Thank you single word

Vocabulary Tips: Is ‘Thank You’ One Word or Two?

People often thank us for our proofreading. But even gratitude can cause spelling problems! In particular, it can be tricky to know whether to write thank you, thankyou or even thank-you.

So, is ‘thank you’ one word or two? Check out our guide to find out.

Thank You as Two Words

As a verb phrase, ‘thank you’ is always two words. Or to put it another way, you should always use two words for the act of thanking someone:

Thank you for walking my dog.

We can also use this term as a noun (i.e. something given as thanks):

I’ll send your mum some flowers as a thank you.

Or we can use it as an adjective to modify another noun:

I received a thank you note in the post today.

So no matter how you are using ‘thank you’, you can write it as two words.

Thankyou as One Word

Until recently, writing ‘thankyou’ as a single word was generally considered an error. And some people still don’t like it! But the single-word version of this term is more common now than it used to be, especially as a noun or an adjective. For instance:

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I’ll send your mum some flowers as a thankyou.

I received a thankyou note in the post today.

Alternatively, some people hyphenate ‘thank-you’ when using it as a noun or adjective. So we could rewrite the examples above as follows:

I’ll send your mum some flowers as a thank-you.

I received a thank-you note in the post today.

However, you cannot use these versions of the term as a verb. And you should not write ‘thankyou’ or ‘thank-you’ at all in formal writing unless you’re sure your style guide permits it.

Summary: Is Thank You One Word or Two?

In Australian English, we almost always write ‘thank you’ as two words. This applies whether you use it as a verb phrase, a noun or an adjective. However, other versions are gaining acceptance.

How you write ‘thank you’ may thus depend on how you use it:

  • As a verb phrase, always use two words (e.g. Thank you for your time).
  • As a noun or an adjective, you can write it as two words, as a single word, or with a hyphen. However, some still consider writing it as a single word incorrect, so use two words in formal writing.

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I was doing a small piece of language translation in Google Translate, and it detected the use of «thankyou» in the text and asked «do you mean — thank you».

Is the single word version — thankyou — an aberration?

JSBձոգչ's user avatar


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asked Aug 23, 2011 at 23:13

Bill's user avatar


Thank you is a sentence. If you want to use one word, thanks is acceptable. However, thankyou is not acceptable as a single word.

answered Aug 23, 2011 at 23:18

simchona's user avatar


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No, thankyou is not an aberration. It just has a different definition.

  • thank you (verb to thank, direct object you) — this is how you say thank you. Essentially short for «I thank you».
  • thank-you or thankyou (noun) — an act of thanking. As in: «He gave a big thankyou for…»; «There were thank-yous all around».
  • thank-you or thankyou (modifier before a noun) — as in «a thankyou card».

For the noun and modifier forms, most dictionaries seem to prefer the hyphenated thank-you, but also list thankyou as a valid alternative form.

Sources: Wiktionary,

But Merriam-Webster only lists the hyphenated form, not the single-word form.

answered Aug 29, 2011 at 14:10

callum's user avatar


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Thankyou is not a word; hence unacceptable. Also it looks illiterate, because literate people know how to spell «thank you».

answered Aug 23, 2011 at 23:17

Daniel's user avatar


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Languages evolve. There’s no reason thankyou can’t be a single word just like goodbye. Once enough people use it that way long enough, it will be added to the dictionaries as a legitimate form of a real word. I personally am doing my part to hasten this particular bit of English language evolution because I like the form better. Thankyou for listening!

answered Dec 24, 2014 at 15:55

Joseph Croft's user avatar


В статье рассмотрим 20 слов и выражений, которыми можно поблагодарить человека в разных ситуациях.

20 способов сказать «спасибо» в английском языке

Универсальное thank you и более разговорное thanks всегда будут поняты и приняты. Однако иногда этого недостаточно, чтобы выразить то, что вы чувствуете. Сегодня расскажем о нюансах, традициях и нормах использования слов благодарности, будь то ответ на комплимент, реакция на подарок или признательность за оказанную услугу.

1. Thanks a bunch. — Большое спасибо. / Огромное спасибо.

Разговорная фраза thanks a bunch распространена в американском английском и обычно используется среди друзей или хороших знакомых как альтернатива thank you very much. В этом значении можно также услышать thanks a ton, thanks loads и thanks heaps.

Носители британского английского отмечают, что для них thanks a bunch звучит скорее саркастично, хотя ключевую роль всегда играет интонация.

Margie, thought you might need a little warm-up.

Thanks a bunch.


— Мардж, я подумал, что тебе захочется немного согреться.
Большое спасибо.

2. Thanks a lot. — Огромное спасибо.

Thanks a lot также употребляется в непринужденной обстановке. Однако с этой фразой тоже нужно быть осторожным, так как ее часто используют с иронией или для выражения досады, обиды и раздражения.

Jeremy, I saw you on the dance floor. You move pretty good.

Oh. Thanks a lot. I really just got lucky. I was more in the zone than anything else. It was the booze dancing.


— Джереми, я видел, как ты танцуешь. Ты неплохо двигаешься.
— О, спасибо. Но мне просто повезло. Я был в ударе, и во мне танцевало спиртное.

3. Thanks a million. — Большое спасибо.

Разговорная фраза, которая используется, когда вы действительно рады услышать или получить что-то от человека, но также употребляется и в ситуации, когда благодарить как раз не за что.

Well, thanks a million.

Oh, not a problem.

God bless.


Спасибо огромное.
— Не за что.
— Благослови тебя Бог.

4. Thanks for nothing. — Спасибо за медвежью услугу. / Ну спасибо.

Этой фразой можно показать свое недовольство, возмущение или разочарование, если кто-то вас подвел, что-то не сделал или сделал, но не так.

I’m in a bit of a situation. I met a girl. I’m spending all this time with her and she is a game changer. So much so I’m going to meet her mother right now. I don’t know what to do. I need some advice.

You might actually have to answer some personal questions about yourself. You gotta smile a lot. You’ve gotta be charming. Definitely don’t be yourself.

That’s what you’ve got for me, don’t be myself? Thanks for nothing.


— Я попал в непростую ситуацию. Я встретил девушку. Я провожу с ней все время, и она изменила правила игры. Настолько, что я прямо сейчас иду знакомиться с ее матерью. Я не знаю, что делать. Мне нужен совет.
— Тебе, скорее всего, придется ответить на несколько личных вопросов о себе. Нужно побольше улыбаться, показать свое обаяние. Точно не быть самим собой.
— Такой твой совет — не быть самим собой? И на том спасибо.

5. I really appreciate it. — Я это очень ценю.

I really appreciate it можно сказать, чтобы выразить искреннюю благодарность за то, что вам помогли или сделали что-то приятное. Обычно фраза используется взрослыми людьми как в кругу друзей и семьи, так и в деловой коммуникации.

Hey. Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it.

I would do anything for you. You know that, right?


