Test match the words and translate the word combinations into russian


I. Match the words and translate
the word combinations into Russian.(
слова и
переведите на
русский получившиеся

the mass                              of

to broadcast                       entertainment

radio                                  game

a wide range                       programmers
and news

an intellectual                     tabloid

a high-grade                       media

a popular                            station

II. Find the synonyms. 1 word is extra. (Найдите синонимы. 1 слово

to transmit                               to
be on

to look for                               a
long serial

to leave on                             
to broadcast

a soap opera                            to
be for

to cater for                             
to search

turn on

III. Make the sentences with the reported
Напишите данные предложения в косвенной речи)

1)    Jane “I like
intellectual games and documentaries”.

said _____________________________________

2)    Ben “If there is
nothing good on I’ll go online”.

Ben thought_______________________________________

3)     Susan “We will
prepare a report about the most popular writers of the last times”.

added _________________________________________

4)     Robert “I am
going to the cinema on this Friday”.

said ________________________________________

Choose the right answer (
Выберите верный ответ)

serious newspapers in the UK are called …

tabloids                                   b) Sunday
newspapers                          c) broadsheets

Tabloids’ feature is …

a bright format                                b) a big
headline                          c) a cookery article

The oldest quality newspaper in the UK is …

“The Independent”                             b) “The Guardian”                         
c) “The Times”

Many local papers which have only advertisements are called …

free sheets                                   b) free supplements                         
c) free papers

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


1. discover a) station 2. modern b) rhythms 3. means c) progress 4. musical d) cities 5. overcome e) important 6. underground f) new things 7. coach g) tour 8. technological h) of transportation i) distance

1 ответ:



1. discover f) new things — окрывать новое

2. modern d) cities — современные города

3. means h) of transportation — транспортные средства

4. musical b) rhythms — музыкальные ритмы

5. overcome  i) distance — преодолеть дистанцию

6. underground a) station — подземная станция

7. coach g) tour — автобусная экскурсия

8. technological  c) progress  — технологический прогресс

e) important  — важный

Читайте также

<em>My favorite style of music. Each person has their own tastes their interests, as well their feelings towards certain things. </em><span><em>I’m 19 years old, from childhood I liked to listen to different music, now when I grew up, I like to just one style of music — it DubStep.Mnogoe time I listen to music through the music I moug express all their music should chuvstva.Stil life vy everyone because you can not live without music.

 Нуу Как то так = )</em></span>

I have two pets.They are cats.Their names are Ben and Tommy.Ben is old and Tommy is one.Ben likes to sleep and Tommy likes to play with his ball,run and jump.I play with my cats.My mother feeds Ben and Tommy in the afternoon.Здесь записала нужную форму глаголов!

Дорогая Джулли,
Спасибо тебе за твоё письмо. Я так же хочу рассказать тебе как мы праздновали новый год. 31 декабря мой папа и я украшали новогоднюю ёлку. Моя мама готовила специальный новогодний пирог. В полночь мы поздравили …
И нашли свои подарки под ёлкой. Я получила новый мобильный телефон. Потом мы установили фейверк на открытом воздухе, пели весёлые песни….
Я была счастлива
Я наслаждалась своим новогодним подарком
Пиши мне чаще
С наилучшими пожеланиями, Аля.

Там не все слова подставляла,если что.

She is the kindnest person I’ve ever seen. My grandmother is really wonderful. C

he threw the papers into the bin.

i don’t speak english well.

mrs jones hides her money under the bed.

you didn’t pack the suitcase carefully.

i left some momey on this shelf this morning.

you’ll have to get a loan from the bank.

the phone woke me up in the middle of the night.

you shouldn’t walk in the park at night.

you should eat your food slowly.

my term begins in october.

i quickly read your article in the bed last night.

Control work Form 10 Module 5

№1. Fill in: absolute, spectacular, road, foot, seaside, cheap, nasty, experience, breathtaking, local

  1. My uncle caught a … virus when he was in Thailand.
  2. The west … of Ireland is beautiful.
  3. We like to stay at … campsites.
  4. Tibet has some of the most … scenery in the world.
  5. I’ll always remember the … view from the top of  Mont Blanc.
  6. When we go abroad we always taste … dishes.
  7. It’s getting late. We’d better hit the … .
  8. It was a (an) … nightmare. Everything went wrong.
  9. Many emigrants dream of the day they’ll set … on their native soil again.
  10.  Travelling to China was truly a (an) … of a lifetime.

№2. Fill in: by, with, around, on with, by, in, across, on

  1. He looked at me … astonishment when I told him the news.
  2. I don’t get … Tim. I don’t like his attitude.
  3. We’ll have to go … boat. There’s no road.
  4. It’s hard to get … on a such low salary.
  5. We arrived  … Paris late.
  6. It’s really interesting to travel … the ocean.
  7. It’s not far. Let’s go … foot.
  8. How does she get … without a car?

№3. Put the verbs into the correct form of the past tenses

  1. I (drive) to the work when I heard the news on the radio.
  2. What you (do)  when your mum (come) home?
  3. She said she (already/do) her homework.
  4. Tom (do) that task for 3 hours before he found the answer.
  5. You (see) the accident last night?
  6. I (not/hear) what you said. I (listen) to the radio too loudly.
  7. We  (be) very tired. We (work) since the morning.
  8. The boys (play) while their mums (chat).

№4. Match the words and translate the combinations into Russian:

1.  guided

2.  street

3. delayed

4. rocky

5. ancient

6. rent

7. prolong

8. digestive

a. system

b. vendors

c. mountains

d. ruins

e. the contract

f. a car

g. tour

h. flifht


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  • Для посетителей из стран СНГ есть возможно задать вопросы по таким предметам как Украинский язык, Белорусский язык, Казакхский язык, Узбекский язык, Кыргызский язык.
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    №1. Fill in: absolute, spectacular, road, foot, seaside, cheap, nasty, experience, breathtaking, local
    My uncle caught a … virus when he was in Thailand.
    The west … of Ireland is beautiful.
    We like to stay at … campsites.
    Tibet has some of the most … scenery in the world.
    I’ll always remember the … view from the top of Mont Blanc.
    When we go abroad we always taste … dishes.
    It’s getting late. We’d better hit the … .
    It was a (an) … nightmare. Everything went wrong.
    Many emigrants dream of the day they’ll set … on their native soil again.
    Travelling to China was truly a (an) … of a lifetime.
    №2. Fill in: by, with, around, on with, by, in, across, on
    He looked at me … astonishment when I told him the news.
    I don’t get … Tim. I don’t like his attitude.
    We’ll have to go … boat. There’s no road.
    It’s hard to get … on a such low salary.
    We arrived … Paris late.
    It’s really interesting to travel … the ocean.
    It’s not far. Let’s go … foot.
    How does she get … without a car?
    №3. Put the verbs into the correct form of the past tenses
    I (drive) to the work when I heard the news on the radio.
    What you (do) when your mum (come) home?
    She said she (already/do) her homework.
    Tom (do) that task for 3 hours before he found the answer.
    You (see) the accident last night?
    I (not/hear) what you said. I (listen) to the radio too loudly.
    We (be) very tired. We (work) since the morning.
    The boys (play) while their mums (chat).
    №4. Match the words and translate the combinations into Russian:
    1. guided
    2. street
    3. delayed
    4. rocky
    5. ancient
    6. rent
    7. prolong
    8. digestive
    a. system
    b. vendors
    c. mountains
    d. ruins
    e. the contract
    f. a car
    g. tour
    h. flifht

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