Which is the largest type of penguin?

A. King penguin

B. Queen penguin

C. Emperor penguin

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Answer: C. Emperor penguin

4. Which of the following birds is characterised by a big yellow bill?

A. Toucan

B. Puffin

C. Ibis

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Answer: A. Toucan

5. Which of the following birds lays the biggest eggs, which can weigh up to 1.9 kilograms?

A. Emu

B. Ostrich

C. Song thrush

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Answer: B. Ostrich

6. What is a group of ravens called?

A. A spook

B. A school

C. A murder

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Answer: C. A murder

7. According to an old law, who owns all swans in the United Kingdom?

A. The prime minister

B. The queen

C. The leader of the Church of England

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Answer: B. The queen

8. Flamingos are born with grey feathers, which gradually turn into which colour?

A. Blue

B. Pink

C. White

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Answer: B. Pink

9. Which is the lightest bird species in the world, which only weighs 1.6 grams?

A. Bee hummingbird

B. Pygmy owl

C. Woodpecker

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Answer: A. Bee hummingbird

10. Approximately how many species of birds are there in the world?

A. Around 1,000 species

B. Around 10,000 species

C. Around 100,000 species

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Answer: B. Around 10,000 species

11. The United States of America chose which species of eagle as its emblem?

A. Bald eagle

B. Sea eagle

C. Snake eagle

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Answer: A. Bald eagle

12. Which species of bird has a throat pouch to catch fish?

A. Heron

B. Kingfisher

C. Pelican

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Answer: C. Pelican

13. Which is the only species of bird that is able to fly backwards?

A. Hummingbird

B. Scarlet robin

C. Collared dove

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Answer: A. Hummingbird

14. Which of the following species is not a prey bird?

A. Osprey

B. Parrot

C. Vulture

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Answer: B. Parrot

15. Which is special about the peregrine falcon?

A. It is the fastest bird on Earth

B. It is the largest bird on Earth

C. It is the strongest bird on Earth

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Answer: A. It is the fastest bird on Earth

16. Most bird eggshells are composed of which element compound?

A. Nitrogen

B. Kali

C. Calcium

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Answer: C. Calcium

17. Which of the following information is true about birds?

A. Birds are cold-blooded animals

B. Birds only eat seeds, leaves, and fruits

C. Birds have beaks rather than teeth

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Answer: C. Birds have breaks rather than teeth

18. Characterised by their grey, smooth plumage and brightly coloured tail, which bird can polish off up to 1000 berries per day?

A. Siskin

B. Waxwing

C. Cuckoo

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Answer: B. Waxwing

19. Which of the following is NOT a reason that birds migrate in a V formation?

A. To protect each other from other preys

B. To save energy while flying

C. To follow the bird leader

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Answer: A. To protect each other from other preys

20. During the winter, cuckoos in the United Kingdom will typically migrate to which continent?

A. Australia

B. Africa

C. South America

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Answer: B. Africa

21. Which of the following is NOT a reason that woodpeckers use their beaks to hammer into trees?

A. To look for insects to eat

B. To lay their nest and eggs inside the hole

C. To polish their beaks

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Answer: C. To polish their beaks

22. What is the colour of a baby swan when it is born?

A. Grey

B. White

C. Black

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Answer: A. Grey

23. In a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, which bird delivers new-born babies to their parents, and is a symbol of good luck and happiness?

A. Songbird

B. Stork

C. Gull

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Answer: B. Stork

24. Which bird, with a branch of olive in its mouth, is a symbol of peace?

A. Dove

B. Starling

C. Albatross

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Answer: A. Dove

25. Which bird has approximately 6,000 species, which makes up more than 60 per cent of all birds in the world?

A. Shorebirds

B. Songbirds

C. Starlings

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Answer: B. Songbirds

26. The bar-tailed godwit is known for having the longest non-stop migration across the Pacific Ocean from where to where?

