The american word for underground is

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1 : being, growing, operating, or situated below the surface of the ground. 2 : conducted by secret means. 3a : existing outside the establishment an underground literary reputation. b : existing outside the purview of tax collectors or statisticians the underground economy.

What is underground synonym?

synonyms for underground

  • buried.
  • covered.
  • subterranean.
  • below ground.
  • in the recesses.
  • subterrestrial.
  • sunken.
  • underfoot.

What is the meaning of living underground?

February 2016. Underground living refers to living below the ground’s surface, whether in natural or manmade caves or structures. Underground dwellings are an alternative to above-ground dwellings for some home seekers, including those who are looking to minimize impact on the environment.

What type of word is underground?

What type of word is underground? As detailed above, ‘underground’ can be an adverb, an adjective or a noun. Adverb usage: The tunnel goes underground at this point. Adjective usage: There is an underground tunnel that takes you across the river.

What does working underground mean?

Underground Work means work performed during active underground excavation which includes drilling, blasting, guniting, rock bolting or soft soil work.

How do you use underground in a sentence?

beneath the surface of the earth.

  1. The house has an underground passage.
  2. Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.
  3. The car park is underground.
  4. Electrical power is supplied by underground cables.
  5. There is an underground room in the old house.
  6. I got lost in the London Underground.

What is the root word for underground?

1600, from Latin subterraneus “underground,” from sub “under, beneath” (see sub-) + terra “earth, the ground” (from PIE root *ters- “to dry”) + -an.

What is a word for not well known?

What is another word for not well-known?

off the beaten path unusual
off the beaten track unconventional
irregular nonconformist
unwonted abnormal
revolutionary bizarre

How do you live underground?

What is Underground in American English?

Here are some of the main differences in vocabulary between British and American English.

British vs American Vocabulary.

British English ↕ American English ↕
torch flashlight
trousers pants, trousers
tube (train) subway
underground (train) subway

What is an Underground group?

adjective [ADJ n] Underground groups and activities are secret because their purpose is to oppose the government and they are illegal.

What does underground artist mean?

In modern popular music, the term “underground” refers to performers or bands ranging from artists that do DIY guerrilla concerts and self-recorded shows to those that are signed to small independent labels.

Is it safe to work underground?

Renowned as one of the most dangerous jobs in the world – and for good reason. Cave-ins, explosions, toxic air, and extreme temperatures are some of the most perilous hazards observed to take place in underground mining. Valuable minerals are found all over the world.

Do underground cities exist?

Cappadocia city, located in central Turkey, is home to no less than 36 underground cities, and at a depth of approx. 85 m, Derinkuyu is the deepest.

Is Underground a compound word?

Underground: a compound noun that refers to the metro system underground.

What is the adjective of Underground?

British Dictionary definitions for underground

underground. adjective (ˈʌndəˌɡraʊnd) occurring, situated, or used below ground levelan underground tunnel; an underground explosion. secret; hiddenunderground activities.

What do you call someone who is well known?

acclaimed, eminent, illustrious, important, infamous, known, leading, notable, noted, notorious, outstanding, popular, prominent, recognized, renowned, reputable, big, big-name, celeb, celebrated.

Can a person live underground?

You find people making cave dwellings all over the world.” Even in modern day Australia, in a town called Coober Pedy, about half the population lives in “dugouts,” or holes carved into the sides of hills, according to Smithsonian Magazine.

Can human beings live underground?

Humans have lived underground for millions of years, but only in fits and starts. Our cave-painting ancestors left behind handprints and hunting scenes. In Tunisia, many people still live in what the The Atlantic calls “crater-like homes,” with rooms built into the Earth, and a central circular patio open to the sky.

How long can a person live underground?

If a trapped person consumes 0.5 liters of oxygen per minute, it would take almost 5 and a half hours before all the oxygen in the coffin was consumed. “There’s nothing someone [buried alive] could do. Once you’re in there, you’re in there,” says Alan R.

