Thank you for good word

“Thank you for your kind words” is a polite thing you can say in person or via email when someone has shown you kindness. It works well, but it can sometimes sound forced or insincere. This article will explore some good professional and conversational alternatives you can use.

The preferred synonyms are “I appreciate your kindness,” “thank you for saying that,” and “I’m glad you’re here for me.” These phrases work well in formal emails. You will also find that they extend to spoken English and can be used informally with your friends if need be.

Better Ways to Say Thank You for Your Kind Words

1. I Appreciate Your Kindness

“I appreciate your kindness” is one of the simplest ways to accept someone’s kind words. It shows that you appreciate and value them. It works well in professional contexts because it shows that you’re able to keep a formal tone while accepting positivity and kindness.

  • Dear Abe,
  • I appreciate your kindness. I don’t know what I’d do without you here with me.
  • My best,
  • Craig
  • Hey Martin,
  • I appreciate your kindness. Thank you for checking in, and I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop going forward.
  • Regards,
  • George
  • Dear Alex,
  • I appreciate your kindness. You don’t know how much it means to me to receive an email like yours.
  • Yours,
  • Erik

2. Thank You For Saying That

“Thank you for saying that” is a great alternative you can use. It shows that you appreciate someone for the things they said, especially if they said something that you needed to hear.

  • Dear Chris,
  • Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me that you were caring enough to send that message.
  • My best,
  • Nathan
  • Hey Nicole,
  • Thank you for saying that. I will let you know when I’m ready to come back to work after everything is settled.
  • Regards,
  • Thomas
  • Dear Freya,
  • Thank you for saying that. I don’t want to continue to be a burden moving forward.
  • Yours,
  • Evie

3. I’m Glad You’re Here For Me

“I’m glad you’re here for me” is another great phrase. This phrase is fairly personal, so you might find that it works best in informal emails or when you are emailing or messaging a friend or coworker you get along with.

  • Dear Geoff,
  • I’m glad you’re here for me. I’ll always be here to help you if you need me as well.
  • My best,
  • Jon
  • Hey Paula,
  • I’m glad you’re here for me. I’ll keep you updated when things are made a bit clearer.
  • Regards,
  • Stevie
  • Dear Brian,
  • I’m glad you’re here for me. I always knew that I would be able to count on you as one of my most faithful employees.
  • Yours,
  • Peter

4. I Appreciate Your Support

“I appreciate your support” is a simple phrase in formal emails. It works really well to show that you appreciate someone and all of the kind things they’ve said to help you through difficult situations.

  • Dear Alicia,
  • I appreciate your support. I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to help fix my situation.
  • My best,
  • Oxley
  • Hey Mary,
  • I appreciate your support. I won’t be able to help you any further until I know more about what’s happening.
  • Regards,
  • Mr. Peterson
  • Dear Richard,
  • I appreciate your support. You will be the first to know if things start to get a bit more positive for me.
  • Yours,
  • Adam

5. Your Support Means A Lot To Me

“Your support means a lot to me” is a great alternative you can use. It works well because it shows that you appreciate someone’s support. It’s a good formal choice that shows you do not take any person for granted at the workplace.

  • Dear Carla,
  • Your support means a lot to me. I don’t think you realize just how much I care about the people I work with.
  • My best,
  • Sue
  • Hey Martina,
  • Your support means a lot to me. I didn’t realize that my situation mattered this much to you.
  • Regards,
  • Ellie
  • Dear Mr. Brooke,
  • Your support means a lot to me. I’ll keep everyone updated when I have more information on this matter.
  • Yours,
  • Ms. Chacksfield

6. Thanks!

“Thanks!” can appear in emails or outside of emails. It’s a versatile one that you can use whenever someone has been kind or tried to help you with something. If you want it to appear more formal, you could always extend it to “thank you.”

  • Dear Lewis
  • Thanks! I wasn’t sure if anyone cared enough to email me about this!
  • My best,
  • Joe
  • Hey Nicky,
  • Thanks! I’m happy to hear that you’re on my side. I don’t know what I’d do without all of you!
  • All the best,
  • Yuri
  • Dear Abdul,
  • Thanks! I’m glad you wrote to me about this. I knew there would be someone who cared.
  • Yours,
  • Matt

7. Thank You For Having My Back

“Thank you for having my back” is a great choice, but it’s best in informal emails. “Having my back” is a phrasal verb that works best in colloquial English, so you need to account for this before including it in a formal email chain.

  • Dear Ryan,
  • Thank you for having my back. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to write about this just yet.
  • My best,
  • Harold
  • Hey Scotty,
  • Thank you for having my back. I am happy to share more information with you now, as you’ve reached out to me.
  • Regards,
  • Mr. Pickard
  • Dear Alexandra,
  • Thank you for having my back. Please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything I can do to return the favor.
  • Yours,
  • Vlad

8. I Appreciate What You’re Saying

“I appreciate what you’re saying” is a great formal synonym. It works really well in professional emails because it shows that you value and respect someone for helping you with “kind words.” Even if you don’t think they have helped, you can use this phrase.

  • Dear Tom,
  • I appreciate what you’re saying. I’m glad that I have someone like you to help me out of tricky situations like this.
  • My best,
  • James
  • Hey Evangeline,
  • I appreciate what you’re saying. I’ll do my best to get back to work sooner rather than later.
  • Regards,
  • Roger
  • Dear Presley,
  • I appreciate what you’re saying. I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to fix my problems.
  • Yours,
  • Liam

9. Your Kind Words Have Eased My Pain

“Your kind words have eased my pain” is a decent choice you can use in formal emails. Some people think it sounds a little jarring, but it works well if you’re struggling with something. If someone wrote to you to help you out, you could use this phrase.

  • Dear Autumn,
  • Your kind words have eased my pain. I didn’t realize how impactful an email like yours could be.
  • My best,
  • Steven
  • Hey Travis,
  • Your kind words have eased my pain. Thank you so much for sending me that message and checking in.
  • Regards,
  • Patrick
  • Dear Al,
  • Your kind words have eased my pain. I don’t think you realize just how powerful that email was.
  • Yours,
  • Sharon

10. Cheers!

“Cheers!” is a great choice, but it only works in informal English. You should use it when you are speaking informally to someone (i.e. a friend). It works well to accept their kind words without having to go overboard with what you say.

  • Cheers! I always knew I could rely on you to cheer me up and pull me out of these awful situations! You’re a great friend.
  • Cheers! I really appreciate you saying that. Of course, if there’s anything I can do to help you, you only need to ask!
  • Cheers! You’re one of the best friends a guy could ask for! I’m so lucky that I have someone like you in my life.

11. You’re The Best!

“You’re the best!” is another great informal alternative. This one shows that you truly value the person who is helping you and sharing kind words with you. It’s a great one to use to show that you appreciate what someone has said or done.

  • You’re the best! I really appreciate everything you’ve said and done for me right now. If there’s anything I can do for you, let me know.
  • You’re the best. I don’t know how I got so lucky to get you in my life. I want you always to remember that I care.
  • You’re the best. I knew I could rely on you to be so kind and thoughtful in a time like this. I was a bit lost before you came here.

12. I Knew I Could Count On You

“I knew I could count on you” is a great phrase you can use. It works well in colloquial English because it shows that you rely heavily on your friends, and they have done something that you didn’t expect of them (i.e. provided kind words to help you through something).

  • I hope you know you’re amazing. I knew I could count on you. You always seem to know the exact right thing to say.
  • I knew I could count on you. Thank you for coming over here and trying to cheer me up in the best ways!
  • I knew I could count on you. I do appreciate all of the things you’ve said and done. I’d be lost without you.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Thank you for the good words on the magazine.

Maria Daniela, Dimi, Nani, thank you wholeheartedly for the good words!

Mr. President, I thank you for the kind words and good wishes you have addressed to me.

Mr. President, I thank you sincerely for the kind words and the good wishes you addressed to me.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 2023317. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 303 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Как известно, мы используем различные слова благодарности в зависимости от ситуации. Мы официально благодарим деловых партнеров, начальников, коллег и в то же время тепло и довольно неформально выражаем благодарность друзьям и близким. Мы говорим спасибо за помощь или за подарок к празднику. Из этой статьи вы узнаете, как разными способами выразить благодарность на английском языке и ответить на нее.

Помимо привычного thank you часто в употреблении можно встретить следующие варианты искренней благодарности:

Фраза Перевод
Thanks! Спасибо!
Many thanks! / Thanks a lot! (этот вариант нередко встречается в ироничном значении) Большое спасибо!
Thank you (ever) so much! / Thank you very much! / Thanks a million! Премного благодарен!
I can’t thank you enough! Огромное спасибо!
Thanks for your kind words! Спасибо на добром слове (за добрые слова)!
That’s very kind/nice of you! Очень мило с Вашей стороны!
You’re so helpful! Спасибо за помощь!
Appreciate it! Благодарю!
Cheers! Вот это здорово! (это слово встречается в значении «спасибо» в британском и австралийском вариантах английского языка)

Перечисленные фразы универсальны, вы можете выбрать любую из них в зависимости от представленного случая и не прогадаете. Приведем несколько примеров:

– Would you like to have some coffee with us? – Не желаете выпить с нами кофе?
– Oh, thanks. I’d love to! – Спасибо, с удовольствием!

– Wow, you look gorgeous today! I love your dress! – Ох, ты потрясающе выглядишь сегодня! Мне нравится твое платье!
– Thank you so much! – Огромное спасибо!

– I’ve just bought some vegetables for dinner. – Я купил немного овощей к ужину.
– Oh, dear! You’re so helpful! – Спасибо за помощь, милый!

– Do you need any help? – Вам помочь?
– No, thank you. I’m alright. – Нет, спасибо, я в порядке.

–Here is your pizza. – Вот ваша пицца.
– Thanks! – Спасибо!

Посмотрите видео, в котором носитель языка рассказывает о разных вариантах благодарности на английском языке.

В английском языке существует целый набор полезных слов и словосочетаний для выражения благодарности и признательности. Рассмотрим некоторые из них на примере ряда ситуаций.

Время поздравлений: благодарим за подарки и добрые слова в праздники

Праздники, будь то день рождения, Новый год, Рождество или День благодарения, являются особыми днями календаря, когда семьи или друзья собираются вместе и обмениваются теплыми словами и подарками. Вы можете поблагодарить близких, используя следующие выражения:

Фраза Перевод
Слова благодарности за подарки
Thank you for your wonderful present! Спасибо за потрясающий подарок!
Many thanks for the gifts, I love them! Большое спасибо за подарки, они великолепны!
Thank you very much for such a practical gift! Огромное спасибо за столь практичный подарок!
Благодарим за пожелания и поздравления
Many thanks for the wishes! Большое спасибо за поздравления!
I really appreciate your kind words! Я очень ценю Ваши добрые слова!
Thank you ever so much for making me feel special today! Я очень благодарен Вам за особую атмосферу этого дня, созданную благодаря Вам!
I send you warm wishes of joy and happiness in return! И Вам всего самого замечательного и радостного!
Выражаем благодарность на английском в письме / по смс / в соцсетях
Sending special thanks to you! Шлем Вам особую благодарность!
It has been a very special day thanks to you! Happy holidays! Этот день стал особенным благодаря Вам! Удачных праздников!
Many thanks for the beautiful Easter card! Премного благодарен за столь красивую пасхальную открытку!
I really appreciate your gift card! Очень приятно получить Вашу открытку с поздравлениями!
Делимся радостью по поводу приглашения на торжество
Thank you for inviting me for the holiday! Спасибо за приглашение на Ваше торжество!
Many thanks for the warm invitation! Большое спасибо за теплое приглашение!
I’d like to say a very warm thank you for the invitation! От всего сердца благодарю Вас за приглашение!

