Test booklet 5 класс spotlight скачать word

Контрольные работы по английскому языку для 5 го класса.

(УМК Spotlite Ю.Е. Ваулина/., Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В.Эванс)-13е издание._М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2021-168с. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций

Серия «Английский в фокусе».

Рассмотрены на заседании ПО учителей иностранного языка

Протокол № 4 май 2022г.

Контрольные работы

5 класс


 Контрольная работа №1 (Test 1)

Модуль 1

Вариант I

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Where is the English lesson? – In _____________ B.

2.     Kate’s favourite subject is ______________.

a)     Maths

b)    school bag

c)     break

3.     what do we need for the science class? – you need a pencil, a ruler and _________.

a)     a timetable

b)    a teacher

c)     an atlas

4.     The boy is new to the school. How old is he? – He’s _____________ .

5.     The art class is _____________ Tuesday and Friday.

6.     — ___________, Mum! – Goodbye, Jane. See you later.

a)     Goodbye

b)    Good evening

c)     Excuse me

7.     Paul and Steve are at secondary _______________.

8.     ______________ is on the desk?

9.     ____________ is your PE teacher?

10. I haven’t got ___________ in my school bag today.

a)     a pencil case

b)    a blackboard

c)     a school subject

2.     Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, isn’t or aren’t.

1.     __________ they in Year 5? – No, they _______________.

2.     Wendy ________________ eleven. She ___________ ten.

3.     My name __________ John. I _________ at Merton secondary school.

4.     __________ you good at PE? – Yes, I ________.

5.     Rita and Linda ____________ best friends, but they __________ in the same class.     

3.     Choose the correct word.

1.     Are (I/ you) new to the school? – No (I/ you) am not.

2.     Mark and I are best friends. (He/ We) are in Class B

3.     Have you got (a/an) eraser in your pencil case?

4.     What’s this in English? – It’s (a/ an) ruler.

5.     Is he at primary school? – (No/ Yes), he isn’t.

4.     Translate the sentences into English.

1.     Урок английского языка в кабинете №10. — ________________________________________________________

2.     Какой твой любимый школьный предмет. — _______________________________________________________

3.     Он новенький в нашем классе. — _______________________________________________________

Контрольная работа №1 (Test 1)

Модуль 1

Вариант II

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Where is the History lesson? – In _________ B.

2.     His favourite subject is _____________.

a)     Art

b)    pencil case

c)     break

3.     You don’t need ____________ for Geography lesson.

a)     a book

b)    a timetable

c)     an atlas

4.     This girl is new to the school. How old is she? – She’s _________.

a)     thirteen

b)    fine

c)     three

5.     The Art class is ________ Thursdays.

6.     _- Goog morning, Miss Green! — ______________________, David.

a)     Goodbye

b)    Good morning

c)     See you

7.     My brother is at primary ________________.

8.     ____________ on the desk?

9.     ___________ is your English teacher?

10. I’ve got a notebook in my ________________ today.

a)     school bag

b)    blackboard

c)     school subject

2.     Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, isn’t or aren’t.

1.     ____________ Lize in Year 7? – No, she __________.

2.     My sister _________ fifteen. She __________ sixteen.

3.     Their names ______________ John and Paul. They __________ at primary school.

4.     _______________ you good at Maths? – Yes, I ____________.

5.     Cathy and I ____________ best friends, but we __________ in the same class.

3.     Choose the correct word.

1.     This is my school. (It/ she) is Hillside secondary school.

2.     Mr Brown is my favourite teacher. (He/ She) teaches IT.

3.     I haven’t got (a/ an) dictionary.

4.     What’s this in English? – It’s (a/ an) eraser.

5.     Are they new to the school? – No, they (are/ aren’t).

4.     Translate the sentences into English.

1.     Где проводится урок физкультуры? — ________________________________________________________

2.     Кто твой любимый учитель? — ________________________________________________________

3.     Он учится в 5 классе. — ________________________________________________________

Контрольная работа №2 (Test 2)

Модуль 2

Вариант 1

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Amanda is from the UK. She is ______________________

a)     American

b)    British

c)     Britain

2.     ___________ are you from? – I’m from Italy.

3.     Has ______________ got a camera in her handbag?

a)     you

b)    your friends

c)     Emma

4.     What have you got there? — _______________________________.

a)     It’s a present

b)    No, I haven’t

c)     It’s fantastic

5.     Put on your scarf and _______________. It’s cold today.

a)     a helmet

b)    a glove

c)     gloves

6.     Look! ___________________ is my skateboard!

7.     Those are new __________________________.

a)     child

b)    childs

c)     children

8.     My brother is in Grade 7. He is ____________________.

a)     four

b)    fourteen

c)     forty

9.     Welcome to Canberra, the ______________ city of Australia.

a)     capital

b)    shopping

c)     favourite

10. How much is it? — ___________________________.

a)     That’s a good idea!

b)    It’s 3 pounds.

c)     Sure. That’s 3 pounds.

2.     Write the plurals.

1.     a woman — ____________

2.     a toy — ________________

3.     a foot — __________________

4.     a watch — _____________

5.     a mouse — _____________

6.     a guitar — ______________

3.     Fill in the gaps with have, has, haven’t or hasn’t.

1.     ______your friend got a camera in his schoolbag? – No, he ________.

2.     We ________ got a great stamp collection. It is very interesting.

3.     This hat __________ got shamrocks on it. They are green.

4.     They _________ got tomatoes. They want to buy them in the supermarket

Контрольная работа №2 (Test 2)

Модуль 2

Вариант 2

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Brian is from ________________. He is American.

a)     the UK

b)    the USA

c)     Ireland

2.     Where are you from? – I’m ___________.

a)      eleven

b)    from France

c)     New Zealand

3.     ___________ hasn’t got gloves.

