Test 13 adjective or adverb choose the correct word use this chair if

Помогите выбрать наречие или прилагательное

1. It’s an easy / easily question. You should be able to answer it quite easy / easily.
2. I can type a bit but I’m very slow / slowly. I’m afraid I can only type very slow / slowly.
3. Mr. Robbins shouted angry / angrily at the children. The children made Mr. Robbins very angry /
4. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortable / comfortably. Use this chair. It’s very comfortable /
5. Mary sang beautiful / beautifully at the concert last night. Mary sang a beautiful / beautifullysong at
the concert last night.
6. There’s no need to feel nervous / nervously.Peter answered the questions nervous / nervously.
7. What was wrong with Bill? He looked very sad / sadly. Bill shook his headsad / sadly.
8. The children played together very happy / happily. The children looked very happy / happily as they
played together.
9. I’m afraid you have done this piece of work careless / carelessly. I’m afraid your work has been very
careless / carelessly.
10. The letter I received this morning was quite unexpected / unexpectedly. I received a letter this
morning quite unexpected / unexpectedly.
11. Be as quick / quicklyas you can.
12. Fortunately, he was driving veryslow / slowlyat the time of the accident.
13. Try to be careful / carefullywith that vase. It’s very valuable.
14. We lived very happy / happilyabroad for nearly five years.
15. How are you? I hope you’re good / well.
16. Where’s Henry nowadays? I haven’t seen him late / lately.
17. Don’t worry about Francis. She always arriveslate / lately.
18. You’ll find it if you look hard / hardlyenough.

Музланова Е.С., Кисунько Е.И. Английский язык. Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Грамматика и лексика — файл n1.doc

Музланова Е.С., Кисунько Е.И. Английский язык. Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. Грамматика и лексика
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Test 13. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word.
1. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortable/comfortably.

2. It’s not easy/easily to play football.

3. These flowers smell so strange/strangely.

4. He talked so polite/politely and danced so beautiful/ beautifully.

5. The apples taste sweet/sweetly. Help yourself!

6. I always feel happy/happily when the sun is shining.

7. Let’s discuss this idea serious/seriously.

8. ‘How are you?’ ‘I am very good/well, thank you.’

9. His English is perfect/perfectly. He always speaks correct/correctly.

10. You look upset/upsetly. What’s the matter?

11. The driver was driving too fast/fastly.

12. ‘I feel like going to a disco tonight.’ ‘That sounds great/greatly! Let’s go.’

13. It rained very heavy/heavily in London last night.

14. Quiet/Quietly he opened the door.

15. Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one?
Test 14. Complete each sentence using a word from the list.

1. Mary sang _______ at the concert last night. She is a very _______ singer.

2. Our holiday was too _______. The time passed very _______.

3. What _______ flowers! They smell _______ very too!

4. He asked me to ring back but I _______ forgot about it.

5. The children played _______ in the garden. We could hear them laughing.

6. You’re speaking very _______. I can’t hear you.

7. Linda likes wearing clothes. She always looks _______!

8. It is a warm day and the sun is shining _______.

9. The exam was very _______ and I felt very _______.

10. This little boy can’t ride a bicycle very _______. He is just learning.
Test 15. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.
New York is the (1)(large) city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs, it is the (2)(big) city in the world. It is one of the (3)(important) industrial cities in the country. Some of the (4)(old) historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New York City are the (5)(high) buildings in the whole world. Now New York includes five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the (6)(small) in size but it is the heart and source of American policy. Perhaps, the (7)(expensive) office buildings in the world are there. The Bronx is a (8)(residential) than industrial part of the city. Queens is both residential and industrial area. New York’s two (9)(big) airports are both there. Brooklyn has (10)(many) people than any other part of the city – about 3, 000, 000. It is mostly a district of middle class people. New York has the (11)(great) number of factories, the (12)(large) banks and post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the (13)(heavy) mail bags. It is truly the (14)(famous) business city. New York is also called the cultural capital of the USA. There are a lot of museums in New York. One of the (15)(good) known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Test 16. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.
Fashion Through the Ages In the middle of the 18th century, some of the (1)(fashionable) rich young men in Britain copied the (2)(late) Italian fashions. They wore extravagant clothes, lots of make-up to look pale, and high wigs that were powdered and tied with ribbons.