— Эй, спасибо, что согласился. Я это очень ценю.
— Я на все готов ради тебя. Ты же знаешь?

6. You’ve made my day. — Спасибо, ты поднял мне настроение.

Эту фразу употребляют, когда хотят поблагодарить человека за помощь, за дружеский жест или комплимент. Также ее можно сказать тому, с кем вам приятно находиться в одной компании. Синонимичная фраза — you’ve made me happy.

You know, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you. Well, you’ve made my day. I was thinking, if you’d like to get together again…

Well, Sam, to tell you the truth, I’m kind of in a relationship right now.


— Мне правда было приятно поговорить с вами. Вы украсили мой день. Если вы захотите как-нибудь снова встретиться…
— Сказать по правде, Сэм, я сейчас в отношениях.

7. You shouldn’t have. — Да не нужно было. / Не стоило.

Фраза используется, когда принимают подарки или благодарят за неожиданную услугу. Так носители выражают свое удивление или смущение, особенно если речь идет о щедром подарке. В случае со скромным знаком внимания you shouldn’t have может звучать наигранно и чересчур вежливо. Сейчас фраза употребляется все реже и в основном людьми старшего поколения.

We all got you a little something, and this is from all of us.

You shouldn’t have.


— Мы приготовили тебе подарок от всех нас.
Да не стоило.

Вместо you shouldn’t have можно услышать you’re too kind (вы очень любезны) или you’re too generous (вы чересчур щедры), которые также считаются вежливыми формами выражения благодарности.

8. We would like to express our gratitude… — Мы бы хотели выразить благодарность…

Это клише, которое уместно только в официальных ситуациях и часто звучит пафосно, неискренне и многословно. Перед существительным gratitude (благодарность) можно использовать слова heartfelt (сердечная), sincere (искренняя), deep (глубокая), profound (глубокая) и immense (безмерная).

On behalf of the Nova Corps, we’d like to express our profound gratitude for your help in saving Xandar.

Thank you, Nova Prime.


— От лица Корпуса Нова позвольте выразить безмерную благодарность за помощь в спасении Ксандара.
— Спасибо, Нова Прайм.

9. Much obliged. — Премного благодарен. / Весьма признателен.

Фразу much obliged и ее полный вариант I am much obliged используют в официальной обстановке. Это очень вежливый способ выразить благодарность, который многие считают устаревшим. Much obliged можно услышать в исторических фильмах и сериалах, где это выражение помогает передать дух времени.

I do so hope you like it (throne), because I’ve been personally watching over it awaiting your arrival.

Much obliged.


— Я очень надеюсь, что он (трон) вам нравится, потому что я лично за ним приглядывала, ожидая вашего прибытия.
Весьма признателен.

10. I owe you one. — Я перед тобой в долгу. / За мной должок.

Когда кто-то вас выручил, можно сказать эту фразу. Обратите внимание, что I owe you one звучит непринужденно и уместно только в кругу друзей, приятелей или коллег, с которыми у вас хорошие отношения.

What if I go north? Disappear. Would you come after me? Hunt me?

No, I wouldn’t. I owe you one. But somebody would.


— А если я уеду на север? Исчезну. Будешь искать меня? Охотиться за мной?
— Нет, не буду. Я твой должник. Но другие будут.

11. I can’t thank you enough. — Даже не знаю, как тебя отблагодарить.

Если человек сделал что-то особенное, пошел на риск или ему пришлось чем-то пожертвовать ради вас, то стандартного «спасибо» будет недостаточно. I can’t thank you enough означает, что вы готовы бесконечно благодарить этого человека. Фраза звучит очень эмоционально, поэтому в официальной обстановке будет неуместна.

Bear of the moment!

Oh, really? I just did what any bear would do.

I can’t thank you enough. That scoundrel has been pocket-picketing people around here for weeks.


— Героический медведь!
— Ну что вы, любой медведь поступил бы так же.
Не знаю, как тебя благодарить. Этот проходимец уже несколько недель обчищает тут чужие карманы.

12. It’s so kind of you. — Так любезно с вашей стороны. / Мне очень приятно.

Распространенный ответ на комплимент или благодарность за оказанную услугу. Фраза универсальна и может использоваться как в деловых ситуациях, где нужно соблюдать вежливость, так и среди друзей и семьи, чтобы показать, что вы цените их заботу и внимание.

Magnificent show.

Thank you. It’s so kind of you, I appreciate it.


— Грандиозное шоу.
— Спасибо. Вы очень любезны, я признателен.

От носителей вы можете услышать созвучные выражения: that’s very kind of you (это очень приятно с вашей стороны), how nice of you (как мило с твоей стороны), what a lovely thing to say (так приятно, что вы это сказали).

13. How thoughtful of you. — Как это мило. / Вы очень внимательны.

Эту фразу часто используют, когда принимают подарки или реагируют на добрые поступки как родных и близких, так и малознакомых людей. Прилагательное thoughtful переводится как «заботливый», «внимательный».

I have a little gift. My recording of the Bell Song with Lily Pons.

Oh, Arturo, how very thoughtful of you. Thank you. You know, we are so looking forward to that concert.


— У меня небольшой подарок. Моя запись песни «Колокольчик» с Лили Понс.
— О, Артуро, как это мило. Спасибо. Ты знаешь, мы с нетерпением ждем этого концерта.

14. This means a lot to me. — Это так много для меня значит.

Выражение употребляют в случае, когда вам важно то, что сказал или сделал другой человек. Существует также более образный вариант — it means the world to me. Обе фразы обычно говорят родным и близким.

You know, I’ve been thinking that maybe meeting somebody one-on-one is too intense, so… Friday night, my friends are having a party.

I’m not sure.

Oh, please? Don’t make me beg.


Thank you! This means a lot to me. My friends are like my family.


— Знаешь, я думал, что, возможно, встречаться с кем-то один-на-один — это слишком напряженно, поэтому… В пятницу вечером у моих друзей будет вечеринка.
— Я не уверена.
— Пожалуйста. Не заставляй меня умолять.
— Хорошо.
— Спасибо! Это много значит для меня. Мои друзья мне как семья.

15. I’m grateful for that. — Я очень благодарен за это. / Благодарю!

Эта фраза чаще используется на торжественных мероприятиях или в деловой среде. Результаты исследования, проведенного Гарвардской школой бизнеса и Пенсильванским университетом, показали, что I’m grateful звучит искреннее, чем дежурное thank you, создает доброжелательную рабочую атмосферу и мотивирует сотрудников.

The fact that you saved me doesn’t make you right.

But it does make you alive.

And I’m grateful for that.


— Тот факт, что ты спасла меня, еще не значит, что ты права.
— Зато значит, что ты жива.
— И я очень за это признателен.

