That is an overused word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

I think «genius» is the single most overused word of our lifetimes.

I think it’s a really overused word.

«Coherence» may be an overused word, but it is an underused approach.

That overused word became associated with him like a name tag.

И это слово за ним закрепилось как второе имя.

Love: It might perhaps be the most overused word today.

‘Cause she never uses, «Love» she thinks that’s a highly overused word.

Without the Commitment, Competence, Experience and Capability, quality is no more than an overused word.

Без приверженности делу, компетентности, опыта и потенциала, качество не более чем просто слово.

If you want to build an enterprise of any size at all, it almost goes without saying that you absolutely must create a team of people who work together and give real meaning to that overused word «teamwork».

Если Вы хотите создать предприятие, причем совершенно все равно, каких масштабов, то ясно безо всяких слов, что Вам совершенно необходимо создать команду, состоящую из людей, которые будут работать вместе и наполнят истинным смыслом столь избитое словосочетание, как «работа в коллективе».

«The word [sic] ‘continental crisis’ is an overused word these days,» the foreign minister, Bert Koenders, said in a recent interview with the Guardian and four other European newspapers.

«Слова «общеевропейский кризис» сегодня используют слишком часто», — заявил недавно в интервью Guardian и четырем другим европейским газетам министр иностранных дел этой страны Берт Кендерс.

Terrorism is an overused word.

Love is the most overused word in the English language.

Другие результаты

One of the most overused words in sports guys, is «incredible».

You’ll see some overused words.

I think it’s one of the most overused words by journalists.

A cliché is a bunch of overused words and expressions.

Sustainability has become one of today’s most overused words.

From pronunciations and misspellings to overused words, the language patterns you demonstrate while communicating are as distinct as the sound of your voice.

Произношения и орфографические ошибки, чрезмерное употребление слов-паразитов, которые вы демонстрируете во время общения, также различны, как и звук вашего голоса.

A time will come when there will be no overused words in order to be used in fair public discussion on relations with the EU.

Наступит момент, когда уже не будет незатертых слов для того, чтобы ими можно было пользоваться в общественном обсуждении отношений с ЕС.

Speaking about overused words in PR and marketing, it’s necessary to mention that such buzzwords can destroy the whole presentation and break your press release to pieces.

Говоря о растиражированных словах в PR-индустрии и маркетинге, важно понимать, что использование модных словечек может разрушить целостное представление о новости и разрушить основную идею пресс-релиза.

Based on our experience and Internet researches, we have made the list of top 20 overused words which you will definitely need to avoid in your PR and marketing activities

Основываясь на нашем опыте и интернет исследованиях, мы подготовили список ТОП 20 наиболее растиражированных слов, использование которых, может определенно навредить вашей PR-активности и маркетинговой деятельности

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 88. Точных совпадений: 11. Затраченное время: 259 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Coherence» may be an overused word, but it is an underused approach.


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Возможно, слово<< согласованность>> используется слишком часто, однако на практике оно

встречается довольно редко.


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So, I suppose the problem

is locking in this software which memorizes the most overused words in SMS and I do not know how to disable it.

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Таким образом, Я полагаю, что проблема с блокированием это программное обеспечение,

которое запоминает слова наиболее часто используемых в текстовых сообщениях, и я не знаю, как вывести его из строя.

Force is indeed to see that over the years, the word«structuring» became overused, to the point of appearing in mostly press releases

announcing the creation of new structures.


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Сила, действительно, чтобы увидеть, что за годы, слово« структурирование» стал overused, до точки появляются в основном пресс-релизы,

объявив о создании новых структур.


We are sure that the time they spend at Yasnaya Poylana and in Hannibal will be truly happy for quite a few reasons- the teenagers will see beautiful new places, they will have the chance to have a sincere conversation about the most important things, and the program will provide an atmosphere of freedom and

of what is usually refered to as»creativity,» however overused this word might be.


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Мы уверены, что две недели, которые они проведут в Ясной Поляне и Ганнибале, будут счастливыми- и потому, что подростки увидят новые красивые места, и потому, что у них будет возможность искреннего разговора о самом важном, и потому, что программа наполнена свободой и тем, что обычно называют« творчеством»,


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CHUCKLES I know the word joy is


but surely there is nothing joyful whatsoever about that.

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Я знаю, слово» радость» используют часто, нор, точно, в этом нет ничего радостного.

We are not, however, talking about“diet” in the overused sense of the


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Мы, однако, не говорим о« диете» в избитом смысле этого слова.

Some critics think the term is overused.

InfoWorld magazine wrote that the word is


and places an unfair stigma on developers.

