That word would be meetings

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Позже он встретится с мексиканскими и американскими предпринимателями….

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Я предполагал, что мы встретимся в офисе директора Вэнса.

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Есть идеи, по поводу причин ее встречи с мэром?

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Думал, может быть, я мог бы встретить нового менеджера.

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Ms. Goddard said that she would be meeting with the Ambassador of Cambodia at the end of that week

in order to discuss the possibility of conducting a follow-up visit to the country as planned.


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Г-жа Годдард говорит, что в конце недели она встретится с послом Камбоджи в целях изучения возможности

проведения запланированного последующего посещения этой страны.


The Chairperson of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which would be meeting concurrently, should also


invited to attend

and speak if he wished.


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Председатель Комитета по экономическим, социальным и культурным правам, который будет заседать одновременно, также должен


приглашен для присутствия и выступления,

если он того пожелает.


Since the Committee would be meeting for two weeks in April 2008,



have the opportunity to finalize its strategy in that regard.


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Поскольку Комитет будет заседать в течение двух недель в апреле 2008 года,



иметь возможность завершить разработку своей стратегии в этой области.


The CHAIRPERSON recalled that the Intergovernmental Working Group on Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and

Programme of Action would be meeting in Geneva from 3 to 7 September 2007.


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ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ напоминает, что совещание Межправительственной рабочей группы по эффективному осуществлению Дурбанской Декларации и

Программы действий состоится в Женеве 3- 7 сентября 2007 года.


The Advisory Panel would be meeting in early December rather than November 2003

to choose a candidate for the eighteenth annual Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe Memorial Fellowship.


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Что Рабочая группа проведет заседание не в ноябре, а в начале декабря 2003

года для выбора кандидата на соискание 18й стипендии имени Гамильтона Ширли Амерасингхе.


they could perhaps set the tone for the Council’s discussion later in the year.


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возможно, они смогут задать тон обсуждениям Совета до конца года.


She soon would be meeting with the President of the General Assembly to try to clarify the situation.


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Что она должна в ближайшее время встретиться с Председателем Ассамблеи и попытаться прояснить ситуацию.


Yeah, I walked towards the door, wondering who exactly I would be meeting, excited, quite stressed, shitting myself frankly.

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Да, я шел к двери, размышляя, с кем же я встречусь возбужденный, на взводе, ругал себя, если честно.

The Chairman recalled that the Commission would be meeting again and engaging in technical discussions on those matters.


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Председатель напоминает, что Комиссия вскоре соберется на очередное заседание и проведет обсуждение технических аспектов рассматриваемых вопросов.


May said that she had

already debated Corbyn many times in parliament, and that she would be meeting the public instead.

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Мэй сказала,

что она уже много раз дебатировала с Корбином в парламенте и что она будет встречаться с общественностью.

In their August 2003 communiqué, Forum leaders had noted that members



concrete steps to mitigate climate change and would be meeting the Kyoto targets.


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В августовском коммюнике 2003 года руководители Форума указали, что его члены принимают конкретные

меры для смягчения последствий изменения климата и что они достигнут целевых показателей, намеченных в Киото.


On the issue of individual communications,

the head of the Petitions Unit would be meeting with the Committee during the current session in order to consider the situation and possible solutions,

such as the establishment of a special working group to handle those cases.


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Что же касается вопроса об

индивидуальных сообщениях, то руководитель группы по петициям встретится с членами Комитета в ходе нынешней сессии для рассмотрения сложившейся ситуации и возможных решений,

таких, как создание специальной рабочей группы в целях изучения таких дел.


Although the new Council for Legal and Judicial Reform would be meeting the following week,

he deemed the number of new plans and institutions mandated to study judicial reform to


in inverse proportion to their results.


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Хотя новый Совет по правовой и судебной реформе проведет совещание на следующей неделе,

он считает, что количество новых планов и институтов, которые призваны заниматься реформой судебной системы, обратно пропорционально их результативности.


On the political front, United States President Barack Obama had visited Ramallah and Bethlehem, and the Secretary of State,

John Kerry, would be meeting with Israeli and Palestinian leaders in an effort to advance the political process.


