Тест по английскому языку complete the sentences with the correct word



1.       Complete the
sentences with the correct word.

community, hard, champion, plastic, traffic, social, human, speed,
home, unpredictable.

I’ve just bought an external … drive for my computer.

Some people in developing countries don’t have basic … rights.

I was stuck in a … jam for two hours yesterday. 

When drivers … , they put people’s lives at risk on the roads.

The vandals were sentenced to 200 hours of … service.

He is a world … tennis player.

Facebook and Twitter are the biggest … networks in the

The weather is …; you never know what to wear.

Garlic is an ingredient in many … remedies.

Too many people are having … surgery nowadays. 

2.       Underline
the correct item.

1.       Amnesty
International organizes events to raise/rise support for good

2.       Kylie holds/keeps a
world record in windsurfing.

3.       This room
could do with some coloring/brightening up.

4.       Tom hired
private/store detective to find his daughter.

5.       Sam doesn’t
like hot/spicy food like chili peppers.

3.       Choose
the correct item.

1.       The thief …
by the police.

a)      Is caught b) Was
caught c) Is being caught

2.       It … that he
will get a life sentence.

a)      Is thought b)
Thought c) Think

The stolen painting … yet.

a)      Wasn’t
recovered b) Hasn’t been recovered c) Isn’t recovered

4.       Max … the
guitar while Ann was talking on the phone.

a)      Played b) Had
played c) Was playing

5.       They went on
a sightseeing tour an hour …

a)      last b) before c) ago

6.       Tom … Biology

a)      Is studying b)
Studies c) Studied

7.       If you don’t
water plants, they …

a)      Are dying b) die
c) would did

Match 1-4 with A-D to make exchanges.

I’m playing golf today. How about joining me?

A.      Thanks, I’d
love to!

How can I help you?

B.       Yes, it’s
Joan Thompson.

Can I take your name?

C.       It’s about
twenty minutes by car.

How far away is the hotel?

D.      I’d like to
book a room, please.

Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Rita Nelson
is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to
another town this summer.

“Let me tell
you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly,
but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school
starts at 8.00 here, a whole hour before it did in that school. This morning I
forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note
into my record-book. I was really angry!

There are a
lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here
almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former
school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we
finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they
love sports here.

I joined
gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this
school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.

important thing here is learning to do practical things. Their metal and wood
shops are like small factories, and we are taught to drive as well. It’s fantastic.
I had my first lesson in driving a tractor yesterday.”

1.      Rita doesn’t
like her new school.

2.      Today Rita
came to school in time.

3.      Student don’t
love sports in the new school.

4.      Many girls
play football in the new school.

5.      Rita likes to
drive a tractor.



1.       Complete the
sentences with the correct word.

Armed, computer, homeless, identity, human, sickness, search,
evidence, nervous, dangerous, rise

Bob volunteers at a … shelter at the weekends. 

I always get travel …

Scientists predict that the earth’s temperature will … in the

Yahoo is a popular Internet … engine.

Mark is very … about his new job.

In CSI, people in the crime lab analyze … to capture the

Two men in masks committed a … robbery at the bank.

It’s … to drive over the speed limit.

We may be at risk of… theft, when we shop online.

My dad’s company has just set up a new … system.

2.       Underline
the correct item.

1.       A platypus
has a poisonous/venom spike.

2.       Be careful
when we open/spread an email attachment.

3.       This room
could do with some coloring/brightening up.

4.       Try not
to lose/miss your temper. 

5.       The police
need more evidence to sentence/arrest the suspect.

3.       Choose
the correct item.

1.       John … to
Switzerland last year.

a) Has travelled b) Is travelled c) Travelled 

2.       Penny hates …
to classical music.

a)      To listening
b) Listen c) Listening 

3.       2008 was the
year … I passed my driving test.

a)      when b) where


4.       What time …
the concert starts last night

a)      did b) will
do c) do

5.       Lucy is a bit
… than Tracey.

a)      Impatient b) Most
impatient c) More impatient

6.       Katy … her
bag stolen last night.

a)      Had b) Has c)
Was having

7.       The judge’s
decision … announced next week.

a)      Is b) Has
been c) Will be

4.       Match 1-4
with A-D to make exchanges.

Do you have any experience?