In Europe at the end of the 18th century, women’s dresses began to get (3)(wide) and their hair began to get (4)(long). The (5)(wide) dresses measured nearly two metres, making it difficult to move around and sit down. To make themselves (6)(pretty), some women had enormous hairstyles. These were often decorated with flowers, feathers and even fruit!

After the First World War, the clothes of the swinging 1929s shocked many people. Fashions for women became (7)(relaxed) and (8) (free) than before. Their hair became much (9)(short) and dresses were not as (10)(long) and (11)(wide) as before. Their clothes became (12)(bright) and (13)(little) formal, to match the new music and dances like the Charleston.

Punk fashions were as (14)(aggressive) as punk music, which arrived in the 1970s. Punks chose the (15)(little) conventional hairstyles possible. They cut their hair in strange ways and often dyed it bright colours. They usually wore large boots, torn jeans and painted leather jackets.



The verb ‘to be’: Present, Past, Future

Test 1. Fill in am/is/are (present), was/were (past) or will be/won’t be (future) in the gaps.
1. She travels a lot. Yesterday she _______ in Paris. Today she _______ in London. Tomorrow _______ she in New York.

2. _______ you at home yesterday?

3. _______ you at home tomorrow?

4. I _______ in Great Britain last week.

5. ‘Are you ready yet?’ ‘Not yet. I _______ ready in five minutes.’

6. The weather _______ nice today.

7. My sister is going away for a few days, so she _______ at home tomorrow.

8. I _______ a pupil. I go to school.
9. _______ you in the country last summer?

10. It’s Tom’s birthday next Sunday. He _______ 11.

11. I _______ cold. Can you close the window, please?

12. You may visit Jane tomorrow. She _______ busy.

13. Where _______ Ann yesterday?

14. My brother and I _______ good tennis players. We like to play tennis very much.

15. ‘ _______ the soup _______ ready soon?’ ‘Yes, it _______ ready in a few minutes.’
Test 2. Fill in is, are, was, were.
1. There _______ three people in the photo.

2. There _______ a woman, a man and their child in our garden now.

3. There _______ an exhibition in our town last month.

4. I didn’t like the hotel because there _______ a lot of furniture in the room.

5. He was thirsty but there _______ no drinks in the fridge.

6. The furniture was very old, there _______ two chairs and a table in the room.

7. She is at her office now. There _______ a lot of people waiting to see her.

8. Today there _______ a lot of snow on the ground.

9. There _______ some chicken and fish in the fridge now.

10. _______ there any furniture in the room?

11. There _______ somebody in the kitchen now.

12. There _______ no one on the roof of the house at the moment.

13. There _______ no flowers in our garden last summer.

14. There _______ a sports centre near our house.

15. There _______ 26 letters in the English alphabet.
Have and Have Got

Test 3. Complete the sentences with is/isn’t, are/aren’t or has/have (got).
1. My brother _______ ten years old.

2. There _______ any flowers in the garden.

3. My sister _______ three children.

4. Tom never sees new films because there _______ a cinema in his town.

5. He _______ a good job in a bank.

6. _______ there a stadium near here?

7. How much _______ the ice-creams?

8. Can I _______ a cup of coffee, please?

9. My house _______ a garden and a balcony.

10. There _______ lots of good shops in this city.

Test 4. Fill in is/are/was/were/have/has.
1. Tom _______ lost his note-book.

2. This bridge _______ built ten years ago.

3. _______ you finished your work yet?

4. This town is always clean. The streets _______ cleaned every day.

5. Where _______ you born?

6. I just _______ made some coffee. Would you like some?

7. Cheese _______ made from milk.

8. This is a very old photograph. It _______ taken a long time ago.

9. Mike _______ bought a new car.

10. _______ Ann working today?
Present Simple/Present Continuous

Test 5. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1. Paul is good at tennis. He (plays/is playing) tennis very well.

2. It’s very noisy – Suzy (listens/is listening) to rock music.

3. Many birds (fly/are flying) south every summer.

4. Most students (don’t smoke/aren’t smoking) these days.

5. (Does Mr Black use/Is Mr Black using) the computer at the moment?