Формальное выражение благодарности: говорим «спасибо» партнерам по бизнесу, коллегам, клиентам

В бизнесе также не менее важно выражать признательность. Мы благодарим партнеров за плодотворное сотрудничество и оказываемое содействие, коллег за поддержку и помощь в решении проблем и спорных моментов, клиентов за доверие или терпеливое ожидание, например, заказа.

Ниже представлены несколько способов выражения официальной благодарности как лично, так и посредством интернет-коммуникаций:

Фраза Перевод
Thank you for taking the trouble to help us. We highly appreciate it! Благодарим, что согласились помочь нам. Мы очень это ценим!
We greatly appreciate your support and assistance. Мы высоко ценим Вашу помощь и поддержку.
Thank you for your kind cooperation. Спасибо за любезное сотрудничество.
Many thanks for everything you have done for us. Примите нашу благодарность за все, что Вы для нас сделали.
We would like to express our gratitude for all that you have done. Мы безмерно благодарны Вам за Ваш труд.
We value your contribution to our successful collaboration. Мы очень ценим Ваш вклад в наше успешное сотрудничество.
I am very thankful for your consideration. Искренне благодарим Вас за рассмотрение нашего вопроса.
We thank you for your special attention to this matter. We do appreciate it. Благодарим Вас за особое внимание, которое Вы уделили нашему вопросу. Мы ценим это!
Thank you ever so much for taking the time to help us! Благодарим Вас за то, что смогли уделить нам время!
We value the trust you have put into us and will work hard to maintain it. Мы очень ценим Ваше доверие к нам и постараемся не разочаровать Вас.

А вот так можно поблагодарить начальника или руководителя за повышение, профессиональный совет или, например, за предоставленный в нужный момент отпуск:

Фраза Перевод
I am very thankful to be a part of your great team. Я очень благодарен за то, что являюсь членом Вашей замечательной команды.
We are grateful for your kindness, loyalty and flexibility! Мы безмерно благодарны Вам за доброту, лояльность и проявляемую гибкость!
Thank you for providing us with such a nice working environment. Спасибо Вам за то, что смогли предоставить нам прекрасные условия работы.
As a supervisor, you are truly inspirational to your staff. Вы являетесь примером идеального начальника (руководителя), вдохновляющего своих подчиненных.
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. Огромное Вам спасибо за поддержку и воодушевление.
Allow us to express our sincerest gratitude for the opportunities you provided! Позвольте нам выразить искреннюю благодарность за предоставленные Вами возможности!

В приведенных выше случаях важен верный подбор слов, ведь вы говорите спасибо не просто так, потому что этот человек ваш босс, а выражаете искреннюю признательность и радость.

Благодарим наставника, преподавателя, тренера

Некоторым своим успехам мы зачастую обязаны учителям или наставникам, вдохновляющим нас на новые победы и свершения. Мы благодарим их за терпение, внимание, поддержку, вложенные в нас силы и время.

Иногда нескольких слов благодарности бывает достаточно, чтобы педагог с теплом вспоминал о вас еще долгое время, ведь так приятно, когда кто-то ценит твой труд. Поблагодарить наставника, учителя, тренера или старшего, более опытного товарища можно следующим образом:

Фраза Перевод
I am eternally grateful for everything I’ve learnt from you. Я бесконечно благодарен Вам за все, чему у Вас научился.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. Благодарю Вас за то, что поделились со мной знаниями.
Thank you for your guidance and wisdom! Спасибо за Ваше наставничество и мудрость!
I am very much obliged to you. Я Вам очень признателен.
How can I ever thank you enough? Не знаю, как и благодарить Вас!
I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help me. Я высоко ценю всю помощь, которую Вы мне оказали.
I have had so much fun learning with you! Я получил непередаваемое удовольствие от занятий с Вами!
Your teaching approach inspires me. Меня вдохновляет Ваш подход к обучению.
You’re the best teacher! Вы самый лучший учитель!
I am very thankful that you are my tutor. Я очень благодарен, что именно Вы мой наставник.
I’ve learnt so much, thanks to you! Я многому научился благодаря Вам!
Thank you for being patient and helping me improve my skills! Спасибо Вам за терпение и помощь в совершенствовании моих навыков!

Отвечаем на благодарность на английском языке

Нередко нам случается не только благодарить других, но и самим принимать слова благодарности, поэтому научиться правильно отвечать на добрые слова не менее важно.

Итак, представляем вашему вниманию английские аналоги выражений «не за что», «пожалуйста», «на здоровье» и «не стоит благодарности»:

Фраза Перевод
You’re welcome! Пожалуйста! (наиболее распространенный вариант, используемый преимущественно жителями США)
You’re always/very welcome! Всегда пожалуйста!
Not at all! Пожалуйста!
No problem! Не за что! (вариант, широко употребляемый молодыми людьми)
That’s all right/OK! Не за что!
Don’t mention it! Не за что! (оборот, характерный скорее для разговорной речи)
It’s no bother! Не за что!
Sure! Не за что! (американский вариант ответа на благодарность)
It’s my pleasure (to help you)! Очень рад (помочь)!
The pleasure is all mine! Не стоит благодарности! (официальный вариант)
It’s the least I could do! Это все мелочи! (дословно – это меньшее, что я мог сделать) – оборот, часто используемый в письменном общении.
It’s nothing! Пустяки!
It wasn’t a problem at all! Сущие мелочи, не благодарите!
Don’t worry about it! Не стоит благодарности!
No sweat! Не вопрос! (Это было проще простого.)

Используя эти выражения в общении на английском языке, вы поймете, что вежливость – это не только лучшее оружие вора :-), но и способ обрести новых друзей, порадовать учителей и продемонстрировать отличные манеры коллегам и партнерам.

Для тренировки употребления различных вариантов слов благодарности и ответов на них, рекомендуем вам посмотреть следующее видео и скачать табличку с полезными выражениями по теме.

↓ Скачать список выражений по теме «Как выразить благодарность на английском языке и как ответить на нее» (*.pdf, 225 Кб)

Будьте вежливыми, друзья!

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Thank You Messages: One of the sweetest gestures one can make is to say “thank you” to someone for something they feel grateful for. Saying thank you doesn’t cost anything, but it makes everyone notice your best behavior and helps you to create a great impression. No matter how big or small the help or favor you receive, it’s always important to express your gratitude. Without hesitation, whenever someone does something positive for you, say thank you to make sure you appreciate the gesture. If you don’t know what to say, we’ll help you out. Here are some graceful choices for you to thank your well-wishers and make them aware that you appreciate and care about them!

  • Thank You
  • Appreciation
  • For Support
  • For Help
  • For Wishes
  • For Everything
  • For Gift
  • For Friend
  • For Kindness
  • For Care
  • Short
  • Quotes

The word “thank you” will never be enough to express my gratitude for you! Thank you for everything.

I’grateful for your support and help. Thank you!

I will forever be grateful for your help. Thank you for all you do!


Some people deserve more than just a thank you. Just like you! Thanks for everything.

Thank you for the kind gestures! I appreciate you and all that you do.

No words can convey my gratitude for the support I received from you. Just take my heartiest “Thank you.”

My heart is overflowing with gratitude. Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

My heart is filled with respect and appreciation towards you. Thank you for everything.

I appreciate everything you do for me with so much care. Thank you!

I am so grateful and happy beyond words that all I can say is Thank You!

Thank you for all the help and everything you did for me to get me where I’m today. My blessings and prayers will always be with you.

Having you in my life is one of the finest blessings. Always grateful to you for the love and support you shower. Thanks for being my constant. Love you.

Even if I tried to express my gratitude to you using all the sweetest words in the world, I think I still wouldn’t be able to do it any justice because there is no such perfect way to say ‘Thank You’ to someone like you.

thankful message

I am forever grateful for all of my family and friends. Your support made me realize that I was not alone in the journey of accomplishing my dreams and I am immensely thankful to you for it. Thank you.

Your support has been an inspiration in this journey, and I am truly grateful for your kindness and generosity.

Thank you so much to my friends and family for your love and blessings!

Thank you very much for your sweet wish! Your kind words and loving thoughts just made my day amazing.

Many many thanks for this amazing gift. This beautiful gift just made my day. You are so generous. Thank you!

Thank you for all your kind words and blessings; Please accept my deepest thanks and love.

Thank you for always helping me out with all sorts of chores. Thank you for always ushering me with lots of love and care. I feel blessed to have you in my life; I love you so much!

I do appreciate the time and effort you managed to give us out of your busy schedule. Thank you so much.

thanks message

Thank you for always being there when I need you most.

I don’t know what to say except thank you!

Thanking you from the core of my heart. I truly appreciate you.

I really appreciate all that you’ve done. Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who wished me on my special day 😇 It was a wonderful day getting blessings and love from all of you.

A friend like you is the most precious gift anyone can receive from God. I want to Thank You for being my one and only best friend!

Thank you for always being a reliable shoulder to lean on. I owe you!

Thank you everyone for your lovely wishes and blessings. I sincerely appreciate your blessings and love!

There aren’t enough words to explain how thankful I am that you guys are my family and friends. Thank you. I couldn’t survive this world without you.

Kindness is just what you do, and you do it so well! Thank you for everything you do.

Everything about today was perfect. A heartfelt ‘thank you’ for making this day the best one.

heartfelt thank you messages

You have been extremely supportive through this difficult time. You may not realize what a blessing you have been. Thanks for your help.

Your warm hospitality touches me. Thanks for being so kind to me. I will forever remember this amazing hospitality. Thank you for everything.

Thank you so much for all you do for me. I am truly very grateful to you and to have you in my life. Thank you, my love!

Words are not enough to express my gratitude for your kindness to our family. Thank you very much for all that you have done.

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your party. The food was delicious, and everything was so perfect. Thank you for inviting me.

Thank you for being a great doctor! Thank you for healing half of my sickness with your patience and tolerance! May God bless you, doctor.

We want to express our earnest gratitude to you for attending our wedding and showering us with lovely blessings! Thank you for being a part of our happiness!

short thank you messages

I don’t know of anyone who can inspire people as you do. Your words are just as brilliant as you are! Thank you!

If there was one person that always had my back no matter what, it’s you. I feel grateful all the time. Thank you!

Thank you for being the nicest, kindest and most amazing person I know.

Here’s my heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful things you’ve done to help me! Thank you so much!

Thank you for being my biggest inspiration and my warmest supporter! You are a rare find, and I feel lucky to have you in my life! Thank you for being my constant!

Thank you very much for the dinner/lunch/birthday party. I had a great time attending your party. Thank you once again.

Appreciation Messages

You always know how to cheer me up and make everything better. Thank you for everything.

I genuinely appreciate how lovely and caring you are to everyone. Thanks for being so!

Thank you very much for all that you have done. Your presence has been felt massively. I really appreciate you and hope you have a graceful life.

I sincerely appreciate your fantastic friendship and support. More than you’ll ever know, I value the way you always make me feel special.

words to say thank you and appreciation

What you do for me always is priceless. A simple Thank You is all I can offer to appreciate your efforts.

Words will not be enough to convey my appreciation for your sheer existence in my life. Thank you for showering me with unconditional and selfless love!

There are people who come into your life and make it a little crazier, make you laugh a little louder, and make you shine a little brighter. For me, that person has always been you, and I’d never trade you for anybody else. Thank you for being in my life!

Just saying thank you to you will never be enough to express my appreciation for you; you are one of a kind! I feel so pleased and special whenever I’m around you!

I truly appreciate your kind gesture of sending me such a lovely gift. I love it so much.

I appreciate your warm gestures and incredible hospitality. Thank you and take my love from the heart.

There aren’t many people who can love and care for me the way you do. You are so special to me. Thank you for everything!

Your support and encouragement have always been the driving factors in my life. I want you to know that I appreciate your cordiality with all my life!


How could we ever express our gratitude for everything you’ve done? Even if the word “thank you” feels small, still thank you for your unbounded support!

