Thank you to my excel

I find your newsletter to be informative and useful, and I appreciate the effort you put in to share valuable insights with your subscribers.

Thanks for having the most informative examples of Excel queries. I use your site constantly and it’s a wealth of knowledge that has saved me so much time and helped me teach colleagues to streamline their tasks also. I appreciate that you have shared your knowledge and made this available to everyone.

Core Pivot has been tremendous for me. I’m in Excel every day, and knew I should learn pivot tables. This site was the place to do it, since I come here whenever I need Excel help. Within days, I’ve streamlined tasks for myself and teammates (special nod to calculated fields!). I’m very grateful for the site and the trainings. Thank you for everything.

I am a passionate Excel user, and a passionate reader of your site. Even if I am considerate a (moderate) expert (well, I know how to use xlookup, filter, to perform some conditional formatting; this qualifies me as a wizard) your site is the first that I ever mention. I have never found explanations more clear or detailed than yours, you dig inside formulas, you never lose focus to final goal of the formula, you are truly masters of formation.

I just wanted to send a message to say thank you so much for hosting this website. It is truly amazing. Love it! You really understand the reader, and explain things in a way that anyone can understand. (Even me)

I just wanted to send a message to let you know how much I appreciate all the great videos and free education that you provide. It’s been so helpful to me over the years in my role and am now teasingly considered an Excel ninja around my workplace! Thank you for the time you take to prepare videos and the wonderfully clear instructions on your website. You have the gift of teaching and for you to share that gift to provide knowledge to others is appreciated over here.

I wanted to reach out to let you know what a fantastic resource this site has been for me over the years. I find myself back here every time I am certain Excel *can* do something, I just don’t know *how*. You also seem to have an uncanny knack for sending newsletters that highlight the perfect solution for my latest Excel challenge! My colleagues think I am some sort of Excel wizard, but I tell them I just have a really good resource (and yes, I share it with them!)

I love the repertoire of videos and tips you guys have put together over the years, it has been a fantastic help to my career. The other thing that makes you guys stand apart is that the access doesn’t expire!

Thank you for this marvelous website. I use Excel a lot in my job and I cannot even count the number of times I end up on EXCELJET learning new formulas to get my work done. I appreciate the straightforward and informative approach you take in explaining how to use Excel in so many ways.

Your suggestion of using array constants with the SORT function hadn’t occurred to me and it solved a tricky problem I was grappling with quickly and cleanly. I haven’t seen it suggested anywhere else, and it is a very powerful and effective way to use the SORT array function on multiple criteria — hats off to you, sir, and many thanks.

I do really appreciate the work you have done. It is a cut above everything else out there.

I just wanted to thank you for your excellent website; you are consistently correct and clear!

I’d just like to thank you for all of your work on this website. Your tutorials are incredible and they’ve helped me in so many ways. I find your content invaluable in getting to grips with the intricacies of Excel.

The best site I ever found on any programming/software topic on the Internet. Period! I can not find words to express my admiration for the clarity, precision and insight with which you put your site together. Thank you.

Your explanation and real life examples of Excel functions and formulas is excellent. It is a most valuable tool to use not only as a leaner of excel but when you need a gentle reminder of how functions work. Some websites simply give you examples of formulas but yours goes one step further and provides a simple to understand detailed explanation as how to the steps of each function evaluate along the way.

Your website is great!! It is very educational about how to use Excel in the everyday world. I have been looking for that place to learn all I can about excel. I think I have found it. Great job, Thank you!!

I’ve been an avid reader of your weekly emails since 2018, and have learned far more than I ever thought possible! I HAD thought of myself, pre-Exceljet, as a moderately-advanced Excel user, but this has been updated over and over again to a somewhat more humble evaluation of my powers.

This is such an elegant, simple solution. Truly a thing of beauty! Thank you for this website!

Thank you for the great videos. In my office I use Excel all the time and thanks in part to you I am getting to be a real pro. A year and a half ago I had zero experience with spreadsheets and now people in my office come to me with their Excel issues!

Thank you 1000 times for showing me how to use the Ease of Access Keyboard to turn off scroll lock. You are the sole reason I still have my sanity and I thank you.

Love your site, you are my go to reference when I’m building spreadsheets!

I have learned more from you than any class I’ve taken. You have made me look like a hero more than once.

just wanted to drop a line and let you know how much I absolutely LOVE your site. You break everything down so well. Even the complex things you make easy to understand. As an Excel professional myself, I find myself coming to your site for continued education.

I never understood dynamic arrays well until I visited your site and so I bought your dynamic array course and added to my knowledge with a binge-watch session. Your videos are top-notch, with highlighted keystrokes and zoomed formulas and full transcripts.

I just wanted to say that I have been taking an introduction to Excel course this semester and your website has been SO helpful to me in completing my assignments and tests! Thank you for providing such an indispensable resource!

This is the MOST helpful, insightful excel site I have ever come across!! Every example is in plain English. You guys have me looking like a GENIUS at work. Thank you Thank you!

I love.. love…love the weekly exercises that you send. Your website is my #1 go to for help with Excel. I also keep your web address on the whiteboard in my training room and share it with all of my students (Adult Educational Training). I have used several of your examples with my training exercises.

Thank you for making such a user-friendly and informative website!

You definitely need a ‘Like’ button somewhere on your site mate! I had the above need today and went to Google and landed straight on your site with the solution I needed. Took me all of 2mins to setup and get working!

I just wanted to say thanks for making a great resource. I’ve used the ExcelJet website several times over the years and wanted to let you know how useful it has been.

I just want you to know that ExcelJet has quite honestly changed my life…I now have my own business as a bookkeeper. Bookkeeping requires Excel on a DAILY basis to manipulate data & get it in and out of QuickBooks. I use conditional formatting, INDEXMATCH, VLOOKUP, IFS, everything I have learned from ExcelJet. The 2-3 minute courses are a dream ….. I could open up 5 and watch them and come back later. Plus you are all super organized & clear in how you teach Excel. Watching videos on YouTube piecemeal from many different instructors never worked for me. ExcelJet was the real deal!!

I just wanted to say your site is excellent and a life saver. Clear explanations with worked examples.

I can’t thank you enough for the terrific content on your website and in the newsletter. I’ve been a power user and the go-to Excel guy in the office for 20yrs, but of course I don’t know everything. For years now your site has been my most trusted Excel resource, and the first link I share when a coworker has a question I can’t answer. Your answers are easy to find and simple enough for even the bosses to understand.

Hello I receive your newsletter and it is always helpful. I improved productivity 100 times over with you helpful tips.

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your articles on dynamic arrays and associated functions. It’s rare that I learn so much at one sitting, not to mention the kick start to my own creative juices that comes from the kind of depth your explanations get into. ExcelJet has become one of my go-to sites over the past few years, and I owe you a few beers, or whatever you’d like, in return for the boost my Excel interest and energy get virtually every time I visit.

I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to you both for your amazing content. I have been using your site for about 6 months now and you have always had the information I was looking for. I have been able to up my game in Excel and am creating more meaningful reports thanks to you. You are making my work life so much easier!

Your article on STOCKHISTORY helped me create a currency rate history graph for an assignment. Thank you very much for providing this resource. I had searched dozens of websites, looking for raw data to create a graph from scratch and was about to make do with a pre-made excel currency generator, when your site came up.

I really appreciate these weekly emails to start my Saturdays (I’m in Australia). There’s always something new to me: today it was clicking through to how the «double negative» Boolean conversion works. Thank you heaps.

After many years of subscription, I still enjoy your updates and emails.

Your newsletter examples and website info have consistently remained the most helpful resource for me in my new job.

I’d like to just say many thanks to you for the great resource you created! It helps me a lot to get new Excel skills and keep my brain working. I’ve been using Exceljet since 2017 and very glad that it is up-to-date with new versions of Excel. Thank you!

A simply thank-you. This is an excellent site and I will be recommending to all my colleagues.

I enjoy the weekly email and the entire web site. I’m fairly proficient with Excel, but even an old dog can learn new tricks. Thanks for opening my eyes to new and/or better ways to accomplish tasks.

You are the best! Exceljet is my first stop to find quick specific answers to my excel questions and get my spreadsheets back up and running! Thank you!

You are my go to page when I struggle with formulas. It really helps me serve my clients and provides them with an excellent experience. Really appreciate what you are doing.

Thank you, this is an excellent site to get an understanding of all the Excel formulas. Especially for brushing up or just rechecking the formulas.

This is one of the best Excel sites on the internet, if not the best. I have been using it for years and can’t tell you how helpful it has been.

I found Exceljet through a google search when I was trying to figure out the correct syntax for a formula. Of course, when you do a search in this manner, several options pop up. Well, after looking at several websites that allegedly had the answer to my question, I finally took a gander at your site. BINGO!! Exceljet had the answer because you provide very detailed explanations AND examples. My problem solved. After that experience, I always turn to Exceljet first. So far, I have not had to look any further.

I was looking for a way to make SUMPRODUCT conditional, if possible, and your page came up at the top of my Google search. I would like to say that this solution is absolutely genius — it works a treat! It is so easy to implement too.

Thanks for being very helpful and explaining clearly and concisely

Not normally one to reach out, but feel obliged to contact you and let you know how great your site is? I consider myself to pretty good with Excel, however find myself checking your website each time to check if there is an easier way, or for advice on complex formulas. You guys have been extremely helpful in taking my reporting tools and analysis to the next level!

I have to say that I knew practically nothing about Excel when I started using VBA about 6 years ago. However, your newsletter (weekly), which I started using about four years ago has really allowed me to appreciate Excel — I don’t use VBA because of the learning from your site/weekly email. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher.

Thank you so much for your newsletter. I very much look forward to each new tip and I have learned so much.

I used SUMIFS today, from your examples, it was super easy, and you made my life easy today, thanks

I have just come across your website and I joyfully amazed. The level of detail and the brilliant quality of explanations is outstanding. Wow !!!

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the deep dive into Excel. Your examples are clear and allow me to play with my own data and not spend hours in frustration Googling what I’m trying to do.

Hi, your website is far easier to understand and use than any other I’ve seen. I find myself always typing in my questions on google with «exceljet» in the search bar because yours is so clear and versatile in it’s application.

I would like to say thanks millions for your superb help on xlookup. I knew I was on the right path but didn’t know that you could concatenate as you had it. It was driving me nuts!!!

I have been using Excel for years, but some of the functions I use sparingly and sometimes forget some of the finer points. For a quick refresher I visit Exceljet. It has become my fave place for quick refreshers.

Thank you very much for your fantastic Excel guide that I discovered this morning. It inspires me to continue discovering Excel (which I have started to detest as much as I love it :-)

Just wanted to say that after searching google for 20 minutes, your formula for difference between two dates and times was the one that finally worked. so, THANK YOU!!

I really like these videos. They are short, simple, and to the point. Makes for easy understanding.

You all rock, this is a great site when I have questions around some of the new things in 365. The dynamic 2-way sum today is very cool. Long time excel user and enjoy just trying some of the ideas you send.

Your site helped me hone my Excel skills from my college course enough to be able to secure a job during the pandemic, in which I have now become the excel go-to (with still a lot to learn)! So I owe you much of my career.

So thanks again for your great tip. You are my go-to page for the excel function help, because your explanations are clear, concise, to the point and give you several viewpoints of the same function that helps you construct what you really need.

I cannot understand how you guys make money when you’re giving away this amazing product for free, but thank you! Keep it up.

I came across your website couple years back and I am still impressed with your clear way of explaining things rather than just showing how to accomplish certain task. -Dominik

Thank you so much for creating this website, it helps me 100% of the time. It’s just the best explanations, simple and easy to understand.

Thank you so much for the amazing website that you run! It’s always a happy day if I Google for something about Excel and find Exceljet in the results!

Just found your web page above to be able to copy the formula down the new columns without having to change any of the formula. This is so cool, has been a real GODSEND — I’m so grateful for you making this available.

Loving it. Just wanted to say this stuff has been making everything a breeze. The quick clean nature of the videos, text summaries beneath them, and other free materials on the site are making my «difficult issues» quickly surmountable.

Great site — amazingly clear but with a lot of depth in terms of the explanations.

Your website is not only simply the best but my #1 site to go if I have any Excel questions. I am working on a rather complex dashboard and I know what I wanted to do but forgot how to do it. Rank without ties…wonderful …straight to the point…very clear and user friendly.

Thank you so much for your simple explanation of where to find the «show formulas» button on the formulas ribbon. I searched several google answers and none of them had that in their answer. It was a lifesaver. I was so frustrated because no fixes were working.

This website is gold! I’m glad I found it. Everything is possible in Excel if you have in-depth knowledge of formulas.

What I love about this blog is that not only do i understand when to use certain formulas but the concept and logic behind them. This makes it fun to learn.

Your website is among the very best of the very best. Super SUPER good step by step explanations and very powerful ‘one-liners’ (one cell) expressions. I just wanted to say thank you!

As a CPA and a federal & state tax preparer, I have utilized Excel for at least the last three decades. During the last few years I have come to the realization that the biggest problem I had during most of these years was not having access to Exceljet. Your excel articles and function & format analysis would have saved me time and gray hairs. For the past few years they have been a true godsend – I thank you, my Partners thank you, and several of my clients thank you.

I just wanted to let you know that after years of being afraid of formula (we never learned Excel at school) and relying on others to do the complicated stuff — i found your website and it is now my go-to every time. I have learned so much and pretty self-sufficient now. I really appreciate your approach, clarity and logic when breaking down a formula and how it could be used.

I spent way too much time trying to figure out how to do this hours/minutes add-up for a giant work document, which is simply undoable to do manually. Every other article i found gave me solutions which did not work…Your tutorial gave me the tools I needed to finish this report, so for that I want to let you know I appreciate it. Thank you! You saved me from such an enormous headache.

You’ve done immeasurable good in the world by putting together Exceljet and making it freely available online. I go to Exceljet first for every formula question I have. The format is consistent and I know I’ll be able to find exactly what I need, a good explanation and a couple ways to do it better in the shortest time possible.