A. California to Indonesia

B. Mexico to Japan

C. Alaska to Australia

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Answer: C. Alaska to Australia

27. What does a male peacock use his colourful features for?

A. To threaten other animals

B. To attract the attention of female peacocks

C. To stay warm during the winter

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Answer: B. To attract the attention of female peacocks

28. Though parrots are typically brightly coloured, most are dominated by which colour?

A. Green

B. Red

C. Yellow

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Answer: A. Green

29. Which is the largest species of bird in the world?

A. Eagle

B. Ostrich

C. Hawk

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Answer: B. Ostrich

30. Which bird is known for laying their eggs in the nests of other birds to avoid the hard work of raising chicks?

A. Hedge sparrow

B. Cuckoo

C. Blackbird

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Answer: B. Cuckoo

31. What is the typical diet of raptors, a group of birds that includes hawks, eagles, falcons, buzzards, or vultures?

A. Carnivorous

B. Herbivorous

C. Omnivorous

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Answer: A. Carnivorous

32. Why do parent birds have to sit on the eggs until they are ready to hatch?

A. To provide them with sufficient nutrients

B. To keep them warm

C. To product them from other preys

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Answer: B. To keep them warm

33. Which is the only bird that can recognise itself in a mirror?

A. Great tit

B. Bullfinch

C. Magpie

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Answer: C. Magpie

34. What is the colour of the American robin’s eggs?

A. Blue

B. White

C. Green

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Answer: A. Blue

35. Which bird is characterised by such a long tail that it has to launch backwards when flying from a branch to prevent the tail from ripping the shreds?

A. Palm cockatoo

B. Quetzal

C. Baya weaver

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Answer: B. Quetzal

36. What is the largest seabird in the world?

A. Wandering albatross

B. Puffin

C. Frigatebird

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Answer: A. Wandering albatross

37. Budgerigars are a popular pet breed of which bird?

A. Parrots

B. Canaries

C. Finches

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Answer: A. Parrots

38. The national flag of which country depicts an eagle sitting on a cactus?

A. Canada

B. Brazil

C. Mexico

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Answer: C. Mexico

39. What is the common loon also known as?

A. Great northern flier

B. Great northern diver

C. Great northern hunter

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Answer: B. Great northern diver

We hope these bird quiz questions and answers provide you with many interesting facts and knowledge about these animals. If you want to learn more, make sure to check out the following bird picture quiz, panda quiz or this weather quiz.


Ответьте на вопросы.

 1.    The life of the people on the Earth depends on the sun, on animals and plants around us.
2.    They are disappearing because people have hunted them for years.
3.    Yes, elephants can be useful. They can be used as transport.
4.    Not only Indian elephants and African tigers are in danger.
5.    Other animals are in danger because they don’t have fresh air and clean water.
6.        We can find the names of some animals, birds and fish in the Red Book because they are disappearing now.
7.        People must take special care of animals and nature.

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похожие вопросы 5

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Which word is the relative pronoun in the sentence the birds that have the strongest talons are birds of prey such as falcons?

«The birds that have the strongest talons are birds of prey such as falcons.»The relative pronoun is ‘that’, which introduces the relative clause ‘that have the strongest talons.’ The relative clause gives information about its antecedent ‘birds’, the subject of the sentence.

Is bird a noun or pronoun?

The word ‘bird’ is a noun, a word for a type of animal, a word for a thing.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronoun that takes the place of the noun ‘bird’ is it.Example: A bird woke me this morning. It sat chirping by my window.

Is PRONOUN a pronoun?

No, the word «pronoun» is a noun, a word for a part of speech; a word for a thing.The pronoun that takes the place of the noun ‘pronoun’ is it.Example: A pronoun is a part of speech. It takes the place of a noun or another pronoun in a sentence.

Is the word they an object pronoun or a subject pronoun?

The word «they» is a subject pronoun. The object form is

Is the word pronoun a pronoun?

No, because a pronoun replaces a noun; the word ‘pronoun’ does
not replace a noun, it is a noun.

Published on: 09 Jan 2020

Views: 506,133

Tests Taken : 297,843

  • 1 NO
  • 2 NO
  • 4 YES
  • 5 YES
  • 6 D
  • 7 B
  • 8 A
  • 9 selectively breed
  • 10 C
  • 11 B
  • 12 A
  • 13 C
  • 14 A
  • 15 NO
  • 16 NOT GIVEN
  • 17 YES
  • 18 YES
  • 19 NO
  • 20 (southern) England
  • 21 (high-pitched, warbling) noises/sound
  • 22 animals/insects/wild creatures
  • 23 avoid
  • 24 C
  • 25 B
  • 26 A
  • 27 B
  • 28 C
  • 29 A
  • 30 B
  • 31 A
  • 32 C/A
  • 33 B
  • 34 G
  • 35 E
  • 36 C
  • 37 A
  • 38 D
  • 39 C
  • 40 A


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Section 1: Questions 1-14

Questions 1-5

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer of the passage?


YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1 The co-existence of wolves and humans began 10,000 years ago.

2 Dogs, wolves, jackals and coyotes share a common ancestor.

3 Wolves are a protected species in most parts of the world.

4 Dogs evolved from wolves which chose to live with humans.

5 Dogs probably influenced the development of human hunting skills.

  • 1 Answer: NO

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q1: The co-existence of wolves and humans began 10,000 years ago.

    all dog breeds had only one ancestor, the wolf… The fact that our companionship with dogs now appears to go back at least 100,000 years.


    From the very first sentence, we can be aware that the domestication of wolves began between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago according to the conventional view. But the fact is that the companionship between humans and dogs which are descended from wolves appears to be at least 100,000 years ago. Therefore, the answer to this question is NO.

  • 2 Answer: NO

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q2: Dogs, wolves, jackals and coyotes share a common ancestor.

    The research also confirms, for the first time, that dogs are descended only from wolves and do not share DNA with coyotes or jackals.


    Based on the keywords, we can easily find out the needed information for this question. Accordingly, dogs are said to be descended from wolves, not coyotes or jackals. For that reason, NO is the answer to this question.

  • 3 Answer: NOT GIVEN

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q3: Wolves are a protected species in most parts of the world.

    The descendants of the wolves that remained wolves are now sparsely distributed, often in endangered populations.


    After scanning based on the keywords, we are aware that wolves are now in endangered populations and sparsely distributed which does not mean whether they are in most parts of the world or not. Thus, the statement is NOT GIVEN.

  • 4 Answer: YES

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q4: Dogs evolved from wolves which chose to live with humans.

    Wolves may have started living at the edge of human settlements as scavengers, eating scraps of food and waste. Some learned to live with human beings in a mutually helpful way and gradually evolved into dogs.


    Based on the keyword ‘live with humans’, we can figure out the needed information for this question. It is clear that some wolves learned to live with human beings in a mutually helpful way and gradually evolved into dogs. In other words, dogs evolved from wolves which chose to live with humans. From that point, we can conclude that YES is the answer to this question.

  • 5 Answer: YES

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q5: Dogs probably influenced the development of human hunting skills.

    In return for companionship and food, the early ancestor of the dog assisted humans in tracking, hunting, guarding and a variety of other activities.


    Based on the keyword ‘hunting’, we can find out the needed information for this question. As a mutually benefit-based relationship, dogs assisted humans many activities, particularly hunting and they would receive food in return. In other words, it can be said that dogs probably influenced the development of human hunting skills. Thus, YES is the answer.

Questions 6-8

Choose the correct letter A-D.


How do we know that dogs have been more successful in evolutionary terms than wolves?

  • A Dogs can be trained more easily than wolves.
  • B Wolves are stronger than dogs.
  • C Humans prefer dogs to wolves.
  • D There are more dogs than wolves today.

Answer: D

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q6: How do we know that dogs have been more successful in evolutionary terms than wolves?

A. Dogs can be trained more easily than wolves.

B. Wolves are stronger than dogs.

C. Humans prefer dogs to wolves.

D. There are more dogs than wolves today.

The wolves that evolved into dogs have been enormously successful in evolutionary terms. They are found everywhere in the inhabited world, hundreds of millions of them. The descendants of the wolves that remained wolves are now sparsely distributed, often in endangered populations.


Based on the keyword, we can easily figure out the needed information for this question. Following the flow of information, we acknowledge that dogs have been more successful in evolutionary terms because they can be found everywhere in the inhabited world while wolves are now sparsely distributed. For that reason, we can conclude that the answer to this question must be D.


As a result of domestication, the size of the human brain has …

  • A increased.
  • B decreased
  • C stayed the same.
  • D become more complex.

Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q7: As a result of domestication, the size of the human brain has _______

A. increased.

B. decreased

C. stayed the same.

D. become more complex.

early humans came to rely on dogs’ keen ability to hear, smell and see — allowing certain areas of the human brain to shrink in size relative to oilier areas.


After skimming, we can easily find out the needed information in the last two paragraphs. Accordingly, it is clear that the size of the human brain has decreased as a result of domestication. Thus, B is the answer.


What can we infer from the studies of brain size and domestication?

  • A Domestic life is less demanding than surviving in the wild.
  • B Animals like living with humans.
  • C Domestication has made animals physically weaker.
  • D Pigs are less intelligent than dogs.

Answer: A

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q8: What can we infer from the studies of brain size and domestication?

A. Domestic life is less demanding than surviving in the wild.

B. Animals like living with humans.

C. Domestication has made animals physically weaker.

D. Pigs are less intelligent than dogs.

Dr. Groves believes this reduction may have taken place as the relationship between humans and dogs intensified. The close interaction between the two species allowed for the diminishing of certain human brain functions like smell and hearing.


After skimming, we can recognize that the studies of brain size and domestications belong to Dr.Groves, so we scan the two last paragraphs. Accordingly, the close interaction between the two species is said to allow for the diminishing of certain human brain functions such as smell and hearing. In other words, it can be said that domestic life is less demanding than surviving in the wild, the diminishing of certain human brain functions as an example. Therefore, the answer to this question must be A.

Question 9

Choose TWO WORDS from the passage for the answer.

There are many different types of dogs today, because, in early times humans began to 9 their animals for the characteristics they wanted.

  • 9 Answer: selectively breed

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q9: There are many different types of dogs today, because, in early times humans began to _______ their animals for the characteristics they wanted.

    the early ancestor of the dog assisted humans in tracking, hunting, guarding and a variety of other activities. Eventually humans began to selectively breed these animals for specific traits.


    The popularity of dogs nowadays has been presented in Q6. Following the flow of information, we can find out the answer for this question in the next paragraph. Accordingly, humans began to selectively breed their animals for specific traits, so there are many different types of dogs today. From that point, we can conclude that the answer to this question is “selectively breed”.

Questions 10-14

Match one of the researchers (A-C) to each of the findings (10-14) below.

A Dr. Wayne
B Dr. Paxton
C Dr. Groves


found the common ancestor of the dog A

10 studied the brain size of domesticated animals 11 claims that wolves chose to interact with humans 12 established a new time frame for domestication of wolves 13 believes that dogs and humans domesticated each other 14 studied the DNA of wolves and dogs

  • 10 Answer: C

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q10: _______ studied the brain size of domesticated animals

    Dr. Groves repealed… humans have some of the same physical characteristics as domesticated animals, the most notable being decreased brain size. The horse experienced a 16 percent reduction in brain size after domestication while pigs’ brains shrank by as much as 34 percent…


    Based on the clue of previous questions, we can figure out that the information relating to the brain size of domesticated animals is located at the last paragraphs. For that reason, the finding is from the study of Dr. Groves. In other words, the answer to this question is C

  • 11 Answer: B

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q11: _______ claims that wolves chose to interact with humans

    The Australian veterinarian David Paxton suggests that in that period of first contact, people did not so much domesticate wolves as wolves domesticated people. Wolves may have started living at the edge of human settlements as scavengers, eating scraps of food and waste


    Based on the keywords, we can find out the needed information for this question. According to the second paragraph, Dr. Paxton states that wolves may have started living at the edge of human settlements as scavengers. In other words, wolves chose to interact with humans. From that point, we can conclude that B is the answer to this question.

  • 12 Answer: A

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q12: _______ established a new time frame for domestication of wolves

    The conventional view is that the domestication of wolves began between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. However, a recent ground-breaking paper by a group of international geneticists has pushed this date back by a factor of 10.


    We can figure out the answer to this question based on the clue using in Q1. Accordingly, the study led by Dr. Wayne reveals that the domestication of wolves did not begin between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, but at least 100,000 years ago. From that point, we conclude that Dr. Wayne established a new time frame for domestication of wolves. Thus, the answer to this question is A.