A.    Thank you.

We’ll be in touch.

B.     I can
start immediately.

Please have a seat.

C.     Yes, I
worked part-time last summer.

When can you start?

D.    Thank you very
much for your time.

5.      Read the text
and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

At different times, thousands of
people say that they have seen a large animal in the famous lake called Loch
Ness in Scotland. For many centuries, people have tried to catch it. People who
live there always talk about the mysterious animal in the lake, and many of
them believe that it is still there today.

In 1933, John McGregor, a local
businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble, and a huge animal with two
humps came out of it.

After that, scientists examined the
lake with underwater equipment and tried to find out what kind of animal lived
there. Of course, they haven’t found it yet, because the lake is so deep and so

Tourists from all over the world have
visited Loch Ness, they hope to see the monster. They have even given it a
nickname “Nessie”. Many people even show photos of the monster, but they are
usually photos of the pictures of the monster. Scientists suppose that the Loch
Ness monster is a dinosaur, which has survived since the Ice Age.

1.      For many
centuries, people have tried to catch the Loch Ness monster.

2.      No one
believes that the Loch Ness monster is still in the lake today.

3.      In 1956, John
McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble.

4.      The lake is
very deep.

5.      Many people
show photos of the monster.

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• Room

• class

• name

• Science

• pen

• new

• pencil

• Tuesdays

• subject

• years

e.g. The English class is in Room C.
15. My _ is Sue.
16. What’s your favourite _ ?
17. History _ is on Mondays.
18. My PE class is on _ and Thursdays.
19. David is _ to the school.
20. The _ case is blue.
21. Bob is 18 _ old.
22. Is the Art lesson in _ C?
23. The _ is on the desk.
24. The _ class is in Room A.


Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №D


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения правильным словом.
• Кабинет
• класс
• имя
• Естествознание
• ручка
• новый
• карандаш
• Вторник
• предмет
• годы
например: Класс английского находится в кабинете C.
15. Мое _ − Сью.
16. Какой твой любимый _ ?
17. _ истории по понедельникам.
18. У меня урок физкультуры по _ и четвергам.
19. Дэвид _ в школе.
20. _ синий.
21. Бобу 18 _ .
22. Урок рисования находится в _ C?
23. _ находится на столе.
24. Класс _ находится в комнате А.

15. My name is Sue.
16. What’s your favourite subject?
17. History class is on Mondays.
18. My PE class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
19. David is new to the school.
20. The pencil case is blue.
21. Bob is 18 years old.
22. Is the Art lesson in Room C?
23. The pen is on the desk.
24. The Science class is in Room A.

Перевод ответа
15. Меня зовут Сью.
16. Какой твой любимый предмет?
17. Урок истории по понедельникам.
18. У меня урок физкультуры по вторникам и четвергам.
19. Дэвид новичок в школе.
20. Пенал синий.
21. Бобу 18 лет.
22. Урок искусства находится в комнате C?
23. Ручка на столе.
24. Класс естествознания находится в комнате А.

Страница 8 из 53

TEST 4 A (Module 4)

*A. Fill in the correct word / phrase.  Вставьте правильное слово / фразу.

• chat show • weather report • interview • documentary • cartoon • news
 • ток−шоу • прогноз погоды • интервью • документальный • мультфильм • новости


Saturday, 4th November
Channel 1
16:30 African Animal Adventure
Interesting wildlife documentary about animals in Africa
17:00 Live at 5
International 1) news programme covering today’s events, business and sport, as well as a complete 2) weather report
17:30 OK!
A chance to hear all the gossip about your favourite pop stars, actors and celebrities. Find out the truth as you listen to an 3) interview with Jennifer Lopez
18:00 Oprah
4) Chat show with host Oprah Winfrey. Special guest today – Tom Cruise.
18:30 The Simpsons
5) Cartoon about the Simpson family.