4.     What have you got in your school bag? — ____________________ .

a)     It’s a bicycle.

b)    Yes, I have.

c)     It’s my sister’s teddy bear

5.     Put on your scarf and _______________. It’s cold today.

a)     a helmet

b)    a cap

c)     mugs

6.     Look! ____________ are my trainers!

7.     That is a white ___________________.

8.     My friend is in Grade 6. She is _______________.

9.     London is a good place to go _______________.

a)     capital

b)    shopping

c)     souvenirs

10. Can I have a key ring? — ______________.

a)     No, it isn’t.

b)    Thank you.

c)     Sure. That’s two pounds

2.     Write the plurals.

1.     a child — _______________

2.     a party — _______________

3.     a man — ________________

4.     a red bus — ______________

5.     a tooth — _______________

6.     a skateboard — ___________

3.     Fill in the gaps with have, has, haven’t or hasn’t

1.     _____________ you got a toy cow in your collection? – No, I ________.

2.     My classmates ____________ got new atlases. They are for geography.

3.     The flag of Wales _____________ got a dragon on it.

4.     He isn’t a superhero. He ______________ got special powers.

Контрольная работа №3 (Test 3)

Модуль 3

Вариант 1

1.     Choose the correct item.

1. My flat is on …….. floor.

a) three

b) third

c) the third

2. he’s got …….. rooms in his house.

a) four

b) fourth

c) the four

3. There ……. A sofa and an armchair in the living room.

4. There are ……. In the bedroom.

a) two beds

b) a bed and a desk

c) a desk

5. Are there any paintings on the wall? – No, ……. .

a) there are

b) they aren’t

c) there aren’t

6. Is this …… window?

7. Julie, is …… room downstairs?

8. …….. the there is a back garden.

a) outside

b) inside

c) upstairs

2.     Cross the odd word out.

1.     bookcase, sink, desk, bed

2.     bathroom, living room, garden, kitchen

3.     door, window, wall, cooker

4.     fridge, washbasin, bath, mirror

3.     Fill the gaps with on, next to, in, behind or of

1.     There is a sofa……. The living room.

2.     There is a TV in front ………. The sofa.

3.     There is a carpet …….. the door.

4.     There is a garage …….. the house.

5.     I can’t see Pam. Is she…….. the tree over there?

4.     Write the ordinal numbers.

1.     1st

2.     2nd

3.     8th




4.     13th

5.     20th

6.     37th




Контрольная работа №3 (Test 3)

Модуль 3

Вариант 2

1.     Choose the correct item

1.     Are you on ….. floor?

a)      eleven

b)    the eleven

c)     the eleventh

2.     We’ve got ….. bedrooms in our flat.

a)     two

b)    the two

c)     second

3.     There …….. four chairs in the kitchen.

4.     There is ……. In the bathroom

a)     Two beds

b)    washbasin

c)     a washbasin

5.     Are there ten floors in your block of flats? – Yes, ………

a)     there are

b)    there is

c)     they are

6.     That is ….. door.

7.     Steve, is …… bedroom upstairs?

8.     In my house there are three rooms …. .

a)     outside

b)    downstairs

c)     garden

2.     Cross the odd word out.

1.     bookcase, washbasin, desk, chair

2.     bedroom, living room, garage, kitchen

3.     floor, window, wall, fridge

4.     toilet, cooker, washbasin, bath

3.     Fill in the gaps with on, next to, in, behind or of.

1.     There is a wardrobe…….. the bedroom.

2.     There is a sofa in front ….. the window.

3.     There is a carpet ….. the floor.

4.     Where is my bag? – It is …….. the door.

5.     There is a garden….. their house.

4.     Write the ordinal numbers.

1.     1st

2.     3nd

3.     5th




4.     12th

5.     18th

6.     54th




Контрольная работа №4 (Test 4)

Модуль 4

Вариант I

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     My ____________ is 32. She’s very pretty.

a)     grandmother

b)    mother

c)     uncle

2.     What does Jim look like? – he’s _____________.

a)     short with fair hair

b)    twelve

c)     friendly

3.     What are you like? – I’m _______________.

a)     tall and slim

b)    fourteen

c)     kind and caring

4.     Whose is this school bag? – It’s ______________.

a)     Sarah’s

b)    Sarah

c)     Sarahs’

5.     Is your ______________ room upstairs?

a)     parents

b)    parents’

c)     mum and dad

6.     _______________ the window, please. It’s too hot in the room.

a)     Open

b)    Don’t open

c)     Close

7.     _________________ apples. We bought a lot of apples yesterday.

a)     Not buy

b)    Don’t buy

c)     buy

8.     Hurry up! You’re as slow as a _______________.

2.     Circle the correct answer.

1.     This is my brother. Look at him/his.

2.     Mr Darrel is they/their English teacher.

3.     Where are me/my trainers?

4.     Her/she name’s Cathy.

5.     Can you give us/our two pencils?

3.     Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1.     ____________ you play the guitar?

2.     I can speak French, but I _______________ speak Italian.

3.     Can harry drive a car? – No, he ____________ .

4.     My brother is good at Maths. He ______________  help me.

Контрольная работа №4 (Test 4)

Модуль 4

Вариант II

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Her ___________ is 68. She’s clever and kind.

a)      grandfather

b)    father

c)     granny

2.     What’s Laura like? – She’s _______________.

a)     beautiful

b)    eleven

c)     friendly

3.     What do you look like? – I’ve got ______________.

a)     sweet

b)    a sister

c)     green eyes and dark hair

4.     Whose is this house? – It’s ________________.

a)     Mr Gray’s

b)    Mr Gray

c)     Mr Grays’

5.     Their ____________ bikes are new.

a)     children’s

b)    children’

c)     childrens’

6.     The teacher says “ ___________ top me carefully.”

a)     Don’t listen

b)    Listen

c)     Look

7.     ________________ so loud! The baby is sleeping!

a)     Don’t play

b)    Play

c)     Not play

8.     Mike is as ______________ as an ox.

2.     Circle the correct answer.

1.     This is my sister. Look at her/she.

2.     Mrs Brown is us/ our art teacher.

3.     Where are you/your gloves?

4.     His/he name’s Greg.

5.     Can you give me/my a ruler?

3.     Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1.     ____________ they play basketball?

2.     She can’t speak English, but she _____________ speak French very well.

3.     Can you ride a bike? -= No, I _____________.

4.     My sister ________________ walk. She’s a baby.

Контрольная работа №5 (Test 5)

Модуль 5

Вариант I

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     Indian elephants are very big and _____________.

2.     A snake is an animal with long _____________ and no legs.

3.     the peacock has got long beautiful _____________.