I’m a fairly advanced Excel user with a programming background and you are my go-to Excel reference. I really appreciate the work that you do and the high-quality, freely-available content you provide. I always plug your site when I help someone with an Excel-related issue at work.

I have learned so much from your courses. I am patiently awaiting a VBA course. Your teaching methods are spot on, easy to follow and concise. I appreciate all the help you have given me.

Thank you for the «errors» function. It saved my life yesterday! When you don’t often work on some formulae, then you forget!

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing useful Excel tips online. There are so many websites that provide Excel tips online, but this is my go-to as your examples and explanations are easy to understand.

Just wanted to send a quick note of thanks for everything you’ve put together. I needed a formula but I didn’t know how to explain what I wanted, but using the quicklinks at the bottom of every page eventually got me there. I didn’t even know such a formula existed, let alone a clear and in-depth description of how it works!

I just wanted to say that I can’t thank you enough for your site, it has helped me big time in my job, where I went from not having a clue to becoming the goto Excel person in the whole department :)

Truly nothing short of divine work! I am a law graduate who somehow ended up in strategy consulting right after law school and using excel was like asking a fish to perform surgery, I was quite out of depth. However, through a lot of desperate googling and scouring your website I’ve been very fortunate to be able to pick up the program and do well in it. I now make sure to tell all my juniors to turn up to the site to learn new formulae and whatnot.

First and only stop for Excel formula help. You have made the world a better place.

I wanted to say how much I love your website. I never used excel before my current position, which I started in 3 years ago, and I have since had to heavily rely on Excel for many, many things. I’ve looked at many different websites throughout my time in my current position, and by far I love yours the most. Your explanations are simple, straight forward, and have brought me to a point I feel extremely confident with my skills in excel.

Just wanted to say a big «T H A N K Y O U!» for the great work that you are doing here. Your hours rounding formula explanation just made my day!

Just a really quick note to say thanks for the «normalize size units to gigabytes» formula — it’s one of the very few times in my 25+ year career that I’ve found a help page on the net where the suggested solution worked perfectly, unmodified.

As an educator, I wanted to say that I enjoy how you break down a topic and provide detailed information on each variation. I was searching for information on using Excel to count characters within a cell, and you provided it with easy-to-use examples and detailed explanations of each item within the formula. You also provided links to related content, such as how to count characters within a range. I’ve already bookmarked your site.

The best excel tutorials I’ve ever come across! Thank you so much for sharing wonderful and creative tips! Your articles save me tons of time to do my work and every formula that i’ve ever encountered with you have all the right answers! So thank you so much:)

Just a big thank you for the info regarding Vlookup text & numbers conversion not working. What a relief to find yet another answer to the excel minefield. Great site and always recommend it to my colleagues.

I have used Excel for nearly 30 years in financial services and I consider myself quite a good user. As my professional context changed quite a bit over the years (derivatives trading/pricing, audit, risk reporting, compliance, risk controlling), the focus changed, too, and so there are formulas that I haven’t used for a while but in principle I know they exist. Up to now, it was a more or less time consuming search in order to freshen up my memory but your page in general and this list in specific is sheer genius.

I had an urgent requirement to clean some excel data. Went through your website. Excellent explanation and great help.

I would like to sincere thank you both for the effort put in ExcelJet. The Excel Topics shared are by far the most simplest and helpful.

I was recently struggling with some pivot table issues and found your website is truly the most thorough and clean excel learning source on the internet. Please keep up the good work :)

I continue to love receiving these emails. I’ve never seen this one before. I do think this is useful and I’m sure I’ll find a need for it going forward in my excel usage. Once again, thanks for sharing. You ARE making a difference.

Just wanted to tell you that I very much liked your mail on the EXACT() function! Incidentally, I did not know the trick of the double negative! Keep up the good work!

I just wanted to say that I love your newsletter I am constantly learning new cool tricks that make my work easier and make me look like a Jedi at work. Keep it coming!

Your site comes up all the time in google with my excel questions. I really like the simple layout and process to answer my questions — and most every time I find what I need to help me with my work. I also like the similar answers that appear at the bottom because I find solutions there too. much appreciated!

I love that you send only 1 tip per week, an overload of emails just makes you ignore them until you unsubscribe, since I can handle 1 email per week, I actually read them and often they contain something new I didn’t know yet.

I simply wanted to say thank you for running Exceljet — it’s fantastic. I’m not an IT or analysis guy but I’ve used Excel for a long time now in all my jobs and I constantly want to be able to do things quicker, smarter and basically more efficiently. I’ve used Exceljet so much now that if I need to find out how to do something new on Excel then I only search Exceljet for it.

I have been using Excel and Word since version 2 and am considered a local guru in its use. I recently found your site and have learned more in the last few weeks than the previous several years. More importantly, your resources will allow me to seek out particular bits as needed. You have opened my eyes and mind in a wonderful way.

I want to thank you for this website. I have it bookmarked and use it often for my job. Incredible documentation and well presented with examples. An invaluable resource!

Every time I come up with a tricky issue you always seem to have the answer and the solutions are so clear. Happened again today. Please keep up the great work — I owe you free drinks for life!

I regularly recommend your site as the best available Excel resource, combined with Microsoft’s Function Help resources.

Hot damn. Just wanted to say you’re freaking brilliant man, followed your guide on «Extract all partial matches» and hooked it up to some vlookups and made a partial name search function for my works local directory that works better than the current local directory.

Pretty novice excel user here and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to setup a spreadsheet exactly how I wanted. I came across your description of the sumproduct function and BAM problem solved!

Just wanted to drop a quick thanks for being a couple epic excel teachers. My schedule doesn’t really allow for day classes covering stuff I may already know so when I need help on a specific ‘how do I do this?’ I google it and look for Exceljet. Super clean instruction, great examples, you two are lifesavers.

Finally. Someone helping me see how to use Excel the way I want! I’m a long time C programmer, now learning Excel to create some medium complex budget planning for a non-profit organization. While I’m making progress beginning to «think Excel», your tutorials on complex references using INDIRECT are wonderful! The syntax makes my eyes water, but I see what they’re doing and how I can use ’em. Aha! Thanks tons for helping me bridge the gap between how I think and Excel’s tools.

Your website is great and a fantastic resource no matter what your Excel level is. You always make the complex simple. THANK YOU !!

Your website is the best. I really appreciate all of the concise descriptions, it has helped me in countless ways over the last few years as an analyst. Invaluable information.

I love your website! I ran across it a few days ago and being an Excel fan couldn’t help just reading for hours and days even though most of what I was reading had nothing to do with my issue :)

Amazing guide. Helpful. Thank you thank you thank you. My many students in finance all thank you.

I must say that literally right now, at the writing of this message, within 12 hours of purchase of your Core Pivot video series, I am RIFLING through my previously dreaded sales report analysis. I have only watched the first 3 videos, and know I haven’t scratched the surface of capabilities, so I look forward to watching the entire video series. But the value of my purchase of your Core Pivot video has already paid for itself within 12 hours of purchase.

I work in the field of data migration and have recently had to work in Excel more than I had previously wanted. Using your site though, I have found that much of what I thought wasn’t possible outside SQL is and that I can actually accomplish a lot of the work I need to do using Excel. Your explanations are, as you say, direct and to the point and huge thanks to you for the site.

I work for a large corporation where I am the Excel Guru and I think my skill level is advanced. This makes it difficult when I do run into issues because I have no one to go to for advice. Luckily you have been there to help me solve an issue via your site. I have been following you for years. Much of what I know comes from you and a few others. I would say I have learned the most from you. Much appreciation for the work you and wife do.

Your site is so resourceful, simple, yet very elegant. I was searching the web for a simple excel formula to convert a conventional construction dimension, ex. 44′-10 5/8″ to just inches for a cheat sheet I was creating for my crew. At first, the top ranked searches were useless but as I scrolled down the list, yours stood out. Once I landed on your site, I was instantly excited. I had to stop myself from diving into the rabbit hole of future potentials and just focus on my original task.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I think your site is incredible. You’ve helped me learn so many useful techniques that I previously struggled with. Your thorough articles are extremely valuable!

Today I’ve landed on exeljet again and realized I’ve been on it so many times looking for a help with excel that I thought I should say thank you. I’ve been working as an accountant and data analyst for years now and I still find something new and super helpful in here :)

The lessons are second to none. I don’t always grasp it. Sometimes a little impatient waiting for that moment of actual ownership of the process.

I just wanted to add my comment to the many many others who appreciate the clear concise and informative information here. I find these days when I’m looking for help on excel I start by searching exceljet. Great stuff I’m a fan.

Just wanted to send a shout out for your website. Whenever I think of something to try out in Excel, but not sure how to do it, your website is my first and only stop! I have it saved as a shortcut whenever I need to look something up! My skills have definitely improved since I started using your site last year!

I am deeply grateful for this website. I went from being an Excel novice starting out at my current job to working my way up the ladder as an Excel pro! It even has me considering database management and data science as a career. Thank you, and keep up the great work!!!

Each time I need to solve a formula problem, your site is always giving me the right solution or pointing me out in the right direction. It is awesome. Thanks a lot!

I just want to say that I LOVE your website! It’s put together very well and easy to navigate. This is my «go-to» site for Excel help. Thank you so much putting this together.

I just got a large project that hinges on Excel. Exceljet had exactly what I needed, the right textjoin formula was nested among other similar functioned steps. All were well-described & detailed step by step with the Hows & Whys fully explained. Your site rocks!!

Your website is a Godsend! I am trying to help a small business update their 60+ manufacturer prices from formatted excel spreadsheets into Quickbooks and it has been a significant challenge. I am making progress but only with the help of your website.

It’s a really well thought out product. I’m a senior IT consultant and I do a lot of work with spreadsheets but not so much that I can remember all of the tricks. The way you guys slice it up and get to the point quickly is very helpful. I really only use about 5-10% of the material but it is super helpful.

As someone that flitted about the edges of Excel for my entire career, I am really enjoying your course. By far and away the best one out there.

Your training is exceptional! I have been using Microsoft Excel since it was first introduced with Version 1 on the Mac back in the early 1980’s. You’ve shown me things I never even thought about.

Just needed to get the syntax right for advancing a DATE cell by one and while only using Monday through Friday. With the help of your site, I cobbled it together. Thanks a bunch!

Over the last several years, I have gone from a basic Excel user to someone who can write formulas to parse complex data on a system where Excel is my only real tool. Your team writes articles that are clear enough for a beginner and layered enough that I still find myself referencing when I’m stumped on a project. The world is greatly improved by the work you do.

You have remained a relevant source of value for me throughout my Excel career. Now that I am fairly advanced with Excel I tend to forget many things I have crammed in my head while trying to solve many problems with spreadsheets. From reviewing my original purchase of your package and your quick videos help remind me of ways that I could insert formulas more efficiently.

Just wanted to send a quick thank you for this website and all of the work you’ve put into it. Over the past year, I’ve been on a mission to improve my Excel game and your website has been my primary resource. It’s super friendly and breaks things down in a way that’s quick to put to use. We use Excel to manage large amounts of data at work and I’ve been able to implement some changes to our processes that are saving loads of time. In large part because of that, I was recently promoted to #2 in my department.

I get tonnes and tonnes of value from the occasional technical tip I pick up from your website. It is an amazing reference! Your website over the years has been incredibly valuable to me…your weekly emails such as the one below is the only regular blog from someone I sometimes read, every single other one from whoever else just gets the bin.

I will get them all [courses], just have to purchase one at a time, over some time. I truly like how the course material is laid out. Easy to read with great step-by-step instructions & explanations. I love each lesson’s format, they are really cool. It is unique.

You have explained everything so perfectly. I was always trying to learn match and Index. Your article on it was so detailed and easy to understand. Loved it.

Just writing to let you know that your site is amazing. It has the best Excel content in the web by far. Whenever I need to know anything I just come straight here because I know I would find that I need. Thank you very much for all your effort.

Whenever I need support in Excel, I search in Google. Most of the time I get a complete solution from the Exceljet. Your efforts are appreciated highly for making excel related solutions easy to understand.

Your site is GREAT and so refreshing compared to the rest of the stuff out there on Excel. The writing and explanations are clear, concise, and to the point!

I love learning new formulas from Exceljet. We need all these formulas for our jobs everyday. Thank you so much for helping us to learn.

I think your website is awesome! Thanks so much for all the new things you have taught me. I’m semi-retired but still love finding Excel solutions.

Just wanted to thank you for the amazing content. I’ve been using Excel for quite some time now, and I’ve scoured dozens of sources that gave useless advice you’d have to squint to properly see and understand. I’ve hit two of your pages in two google searches in the past five minutes and am kinda cross with myself for not finding it sooner. I’m here to stay, guys. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I am an IT Trainer, based in London and working internationally worldwide, mostly Pharma, Banking and Law Firms. I subscribed to your newsletter and regularly visit your website. I am completely blown away by your mails and explanations. They are by far the best one can find on the web. I look forward to your weekly letter. I refer to your website every single Excel training and to every customer I have!

I just wanted to write and tell you that, when I am looking for Excel help, you are my first and only choice overall. I love the simplicity of how you explain things, and how you make your site easy to read and understand. I appreciate every tip I have ever used — and there are a lot of them. Congrats for a great site. Keep it up!

I’m a full time modeller and probably visit your website most frequently when I have a challenge with a tricky formula and have lost count of the number of times it has exactly the solution to the problem I have. You guys are an absolute godsend.

Never seen tutorials so detailed and well described — impossible not to lean from here. I recommend you guys to everybody! Keep up the excellent work, you saved my life countless times!

What a tremendous help Exceljet has been, & how much it’s helped me understand excel & become more efficient in my work. I’ve discovered this some years ago & it remains my #1 reference for all things Excel.

Hey just wanted to say thanks for this fantastic blog. The dynamic worksheet reference using INDIRECT saved me today.