Суббота, 4 ноября
Канал 1
16:30 Приключения африканских животных
Интересная дикая природа, например документальный фильм о животных в Африке
17:00 Прямой эфир в 5
Международная программа 1) новостей, охватывающая сегодняшние события, бизнес и спорт, а также полный 2) прогноз погоды
17:30 ОК!
Возможность услышать все сплетни о любимых поп−звездах, актерах и знаменитостях. Узнай правду, слушая 3) интервью с Дженнифер Лопес
18:00 Опра
4) Ток−шоу с ведущей Опрой Уинфри. Специальный гость сегодня − Том Круз.
18:30 Симпсоны
5) Мультфильм о семье Симпсонов.

*B.Complete the sentences with the correct word. Дополните предложения правильным словом.

• gossip • fashion • music • text messages • horoscopes • article
• сплетни • мода • музыка • текстовые сообщения • гороскопы • статья

e.g. I read an interesting article about the media.
например, Я прочитал интересную статью о СМИ.


6. My sister buys a popular magazine to read gossip about famous people’s lives.
7. The music programme plays all the latest hits.
8. Horoscopes try to tell you what will happen in the future.
9. Polly likes to send text messages to her friends.
10. Jane buys Sugar magazine for its fashion advice.


6. Моя сестра покупает популярный журнал, чтобы читать сплетни о жизни известных людей.
7. В музыкальной программе звучат все последние хиты.
8. Гороскопы пытаются рассказать вам, что произойдет в будущем.
9. Полли любит отправлять текстовые сообщения своим друзьям.
10. Джейн покупает журнал Sugar за его советы по моде.

*C. Underline the correct word.  Подчеркните правильное слово.

e.g. The fireman pulled the baby to safe / safety.
например, Пожарный вытащил ребенка в безопасное место.


11. John brave / bravely fought the bear.
12. The zebra ran off / went off before I could take a photograph.
13. I was surprised / surprising to hear I won the competition.
14. It can be difficult to come on / up with new ideas.
15. Mark was very exciting / excited when he won the writing award.
16. What does the weather article / report say?
17. Glossy magazines are attractive / popular* to teenagers.
18. I like the fashion and beauty advice / strips in this magazine.
19. In sports, it’s a great achievement to attend / break a world record.
20. This belt really goes with / on your shoes.


11. Джон храбро сражался с медведем.
12. Зебра убежала прежде, чем я успел сделать снимок.
13. Я был удивлен, узнав, что выиграл соревнование.
14. Придумывать новые идеи может быть непросто.
15. Марк был очень взволнован, когда выиграл писательскую премию.
16. Что говорится в прогнозе погоды?
17. Глянцевые журналы привлекательны для подростков.
18. Мне нравятся советы о моде и красоте в этом журнале.
19. В спорте побить мировой рекорд − это большое достижение.
20. Этот пояс отлично сочетается с вашей обувью.

*D. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous.  Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Continuous.

e.g. Tony was walking (walk) home when it started raining.
например, Тони шел домой, когда пошел дождь.


21. We were planning (plan) to go to the zoo, but we stayed home instead.
22. Jackie was taking (take) notes during the lesson.
23. The students  were working (work) hard because they wanted a good mark in the exam.
24. What were you doing (you/do) last night?
25. He was playing  (play) with his nephew all day Saturday.


21. Мы планировали пойти в зоопарк, но остались дома.
22. Джеки делала заметки во время урока.
23. Студенты усердно работали, потому что хотели получить хорошую оценку на экзамене.
24. Что ты делал прошлой ночью?
25. В субботу он весь день играл со своим племянником.

*E. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.    Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

e.g. She left (leave) school when she was 16.
например, Она бросила (бросить) школу, когда ей было 16 лет.


26. Gary was riding (ride) his bicycle while Alan was skateboarding.
27. The policeman asked, “What were you doing (you/do) at the time of the robbery?”
28. I passed (pass) the exam without difficulty.
29. Mum cooked (cook) dinner before dad came home.
30. She was writing (write) a letter when the lights went out.
31. They went (go) on holiday in June.
32. A woman from Vancouver found (find) a bear in her kitchen.
33. When I was a teenager I played (play) in the school basketball team.
34. My aunt Jane was driving (drive) to Oxford when I phoned her.
35. Paul got dressed (get dressed), had breakfast and then went to school.