Even if I wanted to appreciate you with all the sweet words in the world, I would still fall short because there can never be a perfect word to say Thank you to you!

Thank you for always encouraging me with your warm words. You have no clue how many times you have saved me from my mental breakdowns. Thanks for healing me, thank you very much!

Thank you for always being so kind to everyone. You make me believe in a better world with more people like you! Thank you for adding new meaning to my life, love!

I am extremely thankful to all the beautiful souls whose unconditional love, support, and care get me going with life. Thank You!

Read More: Appreciation Messages and Quotes

Heart Touching Thank You Message

I’m sending you a million heartfelt thanks for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would do without you; you are an incredible human being.

Million thank you is not enough to explain how grateful I am to you. Your love and care towards me make me very happy. I wish I could repay you for your kindness and support. All I can say is thank you.

I’m extremely grateful to you. I appreciate you being such a guiding light in my life because every time I get in your touch, my inner flame gets rekindled.

Heart Touching Thank You Message

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have done for me. I will remember and admire you, always.

I extend forward my utmost gratitude and the kindest thank you to the most lovely person. You have truly been a blessing and a delight.

Thank you for being a shoulder for me and for always being there to lend a helping hand. I am truly thankful for your support.

I thank you limitlessly for doing so much for me. Thank you for everything, dear. You will always hold a key place in my heart.

I’m so thankful to you for your love and support. Your presence, reluctant love, and support mean the world to me.

I can’t thank you enough for those lovely wishes you sent to me. I’m really touched. Take my love and gratitude.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for attending our big day! We will forever remember this wonderful gesture!

Thank You Message For Support

Thank you for supporting me at my worst. I’m so touched by your words, generosity, kindness, and love.

During all the difficult phases of my life, you were there for me and you have no idea how much strength your support has given me during that time! I cherish you and everything about you, forever in debt; thanks for everything.

I cannot think of a day without your love and support. I’m thankful that you keep spoiling me with your love and admiration. Love you to the moon.

Without you and your support, I wouldn’t have been able to get through this. Thank you for your kindness and support!

Not everyone is so fortunate like me. Because I always have someone to lift me up in hard times. Thank you so much for the help and support!

I cannot express how grateful I am that I’ve you both in my up and down. I couldn’t have done this without your support. Thanks!

Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. Your support put me at ease during my tough time. Thanks a million!


Your constant support and love keep me going on my most vulnerable days. Thanks for being my favorite. Love you, always.

Thank you for your support! Your help and support have motivated me to reach my goal. Thanks for everything you have done.

Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance throughout this difficult time. This means a lot!

I am grateful for all of your compassion and support. And I can never repay you for everything you’ve done for me.

I can’t thank you enough for being a faithful supporter of me through every high and low in my life.

Thank you for always providing me with guidance and cooperation, teacher. I am forever humbled for your wise words and genuine support!

Your affirmation and guidance have been a source of motivation for me throughout my life. I can’t thank you enough for all your support.

Thank You Messages For Help

I’m having a hard time putting my gratitude into words but I hope you know how much I appreciate all your help. Thank you so much.

People like you, who are there for others no matter what, are a blessing to the world. Thank you for being so!

I am so delighted to have a person who always stretches his hands out whenever I’m in trouble. Thank you, my dear!

Thank you very much for helping me out when I needed help. You probably helped more than you think you did. Thank you.

You are a blessing from God. I don’t know any other way to explain how much help you have been lately. I don’t know what I would do without you. I feel blessed.

thank you message for help

Thank you for helping me out with every silly mistake that I make. You are a true friend indeed.

Your invaluable mentorship and guidance have got me through all the way to where I am now. I could never have become a person today without your help. Thank you!

Thank you for your attention and guidance and for taking time out of your day to help me with my work/study. I greatly appreciate it.

Related: Thank You My Love Messages

Thank You For the Wishes

Thank you for your sweet words. Your wish has truly made my day!

Thank you for your wishes. I’m overwhelmed by your beautiful words and love on my birthday/anniversary!

Thanks everyone for the wishes. I am overwhelmed by the love you guys showed me.

Your wishes was truly wonderful. Thank you so much. My gratitude cannot be fully expressed with a message but I really want to let you know that I truly appreciate it.

Thank you everyone for your lovely wishes and blessings. May God bless you all.

I am really overwhelmed that you thought of me on my special day! Thank you so much for showering all the blessings and the love on me.

No words can explain the amount of joy your wishes have given me. Thank you for being so amazing!

thank you for the wishes

Sending my heartiest love and gratitude in return for your lovely wish. You’re the best!

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. They really mean a lot to me! God bless you all.

Your beautiful message made my day more special and meaningful. You will forever be special to me. Thanks!

I don’t know which one I appreciate more- you or the beautiful wish you’ve sent me. Thank you!

I really appreciate all the birthday wishes, cards, and gifts I got today. Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday extra special.

I can’t believe how many people remembered my birthday, and I’d like to thank each and every one of you for your sweet wishes. All of your good wishes will undoubtedly bring me a great year!

Thank You For Everything

Every little thing that you do brings joy to my heart. Thank you so much for every little smile you bring to our faces.

Even though it’s a little late, I still want to express my gratitude. Thanks for everything you do!

You are the reason behind my every triumph and every achievement! Thank you so much for everything!

I wholeheartedly admire what you do. Thank you for everything!

I can never thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, buddy. Know that our friendship means the world to me.


Thank you so much for everything. You are such a delight. I really appreciate you and appreciate the things that you do with all my heart.

You are like an angel in my life. Thank you for everything, to date. May you always be happy and blessed!

People like you are the flowers that add colors, fragrances, and freshness to life. I am thankful for having you in my life. Thank you for everything!

You somehow made a huge difference in my life without even realizing it, and I don’t think words could ever express my feelings to you. What would my life be like if I had never met you? Thank you for everything!

You were there for me when no one else was, and you believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you so much for everything.

You always remember everything I tell you and make me feel seen and heard. I thank you for everything you do for me.

Thank You Message For Gift

Your gift made me feel so special! Thank you for such a pleasant surprise! It means a lot!

I don’t know how you came about this idea. But God knows how surprised I am right now. It’s the most beautiful gift ever! Thank you!

I can imagine the amount of time and effort it took you to find this unique piece of gift. I am more than grateful to you for such a beautiful present. Thank you!

If I could describe your gift with just one word, it would be like A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Like the kind of amazing that takes your breath away! Thank you!

I appreciate your gift just as much as I appreciate you. Many thanks to you!

I cannot describe my happiness in mere words for the gift that you sent me. Thank you so much, my dear!

thank you message for gift

You have no idea how happy I am after opening your gift. I’ll forever preserve it. Thank you!

I feel blessed to have a thoughtful friend like you who knows my preference perfectly. Thank you so much for the lovely gift.

Read More: Thank You Messages For Gift

Thank You For Birthday Wishes

I really don’t have the right words to thank you! You just blew me away with the most amazing birthday wish ever!

Thank you for your wonderful birthday wishes. I cannot express how grateful I’m to have you in my life.

Your sweet and loving words were nothing less than a birthday poem. Your wish doubled my happiness instantly. Thank you!

Thank you for giving me your precious time and coming to my birthday party. It was a pleasant experience with you. I’m touched by your love.

The birthday messages just put a smile on my face. Thank you for making me feel special on my birthday.

Every single word of your birthday wishes for me touched my heart from the core. I loved the way you expressed your love for me. Thank you!

It is so hard for me to put my thoughts about you into words. I can only say that I am so thankful to you for blessing me with your presence on my birthday!

From the very bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all of you for taking your precious time out for me; your presence added sprinkles to my birthday! I love you all, thank you very much.

Read More: Thank You for Birthday Wishes

Thank You Messages For Friend

Having a friend like you is the greatest blessing one can have! Thanks for always being there for me.

Thanks for being not only my friend but also for being my brother, my soulmate, and my supporter. It feels good to be your best friend!

You encourage me to go beyond my comfort zone, cheer me on when I’m down, and comfort me when I’m depressed. Thank you so much, bestie!

thank you messages for friends

Thank you for being an essential part of my life. You always believed in me when nobody else did. You are such an amazing friend.

If I say thank you for every good moment this friendship had offered me, you’ll literally be crushed under all those thanks! But thank you anyway!

Thanks for making my every day a friendship day. Thanks for being my best friend for life. You deserve every thank you I’ve never said!

Thank you for providing a shoulder to cry on, for being clingy when I want no one around, for being you, and for being amazing without any doubts! Thank you for being my friend.

A wholehearted thanks to the only person who never fails to make me laugh out loud with his extraordinary sense of humor! You fuel up this boring life without doubts, man! Thank you so much.

I feel extremely proud calling you my friend! Thank you for being someone I can always count on. Thanks for making me realize the true meaning of friendship.

Read More: Thank You Messages For Friend

Thank You Messages For Family

You’ve always been the most supportive family member ever. I don’t know how to repay for the love and support you’ve given me through the years!

I’m so proud to be a member of this wonderful family. Thank you all so much for raising me to be who I am today!

For always being on my side, for your protection and supportand, for sharing my dream, thank you, my family.

Thank all of you for being there for me. Thank you for ignoring my faults and encouraging me.

thank you message for family

I feel so blessed to be a part of you, guys. The most adorable family in the world is the one I belong to. Thank you for all your love and support!

Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful home and gifting me such incredible memories throughout my life! Your love and support have always been unparalleled.

Thank you for being my best parents. I love you to the last breath of mine, and I want you to know that I appreciate your efforts to make me feel special all the time!

One of the best blessings that God has ever given me is YOU! I can’t possibly repay you. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

You’ve been there for me through so many ebbs and flows, and I want you to know that I’ll always be there with you. Thank you!

Also Read: Thank You Message For Parents

Thank You Message For Kindness

I will never be able to express my gratitude for your kindness and support toward me. Thank you!

My heartfelt gratitude to you for being so kind! It is people like you who make me believe in humanity.

Your kindness has truly touched my soul. My thankfulness and best wishes to you.

Thank you for greeting me with compassion and generosity and showering me with genuine care. May this kindness return to you a thousandfold!


I will forever be humbled for the times you stood strongly beside me and cradled me in love. You are truly one in a million! Thank you for being the kindest gem!

A friend with a heart of gold is hard to find. Your kindness is truly unequaled. Thank you.

Thank you for your kindness and support, especially during the times when I was down and needy. I will never forget your sweet gestures.

If I say “Thank You” a thousand times, that still wouldn’t be enough to make you know how happy I am because of your kindness! Thanks!!

I can’t really find the exact words to express how deeply your kindness moved me. So, I’ll sum it up with a simple THANKS!

Thank You Messages For Love and Care

Your unconditional love and care has touched me from within. There is nothing that I can do or say to make you realize how grateful I am to you. A ‘Thank you’ is all I have to offer!

Thank you for loving me through the years. Thank you for caring for the things that I care about most. You are nothing less than an angel in my life!

Your love and care strengthened me and filled my heart with courage. I need nothing else as long as I have you by my side! Thank you for your unconditional love and care!

thank you messages for love and care

Thank you for being so caring! I am truly grateful to have a wonderful friend like you.

I have been loved and cared for by the most wonderful person in the world, and that person is no one else but you. Thank you so much for all the adorable memories you’ve given me so far.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always treating me with warm words and gentle love! You make me feel comfortable and I cherish you so much!

I never know what to be grateful for—whether it is your unwavering love, caring, or support. What should be done first? Thanks for being with me!

Related: Thank You Messages For Husband

Thank You Messages For Colleagues and Boss

It’s an honor to work with such an honest and supportive colleague. There is just so much to learn from you. Thank you for all the help.

Thank you for being a reliable colleague to me! You bring out the best in everyone and generate positivity through your words and actions. Our office owes you big time!

