Thank you for your word of appreciation

Appreciation Messages: When someone does something good for you, you should thank them for their deed. Yes, expressing your gratitude never means repaying them for their help and support but when you do, it can really boost your relationship with people. An appreciation message can be much more effective if you just add some sweet and heart-touching words. But finding the right words to say thank you and appreciate is not always easy. That’s where we bring you a whole bunch of heart-melting appreciation wording ideas. Here’s what we have for you!

I am truly grateful for everything you do for me! I feel blessed to have someone like you in my life. Thank you!

No amount of words will be enough to tell how grateful I am to you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

I am so happy to have a supportive person like you in my life. You are always here with me in my sorrow and happiness. Thank you so much. I can never repay you.

I appreciate you message

Thank you for your unconditional support and love all the way through. Words are not enough to express how grateful I am to you!

My love, I appreciate all you have done for me unconditionally. You are so special to me that I cannot express how thankful I am for your presence in my life.

Thank you for all the support whenever I feel down and saddened. You help me to be happy.

Thank you for your warm hospitality. Your kindness and generosity will never be forgotten.

I appreciate your time, words, and efforts to make me happy! Thank you, friend, for being so wonderful!

I know a mere thank you is not enough to appreciate what you’ve done for me. But for now, it’s all I have to say!

In my life, I have always been surrounded by a lot of amazing people. Thanks for being one of them.

Dear friend, thank you for always being a reliable shoulder to lean on! You have always been there for me and I appreciate that so much!


My workplace has become a place of fun for me. All because of colleagues like you. Thanks for being there for me.

Your generosity is just as great as your company. Please accept my wholehearted gratitude!

I know of no words which can express my gratitude. I am overwhelmed by your kindness!

I cannot repay what you have given me but I will always be by your side whenever you need me. Thanks for having my back all the time.

I appreciate the way you take care of me every single day. Your love and respect have given me new hope and a new life!

Just saying a simple “Thank you” can never repay what you have done for me. But still, thank you.

I needed to appreciate all those beautiful souls that supported me throughout my life. So, I am starting with you. Thank You!

I stopped believing in myself. But you guys never stopped believing in me. That is why I started believing in myself. Thank you, guys, for being such a nice family.

At this very moment, I am unable to find a suitable word to express my gratitude for all your help. Just take my warmest “Thank you” for now.

Your generosity never ceases to amaze me. I will always appreciate all your kindness and support towards my family and me.

I am really impressed with your working attitude. Thanks a lot for always giving your best.

thanks messages for appreciation

Well done! I can’t express how much I appreciate your efforts. It’s great to have someone as special as you to work with!

Thank you for being the best teacher ever. I’m grateful to have you as my guide.

When I was feeling completely helpless, you stood there to help me. Thanks for being there by my side.

My office team is the best. Thanks for having my back. I will always cherish you guys in my heart even if I move on to another career phase.

It was you who kept the team together from behind the curtain. You deserve the biggest prize of all. Thank you so much for all your support!

You are no less than a guardian angel for me. I’m truly grateful for every little thing you do for me. Thanks for being the love of my life!

No words can express how much I appreciate your kind spirit and generous soul.

Thank You Message for Appreciation

Thank you for your appreciation. It means a lot. I am highly honored!

Your appreciation means a lot. I am thrilled to be around you!

You have always appreciated me for who I am. Thank you for your appreciation.

Thank You Message for Appreciation

Today, I feel delighted. Thank you all for your appreciation. You made my day!

You understand me more than anyone else. Thank you for all your appreciation.

I am proud to have an amazing boss/family/friend like you. You inspire me a lot in every sector of my life. Thank you so much for your appreciation.

Some people make life beautiful just like you made mine with your support and appreciation. Thank you so much for being in my life.

You always appreciate me no matter how many mistakes I have made. You teach me to be a better person all the time. Thank you for the support.

Short Appreciation Messages

I really appreciate how caring and wonderful you are!