I basically spend all day, every day, in Excel for my work. When I see your website pop up with an answer to my question, I ALWAYS select it first. In fact, I look for option FIRST, hoping your website pops up with a solution for me. I absolutely love the way you explain things. It is easy to follow your instruction and you offer BOTH written instruction as well as video.

I am deeply grateful for the very clear format, comprehensive descriptions and unity of the whole site. Obviously it is my go-to location for Excel formulae and have always recommended it as such to colleagues.

A little note to say that your website has been extremely helpful in producing solutions I never thought of, simplifying formulae I’ve written, and confirming things I’ve thought.

I’ve been through a lot of websites to learn Excel functions. I have to say, yours is by far the best! So clear, so intelligent. Wonderful job.

I have been an avid follower of your AWESOME site (if I may say so), for many years. What you don’t know is how much you and your site have helped me over these years. I thank you for your PERFECT site and your dedication to keeping it updated over this time. Well done.

I was searching around for about 45 minutes, trying to find a simple way to count the number of cells in a range which had any number in them. I saw MANY attemps: VisualBasic, Regular expressions which required a huge overhead of code to load, dizzyingly complicated MOD and STR and LENGTH functions strung together in mind-bending combinations, and then… I found yours. Simple, elegant, and ultimately malleable to other purposes. I copied, pasted, modified, and BAM! I was done and it worked *perfectly*!

Thank you for your clear Excel explanations. Many websites show the formula and that’s all. You go on to explain how the formula works and that makes all the difference. Your website is one of the first I go to for Excel answers.

You are so much committed and obsessed with teaching Excel, hats off to both of you. We extensively refer to your material when we are stuck with some problem in excel and each time your material has provided a solution.

I’ve recently found myself in a job where I need to do a lot more excel data modelling. I’m constantly finding I need to look up bits and pieces to get things done and Exceljet has *consistently* been the best resource I’ve found. I really, really appreciate the fact that the instructions are to the point, I’m not swimming in ads, and you do a full explanation of how all the functions work which has significantly built my capability and conceptual understanding over recent weeks.

Your VLOOKUP, plus the «Helper» Trick Saved Me! That was awesome. I am sure I can do things more efficiently and my use of these functions are surely very clumsy. Have to admit — I’ve been using Index-Match for nearly 20 years and still don’t think I can explain how it really works.

I’ve been in and out of the courses a lot since I signed up. Your short courses make it SO EASY to take a little break from work and go through one. I then bookmark them to go back through, just to cement the concepts. I so appreciate being able to do that since setting aside an hour or so is just not doable now. This way, I get a nice break, I learn something, it’s so much more retainable because of the brevity. Just a perfect platform.

I wanted to thank you for your site. I used it heavily when I started working at internships in college and I am now a PhD student who still finds her way back on the site for help. I really appreciate how straightforward and helpful your content is.

I come from Portugal and work as Data Analyst so Excel is part of my routine. Whenever I have a doubt I go to Google and always look for your blog. It’s simply amazing. Thanks and keep up your excellent work.

I feel like I just found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Your site is incredible!

I always appreciate getting your notifications, even when I don’t think I can use the tips at the time. They are clear, step by step, and perfectly logical, which I cannot say for other excel tips of which I am aware. I also appreciate your visual examples, which are so necessary for visual people like me!

Just a quick note that I’ve appreciated this website and your knowledge for quite some time. Thanks so much for passing along your knowledge! Your succinct lessons get me what I need quickly. Great work!!

I teach Excel and just wanted to let you know that your website is the one I recommend to all my students. Thanks for the way you make Excel easy to understand.

Everything one needs to know on Excel’s functions, in one website. Brilliant !

This site has some of the best and most informative tutorials out there. Dave’s courses are concise and to the point. They are extremely easy to learn based on his method of instruction. they are well worth the money spent.

Have used your site for years to get great Excel tips. I appreciate their clarity and coverage of syntax past the most basic structures. Unknown to me, I had a ‘free’ parenthesis in a very long nested IF statement and was having trouble tracking it down. I read through your 19 Tips for Nested IF Formulas and while I knew many of them, the tips on IFS statements, using the Alt-Enter for structuring the logic and F9 where really what I needed.

I don’t often do this, but i’ve subscribed to your tips for a little while now. I think they come from Dave. I just wanted to say these are absolutely awesome and they have significantly
helped me build my excel skills.

I work in IT support for a big law firm. Since I started with your lessons, the amount of Excel requests in my daily work increased tremendously. I get so much positive feedback and my colleague asked me the other day not to go on vacation simultaneously with the head of the Excel-Team again…. Thank you very much for your excellent work!

I just wanted to tell you that your site is excellent. I have found so many examples and a great help in my job. Your examples for sumproduct and multiple criteria, index and match with multiple criteria are unbelievable. Congratulations!

Just wanted to drop in and say thank you! You’ve helped me solve SO MANY PROBLEMS over the years. Today, I learned the difference between Excel’s FIND and SEARCH function and was able to write a formula that must have saved me hours of manual work.

I want you to know how much I appreciate your emails with very helpful information! I’m getting to the point that I can talk about excel with my son-in-law instead of always asking questions/guidance! So thank you so much.

I absolutely love getting your emails and insights.

Thanks so much for the emails you send throughout the year. I really enjoy them.

I sincerely appreciate your mails. They’ve been really helpful.

I love getting your emails although I don’t really have a huge need for advanced excel formulas…of all the emails I get every day all day long none of them actually give anything of value but your email actually gives value each time I really appreciate it.

I’ve been using your site for reference as I learn more advanced functions/features of Excel. Your materials are very well written and informative.

Just wanted to say thanks for the awesome work you produce. Really handy formulae for all those tricky situations.

Thank you for all your articles and hard work in putting all this information together. It has really given me insight into how Excel works and how to use many of functions in Excel.

Nice website! Excellent tips! Just wanted to pass along gratitude for all the work y’all do. This website is extremely helpful!

I’ve used your site for years but just thought that perhaps you might welcome hearing how I return to yours time and time again as my first choice when I’m either learning a new Excel function, or refreshing my memory. I continue to be impressed by every aspect of your site and how user-friendly it is — from the size and choice of font, to the page organization, to the speed and clarity of the videos, and of course to the organization and clarity of the explanations.

Not far from 40 years (beg. with Visicalc in 82) of intensive spreadsheet use (+develop solutions +teach) and fully amazed with so many great ideas of formulas found in your examples.

I’m a huge fan of your newsletters full of helpful tips! They are awesome :)

Thank you so much for your universal formula on the page «Rank with ordinal suffix.» It was exactly what I needed.

I have been using your tips for over 4 years and I have always found it to be a wealth of information. Wanted to give you guys a quick shout out. I just rediscovered the indirect function, which I vaguely remembered you had covered before. It has enabled me pull out specific items of information which resides in the same cell of many many worksheets

Just used your site for the first time for some formula help (I’ve been using spreadsheets for 30 years but we all need some help now n then right). Nicely done, clean site.

I would like just to thank you for these amazingly clear explanations! Wonderful work!

Thank you for all the hard work you put into developing this awesome site. I have been using it for years, the knowledge and skills I gained helped me throughout my professional career; saving me hundreds of hours of extra work, so thank you for sharing your knowledge and support.

Your site is very informative and useful. I have been using spreadsheets since Visicalc, Lotus 123 and Excel. I have trained teams in almost every function of excel as of 2003. Your site showed me a few tricks that have eluded me all this time. The Index and Match function to do keywords was excellent and the Substitute/Rept to extract delimited strings was clever.

I have been using your website on a regular basis for 2 years. I have learned so much thanks to your great explanations and the comprehensiveness of your website is amazing. Thank you so much for what you are doing!

Your explanation and sharing of how to use INDEX and MATCH on multiple criteria is beyond awesome! I don’t have any background knowledge in logic so seeing this illustrated step-by-step enabled me to see those 0 & 1,’s in action for the first time

Just want to say that I really appreciate what you are doing on this website. I have learned a lot about various excel functions through you and I really applaud your teaching method. It’s very clear and easy to understand and apply.

Long time excel ninja here. Somehow I only just discovered your website this summer. But wow it is great! Clean, to-the-point articles that also do a great job explaining *how* things work and even the code snippets contain links to explanations. This is infinitely better than scrolling through excel help forum posts. Fantastic work!

I saved hours of time in randomly assigning students to work groups each week by following the instructions in the above article, along with my class list. Kudos—and thank you!

Holy cow thank you Dave, your article «VLOOKUP with numbers and text» saved my butt. Many appreciations and happy friday!

I am relatively new to Excel and am happy that I discovered your website. I used to go to Youtube for questions, but your website is much more helpful.

This is my go-to website for excel you have helped me out many times. Thanks so much to your clarity and transparency and integrity in all you do.

Your tutorial on VLOOKUP saved me hours of trying and testing nested IF statements. Thank you for linking VLOOKUP in the IF tutorials so that I could learn a better and efficient tool existed for the exact purpose I needed.

I love your email and webpage. You have made me look like a hero on several occasions. Thank you very much for all the free learning!

Your site is brilliant! I navigated here to gain clarity on IF and nested IF statements. but — wow! I love how crisp and clear your explanations are — the wonderful syntax examples and overall understandability are helpful and impressive. Even a spreadsheet novice such as me can understand.

This is sh*t hot! Where were you in 1977-1994 when I was at the bank laboring to write these the long way?! Seriously, amazing stuff.

I am your biggest fan…I use your website on a regular basis and I find your Exceljet site amazing. I have never had a problem that you have not been able to resolve.

I would like to thank you for putting the Exceljet website together. It’s really well done and has got me out of a few scrapes at work and college.

I just wanted to thank you for the fantastic resource you’ve created. My heart sank when I looked at a multi-line cell & realised I needed each line in a separate column. Up popped your page on the subject & the formula you posted. Worked a charm. Yes, I could have done it other ways but all of them would have been so much longer. I sorted your method out in less time than it took me to send you this email.

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate finding the help I need on your website with formulas and functions in Excel that I either don’t know or totally forgot. And to find those answers for free makes it just all the more great!

Do You Have a T-Shirt? I Love ExcelJet Desperately. Seriously, you guys have saved my butt a BILLION TIMES. I’ve copied a bunch of your formulas into my software consulting training materials. I often find myself up at 2 AM with a daunting project in front of me, only for one of your formulas to cut my project time by 90%.

I found your site several times and now always use it first. Thanks for making it easy to understand and apply. I subscribed to the newsletter as well.

Your website is fantastic! I’ve looked at dozens of Excel tutorial sites. None compare favorably. Thank you for your assistance.

I just wanted to share how great EXCELJET is! You do such a great job covering a lot of topics and explaining them simply. I appreciate all the effort that goes into it.

Just a big thanks! You were the first that were able to explain Index and Match in a practical, straightforward, non-excel guru oriented way!

Your site has been my go-to Excel site for years. I share it with my MBA students and anyone who asks me about Excel.

There are several good/excellent Excel Help websites out there but, quite frankly, the multiple issues I experienced today were only addressed by Exceljet. It was the first time that I landed on your site. The information was clear, concise and directly assisted me in resolving the issues. Thank you!

It doesn’t matter where I start looking for Excel support I always get the best explanations and easy to understand answers to queries from your website. Thank you for making me look smart in front of my customers and my bosses.

I just wanted to say thank you for building such an amazing resource. I’m an intern at a tech company and a lot of my projects require heavy use of excel. I’ve been using this website for everything from formatting to building a fully functional financial modeling tool. I have never used excel before but resources like this leave me feeling confident and capable. :)

Just wanted to say thank you for the formulas. I find the formulas easy to understand (explained so clearly) and have used the website so many times. It has become my go to place for any clarification. This is a great initiative on your part. Keep up the good work.

Thanks again for all that you have given to the Excel community over the years. I have referred to your site countless times when trying to figure out how to bend Excel to my wishes.

I really value they way your information is laid out and the samples and explanations — it is really user friendly!! It has helped me navigate many challenges and understand so much more about Excel. Excel has really complimented my efforts to support more efficiencies and leadership in the area I work (therapy team supporting students and teachers in schools).

Just wanted to say thank you both so much for providing this incredibly valuable and thorough resource for free. I’ve used your website to get me through my classes as a graduate student, and I currently use your website for my work with a State agency conducting data analysis for disease.

Thank you SO much for putting all of this information on the web!!! This is incredibly helpful for me, who is currently looking for a job, but hasn’t kept up to date with Excel for a while. This is refreshing my memory, teaching me things I should’ve figured out before, and helping me feel better about myself and my job search!!

Wow, what a fantastic site! I’m bookmarking it :) I googled today to find a solution to a perplexing problem, and fortunately your post on using match and index together came up. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you so much!

Thanks so much for the EDATE formula. It is SO helpful!! I just had to tell you.

I am an experienced Excel user and am often called to design solutions both personally and professionally. It is great to have your site as a resource to remind me about Functions and Features I use infrequently and to teach me new techniques when necessary. I have recommended this site to many people and all have been able to find answers and increase their knowledge of Excel.

Thank you. I now can use index match with multiple criteria. I feel i have just jumped to next level Excel expert.

Thanks for you website. I’ve learned a lot from a variety of resources but yours is a favorite. I’ve made some great strides while I’m rewriting a spreadsheet that has portions that goes back 20+ years, mostly in the use of arrays in OFFICE 365.

Many thanks for your many excel resources. I have found answers through your posts to many questions and challenges I had using excel. I am indeed absolutely very very very grateful to both of you.

I just wanted to say thank you for your quick and concise explanations of excel topics. If I have a question on a topic or function and google it, I always go to your site for the answer.

Just wanted to say God bless you people! You’ve done an amazing service to a lot of people by creating this website. I can’t speak for everyone but you have definitely helped me get things done very quickly more times I can count.

I’ve been pushing my knowledge of excel all of my working life. Your explanations are clear, without razzle-dazzle or long-winded preambles. Thanks!

Your videos and graphics are better than anything out there.

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all of the free educational resources and lists you’ve put out. It’s saved me and my career several times on projects. Thank you to you and your team.