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  • 1


    1.   подпочва; подстилающая порода

    2.   метро(политен)метрополитен¦метро

    3.   (подземная) выработка

    4.   подземное помещение; подвал

    storage underground
    — working space underground

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > underground

  • 2


    1) метрополите́н

    2) подпо́льная организа́ция; подпо́лье

    1) подзе́мный

    2) та́йный, подпо́льный

    1) под землёй

    2) та́йно, подпо́льно, нелега́льно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > underground

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > underground

  • 4

    underground sidestay

    боковой подкос шасси

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > underground

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    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > underground

  • 6

    1. n подпочва, нижние слои грунта

    2. n метрополитен; подземка

    3. n подпольная организация; подполье

    4. a подземный

    5. a тайный, подпольный, нелегальный

    6. a направленный против традиционных ценностей и взглядов, против морали буржуазного общества

    7. a предназначенный для узкого круга; изданный небольшим тиражом

    8. a экспериментальный; авангардистский, модернистский

    9. a характерный для авангардистской богемы

    10. adv под землёй

    11. adv тайно, секретно, подпольно

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. subterranean (adj.) subterranean; subterrestrial; underearth; underfoot

    2. subterraneous (adj.) buried; covered; gone to earth; in the recesses of the earth; mine; six feet under; subterraneous; tunnel; under the sod

    3. undercover (adj.) clandestine; covertly; furtively; hidden; privately; secret; secretly; undercover; unlawfully

    English-Russian base dictionary > underground

  • 7

    1. [ʹʌndəgraʋnd]

    1. подпочва, нижние слои грунта

    2. (the underground) метрополитен; подземка

    3. подпольная организация; подполье

    4. андерграунд, авангардистская богема; круг лиц, отрицающих традиционные ценности; люди, чья деятельность идёт вразрез с общепринятыми нормами поведения, эстетическими критериями


    сторонники модернистского искусства)

    2. [͵ʌndəʹgraʋnd]

    1. подземный

    2. тайный, подпольный, нелегальный

    3. 1) направленный против традиционных ценностей и взглядов, против морали буржуазного общества ()

    2) предназначенный для узкого круга (); изданный небольшим тиражом

    3) экспериментальный; авангардистский, модернистский

    underground art — экспериментальные произведения изобразительного искусства ( из числа непризнанных или любительских)

    4) характерный для авангардистской богемы

    the underground life-style — образ жизни, нарушающий все традиции

    underground church — церковь, не принадлежащая ни к одному из признанных вероисповеданий ( небольшая секта)

    3. [͵ʌndəʹgraʋnd]

    1. под землёй

    2. тайно, секретно, подпольно

    to go underground — уйти в подполье, скрыться

    НБАРС > underground

  • 8

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > underground

  • 9

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Underground

  • 10

    Англо-русский технический словарь > underground

  • 11

    1. подпочва; подстилающая порода

    2. метро

    3. выработка

    4. подземное помещение; подвал

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > underground

  • 12

    1. [‘ʌndəgraund]


    2) подпольная организация; подполье

    2. [‘ʌndəgraund]


    underground railway / railroad — метро


    2) подпольный, секретный, тайный, нелегальный


    3. [ˌʌndə’graund]


    2) нелегально, подпольно, тайно


    Англо-русский современный словарь > underground

  • 13



    метро, метрополитен, подземка


    travel by the underground

    — drop a coin into a slot machine
    — change for the circle line
    — extend the underground line
    — be on the underground


    (1.) В британском варианте английского языка используется существительное underground, в разговорной речи метро в Лондоне называют Tube. В американском варианте используется существительное subway: to go/to travel by underground/by subway. Говоря о подземном передвижении во Франции и других европейских странах континента, используют обычно слово metro. (2.) Слово subway имеет также значение подземный переход: We crossed the road by the subway. Мы перешли дорогу по подземному переходу. Is there a subway? Здесь есть подземный переход? (3.) See train, n; USAGE (1.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > underground