4.     _____________ can stay without water for a long time.

a)     lions

b)    camels

c)     rhinos

5.     Lions don’t eat _______________.

6.     They have got two pets. They’re a parrot and ___________.

a)     a guinea pig

b)    a goose

c)     a koala

7.     I think my dog’s got a ______________ leg.

8.     What does your pet ___________ ? – He likes meat and fish.

a)     look like

b)    eat

c)     food

2.     Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1.     The Indian rhino usually _______________ (live) alone.

2.     A giraffe _____________ (have) a long neck and long legs.

3.     His budgie _________________ (sing) all day long.

4.     Does anyone else ___________ (like) dogs?

5.     They never _____________ (drink) water.

3.     Fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

1.     ____________ you have lions in your country? – No, we _________.

2.     ____________ the deer eat grass? – Yes, it ___________.

3.     ____________ your pet have any problem? – No, he __________.

4.     ____________ vets help animals stay healthy? – Yes, they _________.

5.       What is the English for:

1.     длинная шея — ___________________________________

2.     с чёрными и белыми полосками — ____________________________

3.     густой мех — ______________________________________

4.     питаться листьями и травой — ________________________________

Контрольная работа №5 (Test 5)

Модуль 5

Вариант II

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     The Indian cobra is a very ____________ snake.

a)     clever

b)    dangerous

c)     furry

2.     A crocodile moves fast with its ______________ .

3.     My budgie has got a little yellow ______________.

4.     Indian people use ____________ to carry heavy things.

a)     tigers

b)    rhinos

c)     elephants

5.     Monkeys like eating ______________.

a)     grass

b)    fruit

c)     small animals

6.     There are cows, sheep and ______________ on his farm.

a)     a goat

b)    a tortoise

c)     a deer

7.     What’s _________________ with your pet?

a)     colour

b)    wrong

c)     doing

8.     What does your cat look like? – It’s _______________.

a)     three years old

b)    noisy

c)     black and furry

2.     Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1.     Many amazing animals ____________ (live) there.

2.     My cat ____________ (play) in the garden all day long.

3.     I _______________ (take) him for walks in the park every day.

4.     Where do they ____________ (go) every week?

5.     Their thick fur _______________ (keep) them warm.

3.     Fill in the gaps with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

1.     ____________ you like monkeys? – No, I ____________ .

2.     ____________ koalas sleep during the day? – Yes, they __________.

3.     ____________ she read this magazine about birds? – No, she _________.

4.     ____________ your pet eat insects? – Yes, he ________________.

5.   What is the English for:

1.     короткие лапы — __________________________________________

2.     могут жить без воды — ______________________________________.

3.     опасная змея — ___________________________________ _________.

4.     с большими зубами — _______________________________________.

Контрольная работа №6 (Test 6)

Модуль 6

Вариант 1

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     My mum usually _______________ a cup of tea in the afternoon.

2.     I always ________________ at 7 o’clock, and get dressed.

a)     get up

b)    go to school

c)     have lunch

3.     They eat dinner at about half ___________ six.

4.     __________ does she have breakfast? – At 8 o’clock.

a)     What

b) How often

What time

5.     Do you ___________ go jogging in the morning?

a)     every day

b)    always

c)     like

6.     How often does your friend _____________ emails?

a)     write

b)    make

c)     getting

7.     His father is a ________________. He repairs cars.

a)     driver

b)    policeman

c)     mechanic

8.     What does your mum________________? – She is a doctor.

9.     My grandparents like working in the garden_________ the weekends.

10. How about going for a coffee? — ____________________.

a)     Sounds great!

b)    No, I don’t

It’s seven o’clock

2.     Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous.

1.     She __________________________ (play) games with her friend.

2.     ____________________________ (you, water) the flowers?

3.     I __________________________ (not, do) homework now.

4.     Look! Kate and Linda _______________________ (swim).

5.     ___ ___________ _______(Sandy, play) the piano? – No she isn’t

3.     Put the words in the correct order.

1.     the, Rita, planting, flower, is, in,  garden?  _ ___________________


2.     bed, parent, to, go, never, early, my. — ________________________


3.     dinner, what time, have, do, usually, you? — _____________________


4.     do, o’clock, get, up, Sunday, at, seven, they, not, on. — ____________


5.     friends, my, often, home, visit, at, me. — ______________________


Контрольная работа №6 (Test 6)

Модуль 6

Вариант 2

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     My sister usually does her homework _________ the afternoon.

2.     I always____________ at quarter to eight, and then go to school.

a)     have lunch

b)    do homework

c)     have breakfast

3.     They have a cup of tea at about half ____________ four.

4.     __________ he work on computer? – In the evening.

a)     When

b)    How often

c)     What time

5.     Do you go jogging in the morning______________?

a)     every day

b)    always

c)     sometimes

6.     How often does your friend ____________ emails?

7.     His uncle is a postman. He ____________________.

a)     paints the hospital

b)    serves food

c)     delivers letters

8.     What does your mum _________________? – She is a teacher.

9.     I don’t like drinking coffee ____________ night.

10. How about going to the zoo? — __________________.

a)     Sorry, I’m too busy

b)    Yes, I do

c)     It’s nine o’clock

2.     Complete the sentences with the present Continuous.

1.     He ________________ (write) his new book.

2.     _______________________________ (you, wait) for the ambulance?

3.     I ________________________ (not, repair) my car now.

4.     Look! The horses ________________________ (run).

5.     ________________________ (Max, plant) the flowers? – Yes, he is.

3.     Put the words in the correct order.

1.     a, call, Steve, making,  is, phone? — __________________________


2.     Dad, mum, to, get, and, often, early, my, up. — ________________


3.     Lunch, what time, have, do, usually, they? — _________________


4.     I, at, weekends, am, busy, not. — __________________________


5.     Nancy, a cup of tea, afternoon, in, sometimes, has, the. — _______


Контрольная работа №7 (Test 7)

Модуль 7

Вариант 1

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     There are four ________________ in a year.

a)     seasons

b)    months

c)     weeks

2.     The autumn months are September, October and _______________

a)     December

b)    November

c)     August

3.     People rake dry leaves in the _________________.

a)     summer

b)    winter

c)     autumn

4.     It’s raining today. Put on your _________________.

a)     raincoat

b)    umbrella

c)     bag

5.     Liza is wearing a long ________________

6.     Your new jeans _____________ great on you.

7.     Are you wearing _______________ clothes? It’s very cold here.

8.     We usually go ______________ when it’s hot.

a)     picnic

b)    skiing

c)     camping

2.     Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.     My mum ____________________ (read) a book now. She often _____________ (read) in the evening.