Just want to say thanks for everything you provide on this site. It is always my first stop when I am trying to get something new done and the way everything is laid out is incredibly helpful. I’ve been using it for two years now. Much appreciated!

This website is always helping me be better at my work. I just go on google, make a search, and more often than not I end up here. Great work!

Let me tell you that I am uber happy to have found your classes on the internet – they combine huge knowledge with a great talent to explain and teach! I watched some of your free lessons before I invested money, and from what I have seen I can say that it’s worth every penny!

I think I have learned about 85% of what I can do in Excel through your site. I google a LOT to find out how to get Excel to do what I want, and your page is always among the top-results and by far the best to talk me through the step-by-step process and what each part of the formula does.

I’ve visited a lot of excel tips sites, but I really appreciate the time you take to lay out step-by-step explanations that help me learn, not copy (which is exactly what I’m trying to get my students to do!)….I’ve made big steps with some of your tips on formulas (especially thankful for the rounding page that I used to limit digits of significance of a scientific notation).

Appreciate your website as a guide to trying to solve challenges. I use regularly as needed and generally find the basics I need to build formulas. It’s magnificent and I just want to say thanks.

I can honestly say that after having taken many classes to improve Excel and other Microsoft product skills, your short tutorial was TOP DRAWER! Kudos and thank you!

Hi guys, I just wanted to thank you for your super clear instructions on a tricky Excel problem I was tackling this morning — your simple-to-follow descriptions and instructions gave me the answer I needed straightaway! I have now bookmarked your website and subscribed to your email! Well done and thank you!!!

The cell-contains-one-of-many-things saved my life twice and catapulted me to «the man you must ask if you hit the Excel brick wall» place in my company. Ingenious formula! Many thanks!

Just wanted to send a quick message to say thanks for the amazing resource that is Exceljet. I use your site at least once a week. I like to think that I have decent Excel knowledge, but your site is always teaching me something new. Thanks for all your hard work!

I’ve been using your site for a while to figure out functions that I am not familiar with. The way that you guys explain things is super helpful.

Just wanted to say thank you for your website. I use excel a lot and don’t know it very well. Your site has been invaluable in helping me write formulas. It’s well organized and well explained. Very happy to have found your site and really appreciate it as a resource.

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the amazing article on comparing multiple columns of text and returning which value was found — its saved me absolutely hours and hours of manual searching. Knock out of the park brilliant!

Just wanted to thank you for providing such clear and useful information which helps me squeeze as much out of excel as I possibly can!!

Just wanted to say your website is an amazing resource and I’m glad to have found it. Thank you for making it free.

Just wanted to say you are my go to website for any excel question for good few years and taught me a lot. No other resource can explain the steps better than you do. You made such a difference. It is amazing.

Whenever I am looking for specific formulas and functionality I always end up here. Your descriptions and steps are hands down the best out there. Really appreciate the work you have put in!

I have tried several other Excel training programs, and yours has been the best by far.

Answers to everyday challenges re excel are easily explained & found on your site. Much appreciated from Cape Town, South Africa

Dave’s blog is my first choice when I’m in high waters with Excel. Reason: the mechanics he patiently unfolds bring visual understanding to a subject which is contorted for me, it’s like following a straight line. I like that, because it’s effective for me.

Thanks to your site, I was easily able to do countif’s considering hidden rows. Appreciate the help!

Your site is really amazing!!! Very complete and well organized. A pleasure to navigate. Addictive.

You saved my butt. I was using VLOOKUP and kept getting NA error, due to formatting i guess. after reading tons of pages you have the answer =VLOOKUP(id&»»,planets,2,0)

I am so grateful to have found your site. I am a basic Excel person that fell into a job that does a ton of reporting, so wow….I am glad to have this site. I have it book marked and am trying to practice getting better! I’m sure it’s hard to reach all audiences from basic people to stars in Excel, so I appreciate you looking out for us beginners too!

Since I’m in charge of the Product Data for my company, most of my day is spent on Excel. has helped me so much! I’ve seen many different excel help websites, and not one is as good as yours (as you probably know:)). Your explanations are concise and clear, saying the most in the least time consuming manner. I have never taken a course, but you’ve made it possible for me to master Excel.

Wow! This is fantastic! I thought I was pretty good with Excel until I got your PDF and felt like a archeologist opening the tomb of Tutankhamum… a world of treasures suddenly revealed. Your format is excellent and your explanations so very clear.

Hi! It’s not a question. I just wanted to thank you for this awesome website! It has a lot of useful formulas that I didn’t even know existed (arrays, etc.), and that have helped me a lot!

I consider myself pretty well-versed in Excel. If people at work have questions, they come to me. But you are my source when I can’t figure out how to do something. Thanks for being there!

I do an excel-intensive project once a year, which means I constantly have to relearn formulas. This is the first year in which your website has repeatedly popped up when I google for help on a formula. The website is incredibly clear and useful.

I recently graduated undergrad with a major in Finance and began work as an entry-level management consultant. Both roles require quite a bit of excel and I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for this resource! Your explanations are extremely straightforward, helpful, and often help me solve problems I had a difficult time with. I give you tons of credit for the excel abilities I have today!

I really appreciate your web site as there is an enormous amount of hit & miss on a Google search. Most all of those hits are targeted at basic Excel formula syntax. As a software developer, I relish robust examples much more than paragraphs of text explanation. Your site is the best one I have found that combines both.

I just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the superb articles you offer to assist those such as myself who seek to improve their expertise with Excel. Your articles are clear with such easy to follow examples which are relatable to real life problems that I find I need help with. My skill set has grown (and continues to grow) significantly with the input I have successfully gained from your fabulous site.

I’ve learned so much over the past year because of your site’s clear laid out explanations. It’s helped my data collection and processing of my work tremendously.

Your formulas and explanation are very helpful and convenient in my understanding. I used the «network.intl» function to find the working days of a month by exempting weekends and holidays. High appreciation and regards to you guys.

Your courses are fantastic!! The videos are concise and easily digestible. I will be ordering more.

I work as a Financial Controller and I do all kinds of calculations, reports, etc. and I try to be as efficient (and clever) as possible using various formulas and Excel tricks. When I have some issue in Excel almost every time I find solutions on your web pages. The explanations of various topics are great and understandable at first glance.

Just wanted to pass by and thank you for the great help you offer on your page. I looked up three different issues I had with a sheet in the last hour, and the three of them were solved by reading your tutorials. Great work!

Just found your website. I’m quite good with Excel but your site has encouraged me to delve deeper and improve my skill further. It’s the best site I’ve ever seen.

I just want to say thanks for these emails. I’m not sure if people let you know or not but I love getting these and find them useful. You are making a difference in people’s lives.

I just wanted to write and say that this site is fantastic! I am an intermediate user and it’s helped me in a pinch on more than one occasion. The instructions are easy to follow and easy to find. Great work!

Today I could not resolve a problem she was having. Went to Google to access the world of opinion and I got a hit on your website. Yes. You guessed it — you solved my problem for me in really quick time — an exact match. I am hugely impressed.

I just wanted to say thank you, because your website has been a great resource for me in my work over the years. The content, design and layout of your site makes it a pleasure to use. I use it most often as a quick reference, but occasionally dive deeper into the explanations to help make the learning stick.

your website has been a great resource for me in my work over the years

Excellent explanation, thank you very much indeed for a really excellent website and for you huge enthusiasm.. I now need to work these arrays into my complicated spreadsheets…

What a nice job. Your web site is my «go-to» place for any help with Excel!

Just wanted to say thank you for your random name list formula. Your solution helped me condense several columns into 1 cell!!

Hello, just wanted to say thanks for your great website. It’s helped me many times with excel formulas when I was stumped, so really appreciate it as a resource. It’s well designed and effectively communicated.

KUDOS on such a wonderful site. THANK YOU.

I have been using and enjoying your site a lot, over the last couple of years already, especially the INDEX-MATCH articles, and just wanted to say thank you for putting this stuff together.

It was a pleasure to read your explanations and samples — I am rather a novice, but managed with the great help of your explanation. Thanks a lot, you are a treasure.

Your website saved my life! I have an ICT practical test tomorrow and I still don’t understand some of the functions but your videos helped a lot! Thank you so much.

Just wanted to say how well your web site is presented. Whenever I am seeking some help and I end up on your site I always find myself thinking how clearly and simply you explain complicated solutions. Thank you.

Your site is the best I’ve found to date. It is incredibly clear and helpful.

Your site is my number one go-to when I need a quick reference OR when I need in-depth clarification. It’s also where I send colleagues hoping to learn more about Excel. I especially like the intro/explanation/example style — AND — the «customers shopping for this (function) were also interested in…» at the bottom. Because reading up on the next/related steps can lead to many AHA moments!

I’d just like to say thanks for being such a handy resource for Excel help over the last decade. Your videos and articles are so much easier to understand than everything else and the site looks great! I’ve been using the website for years to help with my study and yours is the best resource I’ve come across so far thanks to being so straightforward.

THANK YOU for all the info with wonderful and so clearly explained examples in your site. I have found many answers and learned much more just perusing on each visit. You site is almost addictive… in a very good way.

I am a software engineer with 10+ years of programming experience, but I had to learn advanced Excel material for a new job that used it primarily and I found the official Microsoft documentation a bit vague and uninstructive until I found your website, which helped me implicitly understand a lot about the internal workings of Excel’s formulas and matrix treatments through your explanations and examples.

I use your site almost daily. All your content is extremely helpful, clear, and easy to follow.

Your website is amazing and has gotten me through so many complex formulas. Sincerely thank you for that.

I just wanted to thank you immensely for all the amazing information that you have been sharing. I have been undertaking a quite complex data analysis work and had to search quite often for answers on the internet but INEVITABLY I end up being redirected to your site where almost magically I always find what I am looking for. Even when I feel completely stuck, here the answer from you comes … I wish I could express how grateful I am for such an amazing service that you are offering to the world. Certainly the number ONE source of help for Excel users …

Love your site!! I have used your site countless times for complicated Excel formula questions and you almost always have an answer ready for whatever needs I have. Keep up the great work!

Your site is the best Excel resource, period. I first discovered you when I googled pivot tables and read «Can Pivot Tables Save Your Job». That article is so true! I’ve since developed expertise in regular Tables and made a workflow management tool for my job, which in turn has made me the only person in a collaborative of hospitals to be complete and on-time with data delivery. Because of this, I have proven value and credibility, and owe it all to developing my skills with your site.

Thank you for all the work you do. The help you provide with your page is not only very helpful but very professional and outstanding.

Dave and Lisa, can’t imagine enough how much effort you take to give us these free tips online. Really wonderful thought of yours to help people like me for quick tips.

Love your formula tips. The examples are really clear and helpful and whenever I see your site in Google’s results I visit it first :)

I’ve been learning from for a while now and I think it’s about time I contributed to your cause. Thank you very much. Your excel knowledge helped me in my job many times in the past. When I saw your index/Match today I realized how much I still need to learn. I am a Mechanical engineer. I will be using your file in my work. I’ve shared it with the other engineers here.

Just a quick thank you for all the help you provide on your site. You help me every day.

Just did a quick google on a question about Excel and Boom….up popped the link to your site. My solution was found and implemented within minutes, and I had one of those «running around the office» moments (we’ve all been there!). Some great information on there…Thanks & keep up the good work!

I want to thank you for your posting of «Split dimensions into three parts» on your web site. You have saved our company many hours of PITA work. Our calculations of cubic inches are a slam dunk now!

Thanks for all your help and your excellent website; it’s a fantastic resource for non-Excel people like me.

Your passion and care are evident in your attention to details, and at the same time you give details in perfect balance, simply, without overloading the end-user with too much information. I can’t even begin to imagine how many people have become great assets to their employers because of you.

That’s one of my pet peeves with help sites; they’re full of useless extraneous information. You, on the other hand, are exactly as you state: quick, clean, and to the point. Finally, a help site that gets it.

Thanks for this site. It really is quick and to the point. Each article gives the information you need to solve the problem without excessive descriptions that you usually have to skim through. Keep up the great work!

Just wanted to say thank you — I have wasted so much time doing manual time calculations in Excel and then found your website and now its all done with formulas automatically. So clear and easy to understand!

By the way, this website is incredible. Seriously, it’s our go-to site here for anything Excel. And you always explain things so clearly, too.

This is the best Excel site I have ever seen. The 500 formulas explain in detail each function needed and how they are constructed. Well thought out and immensely helpful to every Excel user.

I cannot tell you how much you have helped me. You give understandable examples, use common sense in what people might want to do next with the info, offer multiple ways of doing things (arrays versus not) and just plain explain things well!!!!!

When I was a Network Engineer, your site was a big help for the 5% of my time spent in Excel. Now as an IT Security Engineer, 95% of my time is spent in Excel and I would be incredibly hard-pressed to do my job without your site.

Exceljet is a Terrific site for Examples with formulas/functions. I love this site more than any other site about Excel.

Your website has helped me tremendously to understand how formula and functions works. I purchase books on excel and did not gain the understanding and knowledge that I did from your website. Thank you.

I appreciate the format of the website & the manner in which you present the formulae for each function, or solution. The solutions are well laid out, with a good break-down of the formulae and well written explanations. Exceljet has been my website of choice when looking for a solution, or an improvement, for a number of years.

I use your site quite frequently and I’ve been strongly suggesting to friends and colleagues that people go to Exceljet for guidance…Very insightful help, well thought out and easily discoverable.

I frequently use the resources you provide here on your website, and wanted to thank you for the awesome work you are doing. It is very well done, has great breadth, and lays out complex topics in an understandable way.

I just want to send a quick email to thank you for all you do. I’ve been a subscriber for over a year and have found your website and articles helpful and informative.

Came upon your site and have used the information gained from you to improve and streamline our excel work. Wanted to thank both of you for providing this information for FREE! You have made me look good in the eyes of my superiors, thank you.

Your tip on the scroll lock helped me a lot this afternoon. I really appreciate it.