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На политическом фронте президент Соединенных Штатов Барак Обама посетил Рамаллах и Вифлеем,

а государственный секретарь Керри проведет встречу с израильскими и палестинскими руководителями в попытке продвинуть политический процесс.


At its June session, it would be meeting a representative of the African Commission

in order to review with him the Commission’s activities in the area of prevention and the Robben Island Guidelines, which


among the non-binding instruments that the SPT had examined with great interest.


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На своей июньской сессии он проведет встречу с представителем Африканской комиссии,

с тем чтобы обсудить с ним деятельность Комиссии в области предупреждения, а также руководящие принципы» Роббен- Айленд», которые являются частью инструментов факультативного характера, вызвавших пристальный интерес со стороны ППП.


Posada and his accomplices planned to place a potent C-4 explosive charge in the auditorium of the University of Panama at a

time when President Fidel Castro would be meeting with hundreds of Panamanian students and professors.


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Планы Посады и его сообщников состояли в установке мощного заряда взрывчатого вещества С4 в аудитории университета Панамы в момент,

когда президент Фидель Кастро встречался с сотнями панамских студентов и преподавателей.


The situation remained difficult; he nevertheless applauded efforts by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and

the World Bank, which would be meeting in the near future in order to prepare a joint response to crises-related issues.


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Положение остается сложным; тем не менее оратор приветствует усилия Координационного совета руководителей системы Организации Объединенных Наций и Всемирного банка,

которые в ближайшем будущем проведут встречу, с тем чтобы подготовить совместные меры в отношении проблем, связанных с кризисом.


The Rapporteur from The Netherlands informed the Group that a draft of the EPPO Seed Potato Certification Scheme had


issued to member countries and that the Certification Panel would be meeting on 16-17 March 1999,

in Nyon, Switzerland, to consider all the comments.


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Докладчик из Нидерландов проинформировал Группу о том, что проект системы сертификации семенного картофеля ЕППО был распространен среди государств-

членов и что Группа по сертификации проведет свое совещание для рассмотрения всех полученных замечаний 16-

17 марта 1999 года в Ньоне Швейцария.


If that


the case, she wondered whether he

would be

dealing with

specific issues for inclusion in his next report, and whether he would be meeting with the Congolese Minister for Human Rights,

in order to ask her about her priorities and about any assistance she might require.


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Если это так, то она хотела бы знать, будет ли он рассматривать конкретные

вопросы с целью их включения в свой следующий доклад и встретится ли он с министром Конго по правам человека с целью

ознакомления с ее приоритетами и любой помощью, которая может ей потребоваться.


In that regard, he noted that because of time constraints, the previous


of the Parties had not


able to take a decision on the findings of the Implementation Committee,

and that the Implementation Committee would be meeting later that week to update those findings

in order to make a timely presentation to the Seventeenth


of the Parties.


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В этой связи он отметил, что ввиду ограниченного времени предыдущие


Сторон не могли принять решения по результатам работы Комитета по выполнению и что

Комитет по выполнению проведет совещание в конце недели для обновления этих результатов работы,

с тем чтобы своевременно доложить семнадцатому




Later that morning, the Committee would be meeting with representatives of the specialized agencies and other bodies of the United

Nations system wishing to present information on the States parties whose reports

were being

considered at the current session or on what the agencies themselves had done to promote the provisions of the Convention internationally and regionally.


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Позже сегодня утром Комитет проведет встречу с представителями специализированных учреждений и других органов системы Организации Объединенных Наций,

желающих представить информацию о тех государствах- участниках, доклады которых рассматриваются на нынешней сессии, или о том, что сами эти учреждения сделали для содействия выполнению положений Конвенции на международном и региональном уровнях.


Later that morning, the Committee would be meeting with representatives of the specialized agencies and other bodies of the United Nations

system wishing to present information on the States parties whose reports




considered at the current session or on what the agencies themselves had done to promote the provisions of the Convention nationally and regionally.


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Позднее, в первой половине дня Комитет проведет встречу с представителями специализированных учреждений и других органов системы Организации Объединенных Наций,

которые желают представить информацию о государствах- участниках, доклады которых подлежат рассмотрению на текущей сессии, или доклады о том, что было сделано самими учреждениями для содействия выполнению положений Конвенции на национальном и региональном уровнях.