Thank you for always looking out for me, it means a lot!

It means a lot for me to have you guys as my friends.

Thanks for giving me so many sweet memories to cherish for.

Meeting you was the greatest thing that ever happened to me!

message of appreciation

Your support means a lot to me. You deserve a big thank you!

You won’t believe it if I tell you how much you’ve helped me. Thank you!

You did it better than anyone. Thank you for the wonderful job you’ve done!

Your gift made my day. I am so grateful for such an awesome gift. Thank you!

You must be an angel in disguise and I’m lucky to have you!

I appreciate all the support and love you give me every day.

Appreciation Messages for Friends

Sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I didn’t have a friend like you. Thank you so much.

I may not say this often, but I really appreciate having you as my friend. Thank you for being there for me!

You guys made me realize the true meaning of life. Thanks for the friendship of you guys.

I hope a friend like you will always be by my side. No matter what, you stayed with me all these years. I appreciate our bond and pray for a long life together.

You guys will always be treasured and appreciated from the very core of my heart.

A heartfelt gratitude is all I can offer when it comes to appreciating your friendship!

You deserve all the appreciation in the world for being my best friend. I can never thank you enough for the things you do for me!

words to say thank you and appreciation to friend

Friendship is just like a garden to me, and all you guys are the flowers of this beautiful garden. Even if the world turns around, I will always cherish the friendship between us.

My life would never be the same without you! So thank you for bringing so much color and joy to my boring life! I love you!

My friend, you have been a genuine supporter of me through every up and down of my life and I cannot thank you enough for that.

You have made me a better, kinder, and more thoughtful person through your words and actions and I’m truly thankful to you! You are a blessing!

It’s great to have someone in life who is always ready to go the extra mile to bring a smile to your face. Thank you, my friend!

Read More: Thank You Messages For Friends

Appreciation Messages for Loved One

Thanks for making me realize that life can become truly beautiful.

Thank you for always adding extraordinary moments to my ordinary life. You’re among the best things that happened to me!

You never forget to bring a smile to my face every day. Thank you for always making me feel special!

You give me the kind of comfort that no one else can. You are the reason for my peace of mind. Thanks for being so sweet!

words to say thank you and appreciation to loved one

I am always clueless whether it is your unconditional love, care, or support that I should show gratitude for. Which one should come first? Thanks for being the love of my life.

Thanks for solving all my problems and making my life easy for me. Thank you, my love!

You are the only one who I treasure the most. Without you, my life would have been incomplete. Thank you so much.

I know you know this. But still, thanks for having my back even after knowing how annoying companion I am.

You came into my life and removed the word “Worry” and replaced it with “happiness”. Thank you so much.

Darling, you held my hand in the darkness and led me to the bright light I had always been looking for. Thank you for being in my life!

True love can be measured with trust and the way you trust me means the world to me! I will never let you go, my love!

Read More: Thank You My Love Messages

Appreciation Message To Colleagues

I appreciate your enthusiasm and intent to learn new skills and develop as a better performer. Keep up this great spirit!

We spend most of the time together every day. You are not just a colleague, you are a companion. I appreciate you being my best working friend.

Appreciation Message To Colleagues

We highly appreciate your efforts and dedication to our company. Team members like you make the difference! Thank you.

Thank you so much for being such a friendly colleague. You made my working life fun and so much easier. I can’t appreciate you much.

No matter what, you supported me, and you helped me work with emotions. I am lucky to have a colleague and friend like you. Thank you so much.

As a token of appreciation for your improved performance, sincerity, and diligence, we are revising your remuneration to $XXXX/month, effective from today. Best of luck!

To appreciate your consistent performance and diligent obedience toward work and management, the company is now promoting you as “Senior Executive” effective from next month! We hope you keep up the great work!

Your strategies, ideas, and insights are highly appreciable. Your efforts to improve our performance as a team have helped us all. Thank you!