Brilliant page! Thank you for always helping me whenever I am stuck! Keep doing the good work, much grateful!

Greatly appreciate your website — love your philosophy — many thanks. Australia :)

I am very happy with contents in your emails. I hope to receive many valuable lessons from you in the future.

Converting inches to feet and inches. Outstanding… was converting in less than 60-seconds with excellent, no-hassle. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I just have no words for how much I appreciate your blog. Being a researcher and working with numbers a lot, I do not consider myself an excel-dummie. But nevertheless, over the past few years your blog has helped to solve many-many of my excel headaches.

Exceljet stands alone compared to other Excel resource sites. The content is well organized and the instructions are clear. Kudos to you and your wife!

Really great and very useful. Thanks for sharing

The tips you provided in the Troubleshooting paragraph of the Conditional formatting page were exactly what I needed to make this work. Thanks! And have fun biking!

Just wanted to say thanks! Your explanations are very concise and thoughtful. I just searched for conditional formatting based on values on a list. Your idea blew my mind. It seemed so simple and creative! Awesome! It saved me creating a macro for that. I will look at excel formulas from a different angle now.

Just like to say, your tutorial “INDEX and MATCH with multiple criteria” completely rocks. A colleague tried to teach me this a while ago and I couldn’t get it; a few years more experienced now, I needed this function today and nailed it on the first go after reading your article.

Have you any idea how awesome you are?!?!?! I will be forever grateful for your blog, fantastic work, congratulations. Now I know exactly where to search for help when I need it…

I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your Exceljet newsletter and website. I’ve been wanting to improve my Excel skills for years and now I am at a job where I have that opportunity. Your website and newletters are exactly what I was looking for: informative, practical, not too frequent, and very digestible.

I love your excellent site and it is my goto for excel questions.

Thank you for building this fantastic encyclopedia of Excel functions and knowledge. It is without a doubt one of the best websites that I always re-visit when I want to find explanations or explore new functions in Excel.

I just want to say that your website is probably the best website providing Excel tricks. The part that I appreciate the most is that there are tutorials about some complicated cases of combining several excel formula together to use, such as These tutorials work perfectly and the steps are clearly presented with explanation for each step and screenshot of excel.

I work in finance and use your website all the time…I just wanted to say thank you so much! A lot of people I know use Exceljet and it’s saved me, by now, probably dozens of hours aggregate in research.

Simple, effective help. Answered my question in seconds. Thank you very much for providing this platform.

Just wanted to reach out and say thank you for Exceljet! As a college student with professional experience as well, Excel has been a staple tool for doing my tasks. Every time I have a question about an Excel function or an error, the first place I find my answer is Exceljet 99 times out of 100.

Love your website. Your algorithms are clever and innovative. Your examples are easy to follow. And I’ve never seen a cleaner looking website. It has been extremely helpful to me.

I’ve never seen a cleaner looking website

I use exceljet every week at my workplace. I love your content, it helps me a lot in getting things done quickly. As your tag line says Quick, Clean and to the point, your explanation is exactly what it says. Thanks a lot :)

You certainly provide the clearest explanations of how to use Excel that I have ever seen! Thanks very much for sharing!

…thank you for a really useful resource that you have established for Excel… I really find it very helpful and use it frequently when I am looking to do something that I have not done before… really very useful :)

I really appreciate your efforts, the site basically has everything we need, i’ve started recently working as a Quantity Surveyor, and Excel is very important in such kind of work.

Dear Dave and Lisa, I can’t tell you how much time you saved me today determining project milestone dates. Thank You SO much for your tips and, notably, offering them for free. You are both GEMs!

I just want to tell you that your site is awesome! You have all those formulas and you explain them so well. Whenever I get stuck on something, yours is the first place I check. Thank you for saving me time and time again!

I just wanted to let you know that I think your training resources are amazing. Heartfelt thanks!

Your examples are so well presented — the right balance of concise visual aid and text explanation, which allows me to quickly understand if a function suits my needs and then implement it easily. Keep up the great work!

Thank you for making my [work] life easier. Whenever a Google search list your website, it is the first place I go.

The way you teach is very easy for me to understand, step by step and broken down to it’s most basic, down to earth…surprisingly, I can actually understand the long logical formulas in Excel. And CAN make my own too! Keep up the Excellent Work :)

Thanks for the TIPs love them as they make my Excel skills SHINE! for my management.

I just love your work, easy to understand, very simple yet useful. The way you have explained everything is so easy to learn and apply.

This is a great resource. I’ve pinned it to my start menu, so I can access it easily. I’ve discovered some things on my own, but this site really helps speed things up.

Consistently one of the best and clearest resources out there for well-explained Excel tips.

I just wanted to say how much of resource you’ve created. With Exceljet I’ve been able to automate a budgeting issue which, without hyperbole, has not been done in approximately 50yrs in my niche industry. No one simply put in the time to realize it could all be 1s and 0s. And with your site, I’ve been able to guide myself how to do exactly that.

I’m a retired corporate guy who used to use Excel regularly, long before we had an internet and sources like your website. Now I use the program infrequently, and only to do special projects. In that work I often need to do things that are far beyond my skill level. After trying a variety of assistance websites, I found yours to be the only one that is consistently «quick, clean, and to the point». Your work is a model of excellence…

This message is just to thank you both for this website where I can find all my excel related questions answered. Its really quite useful in my day to day and hope that many many other people are just as appreciative of your work as I am.

Your solution to the problem of extracting all the values in a lookup is the most elegant I have ever seen. It is clean, easy to remember, and easy to understand. Y’all are my favorite people now. Thank you so much.

You do a fantastic job of informing people how to use this powerful and complex software. Just applying what I have learned on your site has allowed me to automate and streamline many cumbersome updates and company communications into a set of files that anyone in my company can open and find what they need, when they need it. Thank you for the priceless education.

Excel is literally one of my favorite things in life + absolutely love learning new things through your site/newsletters!:)

Of all the «Excel» sites I have visited, yours is the most friendly and inviting, that I have come across.

Your pages offer clear writing and simple explanations that I’m sure are immensely helpful to many. Thanks for making the internet a better place.

You guys rock, you have helped me more times in completing a work project than I can even count over the past year and a half. Keep fighting the good fight!

I just wanted to say this is the best Excel resource on the internet. The way you explain everything so I can build on the formulas instead of just throwing them at me and leaving me confused is invaluable. is a really good resource and has helped me numerous times move from a beginner Excel user to a high end intermediate user.

I appreciate you doing this, I constantly return to your site for help and to learn a new function or trick. Very useful and easy to understand the way you break things down.

I am just loving exceljet. Honestly THE best money I ever spent! What is so good about this resource is that it is in short, specific video clips, with both audio and text and with practice downloads for hands-on experience. I like the way you highlight what you are talking about in orange, and it isn’t too fast that the eye can’t see it before you move to the next thing! I love how you provide instructions for the absolute beginner right through to really advanced things.

I’ve used your website as a reference for excel help for a couple years now and I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all the content available on your website. I am now the excel «guru» at my company but in reality I’m just a hack who knows how to search the info you’ve made available.

Your program is great and I continue to learn from it every day. You provide such a great service. My job efficiency has really taken off and I am more productive leaving time spent to analyze data.

Since I started working 6 months ago, I’ve been using Excel extensively. And I cannot put in words how grateful I am. You’ve been helping me alot with your blog posts! Thanks!

I am a business analyst for a large health care system. Your website is my go-to when I have questions about excel, or want to crack my knuckles on something new. Thanks Dave and Lisa!

Thank you so much for making this information so easy to find and understand. Your examples and explanations are concise and clear. Your site is bookmarked. Thank you! Thank you!

I just have to say I have been using your site for two years and the lessons that I have learned from your clear direction on Excel formulas have led to a successful change in my career. Your site and instruction is clear, concise, and perfect!

Hey, no question, I just wanted to let you know that your site is amazing and has helped me out so much. Thank you for maintaining such a great resource! It warms my heart to know this is something you accomplish with your partner.

Every time I search Google for how to do something weird in Excel, I’m always happy to see when your site pops up in the results page. I know that more likely than not, you will have a clear concise example getting right to the heart of exactly what I’m trying to do and how to do it. I can’t thank you enough for putting together this resource and making it freely available to everyone.

Love your website. The info is clear to follow and very helpful for people like me who search for formulas when in middle of building a spreadsheet. Keep up the great work and thank you very much.

Just taking some time to tell you how much I love your site and how often I use it. I build quant models in excel and you do a terrific job of explaining the nuances of many «tricks» I need.

Thanks for such a great site! It really is the best I’ve seen, and I use it all the time. So easy to understand.

My number one Excel resource! You are my go-to resource for solving thorny Excel problems. You’ve never let me down.

I wanted to look up the last entry in a column of figures, Googled and found your piece. After a bit of fiddling to understand what was going on it worked brilliantly! Magic!

I just want to say THANK YOU !!!!!! for creating such a great website, that is free, and easy to follow and understand. I use your site all the time, and I recommend your website to my colleagues and employees.

For my work as a financial modeller I am using a myriad of dedicated excel sites. I have noticed that your format, language and structure of explanation is just outperforming the others.

I’ve been using ExcelJet for a couple years now as a pocket resource, and I just wanted to thank you. Your site is well laid out, consistent, and nearly all-encompassing. I go elsewhere for VBA matters, I’ll admit, but ExcelJet is the supreme resource for the beginner and intermediate Excel user. I recommend it to coworkers quite frequently.

I have to say, whenever I google an Excel query I always look for the result with Exceljet’s name on because I know it will be easy to understand and simple to follow. Please keep up the good work.

I have been using Excel since quite some time and whenever I google something and Exceljet comes up in the results, I am a bit relieved as I know that I will find both the answer and explanation here. Thank you for building a website which has solid content, clean UI and empathy towards user needs!

I just found your website. It is great help. I’m only sorry that I did not find it earlier — it would save me a days of struggling with excel.

Thank you for helping me save countless hours and frustrations with a quick search and awesome, easy to read info.

The go to site for all things Excel. Your tips and support sites are *invaluable*. Simple and easy to follow, clear examples accompanied by succinct and super illuminating explanation.

Thanks for your website, I find answers to most of my questions and especially your explanations are very clear! (I work in supply chain management, thanks to your website i can build and improve follow-up tables)

Just a short note to thank you for all of the free info you’ve put out there. Once again, I was stuck on something and just looked it up in your library of lessons. I was able to figure out the problem immediately.

Your site is full of great content and easy to follow. Love the videos with examples.

Just stumbled upon your article «INDEX and MATCH with multiple criteria». I’m amazed by the clarity and the concise manner you explained what I consider a fairly complex method.

Thank you for helping me save countless hours and frustrations with a quick search and awesome, easy to read info. ExcelJet is always my first go-to resource when trying to untangle something in Excel. I can’t thank you both enough <3 <3 <3

Excel amateur here. Thanks so much for the clear examples and explanations. I love formula examples and the satisfaction of seeing it work out. Got compliments and people asking me to teach THEM Excel after seeing my worksheet. Keep up with the great work.

Your website is an absolute gem! I recently had to learn Excel after using statistical software. I even recruited my husband to help me find some ADHD-friendly Excel tutorials and all we found was a bunch of fluff. I stumbled on exceljet and after one tutorial was sold; for the first time I didn’t feel more annoyed than informed at the end of a tutorial. Everything is logically organized on here and the instructions are thorough without any bull.

Thanks for the resources you provide. I’ve bumped into it as an avid Excel user (not at your level though) and have immediately seen the value — wow.

Literally quick, clean, and to the point. Thank you for the help in using Microsoft Excel.

I came across your website and I am so impressed with how you lay out the lessons. I am a huge fan from the first sitting.

I just wanted to thank you for the effort you put into your well laid out, easy to understand Excel guides. I’ve used exceljet for some years now, for both personal and professional uses. I’ve come up with some impressive widgets to show people, and it’s all thanks to you!

I really enjoy your site. I’m fairly proficient with excel, but I always use your site as a resource for those formulas that I don’t use on a regular basis. Keep it up!

just want to say that this webpage is a master piece in Excel world of art :) hundreds of times it helps me in Excel. Many thanks and keep up a good work pls!

Thanks Dave for helping us so many times. I absolutely love your method of explaining Excel formulas and tips.

About 2-3 months ago, I subscribed to Exceljet after doing an ‘Intermediate’ Excel course. I have really enjoyed the periodic emails from you since then, which have been incredibly helpful and useful.

I think your descriptions of excel formulas and how to apply formula combinations are the easiest to follow on the web. I must use your website at least 2-3 times a week!

I’ve been following Exceljet for a while and would wholeheartedly compliment you on your lucid examples and explanations of the most complicated Excel formulas. This is indeed extremely helpful.

I cannot recall how many times Exceljet helped me within my existing job…such a clear way of breaking down a problem, showing an Excel formula for solving it and explaining how it works — just amazing!

You made working with Excel more fun and really easier.

This is just a short note to applaud the work you do. I am an accomplished excel user and mentor. I am also quickly elevating my Power BI skill set. I am a PhD engineer with two MBA’s. You make it so easy for a novice to search for a problem type and a matching solution path with detailed explanation.

Just wanted to write and say thanks for writing the best manual out there on Excel! I’ve used your guide countless times throughout my career and has assisted tremendously with my growth. You are a great writer and present the ideas succinctly yet thoroughly.

Just a quick note to say thanks very much for your helpful online resources, which are free no less! You do an incredible job and even for a relatively experienced Excel user like me, you are my «go to» source when I am stymied.

I just wanted let you two know how helpful this site has been. I have been using the step-by-step procedures for whenever I run into a complication for a couple years now. The content is so straightforward and easy to understand. Whenever someone asks me something about excel that I may not know, I always tell them to check out Exceljet for all the answers.

I just leaned over to tell my colleague that any time I have a question on how to execute something in excel, I type my topic into google with «Exceljet» in the search and my answer is right there waiting for me. It is an incredible service and sometimes I feel like I am able to ask you my questions directly since the material is thorough, very well presented, and so easy for me to understand.

