The advantages of word processing

by Expert Dr. Florence | 22 Jul 2017

Word processing system is useful for drafting messages, minimal graphic work and for as template for preparing documents for slide shows/power point presentation. It is an application that allows the writer to find adjuncts for preparing articles, essays and business messages that can is in compliance with laws of concord and comprehension. Its production also includes editing, formatting and even printing.

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No doubt, the word processing is extremely useful for any research works, and even personal messages. It comes with other applications useful for office works such as work memo, letters, graphics, worksheets, etc. Its most useful advantage is that it helps to edit the typed materials: I t underlines the place that has errors. Such errors can spelling errors, non-compliance with syntax and grammatical laws. This can then be edited with the provisions provided by default from the application, or the writer can use discretion in that instance. It even provides explanation of the syntax involved.

Word processing can automatically generate batch mailings, tables of figures and contents, cross-referencing, and even indices of keywords. These are parts of the text manipulation it can perform. In fact, it is the same application that is used for this writing!

Disadvantages: words are usually restricted. Registers peculiar to specific professions are not usually present, and as such are perpetual sources of errors. Besides, it makes you to become dependent on the use of the application, and can not use some applications like WordPad without editing functions. And people are liable to spelling and syntax errors outside the application.



Hello Learners, Today we will know the important features of the word processor.

In this post, I will explain in features of word processing software in detail.

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If you read this article carefully you will understand all about the word processor — features, uses, and advantages.

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Note — The only purpose of this article is to tell you about word processor features in very simple language. This article has been written by an expert, if you think this article can be improved further, then you must give us feedback.

What is Word Processor?

Word Processor is system software. With the help of word processor software, you can easily create any type of document. This software is very helpful for office work. There are various office employees who use this software to do their own work.

Microsoft Word is a very popular word processor software.

What are the Features of Word Processor?

There are various important features of word processor software, which features names are given below.

Word Processor Features

1. Easy Typing

You can type very easily using a word processor. Word processor provides you with many features to create a document so that you can type any type of document.

Word processor gives you more features in typing anything than typewriter-like — word processor has unlimited pages. You keep typing and as soon as the first page is over, the word processor lets you type on the new page.

While you are typing on the typewriter, you have to enter another page as soon as the page ends.

Everything you type in the word processor is visible to you so that you can also correct it if the wrong word is typed. But there is no such facility in the typewriter that you can correct the wrong word.

2. Text Copy

Copy is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can copy any text. The copy feature is there in all types of word processors.

With the use of copy features, you can use the same text multiple times in the document without writing it, which saves you time as well.

3. Text Cut

The cut is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can cut any text in the document. The cut feature is completely different from the copy feature.

For example, by using the copy feature, the copied text is in both the places in the document, such as — from where you copied your text and where you pasted the text, while the cut text is removed from the part of the document where The text is cut from.

4. Paste

The paste is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can paste any copied or cut text on any part of the document. Any text is copied or cut only for pasting.

5. Multimedia

Multimedia is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you make your document more attractive.

Using multimedia features, you can insert multimedia in your document like — clip art, charts, images, pictures, video, etc.

6. Text formatting

Text formatting is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can make your document more beautiful.

Using text formatting features, you can change the font of the text of your document, the size of the text, and the color of the text and you can also bold, italicize, and underline your text.

7. Spelling and Grammar

Spelling and Grammar is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can check the spelling and grammar errors of the document.

8. Adjust the Layout

Adjusting the layout is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can modify the margins, size, and layout of the document according to your need.

9. Find

Find is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can find any word or sentence in the document. This feature helps you a lot, just imagine if your document is 100 to 150 pages.

If you have to find any word or sentence, then it will take you a lot of time, but you can find that word or sentence in a few seconds using the find features.

10. Search and Replace

Search and Replace is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can find any word or sentence in the document and replace that word with a new word using the replace feature.

If your document is 100 to 500 pages, then imagine how much time and effort it will take to manually replace a word. But using the Search and Replace feature, you can replace any word or sentence with a new word or sentence in a few seconds.

11. Indentation and lists

Indentation and lists are also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can add tabs, bullet lists, and number lists to the document so that your document looks more beautiful.

12. Insert tables

Insert tables is also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can insert tables in the document.

13. Multiple Windows

Multiple windows are also a very good feature of a word processor, using which you can open multiple windows in word processor software. This feature is used by people to use more than one-word processors windows at the same time.

In a word processor, you have to press the ctrl and N buttons simultaneously to open more than one window.

14. AutoCorrect

AutoCorrect is also a great feature of word processors using which to automatically correct any common errors in your document like — (typing «teh» and having it autocorrected to «the»).