  • 14





    подземный; подпольный; запрещенный



    подпольно, в подполье

    to operate / to work underground — действовать / работать подпольно

    Politics english-russian dictionary > underground

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > underground

  • 16

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > underground

  • 17

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > underground

  • 18

    English-Russian word troubles > underground

  • 19



    1) подзе́мный

    2) подпо́льный



    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > underground

  • 20

    ̘. ̈n.ˈʌndəɡraund
    1. сущ.
    1) (the underground) метрополитен to go by underground ≈ ездить на метро, пользоваться метрополитеном
    2) подпольная организация;
    2. прил.
    1) подземный Syn: subterranean
    2) подпольный, секретный, тайный, нелегальный Syn: secret, covert
    3. нареч.
    1) под землей
    2) нелегально, подпольно, тайно Syn: secretly, in secret
    подпочва, нижние слои грунта (the *) метрополитен;
    подземка — to travel by the * ездить в метро подпольная организация;
    подполье андерграунд, авангардистская богема;
    круг лиц, отрицающих традиционные ценности;
    люди, чья деятельность идет вразрез с общепринятыми нормами поведения, эстетическими критериями (особенно сторонники модернистского искусства) подземный — * cave подземная пещера тайный, подпольный, нелегальный — * intrigues тайные интриги направленный против традиционных ценностей и взглядов, против морали буржуазного общества( о движении, искусстве) предназначенный для узкого круга (о литературе) ;
    изданный небольшим тиражом экспериментальный;
    авангардистский, модернистский — * movies авангардистское кино (часто любительское) характерный для авангардиской богемы > * church церковь, не принадлежащая ни к одному из признанных вероисповеданий (обыкновенно небольшая секта) под землей — water flowing * грунтовые воды тайно, скрытно, подпольно — to go * уйти в подполье, скрыться

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > underground


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Underground — may refer to:* Underground rapid transit system, urban railway ** London Underground, a metro system that covers the Greater London area * Resistance movement, an opposition to an invader, a political position, or to a government * Underground… …   Wikipedia

  • underground — [ ɶndɶrgraund; œ̃dɛrgr(a)und ] adj. inv. et n. m. • 1967; mot angl. amér. « souterrain » ♦ Anglic. Se dit d un mouvement artistique d avant garde indépendant des circuits traditionnels de diffusion commerciale. La bande dessinée underground. Des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Underground — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Underground puede hacer referencia a: Cultura underground, término que describe a culturas alternativas Cómic underground, un estilo de historieta surgido en los años 60. Subterráneo de Londres, Metro de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • underground — (angl.) [pron. ándărgraund] adj. invar. Trimis de gall, 20.09.2006. Sursa: DOOM 2  UNDERGROUND s.n., adj. inv. Spectacol experimental (de avangardă). [pr.: ándăr graund] (< engl. amer. underground) Trimis …   Dicționar Român

  • Underground — Un der*ground , a. 1. Being below the surface of the ground; as, an underground story or apartment. [1913 Webster] 2. Done or occurring out of sight; secret. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] {Underground railroad} or {Underground railway}. See under… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Underground — Un der*ground , n. 1. The place or space beneath the surface of the ground; subterranean space. [1913 Webster] A spirit raised from depth of underground. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. a subway or subway system, especially in the United Kingdom.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • underground — (adv.) 1570s, below the surface, from UNDER (Cf. under) + GROUND (Cf. ground) (n.). As an adjective, attested from c.1600; figurative sense of hidden, secret is attested from 1630s; adjectival meaning subculture is from 1953, from World War II… …   Etymology dictionary