Just wanted to drop you a short e-mail to say how useful I have found several of you video tutorials. Thank you! I really found the «Choose» function video especially useful in applying financial quarters (UK!) and this led me on to finding formulas for financial year.

I just wanted to say you guys run an amazing website. After coming here so much, I just thought I would say thank you for this site and all you offer for free. It is amazing! Well done and I can’t wait to keep coming back.

I randomly came across your blog when looking for help on using SUMIFS in an «OR» situation. I was impressed with the clarity or the writing and the organization. Thanks much!

Thank you so much for creating Exceljet. The thoughtful explanation of the formulas and functions have enabled me to advance directly in my career within the Insurance industry. It’s a common reference for me across the multitude of data analysis projects I work on.

Your site is undoubtedly the best I have ever come across for learning excel. Lucid and clear. Amazing job done by you guys!

I’ve been using exceljet for some time now, and I just thought I’d say thank you. Whenever I search something related to how to use an excel formula nowadays, I go to exceljet before I go to the actual website. I find your content is really well written, your examples helpful, and everything is to the point.

Just wanted to drop a quick note to thank you for putting together this site…The instruction and context you provide is the most clear/concise that I’ve been able to find and has made me a much better user of Excel.

I just wanted to say thanks for simplifying the learning process for me! Your website is a life saver!

No matter how much you try learn and grasp… Excel and its formulas are endless. I would like to thank you for helping me whenever i forget something.

Just a quick word of thanks for the excellent things you do with excel. It is nice and clear with easy to follow instructions. You make me look like a pro in no time.

Awesome! I’m helping with a project and needed to compile 13 employees’ working hours, by month, for an entire fiscal year. I started out doing this manually, then found this page. It took a little reworking the function to suit my needs, but when I got it… there was some fist-pumping. You just saved my afternoon!

I have bookmarked Exceljet as my favorite in my work computers, personal laptops, mobile phones, everywhere. This is the place I got all instructions and help for any excel related questions I have. The website covers so many excel functions in plain language that it is the only interpreter for all excel super powers.

I would highly recommend that anyone seeking Excel advice turn to this resource as their first stop. You can spend hours on Google trying to find a way to do something and get nowhere, at Exceljet I tend to find the answer very quickly and it is easily implemented.

Thanks so much for Exceljet. It is the most helpful website I know for learning and getting around complex software.

For me, it is the best review ever of pivot tables. My occupation is a Human Resources consultant, specializing in Compensation. I have been doing this work for about 30 years. I work with a lot of data and regularly use Pivot Tables. This course is allowing me to methodically pick up finer details rather than stumbling around. It is very well laid out; I look forward to working through the examples.

Your website helps me always to find a solution and to teach me something new every time. Thanks you so much for wonderful job and i appreciate your efforts.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the help you’ve been to me through your website. I absolutely love the way you breakdown formulas…I can honestly say, there have been projects that would have been significantly less successful if it wasn’t for the assistance you provided.

This website is incredible and insanely helpful. I’m pretty competent in excel and there is so much in here I had no clue about.

I am always relieved when I Google an Excel operation I am trying to achieve and your site comes up with an answer. Your outline of syntax and explanations are always comprehensive and clear.

Just wanted to say thank you for this extraordinary resource and awesome examples; the examples you guys give here are some of the clearest and best on the internet. Exceljet and Stackoverflow are really my go-to for any kind of learning.

I just wanted to say thanks for the great site. I’m impressed by the level of quality in both the clear layout and useful examples. It’s a testament to the effort that you two must have put into it. I greatly appreciate it!

What a great site! Answers are clear unambiguous and following the 80/20 principle. Finding a site of such quality proves to me what gems are still hidden in the world and around the Web.

I felt compelled to send my thanks for your clear, informative, concise, and just very helpful videos. I have been thrust a data management assignment without training and far outside my usual duties, so these have been invaluable.

I now work for a homeless charity and wanted to be able to see how many rooms we have free in the hostel at any given time without manually counting them each time. I knew there would be a way to do it but didn’t know how! I spent only a couple of minutes on your site and found the answer: I needed «countif» instead of «count» which I’d been trying and it worked straight away once I got my brackets in the right place!!

I look for your site whenever I’m googling excel functions because of how quickly and easily it has answered my questions. I am an experienced programmer and I really like how «to the point» your articles are, with examples that really show what I’m trying to do.

I just wanted to say thank you for running this website. I’m studying for a job interview at Harvard University, and your resources have taught me SO MUCH about Excel.

I’ve found your site invaluable as I steadily increase my confidence in Excel! As a manager, I’m also conscious of the development of my team, and since your site has a variety of detailed explanations for each process, its an amazing resource for all types of learners.

I am a highly advanced Excel user. I just wanted to mention to you that I spent some time yesterday and today looking through your website, and I believe it’s the best I’ve ever seen for breaking down the topic of Excel into simple, easy to digest pieces.

Your site is very well laid out. The consistent formatting and easy on the eyes fonts make for much less fatigue when reading. The examples are excellent and help to improve everyone’s understanding of Excel functions…ExcelJet is my first reference point when working on a complex Excel sheet.

It is only because of your website that I have the interest to learn how to use Excel. I can only say a huge burden was lifted off my head when I discovered your site. I used to hate Excel before. I found it complex and was disinterested too, but all that has changed now. I’m grateful.

Excellent — Excellent — Excellent. You have such awesome tricks using Excel. I use them as a tool when I am teaching Excel to my students at a college where I teach.

Just had to send you a message to say how much I love your site. I use it all the time, it is always clear and concise.

I’ve had to create a workbook with formulas that are somewhat complicated (for me) and I’ve been able to do this in short order with your help. There are a lot of excel resources out there, some are pretty good, but your layout, explanations and links to similar formulas are the best.

Great pages. I search for solution, find it. Another week, search for solution, find it again.

ExcelJet has been awesome for me in terms of learning new functions, refreshing myself on old functions I may have forgotten how to use, and I love how you break down how something works into multiple steps.

You have a fan! The INDIRECT function worked like magic! Thanks to you and whatever power keeps people like you helping others without any attached expectation.

Thank you for running this website and keeping a lot of us well informed on how to deal with Excel to handle our everyday tasks.

Thank you for maintaining such a fabulous tutorial site. It has helped me tremendously, and is my go-to when I’m in a bind…I’d probably be out of a job without your resources.

Thank you so much for your work on this. I’m considered an excel wiz at work when it’s primarily because of the work you all are doing in the background.

As an undergrad doing radiation materials damage research, I have a lot of data to sift through and analyze. Microsoft’s Excel has been a very useful multi-tool, and ExcelJet has been a extremely handy guidebook to using Excel effectively. Thank You!

LOVE your site… wow… you have helped me quickly do a lot of things that would have taken me forever to figure out on my own. And I love that your search feature actually knows what I’m looking for… lol

When querying functions, I often end up on your site. And, the explanations are always clean and comprehensive. So, I appreciate the work you’re putting into this.

My excel savior! I’m so grateful for the existence of this site.*please receive a bow from me*

I love the bite-sized concise videos which always seem to be the perfect length. I also really love that once I have access to something it never expires. Plus your website is very well organized and the log is handy too.

Exceljet has become my first (and often last) resource for Excel help.

Brilliant work. Exceljet has quickly become my preferred source of how-tos because of the extremely clear way in which formulae are presented and explained. You’ve saved me so much trial-and-error time in wrangling Excel to do what I want.

I appreciate all the help your website provides, it has definitely been essential to me in the last couple of months.

Many thanks to you! It makes my work a lot easier, faster and better. Such a helpful website.

Just a quick note to let you know the hard work you’ve clearly put into your website is soooo valuable to folks like myself. This has very quickly become my favorite excel site! So clean, so devoid of excel-snobs arguing over best practices like so many forums, and so robust in the amount of topics you guys cover. Thank you!

For sharing your knowledge of Excel. I’m learning a lot and so excited. Your information is nicely explained and I’m able to understand.

We purchased the Core Excel training and I am using to train people in the office on Excel. These were people that were using a calculator to add up numbers to put in a sum total for a list of numbers in a worksheet. They now know the basics of Excel and continue to up their Excel IQ. Does a much better job of explaining Excel that I ever could.

Thank you for your clear explanation on the sumifs function. It was exactly what I needed to simplify a massive spreadsheet where I need to summarize a range of amounts from over 70 sheets in a workbook. The previous person would manually update the formulas each year but now the «sumifs between dates» formula will automate this. Huge Thanks!!

I am really enjoying this online training. While the training is compact there are sufficient steps to allow understanding to be captured. Each lesson is bit size so it is really easy to find and review information. I have engaged with a lot of online material but your online training is extremely well designed and practical for the real world of work.

Wanted to let you know how helpfully your products have been. The weekly email is great. The one today about tables and vlookup has me working on changing several spreadsheets I use every day to a table format with vlookup & match. I regularly go to the web site when I am looking for a solution while working in excel.

I’m reaching out to thank you for the hard work you have put in to helping others with Excel. I routinely use your website for work. I’d be lost without it!

I want to thank you for all of the assistance that you have given me in the past, I truly appreciate it. I inform everyone at my place of work about your website, as I find it perhaps one of the best to understand.

I just wanted to say thanks for your awesome Excel resource. I am constantly googling for how to do random tasks in Excel and Exceljet is consistently the best resource. I impress people at work with my amazing Excel skills, but mostly I just know how to find what I need at ExcelJet!!

I love your website! I use it all the time. In fact, I used it over the past few weeks to help me make a great workbook. keep up the great work, and thanks for all the help your site has given me.

I think I love you. This is going to save me hundreds of hours a year.

I want to thank you for this superb website on Excel. Way of your teaching in all videos as well as articles is absolutely brilliant. Also design of your website is awesome.

Just found your site. Totally loving it. Great explanations!

This is a great web site. Have been using it for a while and getting your Friday email. I learn something new every time I get the email or visit your site.

You product is phenomenal! Easy to understand and gets to the meat of the function quickly.

I just wanted to say thank you for this formula =SUMPRODUCT(—ISNUMBER(SEARCH(things,A1)))>0. It has proven to be one of the most useful formulas I have ever used…. especially when you’re daily checking a 1.k5+ row list against a 50k row list.

Thanks for the incredible website! It’s an invaluable resource for me.

I struggled for days with a Excel formula problem. I have several books on Excel including the Dummies series. Nothing helped. One hour on your website, and everything fell in place for me. Clear and concise instructions along with many excellent examples did the trick. stands out among its peers. Excellent work.

I’ve just found your ExcelJet site, and I find it amazing. I currently work in Finance for a big international company and your contents have helped me a lot on my daily work.

I find your site invaluable and a fantastic resource whenever I need to give Excel a spin and accomplish a challenging task.

I’ve taken a couple of your courses and absolutely love your teaching format!

I am new to your website, but must say that I find your material most informative.

I just wanted to let you know that I love your website. Your examples are clear and relatable, and I almost always find the answer I’m looking for. I’ve learned so much over the past few months.

Thanks! Y’all do a really good job explaining things and giving examples!

YOU ARE COMPLETELY BRILLIANT. I find myself coming back to your site by default, again and again. I’ve now bookmarked it and shall shortly write an IFERROR macro to bring me here automatically!

I would like to thank you for the great website. As you mentioned in it’s title, it is truly «Quick, clean and to the point». It looks impossible to delivery information shorter and more informative.

Just wanted to say thank you for the many clear, concise, and informative articles. I’ve gone from complete novice to regularly using array formulas thanks almost entirely to your site.

Since I’ve been subscribed to your newsletter, I feel myself more and more an Excel master :)

Just a note to say your site is fantastic! I’ve learnt more on here in 3 hours than I have in nearly 3 decades of using Excel. Keep up the great work!

I really appreciate all the content on Exceljet…it has pulled my cookies out of the fire on many, many occasions.

You have a great concept and your courses are the best, most efficient and fun I had until now. I use my new skills every day.

You have a fantastic product and great customer service I use something from your program every day. So glad I purchased.

Your website has helped me learn so much about Excel! Was able to setup a 15 stage IF(AND) string and currently have it working perfectly! All thanks to you guys.

I just wanted to send a note of appreciation. I think your descriptions of excel formulas and how to apply formula combinations are the easiest to follow on the web. Thank you for all that you do!

I’m the «Excel guru» at my job. Your site is one of the few I count on; your explanations are very clear and well done, and for sophisticated applications.

Just signed up. Very, very impressed with your site. Looking forward to using so many of your great resources. PLEASE keep up the great work!

I’ve been using your training for about a year now and I love it! Everyone thinks I am a genius because I can do pivot tables! Next, I’m diving into formulas.

I have used vlookup a lot and read some about index and match, but decided to add extra columns and stay with vlookup, however, your site was so very clear that making the switch (only where necessary) was very easy. For the first time, I understand index and match match. Thank you.

I have just come across your website and within minutes of looking around I can confidently say that had I discovered this sooner, I would have saved myself many many hours of formula troubleshooting over the last several years. Very clear explanations for some fairly tricky problems I have been faced with and all incredibly easy to find!

I love your website and have learned a lot from this site. Most of your formula are elegant and beautiful and your explanations are easy to understand. Thank you for making learning EXCEL interesting.

Your excel training material is amazing. Whenever I have searched for any complex formula in excel and googled it, your web links were almost always in the top 5 search results and whenever I have referred your links, my doubts & queries have been resolved quickly and effectively.

What a great website. I’m an Excel trainer and your website helped me populate a sample company worksheet with random departments. Thanks.

You confuse me on a regular basis, and that’s a good thing! I love your emails, a lot of them teach me new stuff and I thought I knew just about everything regarding Excel.

I’d like to congratulate you both on your videos. They are so well done, with very good examples, very easy to follow, with the right length, etc. It’s a very educational work.

I have learned so much from @exceljet newsletters. Just «Index Match» has brought my Excel skills to an entirely new level, my bosses think I’m a magician now. Thank you, keep them coming!