She also expressed disappointment that the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, had


unable to attend the session as originally planned,

but noted that the Special Rapporteur on religious intolerance would be meeting with the Committee, as


Mrs. Mary Robinson,

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.


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Она также выразила свое разочарование в связи с тем, что Специальный докладчик по вопросу о насилии в отношении женщин, его причинах и последствиях не смог принять участие в сессии, как

это планировалось первоначально, но отметила при этом, что Специальный докладчик по вопросу о религиозной нетерпимости и г-жа Мэри Робинсон, Верховный комиссар Организации Объединенных Наций по правам человека, встретятся с членами Комитета.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

слово будет

словом было бы

слово было бы

слова будут

будет слово

словом будет

слово —

If we accepted the definitions above, it would mean that every person would represent their own religion and the word would be useless.

Если бы мы приняли вышеприведенные определения, это означало бы, что каждый человек будет представлять свою религию, и слово будет бесполезным.

The better word would be «participants.»

Maybe a better word would be creative.

A more apt word would be «tsunami», not «ripple».

And if we had to describe the pant of British suit with one word, that word would be indeed abundance.

И если бы нам пришлось описать брюки британского костюма одним словом, это слово было бы действительно изобилием.

This word would be a fun name for the school of aquatic mammals, but in fact it is the area of the brain that is responsible for the long-term storage of information.

Это слово было бы весёлым названием для школы водных млекопитающих, но на самом деле это область мозга, которая отвечает за долговременное хранение информации.

Then My word would be taken to the rest of the world, but first My church.

Потом Мое слово будет понесено остальной части мира, но сначала Моей церкви .

That proposal received support and the Working Group consequently agreed that that word would be deleted.

Это предложение получило поддержку, и впоследствии Рабочая группа согласилась с тем, что это слово будет исключено.

Ideally such theory supposes that each word would be once and for all attributed to either group, but in reality it is not always possible to adhere.

В такой теории в идеале предполагается, что каждое слово будет раз и навсегда отнесено к той или иной группе, однако в реальности это не всегда возможно соблюсти.

It was not everyone’s decision to call the company AHAVA; most people said that the word would be difficult to pronounce around the world.

Решение назвать компанию AHAVA не было единогласным; Большинство говорило, что слово будет трудно произнести иностранцам.

Saying you need «about,» «roughly,» or any other word would be more precise and descriptive.

Сказать, что вам нужно «примерно», «примерно», или любое другое слово было бы более точным и описательным.

Edit I don’t mean a word which describes the content of the thing (although such a word would be nice too, if it were used only for this type of liquid and not for other liquids with similar content like custard).

Редактировать Я не имею в виду слово, которое описывает содержание вещь (хотя такое слово было бы слишком хорошо, если бы это было использоваться только для этого типа жидкости, а не для других жидкостей с подобным содержанием как заварной крем).

If you had to identify in one word the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve its full potential, that word would be «meetings.»

Если вам понадобится определить одним словом причину того, что человеческий род не реализовал, и никогда полностью не реализует свой потенциал, то это слово будет «собрания».

If one were to attempt to define in a single word the focus, so to speak, of the whole correspondence, the central point at which the whole body of ideas expressed and discussed converges — that word would be dialectics.

«Если попытаться одним словом определить, так сказать, фокус всей переписки, — писал Ленин, — тот центральный пункт, к которому сходится вся сеть высказываемых и обсуждаемых идей, то это слово будет диалектика.

If Panamanian food has to be summed up in one word, that word would be «culantro», which is a local plant that tastes like cilantro, except that it has a much stronger flavor.

Если панамская еда должна быть обобщена в одном слове, то это слово будет culantro, которое является местным растением на вкус как кинза, за исключением того, что оно имеет гораздо более сильный аромат.

The great Lee Kuan Yew once said: If I were to describe in one word why Singapore succeeded, that word would be trust.

Великий Ли Куан Ю когда-то сказал: «Если бы я должен был описать одним словом, почему Сингапур преуспел, то этим словом было бы «доверие».

If I had to use one word to describe my approach to the successful treatment and elimination of migraine, that word would be «balance.»

Если бы мне пришлось использовать одно слово, чтобы описать мой подход к успешному лечению и ликвидации мигрени, это слово было бы «баланс».