  • underground — underground[b] (II)[/b] (izg. àndergrāund) prid. DEFINICIJA koji se odnosi na nešto izvan ili mimo zakonskih normi [underground djelatnost]; podzeman, potajan, tajan, skriven ETIMOLOGIJA vidi underground[b] (I)[/b] …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • underground — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. andergraund] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. undergroundndzie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} niekomercyjny, niezależny, nieoficjalny nurt działalności artystycznej, występujący… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • underground — [un′dər ground΄] adj. 1. occurring, working, placed, used, etc. beneath the surface of the earth 2. secret; hidden; undercover 3. designating or of newspapers, films, music, etc. that are unconventional, experimental, radical, etc. adv. 1.… …   English World dictionary

  • Underground —    Fresque d Emir Kusturica, avec Miki Manojlović (Marko), Lazar Ristovski (Blacky), Mirjana Joković (Natalija), Slavoko Stimać (Ivan).   Scénario: Dušan Kovacević, Emir Kusturica   Photographie: Vilko Filac   Décor: Miljen Kljaković «Kreka»… …   Dictionnaire mondial des Films

    • See Also:
      • underframe
      • underfrequency
      • underfur
      • undergarment
      • undergentleman
      • undergird
      • underglaze
      • undergo
      • undergrad
      • undergraduate
      • underground
      • underground movie
      • underground railroad
      • underground trolley
      • undergrown
      • undergrowth
      • underhand
      • underhanded
      • underhang
      • underhangman
      • underhistory
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

un•der•ground /adv. ˈʌndɚˈgraʊnd; adj., n. -ˌgraʊnd/USA pronunciation  

  1. beneath the surface of the ground.
  2. in hiding or secrecy;
    not openly:Their party went underground to fight the system.


  1. existing, situated, or operating beneath the surface of the ground.
  2. hidden or secret;
    not open:underground political activities.
  3. published or produced by political or social radicals:an underground newspaper.
  4. experimental;
    avant-garde:an underground movie.

n. [countable]

  1. the place or region beneath the surface of the ground.
  2. Governmenta secret organization fighting the established government or occupation forces:the French underground of World War II.
  3. Transport, British Terms[Brit.]a subway system.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(adv., undər ground;adj., n., v. undər ground′),USA pronunciation adv. 

  1. beneath the surface of the ground:traveling underground by subway.
  2. in concealment or secrecy;
    not openly:subversion carried on underground.


  1. existing, situated, operating, or taking place beneath the surface of the ground.
  2. used, or for use, underground.
  3. hidden or secret;
    not open:underground political activities.
  4. published or produced by political or social radicals or nonconformists:an underground newspaper.
  5. avant-garde;
    experimental:an underground movie.
  6. critical of or attacking the established society or system:underground opinion.
  7. of or for nonconformists;
    unusual:an underground vegetarian restaurant.


  1. the place or region beneath the surface of the ground.
  2. an underground space or passage.
  3. Governmenta secret organization fighting the established government or occupation forces:He fought in the French underground during the Nazi occupation of France.
  4. Government(often cap.) a movement or group existing outside the establishment and usually reflecting unorthodox, avant-garde, or radical views.
  5. Transport, British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a subway system.


  1. to place beneath the surface of the ground:to underground utility lines.
  • under— + ground1 1565–75

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

underground adj /ˈʌndəˌɡraʊnd/

  1. occurring, situated, or used below ground level: an underground tunnel, an underground explosion
  2. secret; hidden: underground activities

adv /ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/

  1. going below ground level: the tunnel led underground
  2. into hiding or secrecy: the group was driven underground

n /ˈʌndəˌɡraʊnd/

  1. a space or region below ground level
  2. a movement dedicated to overthrowing a government or occupation forces, as in the European countries occupied by the German army in World War II
  3. (as modifier): an underground group
  4. the undergroundan electric passenger railway operated in underground tunnels
    US and Canadian equivalent: subway
  5. (usually preceded by the) any avant-garde, experimental, or subversive movement in popular art, films, music, etc
  6. (as modifier): the underground press, underground music