Just a brief view of your website, and one specific idea — a «helper» value column — allowed me to do in less than two hours something I had been going down dead-ends with for two days. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

A really nice clean website that answers excel questions beautifully and understandably. One of the very best I have seen. keep up the good work.

I have found your site to be a wealth of knowledge, and appreciate you efforts to provide insight and training.

I am 100% complete with this course and I have to tell you that it is the best thing going. I have always struggled with charting and presentation and you make it really clear, concise and reasonable. I have already used the knowledge on several projects that made things so clear to my clients that I will be updating the data on a regular basis for them.

Out of all the Excel sites, this is by far the best. Very clean and useful tips and methods. It helped me a lot in my work.

I’m excited to highly recommend Exceljet as my go-to site for learning to master Excel based on my outstanding personal experience with their products over the last three months. I’ve significantly improved my Excel game with the help of their courses and informative emails. The pivot table course is especially useful. Though there are an overwhelming number of options to learn Excel on the web, you can save a lot of time by diving in at Exceljet. You’ll be dominating Excel in no time.

There are hundreds and hundreds of Excel sites out there. I’ve been to many and most are an exercise in frustration. Found yours today and wanted to let you know that it might be the simplest and easiest site that will get me where I want to go.

I have visited many sites for excel tutorial from basic to advanced and at last I got the perfect site.

This is the best learning resource I have stumbled upon in many years during the process of my Excel learning.

This site rocks. Great work on maintaining it. it contains very valuable info in a synthesized way. I often refer colleagues to it when they struggle with an excel problem.
Keep it up guys, and thank you for slowly turning me into an excel wiz.

Just a fantastic site. I have learned a ton in a short period. Your videos shaved about 4 hours off an assignment for work this past week.

Big fan here! I appreciate all your videos and articles and it helped me become better at Excel, and I keep referring my colleagues to this wonderful website to grow their skills.

Your website is excellent and really helped me accomplish my goal with Excel.

I just stumbled upon your website and have to say that it is the best resource I have stumbled upon in many years. I’m definitely going to add it to my bookmarks.

Kudos to you for your very helpful site. I have gotten into the habit of Googling to solve problems I am having with Excel, and your site invariably is the one that provides the clearest explanations.

This was so helpful! Worked like magic. (Well, magic that you explained really clearly.) Thanks!

Thank you very much for the information. It worked fantastically! I have been trying to figure this out for more than a year, you had the answer for me very quickly.

Thank you for your help. I was trying to do something with Excel that I had never done before. Without your help it probably wouldn’t have been done. Communication with you was pleasant and effective. The end result is great. Thanks again.

I think your website is great! It has helped me so much in learning to how to do things in Excel, please keep up the excellent work.

Love your website!! I can understand it and all my questions have answers!!

The CorePivot training from Exceljet was exactly what I needed to start off my career the right way. I did hear and worked a bit with Pivot tables before, but as soon as things started to become more difficult or the tables weren’t working the way I wanted to, I got stuck. The short movies are fun, easy and very helpful when you want to become better at using Pivot tables. I also love the fact that you can practise the movie’s content right away in the attached practice excel workbooks, as well as that the movies remain available after finishing the course. I now use Pivot tables every day at work and feel way more confident. Now let’s start the Core Formula course!

Annick, junior controller

I regularly use your wonderful website to learn excel. I find it an invaluable resource.

Just wanted to give a HUGE thank you for all of your content. I was NOT proficient at Excel, even though my resume clearly says differently ;), until I found this website. Now, I’ve become the «Excel Guy» at my company and I owe 90%-ish to ExcelJet. I have yet to find another website that gives clear, concise, and in-depth explanations like you do. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

I have relied on your website on countless occasions throughout the course of my graduate level finance internship. Compared to a number of unnamed Excel tutorial sites and forums, yours is par-none. It is invariably the only source for consistently accurate and understandable formula functions and syntaxes. I say that as this page has solved an hours-long problem facing me during an all-night work session. Thanks a lot!

I have been considered a spreadsheet expert for many years, but I believe my total Excel knowledge is likely less than 30% of what I’ve seen in your weekly e-mails and website…In today’s fast-paced office, when I need to know «how», ExcelJet is absolutely the best resource I’ve found for keeping my skills up-to-date without spending much time searching for answers. Thank you!!!

I absolutely love your method of explaining Excel formulas and tips.

THE MOST OUTSTANDING EXCEL EXPLANATIONS I HAVE ENCOUNTERED!!! The text used to explain the coding syntax is crystal clear; the actual code examples are crystal clear; the brief to-the-point explanations of what occurs when a function or a command executes — crystal clear!!!

I also wanted to tell you in researching this formula problem, I combed through about 50 videos and websites. Yours was the most professional, easy to understand, and welcoming to a student who wishes to become more knowledgeable with Excel.

I often Google to get Excel help, such as formulas, help with errors, how-tos etc. This is the most complete and easy to understand website I have come across. Very well organized. You’re directions and examples on how to use formulas are very easy to understand. Thank you so much.

Just wanted to thank you for your fantastic site. I use the site many times a week and it has helped me to solve many reporting problems and needs I have in my daily work. I have learned many new ways to use excel thanks to you.

I work as a financial analyst and your page is a leading one I use to find so important info for daily tasks like formula explanation, how to construct different formulas and so on. This is brilliant! You helped me a lot.

My Lord where have you been all my life?…I’ve learned more awesome tricks/functions in one afternoon from you than in the last 10 years.

First just wanted to say what a fantastic website and resource you have created. I only stumbled on it a few months ago but recommend it to anyone I come across with an interest in Excel (and who wouldn’t love Excel!)

I have been saved countless times by EXCELJET. I know you guys always have the answer to my tangled excel questions, and it’s always quick, easy to understand, and super easy to implement into my workbooks!

This site just saved my life today while importing data to a new database. THANK YOU!!!

Thank you so much! I really like your website it has really helped me teach myself more excel tricks which has helped me with work!

I have been using Excel for years and love it. Just want to tell you your site is great, and thank you for all your hard work!

I sincerely want to register my profound gratitude to Dave and Lisa. There are many features so unique about the tutorials in Exceljet: the simplicity, down-to-earth approach and the connection between the instructor and the learner.

This site has proven to me time and time again, that this is THE BEST excel resource. I am able to learn new excel functions and formulas as needed in a simple and straight-forward way. Where most excel resources force you to sift through a large amount of information to find the specific solution you are looking for, exceljet is extremely specific and straight to the point. Your site has made me so much more efficient at my job, and has carried over to my personal use of excel as well. Thank you!!

I just wanted to drop a line to say that I recent discovered your site and I absolutely LOVE it. Although other sites exist that try to showcase the same things your tutorials are easy to understand, follow and reapply. This site has quickly become my go to.

LOVE your emails and free seminars. Since I have joined the mailing list, I have attended everything so far. Please keep them coming!

Your Website is excellent. It is helpful with substance and clarity and it has an attractive look. It gives me the feeling that the creators of this website live on the same Planet as I do. I don’t always get the feeling when I use Microsoft help.

As a researcher I work a lot with Excel and often I can find good solutions on your website. Thank you & keep up the good work!

There is a lot of excel reference on the web but I liked yours the best so far: very clear, very easy to follow, very practical and visually attractive. Amazingly, that you give away so much for free, but it works in terms that I am your fan now and will be recommending your site at any opportunity I have.

I don’t think you understand how much your training has changed my life in terms of work efficiency and effectiveness not to mention minimizing my stress, anxiety and enabling me to shine in front of employers.

I’m an intermediate-level Excel user — I only know as much as I need to get the job done. As I imagine is the case for most people, I learned Excel by asking myself questions like, «I wonder if there’s a way to do [X]?» and then Googling the answer. Your site has already taught me so much in the short time I discovered it and, as a Learning & Development professional, I admire your approach. Great work, and thanks for supporting all us Excel geeks!

I have no words to explain how you changed my life and I think not only my life but also many others like me. Your way of explanation is too good. When I started to learn excel I feel it’s very hard to understand and when I came across your site I feel that I know excel very well.

Love your emails, videos and tips — really one of the best and simplest resources out there to progress with Excel!

I LOVE your site. It helps me frequently as I have no formal training but I’m very logic oriented and this site is put together so very well and has assisted me so very much! You’ve improved the quality of my life.

I absolutely love the examples you provide on this site! Has helped me with numerous problems I have encountered.

I absolutely LUV your explanations and examples! You have saved me a lot of time and frustration. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Internet is full of excel websites with excel classes but I have to say none of them is well made (at least for me). This instead is really great. It’s now saved as first page in my browser…

Just want to thank you for these snippets, this is just so awesome and has certainly increased my ability to use Excel more effectively.

Just wanted to say «Thank you» and I feel lucky I found your website! I work with contracts and your link lead me to a concise answer. No other link came close.

Love this website! It was so useful! Thank you! And your explanations are simple.

Dave, you are an excellent teacher. I’ve learned so much from your videos (I’m a visual learner), and I appreciate that you provide the text/script for learners who learn best by reading. Your instructions are «pithy»/concise and the length of each video is about all I can absorb at one sitting (depending on the complexity)

This is the best Excel training site I have ever seen.

Thank you for including transcripts of your videos! I happen to be someone who works better from written instructions with pictures/screenshots than from videos, so I really appreciate this.

I am a self taught Excel user and love the simple, concise instruction videos. When I have downtime at work, I find myself eager to come to this site and see what new function I can learn and then try to figure out how to incorporate it into my work.

I would just like to say, that being a high level excel user, your site has been a godsend for me. I have taken to using Exceljet rather than excel help as I can more readily find what I am looking for with clearer guidance on how to implement.

You are an angel. I have been forever frustrated when searching for help and finding no one gets what you get…teach the basic principle first!! Thank you, Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you for the useful tutorials…This info is really useful for me at the moment because I’m just starting my first job while I’m not yet graduated from college.

I’ve been using your web page for a while now and let me tell you, it is the best page for excel ever made! In the name of me and a lot of the people that I’ve showed this, THANKS!

That worked like a charm! Thank you so much, your website is the best thing I have come across in a while!

Just wanted to thank you for this website. I’ve got it saved in my favorites and cannot express how beneficial it has been.

Your YouTube videos ROCK!! Thanks for producing them with such quality and brevity.

…I love your training videos. You have some great examples of different ideas and they are very easy to understand.

I regularly use excel a lot in my work. Your tricks & shortcuts have helped me enormously.

Thank you for all the tips/tricks I received, they are very helpful.

I have learned a lot from just reading your website/watching your videos and my skills are much improved because of it.

Thank you! I got it working. Your site and advice is fantastic!

The tutorial videos are superb!

Extremely helpful excel examples. Everyday i study it and apply it in my day to day work.

Many thanks.This site is pinned to my home page and has proven itself very useful.

Very satisfied with the product! It has made me more efficient at work!

Your site, by far, is the most helpful site I have ever been on for Excel.

Thank you for a very well put together web page to help with my excel learnings. Best site I have ever been on.

Your courses are excellent…Despite all my years of experience, every clip that I have seen so far has been very helpful and a time saver.

Thank you for your regular email tips. They are fantastic.

This site is perfect for me as a moderate Excel user who sometimes needs a formula that I cannot figure out on my own. It’s clean, easy to use, comprehensive and doesn’t have distracting material like many other Excel help sites.

Love the site and the email. Really, really useful.

Thank you for all the time, heart and work that you put into your training videos…they are awesome and very helpful.

I thoroughly enjoy watching the videos you provide on your website…Your videos make learning featres in Excel easier than reading instructions. Being able to see something demonstrated makes all the difference.

I also wanted to let you know that I learn a ton a get a lot of value from your tutorials. Very much appreciated.

I use Excel a lot, and a lot of the time I’m on top of the things you show. But every so often I get a hint that saves a bunch of my time. So thanks for all that you do.

My sincere appreciation for the help on this problem. It is a great time saver and I will use this tip literally everyday.

These tutorials are fantastic. People like me learn faster by following along with the steps in the video.

Thanks so much for Excel tips. I love your lessons. It is easy to follow and each lesson is not too long.

Your videos are the best I have seen so far. I use excel in my advanced acc. techniques course and may be coming back to you for some tailored chosen set of videos.

Just one big thank you for the amazingly easy videos you send regarding Excel formulae etc. Your explanations are easy to understand and to copy in Excel while you are busy explaining.

I really like Exceljet and have already referred a few colleagues to it. Your shortcuts and tips are relevant and very easy to follow/learn. Thanks for providing such a great resource!

I find your site a fantastic resource. I have dramatically improved my Excel skills simply by looking at your emails and videos!

It turns out that your site is my goto site for explanations. It’s wonderful. As your header says «Quick, clean, and to the point»

I just wanted to let you know that I’m about half way through the videos of the Pivot Table course and I absolutely love the format and content! It’s very well organized and each topic is well covered but succinct. I’ve been recommending your website to coworkers and will absolutely take another of your courses if the need arises. No need to look elsewhere! Thanks so much :-)

Your SUBSTITUTE formula for cleaning up phone numbers works perfectly, and saves a TON of time — thank you so much!

I love your emails….I learn so much….even if frequently the suggestions are not immediately applicable it opens my eyes to all the things excel can do.

Fantastic learning email! Thanks for this. I appreciate it as I hadn’t ever encountered a formula like this. Keep it up.

You guys really have helped me grow with my excel and overall Microsoft suite confidence. I’m considered the excel guru at work now and have shown tons of people your site.

Thank you for creating this website. Outstanding!

OMG!!! Thank you soooo much — I wear out my select-fill down menu + short cut keys — this tip is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!

Thank you for the Excel tips and shortcuts! They really helped to educate me on the power of Excel and improve my skills in using Excel!!

Works like a dream! Thanks very much Dave Very helpful :)

I really appreciate your insights. You offer a very valuable service. I tell people about your website on a regular basis.

This is the best site I have been to. Direct & to the point. You guys have (almost) everything I need on one site.

By the way I think your site is an awesome reference tool for excel, especially the section with formula examples. I have found that to be incredibly helpful.