Thanks to the humblest yet the most brilliant colleague I have ever worked with. Every day with you is full of learning and shining!

Words will fail you to understand how much I enjoy working with you every day. Thank you for making me feel so comfortable in the office.

Your bright personality and sincere work ethic has always been an inspiration to me! Thank you for being a remarkable worker! We are lucky to have you here!

I’m grateful to be under your supervision, boss. You helped me to shape my professional career. Thank you for your encouragement and support. I will forever be grateful for your valuable advice.

thank you messages for boss

Thanks for giving me such a wonderful platform where I can turn my dreams into a reality. You are the best boss ever. Thank you!

You helped me to become a better version of myself from inside and out. I will always be grateful to you for the changes that you brought in me. Thank You boss!

The correctness of your ideology and work ethic has always inspired me to become a good performer and a good human being. Thank you, sir, for being the person you are!

Read More: Thank You Message For Boss

Thank You Messages for Treat

Thank you so much for the delicious meal. I really had a great time.

Having lunch with you made me feel delighted. Thank you so much for the treat!

Thank You Messages for Treat

Thank you for remembering me and including me in your treat. I truly had a great time. Next time, I will give you a treat.

It was a wild party last night but I don’t regret anything because I enjoyed your company the whole time. Thank you for the treat!

I am so much grateful to you for inviting me to the dinner party last night. It’s been a wonderful experience for me. Thank you for such generosity!

The weather was perfect, I was in the right mood, and guess what, you made it happen. Thank you for the unforgettable treat my dear. I loved it too much!

Short Thank You Message

I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much!

Thanks for being the shoulder I can always depend on.

Your gift was splendid. I loved it. Thank you so much!

Thank you for being a constant in my life. I am so grateful to you!

Thank you for your wish. Please accept my heartiest thank you for you!

Thanks and thanks again. You deserve every “thank you” that we can let out!

Your kindness is a great blessing to us. Thank you so much.

I will always love and appreciate our friendship. Thanks for being so wonderful.

I have gratitude overload! THANKS, A WHOLE LOT!

You’ve always believed in me. Thank you.

thank you message

That was so nice of you! Thank you for all you do!

Friends like you are people I can always depend on.

Your thoughtfulness always touches my heart. Thanks a ton for everything!

You’ve done something so nice, and I appreciated it more than you’ll ever know.

It just doesn’t get better than that Great time! Thanks!

The love of God is always present in your actions. Thanks so much!

Related: 100+ Thank You God Messages and Quotes

Thank You Card Messages

We could say it all day long and not say enough to truly let you know how much we appreciate what you did for us. Thanks!

I wanted you to know just how grateful I am for everything you’ve done. Thank you.

You are one of the most generous people I know, and I know a lot of people. Thank you!

I’m thankful to have you by my side. Take my love for your role in my success.

Thank you so very much. I will cherish and forever remember your warm words.

I will forever respect you. You have done a lot for me. Thank you for everything!

I am so grateful for the support you have given me no matter what. Thanks a lot!

thank you message for card

It was without a doubt one of the happiest days of my life. Thank you for a wonderful day. It was truly a day well spent.

I couldn’t even tell you how much your thoughtfulness meant to me. Just know that it was a major blessing in my little life. Thanks!

My hand is writing this message because the bottom of my heart cannot hold a pen. I am very much grateful from the bottom of my heart.

I can’t begin to tell you everything that I feel. Just know that your thoughtfulness means so much. Thanks and God bless!

If you could see my face, you’d see the smile you put on it. Thank you, dear.

Thank You For Your Blessings

It’s a privilege to have you here, and I really appreciate it. I value everything that you do and am grateful for your blessing.

I will always be grateful for your compassion and blessings. I am grateful to you for helping me out when things were tough.

I appreciate all the blessings you gave me for my special day. From the depths of my heart, I really appreciate everything you’ve done.

Thank You For Your Blessings

Without you, I would not be the person I am today; your resilience inspires me, your generosity sustains me, and your blessings fuel me. I appreciate all you’ve done for me.

Finding friends that really appreciate you are challenging. I appreciate your generosity and blessings very much.

Thank You Text Messages

I feel blessed to have you in my life; thank you!

I’m so pleased with your thoughts and words. Accept my deepest thanks for your support.

Thank you, i appreciate it so very much.

Thank you for always putting a sweet smile on my face. You are wonderful!

Thank you for your kindness and support.

Thank you for being such a wonderful influence on everyone around you. You’re truly admirable!

Without you, my life would be dull! Thanks for adding color and happiness to it!

You are the best! Thank you for everything you do.

For always being on my side, thank you for your help and support!

Thoughtful and generous are two words I think of when I think of you. Thanks!

Thank you for all the happy moments!

Read: Thank You Messages for Anniversary Wishes

Thank You Quotes

“You are part of my story, memory, and scenery, thank you.” – Kim taehyung

“Thank you for accepting me as I am, with my virtues and defects.” – Jenni Rivera

“You could’ve had anyone in the world, but you chose me. Thank you.” – Anthony T. Hincks

“Friends like you make life’s challenging moments more bearable. Thanks for being you.” – Catherine Pulsifer

thank you quotes

“You have influenced my life in such a positive way, words cannot express my appreciation, you are truly an inspiration.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Thank you for life, and all the little ups and downs that make it worth living.” – Travis Barker

“From the bottom of my heart, I thank you, and appreciate all you have done. Your generosity has given me new hope!” – Catherine Pulsifer

“You changed my life without even trying, and I don’t think I could ever tell you how much you mean to me. I can’t imagine what things would be like if I hadn’t met you.” – Steve Maraboli

“I can no other answer make, but, thanks, And thanks, and ever thanks.” – William Shakespeare

“There’s no possible way, I could ever repay, How I wish, there were more I could do, But, I thank you, my friend, my friend to the end.” – Jim Thistle

“I have nothing to ask for, thanks to God. Everything I have, God has given me.” – Mariano Rivera

“Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say.” – Alice Walker

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

“I feel a very unusual sensation—if it is not indigestion, I think it must be gratitude.” – Benjamin Disraeli

“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Let me always count my blessings. To be thankful for my family and friends. To be thankful for the simple things that life has to offer.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Your guidance and patience no matter what I was doing has helped develop me into the person I am today, thank you!” – Catherine Pulsifer

“As you start and end your day, say THANK YOU for every little thing in your life. And you will come to realize how blessed you truly are.” – Vergi Crush

“I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy, and I am loved.” – Reba McEntire

“I feel grateful because I have a lot of love in my life. I found the person I’m sharing my life with. I have a good man.” – Gisele Bundchen

“For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.” – Elie Wiesel

“Be grateful in your own hearts. That suffices. Thanksgiving has wings and flies to its right destination.” – Victor Hugo

Thank You Messages for Appreciation

Thank you so much for all the appreciation. Your sweet message truly made my day. I read it over and over again.

Thank you for appreciating me. My heart is filled with gratitude for you.

Thank You Messages for Appreciation

Thank you for your appreciation. As long as I have your blessings with me, I know I can accomplish anything.

I’m grateful for the compliment. I truly appreciate how sweet, caring, and considerate you are toward everyone. Thanks for being this wonderful!

Thank you for your kind words! I have learned so much from you.

Thank you for appreciating my work. I can only express my gratitude for your efforts with a simple “Thank You.”

Related: Business Thank You Messages

Thank You Captions

Thank you {tag name} for sending me the sweetest wish. I feel very loved and appreciated.

Thanks for a day well spent. I will remember this day forever.

I consider myself fortunate to have you as my family and friends. Thank you.

It was the best day ever. I had a lot of fun. Thank you for the treat.

Thank you so much for your blessings. I am grateful to have you in my life.

You always make me feel loved and included in everything. Thank you for that.

I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your support. Thank you.

Thank you for your kindness and support. You have no idea how much it has helped me in my life. Thank you so much.

Your support means the world to me. Thank you so much.

I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Thank you very much.

I cannot thank you enough for everything you do for me.

Thank you @name ! Your love, care, and support are what keep me going in life.

You remembering and wishing me meant a lot to me. Thank you.

You can’t help but be grateful when someone shows you support or makes you feel loved. When someone goes out of their way to think of us and do something to make us happy, it is only fair that we reciprocate by doing something to make them feel loved. Grand gestures are definitely amazing but there is something very heartwarming about receiving a sincere thank you from someone to whom we have done something special. “Thank you” is a simple phrase, but it conveys a great deal of gratitude and appreciation. It can brighten someone’s day and put a smile on their face. These two words can convey to someone how moved you are by their actions and words.

Saying ‘Thank You’ does not always have to be formal. You don’t also need a solid reason every time you say Thank You! Just say it to your close ones for having a chat with you. Say thank you when they go for a walk with you. Just say thank you when you feel like you should say it. A single Thank You from you can really make someone feel so special! Thanking someone for their appreciation and support makes them feel acknowledged and makes them realize how much what they did means to you.

If you want to thank someone for their kindness and support but are unsure how to express your gratitude, we have a variety of thank you messages that you can send them. You can either text them a thank you message or include one of these messages in a card or gift. You will find thank you messages for family, friends, and lovers. There are many lists of thank you messages that are filled with love, care, and support you have received from the person to whom you are sending this message. If you receive good wishes and blessings from someone and want to thank them for remembering you and thinking of you, we have a thank you message to express your gratitude for that as well. Scroll through the various lists we have prepared here to find the perfect message for the person you are grateful to; let them know through your message that you appreciate their support and kindness towards you. Show your gratitude and make them feel loved and appreciated.

Last updated on January 5, 2023

We express our gratitude: thanks in English — we learn English ourselves

how to express gratitude in english

Welcome, potential visitor to our English courses!

The English language is replete with original words, funny phrases, phraseological units Using them in our speech allows us show your education, to be more sophisticated, not to go into your pocket for a word, as they say.

An educated person is always a polite person. Gratitude for help, advice, a gift, even for some trifle is a manifestation of good manners.

Everyone from school days remembers how politely it is to say thank you in English and respond to this very gratitude:

thank you — you are welcome 

But after all, words of gratitude in English are not limited to just this pair. Expressing gratitude is possible to a lesser or more extent in completely different words.

Thank you in English

Communication is an important component of human interaction, which does not go without requests and gratitude for what has been accomplished. Moreover, both in informal and formal communication.

You probably know that any polite request in English is accompanied by the word «please» — please.

How can you thank a person if he fulfilled your request?

The standard expressions are:

  • Thank you very much! — Many thanks!
  • Thanks a lot! — Thank you very much!
  • A million thanks! — A million thanks!
  • That’s very kind of you! — This is very kind of you!

As a polite answer, you may hear:

  • You are welcome! — Please!
  • Not at all! — It’s my pleasure!
  • It was nothing! — It’s nothing!
  • That’s all right! — Things are good!

The following expressions can serve as broader forms of the answer:

  • That’s really nothing. Don’t mention it! — It’s nothing. Do not mention it)!
  • It was no trouble at all! — No problem!
  • It was no bother. It was a pleasure! — It was not a concern. It was a pleasure (to do it)!
  • It was a real pleasure for me to do it! — I was pleased to do it!

Informal words of thanks in English

Feel free to express your emotions and thank loved ones or simple acquaintances. It is always pleasant when they show attention, and especially when they appreciate it.

Feelings of gratitude to friends, for example, can be expressed in such emotional phrases:

  • Thanks for the advice! I owe you one. — Thanks for the advice! I owe you.
  • Thanks for helping me! — Thank you for helping me!
  • I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me. — I will never forget what you did for me!
  • Words are powerless to express my gratitude. You are the best friend ever! — Words cannot express my gratitude. You are the best friend in the world!
  • I can never thank you enough! — I can never thank you!