2.     I’m busy now. I ______________________ (pack) my clothes.

3.     It never ________________ (rain) here in summer.

4.     They ____________________ (not, wear) a uniform at school.

3.     Read and match.

1.     How much is it?

2.     What size are you?

3.     How do I look in these trousers?

4.     How does this skirt look on me?

5.     What’s the weather like?

a)     You look lovely.

b)    It’s sunny and warm.

c)     That’s 5 £, please.

d)    I’m size 12.

e)     It suits you perfectly.

1_____; 2_____; 3________;  4_______; 5______.

Контрольная работа №7 (Test 7)

Модуль 7

Вариант 2

1.     Choose the correct item.

1.     There are ___________ months in a year.

2.     The summer months are June, July and ________________

3.     I like picking flowers in the ______________ .

a)     summer

b)    winter

c)     February

4.     It’s raining today. Take your _________________.

a)     shirt

b)    umbrella

c)     scarf

5.     Jack wears _________________ when he goes jogging.

a)     high heels

b)    boots

c)     trainers

6.     This tie ______________________ you perfectly.

7.     What’s the weather like today?  — ___________________.

a)     It’s sunny and hot.

b)    It rains.

c)     It’s snow.

8.     We usually ___________________ when it’s freezing.

a)     watch TV

b)    have a picnic

c)     go camping

2.     Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.     Look! Jim _______________ (play) golf. He usually __________ (play) with Ted.

2.     How can I help you?  — I ___________ (look) for a blouse.

3.     What ___________________ (you, think) of my jumper?

4.     It never _________________ (snow) in Australia.

3.     Read and match.

1.     How much is it?

2.     What size are you?

3.     How do I look in these shoes?

4.     How does this cap look on me?

5.     What’s the weather like?

a)     You look lovely.

b)    It’s cool and windy.

c)     That’s 7£, please.

d)    I’m size 14.

e)     I’m not sure it suits you.

1______; 2_______; 3________; 4_______; 5_________.

Контрольная работа №8 (Test 8)

Модуль 8

Вариант 1

I.                  Choose the correct item.

1.     Let’s have __________ for dessert/

a)     bread

b)    ice cream

c)     rice

2.     My mum is _____________ a special dish for my birthday.

a)     making

b)    taking

c)     eating

3.     I don’t like ___________cakes.

a)     water

b)    tea

c)     chocolate

4.     A typical English meal for breakfast is a bowl of _______________ .

5.     The Chuseok _________ lasts three days.

a)     festival


b)    parade

6.     We decorate the house with ____________.

a)     crisps

b)    fireworks


7.     Children ___________ up in bananas costumes.

8.     Can I have a ___________ of juice?

a)     packet

b)    pairt

c)     glass

9.     How _____________ sausages on sticks for the party?

a)     about

b)    you think

c)     many

10. That _____________ great!

II.               Fill in the gaps with some, any, much or many.

1.     How _____________ milk have you got?

2.     There are ____________ eggs in the fridge.

3.     Is there ___________ olive oil in the cupboard?

4.     How _____________ tomatoes do you need?

III.           Complete the sentences with aan or some.

1.     Can I have  _____ loaf of bread?

2.     You need ________ butter.

3.     Everyone has _________ good time.

4.     There’s _________ orange in my lunch box.

Контрольная работа №8 (Test 8)

Модуль 8

Вариант 2

I.                  Choose the correct item.

1.     Let’s have chicken in tomato sauce for _____________-.

a)     dessert

b) lunch

c)  dish

2.     Grandma is ___________  a chocolate cake for my birthday.

a)     making

b)    cutting

c)     taking

3.     I don’t like ___________ with milk.

4.     A typical English meal for dinner is meat and ____________.

a)     soup

b)    vegetables

c)     cereal

5.     Thanksgiving is a big ___________ in the USA.

a)     festival

b)    dinner

c)     parade

6.     They ____________ the house with red paper.

a)     prepare

b)    give

c)     decorate

7.     Children dress __________ in funny costumes.

8.     Can I have a bottle of _________?

a)     water

b)    coffee

c)     orange

9.     How about spaghetti ______________ dinner?

10. Is that eat ______________ or take away?

II.               Fill in the gaps with some, any, much or many.

1.     I haven’t got ________ biscuits in my lunch box.

2.     How _________ pineapples are there?

3.     How __________ cheese have we got?

4.     There is __________ cake on the table.

III.           Complete the sentences with a|an or some.

1.     Can I have _______ packet of pasta?

2.     Have you got ______ apple?

3.     There are _________ lot of activities.

4.     He’s got ______ coins in his pocket.

Контрольная работа №9 (Test 9)

Модуль 9

Вариант 1

1.     Match the words to the definitions.

1.     A shopping centre with many stores.

2.     A place where people can watch new films on a big screen.

3.     You can buy a magazine here.

4.     You can buy meat here.

5.     You can buy flowers here.

a)     florist’s

b)    shopping mall

c)     butcher’s

d)    cinema

e)     newsagent’s






2.   Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.

1.     Where ___________________ (she, go) last Monday?

2.     They ____________________ (not, watch) TV, they did their homework.

3.     We ________________ (see) a new film last weekend.

4.     My parents _______________ (call) me an hour ago.

3.     Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

1.     Where ___________ Tony last Sunday?

2.     We _____________ at home yesterday, we went to London.

3.     There _______________ a lot of people at the cinema.

4.     Were you at school yesterday? – No, I ____________.

4.     Read and choose the right answer.

1.     Excuse me, can you tell me where the museum is?

a)     That’s a lot.

b)    Yes, sure. It’s next to the zoo, over here.

c)     I don’t like museums.

2.     What did you buy there?

a)     A pair of shoes.

b)    Only 5 pounds.

c)     It was in the sale.

3.     Could you tell me how to get to the vet?

a)     On the left?

b)    You can’t miss it.

c)     Yes. Walk down Park Street and turn right.