We appreciate your generous heart that helps us in our tasks. You have an inseparable part of our team. Thank you for everything!

Appreciation Messages for Help or Support

It would have been an impossible task to accomplish without your help. Thank you so much for lending a hand!

If I had to buy a special gift for you every time you helped me, I would surely go bankrupt. All I can say is thank you.

I am thanking you from the deepest part of my heart for being supportive all my life. You are like a tree that gives me shade from the sun and protects me from rain.

message of appreciation for support

Don’t blame me, I just cannot find any words to appreciate the things you do for me. All I find is “thank you”.

You’re so great to work with. Thank you so much for always being supportive.

The way you helped me get through the problem is unimaginable. You have done so much for me. Thank you!

You’re so good with responsibility. I could never solve the problem without your help. Thank you so much!

You were so busy but still, you rushed in to help me. Thank you so much.

Your support made it look like a scratch on the surface, but in reality, it was a mammoth task. Thank you, my dear!

How will I ever repay for all the things you have done for me. There is no limit to your generosity. Thank you.

Not everybody dares to provide support at bad times like these. Thank you.

We don’t have the ability to repay for some help. Your help means a lot to me. Thank you.

The generosity you have shown me will be forever engraved in my heart! You must be an angel for helping me so much whenever I was in need!

Thanks to your warm heart and assuring words, I was able to get over my struggles and worries. Your actions meant a lot to me!

Appreciation Message For Good Work

You are doing a great job, my dear. Just keep it up, and you’ll make it to the end in no time. Thank you for the effort!

We’ve come so far only because of your dedication and good work. You deserve a big applause for all your contribution!

word of appreciation for good work

Congratulations, and thank you for showing us the right way to do this right. Keep up the good work!

You invested your whole heart to do this right, and the result is right before us. Your dedication needs to be appreciated with the finest of rewards!

Thank you is the least I can say to appreciate you for the whole thing. You’ve done justice to your talent. Thanks again for your good work!

Read More: 100+ Appreciation Messages For Good Work

Appreciation Messages For Gift and Wishes

Your gift is a signature for your elegance and style. Thank you so much for the wonderful gift!

Your wishes melt my heart right away. No one can touch my heart with mere words except you. And thank you for gift!

I’m touched by the words you wrote in that wish. Thank you from the deepest corner of my heart for such a sweet greeting!

You are the biggest gift that I have ever received. Only you know how to impress me with words. Thank you so much!

Accept my wholehearted gratitude for your wonderful gift and remarkable birthday wishes. Every word of it truly touches me!

Appreciation Quotes To Show Your Gratitude

“Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” – Hansa Proverb

“To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” – Mark Twain

Appreciation Messages for Cooperation

“I feel a very unusual sensation – if it is not indigestion, it must be gratitude.” – Benjamin Disraeli

When you can’t reward a friend, you simply say “Thank you”.

“Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” – Alice Walker

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” – Cicero

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” – Voltaire

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

“I think for any relationship to be successful, there needs to be loving communication, appreciation, and understanding.” – Miranda Kerr

“The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.” – John E Southard

“Saying thank you is more than good manners, it is good spirituality.” – Alfred Painter

“Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” – Alan Cohen

“Forget yesterday – it has already forgotten you. Don’t sweat tomorrow – you haven’t even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift – today.” – Steve Maraboli

“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” – Dalai Lama

Read More: 200+ Thank You Messages

Best Gratitude Messages

I have run out of words to express my gratitude to you. Your appreciation means a lot. Thank you for appreciating me.

For all the wonderful things you’ve done, I offer my wholehearted gratitude to you. Thank you so much!

Best Gratitude Messages

I’ve never met someone so friendly and supportive as you. I feel grateful all the time!

I don’t know if I deserve this much love from you. You always take care of me. I humbly appreciate you not leaving me alone.

I thank you for the time you have given me to achieve my goal. I may not be able to repay you ever, but I can pray for your well-being.