26. Гэри катался на велосипеде в то время, когда Алан катался на скейтборде.
27. Полицейский спросил: «Чем вы занимались во время ограбления?»
28. Я сдал экзамен без труда.
29. Мама приготовила ужин до того, как папа вернулся домой.
30. Она писала письмо, когда погас свет.
31. Они ездили в отпуск в июне.
32. Женщина из Ванкувера нашла медведя на своей кухне.
33. Когда я был подростком, я играл в школьной баскетбольной команде.
34. Моя тетя Джейн ехала в Оксфорд, когда я ей позвонил.
35. Пол оделся, позавтракал и пошел в школу.

*F. Choose the correct response. Подберите правильный ответ.

e.g. I passed all my exams! F                           A. How dreadful! Was she hurt?
36. You won’t believe this. I found a wallet in the street. B. What a story! How did they do that?
37. I broke my leg and can’t play in the match.  C. Wow! How long did it take you?
38. Listen to this – Helen had a car accident!    D. Oh dear! I hope you get well soon.
39. Did you hear about the chimpanzees that sailed across the Atlantic? E. Really? Did you take it to the police?
40. I climbed Mount Everest.                              F. That’s great news. Your parents will be pleased.


например, Я сдала все экзамены! F А. Как ужасно! Ей было больно?
36. Вы не поверите. Я нашел кошелек на улице. B. Какая история! Как они это сделали?
37. Я сломал ногу и не могу играть в матче. С. Вау! Сколько времени это заняло у вас?
38. Послушай это − Хелен попала в автомобильную аварию! D. О боже! Я надеюсь, что ты скоро поправишься.
39. Вы слышали о шимпанзе, которые переплыли Атлантический океан? E. В самом деле? Вы отнесли его в полицию?
40. Я поднялся на Эверест. F. Это отличные новости. Ваши родители будут довольны.


36 – E, 37 – D, 38 – A, 39 – B, 40 – C.

*G. Read the text and answer the questions.  Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Sun Shines on Fun Run
On 12th June, a ‘Fun Run’ took place in the town of Sunnyfield. A group of sixteen−year−old students from the local high school came up with the idea and over 500 people of all ages took part.
Luckily, it was a sunny day. Everyone had fun running, walking or skate−boarding the 10−mile distance. Thanks to the event, £2,346 was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’.
Suzie Hamilton, one of the students who organised the run, said, “We wanted to do something useful for others and this seemed the most fun thing to do.”
The local headmaster was so proud, he decided to make the event part of the school’s yearly calendar.

Солнце светит на Веселых бегах
12 июня в Саннифилде прошли «Веселые бега». Идея пришла в голову группе шестнадцатилетних учеников местной средней школы, в которой приняли участие более 500 человек всех возрастов.
К счастью, день был солнечный. Всем было весело бежать, гулять или кататься на скейтборде на 10−мильную дистанцию. Благодаря мероприятию было собрано 2 346 фунтов стерлингов для благотворительной организации «Cancer Care».
Сьюзи Гамильтон, одна из учениц, организовавших забег, сказала: «Мы хотели сделать что−то полезное для других, и это казалось самым интересным занятием».
Местный директор был так горд, что решил сделать мероприятие частью годового календаря школы.

e.g. When did the event take place? On 12th June.
например, Когда прошло мероприятие? 12 июня.

41. Who planned the event?
42. How many people took part?
43. What was the weather like during the ‘run’?
44. How far did they have to go?
45. What happened as a result of the event?

41. Кто спланировал мероприятие?
42. Сколько человек приняли участие?
43. Какая была погода во время пробега?
44. Как далеко им нужно было идти?
45. Что произошло в результате события?


41. A group of sixteen−year−old students from the local high school.
42. Over 500.
43. It was a sunny day.
44. 10 miles.
45. £2,346 was raised for the charity ‘Cancer Care’ . The local headmaster decided to make it part of the school’s yearly calendar.