If I was offered one word to name the most important quality of a genius, then that word would be «curiosity».

мне предложили одним словом назвать главное качество гения, то этим словом было бы «любопытство».

A more generic word would be Uttagsautomat; Uttag, Minuten and Kontanten may also occur.

Более общее слово будет Uttagsautomat; Уттаг, Минутен и Контантен также могут встречаться.

It’s like… no word would be enough.

Это все равно что… да никаких слов не хватит, чтоб рассказать об этом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 107. Точных совпадений: 107. Затраченное время: 168 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


  • #1

I wonder what’s the diffence between will meet and will be meeting
As I geuss, there might be the slight diffence of ongoing meeting time.

I am not good at explaining what to say, would you split your invaluable answer?
I thank you~~

    • #2

    Once again, context means everything. If you and I were talking and were planning to meet for dinner later in the evening, I would say to you «We will meet at the restaurant at 8:00.» It is simply a statement of fact between us that we will meet.

    If I later ran into a mutual friend and invited him to join us, I would say «Beautifully and I will be meeting at the restaurant at 8:00.» It is a statement of fact to a third party that you and I will be meeting.

    There are many other contexts but does this help?

    • #3

    It also depends on how direct and engaging you want your language to sound. Saying «We will be meeting…» is more passive and equivocal, and would probably used when trying to appear more polite, almost as if it were a suggestion, whereas, «we will meet» is more active and aggressive. It is definitive; leaving no room for discussion, the issue is settled. It is concise; saying more, while speaking less, and, thus, more effective speech.

    It is also correct that «We will meet» is more appropriate when speaking to an unrelated third party, however, it would be more engaging and exciting when using the active tense «We are meeting». As in the first example, concise and definitive language is more commanding and authoritative, but in no case should it be rude.


    • #4

    Wow~ Thank you so much for sincere answer. I couldn’t even guess of what you guys are saying the diffenct meaning of it. Thank you Thank you.


    • #5

    This more recent thread has been added to a previous thread. Cagey, moderator

    What’s the difference between’ we will meet on Friday’ and ‘we will be meeting on Friday

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2020

    Kirill V.

    • #6

    We will meet presents the meeting as a one-time event
    By saying We will be meeting you want to present the meeting as an event that will be lasting for some time. Usually you do that for some reason.
    E.g. I’m going to meet somebody to sign a deal. If everything has already been discussed and settled and the only thing that remains is to put our signatures under the contract, then I am more likely to say: We will meet and sign the contract.

    If, on the other hand, I’ve outlined a number of points that still need to be discussed, I would be more inclined to say: Okay, we will be meeting tomorrow, so we can discuss all that during the meeting


    • #7

    Well,would u plz give one more example so that helps me better understand?

    Kirill V.

    • #8

    Of course, there are situations where a progressive tense we will be meeting is simply

    required gramatically

    Can you provide more context — what is the situation / who are you saying this / what is the meeting about?


    • #9

    Well,i am in a english club .And the club always on Friday,but sometimes it changes because some specific events.
    So,my teacher wanted to make sure if we have club on friday,therefore he sent me a text which is ‘will we be meeting on Friday’.
    But I don’t understand why he used that ,but not will we meet on friday.

    • #10

    Just because he wanted to; they mean the same thing. In English, there are often several ways to say something, and the speaker or writer can chose which to use.

    P.S.: Please note that in English, the following are always capitalized: the names of languages; the days of the week; the first person pronoun «I». Also, «u» [you] and «plz» [please] are not proper English words, and we don’t use them.


    • #11

    • Ok,it’s good to know and thanks for help.

    Quotes tagged as «meetings»
    Showing 1-30 of 100

    Dave Barry

    “If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be ‘meetings.”

    William Shakespeare

    “Journeys end in lovers meeting,
    Every wise man’s son doth know.”

    William Shakespeare,

    Twelfth Night

    Amit Kalantri

    “A photograph shouldn’t be just a picture, it should be a philosophy.”

    Amit Kalantri,

    Wealth of Words

    Eric Micha'el Leventhal

    “Each person you meet
    is an aspect of yourself,
    clamoring for love.”

    Eric Micha’el Leventhal

    A.A. Milne

    “His dress told her nothing, but his face told her things which she was glad to know.”