I thank you for making my life worth living. You always find a way to make me smile!

I want to express my earnest gratitude to you for extending your warm hands towards me when I was left alone. Thank you so much!

You are sole reason for my happiness. A mere thank you is not enough to say how grateful I am to you!

A simple appreciation message could go a long way in developing strong bonds and motivating people. Words of appreciation not only boost the performances of team members or colleagues but also rejuvenates our close ones. A thank you message for appreciation for a particular work or effort harms no one. Messages of gratitude and appreciation are pretty similar across contexts. However, in a work setting, it is obviously a bit more formal. But the usual intent in any circumstance is to show how someone’s efforts or the time has helped another. It is an excellent method to develop long-lasting mutual respect.

We suggest you know how to appreciate someone in words. This will help you gain respect and affection from the other person. They would also feel comfortable around and trust you as well. Appreciating your friends or partner for the time and dedication they give to you motivates them to give more effort in your relationship. Appreciating your friends for their help and presence makes them more bonded to you. They feel you care for them. And appreciating your office colleagues for their efforts at work creates an environment of trust and respect at the office. This is something very healthy for sustaining an organization.

So, we hope you start appreciating everyone around you for even the small, good things they do. You can use our messages mentioned above to spread appreciation per the context. But whatever you do, do it with positive intent and a pure heart. Appreciate people, appreciate life!

Last updated on August 21, 2022

Appreciation is so scarce these days that you might be blown away by receiving it from your boss, client, or coworker. You may not have any ideas about how to reply to such a message, but you’ll know to do it appropriately. Here’s some helpful information about how and when to craft a thank you reply email for appreciation.

Situations When You Might Receive an Appreciation Letter

These are some of the most common instances when you might get caught off guard by receiving an appreciation letter:

When You First Take a Job

Some employers are pleased to bring workers on board, and they take time to greet them and show appreciation for their choice to work for the organization. Therefore, you may receive a letter and wonder if you should give a thank you reply to the hiring manager.

After You’ve Worked Hard

Maybe you worked your fingers to the bone to hit production goals, or you covered a holiday for your boss that no one else wanted to work. He or she may feel like sending you a note of appreciation that might compel you to respond with a thank you reply.

When You Do a Stellar Job for a Client

You might dazzle one of your clients, who then goes out of the way to let you know how much your efforts meant. That might be the perfect opportunity to send a thank you mail for your client’s respect and care.

When You Help a Colleague

Teamwork is about helping fellow coworkers and getting their backs during challenging times. Maybe you went above and beyond your regular duties to show your coworkers how to complete a process or helped them when they were struggling. One of them might hit you with an unexpected appreciation gesture, and you might want to reply to your colleague’s message.

Should You Send a Thank You for Appreciation?

There’s nothing offensive about sending a thank you reply email for appreciation. Therefore, you should do it if your instinct compels you to. However, you need to ensure that your response is appropriate and no one can misconstrue anything in the text. Thus, you must take your time and craft a tactful and respectful reply.

reply to appreciation email

How Shouldn’t You Respond To Appreciation Texts?

Never send a reply that sounds even remotely inappropriate. Remember that a company representative most likely monitors the emails you send back and forth to your colleagues, clients, and bosses.

You’ll want to avoid being too friendly or discussing anything personal because the person who reads the message may take it wrongfully. For example, you might be accustomed to using the term “warm” in your texts when communicating with someone you think is a quality person.

“Thank you for your warm letter of appreciation …”

“Your warm message touched me …”

“I appreciate your warm sentiment …”

The term simply means that the other person seems kind or welcoming and refers to their emotional temperature. But you’d be surprised how people can take a single word like that the wrong way.

Be very careful with your communications for that reason. Never use the words “my pleasure”—at all. Many people will instruct you to use them, but the recipients could misconstrue them if they don’t know you.

How Should You Answer an Appreciation Message?