41. Группа шестнадцатилетних учеников местной средней школы.
42. Более 500.
43. Было солнечно.
44. 10 миль.
45. Было собрано 2 346 фунтов стерлингов для благотворительной организации «Cancer Care». Местный директор решил сделать его частью годового календаря школы.

*H. Listen to the reports. What are they about? Number them in the order you hear them.  Послушайте отчеты. О чем они? Пронумеруйте их в том порядке, в котором вы их слышите.

e.g. new technology 1
например, новая технология

Аудио к заданию:

1. A new exhibition is opening today at Hillington Science Centre. Come and see the newest British robots. Open from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. For one week only!
2. World Number 1 tennis champion Roger Federer won his third title at the US Open in New York on Sunday. The Swiss player won 6−2, 4−6, 7−5, 6−1.
3. Cravendale Mall opened just three months ago and had become the most popular place for shopping and entertainment. It has helped the local community a lot because many people have found jobs there.
4. Eight puppies that someone left outside a local supermarket are now safe, thanks to the staff. The pups are around six weeks old and are looking for loving homes. If you can help, call Dogs Trust on 020 7837 006.
5. The government is planning a new programme worth £280 million to help change school children’s unhealthy eating habits. Children will have the chance to eat healthier foods in school canteens, such as salads and home−cooked meals, and there will be less junk food on offer.
6. A man in his 40s broke into the Natwest Bank today at 11.30 am and stole £500,000. Were you in Greg Street at this time? If you have any information, please contact your local Police station.

Перевод аудио:

1. Сегодня в научном центре Хиллингтона открывается новая выставка. Приходите посмотреть на новейших британских роботов. Открыта с 9:00 до 17:00, с понедельника по субботу. Всего на одну неделю!
2. Чемпион мира по теннису номер 1 Роджер Федерер выиграл свой третий титул на Открытом чемпионате США в Нью−Йорке в воскресенье. Швейцарский игрок выиграл 6−2, 4−6, 7−5, 6−1.
3. Торговый центр Cravendale Mall открылся всего три месяца назад и стал самым популярным местом для покупок и развлечений. Это очень помогло местному сообществу, потому что многие люди нашли там работу.
4. Восемь щенков, которых кто−то оставил у местного супермаркета, теперь в безопасности благодаря персоналу. Щенкам около шести недель, и они ищут любящий дом. Если вы можете помочь, позвоните в Dogs Trust по телефону 020 7837 006.
5. Правительство планирует новую программу стоимостью 280 миллионов фунтов стерлингов, чтобы помочь школьникам изменить нездоровые пищевые привычки. У детей будет возможность есть более здоровую пищу в школьных столовых, такую как салаты и домашние блюда, и в продаже будет меньше нездоровой пищи.
6. Сегодня в 11.30 человек в возрасте 40 лет ворвался в банк Natwest и украл 500 000 фунтов стерлингов. Вы были в это время на Грег−стрит? Если у вас есть какая−либо информация, обратитесь в местный полицейский участок.


46. a new shopping centre 3
47. a rescue                        4
48. a bank robbery             6
49. school meals                5
50. a sports event               2


46. новый торговый центр  3
47. спасение  4
48. ограбление банка  6
49. школьное питание  5
50. спортивное мероприятие  2

Test Module 2               Variant 2


I        Complete the sentences with the correct word.

  • glittered • far-fetched • fussy • rotten • raw • manipulate • spoilt • edible
  • marinated • mind-boggling
  1. I was surprised to learn that many insects are not only        , but taste good, too!
  2. Time travel may be a rather        idea, but one day it could be possible.
  3. Ruth doesn’t like vegetables; she’s such a        eater.
  4. The trainer is able to        the shark into various poses.
  5. I think you should cook the meat a little longer; it’s still        in the middle.
  6. That        meat has a terrible stench; put it in the bin outside!
  7. The beautiful gypsum crystals        in the light.
  8. There are so many possible uses for nanotechnology; it’s        !
  9.  David        the chicken for 3 hours before he cooked it.
  10. Alfred is a really        child; he always gets what he wants.