Не путайте прилагательные grateful и thankful. Grateful обозначает «признательный за что-то хорошее», а thankful переводится как «довольный из-за того, что неприятности позади». Больше о разнице между ними читайте в статье «Похожие английские слова, которые часто путают. Часть 2».

16. Many thanks. — Огромное спасибо.

Many thanks используется, когда вы хотите кого-то поблагодарить. Чаще встречается в деловой переписке, чем в речи.

My dear sir, I don’t know what to say to such…

Do not say anything. I’m much obliged to you. Many thanks to you. And bless you.


— О, сэр, я не знаю, что и сказать…
— Не нужно слов. Я премного вам благодарен. Огромное вам спасибо. Дай вам Бог здоровья.

17. Thanks but no thanks. — Спасибо, но нет. / Спасибо, не надо.

Thanks but no thanks могут сказать, когда хотят вежливо от чего-то отказаться. Первое thanks — это благодарность за предложение, а thanks в конце фразы смягчает отрицательный ответ. Однако часто фразу говорят с сарказмом, когда нет желания принимать участие в том, что предлагают, поскольку сама идея кажется неразумной или звучит как издевка.

On your command my armies shall spring forth and enslave the planet. The Earth is yours, Harley Quinn.

Thanks, but no thanks. Psycho, the creep that he is, he was right. I don’t wanna rule Earth on a throne of skulls. I’m not a real supervillain.


— По твоей команде мои войска выступят и поработят планету. Земля твоя, Харли Квинн.
Спасибо, но нет. Психо хоть и мерзкий тип, но он был прав. Не хочу править миром на троне из черепов. Я ненастоящая суперзлодейка.

18. You’re the best. — Ты лучше всех.

Иногда вместо «спасибо» можно сделать человеку комплимент или выразить ваше к нему отношение. You’re the best — один из таких способов. Это выражение используется только в неофициальной обстановке, обычно по отношению к друзьям или членам семьи. От носителей можно также услышать you’re awesome (ты просто прелесть) или you rock (ты супер).

Have fun at the show rocking it!

Оh, mom, you’re the best!

Hey, I went to a few concerts when I was your age. I’d get backstage all the time.


— Повеселись как следует на концерте!
— О, мам, ты лучше всех!
— Ну, в твоем возрасте я побывала на нескольких концертах. Все время пробиралась за кулисы.

19. Much appreciated. — Спасибо. / Премного благодарен.

Эту фразу используют как в речи, так и на письме по отношению к хорошим знакомым, коллегам или друзьям. Выражение much appreciated уместно в конце короткого разговора или сообщения в мессенджере, но в официальной обстановке может показаться небрежным.

He’s all yours.

Much appreciated, brother.


— Он твой.
Премного благодарен, братишка.

20. I’m indebted to you. — Я перед тобой в долгу. / Я ваш должник.

Если вы искренне хотите поблагодарить кого-то за неоценимую услугу или поддержку, то эта фраза как раз подойдет. Она подразумевает, что вы в свою очередь также готовы помочь человеку в трудную минуту.

You inspired us to follow our hearts. And we repay you by ruining your relationship.

No, you just opened my eyes to how broken it was. I’m indebted to you, Mei.


— Ты научила нас слушать свое сердце. А мы взамен испортили ваши отношения.
— Нет, вы открыли мне глаза на то, что все было неидеально. И я в долгу перед вами, Мэй.

Для большей эмоциональности перед indebted часто добавляют deeply (глубоко), greatly (очень) или forever (навсегда).

You saved my son and I’m forever indebted to you. — Вы спасли моего сына, и я навсегда в долгу перед вами.

Теперь вы можете сделать обычное «спасибо» более приветливым, вежливым, искренним, саркастичным и даже высокопарным. А чтобы вы знали, как ответить на слова благодарности, рекомендуем нашу статью «17 способов сказать «пожалуйста» в английском языке».

Предлагаем проверить, как вы усвоили материал, и пройти небольшой тест.

Тест по теме «20 способов сказать “спасибо” в английском языке»

© 2023, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.

Как известно, мы используем различные слова благодарности в зависимости от ситуации. Мы официально благодарим деловых партнеров, начальников, коллег и в то же время тепло и довольно неформально выражаем благодарность друзьям и близким. Мы говорим спасибо за помощь или за подарок к празднику. Из этой статьи вы узнаете, как разными способами выразить благодарность на английском языке и ответить на нее.

Помимо привычного thank you часто в употреблении можно встретить следующие варианты искренней благодарности:

Фраза Перевод
Thanks! Спасибо!
Many thanks! / Thanks a lot! (этот вариант нередко встречается в ироничном значении) Большое спасибо!
Thank you (ever) so much! / Thank you very much! / Thanks a million! Премного благодарен!
I can’t thank you enough! Огромное спасибо!
Thanks for your kind words! Спасибо на добром слове (за добрые слова)!
That’s very kind/nice of you! Очень мило с Вашей стороны!
You’re so helpful! Спасибо за помощь!
Appreciate it! Благодарю!
Cheers! Вот это здорово! (это слово встречается в значении «спасибо» в британском и австралийском вариантах английского языка)

Перечисленные фразы универсальны, вы можете выбрать любую из них в зависимости от представленного случая и не прогадаете. Приведем несколько примеров:

– Would you like to have some coffee with us? – Не желаете выпить с нами кофе?
– Oh, thanks. I’d love to! – Спасибо, с удовольствием!

– Wow, you look gorgeous today! I love your dress! – Ох, ты потрясающе выглядишь сегодня! Мне нравится твое платье!
– Thank you so much! – Огромное спасибо!

– I’ve just bought some vegetables for dinner. – Я купил немного овощей к ужину.
– Oh, dear! You’re so helpful! – Спасибо за помощь, милый!

– Do you need any help? – Вам помочь?
– No, thank you. I’m alright. – Нет, спасибо, я в порядке.

–Here is your pizza. – Вот ваша пицца.
– Thanks! – Спасибо!

Посмотрите видео, в котором носитель языка рассказывает о разных вариантах благодарности на английском языке.

В английском языке существует целый набор полезных слов и словосочетаний для выражения благодарности и признательности. Рассмотрим некоторые из них на примере ряда ситуаций.