Except for help, you need to know how to say thank you for gifts and congratulations in English. It is pleasant for you to receive a souvenir, and it will be pleasant for the person who gave it to hear sincere words of gratitude:

  • Oh, you shouldn’t have! These flowers are beautiful! — Not worth it! (You shouldn’t have done that!) These flowers are beautiful!
  • Many thanks for the lovely present! — Thank you very much for a nice gift!
  • The presents are truly magnificent! — The gifts are just amazing!
  • Thank you for the nice gift! — Thank you for a nice gift!
  • Thank you so very much for your greetings! — Thank you very much for your congratulations!
  • Thank you so much for your kind congratulations and good wishes! — Thank you very much for your kind congratulations and good wishes!


how to express gratitude in english

To express gratitude in English, you can get by with the words “Thank you”. But what if you need not just to thank, but to thank a lot, to thank from the bottom of your heart? How to respond to words of gratitude? How to give thanks for something specific? Read about all this below.

Let’s take a closer look at how to say thank you in English, respond to gratitude and thank for something specific.

  • Thank you Thanks. — Thanks.

Between thank you и thanks there is no difference. Both are “thank you” or “thank you”. The only caveat is that for a formal situation thanks less suitable than thank you.

  • Thank you very much. — Thanks a lot.
  • Thanks a lot. — Thank you very much.
  • Thank you so much. — Thank you very much.

These three options also practically do not differ from each other. These are all different variations of “Thank you very much” and are suitable for both informal and formal situations. Note that in the US, people often like to add the phrase I appreciate it (I appreciate it) after words of gratitude. For example:

— Thanks, I appreciate it.

— Thanks a lot for you help, I appreciate it.

This phrase can be said with or without reason. You can hear it from a friend who was helped to lift the piano to the 8th floor, and from a stranger who was held up to the door in the elevator. It’s just a way to increase your gratitude a little.

  • Cheers. — Thank you (informal)

Word cheers used as “thank you” in informal situations. In business correspondence or formal conversation, it is inappropriate.

— Here’s that book you wanted to borrow. “This is the book you wanted to borrow from me.

— Oh, cheers! — Oh thanks!

  • You saved my life. — You saved me.
  • I owe you one I owe you big time. — I owe you.

you saved my life — this is not literally «You saved my life», but an analogue of our «Thank you for helping out!» or “You saved me!”, that is, gratitude for some kind of help. I owe you one or I owe you big time — the equivalent of our “I owe you!”.

  • You shoudn’t (have) — You shouldn’t have.

«Thank you, you shouldn’t have!» So they say, for example, having received a gift. It means that you shouldn’t have given something so valuable. You shouldn’t (have) is, like “not worth it,” an unfinished phrase. The full version might sound like this: You shouldn’t have done it! — You shouldn’t have done that! You shouldn’t have presented this to me! — You shouldn’t have given me this!

Oh, what lovely flowers. You shouldn’t have! — Oh, what beautiful flowers! Not worth it!

Read more about this phrase in the article on the modal verb should.

2. How is it in English “Not at all”? (how to respond to words of gratitude)

The easiest way to respond to gratitude is in a universal, unmistakable way:

  • You’re welcome. — Please.

This answer works for any situation. There are other variations of it:

  • Welcome. — Please.
  • Always welcome. — You’re welcome.

Like “You’re welcome,” they are appropriate almost everywhere.

I will name a few more answer options:

  • That’s all right. — Not worth it.
  • Don’t mention it. — It’s my pleasure.
  • Not at all. — It’s my pleasure.
  • It’s nothing. — Not at all / Trivia.
  • No problem. — No problem.

All options mean something like «Not at all» or «Not worth gratitude.» Option no problem can be called informal, appropriate in a friendly conversation.

3. How to give thanks in English for something specific

Often you need not just say “Thank you”, but thank you for something specific. There are two main ways to do this:

We choose an option depending on whether it is possible to express the reason for gratitude with a noun or a verb. Here are some typical examples with nouns:

  • Thanks for your help! — Thanks for your help!
  • Thank you for your support. — Thanks for your support.
  • Thank you for your assistance. — Thanks for your help.
  • Thank you for your understanding. — Thank you for understanding.
  • Thank you for the information. — Thanks for the information.

And some examples with verbs:

  • Thank you for visiting us. — Thank you for visiting us.
  • Thanks for helping me. — Thank you for helping.
  • Thank you for shopping. — Thank you for your purchase.

Formal ways of expressing gratitude in English

There are quite a few formal, polite ways to say thank you in English. In speech, they are used at celebrations, official events, ceremonies, but for the most part formal thanks are needed for written speech, especially for business correspondence in English.

In many cases, the usual “Thank you for + reason” will work. For example, here are some typical thank you phrases from business correspondence:

  • Thank you for contacting us. — Thank you for contacting us.
  • Thank you for your (kind) cooperation. — Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Thank you for your attention to this matter. — Thank you for your attention to this issue.
  • Thank you for your prompt reply. — Thanks for the quick response.

But there are other ways to show gratitude. They are all clichés, templates for different occasions.

  • Many thanks for your email. — Thank you very much (very grateful) for your letter.
  • I am very grateful to you. — I am very grateful to you.
  • I am eternally grateful for your trust. — I am infinitely grateful to you for your trust.
  • I’d to express my sincere gratitude for — I would like to express my sincere gratitude for
  • I am very much obliged to you. — I am very grateful to you.
  • I greately appreciate your kind words. — I really appreciate your kind words.
  • I am very thankful for your kind help. — I am very grateful to you for your help.


How to give thanks in English

how to express gratitude in english


There is no doubt that very often there is a need to thank someone in English: in an official or unofficial form. Let’s also take into account the fact that the British themselves use expressions of courtesy everywhere and more often than our citizens

There are many ways to express your gratitude in English. They can be conditionally divided into formal и informal: some are good in the circumstances of close acquaintance, some are good in business situations.

As befits, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with all the expressions, and remember, if everything does not work out, then those that you like.

So, let’s begin.


Known to everyone: Thank you. Thanks so a lot Thanks a lot. Thanks! Russian equivalents — «Thank you» or «Thank you very much.»

!! Take note that you cannot speak «Thank you a lot «, mixing a few phrases.

Informal expressions of gratitude

Thanks a bunch Thank you so much!
Thanks a ton. Thank you so much!
Thanks a million. Thank you so much!
You’re the best. Thank you! You are the best!
I owe you one. I am indebted to you.
That’s very kind (of you) Very nice of you.
You rock. You are super / You steer.
You’re awesome! You are super!!!

Thanks a bunch; thanks a tone; thanks a million — «Millions» / «ton» / «whole bunch» of thanks.

Of course, this is a literal translation. We usually say simply, «Thank you very much.»

  • I owe you one — «I owe you.» Here «one » can be ignored. This pronoun is a substitute.

Important! Slang expressions should be used with care and only in informal situations.


All of them express their gratitude and can be transmitted by one Russian «Thank you».

I really appreciate it it. I really appreciate (your action).
you shouldn’t have. Oooh, you shouldn’t have ..
I don’t know what to say. There are no words
I’m so thankful for I am so grateful for
I’m so grateful for I am so grateful for
This means a lot to me. It means a lot to me.
That’s very kind of you / You are too kind. Very polite of you / You are too kind to me.

«Thankful » and «grateful « — synonyms: «grateful».


They are used in formal and business situations and can be useful for correspondence.

Thank you for you assistance With Thanks a lot for the help in ..
Thank you for you attention to this matter Thank you for your attention to
I’d to express my / our Appreciation for I would like to express my gratitude for ..
Your support is greatly appreciated Your support is very important to me.
Please accept


Gratitude in English | Words and phrases of thanks in English

Speech etiquette in the English language has developed over many centuries and has always been and is of great importance. To express gratitude in English, you need to consider the environment in which the meeting takes place, that is, what style of speech should be used.

It is impossible to enumerate how many times the average Englishman, Canadian, British or Australian utters phrases per day, expressing their attitude to help, gift or participation from another person. Various words of gratitude in English are addressed to colleagues at work, boss, family members, people in the theater and cinema, or bystanders.

Fixed phrases and expressions in different styles

Fixed expressions have been formed over a long time and have developed into phrases for constant use, which do not have to be invented every day. For the most part, gratitude phrases in English develop around the action verb thank you — to thank.

The simplest and most common phrase used to express gratitude looks like this:

Thank you, if translated accurately, it translates as «thank you», and closer to the realities of the Russian language will look like «thank you». Slightly more advanced expressions look like this:

Thank you very (so) much. Many thanks.

Thank you for your Thank you for your (yours)

Appreciate it. / I really appreciate it. Appreciate it / I really appreciate it.

Such expressions are used in any situation, that is, the style in which they are used can be called neutral.

In an informal style, when you communicate with friends or close relatives, such expressions as:

Thanks — thanks

Thanks a lot — thank you so much

Thanks a million — a million thanks

Thanks, dude — thanks, buddy

To communicate in a formal style, you will need to know the basics of communication etiquette in business circles or even in «high society»:

Thank you for your giving me a brilliant chance Thank you for giving me such a wonderful chance.

We greatly appreciate your consent to participate in We greatly appreciate your consent to participate in

I cannot find words to express my great thankfulness for your

«Not worth gratitude» and is it worth expressing in writing

If you want to say no thanks in English, then it will sound something like this:

Not at all. — Nothing special.

Do not mention it. — It is possible not to mention this.

It seems that the letter of gratitude is most often written in English. People in Canada, Australia, USA, and especially in the UK have a wonderful tradition of sending written thanks.

It may seem a little old-fashioned to some, but it is always nice to receive a little postcard in which John or Lisa thanks the hosts for a great party or a meeting organized by someone at the club.

Often people write letters of gratitude to the company in which they purchased a quality product, and in some other similar cases.

A letter (or card) of thanks looks something like this:

Dear Molly and Den,

Thank you so much for you invitation to the Thanksgiving party. You were a pleasant and hospitable couple. The guests were cheerful and the food was gorgeous.

I hope next time you will be our guests.

With love,

Grace and Sid

Here’s the translation:

Dear Molly and Den,

Thank you so much for the invitation to the Thanksgiving party. You were a pleasant and welcoming couple. The guests were cheerful and the food was great.

We hope that next time you will be our guest.

With love,

Grace and Sid

The Lim English website invites you to familiarize yourself with the speech etiquette of residents of English-speaking countries. You will get acquainted with both words, without which everyday verbal communication is unthinkable, and with expressions that are appropriate only in certain situations.

Knowing the peculiarities of the British, Australian or American mentality, you will learn to easily cope with the use of courtesy formulas.

You will find that they are not only easy and pleasant to use, but also good keys that open any door to the world of English-speaking communication.


Thank you in English with translation and thank you

Good day everyone! Scrolling through the news feed on my page in one of the social networks, I came across a post with gratitude to everyone who did something good to us. Take our site EnglishFull.

ru, the article on which you are now reading “thank you in English”.

In its creation, filling with content and launching, many people helped and continue to help me — from the closest ones to the creators of various blogs, which I have never seen with my own eyes, but from whom I am learning to run this site.

Therefore, I decided to express my gratitude to everyone who participates in any way in the creation and development of this site. And also to thank you, dear readers, that for learning English on your own, you decided to use the materials of our website, for reading all the articles, write your reviews and comments, subscribe to the newsletter, and inspire you to write new articles!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart and say a huge THANKS!

But here we are learning to speak English well! Therefore, we go directly to how to express words of gratitude and say «thank you» in English.

Thank you in English can be said in different ways

As in our native language, so in English, there are many options and ways to thank someone. Depending on the case or situation, we say “Thank you”, adding additional words to it — “big, in advance, huge”, etc. It is good that there are so many options for expressing appreciation.

The most common and universal expression used by English speakers is “Thank you«, The direct translation of which is»thank you«. Everyone knows this phrase, even those who do not speak the language at all. Therefore, if you still do not know all the ways to express gratitude in English, then feel free to use this universal, short and clear phrase.