15. Headers and Footers

Headers and footers are also a great feature of the word processor, using which you can add anything according to your need in the headers and footers of your document like — page numbers, dates, footnotes, etc.

16. Mail Merge

If we want to send the same information to different people at the same time, then there is a feature in the word processor using which we can do that and that feature is named mail merge.

Using mail merge, the body of the letter is typed once and it is sent to different addresses.

There are various advantages of word processor software, which are given below.

  • Quality
  • Storage of Text
  • Security

1. Quality

Word processor helps us to create error free documents. Every document prepared through word processor is absolutely correct in spelling and grammar, there is no possibility in it, and word processor allows us to make many copies of the same format.

2. Storage of Text

In word processor we can create of any number of page document and in word processor we can copy any word or sentence any number of times.

You can also use it by making some changes in any old word file in the word processor, for which we do not need to create a new word file.

3. Security

In a word processor, we can secure any document while creating it. As soon as someone opens that document, he asks for password before opening the document, and only after entering the correct password, the document will open.

Uses of Word Processor

There are various uses of word processor software, and this word processor are used in different fields which are — education field, planning or business-related works, for making assignments and home, etc. 

With the use of this word processor software, you can do many things, whose names are given below.

  • Memos.
  • Making Card.
  • Letter writing
  • Legal Copies.
  • Making resume/CV.
  • Letters and letterhead.
  • Reference documents.
  • writing short stories.

I hope you understand this.

Advantages of Word Processing

Word processing software produces error-free documents. Word processing
software like MS Word marks out errors by underlining the word having error in
red ink. If it is grammatical error, such error is marked in green. The user
can correct the error. MS Word has. facility to
automatically correct errors . It helps the user in producing error free

It avoids retyping documents. If there are errors, the errors can be corrected
without retyping the whole document. The user can see the document on the
screen and manipulate the text until satisfied without retyping the whole
document as is required in the case of typewritten

It permits in printing multiple copies of the document. Once a document is
created, any number of copies can be printed out of it. If the document is
printed on dot matrix printer, multiple copies can be produced in just one

It permits in checking spelling and grammar automatically. Word processing
software checks spelling of words with a built-in dictionary. It allows the
user to add new words to the dictionary. The software checks spelling and
grammar of the document as the user types in the text.
It also suggests a list of words in place of the words wrongly spell. Similarly
it suggests grammatically correct sentences for the user to select and insert.

It helps in choosing the most appropriate word in a context. If the user does
not get the right word to be used in a sentence, he can invoke the built in
thesaurus. The thesaurus suggests synonyms for the user to select to replace
the word typed in.

Facility to generate beautifully formatted documents. The word processing
software provides lot of formatting features like page set up facility, headers
and footers, font formatting, numbering and bulletins etc.

Word processing software provides facility to choose right fonts and format
them. It normally contains a large number of font types for the user to choose
from. After choosing the right font, the font size can be changed, its fore
colour and back colour can be changed, it can be
subscripted, superscripted, etc. It also offers numerous special characters to
be inserted into the text.

Another advantage of word processing is mail merge facility. It helps in
personalizing mail if the user sends documents to a large number of people
frequently. It saves a lot of labour by avoiding retyping the name and address
of the recipients every time the document is sent to them. The address of the
people is entered in a document called the data document, and the text in
another document. The word processor merges these documents and produces
personalized letters.

Word processing software permits producing documents in different quality of
printing. The printer’ options permits in printing draft, near letter quality
etc. on dot matrix printers and economy, normal and fine quality in inkjet
printers etc.

New word processing software like MS Word has additional facilities such as
inserting objects from other files and linking of documents through hypertext.

  • Easily correct any mistakes which are made
  • Can save multiple versions of documents and easily sort them so that you can go back to previous versions of the same document
  • Spell and grammar checking
  • Format the text and general page layout so that you can make the page look more appealing or easier to read
  • Mail merge from a database so that you can easily send out letters to multiple people at a time
  • Copies can easily be made, which saves on printing and it is much easier to do


  • Data can sometimes be lost due to data corruption. On the other hand, this could happen to somebody hand writing a letter because something could happen to the paper such as a pen leaking. Also, this shouldn’t really be a problem because regular backups should be made and the user should save at regular intervals of times
  • Some symbols aren’t easily accessible, which makes typing in different languages that use a different alphabet is difficult. Also, some complex mathematical equasions would be easier to hand write
  • Requires a computer to edit or view documents which may sometimes not be there, especially when on the go

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riends, in our previous post, we have discussed about the basics of MS Office along with it’s packages (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point and MS Access). MS Word is used for word processing. Among the many word processors, MS Word is the most famous word processor. Word Processing means typing the word or information. However, word processing not only involves typing but also editing and formatting of letters, information. In simple words, we can say that the Word Processing is the act of using a computer to create, edit, save and print documents.