Your email reply should be concise, business-like, and work-related. Refer to superior personnel as sir or ma’am and write the content as if you’re speaking to the president. Avoid expressing your friendly side, even if it’s a massive part of you, because it leaves too much room for misinterpretation. Maybe you don’t have to craft it like a letter to the president, but you get the idea.

The 21 Best Examples of a Thank You Reply Email for Appreciation

These are examples of plain body text you can use when responding to various appreciation email senders. Open each initial email with a full salutation and closing. You can be a bit more casual on quick response replies.

reply to appreciation email

Thank You Reply To Boss For Appreciation

1. Thank you for your appreciation email, sir. Taking on the additional project was a growth opportunity that will help boost my productivity in future projects.

2. Thank you for taking time from your hectic day to send an appreciation message, ma’am. Exceeding sales goals resulted from the company-provided in-depth training and educational courses. Thus, I thank the organization for giving me the tools to succeed.

3. Sir, I am grateful for your appreciation email. However, I should be thanking you for the skills and experience I received from working on the XYZ project. The work experience helped shape me into a more well-rounded employee, and I value that.

4. Ma’am, I am thankful that you selected me to participate in a vital project. I’m glad the end result was favorable for the company.

5. Sir, I’m honored that you took the time to thank me for my work efforts. However, being a dependable and productive worker is a goal for which I strive always. Doing the unexpected project taught me how to sharpen my time-management skills and juggle work tasks effectively. I thank you for the additional development.

6. Ma’am, working with my coworkers to meet deadlines allowed me to experience the true meaning of teamwork. I thank you for the lesson; it will help me meet the business’s needs similarly in the future.

7. Sir, it’s not every day that a worker receives an appreciation message from the boss. I sincerely thank you for acknowledging my production efforts and appreciating my work ethic. All my work for this firm has been a valuable learning experience, and I am grateful for that opportunity.

8. Ma’am, I appreciate that you extended your thoughtful regards about the voluntary overtime. I am always available to cover my fellow coworkers and help the business when it’s short workers.

9. Sir, I am ecstatic that the company is pleased with my work ethic. I aim to present myself as a team player and be mindful of the business’s needs at all times. Thus, I was happy to work the extra shift you requested. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me and let me know you recognized my efforts.

10. Thank you for the personalized note of appreciation, Ma’am. I value your faith in my work abilities and that you chose to cross-train me in the new department. Hopefully, future projects will bring the same positive results.

How To Reply To Appreciation Email From Colleague

11. Thank you for the appreciation message. I’m always nearby if you need my professional assistance in the future.

12. I am thankful that you appreciated my contributions to the teamwork effort on project ABC. Meeting goals was exhilarating, and I hope to participate in similar endeavors again.

13. Thank you for the feedback. It’s good to know that you appreciate my efforts. I also appreciate working with you and learning from you. Let me know if you need further assistance, and I will do my best to support your project.

14. Thank you for the recognition. Our project was a team effort that I couldn’t have done without you. Thus, I thank you for choosing to work with me.

15. Thank you for the thoughtful regards. I value the time spent working with the team and will always dedicate myself to making operational tasks less burdensome. Let me know if you need my aid again.

16. Thanks for reaching out. It was no problem to switch shifts with you. I understand that life happens, and I was glad to assist a teammate. Feel free to let me know if you need to swap schedules again in the future.

Examples of Thank You Mail for Appreciation Received From Client

17. Thank you. Your words of appreciation meant a lot. Helping clients is part of the reason I enjoy my job so much. I’m happy to hear that you were content with my services. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need assistance with similar ventures at a later time.

18. Your notice of appreciation was unexpected but highly valued. Your feedback helps to keep me motivated and inspired for future pursuits.

19. Thank you for reaching out to me with appreciative sentiments. I always strive to deliver quality services to valued clients. I appreciate that you sent feedback and took the time to let me know you thought well of my work. I would be honored to work on additional projects for you.

20. Your letter of appreciation made my day. Bringing results for clients is my idea of a successful partnership. I will remember the feedback you provided me and use it to improve my efforts on our next project further.