Время поздравлений: благодарим за подарки и добрые слова в праздники

Праздники, будь то день рождения, Новый год, Рождество или День благодарения, являются особыми днями календаря, когда семьи или друзья собираются вместе и обмениваются теплыми словами и подарками. Вы можете поблагодарить близких, используя следующие выражения:

Фраза Перевод
Слова благодарности за подарки
Thank you for your wonderful present! Спасибо за потрясающий подарок!
Many thanks for the gifts, I love them! Большое спасибо за подарки, они великолепны!
Thank you very much for such a practical gift! Огромное спасибо за столь практичный подарок!
Благодарим за пожелания и поздравления
Many thanks for the wishes! Большое спасибо за поздравления!
I really appreciate your kind words! Я очень ценю Ваши добрые слова!
Thank you ever so much for making me feel special today! Я очень благодарен Вам за особую атмосферу этого дня, созданную благодаря Вам!
I send you warm wishes of joy and happiness in return! И Вам всего самого замечательного и радостного!
Выражаем благодарность на английском в письме / по смс / в соцсетях
Sending special thanks to you! Шлем Вам особую благодарность!
It has been a very special day thanks to you! Happy holidays! Этот день стал особенным благодаря Вам! Удачных праздников!
Many thanks for the beautiful Easter card! Премного благодарен за столь красивую пасхальную открытку!
I really appreciate your gift card! Очень приятно получить Вашу открытку с поздравлениями!
Делимся радостью по поводу приглашения на торжество
Thank you for inviting me for the holiday! Спасибо за приглашение на Ваше торжество!
Many thanks for the warm invitation! Большое спасибо за теплое приглашение!
I’d like to say a very warm thank you for the invitation! От всего сердца благодарю Вас за приглашение!

Формальное выражение благодарности: говорим «спасибо» партнерам по бизнесу, коллегам, клиентам

В бизнесе также не менее важно выражать признательность. Мы благодарим партнеров за плодотворное сотрудничество и оказываемое содействие, коллег за поддержку и помощь в решении проблем и спорных моментов, клиентов за доверие или терпеливое ожидание, например, заказа.

Ниже представлены несколько способов выражения официальной благодарности как лично, так и посредством интернет-коммуникаций:

Фраза Перевод
Thank you for taking the trouble to help us. We highly appreciate it! Благодарим, что согласились помочь нам. Мы очень это ценим!
We greatly appreciate your support and assistance. Мы высоко ценим Вашу помощь и поддержку.
Thank you for your kind cooperation. Спасибо за любезное сотрудничество.
Many thanks for everything you have done for us. Примите нашу благодарность за все, что Вы для нас сделали.
We would like to express our gratitude for all that you have done. Мы безмерно благодарны Вам за Ваш труд.
We value your contribution to our successful collaboration. Мы очень ценим Ваш вклад в наше успешное сотрудничество.
I am very thankful for your consideration. Искренне благодарим Вас за рассмотрение нашего вопроса.
We thank you for your special attention to this matter. We do appreciate it. Благодарим Вас за особое внимание, которое Вы уделили нашему вопросу. Мы ценим это!
Thank you ever so much for taking the time to help us! Благодарим Вас за то, что смогли уделить нам время!
We value the trust you have put into us and will work hard to maintain it. Мы очень ценим Ваше доверие к нам и постараемся не разочаровать Вас.

А вот так можно поблагодарить начальника или руководителя за повышение, профессиональный совет или, например, за предоставленный в нужный момент отпуск:

Фраза Перевод
I am very thankful to be a part of your great team. Я очень благодарен за то, что являюсь членом Вашей замечательной команды.
We are grateful for your kindness, loyalty and flexibility! Мы безмерно благодарны Вам за доброту, лояльность и проявляемую гибкость!
Thank you for providing us with such a nice working environment. Спасибо Вам за то, что смогли предоставить нам прекрасные условия работы.
As a supervisor, you are truly inspirational to your staff. Вы являетесь примером идеального начальника (руководителя), вдохновляющего своих подчиненных.
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. Огромное Вам спасибо за поддержку и воодушевление.
Allow us to express our sincerest gratitude for the opportunities you provided! Позвольте нам выразить искреннюю благодарность за предоставленные Вами возможности!

В приведенных выше случаях важен верный подбор слов, ведь вы говорите спасибо не просто так, потому что этот человек ваш босс, а выражаете искреннюю признательность и радость.

Благодарим наставника, преподавателя, тренера

Некоторым своим успехам мы зачастую обязаны учителям или наставникам, вдохновляющим нас на новые победы и свершения. Мы благодарим их за терпение, внимание, поддержку, вложенные в нас силы и время.

Иногда нескольких слов благодарности бывает достаточно, чтобы педагог с теплом вспоминал о вас еще долгое время, ведь так приятно, когда кто-то ценит твой труд. Поблагодарить наставника, учителя, тренера или старшего, более опытного товарища можно следующим образом:

Фраза Перевод
I am eternally grateful for everything I’ve learnt from you. Я бесконечно благодарен Вам за все, чему у Вас научился.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. Благодарю Вас за то, что поделились со мной знаниями.
Thank you for your guidance and wisdom! Спасибо за Ваше наставничество и мудрость!
I am very much obliged to you. Я Вам очень признателен.
How can I ever thank you enough? Не знаю, как и благодарить Вас!
I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help me. Я высоко ценю всю помощь, которую Вы мне оказали.
I have had so much fun learning with you! Я получил непередаваемое удовольствие от занятий с Вами!
Your teaching approach inspires me. Меня вдохновляет Ваш подход к обучению.
You’re the best teacher! Вы самый лучший учитель!
I am very thankful that you are my tutor. Я очень благодарен, что именно Вы мой наставник.
I’ve learnt so much, thanks to you! Я многому научился благодаря Вам!
Thank you for being patient and helping me improve my skills! Спасибо Вам за терпение и помощь в совершенствовании моих навыков!

Отвечаем на благодарность на английском языке

Нередко нам случается не только благодарить других, но и самим принимать слова благодарности, поэтому научиться правильно отвечать на добрые слова не менее важно.

Итак, представляем вашему вниманию английские аналоги выражений «не за что», «пожалуйста», «на здоровье» и «не стоит благодарности»:

Фраза Перевод
You’re welcome! Пожалуйста! (наиболее распространенный вариант, используемый преимущественно жителями США)
You’re always/very welcome! Всегда пожалуйста!
Not at all! Пожалуйста!
No problem! Не за что! (вариант, широко употребляемый молодыми людьми)
That’s all right/OK! Не за что!
Don’t mention it! Не за что! (оборот, характерный скорее для разговорной речи)
It’s no bother! Не за что!
Sure! Не за что! (американский вариант ответа на благодарность)
It’s my pleasure (to help you)! Очень рад (помочь)!
The pleasure is all mine! Не стоит благодарности! (официальный вариант)
It’s the least I could do! Это все мелочи! (дословно – это меньшее, что я мог сделать) – оборот, часто используемый в письменном общении.
It’s nothing! Пустяки!
It wasn’t a problem at all! Сущие мелочи, не благодарите!
Don’t worry about it! Не стоит благодарности!
No sweat! Не вопрос! (Это было проще простого.)

Используя эти выражения в общении на английском языке, вы поймете, что вежливость – это не только лучшее оружие вора :-), но и способ обрести новых друзей, порадовать учителей и продемонстрировать отличные манеры коллегам и партнерам.

Для тренировки употребления различных вариантов слов благодарности и ответов на них, рекомендуем вам посмотреть следующее видео и скачать табличку с полезными выражениями по теме.