Контрольная работа №9 (Test 9)

Модуль 9

Вариант 2

1.     Match the words to the definitions.

1.     A small restaurant where you can order coffee and light meal.

2.     A place or building where you can see objects of historical, artistic or scientific interest.

3.     You can buy bread here.

4.     You can buy fruit and vegetables here.

5.     You can buy aspirin here.

a)     greengrocer’s

b)    coffee shop

c)     chemist’s

d)    baker’s

e)     museum






2.     Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.

1.     I ___________________ (not, enjoy) the film yesterday.

2.     We _________________ (have) a picnic last weekend.

3.     When _________________ (you, finish) work yesterday?

4.     He ________________ (visit) China in 2014.

3.     Fill in the gaps with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

1.     We _____________ together at the zoo yesterday.

2.     It _______________ cloudy when we went to the park.

3.     Were you in the chemist’s? – No, I _______________.

4.     Joe and Mark ________________ at the school. I didn’t see them there.

4.     Read and choose the right answer.

1.     Excuse me, how much are these shorts?

a)     Size 32.

b)    Blue and black.

c)     14 pounds

2.     Could you tell me how to get to the hospital?

a)     Yes, sure. Go down King Street and turn left.

b)    You can’t miss it.

c)     Where exactly?

3.     So, what do you want to buy?

a)     Let’s go to the supermarket.

b)    A pair of gloves.

c)     It’s well worth seeing.

Контрольная работа №10 (Test 10)

Модуль 10

Вариант 1

1.     Choose the correct item.

2.     I like travelling _________________ plane.

3.     John likes to _______________ extreme sports.

4.     I was tired after scuba ________________.

a)     rafting

b)    diving

c)     hiking

5.     My sister is relaxing and _______________ on the beach now.

a)     windsurfing

b)    sailing

c)     sunbathing

6.     Your skin is ________________. You have got a sunburn.

7.     How much does it________________ per day?

8.     When you camp in the mountain, make sure you _________ rubbish with you.

9.     __________ don’t you come fishing with me?

2.     Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1.     My sister ___________ eat ice cream. She’s a baby.

2.      _____________ I take my dog here?

3.     You _____________ camp in a safari park.

4.     We ______________ rent a car for the holiday. It’s not expensive.

5.     I _____________ meet you at five. I’ve got to see the doctor.

6.     You ___________ take photographs in museums.

3.     Choose the correct word.

1.     Dan will/ won’t go to school. He’s got a temperature.

2.     Will you take/ taking the umbrella for us?

3.     I think they are/ will come to the swimming pool later.

4.     – Why don’t you see a dentist? – OK, I will/ won’t.

5.     I will meet you on/ at five o’clock.

6.     She will swim/ swims in the pool tomorrow.

Контрольная работа №10 (Test 10)

Модуль 10

Вариант 2

1.   Choose the correct item.

2.     He likes travelling __________ foot.

3.     Sue likes to ___________ about ancient culture.

4.     I think white water _____________ is exciting.

a)     rafting

b)    diving

c)     sailing

5.     ____________ is hard work. It’s very tiring.

a)     Sunbathing

b)    Fishing

c)     Hiking

6.     Tom is going to see a dentist for his ________________.

a)     toothache

b)    headache

c)     stomachache

7.     You can ______________ a bike for two days.

8.     When you camp in the mountain, make sure you know about the ____________ that live there!

a)     plants

b)    wild animals

c)     friends

9.     _________ don’t you come canoeing with me?

2.     Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1.     You have some free time now. You _________ do the shopping.

2.     People ____________ use their cameras in the museums.

3.     She _____________ take a taxi. It’s cheap.

4.     We ______________ stay here longer. It’s too late.

5.     You _____________ touch the lions. They are dangerous.

6.     After you finish your homework, you ________ go out and play.

3.     Choose the correct word.

1.     Don’t stay in the sun for a long time or you will/ are get a sunburn.

2.     –I think Mum will be late for work.- No, she will/ won’t.

3.     will/ won’t go to the cinema. I have to do my homework.

4.     – Will you help Grandma, please? — Of course, I won’t/ will.

5.     Cars will/ won’t run on the roads. They will fly in the air!

6.     Bill well/ ill. He needs to rest.

Контрольная работа №11 (test 11)

(Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 5 класса)

1.     Choose the correct item

1.     I ___________ new to the school.

2.     Will you come sailing with me& No, I ____________.

3.     Rhinos have got horns _________ on their heads.

4.     Sue and I are friends. ___________ walk to school together.

5.     Can you put _____________ rice in my bowl, please?

6.     Whose house is that? It’s ______________ house.

a)     Katies’

b)    Katie

c)     Katie and Jack’s

7.     Have you got a toothache? You must see a _____________ .

a)     doctor

b)    dentist

c)     teacher

8.     I’m American. I’m from ____________.

a)     The USA

b)    The UK

c)     Canada

9.     What are you ____________ now/

10. There are six ___________ on the table.

11. You __________ go skiing. There isn’t any snow!

12. This house belongs to John. It’s __________.

13. My hobby is walking. I like to go ______________ in the mountains.

a)     swimming

b)    sunbathing

c)     hiking

14. _____________ does the party start/

15. We eat breakfast in the _____________.

a)     morning

b)    afternoon

c)     evening

2.     Choose the correct response.

1.     How can I help you?

a)     Yes, please.

b)    I’m looking for a teddy bear.

2.     Enjoy your meal!

a)     Thank you.

b)    I’d love to.

3.     Is there any milk?

a)     Yes, there is.

b)    No, it isn’t.

4.     Where is the bathroom?

a)     It’s in front of the sofa.

b)    It’s on the first floor.

5.     Where is she from?

3.     Circle the odd one out

1.     peacock – hen – duck – tortoise

2.     bedroom – window – gloves – floor

3.     jam – robot – melon – orange

4.     sixty – seven – ten – four

5.     gloves – trainers – scarf – mittens

4.     Use the words in the list to complete the sentences: celebrate, wash, keep, exchange, cook

1.     Americans _______________ Thanksgiving in November.

2.     Always _______________ the kitchen clean!

3.     We always ____________ gifts at Christmas time.

4.     Let’s ___________ something special for dinner tonight.

5.     Always __________ your hands before you prepare food.

5.     fill the gaps to complete the e-mail

Hi, Tanya!