    A.A. Milne,

    Once on a Time

    Anna Akhmatova

    “We learned not to meet anymore,
    We don’t raise our eyes to one another,
    But we ourselves won’t guarantee
    What could happen to us in an hour.”

    Anna Akhmatova,

    The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova

    Nadia Scrieva

    “Each meeting occurs at the precise moment for which it was meant. Usually, when it will have the greatest impact on our lives.”

    Nadia Scrieva,

    Fathoms of Forgiveness

    Anna Akhmatova

    “You invented me. There is no such earthly being,
    Such an earthly being there could never be.
    A doctor cannot cure, a poet cannot comfort—
    A shadowy apparition haunts you night and day.
    We met in an unbelievable year,
    When the world’s strength was at an ebb,
    Everything withered by adversity,
    And only the graves were fresh.
    Without streetlights, the Neva’s waves were black as pitch,
    Thick night enclosed me like a wall …
    That’s when my voice called out to you!
    Why it did—I still don’t understand.
    And you came to me, as if guided by a star
    That tragic autumn, stepping
    Into that irrevocably ruined house,
    From whence had flown a flock of burnt verse.”

    Anna Akhmatova,

    The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova

    Anna Akhmatova

    “How the miracle of our meeting
    Shone there and sang,
    I didn’t want to return
    From there to anywhere.
    Happiness instead of duty
    Was bitter delight to me.
    Not obliged to speak to anyone,
    I spoke for a long while.
    Let passions stifle lovers,
    Demanding answers,
    We, my dear, are only souls
    At the limits of the world.”

    Anna Akhmatova,

    The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova

    Steve Blank

    “My advice was to start a policy of making reversible decisions before anyone left the meeting or the office. In a startup, it doesn’t matter if you’re 100 percent right 100 percent of the time. What matters is having forward momentum and a tight fact-based data/metrics feedback loop to help you quickly recognize and reverse any incorrect decisions. That’s why startups are agile. By the time a big company gets the committee to organize the subcommittee to pick a meeting date, your startup could have made 20 decisions, reversed five of them and implemented the fifteen that worked.”

    Steven Gary Blank,

    The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Startups That Win

    Peter F. Hamilton

    “How many twenty-second-century bureaucrats did it take to change a light panel?
    We’ll have a sub-committee meeting and get back to you with an estimate.”

    Peter F. Hamilton,

    Great North Road

    Anna Akhmatova

    “The celebrations
    Of secret nonmeetings are empty,
    Unspoken conversations,
    Unuttered words.
    Glances that don’t intersect
    Don’t know where to come to rest.
    And only the tears rejoice
    Because they can flow and flow.
    Sweetbrier around Moscow,
    Alas! Somehow it is here …
    And all this they will call
    Love eternal.”

    Anna Akhmatova,

    The Complete Poems of Anna Akhmatova

    Amit Kalantri

    “In meetings philosophy might work,
    on the field practicality works.”

    Amit Kalantri

    Jonah Goldberg

    “I think there needs to be a meeting to set an agenda for more meetings about meetings.”

    Jonah Goldberg

    Mick Herron

    “all the work’s done low on the food chain. Everyone else just has meetings.”

    Mick Herron,

    Dead Lions

    Karl Kristian Flores

    “These are icebreakers. You’re not supposed to break the ice, you’re just supposed to coat your voice with as many layers of confidence as possible so that they don’t hear your voice shake when it’s your turn to speak. Idiot.”

    Karl Kristian Flores,

    The Goodbye Song

    Matthew Dicks

    “If you are conducting a one-hour meeting at your company, you have effectively stolen one hour from every person in the room. If there are twenty people in the room, your presentation is now the equivalent of a twenty-hour investment.

    It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that you do not waste the hour by reading from PowerPoint slides, providing information that could have been delivered via email, lecturing, pontificating, pandering, or otherwise boring your audience. You must entertain, engage, and inform. Every single time.”

    Matthew Dicks,

    Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling

    “You need long meetings only when you don’t trust your team, or are less experienced than your players and want to learn from them.”