↓ Скачать список выражений по теме «Как выразить благодарность на английском языке и как ответить на нее» (*.pdf, 225 Кб)

Будьте вежливыми, друзья!

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

Thank You Messages: One of the sweetest gestures one can make is to say “thank you” to someone for something they feel grateful for. Saying thank you doesn’t cost anything, but it makes everyone notice your best behavior and helps you to create a great impression. No matter how big or small the help or favor you receive, it’s always important to express your gratitude. Without hesitation, whenever someone does something positive for you, say thank you to make sure you appreciate the gesture. If you don’t know what to say, we’ll help you out. Here are some graceful choices for you to thank your well-wishers and make them aware that you appreciate and care about them!

  • Thank You
  • Appreciation
  • For Support
  • For Help
  • For Wishes
  • For Everything
  • For Gift
  • For Friend
  • For Kindness
  • For Care
  • Short
  • Quotes

The word “thank you” will never be enough to express my gratitude for you! Thank you for everything.

I’grateful for your support and help. Thank you!

I will forever be grateful for your help. Thank you for all you do!


Some people deserve more than just a thank you. Just like you! Thanks for everything.

Thank you for the kind gestures! I appreciate you and all that you do.

No words can convey my gratitude for the support I received from you. Just take my heartiest “Thank you.”

My heart is overflowing with gratitude. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

My heart is filled with respect and appreciation towards you. Thank you for everything.

I appreciate everything you do for me with so much care. Thank you!

I am so grateful and happy beyond words that all I can say is Thank You!

Thank you for all the help and everything you did for me to get me where I’m today. My blessings and prayers will always be with you.

Having you in my life is one of the finest blessings. Always grateful to you for the love and support you shower. Thanks for being my constant. Love you.

Even if I tried to express my gratitude to you using all the sweetest words in the world, I think I still wouldn’t be able to do it any justice because there is no such perfect way to say ‘Thank You’ to someone like you.

thankful message

I am forever grateful for all of my family and friends. Your support made me realize that I was not alone in the journey of accomplishing my dreams and I am immensely thankful to you for it. Thank you.

Your support has been an inspiration in this journey, and I am truly grateful for your kindness and generosity.

Thank you so much to my friends and family for your love and blessings!

Thank you very much for your sweet wish! Your kind words and loving thoughts just made my day amazing.

Many many thanks for this amazing gift. This beautiful gift just made my day. You are so generous. Thank you!

Thank you for all your kind words and blessings; Please accept my deepest thanks and love.

Thank you for always helping me out with all sorts of chores. Thank you for always ushering me with lots of love and care. I feel blessed to have you in my life; I love you so much!

I do appreciate the time and effort you managed to give us out of your busy schedule. Thank you so much.

thanks message

Thank you for always being there when I need you most.

I don’t know what to say except thank you!

Thanking you from the core of my heart. I truly appreciate you.

I really appreciate all that you’ve done. Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who wished me on my special day 😇 It was a wonderful day getting blessings and love from all of you.

A friend like you is the most precious gift anyone can receive from God. I want to Thank You for being my one and only best friend!

Thank you for always being a reliable shoulder to lean on. I owe you!

Thank you everyone for your lovely wishes and blessings. I sincerely appreciate your blessings and love!

There aren’t enough words to explain how thankful I am that you guys are my family and friends. Thank you. I couldn’t survive this world without you.

Kindness is just what you do, and you do it so well! Thank you for everything you do.

Everything about today was perfect. A heartfelt ‘thank you’ for making this day the best one.

heartfelt thank you messages

You have been extremely supportive through this difficult time. You may not realize what a blessing you have been. Thanks for your help.

Your warm hospitality touches me. Thanks for being so kind to me. I will forever remember this amazing hospitality. Thank you for everything.

Thank you so much for all you do for me. I am truly very grateful to you and to have you in my life. Thank you, my love!

Words are not enough to express my gratitude for your kindness to our family. Thank you very much for all that you have done.

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your party. The food was delicious, and everything was so perfect. Thank you for inviting me.

Thank you for being a great doctor! Thank you for healing half of my sickness with your patience and tolerance! May God bless you, doctor.

We want to express our earnest gratitude to you for attending our wedding and showering us with lovely blessings! Thank you for being a part of our happiness!

short thank you messages

I don’t know of anyone who can inspire people as you do. Your words are just as brilliant as you are! Thank you!

If there was one person that always had my back no matter what, it’s you. I feel grateful all the time. Thank you!

Thank you for being the nicest, kindest and most amazing person I know.

Here’s my heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful things you’ve done to help me! Thank you so much!

Thank you for being my biggest inspiration and my warmest supporter! You are a rare find, and I feel lucky to have you in my life! Thank you for being my constant!

Thank you very much for the dinner/lunch/birthday party. I had a great time attending your party. Thank you once again.

Appreciation Messages

You always know how to cheer me up and make everything better. Thank you for everything.

I genuinely appreciate how lovely and caring you are to everyone. Thanks for being so!

Thank you very much for all that you have done. Your presence has been felt massively. I really appreciate you and hope you have a graceful life.

I sincerely appreciate your fantastic friendship and support. More than you’ll ever know, I value the way you always make me feel special.

words to say thank you and appreciation

What you do for me always is priceless. A simple Thank You is all I can offer to appreciate your efforts.

Words will not be enough to convey my appreciation for your sheer existence in my life. Thank you for showering me with unconditional and selfless love!

There are people who come into your life and make it a little crazier, make you laugh a little louder, and make you shine a little brighter. For me, that person has always been you, and I’d never trade you for anybody else. Thank you for being in my life!

Just saying thank you to you will never be enough to express my appreciation for you; you are one of a kind! I feel so pleased and special whenever I’m around you!

I truly appreciate your kind gesture of sending me such a lovely gift. I love it so much.

I appreciate your warm gestures and incredible hospitality. Thank you and take my love from the heart.

There aren’t many people who can love and care for me the way you do. You are so special to me. Thank you for everything!

Your support and encouragement have always been the driving factors in my life. I want you to know that I appreciate your cordiality with all my life!


How could we ever express our gratitude for everything you’ve done? Even if the word “thank you” feels small, still thank you for your unbounded support!

Even if I wanted to appreciate you with all the sweet words in the world, I would still fall short because there can never be a perfect word to say Thank you to you!

Thank you for always encouraging me with your warm words. You have no clue how many times you have saved me from my mental breakdowns. Thanks for healing me, thank you very much!

Thank you for always being so kind to everyone. You make me believe in a better world with more people like you! Thank you for adding new meaning to my life, love!

I am extremely thankful to all the beautiful souls whose unconditional love, support, and care get me going with life. Thank You!

Read More: Appreciation Messages and Quotes

Heart Touching Thank You Message

I’m sending you a million heartfelt thanks for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would do without you; you are an incredible human being.

Million thank you is not enough to explain how grateful I am to you. Your love and care towards me make me very happy. I wish I could repay you for your kindness and support. All I can say is thank you.