  • 13 Answer: C

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q13: _______ believes that dogs and humans domesticated each other

    Dogs acted as human’s alarm systems, trackers and hunting aids, garbage disposal facilities, hot-water bottles and children’s guardians and playmates. Humans provided dogs with food and security. This symbiotic relationship was stable for over 100,000 years and intensified into mutual domestication,’ said Dr. Groves.


    After skimming, we may misunderstand that Dr. Paxton is the author of this finding. However, he mostly states the domestication of wolves on humans, so B is not the answer. Continuing skimming, we are aware from the study of Br. Groves that dogs help humans and humans give them food. The relationship intensified into mutual domestication. For that reason, we can conclude that the answer to this question must be C.

  • 14 Answer: A

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q14: _______ studied the DNA of wolves and dogs

    The research also confirms, for the first time, that dogs are descended only from wolves and do not share DNA with coyotes or jackals.


    Based on the keyword ‘DNA’, we can easily find out the answer for this question. According to Dr. Wayne, dogs are descended only from wolves and do not share DNA with coyotes ỏ jackals. In other words, he studied the DNA of wolves and dogs. From that point, we can conclude that A is the answer.

Reading Passage 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-14 which are based on this passage.

Wolves, dogs and humans

There is no doubt that dogs are the oldest of all species tamed by humans and their domestication was based on a mutually beneficial relationship with man. The conventional view is that the domestication of wolves began between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. However, a recent ground-breaking paper by a group of international geneticists has pushed this date back by a factor of 10. Led by Dr. Robert Wayne, at the University of California, Los Angeles, the team showed that all dog breeds had only one ancestor, the wolf. They did this by analysing the genetic history through the DINA of 162 wolves from around the world and 140 domestic dogs representing 67 breeds. The research also confirms, for the first time, that dogs are descended only from wolves and do not share DNA with coyotes or jackals. The fact that our companionship with dogs now appears to go back at least 100,000 years means that this partnership may have played an important part in the development of human hunting techniques that developed 70,000 to 90,000 years ago. It also may even have affected the brain development in both species.

The Australian veterinarian David Paxton suggests that in that period of first contact, people did not so much domesticate wolves as wolves domesticated people. Wolves may have started living at the edge of human settlements as scavengers, eating scraps of food and waste. Some learned to live with human beings in a mutually helpful way and gradually evolved into dogs. At the very least, they would have protected human settlements, and given warnings by barking at anything approaching. The wolves that evolved into dogs have been enormously successful in evolutionary terms. They are found everywhere in the inhabited world, hundreds of millions of them. The descendants of the wolves that remained wolves are now sparsely distributed, often in endangered populations.

In return for companionship and food, the early ancestor of the dog assisted humans in tracking, hunting, guarding and a variety of other activities. Eventually humans began to selectively breed these animals for specific traits. Physical characteristics changed and individual breeds began to take shape. As humans wandered across Asia and Europe, they took their dogs along, using them for additional tasks and further breeding them for selected qualities that would better enable them to perform specific duties.

According to Dr. Colin Groves, of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at Australian National University, early humans came to rely on dogs’ keen ability to hear, smell and see — allowing certain areas of the human brain to shrink in size relative to oilier areas. ‘Dogs acted as human’s alarm systems, trackers and hunting aids, garbage disposal facilities, hot-water bottles and children’s guardians and playmates. Humans provided dogs with food and security. This symbiotic relationship was stable for over 100,000 years and intensified into mutual domestication,’ said Dr. Groves. In his opinion, humans domesticated dogs and dogs domesticated humans.

Dr. Groves repealed an assertion made as early as 1914 that humans have some of the same physical characteristics as domesticated animals, the most notable being decreased brain size. The horse experienced a 16 percent reduction in brain size after domestication while pigs’ brains shrank by as much as 34 percent. The estimated brain-size reduction in domesticated dogs varies from 30 percent to 10 percent. Only in the last decade have archaeologists uncovered enough fossil evidence to establish that brain capacity in humans declined in Europe and Africa by at least 10 percent beginning about 10,000 years ago. Dr. Groves believes this reduction may have taken place as the relationship between humans and dogs intensified. The close interaction between the two species allowed for the diminishing of certain human brain functions like smell and hearing.

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