    Vineet Raj Kapoor

    Matthew Zapruder

    “at last the endless meeting ends

    I begin to recite
    the ever more infinite list
    of things I do not know”

    Matthew Zapruder

    Laura (Riding) Jackson

    “Birth is the beginning where all part.
    Death is the beginning where they meet.”

    Laura (Riding) Jackson,

    The Close Chaplet

    Alex Dimitrov

    “Doesn’t it bother you sometimes
    what living is, what the day has turned into?
    So many screens and meetings
    and things to be late for.”

    Alex Dimitrov

    “To meet the people is not only a great way to be realistic but also an immense form of transformation of energies & confidence.”

    Sonal Takalkar

    Nick Oliveri

    “The shadiest meetings sometimes take place with the brightest of views.”

    Nick Oliveri,

    The Conjurer

    Today you’re going to learn almost 100 practical English phrases to use in meetings. Many of them – such as the phrases for expressing opinions, agreeing, and disagreeing – can also be used in other situations outside of work.

    Let’s begin with a few vocabulary words. The verbs typically used with “meeting” are “have” and “hold”:

    • We’re going to have another department meeting on Friday.
    • Let’s hold a meeting to discuss the policy changes.

    You can also use “schedule,” “arrange” or “organize” to talk about having a meeting in the future.

    When you participate in a meeting, you “attend” the meeting (formal) or “go to” the meeting.

    • Did you go to the project team meeting?
    • Several people did not attend the development meeting.

    A well-organized meeting will have an agenda – that’s a list of topics (often called items) that will be discussed. In some meetings, one person keeps notes that will be the official record of the meeting – these are called the meeting minutes.

    Why hold a meeting? There are many different reasons. One is to brainstorm. “Brainstorming” is creating a lot of different ideas, so that they can later be analyzed, evaluated, and the best ones can be selected. Brainstorming is often done as a first step in a project, before there is a definite plan.

    Another reason to hold a meeting is to develop a strategy and allocate tasks. A strategy is a plan for completing a project, and to “allocate tasks” means to assign specific items of work to specific people.

    Meetings are also held to collaborate (work together) on projects and give updates – reports of progress and current status. Finally, meetings are held to make decisions.

    Some meetings use a formal system of voting, in which a decision is made if it receives the majority (more than 50%) of the votes. Other meetings use a less formal system of decision-making, aiming for the group to come to a consensus (a general agreement).

    Beginning a Meeting

    To start the meeting, the meeting leader (who is called the chairperson or chair) may use one of these phrases:

    • Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming today.
    • Since everyone is here, let’s get started.
    • First, I’d like to welcome you all.

    If there are new people in the meeting, or people from different departments who might not know each other, the chairperson may introduce them:

    • I’d like to take a moment to introduce… [name + description]
      I’d like to take a moment to introduce Carla, from the public relations department.
    • Please join me in welcoming [name + description]
      Please join me in welcoming Jim, a consultant who will be helping us with project management.
    • Sheila, would you like to introduce yourself?

    Finally, it’s good to state the specific topic or objective of the meeting, in order to focus the discussion:

    • As you can see from the agenda, we’ll be talking about… [topic]
    • I’ve called this meeting in order to … [goal]
    • Our main goal today is to … [goal]
      Our main goal today is to determine the budget for 2013.

    Asking for Opinions

    Meetings often begin with the presentation of some information and then a request for opinions. To ask people for their opinions, you can say:

    • What does everyone think about…?
    • I’d like to get your feedback on…
    • What are your thoughts about… ?
    • What are your views on… ?

    After one person has expressed his or her opinion, you can say “Thanks,” to acknowledge the opinion, then use these phrases to ask for more people to respond:

    • What does everyone else think?
    • Are there any other comments?

    If there’s a specific person who you would like to hear from, you can ask him or her directly by using these phrases:

    • Susan, can we get your input?
    • Would you like to add anything, Susan?