Thanks for your 1)______________ ! How are you/ I’m learning irregular verbs. It’s boring! All my family are at home, they are 2)___________ too. My elder 3)____________ Ann is 4)____________ the piano. She 5)_________ preparing for her exam. Mum’s 6)__________ the kitchen. She’s cooking dinner.  Now she’s 7)___________ a cake. The smell is fantastic. Dad is helping  8)_____________ neighbor. They 9)_______ fixing the door.

Imagine! Our dog Linda is 10)___________ TV! She’s having a good 11) ______.

Oh! It’s time to take her for a walk. What 12)___________ you doing? What are your 13)____________ for Sunday? Write 14)_______ soon.



6.     Read the text again and choose the correct item

1.     Natasha is busy ________________.

a)     doing homework

b)    working in the garden

c)     getting bored

2.     All the family are __________________.

a)     working

b)    playing games

c)     discussing the news

3.     Natasha’s sister __________.

a)     is good at sport

b)    likes music

c)     studies English

4.     Natasha’s mother is making _____________.

a)     coffee

b)    soup

c)     cakes

5.     Natasha’s father is friendly and _________________.

a)     kind

b)    helpful

c)     cool

6.     Their dog is very clever. It can ____________.

a)     talk

b)    write an e-mail

c)     watch TV

Ключи к контрольным работам. 5 класс. УМК SPOTLIGHT



1.     1b; 2a; 3c; 4a; 5c; 6a; 7c; 8b; 9c; 10a.

2.     1 – Are, aren’t; 2 – isn’t, is; 3 – is, am; 4 – Are, am; 5 – are, aren’t.

3.     1 – you; 2 – we; 3 – an; 4 – a; 5 – No.

4.     1 – The English class is in the Room10. 2 – What is your favourite school subject? 3 – He is new to our class.


1.     1a; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6b; 7c; 8b; 9c; 10a.

2.     1 – Is, isn’t; 2 – isn’t, is; 3 – are, are; 4 – Are, am; 5 – are, aren’t.

3.     1 – It; 2 – He; 3 – a; 4 – an; 5 – aren’t.

4.     1 – Where is the PE lesson? 2 – Who is your favourite teacher? 3 – She is in Grade 5.



1.     1b; 2a; 3c; 4a; 5c; 6b; 7c; 8b; 9a; 10b.

2.     1 – women; 2 – toys; 3 – feet; 4 – watches; 5 – mice; 6 – guitars.

3.     1 – Has, hasn’t; 2 – have; 3 – has; 4 – haven’t.


1.     1b; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5b; 6a; 7a; 8b;9b; 10c.

2.     1 – children; 2 – parties; 3 – men;; 4 – red buses; 5 – teeth; 6 – skateboards.

3.     1 – Have, haven’t; 2 – have; 3 – has; 4 – hasn’t.



1.     1c; 2a; 3b; 4a; 5c; 6c; 7a; 8a.

2.     1 – sink; 2 – garden; 3 – cooker; 4 – fridge.

3.     1 – in; 2 – of; 3 – on; 4 – next to; 5 – behind.

4.     1 – first; 2 – second; 3 – eighth; 4 – thirteenth; 5 – twentieth; 6 – thirty seventh.


1.     1c; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8b.

2.     1 – washbasin; 2 – garage; 3 – fridge; 4 – cooker.

3.     1 – in; 2 – of; 3 – on; 4 – behind; 5 – next to.

4.     1 – first; 2 – third; 3 – fifth; 4 – twelfth 5 – eighteenth; 6 – fifty fourth.



1.     1b; 2a; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8c.

2.     1 – him; 2 – their; 3 – my; 4 – her; 5 – us.

3.     1 – Can; 2 – can’t; 3 – can’t; 4 – can.


1.  1a; 2c; 3c; 4a; 5a; 6b; 7a; 8c.

2.  1 – her; 2 – our; 3 – your; 4 – his; 5 – me.

3.  1 – Can; 2 – can; 3 – can’t; 4 – can’t.



1.     1a; 2b; 3c; 4b; 5c; 6a; 7c; 8b.

2.     1 – lives; 2 – has; 3 – sings; 4 – like; 5 – drink.

3.     1 – Do, don’t; 2 – Does, does; 3 – Does, doesn’t; 4 – Do, do.

4.     1 – a long neck; 2 – with black and white stripes; 3 – thick fur; 4 – eat leaves and grass.


1.     1b; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8c.

2.     1 – live; 2 – plays; 3 – take; 4 – go; 5 – keeps.

3.     1 – Do, don’t; 2 – Do, do; 3 – Does, doesn’t; 4 – Does, does.

4.     1 – short paws; 2 – can live without water; 3 – a dangerous snake; 4 – with big teeth.



1.     1b; 2a; 3c; 4c; 5b; 6a; 7c; 8a; 9b; 10a.

2.     1- She is playing games with her friend. 2 – Are you watering the flowers? 3 – I am not doing homework now.  4 – Look! Kate and Linda are swimming.  5- Is Sandy playing the piano? – No, she isn’t.

3.     1 – Is Rita planting flowers in the garden? 2 – My parents never go to bed early. 3 – What time do you usually have dinner? 4 – They do not get up at seven o’clock on Sundays. 5 – My friends often visit me at home.


1.     1a; 2c; 3c; 4a; 5a; 6a; 7c; 8a; 9b; 10a.

2.     1 – He is writing his new book. 2- Are you waiting for the ambulance? 3 – I am not repairing my car now. 4 – Look! The horses are running. 5 – Is Max planting the flowers? – Yes, he is.

3.     1 – Is Steve making a phone call/ 2 – My mum and dad often get up early. 3 – What time do they usually have lunch? 4 – I am not busy at weekends. 5 – Nancy sometimes has a cup of tea in the afternoon.



1.     1a; 2b;  3c; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7a; 8c.

2.     1.is reading, reads. 2 am packing 3 rains 4 don’t wear

3.     1c; 2d; 3a; 4e; 5b.


1.     1с; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6b; 7a; 8a.

2.     1is playing, plays. 2am looking. 3do you think 4snows.

3.     1c; 2d; 3a; 4e; 5b.