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Журнал InfoWorld указывал, что термин vaporware используется чрезмерно широко и часто представляет собой несправедливое клеймо,

налагаемое на разработчиков.

It’s a good


but I feel like it can be overused.

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That word—«historic»— is often overused,

but in this case I have no doubt that it is merited.


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Этим словом—<< исторический>>—

часто злоупотребляют, но на сей раз у меня нет никаких сомнений в том, что его употребление вполне уместно.


He’s in a better place,» seems overused.

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It sounds overused but music doesn’t need any labels.


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Звучит избито, но музыке не нужны ярлыки.


Hours. Do not share the keys. Overused ones won’t get warranty.

It’s… often overused, but Gerry had it. You know, the.

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Это заезженная фраза, но у Джерри было это- знаете,

During the effort to increase agricultural output, the country overused its water reserves.


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It’s important to step away from the overused imagery of meetings and men and women in suits.


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Очень важно отстраниться от набивших оскомину изображений многолюдных заседаний и оживленно общающихся между собой сотрудников в костюмах.


You know that this element has been overused in the past and is considered cliched or cheesy,

but the song needs it.

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Вы знаете, что этот элемент слишком часто использовался в прошлом и считается заезженным или дешевым,

но он был необходим в этой песне».

Ido claims the prefix mal-(creating a


with the exact opposite meaning) in Esperanto to be overused as a prefix,

and also to be inappropriate since it has negative meanings in many languages, and introduces des- as an alternative in such cases.

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В идо признается, что префикс mal- употребляется слишком часто, а также может быть неподходящим,

поскольку имеет негативное значение во многих языках, и предлагается des- как альтернатива в ряде случаев.

For the redundancy and seeming overuse of that


in the text, I apologize.


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The words«strutting stadium rocker» are


these days, but when I first met Ted Nugent.

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Слова» распирающий стадион рокер» в наши дни кажутся затасканными, но когда я встретил Теда Ньюджента.

Overused word: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция

Перевод по словам

  • be overused — быть перегружен
  • overused word — злоупотребляют слово

word [noun]

noun: слово, речь, текст, известие, обещание, замечание, пароль, разговор, девиз, лозунг

verb: вести, сформулировать, выражать словами, подбирать выражения

  • in the deepest sense of the word — в самом глубоком смысле этого слова
  • in every sense of the word — во всех смыслах этого слова
  • a dirty word — ругательство
  • this is the word of the lord — это слово господина
  • what the word on the street — что слово на улице
  • you gave me your word — ты дал мне слово
  • in front of the word — перед словом
  • in MS word format — в формате MS Word
  • word of mouth from — из уст в уста от
  • the word occurs — Слово происходит

Предложения с «overused word»

I think it’s a really overused word.

Я думаю это действительно избитое слово .

‘Cause she never uses, Love she thinks that’s a highly overused word.

Ибо она никогда не говорит восхищена, она думает, что это слово слишком часто используется.

Masterpiece is an overused word, but it’s hard to think of another so powerful.

Шедевр — это слишком часто употребляемое слово , но трудно придумать другое столь же сильное.

Disaster is a much-overused word in popular media, and it vastly overstates the impact and casualties.

Слово катастрофа часто используется в популярных средствах массовой информации, и оно значительно преувеличивает последствия и потери.

(CHUCKLES) I know the word joy is overused , but surely there is nothing joyful whatsoever about that.

Я знаю, слово радость используют часто, нор, точно, в этом нет ничего радостного.

It’s a good word, but I feel like it can be overused .

Это хорошее слово , но оно уже примелькалось.

With the unspoken footnote… that the word these days was being way too overused .

Даже без сноски о том, что это слово нынче слишком затаскано.

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  • «overused word» Перевод на испанский
  • «overused word» Перевод на хинди
  • «overused word» Перевод на японский
  • «overused word» Перевод на португальский
  • «overused word» Перевод на русский
  • «overused word» Перевод на венгерский
  • «overused word» Перевод на иврит
  • «overused word» Перевод на украинский
  • «overused word» Перевод на турецкий
  • «overused word» Перевод на итальянский
  • «overused word» Перевод на греческий
  • «overused word» Перевод на хорватский
  • «overused word» Перевод на индонезийский
  • «overused word» Перевод на французский
  • «overused word» Перевод на немецкий
  • «overused word» Перевод на корейский
  • «overused word» Перевод на панджаби
  • «overused word» Перевод на маратхи
  • «overused word» Перевод на узбекский
  • «overused word» Перевод на малайский
  • «overused word» Перевод на голландский
  • «overused word» Перевод на польский
  • «overused word» Перевод на чешский
20 Overused Words and Phrases to Remove from Your Vocabulary

It happened to all of us before. You’re writing a follow-up email, creating a presentation or preparing for a job interview. You want it to sound right, current, eloquent. You add a pinch of slang and spice it up with that idiom you love so much.Then you throw in a buzzword and leave everything to simmer. The result? A mash-up of overused words, terms and phrases. Yes, you followed the instructions. But so did everyone else.