II        Underline the correct item.

  1. If a shark approaches, divers should avoid signalling/waving their hands around in the water.
  2. The deep-sea diver was chewed/bitten on the leg by a shark.
  3. The government has delayed/restricted the number of alligators each person may hunt.
  4. Carrie moved to Louisiana to enjoy a slower pace/rate of life.
  5. Liam bent/knelt down on the ground to get a closer look at the mineral.
  6. The inventor believes he has cracked/broken the secret to time travel!


       Choose the correct item

1        Mandy        her friends for dinner at eight o’clock tonight.

A will have met        C is meeting

B will have been meeting                D meets

2        Jack hopes he        a famous inventor one day.

A will be becoming    C will become

B will have become   D is becoming

3        They’ve bought tickets and they         the science fair.

A are going to visit        C are visiting

B will have visited        D visit

4        This time next Friday they        to Mexico in order to attend the sailing competition.

A will be travelling         C are travelling

B travel        D will travel

5        Even though they were covered in chocolate,
James was reluctant         the insects.

A eating     B to eat        C eat   D eats

6        By the end of the month,        I         at the science centre for four years.

A will have been working     C am working
B am going to work        D will work

7        The Insect Restaurant        at 11 pm on weekdays.

A will have been closing      C is closing

B will have closed        D closes

8        In order to avoid        yourself while skating, you should wear protective clothing.

A injures        C to injure

B injure        D injuring

9        Let’s go to the festival at 6 pm; I        work by then.

A will have been finishing    C am finishing
B will have finished        D finish

10 He can’t        in the skiing tournament next week because he’s sprained his ankle.

A competing        C compete

B competes        D to compete

11 Watch out! Those rocks…… on you!

A will fall                      C are falling

 B are going to fall      D will be falling

12  Mike refuses….paragliding. 

A to go                                         C go

В going                    D to be going

13        Would you like        a chocolate cover beetle?

A trying               С try

В to try                  D to have tried

13  Cory can’t help        about sharks in the water.

A to worry        С to be worrying

В worrying        D worry

15   He was reluctant        the secret of his invention.

A revealing        С to be revealing

В reveal        D to reveal

14  I’d rather        the dolphins than the penguins.

A to watch        С watching

В be watching        D watch

16  We spent months        for the race.

A practising        С to be practising

В to practise        D practice

IV    Complete the sentences with the correct -ing or (to) infinitive form.

1        You mustn’t         (go) ice climbing by yourself.

2        Tom isn’t brave enough        (try) bungee jumping.

3        How about        (go) ice skating at the weekend?

4        Sophia regrets         (eat) so much; she’s got stomach ache now.

5        Alex is considering         (take part) in a jousting tournament.

6        The guide made me          (wear)protective clothes in the mine.

7        Willie told Violet        (not/eat) the gum, but she ignored him.

8        I can’t wait        (see) Open Water; it sounds like my kind of film!

9        Gary has always wanted         (visit) Alaska.

10 Would you like          (come)to the Wild Foods Festival with me?

V       Reading

Read the text. Match the headings (A-E) to the numbered paragraphs (1-4) by writing your answers in the table. There is one extra heading.







1 Cleaning windows may not seem like a risky profession, but how about doing it while dangling hundreds of metres off the ground? That’s the job of skyscraper window cleaners! Unlike conventional window cleaners, those working on skyscrapers must be certified to do so. This is because they have to operate the complicated mechanisms of their lifting and support equipment. They must also be trained in proper safety procedures including appropriate chemical use (industrial cleaning products can pose a health risk) and, most importantly, fall prevention.


When most people see a wildfire, they do their best to flee from the area. But a smokejumper does exactly the opposite and dives straight into the flames! These firefighters race to the scene of a wildfire in high-speed jets and then parachute towards the burning trees in order to extinguish the flames! Although this may sound pretty dangerous, smokejumpers actually have an excellent safety record. This is mostly due to their fireproof jumpsuits as well as a thorough training programme. They receive training in the latest firefighting techniques every winter.


