Тест по английскому языку word order ответы

Данный тест проверяет умение правильно построить английское повествовательное и вопросительное предложение. Из предложенных вариантов ответа необходимо выбрать только один, который на ваш взгляд является правильным.

Уровень сложности:

Lower intermediate

Вопросов в тесте:


Теория по теме:

Порядок слов в английском предложении
Инверсия в английском языке
Простые предложения в английском языке
Общий вопрос в английском языке
Повелительные предложения в английском языке

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Test  «Word Order»


  1. What ….. tomorrow morning?  
  1. will you be doing
  2. you will be doing
  3. will be you doing

2.  It took Felix ….. to repair his car.  

  1. so much time
  2. such much time
  3. much so time

  3.  I think Ron is ….. .  

  1. either at the cinema or at the theatre
  2. at the cinema either or at the theatre
  3. at the cinema or either at the theatre

  4.  I heard you talk over the phone late last night. I wonder ….. .  

  1. who you spoke with
  2. who did you speak with
  3. with whom did you speak

  5.  They would like to buy ….. chalet house.  

  1. not very old, wooden, nice, four-bedroom Swiss
  2. a wooden, Swiss, not very old, nice, four-bedroom
  3. a nice, four-bedroom, not very old, wooden Swiss

  6.  The picture was very beautiful; ….. .  

  1. I very much liked it
  2. I it liked very much
  3. I liked it very much

  7.  Dana has such a pretty face and ….. .  

  1. is her hair so long and beautiful
  2. her hair so long and beautiful is
  3. her hair is so long and beautiful

  8.  Sheila isn’t a good driver; she is ….. .  

  1. not careful enough
  2. careful not enough
  3. enough not careful

  9.  It’s getting late. Are ….. in the park  

  1. still the children playing
  2. the children still playing
  3. the children playing still

  10.  ….. when I come home from work.  

  1. I am usually very tired
  2. Usually I am very tired
  3. I am very tired usually

  11.  When the light is bad, ….. .  

  1. I very well can’t see
  2. I can’t very well see
  3. I can’t see very well

  12.  Look at your watch and tell me what ….. .  

  1. time it is
  2. time is it
  3. time it be

  13.  ….. on the shelf over there?  

  1. I shall put your books
  2. Shall I put your books
  3. Shall I your books put

  14.  Nick plays football well; ….. , but not as well as Nick.  

  1. his brother also plays football
  2. also his brother plays football
  3. his brother plays football also

 15.  ….. at work after office hours?  

  1. Do you often have to stay
  2. Have you often to stay
  3. Do you have often to stay


1.  The food at that restaurant was very tasty; I have ….. before.  

  1. never eaten such good food
  2. never eaten so good food
  3. never such good food eaten

 2.  Dana has such a pretty face and ….. .  

  1. is her hair so long and beautiful
  2. her hair so long and beautiful is
  3. her hair is so long and beautiful

 3.  Nancy ….. when she learnt about her mother’s illness.  

  1. was awfully upset
  2. awfully was upset
  3. was upset awfully

 4.  Nick plays football well; ….. , but not as well as Nick.  

  1. his brother also plays football
  2. also his brother plays football
  3. his brother plays football also

 5.  It’s getting late. Are ….. in the park  

  1. still the children playing
  2. the children still playing
  3. the children playing still

 6.  ….. a strange light coming from the sky.  

  1. I have just seen
  2. just I have seen
  3. I have seen just

 7.  They would like to buy ….. chalet house.  

  1. not very old, wooden, nice, four-bedroom Swiss
  2. a wooden, Swiss, not very old, nice, four-bedroom
  3. a nice, four-bedroom, not very old, wooden Swiss

 8.  Does Wanda ….. ?  

  1. write a letter to her parents every week
  2. a letter to her parents write every week
  3. every week write a letter to her parents

 9.  Collin didn’t like the climate in the north of Canada; ….. in winter.  

  1. it was too cold there
  2. too cold was it there
  3. it was cold there too

 10.  You really shouldn’t go ….. .  

  1. to bed such late
  2. so late to bed
  3. to bed so late

 11.  When the light is bad, ….. .  

  1. I very well can’t see
  2. I can’t very well see
  3. I can’t see very well

 12.  Look at your watch and tell me what ….. .  

  1. time it is
  2. time is it
  3. time it be

 13.  ….. at work after office hours?  