I’m extremely grateful to you. I appreciate you being such a guiding light in my life because every time I get in your touch, my inner flame gets rekindled.

Heart Touching Thank You Message

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me. I will remember and admire you, always.

I extend forward my utmost gratitude and the kindest thank you to the most lovely person. You have truly been a blessing and a delight.

Thank you for being a shoulder for me and for always being there to lend a helping hand. I am truly thankful for your support.

I thank you limitlessly for doing so much for me. Thank you for everything, dear. You will always hold a key place in my heart.

I’m so thankful to you for your love and support. Your presence, reluctant love, and support mean the world to me.

I can’t thank you enough for those lovely wishes you sent to me. I’m really touched. Take my love and gratitude.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for attending our big day! We will forever remember this wonderful gesture!

Thank You Message For Support

Thank you for supporting me at my worst. I’m so touched by your words, generosity, kindness, and love.

During all the difficult phases of my life, you were there for me and you have no idea how much strength your support has given me during that time! I cherish you and everything about you, forever in debt; thanks for everything.

I cannot think of a day without your love and support. I’m thankful that you keep spoiling me with your love and admiration. Love you to the moon.

Without you and your support, I wouldn’t have been able to get through this. Thank you for your kindness and support!

Not everyone is so fortunate like me. Because I always have someone to lift me up in hard times. Thank you so much for the help and support!

I cannot express how grateful I am that I’ve you both in my up and down. I couldn’t have done this without your support. Thanks!

Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. Your support put me at ease during my tough time. Thanks a million!


Your constant support and love keep me going on my most vulnerable days. Thanks for being my favorite. Love you, always.

Thank you for your support! Your help and support have motivated me to reach my goal. Thanks for everything you have done.

Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance throughout this difficult time. This means a lot!

I am grateful for all of your compassion and support. And I can never repay you for everything you’ve done for me.

I can’t thank you enough for being a faithful supporter of me through every high and low in my life.

Thank you for always providing me with guidance and cooperation, teacher. I am forever humbled for your wise words and genuine support!

Your affirmation and guidance have been a source of motivation for me throughout my life. I can’t thank you enough for all your support.

Thank You Messages For Help

I’m having a hard time putting my gratitude into words but I hope you know how much I appreciate all your help. Thank you so much.

People like you, who are there for others no matter what, are a blessing to the world. Thank you for being so!

I am so delighted to have a person who always stretches his hands out whenever I’m in trouble. Thank you, my dear!

Thank you very much for helping me out when I needed help. You probably helped more than you think you did. Thank you.

You are a blessing from God. I don’t know any other way to explain how much help you have been lately. I don’t know what I would do without you. I feel blessed.

thank you message for help

Thank you for helping me out with every silly mistake that I make. You are a true friend indeed.

Your invaluable mentorship and guidance have got me through all the way to where I am now. I could never have become a person today without your help. Thank you!

Thank you for your attention and guidance and for taking time out of your day to help me with my work/study. I greatly appreciate it.

Related: Thank You My Love Messages

Thank You For the Wishes

Thank you for your sweet words. Your wish has truly made my day!

Thank you for your wishes. I’m overwhelmed by your beautiful words and love on my birthday/anniversary!

Thanks everyone for the wishes. I am overwhelmed by the love you guys showed me.

Your wishes was truly wonderful. Thank you so much. My gratitude cannot be fully expressed with a message but I really want to let you know that I truly appreciate it.

Thank you everyone for your lovely wishes and blessings. May God bless you all.

I am really overwhelmed that you thought of me on my special day! Thank you so much for showering all the blessings and the love on me.

No words can explain the amount of joy your wishes have given me. Thank you for being so amazing!

thank you for the wishes

Sending my heartiest love and gratitude in return for your lovely wish. You’re the best!

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. They really mean a lot to me! God bless you all.

Your beautiful message made my day more special and meaningful. You will forever be special to me. Thanks!

I don’t know which one I appreciate more- you or the beautiful wish you’ve sent me. Thank you!

I really appreciate all the birthday wishes, cards, and gifts I got today. Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday extra special.

I can’t believe how many people remembered my birthday, and I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your sweet wishes. All of your good wishes will undoubtedly bring me a great year!

Thank You For Everything

Every little thing that you do brings joy to my heart. Thank you so much for every little smile you bring to our faces.

Even though it’s a little late, I still want to express my gratitude. Thanks for everything you do!

You are the reason behind my every triumph and every achievement! Thank you so much for everything!

I wholeheartedly admire what you do. Thank you for everything!

I can never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, buddy. Know that our friendship means the world to me.


Thank you so much for everything. You are such a delight. I really appreciate you and appreciate the things that you do with all my heart.

You are like an angel in my life. Thank you for everything, to date. May you always be happy and blessed!

People like you are the flowers that add colors, fragrances, and freshness to life. I am thankful for having you in my life. Thank you for everything!

You somehow made a huge difference in my life without even realizing it, and I don’t think words could ever express my feelings to you. What would my life be like if I had never met you? Thank you for everything!

You were there for me when no one else was, and you believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you so much for everything.

You always remember everything I tell you and make me feel seen and heard. I thank you for everything you do for me.

Thank You Message For Gift

Your gift made me feel so special! Thank you for such a pleasant surprise! It means a lot!

I don’t know how you came about this idea. But God knows how surprised I am right now. It’s the most beautiful gift ever! Thank you!

I can imagine the amount of time and effort it took you to find this unique piece of gift. I am more than grateful to you for such a beautiful present. Thank you!

If I could describe your gift with just one word, it would be like A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Like the kind of amazing that takes your breath away! Thank you!

I appreciate your gift just as much as I appreciate you. Many thanks to you!

I cannot describe my happiness in mere words for the gift that you sent me. Thank you so much, my dear!

thank you message for gift

You have no idea how happy I am after opening your gift. I’ll forever preserve it. Thank you!

I feel blessed to have a thoughtful friend like you who knows my preference perfectly. Thank you so much for the lovely gift.

Read More: Thank You Messages For Gift

Thank You For Birthday Wishes

I really don’t have the right words to thank you! You just blew me away with the most amazing birthday wish ever!

Thank you for your wonderful birthday wishes. I cannot express how grateful I’m to have you in my life.

Your sweet and loving words were nothing less than a birthday poem. Your wish doubled my happiness instantly. Thank you!

Thank you for giving me your precious time and coming to my birthday party. It was a pleasant experience with you. I’m touched by your love.

The birthday messages just put a smile on my face. Thank you for making me feel special on my birthday.

Every single word of your birthday wishes for me touched my heart from the core. I loved the way you expressed your love for me. Thank you!

It is so hard for me to put my thoughts about you into words. I can only say that I am so thankful to you for blessing me with your presence on my birthday!