21. I am humbled by your appreciative message. The contract project was purposeful for me, and I thank you for allowing me to provide the service. I hope the success of this operation is the beginning of a long-lasting and fruitful business relationship.

How To Reply To Appreciation Email On Behalf Of Team  

When replying to an appreciation email, you must show gratitude. The first thing to do is acknowledge and thank your boss and the team for acknowledging you.

Acknowledgment is rare in many workplaces. Thus, the next step is to compliment your boss and teammates for their work. The following are 10 examples of replies you can send when you receive an appreciation email.

22) Dear Mr. Manager,

I sincerely thank you for extending words of appreciation. Your message and the warm welcome I received from my coworkers motivated me to bring my best self to work daily. Without a supportive team and an assertive boss, I would not have done as well or been as effective as I was. I hope our working relationship lasts a long time and I continue to experience the positive energy the team emits.


Avid Worker

23) Dear Mrs. Manager,

I’m reaching out to thank you for the kind words you extended regarding my work on Project X. My hardworking and supportive team members were the main reason the project got completed on time and with such precision. I’m glad you’re pleased with our collective work. Please let me know if you need me to work on similar projects. I’d be delighted to help.



24) Dear. Mr. Boss,

I just read your email and wanted to reach out and let you know how much I appreciated it. It was my absolute pleasure to work with the dedicated team members you assigned me for the project. It gave me the opportunity to learn more about teamwork, delegation, and collaboration. Therefore, I wanted to take a moment to thank you and my team for the lessons I learned from working with them.


Team Player

25) Dear Mrs. Leader,

It means a lot that you recognize my efforts within your organization. Appreciation is rare in some environments, and I want you to know that I received yours well. I also want to acknowledge my teammates for their help and acceptance. Each one of them played an integral part in my success, and I could not have accomplished what I did without them. Thanks again for giving me a chance in your organization and on your team.


Proud Team Member

26) Dear Mr. Supervisor,

Please accept my appreciation for your kind message regarding my work performance. I am only as skilled as I am because of the fantastic leadership and strong team I work with. I humbly accept your acknowledgment and appreciation and offer the same to you. I work for a great team and hope the relationship lasts for many years.


Happy Pleb

27) Dear Mrs. Leader,

Thank you for your encouraging and inspirational words and the vote of confidence. It’s not every day that a boss highlights my work ethic. You are the epitome of an excellent leader, which shows in the teamwork level I receive when performing projects. You can count on me to assist with any future projects of that type.


Thankful Worker

28) Dear Mr. Boss,

I am astonished by the attention you paid to my work style. I must say that I can’t take all the credit, however. I had a fabulous team of professionals on my side. I feel that we can accomplish anything if we work together. Thank you very much for the message, and I hope to embark on similar projects in the future.


Suzie Employee

29) Dear Mrs. Boss,

Thank you for your words. I appreciate your hard work just as much as you appreciate mine. I also want to thank the thoughtful and helpful people who work with me every day. I hope we can team up similarly sometime soon.


Grateful Employee

30) Dear Mr. Super,

I received your uplifting letter this morning, and I need to thank you for reaching out. Your acknowledgment and support mean the world. It also means a lot that my team members were so dedicated to ensuring my success. This is the type of well-rounded workplace I’ve always wanted to be a part of.


Happy Worker

31) Dear Mrs. Super,

Please accept my humble thank you for the time you spent writing me the letter of appreciation. I’m delighted to work for you and the elite team of coworkers I spend time with daily. I hope we all continue to work with and for each other.


Team Member

Now you have some excellent examples of how to write a thank you reply email for appreciation. Remember to keep your wording professional and avoid leaving any room for misinterpretation, especially when communicating with your superiors. The recipient will also appreciate the effort you made to send a reply.