Can’t explain how much time you helped me save with your Search Box and Highlight Data Excel Tricks. Can’t thank you enough.

You guys are amazing. I am a gradstudent — I have a weird data set — this has helped!

Knowing your site is the best thing that ever happened to me since I started using excel.

I love to use excel and use it a lot in my work. Your tips, tricks and examples have helped me enormously.

I do enjoy the videos very much and find them short and to the point. One of the best features are the practice sheets. Its only when you start practicing that the real learning kicks in.

Thank you very much for this resource. I’ve been visiting your site here-and-there for over a year now and I want to thank you for all of the valuable knowledge that you and your team have shared.

I just wanted to tell you how very much I enjoy these emails! I’ve learned SOO much from you, that now I know more than the Accounting Department’s resident Excel ‘expert’ LOL!

Thanks for the website — great resource and find emails of tips/hints really handy.

I really love these quick tip videos, really reinforces my love for Excel.

Thank you so much for taking the time to send these notes and very useful shortcuts in Excel. They are extremely helpful and I really enjoy the format you use.

Thank you for saving me so much time!

I find your email tips extremely helpful for excel!

I just subscribed recently, and I love your email tips and the good info on your web site.

Your e-mail updates are very helpful and I learn something with each one. Great job and keep them coming!

OMG… easy! I will never do anything other than a Pivot Table if needed.

Thanks so much for access to your wonderful site – I have found it extremely useful.

I’m the one who should be thanking you…This material is excellent.

Sir your website is awesome. It gave me what I want. Thanks and hope it will help me again when I need it.

Just wanted to say that your site is really, really helpful. Great work and thank you!

Thank you, great tip. I actually look forward to your emails, they’re concise, straight to the point and very helpful!

Thank you for the amazing work. Keep it up. Adding value to everyone’s life…

Yes, that is exactly what I mean, thank you! You guys are great — who would’ve thought that Excel could be fun :)

Thank you very much!! I have been wondering for years how to do this and never been able to find a resource, until now!!

This tip is award winning! Thank you!!

This is probably the best explanation I’ve ever read of an excel function, and I’ve read a lot! Thank you for making it so clear and easy to understand!!! :)

Thanks again, Dave. It works! YOU ROCK!!! :)

I love your articles. They’re the cleanest, most efficient place to get Excel knowledge.

I really appreciate your delivery of the videos, the clean and sharp documentation and pleasant to the eye website, uncluttered, direct, short and snappy. From what I’ve checked out elsewhere nothing compares…

What can I say. It has worked brilliantly. Thank you so much for your help.

Thank You So much…You changed my life :)

Such a great resource! Really appreciate your help

Excellent website, and very useful. Bookmarked for future references and tips.

Your website and your emails are the best!!! Thank you! I’m going to try to do the pivot table video soon.

excellent! just started my first pivot! I was scared to try initially but your video is so simple and clear that it got me started! Thanks!

Thank you, and thank you so very much for your videos, they are sooooo helpful.

You have saved me HOURS of work. Thank you so much!!!!

I’m an advanced user, but I find all your tips and tricks useful. My boss always forwards me her newsletters, so I decided to sign up.

I’ve actually been gorging on your articles and videos every night this week. Thank you so very much for making the site!!

Thanks a lot, this is perfectly working and saving me hours.

I needed a quick restart of my knowledge and your courses are exactly what I needed: Short, focused, systematic and high quality.

This is the most easy to understand demo of VLOOKUP I’ve ever come across. Thanks!

Thanks for these great tips as I am new to Excel they are invaluable.

I found your video highly impressive and clear to understand for a foreigner as well!

Thank you so much Dave, this is going to save me hours of work.

I really appreciate your site and your helpfulness. I think you, your videos and your site are very valuable tools.

I like your tutorials, they are short and sweet and to the point.

This is fantastic. I am working on a report and this is exactly what I needed. Thanks.

You are fabulous!!! It worked perfectly! Thanks a million :) :)

Looking good so far. I love the concise and to-the-point nature of the videos.

Thanks for the information you provide. It has already saved me hours. It also makes excel sort of fun (gasp).

Thank you very much. The function is working fantastically. It saved me at least 3 full working days.

Excellent tutorial, saved me hours of work, well done.

You have been such a great big help and want to thank you for all your training/teaching tools.

Love your tutorials, they’ve been awesome in helping me learn all that Excel can do.

I like your presentation style very much, short sequences and clear English so that I can follow you.

Would like to compliment you guys on the short videos. Usually, excel videos are way too long with irrelevant clutter. With the short video, you guys nailed it!

Awesome! Thanks so much. Your website has been a HUGE help! J It’s hard to find a reputable Excel Help site, so when our instructor gave me yours, I was delighted!

Love your tutorials, they’ve been awesome in helping me learn all that Excel can do.

I have been on your emailing list and your tips have made sense to me so I thought that would take the next step and really try and up skill myself with excel.

Already I have found your hints and tips and videos a help and made a pivot table and chart in less than 20 minutes. I am going to watch every single one!

Dave this is amazing. I wish I got this message a year ago, so glad I signed up for your tips!! Thank you!

I watched a few videos this morning and learned one key thing that will save me hours at work!

I’ve watched three of your videos this morning and while I would consider myself somewhat advanced, I thought the tutorials were helpful and extremely well done.

I am pleased with your course and find it very easy to follow. Wish I had known long time go. It will improve my excel skill enormously.

These are great reference. I found short cuts I did not even know were out there.

If you want to learn shortcuts to limit your use of the mouse, then this Shortcut Card is essential!! ExcelJet has produced a VERY useful list of shortcuts easily referred to in one laminated sheet (front & back). I purchased 5 of them directly from their website and have given them to my co-workers. Their training is awesome too!

Great intro course for EXCEL. Easy to follow and no wasted time. Each lecture is clearly identified, short, and shows you how to take the actions described. A great tutorial for learning the nuances of the new programs.

Great course, wonderful teaching style. What a cool feature with search form with conditional formatting.

Super handy reference. Takes my Excel skills way beyond my standard repertoire CTRL C and CTRL V.

A must for EVERYONE switching from a PC to Mac! I wish I had this back when I made the switch! Save yourself the headache and buy this NOW! Great product from GREAT people! Check out their website for the great tips and classes!

Has many applications not taught in 2 college Excel classes. Highly recommend to anyone wanting to ramp up their Excel skills. High quality/durable laminate. Inexpensive. Easy to use.

Larry E. from Evanston, IL.

This sits right next to my laptop so I always have it available when I am using Excel. It has many useful shortcuts which have saved me a tremendous amount of time in my daily work. I highly recommend it, as well as the other products from Exceljet.

A great simple product that is always at hand

This is exactly what you would expect from looking at the picture. It’s a 2-sided laminated sheet of paper with a ton of excel shortcuts printed out. Exceljet offers a similar product for free on their website, it’s a PDF manual of 200 shortcuts. I started with that & ended up buying this as well, as it is so convenient to hang on the wall next to my computer for reference. The PDF manual is great too, but this is just faster to use. Well worth the $ in my opinion.

This was a very helpful short-cut card. It is one of the few excel products that actually includes a full range of Mac short-cuts as well as the related Windows shortcuts. I use this card regularly when I’m using Excel.

Wonderful!… I love it! Very helpful! Highly recommended!

ExcelJet’s shortcut cards are a huge help- I’ve bought some for employees who didn’t have much experience with Excel and they all found them incredibly helpful. The cards are well organized, give info for both PCs and Macs, and are very durable. For the price, they’re an incredibly helpful reference.

I passed the Microsoft 2010 Excel Specialist Certificate Exam this afternoon. Thank you so much for your lectures for the course Excel Core! They help me a lot when preparing my exam!

I LOVE your lessons on conditional formatting. All sorts of new and better ways. That’s been a real weak point for me, and you have great examples.

If you are looking for a superb course, you have come to the right place. Dave’s passion for Excel comes across immediately in his easy-to-use videos. His streamlined and bite-sized approach makes all the difference in getting exactly the information you need in just a few minutes of time.

I have been an Excel user for over 15 years, and colleagues would call me an expert. That being said, I learned things from this course that I will be using daily. I would highly recommend for anyone at any level.

I’ve used pivot tables before, but I’m learning a lot of new skills in this course. For example, I didn’t know you could group results by numbers — great for summarizing data by age group. I love the short video format. It’s perfect for a self-paced course.

ExcelJet does a fantastic job of breaking down the potentially complex topic of pivot tables into simple, easy to understand bite-sized pieces! This course serves up everything you need to know (and more) about pivot tables on a platter so you can create simple, straight-forward and customizable reports while significantly minimizing the learning curve.

Wow, this course is thorough! So much is packed in here, it seems like just about everything I’d need to know about Excel is included. The pacing is great, and the instructor’s voice is very easy to listen to. Thorough, great pace + easy on the ears.

So far, really good! As a complete Excel novice I feel very encouraged about doing these lectures. Dave Bruns does an excellent job of verbal presentation. I do not feel intimidated by the course structure, like I have with some online courses. The visuals, clear steps, concise approach and worksheets are all conducive for me to learn everything I want to know about Excel. I highly recommend Exceljet’s course.

This course is absolutely perfect! I was promoted to an administrative position recently that has necessitated handling of an immense amount of data. I’ve been looking for a course that will take my Excel skills to the next level and THIS IS IT! If you need to polish your Excel skills, there isn’t a better way to do it.

I’ve really enjoyed this course so far, the first thing that stood out to me was the quality. Great audio that’s enjoyable to listen to, high definition video (to best see those formulas) and most important of all is Dave’s a great instructor. I also really like that each lesson is short, I can jump around to specific topics and in 2 — 3 minutes I’ve learned something new.

Unlike a lot of other Excel courses, this course is broken up into 130 bite sized videos, and in each one you learn a skill. It makes it really easy to go back to review a skill when you need to. And the video and sound quality make the lessons easy to watch and digest.

If you want a practical, hands-on way to learn all the most useful bits of excel, this course will do it for you. For most people, I doubt you would ever need any more than this. I’ve already found situations in the office where people are struggling with what now seem to fairly basic points of excel for me. I highly recommend this course for anyone but excel ninjas!

I consider myself a fairly strong user of Excel, but I managed to learn quite a few things from some of the lectures in this course. I was surprised to discover there were a great many formatting options I was completely unaware of, many of which are useful and I’ve started using them at work. For more advanced users it’s very useful to pick and choose a few of the courses that you want more information about, so the navigation options are excellent. All in all a very strongly developed and thought-out course. Recommended.

This Excel course is the best I’ve seen BY FAR! Dave explains the concepts in theory, then shows you how to do it, then gives you practice problems to do the same steps on your own. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to expand their foundational Excel knowledge or learn Excel from scratch.

I am impressed by the quality of this course, which has excelled (no pun intended) in all areas. The lectures are bite-sized, which makes it easy to not only find an area of interest, but also makes the course time-affordable. The teaching method is easily accessible to all, with both verbal instruction and animation which are fully synchronized. The quality of the audio and video is superb. The practice files are an added bonus, and a good way to reinforce the lesson. Congratulations on this course!

Impressive. Very clear, simple explanations and right to the point. I really enjoyed going through the topics in the order I decided, jumping from one section to another.

l endorse this comprehensive, easy to understand course for anyone wishing to learn Excel from scratch. For me it has really broadened my knowledge of the fundamentals of Excel. I look forward to advanced version of this course

Absolutely brilliant course. Easy to follow and implement. Well done. I can recommend this course to anybody who would like to learn Excel.

Just 1 word!!

the videos use simple language, clearly visible and easy to understand examples. Sure to make your Excel journey easy.

I have found the core excel training to be quite well put together. I consider myself a very experience excel user. However, it is apparent to me that it would be useful from novice to very experienced users of Excel. I would highly recommend it!

This course makes it easy for beginner and experienced alike. Very well organized and very easy to focus on just what you need to learn, when you need to learn it. Lessons are short and specifically focused to accelerate learning. this also makes reviewing simple.


Microsoft Excel having so many unbelievable capabilities that are not instantly perceived. Excel Shortcut keys are most useful and usable to save the time.

Shortcut keys help to provide an easier and usually quicker method of directing and finishing commands in Microsoft Excel. Mostly we prefer to use the shortcuts as it’s kind of amazing how much time we can save by not using the mouse clicks. Keyboard shortcuts in Excel are commonly accessed by using the ALT, Ctrl, Shift, Function key and Window key.

We really liked that windows gives us multiple ways to perform the task in Excel, let’s say we want to save a file, either we can press the key “Ctrl+S” or “Shift+F11”.

Below are the amazing Shortcuts for Excel category wise, in which you will find the Excel formula shortcuts, Excel copy paste shortcuts, Excel keyboard shortcuts to insert row, Excel keyboard shortcuts to select row, Keyboard shortcuts for VBA and Excel hot keys (add more alt shortcuts to Excel).

Keyboard shortcuts for Dialog Box:-


Entering Data shortcuts:-


File Commands:-


Keyboard shortcuts for Format:-


Formulas shortcuts:-


General keyboard shortcuts:-


Important Hot Keys:-


Shortcuts for Navigating:-


Keyboard shortcuts for selecting rows/column/cell:-


Window shortcut keys:-


Workbook shortcut keys:-


Note: Video of solution at bottom of post.

A client of mine recently ran into an issue I hadn’t seen before. When she would click a formula cell and drag down to calculate it across multiple rows, it only copied the value. The formulas were correct, but the value being shown was from the original cell:

Somehow, sheet calculation had been set to manual. To fix this issue:

  1. Click on “Formulas” from the ribbon menu
  2. Expand “Calculation options”
  3. Change “Manual” to automatic

All of your calculations should now be done correctly.

Additional troubleshooting

If you’re still having an issue with drag-to-fill, make sure your advanced options (File –> Options –> Advanced) have “Enable fill handle…” checked.

You might also run into drag-to-fill issues if you’re filtering. Try removing all filters and dragging again.

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