    Giving Your Opinion

    Now let’s learn some phrases for giving your opinion – with some detail in order to give you some flexibility in the way you express your opinion:


    • I strongly believe that…
    • I’m positive that…
    • I’m convinced that…
    • I have no doubt whatsoever that…
    • There’s no question that…


    • I think / believe / feel that…
    • From my point of view…
    • In my experience… / I find that…
      (use these phrases to base your opinion on your experience)
    • I’d say that…
    • If you want my honest opinion, I think that… / To be honest…
      (use these phrases when you want to express a negative or critical opinion. The word “honest” is a diplomatic way to signal that you are going to say something negative or unpopular)


    • It seems to me that…
    • It’s possible that…
    • I tend to think that…
    • My initial reaction is…
      (use this phrase to show that this is an opinion you haven’t thought very deeply about)

    Agreeing / Disagreeing

    Once other people in the meeting have expressed their opinions, you can react by agreeing or disagreeing. Here are some appropriate phrases for this purpose – again, based on degree of strength.

    Strong agreement:

    • I completely agree.
    • I couldn’t agree more.
    • You’re absolutely right.

    Normal agreement:

    • Exactly!
    • That’s just how I see it.
    • I’m with Peter on this.
      (you can use this phrase to refer to another colleague’s opinion)

    Partial agreement:

    • Well, it depends.
    • I agree with you up to a point, but…
      (this means that you agree with some of the opinion, but not all of it)
    • I agree with you in principle, but…
      (this means you agree with the opinion in theory, but not in practice)

    Normal Disagreement:

    In English, saying “I disagree” can be a little too direct, and may be considered impolite. Use one of these phrases instead, to disagree diplomatically:

    • I’m afraid I disagree.
    • I’m not so sure about that.
    • I see it differently.
    • Yes, but…
    • Not necessarily.

    Strong disagreement:

    Finally, here are some phrases for disagreeing strongly. The words “I’m sorry” make the phrase more polite.

    • I’m sorry, but I completely disagree.
    • I’m sorry, but I don’t agree with that at all.

    Settling a disagreement:

    What do you do if you’re in charge of a meeting and people are arguing? Use one of these phrases to settle the disagreement and continue the meeting:

    • We don’t seem to be getting anywhere with this, so maybe we could discuss it further at another time.
    • Let’s move on. I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree.


    If you’d like to make a suggestion or recommendation, you can use these phrases. The “weaker” phrases introduce an option as a possibility. The “stronger” phrases give more emphasis to your belief that it is a good idea.


    • We could…
    • Why don’t you/we….?
    • How about…?
    • What about…?


    • I suggest…
    • I recommend…
    • We should…
    • Let’s…


    We could / Why don’t we / We should / Let’s are followed by the base form of the verb:

    • We could invest in new technology.

    How about / What about / I suggest / I recommend are followed by the -ING form:

    • How about investing in new technology?


    At times, you might want to interrupt the discussion to add a point. Here are three polite ways to do that:

    • May I have a word?
    • Could I just say one thing?
    • Excuse me – sorry for interrupting, but…

    Controlling the meeting

    If you’re controlling the meeting, you’ll need these phrases to move the discussion to the next item on the agenda:

    • I think we’ve spent enough time on this topic. Moving on…
    • If nobody has anything else to add, let’s move on to the next item.
    • We’re running short on time, so let’s move on.
    • I’d like to skip item 2 and go directly to item 3.
      (This means you want to go from item 1 directly to item 3)

    If you’d like to give control of the discussion to another person, you can say this:

    • I’d like to hand it over to Brian, who is going to lead the next point.
    • Next, Brian is going to tell us about…

    Finally, it’s common for discussions to go off topic – however, you can bring the discussion back to the main point by using one of these phrases:

    • I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of this meeting.
    • I think we’re getting a bit off topic.
    • We’d better save that for another meeting.
    • Let’s get back on track, OK?
    • Getting back to… [topic]


    At the end of the meeting, use one of these phrases to close it:

    • It looks like we’ve covered the main items on the agenda.
    • That will be all for today.
    • If no one has anything else to add, then I think we’ll wrap this up.

    You can also use a phrase similar to the ones used at the end of presentations, such as “Let me quickly summarize the main points.”

    You can also set a date for the next meeting:

    Our next meeting will be… / Let’s get together…

    • on January 29th.
    • on the first Monday of next month.
    • two weeks from today.

    If the date of the next meeting is not yet scheduled, then you can say, “I’ll let you know the date of our next meeting.”

    Now you know all the phrases you need to participate in a meeting in English! We covered a lot of material today, so make sure you take the quiz to practice the vocabulary.

    Business English Quiz 13

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