Well, if you are very grateful, then you can say “Thank you very much«. The translation of this phrase can be defined as “Thank you very much«. And to strengthen the degree of gratitude even more, you can repeat the word «very» several times. Thus, I want to write to you “Thank you very, very, very much»!

Very often, in their everyday speech, Americans shorten whole expressions and say “Thanks«, What means «Thank you«. But this variation is not included in the literary norm, it is used in informal communication, without implying a serious relationship. For example, as a response to a compliment, or pronounced with irony or sarcasm.

A more correct and formatted expression would be “That’s very / so kind of you«When you want, for example, to respond to a pleasant compliment for you, or to thank for the service -«It’s very / so nice of you«. The phrase is more meaningful and sincere.

Another option is to say or write about your gratitude, to politely respond to the gift, as if embarrassed, you can use the idiom “You shouldn’t have«. That is, you are pleased and at the same time uncomfortable that the person tried so hard, and you say “Shouldn’t have bothered».

Thank you for your help

If someone supported you, encouraged you well, helped to overcome a difficult situation, then it is said or written “Thanks for having my back«-«Thank you for becoming my support» or «Thanks for support«. And immediately promise him «I owe you!«, They say, if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, then I am at your service -«I owe you!«Or» I am your debtor! «

When your friend or acquaintance significantly helped you to do a difficult and big job, for example, to write a thesis, or a Briton helped you in learning English, then you can tell him “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you «-» Thank you. I probably didn’t manage without you. ”

If you have had a difficult day and someone supports you and expresses sympathy, then it would be good for the interest in your problems and for participation to thank him as follows — «Thanks for being such a dear«. That is «Thanks for your participation«. And then you can say “Thanks so much for your help, supper’s on me tonight«-«Many thanks for the help. Dinner with me tonight».

All thanks phrases in one table

We have already figured out how we can say about our disposition, we saw how it is written. Now let’s use the table to consider how to pronounce English idioms that act as some form of politeness formulas.

Phrase in Russian How to spell it in English How to read in English
thank you Thank you [‘Txnk ju:]
Thank you Thanks [Txnks]
Thank you very much Thank you very much [‘veri mʌtʃ]
Thank you very much Many thanks [‘meni]
No thanks No, thank you [nəʋ ‘txnk ju:]
Thanks for the help) Thank you for (help) [‘Txnk ju: fo: (help)]
Thank you for coming Thank you for coming [‘Txnk ju: fo:’ kʌmɪŋ]
Thank you in advance Thank you in advance [‘Txnk ju: in əd’væns]
I am very grateful to you I’m very thankful to you [aim ‘veri’ Ɵæŋkfəl tʊ ju:]
I owe you a lot I’m very much obliged to you [aim ‘veri mʌtʃ ə’blaɪdʒd tʊ ju:]
I am very grateful to you I am very grateful to you [aim ‘veri’ greɪtful tʊ ju:]
Thank your / your wife / husband for me Thank your wife / husband for me [‘Txnk ju: waɪf /’ hʌzbənd fo: mi:]

Download the table «Words of gratitude in English»

I think now you can express gratitude and extreme appreciation in English in a variety of ways. Do not forget to say warm words to people, especially those close to you. Good luck and thank you in English.

Thank you life! Thank you, life!


Gratitude in English with examples and translation

  • 16 Jan

    «Thank you» is almost the most used word in any language. It is pleasant to both pronounce and hear. However, even in Russian, few people use substitutes for this word, let alone English.

    Nevertheless, we propose to correct this injustice and want to share some beautiful and no less necessary substitutes for the well-known ‘thank you’.

    Table 1.

    Substitute Comment

    Thanks (a lot) The most used way to thank
    That’s very kind of you Formal way to thank: often used when you need to refuse an invitation
    You’ve saved my life Spoken way of giving thanks: used when you have been helped in a difficult situation
    Ta / Cheers The most informal way to thank
    Thanks a bunch Used with irony when, on the contrary, you were not helped
    You shouldn’t have Used when you are presented with a gift
    I’d to thank Used when giving a formal speech
    Many thanks Formal way to thank, used in writing

    Table 2.

    Thanks a lot for all your help. Thanks a lot for all your help.
    That’s very kind of you, Mr. Wilson, but I’m afraid we’ve already arranged to have lunch in town. That’s very kind of you, Mr. Wilson, but I’m afraid we already have dinner planned out in town.
    John, you’ve saved my life! She was just about to ask me for my homework! John, you saved my life! She was just about to ask me for homework!
    Cheers’ mate! I’ll buy the drinks next time. Thank you friend! Next time I buy drinks.
    ‘You could always join us later.’ ‘Yeah, thanks a bunch, just when all the food is finished.’ «You can always join us.» “Yeah, thanks. When they all ate like that. «
    Oh, you shouldn’t have! These flowers are beautiful. Oh, you shouldn’t have! These flowers are beautiful.
    I’d to thank my mother, my father and all those who’ve helped me over the years. I would like to thank my mom, my dad and everyone who has helped me throughout the years.
    Many thanks for the lovely present. Thank you very much for the lovely present.

    Now directly about ‘thank you’. As you know, this expression literally translates as «thank you.» Few people use any additions to this expression. Meanwhile, there are a lot of them.

    How do you say thank you very much?

    This desire can be expressed with the adverbs heartily, profusely, sincerely, warmly, wholeheartedly.

    How to “publicly express gratitude”?

    This can be done formally or publicly.

    What are the most common words used after ‘thank you?’

    Thank you for your assistance

    Thank you for your contribution

    Thank you for your effort

    Thank you for your generosity

    Thank you for your support

    Thank you for your help

    Thank you for your work

    And to you, thank you for your attention!

    Added: 16.01.14

  • Source:

    15 ways to say thank you in English

    We are taught to be polite and say “thank you” for gifts, services rendered and help in difficult times from childhood. How to thank someone in English, many of you also know — thank you. But there are more original ways to do this, you will learn about them in the article.

    1. Thanks a bunch. — Many thanks

    In the Coen brothers’ film Fargo, a police officer brings his colleague Marge coffee:

    Margie, thought you might need a little warm-up.

    “Marge, I thought you’d like to warm up a little.
    Thank you very much.

    Thanks a bunch is a well-known synonym for the phrase thank you very much.

    2. Thanks a lot. — Thank you very much

    In the comedy «Crashers», the characters are gathered for a festive dinner. The head of the family, William Cleary, compliments Jeremy’s guest:

    Jeremy, I saw you on the dance floor. You move pretty good. Thanks a lot. I really just got lucky. I was more in the zone than anything else. It was the booze dancing.

    — Jeremy, I saw you dancing. You move well.
    — O, thank you… But I was just lucky. I was on fire and the booze was dancing in me.

    Also pay attention to the informal expression to be in the zone, which means that a person is overwhelmed with positive emotions, because he does something skillfully and with ease.

    3. Thanks a million. — Many thanks

    In the comedy Bruce Almighty, Bruce helps the driver push the car, and he thanks him:

    Thank you very much.
    — It’s my pleasure.
    — God bless you.

    Also, the phrase is used in a different sense — «cannot be.»

    4. Thanks for nothing. — Thanks for the disservice. / And thanks for that

    In the romantic comedy «This Stupid Love» the main character Jacob calls his friend Cal and asks for advice — a pretty girl wants to introduce him to his mother, and he does not know what to do.

    I’m in a bit of a situation. I met a girl. I’m spending all this time with her and she is a game changer. So much so I’m going to meet her mother right now. I don’t know what to do. I need some advice. You might actually have to answer some personal questions about yourself. You gotta smile a lot. You’ve gotta be charming. Definitely don’t be yourself.That’s what you’ve got for me, don’t be myself? Thanks for nothing.

    — I found myself in a difficult situation. I met a girl. I spend all my time with her and she’s a game changer. So much so that I’m going to meet her mother right now. I do not know what to do. I need an advice.
    — You will most likely have to answer a few personal questions about yourself. You need to smile more, show your charm. Definitely not to be yourself.
    — Is that your advice — not to be yourself? And thanks for that.

    The phrase is used when a person is angry or joking without real gratitude. The expressions thanks a bunch, thanks a lot, and thanks a million are sometimes used with this meaning.

    5. I really appreciate it. — I appreciate it very much

    In the cartoon «Rio 2» the parrot Zhemchuzhinka persuades her husband to go to his relatives in the Amazon, to show the children the wildlife.

    Hey. Thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it.I would do anything for you. You know that, right?

    — Hey, thanks for agreeing. I appreciate it very much.
    “I’m ready for anything for you. You know?

    6. You’ve made my day. — Thank you, this is so great

    In the TV series Desperate Housewives, the heroine Gabrielle cannot pay her restaurant bill, so she decides to pick up a man at the next table. He is fascinated by an attractive woman.

    You know, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you. Well, you’ve made my day… I was thinking, if you’d to get together againWell, Sam, to tell you the truth, I’m kind of in a relationship right now.

    — I really enjoyed talking to you. You brightened my day. If you want to meet again sometime
    “To tell you the truth, Sam, I’m in a relationship right now.

    This phrase is used when they want to say that something made you happy or someone made you happy. It is synonymous with you’ve made me happy.

    7. You shouldn’t have. — Yes, it was not necessary

    In Breaking Bad, colleagues congratulate Agent Hank on a job well done:

    We all got you a little something, and this is from all of us.

    — We have prepared a gift for you from all of us.
    You shouldn’t have.

    Most often, the phrase is pronounced as a sign of gratitude for a gift or service rendered.

    8. We would to express our gratitude — We would like to express our gratitude

    In the blockbuster Guardians of the Galaxy, the leader of the Nova Corps thanks a team of guards for saving the planet Xandar:


    How to say thank you in English — formal phrases and thank you friends

    Today we will talk about different ways of expressing gratitude in English. Everyone knows that you can say thank you in English using the words «thanks» or «thank you» (slightly more formal) — this is the most common option.

    1. Thanks a lot, (2) Thanks very much, (3) Thank you very much, or (4) Thank you so much

    These are the first four options for expressing gratitude or courtesy in English. Since they are similar, we will not talk about each of them in detail, but consider them as a group. Here are examples of their use:

    Thank you so much for helping me out today.
    Thank you very much for helping me today.

    ‘You’re looking well.’ ‘Thanks.’
    «You look good.» «Thanks».

    Thank you very much for dinner — it was great.

    Thanks so much for the dinner — it was delicious.

    Thanks a lot for looking after the children.
    Thank you very much for looking after the children.

    Thanks very much for making dinner tonight.
    Thanks so much for making dinner today.

    5. Thanks a bunch

    Thanks a bunch

    This is an informal version of «thank you», but can sometimes be used in a sarcastic manner in response to ill will or refusal to help («thanks a lot» and «thanks very much» can also be used in such cases).

    Have a guess


    You told Tony what I told you in confidence? Thanks a bunch!
    Did you tell Tony what I told you in secret? Well thank you!

    Thanks a lot for spoiling my evening.
    Thanks so much for ruining my evening.

    6. Much obliged

    This is a very formal expression of gratitude for what someone has done for you.

    Much obliged


    I am much obliged to you for your patience during the recent difficulties.
    I express my deepest gratitude to you for your patience in view of the recent difficulties.

    “You can use the facilities whilst you are in the club.” “Much guaranteed“.
    «You can have all the comforts while you’re in the club.» Thank you very much.

    7. You’ve saved my life and (8) I owe you one / I owe you big time

    With these informal expressions, we thank those who helped us out in a difficult situation.


    Thanks for giving me a lift to the station. You saved my life.
    Thanks for dropping me to the station. You saved my life.

    Thanks for the advice. I owe you one.
    Thanks for the advice. I should.

    Thanks for helping me out with the essay. I owe you big time.
    Thanks for helping me with the essay. I owe you a great deal.

    9 Cheers

    Another informal way to thank someone, which is often used in British English.