  1. Do you often have to stay
  2. Have you often to stay
  3. Do you have often to stay

 14.  ….. riding Anna’s bicycle in the forest?  

  1. Who did Nick see
  2. Who Nick saw
  3. Who saw Nick

 15.  I was glad that ….. after his recent illness.  

  1. John looked so well
  2. John looked such well
  3. John so well looked



1-a   2-a  3-a   4-a  5-c   6-c  7-c  8-a  9-b  10-a  11-c 12-a  13-b  14-a  15-a  


1 -a  2-c  3-a  4-a  5-b  6-a  7-c  8-a  9-a  10-c  11-c  12-a  13-a  14-a  15-a

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Тест по английскому языку: Порядок слов в предложении

Английский язык отличается особой щепетильностью в отношении порядка следования слов в предложении. Если его нарушить, как мы это запросто делаем в русском языке, то можно существенно исказить смысл. 

Тест по английскому языку по теме «Порядок слов в предложении», который мы предлагаем вам пройти сегодня, состоит из 10 вопросов. Проверьте свои знания!

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1. Выберите предложение с правильным порядком обстоятельств.
а) She was sleeping peacefully in her bed after crying for a long time that day.+
б) She was peacefully in her bed sleeping after crying for a long time that day.
в) She was sleeping after crying for a long time that day in bed peacefully.

2. Она сейчас в своем кабинете, не знаете?
а) Do you know is she in her office?
б) Do you know whether she is in her office?+
в) Do you know whether is she in her office?

3. Where is your new car? Come on,______!
a) show us+
б) show us to it
в) show to us

4. They have lived______.
a) for a long time peacefully in the same house
б) for a long time in the same house peacefully
в) peacefully in the same house for a long time+

5. А______man got up from the table and beckoned to them.
a) pleasant looking and middle-aged
б) middle-aged pleasant looking
в) pleasant-looking middle aged+

6. My dad goes to the library very often. He doesn’t read ______. .
a) books at home+
б) at home books

7. Did he eat ______ ?
a) in the salad crabs
б) crabs in the salad+

8. How ______ your surname?
a) do you spell+
б) you spelled

9. What ______ ?
a) can we go way
б) way can we go+

10. Who ______ ?
a) are you going to the party with+
б) with are you going to the party

11.______than he fell ill.
a) No sooner he had arrived
б) No he had sooner arrived
в) No sooner had he arrived+

12. Not only______you, they smash everything too.
a) they do rob
б) do they rob+
в) they rob

13. Было нечего делать, поэтому я просто сидел и листал ленту в инстаграме.
а) Nothing was to do, so I was just sitting around scrolling my Instagram feed.
б) There was nothing to do, so I was just sitting around scrolling my Instagram feed. +
в) Was nothing to do, so I was just sitting around scrolling my Instagram feed.

14. Мэри – девочка, умная не по годам.
а) Mary is a girl that is wise beyond her years.+
б) Mary a girl that wise beyond her years.
в) Mary is a girl that wise beyond her years.

15. С кем ты живешь?
а) Who live you with?
б) Who do you live with?+
в) Who does live with you?

16. It took Felix ____________to repair his car.
а) so much time+
б) such much time
в) much so time

17. What ____________tomorrow morning?
а) will be you doing
б) will you be doing+
в) you will be doing

18.______the house when it started to rain.
a) Scarcely he had entered
б) Scarcely had he entered+
в) He scarcely had entered

19.______at everyone who got off the plane.
a) Suspiciously he looked
б) He suspiciously looked
в) He looked suspiciously+

20.______injured in the last match.
a) He badly was
б) Badly he was
в) He was badly+

21. There ____________on TV. In fact there are less of them nowadays.
а) are not enough good films+
б) good films are not enough
в) not enough are good films

22. There was a big traffic jam downtown and ____________.
а) slowly the cars moved
б) the cars snowly moved
в) the cars moved slowly+

23. Never before______to accept a bribe.
a) I had been asked
б) had I been asked+
в) had been I asked

24. The secretary typed______.
a) for Mr. Benson the document
б) Mr. Benson the document
в) the document/or Mr. Benson+

25. A______woman with brown hair was the only contralto.
a) small and bullied-looking
б) bullied-looking small
в) small bullied-looking+