1.     1b; 2a; 3c; 4c; 5a; 6c; 7b; 8c; 9a; 10b.

2.     1 – much; 2 – some; 3 – any; 4 – many.

3.     1 – a; 2 – some; 3 – a; 4 – an.


1.     1b; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6c; 7b; 8a; 9b; 10c.

2.     1 – any; 2 – many; 3 – much; 4 – some.

3.     1 – a; 2 – an; 3 – a; 4 – some.



1.     1b; 2d; 3e; 4c; 5a.

2.     1 — did she go; 2 — didn’t watch; 3 —  saw; 4 —  called.

3.     1 – was; 2 – weren’t; 3 – were; 4 – wasn’t.

4.     1b; 2a; 3c.


1.     1b; 2e; 3d; 4a; 5c.

2.     1 – didn’t enjoy; 2 – had; 3 – did you finish; 4 – visited.

3.     1 – were; 2 – was; 3 – wasn’t; 4 – weren’t

4.     1c; 2a; 3b.



1.     1b; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5a; 6c; 7b; 8a.

2.     1 – can; 2 – can’t; 3 – can; 4 – can’t; 5 – can’t; 6 – can’t.

3.     1 – won’t; 2-  take; 3- will; 4 – will; 5 – at; 6 – will swim.


1.     1a; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5a; 6c; 7b; 8b.

2.     1 – can; 2- can’t; 3 – can; 4 – can’t; 5 – can’t; 6 – can.

3.     1- will; 2 – won’t; 3 – won’t; 4- will; 5- won’t; 6 – ill.

К,р за год

1.     1c; 2c; 3a; 4a; 5c; 6c; 7b; 8a; 9c; 10a; 11a; 12c; 13c; 14b; 15a.

2.     1b; 2a; 3a; 4d; 5b.

3.     1 – tortoise; 2 – gloves; 3 – robot; 4 – sixty; 5 – scarf

4.     1 – celebrate; 2 – keep; 3 – exchange; 4 – cook; 5 — wash

5.     1 – letter; 2 – busy; 3 – sister; 4 – playing; 5 – is; 6 – in; 7 – making; 8 – our; 9 – are; 10 – watching; 11 – taste; 12 – are; 13 – plans; 14 – me.

6.     1a; 2a; 3b; 4c; 5b; 6c.


1.     Сборник упражнений, 5 класс Английский в фокусе (Н.И.Быкова, М.Д. Поспелова).

2. О. В. Наговицына Поурочные разработки по английскому языку. 5 класс. К УМК Ю.Е.Ваулиной, Дж. Дули и др. «Spotlight» – М.:ВАКО. 2016. – 288с. – (В помощь школьному учителю).

3.Английский язык. Контрольные задания. 5 класс. – М: Express Publishing ,  «Просвещение», 2016

4. Рабочая тетрадь. 5 класс. — М: Express Publishing ,  «Просвещение», 2016

5.Английский язык. 5 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций. — М: Express Publishing ,  «Просвещение», 2015






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1.      Match the parts of the words.






































2.      Fill in the correct word.

bedroom,  block,  books,  window, lamp, mirror, sink, wardrobe, cooker , first, garage

e.g. My bed is under the window.

9. Her living room is on the__________floor.

10. Dave lives in a __________  of flats.

11. My sister reads her ______in the bedroom.

12. There is a
__________  in the kitchen.

13. She washes dishes in the ____________.

14. Mark has got a _______ in his bathroom.

15. I have got a bookcase in my __________. 16.
Tom’s clothes are in his _____________.

17. Wendy has got a __________ on her desk.

18. Dad’s car is in the _______________.

Fill in
the correct word.

bedrooms,  ground,  kitchen,  living,

two, upstairs


19.  A semi-detached house with __________ floors;

20. A large  _____________ room;

21. A dining room is on the  _________floor;

22. A  _________with a
cooker and a fridge
; 23. Two bathrooms,  one  ________  and one

24. Three

Write the
ordinal number

36.  20th –  ___________________________

37.  9th  –  ___________________________

38. 11th  –  ___________________________

39. 12th  –  ___________________________

40. 3rd  –  ____________________________

Choose the
correct response

41. Where is the kitchen?

42. Have you got a bookcase?

43. Have you got paintings in the room?

44. What floor is it on?

45. Is there a coffee table in your living

A. Yes, there are five on the wall.

В. Yes, it’s in front of the sofa.

D. It’s next to the dining room.

E. It’s on the first floor.

F. Yes, and it has got many books.

8.     Read the text and answer the questions. Use up to
four words for each answer.

My name is Mike and I’m
ten years old. My favourite room is my bedroom. I’ve got a lot of things in
my room: a bed, a computer, a bookcase and a wardrobe. I’ve got posters on
the walls and a big mirror next to my bed. My walls are white, blue and
yellow. My desk is under the window and I do my homework on the computer. My
cat likes to sleep under my bed! I really like my room!

e.g. How old is Mike? Ten
years old.

46. Which is his favourite room?


47. What is on the walls?


4.      Fill in the correct preposition.

e.g. The computer is  __on__  
the desk.

24. The train is ________ the

25. The chair is __________ the

26. The picture is ______ the wall.

27. The bed is ________ the toy

28. The books are ________the

29. The carpet is ________ the toy

30. The train is _______ toy box.

5.      Complete with:

• There is a /     • There isn’t a /    

• There are/     • There aren’t any

31. __________       chairs
in the bedroom.

32.____________      lamp
near the armchair.

33. ____________     books
on the shelf.

34._____________  painting
on the wall.

35. ___________  computer
next to the lamp.

48. What colour are the


49. Where is his desk?


50. What is always
under his bed?


9.     Listen to two people talking about
their bedrooms, and circle the correct answer A,
В or C.

e.g. Bob’s bedroom is
on the

A  second floor.

В   first floor.

C   third floor.

51.  Katie’s
bedroom is on the

A  second floor.

В   first floor.

C   third floor.

52.  Katie’s got
a desk next to

A  the window.

В   her bed.

C   her

53.  Bob
has got

A       three posters
on the walls.

В   a computer on       his     desk.

C   trainers under       his     bed.

54.   Katie’s
bedroom is next to

A       her sister’s

В       her brother’s bedroom.

C   the bathroom.