From the very bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all of you for taking your precious time out for me; your presence added sprinkles to my birthday! I love you all, thank you very much.

Read More: Thank You for Birthday Wishes

Thank You Messages For Friend

Having a friend like you is the greatest blessing one can have! Thanks for always being there for me.

Thanks for being not only my friend but also for being my brother, my soulmate, and my supporter. It feels good to be your best friend!

You encourage me to go beyond my comfort zone, cheer me on when I’m down, and comfort me when I’m depressed. Thank you so much, bestie!

thank you messages for friends

Thank you for being an essential part of my life. You always believed in me when nobody else did. You are such an amazing friend.

If I say thank you for every good moment this friendship had offered me, you’ll literally be crushed under all those thanks! But thank you anyway!

Thanks for making my every day a friendship day. Thanks for being my best friend for life. You deserve every thank you I’ve never said!

Thank you for providing a shoulder to cry on, for being clingy when I want no one around, for being you, and for being amazing without any doubts! Thank you for being my friend.

A wholehearted thanks to the only person who never fails to make me laugh out loud with his extraordinary sense of humor! You fuel up this boring life without doubts, man! Thank you so much.

I feel extremely proud calling you my friend! Thank you for being someone I can always count on. Thanks for making me realize the true meaning of friendship.

Read More: Thank You Messages For Friend

Thank You Messages For Family

You’ve always been the most supportive family member ever. I don’t know how to repay for the love and support you’ve given me through the years!

I’m so proud to be a member of this wonderful family. Thank you all so much for raising me to be who I am today!

For always being on my side, for your protection and supportand, for sharing my dream, thank you, my family.

Thank all of you for being there for me. Thank you for ignoring my faults and encouraging me.

thank you message for family

I feel so blessed to be a part of you, guys. The most adorable family in the world is the one I belong to. Thank you for all your love and support!

Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful home and gifting me such incredible memories throughout my life! Your love and support have always been unparalleled.

Thank you for being my best parents. I love you to the last breath of mine, and I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts to make me feel special all the time!

One of the best blessings that God has ever given me is YOU! I can’t possibly repay you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

You’ve been there for me through so many ebbs and flows, and I want you to know that I’ll always be there with you. Thank you!

Also Read: Thank You Message For Parents

Thank You Message For Kindness

I will never be able to express my gratitude for your kindness and support toward me. Thank you!

My heartfelt gratitude to you for being so kind! It is people like you who make me believe in humanity.

Your kindness has truly touched my soul. My thankfulness and best wishes to you.

Thank you for greeting me with compassion and generosity and showering me with genuine care. May this kindness return to you a thousandfold!


I will forever be humbled for the times you stood strongly beside me and cradled me in love. You are truly one in a million! Thank you for being the kindest gem!

A friend with a heart of gold is hard to find. Your kindness is truly unequaled. Thank you.

Thank you for your kindness and support, especially during the times when I was down and needy. I will never forget your sweet gestures.

If I say “Thank You” a thousand times, that still wouldn’t be enough to make you know how happy I am because of your kindness! Thanks!!

I can’t really find the exact words to express how deeply your kindness moved me. So, I’ll sum it up with a simple THANKS!

Thank You Messages For Love and Care

Your unconditional love and care has touched me from within. There is nothing that I can do or say to make you realize how grateful I am to you. A ‘Thank you’ is all I have to offer!

Thank you for loving me through the years. Thank you for caring for the things that I care about most. You are nothing less than an angel in my life!

Your love and care strengthened me and filled my heart with courage. I need nothing else as long as I have you by my side! Thank you for your unconditional love and care!

thank you messages for love and care

Thank you for being so caring! I am truly grateful to have a wonderful friend like you.

I have been loved and cared for by the most wonderful person in the world, and that person is no one else but you. Thank you so much for all the adorable memories you’ve given me so far.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always treating me with warm words and gentle love! You make me feel comfortable and I cherish you so much!

I never know what to be grateful for—whether it is your unwavering love, caring, or support. What should be done first? Thanks for being with me!

Related: Thank You Messages For Husband

Thank You Messages For Colleagues and Boss

It’s an honor to work with such an honest and supportive colleague. There is just so much to learn from you. Thank you for all the help.

Thank you for being a reliable colleague to me! You bring out the best in everyone and generate positivity through your words and actions. Our office owes you big time!

Thanks to the humblest yet the most brilliant colleague I have ever worked with. Every day with you is full of learning and shining!

Words will fail you to understand how much I enjoy working with you every day. Thank you for making me feel so comfortable in the office.

Your bright personality and sincere work ethic has always been an inspiration to me! Thank you for being a remarkable worker! We are lucky to have you here!

I’m grateful to be under your supervision, boss. You helped me to shape my professional career. Thank you for your encouragement and support. I will forever be grateful for your valuable advice.

thank you messages for boss

Thanks for giving me such a wonderful platform where I can turn my dreams into a reality. You are the best boss ever. Thank you!

You helped me to become a better version of myself from inside and out. I will always be grateful to you for the changes that you brought in me. Thank You boss!

The correctness of your ideology and work ethic has always inspired me to become a good performer and a good human being. Thank you, sir, for being the person you are!

Read More: Thank You Message For Boss

Thank You Messages for Treat

Thank you so much for the delicious meal. I really had a great time.

Having lunch with you made me feel delighted. Thank you so much for the treat!

Thank You Messages for Treat

Thank you for remembering me and including me in your treat. I truly had a great time. Next time, I will give you a treat.

It was a wild party last night but I don’t regret anything because I enjoyed your company the whole time. Thank you for the treat!

I am so much grateful to you for inviting me to the dinner party last night. It’s been a wonderful experience for me. Thank you for such generosity!

The weather was perfect, I was in the right mood, and guess what, you made it happen. Thank you for the unforgettable treat my dear. I loved it too much!

Short Thank You Message

I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much!

Thanks for being the shoulder I can always depend on.

Your gift was splendid. I loved it. Thank you so much!

Thank you for being a constant in my life. I am so grateful to you!

Thank you for your wish. Please accept my heartiest thank you for you!

Thanks and thanks again. You deserve every “thank you” that we can let out!

Your kindness is a great blessing to us. Thank you so much.

I will always love and appreciate our friendship. Thanks for being so wonderful.

I have gratitude overload! THANKS, A WHOLE LOT!

You’ve always believed in me. Thank you.

thank you message

That was so nice of you! Thank you for all you do!

Friends like you are people I can always depend on.

Your thoughtfulness always touches my heart. Thanks a ton for everything!

You’ve done something so nice, and I appreciated it more than you’ll ever know.

It just doesn’t get better than that Great time! Thanks!

The love of God is always present in your actions. Thanks so much!

Related: 100+ Thank You God Messages and Quotes

Thank You Card Messages

We could say it all day long and not say enough to truly let you know how much we appreciate what you did for us. Thanks!

I wanted you to know just how grateful I am for everything you’ve done. Thank you.