    Many English learners have adopted this word and use it in written English, which is completely inappropriate.

    Please remember that «cheers» is used in informal situations, so it cannot be used in writing to people you do not know or in business correspondence.


    How to give thanks in English?

    In the manner of courteous communication, Westerners have surpassed you and me. This is reflected not only in the mentality, but also in the language itself. There are more than a dozen well-established words of gratitude alone, not to mention situational phrases.

    For the sake of truth thanks in english most of us don’t have to go into our pockets. Everyone knows «Thank you» or the same syllable with the prefix «very much».

    But this is a general rule, and when it becomes necessary to thank outside the box or in a special style (for example, business or festive), few are able to do it right.

    Before how to thank in english and make the right choice of words and emphasis, pay attention to the situation. For example, «Thanks» today will seem extraordinary even in the company of people who do not know the language. If your goal is to create a friendly look, «Cheers» — in the sense of «Cool» is better suited.

    Note! British is a more sentimental language than Russian, so even an unusual but correct «Thank you» can create the right impression of you in a particular setting.

    Different ways to say: Thank you

    Way to express thanks in english determines your courtesy and discernment in communication. Having successfully picked up a sharp phrase in one case, you will leave the impression of a person with a sense of humor, and if you use it in another situation, you risk being misunderstood.

    Thanks in different situations:

    Emotionally. Suitable for close people and in cases of great help:

    • With words that cause the strengthening of the meaning of Thanks (hereinafter — Th.):
    • Th. a lot — meaning thank you very much;
    • Th. a million — infinitely grateful;
    • Th. with the word much — thanks with an exaggeration (huge, big, etc.);

    With well-established statements that exaggerate meaning (most often in a figurative sense):

    • You are my salvation / you saved me — you just saved my life / you saved me;
    • I owe for the coffin of life — I must on the coffin of life;
    • Your help will never be forgotten by me — I will never forget how you helped me;
    • You have invaluably helped me — your help is invaluable to me;
    • Your goodness amazes me — your kindness amazes me;

    Official thanks. Better to use in business communication and for new formal acquaintances:

    • Business partners or other equal participants in business relationships:
    • We are deeply grateful to you for your cooperation and hope to continue — we are deeply grateful for your cooperation and look forward to its continuation;
    • We are grateful for your trust and the choice of our company — we are grateful for the trust in us and the choice of our company;
    • We value your participation in the common cause — we value your participation in a common cause;
    • Thanks in english to superiors or participants in an exalted position:
    • Your support is very dear to me — your support is very dear to me (for example, when the boss gave an award or praised for exemplary work);
    • Your kindness knows no bounds — your kindness knows no bounds;
    • Not worth it — not worth it;

    For clients:

    • Thank you for taking a minute to our project — thank you for taking a minute for our project;
    • Your contribution is invaluable to us — your contribution is invaluable to us;
    • We are grateful that you took part in the consideration of our idea — thanks for your attention to our idea

    How else to express gratitude?

    More situational expressions are accordingly best used in specific situations. For example, officially thanking guests for coming to a family dinner might not be appropriate. At the same moment, such a gesture can be highly appreciated at a business corporate event.

    Examples of situational thanks (festive, in a relationship of subordination, in a public place, etc.):

    • Special th. for the hot welcome — special thanks for the warm welcome;
    • I really appreciate your instructions — I really appreciate your instructions;
    • Your kindness is too great for me — your kindness is too great in relation to me;
    • I do not have so many words to convey my gratitude to you — I do not have so many words to express all my gratitude to you;
    • It’s great to receive help from you / I will be glad — it is very nice to receive help from you / I will be glad — used, for example, when promising to help a person in the future;
    • I’m glad to thank everyone who came to the point today — I am glad to thank everyone who came to today’s point.

    To use correctly thanks in english you need to build on not only the situation around. It is advisable to pay attention to the service that was done or offered to you, the thing that was presented, or the words that were said in your address.

    An example of a big and sincere gratitude (for a great gift, service, etc.):

    • It’s a very pleasant surprise for me — this is a very pleasant surprise for me;
    • You do not have to strain that — you do not have to strain so much;
    • I’m afraid I will not be able to repay you for this — I’m afraid I won’t have the opportunity to thank you for this;
    • You can count on me — you can rely on me;
    • It’s no small honor to be here today with you — it’s a big part of being here with you today (like thanks for the invitation);
    • you did very graciously that he invited me — it was very kind of you to invite me;
    • I cannot imagine what you can repay for your generosity — I cannot imagine how I can thank you for your generosity.

    Note! Some words and phrases can be used in two ways. For example, for being rude or disrespectful towards you, gratitude like “Oh, it was not worth it” can be an equivalent response to the offender.

    Expression: Thank you for your attention

    «Thank you for the attention» in the Western dialect, it is also a fairly frequent expression in speech that can be used in a variety of situations. As an example, it may even be a caustic gesture towards a friend or acquaintance who has not responded to your request or word.

    Under attention in a certain context in speech can be anything: a glance thrown at the right moment, a certain or indefinite time spent on a person, and so on.

    The most familiar form of expression to all of us «Thank you for the attention» is the phrase «Th. you for attention «. It can be used for most formal performances, lectures, introductory tours, and similar events.

    Another example of gratitude to someone for their attention would be saying “It was very kind of you to spend your time on me”.

    It can be quite appropriately used both in the household and in the business sphere. But in the latter, it is worth handling him carefully, as you may seem like a too helpful, insecure person.

    • In everyday use: «The time spent on me is simply invaluable, your help is priceless» — the time you spent on me is simply invaluable, your help is invaluable to me.

    An analogue of the phrase “Th. for reviewing / consideration my question «- translated as» Thank you for your attention to my question. » In this case, the word cons. it means «consideration» and therefore it is more appropriate to use these words in a strict business style. For example, in any particularly important letters about an international convention, between business partners, etc.

    • Practical case: «Immense thank you for a timely consideration of the general issue» — thank you immensely for considering issues related to our common cause.

    «Th. you for your agile attention to solving the common problem. » — Thank you for your quick response / quick attention to our common problem. This use case is more appropriate for close partnerships than for public announcements.

    • Application example: “I want to note your agile attention and rebound to our agenda for attending today’s event” — I would like to acknowledge your prompt attention and response to our agenda for today’s event.

    Also under thanks for attention the words «seeing» can be understood — in the context of a meeting.

    • Example: “Th. for seeing, John «- thanks for the meeting, John.

    Conclusion: how to thank you in English?

    With the help of extraordinary appreciation, you will make your image even more interesting to those around you. You will be able to identify yourself among other people using clichéd phrases that do not always fully reflect your sincerity and goodwill.


    Ways to Say Thank You in English

    «Thank you» is one of the first words that we remember when learning any language. And this is not surprising. After all, this is the main way to thank for the service rendered and show your politeness and good manners. The word «thank you» can open all doors and make the most favorable impression on the people around you.

    The British have invented many different ways to express gratitude beyond the usual «thank you.» There can be many shades here: both a fleeting response to an on-duty compliment, and deep gratitude for serious help. In this article, we’ll look at some of the many options.

    When we say thanks

    Imagine a colleague at work compliments you: I love your skirt! / I like your skirt. It’s a cute compliment, nothing more, but the rules of common courtesy require you to respond. A simple «thank you» is enough here.

    Or a neighbor drops everything and sits with your children in the evening, because you need to leave to visit a relative in the hospital. Here, the reason for gratitude is clearly more serious. And you probably want to express your feelings to him in more detail.

    In all cases, you will express gratitude in slightly different words.

    Casual situations

    A friend just called to congratulate you on your anniversary? Have you celebrated an important event for you with sweets and gifts in your office? Did a stranger help you carry your purchases from the store to your car?

    For such ordinary everyday occasions, we can use the simplest words of gratitude.

    • Thanks (a lot, a bunch, so much)
    • I really appreciate it
    • You shouldn’t have


    • Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your assistance. / Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your help.
    • Thanks, I didn’t expect. It’s so kind of you. / Thank you, I didn’t expect. It is so nice of you.
    • You shouldn’t have. That’s too much. Thanks a lot! / Not worth it. It too. Thanks a lot!

    If you want to emphasize your gratitude:

    • You rock! / Blimey!
    • I owe you / I owe you
    • I couldn’t thank you enough! / I can’t express my gratitude!


    • You’re simply the best! I would have never finished this article without you. / You are simply the best! Without you, I would never have finished this article.
    • I really owe you. Thank you so much for your great assistance with that case. / Thank you very much for such a huge help with that case. I owe you.
    • Can’t thank you enough. To tell you the truth I really needed rest. / I cannot express my gratitude. To be honest, I really needed a break.

    Formal Situations

    Some situations in business and personal life require a more formal approach. Especially if you are expressing your appreciation in writing.

    For example, if you are giving a thank you speech at a gala reception or event, writing a business or formal letter, it is advisable to choose more formal expressions.

    • I’m so grateful (thankful, many thanks) for
    • I truly appreciate
    • Thank you for taking your time to / Thank you for taking the time
    • I’m eternally grateful for / I am eternally grateful to you
    • I’d you to know how much I value / I want you to know how much I value


    How to say thank you in English in different situations

    How to thank you beautifully and correctly in English? Quite a popular question.

    In fact, there are some great ways to express your gratitude in English. And this is not only the phrase Thank you very much.

    In this article, we’ll look at the different ways to say thank you, and how they will differ in a number of situations, in case you need to say it more formally, or vice versa, to thank an old friend.

    Everyone wants to be appreciated, so you need to thank the person correctly, and at the same time not seem insincere.

    Expressing gratitude is not just a verbal form of gratitude, it is also the correct use of body language.

    Note the different ways to thank you below.

    • Thank you (more formal)
    • Thanks
    • Thanks a lot for looking after the children
    • Thanks very much for dinner. It was great!
    • Thank you so much for helping me out today.

    Official gratitude phrases

    In the business world, it is important to be able to express gratitude not only to the boss, but also to colleagues, other firms, and even customers.

    It is very important to show that you value them by giving support or cooperation.

    Most of these phrases can be used for direct contact or electronic communication.

    For example:

    • We are much responsible to you for your patience during the recent difficulties.

    The very official phrase «much obliged» is translated as «much obliged.»

    • I’d to thank everyone for coming along and supporting us today.

    You may have heard this phrase in a number of public appeals with gratitude.

    For example, at The Oscars ceremony. It can be used to express gratitude to a group of people.

    • Many thanks for your email.

    This English phrase of gratitude is often used in letters or emails.

    The way of expressing words of gratitude directly depends on what exactly you are saying thank you for.

    A postcard with a simple phrase «Thank you» or a few special words will be remembered for years to come.

    Thank you can be said not only in words but also with pleasant gestures of attention.

    The following phrases in English can be used to express gratitude to friends, loved ones, relatives and acquaintances.

    • You’ve saved my life! Thanks again!
    • Thanks for the advice. I owe you one.
    • Thanks for helping me out with this project. I owe you big time.
    • I’ll never forget what you’ve done for us.
    • I greatly appreciate you.
    • Your generosity overwhelms me! You shouldn’t have bought this.
    • Words are powerless to express my gratitude. You’re the best friend ever!

    How to accept words of gratitude

    In addition to expressing gratitude, you also need to know how to accept this gratitude in English.

    A few useful phrases:

    • Not at all.
    • It was nothing.
    • The pleasure is mine.
    • Don’t mention it.
    • You are welcome.

    Be welcoming and feel free to express your gratitude to those around you.

    See you soon!

    By the way, if the article turned out to be useful to you, you can thank me by clicking and Share


    31 ways to express gratitude in English

    A person is judged not only by their clothes, but also by the degree of their upbringing, right? And the ability to say «thank you» is an irreplaceable assistant when communicating with people. But what else is in your arsenal besides “thank you”, “thank you so much” or “thanks”? Expressing gratitude in English makes it sound more personal. Let’s see how you can do this.