Some Applications of Word Processor

Some of the areas where word processor is used are given below

  • A letter requesting leave or order in an office. 
  • A notice given to appeal to members. 
  • A report sending by a manager to head office. 
  • An essay creating by a student. 
  • A brochure used for admission in Schools, Colleges and Real Estate Offices. 

In order to perform word processing, specialized software (known as a
Word Processor
) is needed. As we have mentioned above, Microsoft Word (MS Word) is one example of Word Processor, but other word processing applications are also widely used.
Examples include: Microsoft Works Word Processor, Open Office Writer,
Word Perfect and Google Drive Document.

Word Processing — Features and Advantages

With word processor, like MS Word, we can type, edit, save and print the various letters, documents, notices, memos and statements. We can have many facilities in Word Processor than a type writer.

A word processor has many unique features as discussed under :

  1. Easy Typing : In MS Word, typing is so easy because 
    • we need not click enter button after the end of a line as in case of type writer. The word processor itself takes the matter to the next line of the document. This facility is called word wrapping.
    • There is no limit for typing the matter in word processing.   You can type the matter continuously without resorting to new page or file. But in a type writer, if you complete a page, you have to take another blank page and start typing.
    • You can easily rectify mistakes as the typed matter appears on the screen.
  2. Easy : The document so typed can be stored for future use. The process of storing is called saving. We can preserve the document for any number of years in word processing. 
  3. Adding, Removing and Copying Test : Documents can be modified easily in MS Office. We need not strike off any word as in the case of type writer. We can easily place a new word in place of existing one. The new word or paras will automatically be adjusted in the place of deleted or modified text. We can also copy a part or whole of the matter from one file or document to another document. 
  4. Spell Check of words : The spellings of words in the document can be rectified automatically. We can find alternative words to our typed words. Not only that, even the grammatical errors can also be rectified in word processor. 

  5. Change the Style and Shape of Characters and Paragraphs : The documents in word processor can be made attractive and appealing because the shape and style of characters or letters in the documents can be changed according to our requirements. You can even change the gap between one line and other line in the document. This process is called line spacing. Not only the lines but also paragraphs can be aligned to make it more appealing to the readers. This facility is called alignment in word processing.
  6. Bullets and Numbering : Bullets are special symbols which can be put for different points or paras in a document whereas numbers are ascending figures like1, 2, 3, …… etc. Which can be assigned to different points in the para or document. In word processor we can assign such bullets or numbers automatically with a single command. 
  7. Headers and Footers : A Header is the text appearing above the document and Footer is the text appearing below the document. In Word Processor, we can create these Headers and Footers in the document easily. 
  8. Creation of Tables : Tables can be created neatly in word processor. If you give directions for required number of rows and columns, word processor provides a ready made table to work .

  9. Inserting Pictures Objects : A picture is worth 1000 words. In word processor, we can insert the picture in the document to make it more attractive. These pictures can be obtained from clip art  which is available in word processor. 
  10. Preview Facility : Before getting a print of our document, we can get a preview of document. If mistakes are there, we can change the document. 
  11. Mail Merge Facility : If we want to send the same information to different persons, there is a facility in Word Processor known as Mail Merge. The main body of the letter can be typed once and we can send the same to different addresses. 

Other Features of M. S. Word Processor

In addition to above features, the following are the additional features in word processing.

  1. Paper Size and Orientation : We can select any size of paper and orientation in M.S. Word. We can select a small paper for visiting card and a middle size paper for typing a notice etc. 
  2. Macros : With the help of macros, we can avoid certain type of repetitive works. This saves our time and efforts. 
  3. Multi-Column Facility : We can create different columns to form the text on it. 
  4. Index and Table of Contents : We can even prepare the index and table contents in M.S. Word. 
  5. We can link the word documents with web pages in Internet. 

Advantages of Word Processing

The following are the advantages of Word Processing.

  1. Quality : It produces error free documents. The spell and grammar check in word processing makes the document to be neat and error-free. We can get multiple copies of excellent formatted nature in word Processing.
  2. Storage of Text : We can take any number of copies with word processor. Not only that, if we need the same document with some slight changes, we need not type the same letter again. Just by making some slight changes, we can obtain a modified copy easily.
  3. Time Saving : We can get any number of copies of document in future without retyping. We can get the copy of document on any printer. 
  4. Security : We can protect the documents in word processing by giving passwords. So there is a less chance of viewing the documents by unauthorized persons. 
  5. Dynamic Exchange of Data : We can have dynamic exchange of objects and pictures from other documents into word processing documents. The documents can be linked to each other. 

That’s all for now friends. In our next post we shall learn «How to work with MS Word». Happy Reading :)

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