55. Bob has the
Same room as

A  his brother.

В   his sister.

C   no one.

Spotlight 5 Test Booklet Контрольные задания Ваулина

Английский в фокусе. 5 класс. Контрольные задачи с ответами и решениями.

Авторы: Ваулина


Учебник с задачами, примерами audio, мызыки и правильными ответами скачен с официального сайта по ФГОС, ФИПИ, Школа России, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 год

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Данный решебник и готовые домашние задания и тесты с ответами по Английскому предназначены для учителей и учеников 5 класса средней школы для проверки своих знаний предмета, а также для помощи в решении домашних заданий.

Преподаватели урока Английского языка с помощью данного учебника ГДЗ смогут легко и быстро проверять ответы на домашние работы у своих учеников, а так же подготовиться к уроку Тест буклет .

Родители учеников могут так же проверять своих детей, на сколько правильно они сделали домашнюю работу по этой книге.

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Сборник контрольных заданий «Spotlight 5: Test Booklet» предназначен для учащихся 5 класса, занимающихся по УМК «Английский в фокусе-5». Сборник содержит вводный тест на повторение изученного материала, тестовые задания к каждому модулю учебника, финальную контрольную работу, аудиоскрипты к заданиям для аудирования и ключи ко всем заданиям.

Помимо этого в сборнике дается материал для промежуточного контроля и итоговая годовая контрольная работа.

Здесь же помещены ключи к контрольным работам и тексты заданий по аудированию. Все контрольные задания можно решать онлан, скачивать на компьютер и ксерокопировать. Сборник контрольных заданий в значительной мере обеспечивает процесс контроля на регулярной и объективной основе.

Оглавление решебника и ГДЗ по Английскому. 5 класс. Полная версия

TEST 1A (Module 1) p. 5
1B (Module 1) p. 9
TEST 2A (Module 2) p. 13
2B (Module 2) p. 17
TEST ЗА (Module 3) p. 21
3B (Module 3) p. 25
TEST 4A (Module4) p. 29
4B (Module4) p. 33
TEST 5A (Module 5) p. 37
5B (Module 5) p. 41
MidTest (Modules 1-5) p. 45
TEST 6A (Module 6) p. 49
6B (Module 6) p. 53
TEST 7A (Module 7) p. 57
7B (Module 7) p. 61
TEST 8A (Module 8) p. 65
8B (Module 8) p. 69
TEST 9A (Module9) p. 73
9B (Module 9) p. 77
TEST 10A (Module 10) p. 81
10B (Module 10) p. 85
Exit Test (Modules 1-10) p. 89
Key to Tests/Unit Tests & Tapescripts p. 123

Скачать бесплатно без регистрации Решебник и ГДЗ по Английскому. 5 класс. Формат учебника в pdf

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 6 класс Spotlight с ответами. ГДЗ Spotlight 5 test book Ответы. Key to tests. Контроль знаний (тесты) по английскому языку в 5 классе и ответы (ключи).

ОТВЕТЫ на контрольные работы по английскому языку в 5 классе из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение. Цитаты из пособия указаны в учебных целях. При постоянном использовании контрольных работ по английскому языку в 5 классе рекомендуем купить книгу: Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко: Английский язык. 5 класс. Контрольные задания. Сборник контрольных заданий включает контрольные работы, которые выполняются по завершении обучения над каждым модулем, а также промежуточные тесты.

Spotlight 5. Тесты 1А и 1В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Write as in the example… В) Write the words… С) Fill in the correct word…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 1А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 1В

Spotlight 5. Тесты 2A и 2В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Write as in the example… В) Write the nationalities. 6 France; 7 the UK; 8 Japan; 9 the USA; 10 Australia. С) Write the words as in the example…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 2А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 2В

Spotlight 5. Тесты 3А и 3В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Match the parts of the words. 1 bed; 2 out… В) Fill in the correct word. 9 There is a … in the kitchen…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 3А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 3B

Spotlight 5. Тесты 4A и 4В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Complete the words. 1 _ i s t _ _… B) Fill in the correct word. 6. Dave speaks five languages. He’s very … 7. My teacher is … and caring…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 4А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 4B

Spotlight 5. Тесты 5A и 5В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Fill in the correct word. 1. Indian … have small ears. 2. I like my dog’s soft, white … 3. A … can run fast and has spots…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 5А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 5В

Spotlight 5. Mid Test (MODULES 1-5) Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A. Choose the correct item. 1. Bill … his homework in his room. A) do; В) does; C) doing. 2. Sue has got two … in her pencil case. A) pens; В) pen; C) eraser…

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Spotlight 5. Тесты 6A и 6В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Write as in the example… В) Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B. 6. read; 7. eat; 8. deliver… C) Fill in the correct word…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 6А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 6B

Spotlight 5. Тесты 7A и 7В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Complete the missing months and seasons… В) Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B: 11 play; 12 make; 13 read; 14 have; 15 go…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 7А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 7B

ГДЗ Spotlight 5 test book Ответы

Spotlight 5. Тесты 8A и 8В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Use the words in the list to complete the sentences. 1. Always … the kitchen clean! 2. Americans … Thanksgiving in November. 3. Always … your hands before you prepare food…

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 8А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 8B

Spotlight 5. Тесты 9A и 9В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Match the words (1–6) to the pictures. 1 clothes shop; 2 shoe shop… В) Fill in the correct word. 7 You can find … at Toyland. 8 Hamley’s has six … and a basement.

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 9А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 9B

Spotlight 5. Тесты 10A и 10В. Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A) Write the words… В) Fill in the correct word. 6. Do you want to … a doctor? 7. If you’re pink and sore, you’ve got … .

Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 10А
Перейти к заданиям и ответам Теста 10B

Spotlight 6. Exit test (MODULES 1-10) Задания и Ответы

Цитата: A. Choose the correct item. 1. I … new to the school. A) is; В) are; C) am. 2. I’m American. I’m from … . A) the USA; В) the UK; C) Canada…

Перейти к Итоговому тесту за год

Контрольные работы по английскому языку. 5 класс Spotlight с ответами. ГДЗ Spotlight 5 test book Ответы. Контроль (тесты) по английскому языку и ответы (ключи). Из сборника контрольных заданий УМК серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 5 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение.

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