You need to search for an alternative. Try harder—and make it simple at the same time. Confused? The following guide lists some of today’s most overused words, terms and phrases, and suggests a few alternatives (and deletions) instead.

Words that lost their impact

01. Important

In this day and age, everything is important. Watching the news, eating your greens, taking some time off, and the email you just sent to the entire company. But when describing your weekly team meeting, an item in your hand-luggage or this blog post, try an alternative.

What to use instead: Essential, Educational, Meaningful, Serious, Influential, Decisive.

02. Like

Whether it’s used in its simple present form, to indicate something that you are fond of (“I like this Asian restaurant”), or as a preposition (“they were like siblings, always hanging out together”), like is overused, over-gestured and over-counted on your social media feed. What’s the alternative? If you loved a piece of art, try describing it. If you notice the similarity between two items, state what they have in common. Not sure?

What to use instead: Alike, Related, Close, Equal, Identical, Much the same.

Misused words

03. Random

Even if you go by the widest definition of random: “a haphazard course; […] without definite aim, direction, rule, or method” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), you’re likely to either misuse or overuse it. If you haven’t paid for a premium subscription on a music streaming app, the songs in your favorite album will play randomly. But when you go on a road trip and stop by the first cafe you saw, it’s not a random cafe, it’s the one you found.

What to use instead: Accidental, Arbitrary, Incidental, Irregular, Unplanned, Odd.

A better alternative? Delete random altogether.

04. Literally

Literally just sounds great, doesn’t it? You’re literally going to march up to your manager, you literally drank the entire bar, you’re literally dying there. Here’s the deal: You’ve been using literally the wrong way all along. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, literally means “in a way that uses the ordinary or primary meaning of a term or expression”. So unless you just finished all the alcohol in the bar the other night, or were in a near-death situation, try avoiding this word altogether.

The over-excited superlatives

05. Great

As an adjective, great means something that is above normal or average. For example, the Great Wall of China, or Catherine the Great, the fearless 18th century empress of Russia. As an overused word, it describes bags, vacations, people, meetings, and forgotten rock bands from the 1990’s. Want to describe the fun evening you spent with your mates? A beautiful item you just purchased?

What to use instead: Beautiful, Wonderful, Talented, Entertaining, Clever—and the list goes on.

06. Perfect

It happens time and time again. You want to compliment your peers on a job well done, or a friend on a cleverly chosen venue. But overusing perfect makes things sound a little bit less sincere. Can everything be so peachy all the time? Probably not.

What to use instead: Excellent, Ideal, Impeccable, Superb, Accomplished, Faultless, Immaculate

07. Amazing

When you watch a trapeze artist, a Beluga whale coming up for air or your baby walking for the very first time—that’s amazing. But if you’re looking for a general descriptor or superlative, why not go for more subtle-yet-reliable words?

What to use instead: Cool, Awesome, Wonderful, Pretty, Fun, Unusual.

08. Unique

There’s nothing special about using the same word over and over again. In fact, it might even sound like you have nothing better to say, or worse, think that your best friend’s newborn baby is ugly. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, unique means “being the only one [….] ; distinctively characteristic”. So if you’re describing something that really stands out, use unique, or rare, unusual, different, exclusive. And if that isn’t the case, say what it really is: beautiful, colorful, tasteless, or, in the case of your friend’s baby, takes after their dad.

The industry lingo

09. Innovative/innovation

If you want to succeed in this world, your new product, program, project or creation has got to be innovative. But is it? Instead of overusing innovative, try to pitch your product or program in a more persuasive way. It might be new, clever, different. It might suggest a different approach. And if there is an innovation at the heart of what you just presented?

What to use instead: Ground-breaking, Original, Cutting-edge, New.

10. Ecosystem

In the Encyclopædia Britannica, an ecosystem is “the complex of living organisms, their physical environment and all their interrelationships in a particular unit of space”. Not too long ago, this term referred to reefs, beehives or the Savannah. Then it was hijacked by the tech industry and today it is used to describe business partnerships, co-working spaces or financial networks.

What to use instead: Industry, Community, Network, System, Co-dependence, Inter-relations.

11. ASAP

We’re in the ASAP era, where everything should happen as soon as possible. We’re in such a hurry, that we only have time for the abbreviation: Ey-Sup. But what does it really mean, and is your possible also my possible? If you want something done today, say it. If it’s urgent, state it. And if you want to give the person on the other side of your outbox a bit of space, use alternative phrases.