There are few jobs as unappealing and dangerous as being a hazmat diver. The job involves diving into sewage systems, toxic spills and even nuclear reactors in order to clean them and carry out maintenance. The divers wear pressurised suits designed to protect them, and are vaccinated on a regular basis against a variety of diseases found in waste material. The work itself is challenging since it’s impossible to see anything in the conditions they work in, so divers must rely on touch alone to fix faults.


For several weeks during autumn and winter, the freezing waters of the Bering Sea west of Alaska become crowded with fishermen. Their goal: catching Alaskan king crab, which can only be caught in the midst of a stormy sea! This lucrative business earns some fishermen $50,000 for just a few days’ work; however, due to the harsh conditions, it has also been dubbed the most dangerous job in America. The hours are long and arduous, while the many risks include catching hypothermia due to the cold, falling overboard and becoming tangled while using fishing lines. Many accidents occur every year because of the unpredictable weather conditions these fishermen work in.


You will hear five different speakers talking about sport. Match each speaker i (1-5) with the sentences (A-F). Use each j sentence only once. There is one extra sentence.

A The speaker talks about a popular new fitness craze.

В The speaker explains why he/she chose to do an extreme sport.

С The speaker talks about his/her plans for opening a business.

D The speaker explains why he/she enjoys watching a winter sport.

E The speaker describes how he/she achieved something.

F The speaker explains why he/she doesn’t like extreme sports.

From: Ann@mail.uk

To: Russian_friend@oge.ru

Subject: Sports

… My brother has got a dangerous hobby – he has become a mountain biker. I worry about him. I would like him to spend more time at home. I wish he had chosen a safer entertainment.

… What risky sports are most popular with teenagers in your country? Why do teenagers often do extreme sports? What kind of extreme sports would you try and why? If wouldn’t, why?  …

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word: fry, slice, dessert, aisle, run, attracts, order, tub, spicy, servers.
1) London … millions of tourists evety year. *
2) Mexican food is hot and … *
3) Ed’s cafe … breakfastt and lunch daily. *
4) Joe can eat a big … of ice cream all by himself. *
5) What would you like to …, madam? *
6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination … wild. *
7) Her favourite … is apple pie. *
8) Can I have a … of bread, please? *
9) Heat the oil and … the mushrooms for 10 minutes. *
10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks …? *
Task 2. Choose the correct item.
1) There is … sugar in the cupboard. *
2) How … onions do we need? *
3) There isn’t … salt in the soup. *
4) John likes … cola. *
5) Can I have … juice, please? *
6) He went to the bakery … some bread *
to buy
7) There aren’t … strawberries in the fridge. *
8) Do you fancy … take away? *
to order
9) There’s very … flour in the cupboard. *
10) … is a good form of exercise. *
To run
11) There are … bananas in the bowl. *
a lot of
12) I can’t … to the dinner party tonight. *
to go
13) I’d like … a salad, please. *
to have
14) Anna eats … sweets. *
too much
too many
a lot


1) London attracts millions of tourists evety year.  

2) Mexican food is hot and spicy.

3) Ed’s cafe servers breakfast and lunch daily.  

4) Joe can eat a big tub of ice cream all by himself.  

5) What would you like to order, madam?  

6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination run wild.  

7) Her favourite dessert is apple pie.  

8) Can I have a slice of bread, please?  

9) Heat the oil and fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes.  

10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks aisle?  


1) There is some sugar in the cupboard.  

2) How many onions do we need?  

3) There isn’t enough salt in the soup.  

4) John likes drinking cola.  

5) Can I have some juice, please?  

6) He went to the bakery to buy some bread  

7) There aren’t any strawberries in the fridge.  

8) Do you fancy ordering take away?  

9) There’s very little flour in the cupboard.  

10) Running is a good form of exercise.  

11) There are a lot of bananas in the bowl.  

12) I can’t go to the dinner party tonight.

13) I’d like to have a salad, please.  

14) Anna eats too many sweets.


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