26.______got to the station on time.
a) Only I and my brother
б) Only my brother and I+
в) My brother and I only

27. Nancy ____________when she learnt about her mother’s illness.
а) was awfully upset+
б) was upset awfully
в) awfully was upset

28. They arranged to meet______.
a) in a pub at the foot of College Road for a pre-lunch drink
б) for a pre-lunch drink in a pub at the foot of College Road+
в) for a pre-lunch drink at the foot of College Road in a pub

29. I’d like you to get______from the market.
a) for me some fruit
б) some fruit me
в) some fruit for me+

30. Last year we went______.
a) to Vienna by train at Easter+
б) at Easter to Vienna by train
в) by train at Easter to Vienna

1.______got to the station on time.
a) Only I and my brother
б) Only my brother and I+
в) My brother and I only

2. They have lived______.
a) for a long time peacefully in the same house
б) for a long time in the same house peacefully
в) peacefully in the same house for a long time+

3. А______man got up from the table and beckoned to them.
a) pleasant looking and middle-aged
б) middle-aged pleasant looking
в) pleasant-looking middle aged+

4. I ______
a) was all day at home
б) was at home all day+

5. I don’t know where ______ .
a) is it
б) it is+

6. When the light is bad, ____________.
а) I can’t very well see
б) I very well can’t see
в) I can’t see very well+

7. Do you remember ____________?
а) when does out train leave
б) when our train leave
в) when our train leaves+

8. I wonder if ____________at the computer the entire day.
а) Steve is going to work+
б) to work Steve is going
в) is Steve going to work

9. She ______ there.
a) has never been there+
б) never has been there

10. You ______ your teeth in the morning.
a) clean always
б) always clean+

11. How often ______ in London?
a) does it rain+
б) it rains

12. How______if I fall right through the earth and come out among the antipodes.
a) funny it will seem+
б) it will seem funny
в) it funny will seem

13. С кем ты разговаривала вчера на вечеринке?
а) Who you talked to last at the party last night?
б) Who talked to you at the party last night?
в) Who did you talk to at the party last night?+

14. Я всего лишь спросил, не найдется ли у них мелочи, а они позвонили в полицию!
а) I just asked do you have cash, but they called the police!
б) I just asked did they have cash, but they called the police!
в) I just asked if they had some cash, but they called the police!+

15. Мигрантам становится труднее получить временную рабочую визу.
а) It’s getting harder for immigrants to gain a temporary work visa.+
б) Getting harder for immigrants to gain a temporary work visa.
в) Gets harder for immigrants to gain a temporary work visa.

16. He was born______.
a) at two o’clock on April 12th in the morning in 1947
б) in the morning at two o’clock on April 12th in 1947
в) at two o’clock in the morning on April 12th in 1947+

17. _________ all the exercises he had to do.
a) He carefully wrote
б) He wrote carefully+
в) Carefully he wrote

18. I______after that.
a) only saw him once
б) saw him only once+
в) saw him once only

19. I ______ the room every weekend.
a) not do tidy
б) do not tidy+

20. The twins ______ years old.
a) are seven+
б) seven are

21.______have not arrived.
a) The ordered goods
б) The goods ordered+
в) The goods which ordered

22. Whose ______?
a) is it book
б) book is it+

23. He refused to eat the ______ .
a) dried fruit+
б) fruit dried

24. Tom and Jerry ____________for the job of a policeman.
а) both have applied
б) have applied both
в) have both applied+

25. Does Wanda ____________?
а) a letter to her parents write every week
б) write a letter to her parents every week+
в) every week write a letter to her parents

26. Last year we went______.
a) to Vienna by train at Easter+
б) at Easter to Vienna by train
в) by train at Easter to Vienna

27. Where is your new car? Come on,______!
a) show us+
б) show us to it
в) show to us

28. Sarah went to bed because she ______ .
a) was very tired+
б) very tired was

29. В офисе работает 25 человек, включая меня.
а) It twenty-five people are in the office, including me.
б) Twenty-five people in the office, including me.
в) There are twenty-five people in the office, including me.+

30. Выберите предложение с правильным порядком слов.
а) He was a boy nasty.
б) He was a nasty boy.+
в) He was nasty a boy.

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