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

sub•way /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/USA pronunciation  

  1. Transport, British Termsan underground electric railroad: [countable]no delays this morning on the subways. [uncountable; by + ~]to travel by subway.
  2. British Terms[countable][Chiefly Brit.]a short tunnel or underground passageway;

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(subwā′),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Transport, British TermsAlso called,[esp. Brit.,] tube, underground. an underground electric railroad, usually in a large city.
  2. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a short tunnel or underground passageway for pedestrians, automobiles, etc.;


  1. Transportto be transported by a subway:We subwayed uptown.
  • sub— + way1 1820–30

underground‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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подземный, подпольный, метро, подполье, под землей, подпольно


- подземный

underground cave — подземная пещера
underground protection — воен. система подземных убежищ
underground mining — горн. подземная добыча
underground surveying — горн. маркшейдерская съёмка

- тайный, подпольный, нелегальный

underground intrigues — тайные интриги
underground activities — подпольная деятельность

- направленный против традиционных ценностей и взглядов, против морали буржуазного общества (о движении, искусстве и т. п.)
- предназначенный для узкого круга (о литературе и т. п.); изданный небольшим тиражом
- экспериментальный; авангардистский, модернистский

underground movies — авангардистское кино (часто любительское)
underground art — экспериментальные произведения изобразительного искусства (обыкн. из числа непризнанных или любительских)

- характерный для авангардистской богемы

the underground life-style — образ жизни, нарушающий все традиции
underground church — церковь, не принадлежащая ни к одному из признанных вероисповеданий (обыкн. небольшая секта)


- подпочва, нижние слои грунта
- (the underground) метрополитен; подземка

to travel by the underground — ездить в метро

- подпольная организация; подполье

the anti-fascist underground — антифашистское подполье

- андерграунд, авангардистская богема; круг лиц, отрицающих традиционные ценности; люди, чья деятельность идёт вразрез с общепринятыми нормами поведения, эстетическими критериями и т. п. (особ. сторонники модернистского искусства)


- под землёй

water flowing underground — грунтовые воды

- тайно, секретно, подпольно

to go underground — уйти в подполье, скрыться

Мои примеры


to go by the underground — ездить на метро, пользоваться метрополитеном  
underground passages — подземные ходы  
underground storage in abandoned mine — подземное хранилище в заброшенной шахте  
underground storage in abandoned mines — подземное хранение нефти в заброшенных шахтах  
underground storehouse in abandoned mines — подземное хранение в заброшенных шахтах  
underground storing on abandoned mines — подземное хранение в заброшенных шахтах  
underground crusher — подземная дробильная установка; подземная дробилка  
underground crushing plant — подземная дробильная установка  
underground crushing station — подземная дробильная установка  
underground dispersion — захоронение в землю  

Примеры с переводом

The car park is underground.

Автомобильная стоянка находится под землёй.

Terrorists have been setting off bombs in underground trains.

Террористы произвели несколько взрывов в метро.

This animal spends most of its life underground.

Это животное проводит большую часть своей жизни под землёй.

Their secret offices were located deep underground.

Их тайные конторы находились глубоко под землёй.

Twenty miners were trapped underground.

Двадцать шахтёров оказались в ловушке под землей.

The drugs are supplied through an underground network.

Наркотики поставляются через подпольную сеть.

She loves the city’s underground music scene.

Она обожает городскую сцену музыкального андерграунда.

ещё 6 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They had been living underground as fugitives.

…joined the underground while still a teenager…

I’ve been on both the New York subway and the Underground in London.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Годовая контрольная работа по английскому
языку      9 класс


1.      Find
the odd out in each group

a)      Smell   
taste     say    feel

b)      Catering   
education    law     experience

c)      Punctual  
relaxing   reliable  mature

d)      Subway  
elevator   holiday   downtown

e)      Biography   
fantasy  sculpture   science fiction

2.      Circle
the correct alternatives.

a)      She’s
wearing some plain floweryleather shoes.

b)      Children
are not allowed to wear shoelacesearrings at school.

c)      Don’t
forget to saytell thank you.

d)      You
shrungshake your head to say “no”.

e)      The
American word for underground is subwaymall.

f)       His
father is a farmer, so he wants to work in retailagriculture, too.

g)      She’s
very ambitiouspunctual. She always arrives on time.

h)      Recycling
waste helps to protect the environment.

i)       The
Mona Lisa is one of the most famous landscapespaintings in the world.

j)       WoolWood
is the material that comes from trees.