Read More:

  • How To Compliment Someone’s Leadership In 13 Sincere Ways
  • 10 Signs You Are Not Valued At Work (And Ways To Cope With It)  
  • How To Motivate Peers At Work: 10 Effective Ways
  • 75+ Impactful Recognition and Appreciation Words for Employees
  • I Got A Response To My Thank You Email – Is It A Good Sign?
  • 24 Ways To Reply To Congratulations Email On New Job

Many of us have found ourselves wracking our brains over how to reply to appreciation emails that we receive at work. 

All kinds of questions pop up in our minds.

  • How do I start my mail?
  • On what note do I end my mail?
  • How do I express sincere gratitude?
  • How do I avoid going overboard with my thank you?

Two Simple Steps to help you frame your reply to an appreciation email.

Have a look!

Step 1. Acknowledge the appreciation.

Yes, that’s the foremost thing you should be doing; at the very beginning of your mail.

Sample this-

  • Thank you for your encouraging words.
  • It is very thoughtful of you to appreciate my efforts and nominate me for the Employee of the year award.
  • Thank you very much for recognizing my contribution to the team. This means a lot to me.
  • I am humbled by your public appreciation for my work. Thank you.
  • Thank you for your feedback. Glad I could be of help.

Step 2. Add- how their words of appreciation would help you better your performance.

Here are some examples to word it.

a) If there is a compliment- return the compliment

  • It was a wonderful learning experience working with you. I look forward to implementing this knowledge in my next ABC task.
  • It was a pleasure assisting you with the assignment. I hope to work with your QA team again.

b) If there is feedback- acknowledge and say how this would benefit you.

  • Thank you for taking out time and letting me know the team’s views on my Sales prediction presentation. I am glad my work made sense to all. This feedback has motivated me to dig further deep into the analytics of my market research.

Some handy tips for that perfect reply to an appreciation email

  • Keep it brief Too wordy a mail loses its purpose. People don’t have the patience and attention span to read long emails. Keep your mails under 100 words.
  • Give due credit– Attribute your success to your boss’s guidance & support and to your co-workers’ cooperation.
  • Avoid going overboard with your display of gratitude.

Eg. How will I ever repay this debt! X

Let me take you out for lunch for the favor that you have bestowed upon me. X

I am forever indebted to you for nominating my name for the Employee of the year award! X

  • In an attempt to sound humble, do not downplay your achievements. You might come across as saying your efforts are not worthy of appreciation.

Eg. Thank you but it’s no big deal. X

Thank you but I didn’t go out of the way for that. It was nothing. X

  • Never dismiss a compliment/words of appreciation. It reflects low confidence.

Eg. I don’t think I have reached that great a level. X

I don’t think I am anywhere close to those standards. X

Thank you but I am not in that league yet. X

Sample mail-

Dear Jason,

Please accept my sincere thanks for your encouraging words for my contribution to the Xyz account.

My entire team lent me strong support on this. Without that, a smooth completion wouldn’t have been possible.

Thank you for your continuous guidance and support.


Jessica Watson

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Thanks to all for your kind appreciation! ‘

Mr. Landman (Netherlands): Mr. President, first of all I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for the kind words addressed to me and my departing colleague.

Г-н Ландман (Нидерланды) (говорит по-английски): Г-н Председатель, прежде всего я хотел бы выразить благодарность и признательность за добрые слова в мой адрес и в адрес моего убывающего коллеги.

I should also like to reiterate my thanks and my appreciation to all the speakers for the kind words that they addressed to the Syrian presidency this morning.

Я также хотел бы вновь выразить благодарность и признательность всем ораторам за их добрые слова сегодня утром в адрес сирийского председательства.

We thank our guests for the appreciation of our work and for the kind words.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 751085. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 206 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


Say thank you in a professional way to those who expressed to you their appreciation for you in response to your actions/work ethic diligence etc. Use our Thank You Letter For Appreciation letter templates for this very purpose and show them that you are humble and respectful. You can also see Thank You Letter To Teachers.

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