You are one of the most generous people I know, and I know a lot of people. Thank you!

I’m thankful to have you by my side. Take my love for your role in my success.

Thank you so very much. I will cherish and forever remember your warm words.

I will forever respect you. You have done a lot for me. Thank you for everything!

I am so grateful for the support you have given me no matter what. Thanks a lot!

thank you message for card

It was without a doubt one of the happiest days of my life. Thank you for a wonderful day. It was truly a day well spent.

I couldn’t even tell you how much your thoughtfulness meant to me. Just know that it was a major blessing in my little life. Thanks!

My hand is writing this message because the bottom of my heart cannot hold a pen. I am very much grateful from the bottom of my heart.

I can’t begin to tell you everything that I feel. Just know that your thoughtfulness means so much. Thanks and God bless!

If you could see my face, you’d see the smile you put on it. Thank you, dear.

Thank You For Your Blessings

It’s a privilege to have you here, and I really appreciate it. I value everything that you do and am grateful for your blessing.

I will always be grateful for your compassion and blessings. I am grateful to you for helping me out when things were tough.

I appreciate all the blessings you gave me for my special day. From the depths of my heart, I really appreciate everything you’ve done.

Thank You For Your Blessings

Without you, I would not be the person I am today; your resilience inspires me, your generosity sustains me, and your blessings fuel me. I appreciate all you’ve done for me.

Finding friends that really appreciate you are challenging. I appreciate your generosity and blessings very much.

Thank You Text Messages

I feel blessed to have you in my life; thank you!

I’m so pleased with your thoughts and words. Accept my deepest thanks for your support.

Thank you, i appreciate it so very much.

Thank you for always putting a sweet smile on my face. You are wonderful!

Thank you for your kindness and support.

Thank you for being such a wonderful influence on everyone around you. You’re truly admirable!

Without you, my life would be dull! Thanks for adding color and happiness to it!

You are the best! Thank you for everything you do.

For always being on my side, thank you for your help and support!

Thoughtful and generous are two words I think of when I think of you. Thanks!

Thank you for all the happy moments!

Read: Thank You Messages for Anniversary Wishes

Thank You Quotes

“You are part of my story, memory, and scenery, thank you.” – Kim taehyung

“Thank you for accepting me as I am, with my virtues and defects.” – Jenni Rivera

“You could’ve had anyone in the world, but you chose me. Thank you.” – Anthony T. Hincks

“Friends like you make life’s challenging moments more bearable. Thanks for being you.” – Catherine Pulsifer

thank you quotes

“You have influenced my life in such a positive way, words cannot express my appreciation, you are truly an inspiration.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Thank you for life, and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living.” – Travis Barker

“From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope!” – Catherine Pulsifer

“You changed my life without even trying, and I don’t think I could ever tell you how much you mean to me. I can’t imagine what things would be like if I hadn’t met you.” – Steve Maraboli

“I can no other answer make, but, thanks, And thanks, and ever thanks.” – William Shakespeare

“There’s no possible way, I could ever repay, How I wish, there were more I could do, But, I thank you, my friend, my friend to the end.” – Jim Thistle

“I have nothing to ask for, thanks to God. Everything I have, God has given me.” – Mariano Rivera

“Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say.” – Alice Walker

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

“I feel a very unusual sensation—if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.” – Benjamin Disraeli

“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Let me always count my blessings. To be thankful for my family and friends. To be thankful for the simple things that life has to offer.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Your guidance and patience no matter what I was doing has helped develop me into the person I am today, thank you!” – Catherine Pulsifer

“As you start and end your day, say THANK YOU for every little thing in your life. And you will come to realize how blessed you truly are.” – Vergi Crush

“I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy, and I am loved.” – Reba McEntire

“I feel grateful because I have a lot of love in my life. I found the person I’m sharing my life with. I have a good man.” – Gisele Bundchen

“For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.” – Elie Wiesel

“Be grateful in your own hearts. That suffices. Thanksgiving has wings and flies to its right destination.” – Victor Hugo

Thank You Messages for Appreciation

Thank you so much for all the appreciation. Your sweet message truly made my day. I read it over and over again.

Thank you for appreciating me. My heart is filled with gratitude for you.

Thank You Messages for Appreciation

Thank you for your appreciation. As long as I have your blessings with me, I know I can accomplish anything.

I’m grateful for the compliment. I truly appreciate how sweet, caring, and considerate you are toward everyone. Thanks for being this wonderful!

Thank you for your kind words! I have learned so much from you.

Thank you for appreciating my work. I can only express my gratitude for your efforts with a simple “Thank You.”

Related: Business Thank You Messages

Thank You Captions

Thank you {tag name} for sending me the sweetest wish. I feel very loved and appreciated.

Thanks for a day well spent. I will remember this day forever.

I consider myself fortunate to have you as my family and friends. Thank you.

It was the best day ever. I had a lot of fun. Thank you for the treat.

Thank you so much for your blessings. I am grateful to have you in my life.

You always make me feel loved and included in everything. Thank you for that.

I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your support. Thank you.

Thank you for your kindness and support. You have no idea how much it has helped me in my life. Thank you so much.

Your support means the world to me. Thank you so much.

I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Thank you very much.

I cannot thank you enough for everything you do for me.

Thank you @name ! Your love, care, and support are what keep me going in life.

You remembering and wishing me meant a lot to me. Thank you.

You can’t help but be grateful when someone shows you support or makes you feel loved. When someone goes out of their way to think of us and do something to make us happy, it is only fair that we reciprocate by doing something to make them feel loved. Grand gestures are definitely amazing but there is something very heartwarming about receiving a sincere thank you from someone to whom we have done something special. “Thank you” is a simple phrase, but it conveys a great deal of gratitude and appreciation. It can brighten someone’s day and put a smile on their face. These two words can convey to someone how moved you are by their actions and words.

Saying ‘Thank You’ does not always have to be formal. You don’t also need a solid reason every time you say Thank You! Just say it to your close ones for having a chat with you. Say thank you when they go for a walk with you. Just say thank you when you feel like you should say it. A single Thank You from you can really make someone feel so special! Thanking someone for their appreciation and support makes them feel acknowledged and makes them realize how much what they did means to you.

If you want to thank someone for their kindness and support but are unsure how to express your gratitude, we have a variety of thank you messages that you can send them. You can either text them a thank you message or include one of these messages in a card or gift. You will find thank you messages for family, friends, and lovers. There are many lists of thank you messages that are filled with love, care, and support you have received from the person to whom you are sending this message. If you receive good wishes and blessings from someone and want to thank them for remembering you and thinking of you, we have a thank you message to express your gratitude for that as well. Scroll through the various lists we have prepared here to find the perfect message for the person you are grateful to; let them know through your message that you appreciate their support and kindness towards you. Show your gratitude and make them feel loved and appreciated.

Last updated on January 5, 2023

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