3.      Complete
the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
simple, Past continuous or Present perfect.

a)       When I (to meet) her, she (to go) to the office.

He (to wash) his face when somebody (to knock) at the door.

The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.

 When he (to wash) the dishes, he (to break) a plate.

What they (to do) when you (to see) them?

 I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last
summer but I couldn’t.

  He _______ (live) in this street all his life.

 His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday.

Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.

 He ________ (send) his letter yesterday.

 They  ________  (just/ buy) some postcards.

4.      Make
reported questions with if

a)      I asked him, “Have you seen my dog?”

b)      “Can you give me an ice-cream?” asked the little girl.

c)      “Do you know when she will return?” he asked.

d)      The teacher said to the girls, “Have you done your homework?”

e)      The little boy asked the man, “Will you help me?”

f)       “Are you coming home with me?” he asked me.

g)      “Do you really come from Japan?” the prince asked the young man.

h)      “Don’t you have a driving license?” I asked her.

5.      Circle
the correct alternatives

a)       Who
did paintpainted The Girl with Peaches?

b)      I
am havinggoing to have lunch with my friends tomorrow.

c)      I
would be very unhappy if I failfailed the exam.

d)      She
left home only two minutes ago so she can’tmight be at school yet.

e)      If
she hadn’t gonedidn’t go to the party, she wouldn’t have met Steve.

f)       While
I am walkingwas walking home, I saw a car accident.

g)      What
will happenwould happen if we didn’t recycle our waste.

h)      The
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao was designeddesigned by Frank Gehry.

i)       If
they play well, they will winwon’t win the match.

j)       After
I have eatenhad eaten dinner, I did my homework.

k)      If
you go outside you getwill get wet. It’s raining!

l)       There
are a lot of restaurants wherethat they serve good food.

m)   I
really enjoy watchingwatch sport on television.


6.      Read
the text and choose the correct answers.

Leonardo DiCaprio was born in Los Angeles, California
on November 11, 1974. He started acting when he was just five years old,
despite the fact that he was rejected by an agent because his name sounded

His first fil role was in 1991 in a film called
Critters 3 and his first major role came two years later in the film This
Boy’s Life
. In 1993, he co-starred with Johnny Depp in the film What’s
Eating Gilbert Grape
and was nominated for an Oscar for his performance. He
had to wait more than ten years for his next Oscar nomination. This time it was
for his performance in The Aviator. The following year he was nominated
again for his role in Blood Diamond. Despite these nominations, DiCaprio
has never won an Oscar.

The film that made DiCaprio into a superstar was Titanic
(1997) in which he starred with Kate Winslet. The film won 11 Oscars, including
Best film and Best Director, but DiCaprio was not nominated for an award.

1.      DiCaprio
was born in…

a)      New

b)      San

c)      Los

2.      He
was rejected by an agent because…

a)      he
was only five years old

b)      his
name sounded foreign

c)      his
acting wasn’t good enough

3.      He
was first nominated for an Oscar for his performance in …

a)      Critters

b)      This
Boy’s Life

c)      What’s
Eating Gilbert Grape

4.      DiCaprio…

a)      hasn’t
won any Oscar

b)      has
won two Oscars

c)      has
won three Oscars

5.      Titanic
won an Oscar for…

a)      Best

b)      Best

c)      Best


Write about an interesting journey you would like to
make (15 sentences). Write about how you would travel and how you would travel
with. Describe the countries and cities you would visit, how you would stay in
each place and the things you would like to do.

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