    When you got a favor

    • That’s very kind of you. — That’s very kind of you.
    • You made my day. — You cheered me up.
    • Many thanks! — Many thanks!
    • Warmest thanks! — Deeply / sincerely grateful!
    • From the bottom of my heart, thank you. — Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    • I can’t thank you enough. — I am infinitely grateful to you / I don’t know how to thank you.

    And very informal ways to thank in English:

    • You’re awesome! — You are super!
    • Thanks a million / Thanks a ton / Thanks a bunch. — Thank you very much.

    When you give thanks for an unexpected act

    If you are pleasantly surprised and so surprised that it is difficult to express your feelings in words, say:

    • I don’t know what to say! — Words cannot express my gratitude!

    And if you even feel a little uncomfortable that the person helped you or made a surprise, perhaps to the detriment of himself, answer:

    • How thoughtful of you! — How kind of you!
    • Oh, you shouldn’t have! — Not worth it!

    13 English idioms to spice up your communication in the workplace

    When you were helped to achieve an important goal

    • I couldn’t have done it without you. — Without you, I would not have done this.
    • I really want to thank you for your help. — I really want to thank you for your help.
    • I really appreciate everything you’ve done. — Very grateful for everything you did.
    • Thanks again, I couldn’t have pulled this off without you. “Thanks again, I couldn’t have done it without you.
    • Thanks again. Your help made a huge difference. — Thanks again. Your help was very important.

    When you have been helped during a difficult time

    • English phrases will help you express how much you value support:
    • I’m really grateful for your help. — I am very grateful for your help.
    • This means a lot to me. — It means a lot to me.
    • Thanks for having my back. — Thanks for the support.
    • I truly appreciate all your time spent on this. — I am very grateful that you spent your time on this.
    • Thank you for all your kind words during this difficult time. — Thank you for all the kind words at such a difficult time.

    If you feel indebted and hope to return it someday, say:

    • I owe you one. — I am in your debt.

    Gratitude for a specific action

    To express appreciation for sharing knowledge, advice, or experience with you, use the phrases:

    • Thank you for your guidance. — Thanks for the recommendations.
    • Thanks for explaining this to me. — Thank you for explaining.

    To thank a person for taking the time to come to you, the following words come in handy:

    • Thank you for stopping by. — Thanks for stopping by.

    It is also useful to mention the act for which you are grateful:

    • Thanks for [finding my dog]. — Thanks for [finding my dog].

    100 English Adjectives Everyone Should Know


    At work, thanks, for example, partners, do it with these phrases from business English:

    • Thank you for contacting me. — Thank you for contacting me.
    • Thank you for your prompt reply. — Thank you for your prompt response.
    • I appreciate your feedback. — Thank you for your reply / feedback.
    • I’m grateful for your assistance. — I am grateful for the help.


    How to express gratitude in English

    Words of gratitude are an invariable part of any civilized conversation between two or more educated people.

    There are different situations in which we need to express our gratitude and gratitude: to formally thank business partners, bosses, colleagues and at the same time warmly and rather informally express gratitude to friends and family. We have collected a variety of phrases that will help you express gratitude in English.

    Classic «Thank you!»

    Besides the usual thank you often in use, you can find the following options for sincere gratitude:

    • Thanks! Thanks!
    • Many thanks! / Thanks a lot! (this option is often found in an ironic meaning) Thank you very much!
    • Thank you (ever) so much! / Thank you very much! / Thanks a million! Thank you very much!
    • I can’t thank you enough! Thank you very much!
    • Thanks for your kind words! Thank you for your kind words (for your kind words)!
    • That’s very kind / nice of you! That’s very kind of you!
    • You’re so helpful! Thanks for the help!
    • Appreciate it! Thanks to!
    • Cheers! This is great! (This word occurs in the meaning of «thank you» in British and Australian English)

    An important and interesting video about the origin of the word thank you и ways to politely answer

    Phrase combinations Thank you

    • thank you — thank you
    • say thank you - say thanks»; give thanks; thank
    • no thank you - no thanks
    • thank you ma’am - drainage groove; pothole
    • to say thank you - to say «thank you», (by) to thank
    • we both thank you — we both thank you
    • we thank you kindly - thank you from the bottom of my heart
    • Thank you in advance - I thank you in advance
    • Thank you for nothing - thanks for that
    • thank you all the same - nevertheless, let me thank you; still let me thank you
    • thank you for your kindness - thank you for your kindness
    • thank you for hearing me out - thanks for listening to me
    • I have a sufficiency, thank you — decomp. thanks, i’m full / i’m already full /
    • I’ll thank you to shut the door - please close the door
    • thank you very much in advance — thank you sincerely in advance
    • thank you very much indeed — to sincerely thank you
    • it is I who should thank you — I should thank you.
    • it’s I who should thank you — I should thank you.

    Thanks for the gifts and kind words

    Any holiday or even just a meeting is a great way to express your love and gratitude to family and friends. After all, we do not spoil them so often with warm words. It’s time to fix it!

    • Thank you for your wonderful present! Thanks for the awesome gift!
    • Many thanks for the gifts, I love them! Thanks a lot for the gifts, they are great!
    • Thank you very much for such a practical gift! Thank you so much for such a practical gift!
    • Many thanks for the wishes! Thanks a lot for the congratulations!
    • I really appreciate your kind words! I really appreciate your kind words!
    • Thank you ever so much for making me feel special today! I am very grateful to you for the special atmosphere of this day, created thanks to you!
    • I send you warm wishes of joy and happiness in return! And all the most wonderful and joyful to you!
    • It has been a very special day thanks to you! Happy holidays! This day has become special thanks to you! Happy Holidays!
    • Thank you for inviting me for the holiday! Thank you for the invitation to your celebration!
    • Many thanks for the warm invitation! Thank you very much for the warm invitation!
    • I’d to say a very warm thank you for the invitation! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invitation!

    Formal expression of gratitude

    In different situations and with different people, our behavior will be different. Two completely different options for gratitude will be to a close friend and business partner (provided that this is not the same person).

    In business, it is also equally important to express gratitude, because we are sincerely grateful to partners for fruitful cooperation and colleagues for support and assistance.

    Consider how to properly thank a person in an official environment

    • Thankyoufortakingthetroubletohelpus… We highly appreciate it! Thank you for agreeing to help us. We really appreciate it!
    • We greatly appreciate your support and assistance… We appreciate your help and support.
    • Thank you for your kind cooperation. Thanks for your kind cooperation.
    • Many thanks for everything you have done for us. Please accept our gratitude for everything you have done for us.
    • We would express our gratitude for all that you have done. We are immensely grateful to you for your work.
    • We value your contribution to our successful collaboration. We really appreciate your contribution to our successful cooperation.
    • I am very grateful for your consideration. We sincerely thank you for considering our issue.
    • We thank you for your special attention to this matter. We do appreciate it. Thank you for the special attention you paid to our issue. We appreciate it!
    • Thank you ever so much for taking the time to help us! Thank you for your time!
    • We value the trust you have put into us and will work hard to maintain it. We really appreciate your trust in us and will try not to disappoint you.

    We answer thanks

    Sometimes we have to accept gratitude from others. It is important to correctly and competently answer such a favorable disposition of the interlocutor to us. Therefore, we have collected the English counterparts of the expressions «nothing at all», «please», «good health» and «not worth gratitude»:

    • You’re welcome! Please! (most common and used primarily by US residents)
    • You’re always / very welcome! You’re welcome!
    • Not at all! Please!
    • No problem! It’s my pleasure! (a variant widely used by young people)
    • That’s all right / OK! It’s my pleasure!
    • Don’t mention it! It’s my pleasure! (turnover, typical rather for colloquial speech)
    • It’s no bother! It’s my pleasure!
    • Sure! It’s my pleasure! (American version of the answer to the thanks)
    • It’s my pleasure (to help you)! I am very glad (to help)!
    • The pleasure is all mine! Do not mention it! (official version)
    • It’s the least I could do! These are all little things! (literally — this is the least I could do) — a phrase often used in written communication.
    • It’s nothing! Trivia!
    • It wasn’t a problem at all! Little things, don’t thank!
    • Don’t worry about it! Do not mention it!
    • No sweat! No problem! (It was as easy as shelling pears.)

    By using phrases to express gratitude in English, you will understand that politeness is not only a thief’s best weapon, but also a way to make new friends, support family members, and demonstrate great manners to colleagues and partners.

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    Expressions of gratitude in English

    Welcome, potential visitor to our English courses!

    The English language is replete with original words, funny phrases, phraseological units. Whatever the use of them in your speech allows us show your education, be more sophisticated, do not go into your pocket for a word, as they say, we invite you to the lessons of spoken English!

    An educated person is always a polite person. Gratitude for help, advice, a gift, even for some trifle is a manifestation of good manners.

    Everyone from school days remembers how politely it is to say thank you in English and respond to this very gratitude:

    thank you — you are welcome 

    But after all, words of gratitude in English are not limited to just this pair. Expressing gratitude is possible to a lesser or more extent in completely different words.

    25 Ways to Say Thank You in English — Expanding Your Vocabulary

    25 simple yet effective ways to thank anyone in English.

    Let’s check something. In how many languages ​​can you say “Thank you”? You will definitely remember at least a few options. The first thing that comes to mind is European phrases — thank you, mercy, danke, gracias, grazie. Then someone in his memory will dig out more exotic ones — arigato, xie xie, děkuji, modloba and so on.

    It is unlikely that you speak all these languages ​​(if yes, then I take off my hat, you do not need to read further). But, nevertheless, you can say “Thank you”. We are one of the first to learn this phrase in any foreign language. «Thanks!» — the basis of courtesy around the world. And in every language, there are many ways to express gratitude in words. The same is true for the English language.

    Today I will show you some interesting words and phrases that you can use to express gratitude. But before that, let’s think about what we have ways to convey our «Thank you».

    How best to convey our gratitude

    Personal gratitude is the best way to thank someone and show your appreciation.

    But we do not always manage to say «Thank you» directly to your face — you may be far from each other, or a personal meeting is inconvenient for some reason. The phone comes to the rescue. Although it is now possible to send a text message, it is still better to call and thank the person with your voice — this is more personal and sincere.

    If you want to say gratitude for some official occasion, then in this case it would be best to send an SMS, email or a message in the messenger. For example, after interviewing for a new job. The Business News Daily article says that those job seekers who sent a thank you message within 24 hours of the interview were more likely to get the job they wanted. Being polite is beneficial.

    In Western culture, it is customary to send a thank-you card in response to a gift or invitation to an event. And it’s better if this postcard is handwritten.

    Okay, now we’re ready to learn 25 ways to say «Thank you» in English. And yes, there will be a small bonus at the end, so read carefully. Ready?

    «Thank you» for every day

    The shop assistant helped you bring your purchases to your car. Your friend or colleague has shared a coffee or sandwich. A casual passer-by suggested where the nearest stop is and helped to get to it. What do you say?

    Let’s start with the simplest and most basic phrase. It’s hard to misuse it. :) It is suitable for both everyday and serious official use. Yes, you guessed it:

    Thank you. (one)
    If we shorten it, we will get a more conversational and informal version that you can easily use with your family, friends and peers:

    Thanks! (2)
    If you want to increase your gratitude, you can say:

    Thanks so much! (3)
    And with your family and closest friends, you can even use an even freer option:

    Thanks a million. (four)

    Thank you when someone helps us

    We usually ask someone for a favor. But it also happens that this happens completely by accident and without our conversion. A work colleague may offer to drop you home, as it is driving in the same direction, and it is raining outside. Or a neighbor offered to hold the ladder when you decided to climb a pole and secretly connect to the local cable.

    It is for such cases that there is a great phrase to thank them for their kindness and help:


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