Text vocabulary word of the day

Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.

The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.

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Word of the Day


Definition: Vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression.
Synonyms: lamenting

Idiom of the Day

shotgun house

(chiefly Southern United States slang) A one-story house in which each room is in a straight alignment with the others, connected by a continuous hallway running from the front to the back of the residence.

Today’s Holiday

Paul Bunyan Show

Paul Bunyan is the mythical hero of lumberjacks in the United States. Since 1952, the Paul Bunyan Festival, sponsored by the Ohio Forestry Association and Hocking College in Nelsonville, has focused on wood products and forestry conservation and is an opportunity for lumberjacks to test their skills. Teams of draft horses compete in a log-skidding contest—an operation that is performed today by heavy machines—and turn-of-the-century steam logging equipment is on display. The show gives visitors an opportunity to see both traditional and modern logging techniques in action.

Quote of the Day

Virtue never has been as respectable as money.
Mark Twain

Word Trivia

Today’s topic: terrier

whippet — A cross between a greyhound and a terrier. More…

terrier — A dog that «takes the earth» or unearths its prey, from Latin terra, «earth.» More…

Dobermann, pinscher — Dobermanns are named for German dog breeder Ludwig Dobermann; pinscher means «terrier» in German. More…

Jack Russell — A type of terrier—not recognized as a distinct breed— named for the Rev. John Russell (1795-1883) of Devonshire. More…

This vocabulary word of the day collection will provide teachers with a daily vocabulary word for word work.
This vocabulary word of the day collection will provide teachers with a daily vocabulary word for word work.We have a collection of posts that contain vocabulary words along with resources. The collection includes 9 sets. Each set contains 5 words.

You could use these each day for a grading period/quarter, display them in your room and then have students share with the class when they find them in the context of real reading throughout the year.

Another idea is to spread the words out and focus on only a few words each week.

You could also choose to display the entire list and let students organically find them in their reading to bring up for class discussion and learning.  Either way, these are meant simply to be used as a way to expand students’ vocabulary.

Each set includes word and vocabulary cards along with a word map and assessment page.

Here we have combined links to all of those posts so that you have a collection of 45 words to use in your room for Word of the Day activities or other ideas.

Word Set 1 – (obstacle, bland, duration, jubilation, thwart)

Word Set 2 – (ferocious, budge, aroma, rouse, voyage)

Word Set 3 – (depart, crevice, feeble, soar, proclaim)

Word Set 4 – (notable, spectator, reluctant, protrude, minor)

Word Set 5 – (mimic, accurate, compensate, seldom, lurch)

Word Set 6 – (accommodate, boisterous, hoist, meager, somber)

Word Set 7 – (evident, expand, flimsy, frigid and optimist)

Word Set 8 – (dense, prohibit, proceed, exasperate and conceal)

Word Set 9 – (bungle, convince, encounter, negotiate and transform)

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Presentation on theme: «Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 1″— Presentation transcript:


Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 1
abscond Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 1


The cashier absconded with the money and a plan so complex that she was on the beach in 8 hours and living in a country without extradition. Please guess the definition… — depart in a sudden and secret manner Mentally guess the part of speech… abscond is a verb Now please write a sentence with context clues and which is used correctly Spelling word: whiff 2 2 2


Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 2
skulk Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 2 3 3 3 3


The burglar skulked in the alley, looking for a way to get into the darkened jewelry store without attracting the attention of anyone who might be nearby. Please guess the definition… — move stealthily; lie in hiding Mentally guess the part of speech… skulk is a verb Now please write a sentence with context clues and which is used correctly Spelling word: raspberry 4 4


Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 3
plausible VS. Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 3 5 5 5


His excuse for being late seemed plausible at first as his pants were torn and his hair tussled; then I noticed the crumpled sack in his bag and the telltale whiff of McMuffin – so I busted him! Please guess the definition… — credible, believable, seems worthy of acceptance Mentally guess the part of speech… plausible is an adjective Now please write a sentence with context clues and which is used correctly Spelling word: desperately 6


Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 4
boon Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 4


While stranded in the middle of the ocean on our sailboat, we were down to our last bottle of water when our boon came to the rescue in the form of a brisk breeze. Please guess the definition… — timely blessing or benefit Mentally guess the part of speech… boon is a noun Now please write a sentence with context clues and which is used correctly Spelling Word: millionaire 8 8 8


Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 5
aberration Vocabulary Word of the Day O.Y.O. 5 9 9 9


I noticed an aberration in the class after the traumatic event, they had gone from their normally talkative selves to silent and fearful. Please guess the definition… — a deviation from normal, not typical Mentally guess the part of speech… aberration is a noun Now please write a sentence with context clues and which is used correctly Spelling word: trauma 10

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