What to use instead: At your convenience, When you’re ready, What would be a reasonable deadline?

Overused phrases

12. At the end of the day

According to Grammarphobia, at the end of the day has been used for decades, and first citings can even be traced to as early as the 1880’s. It’s used to preface the speaker’s point or to highlight the “most important aspect of the situation” (Collins Dictionary). But no matter how long we’ve been using this phrase, we certainly have been using it too often. Yes, it might sound sophisticated, or literary (No, that book and wonderful adaptation are called The Remains of the Day), but why not go for a simpler option?

What to use instead: All things considered, Eventually, All said and done.

13. Hit the ground running

There’s an exciting debate going on regarding the origin of hit the ground running. Is it paratrooper lingo, marine slang or cartoon-inspired? But no matter whether you see yourself landing on the beach somewhere, or as an animated character being thrown off a speeding car —you can say you’re ready without using this expression.

What to use instead: Be prepared, Make the necessary arrangements, Prepare in advance.

14. State-of-the-art

According to Wikipedia, the earliest use of State of the art was in the beginning of the 20th century in an engineering manual that described a very modern engine (with art referring to technics). These days, there’s nothing modern or innovative about using this phrase over and over again.

What to use instead: Modern, Fresh, Creative, Updated, Sophisticated, Current.

15. On the same page

If you sing in a choir, it’s a good idea to be on the same page with the rest of the singers. After all, you don’t want to miss your big mezzo moment. The same goes for reading the Haggadah, where one should always know how far they are from finally devouring Matzo Balls. But when it comes to agreeing with your peers or syncing before a meeting, try the following:

What to use instead: In agreement, Think alike, Agreed, Like-minded.

16. Get the ball rolling

Get the ball rolling is such a beautiful, graphic phrase. You’re about to roll the ball (preferably a croquet ball, where this expression originated) all the way to a victorious game or a successful project. But in the writing game, you’re definitely losing points over originality. When it comes to your work environment, wouldn’t it be better to simply use the following phrases?

What to use instead: Start, Kick off, Get started, Roll-out.

17. Game changer

Yet another great idiom, originally from the world of sports, this phrase now describes every new product, business decision or political statement. But can the game change that often? Probably not.

What to use instead: Original, Sophisticated, Smart, Promising.

Words you can simply delete

18. Basically

When you don’t know where to begin, basically comes in handy. “Basically, this meeting is about moving forward to the next phase of our project”. But is it really basic, essential or elementary? Try removing it—and if the meaning has not changed, simply delete it.

19. Actually

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, actually means “in fact or really”. Just like basically and honestly, one should question the need for using this word. Does it add anything to the meaning, the tone or the accuracy of your sentence? If it doesn’t, remove it.

20. Honestly

If you want to sound credible, avoid using honestly. “I honestly think you should go for the red sneakers” sounds like you’re telling the truth, but your listener might wonder about all the other things you said that weren’t prefaced by honestly. The same goes for to be honest and its amplified version, to be brutally honest. If you’re telling the truth, no need to highlight it. Say it like you mean it, and you’ll be the trusted speaker you want to be.


Writing in a fluent, current and original way isn’t an easy task. But if you’ll avoid some of the trends, buzzwords or simply redundant words on this list—your writing will probably be one step ahead of the game. (Woops!)

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Rutie Zuta, Content Team Leader at Wix ADI

Rutie Zuta, Content Team Leader at Wix ADI

Loves words, sentences, paragraphs and everything in between. As a journalist, would get excited about current affairs and chasing politicians. As a content specialist, gets equally excited about content, product, platforms and putting it all together.

Generally, the use of that is optional: neither its use nor its omission are bad style. However, when you are using it everywhere, all the time, that can be too much. The same applies to omitting it everywhere—the more so because its omission can sometimes cause ambiguity.

Of your example sentences, I’d say the first one is OK; I think I’d leave out the first that, but that would be only a minor improvement. Tastes may vary on this. If there had been three thats close together, I’d say it would usually be best to omit one, unless all three were required for clarity; but in that case it might be better to recast or split the sentence.

The second sentence is perhaps acceptable to some, but I’d put a that after difficult. Omitting it twice in a row makes the sentence a bit harder to parse, though it’s still not the end of the world. Given the choice, I think one usually omits the that of relative clauses (the chair that I saw) and of reported speech (he said that he’d come) sooner than the that of so … that, though it is still possible there. I’d write your sentence like this:

The test she took was so difficult
that she began to sweat.

Note that we usually omit that more often in speech; there intonation resolves some of the ambiguity that might otherwise ensue. I’d probably omit both thats in speech.

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