6. Jack usually (goes/is going) to work on Saturdays.

7. Dick isn’t at home now. He (helps/is helping) а student with his project.

8. (Does it rain?/Is it raining?) No, look, it’s sunny.

9. Cats (see/are seeing) very well in the dark.

10. You look nice, Ann. (Do you wear/Are you wearing) а new dress?

11. Japan (has/is having) many high mountains.

12. Every morning John (gets up/is getting up) at 7.00.

13. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I (wash up/ am washing up).

14. (Do you go/Are you going) to the theatre tonight?

15. I (have/am having) а pain in my shoulder.

16. Jerry often (paints/is painting) pictures of different animals.

17. Derek is good at tennis but he (doesn’t play/isn’t playing) very often.

18. She’s not ready – she (cooks/is cooking) dinner.

19. (Do you always wear/Are you always wearing) glasses?

20. Turn the TV off – nо one (watches/is watching) it!
Test 6. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1. Listen! I (want/am wanting) to ask you а few questions.

2. ‘Where is John?’ ‘He (has/is having) а smoke in the garden.’

3. How do you make this cake? It (tastes/is tasting) wonderful.

4. Those jeans (look/are looking) great on you!

5. Jane can’t come to the phone because she (washes/is washing) her hair.

6. I (don’t like/am not liking) football very much.

7. We usually (go/are going) to the seaside in summer.

8. I (think/am thinking) of going to university.

9. (Do you study/Are you studying) for your exams at the moment?

10. (Do you see/Are you seeing) my problem?

11. Can you be quiet, please? I (listen/am listening) to the radio.

12. He (thinks/is thinking) that school is boring.

13. They (meet/are meeting) for lunch once а month.

14. Ann paid for the boat so it (belongs/is belonging) to her now.

15. John! Answer the door, please! I (make/am making) dinner.

16. I (don’t enjoy/am not enjoying) cooking very much.

17. It (rains/is raining) а lot in this region in winter.

18. I (prefer/am preferring) volleyball to basketball.

19. (Do you know/Are you knowing) what’s happening?

20. We (have/are having) а house near the beach.
Test 7. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1. The telephone (ring). Can you answer it?

2. Be quiet! I (watch) this film.

3. What he usually (have) for breakfast?

4. My parents (look) for а new country house now, because they (not want) to stay in Moscow in summer.

5. We usually (take) а bus to get to school.

6. ‘Why you (smile)?’ ‘I (have) nо homework today.’

7. Where you (go) on Sundays?

8. I always (wear) nice clothes at school. Today I (wear) а white blouse and а blue skirt.

9. ‘Jane! Where are you? What you (do)?’ ‘I (clean) my shoes.’

10. Nick (live) in Kiev. He often (phone) us when he (not be) busy.

11. ‘Why you (go) to bed? It’s only 10.00.’ ‘I always (go) to bed early.’

12. I can’t use the telephone now. It (not work).

13. It’s late. I (want) to go to sleep.

14. ‘How many languages she (speak)?’ ‘She (speak) six foreign languages.’

15. I (not think) Ann (like) me very much.

16. ‘Who is Richard?’ ‘He (stand) next to Jane.’

17. My father (work) in а bank, but today he is at home. He (write) letters.

18. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He (have) breakfast.’

19. John (not get) up very early on Sundays.

20. Oh, dear! This milk (taste) awful.
Test 8. Present Simple or Present Continuous?
1. Hurry up! Everybody (wait) for you.

2. ‘You (watch) TV?’ ‘No, you can turn it off.’

3. What you usually (do) at weekends?

4. The Volga (flow) into the Caspian Sea.

5. I’m tired. I (go) to bed now. Goodnight!

6. This train is never late. It always (leave) on time.

7. Don’t put the dictionary away. I (use) it.

8. Who is this man? What he (want)?

9. You look serious! What you (think) about?

10. He told me his address but I (not remember) it now.

11. Jane (not drink) coffee very often.

12. Please don’t make so much noise. Tom (do) his homework.

13. I (look) for Ann. You (know) where she is?

14. He never (tell) the truth. I (not believe) him.

15. ‘Tom usually (help) about the house?’ ‘No, he.’

16. You may phone Peter and ask him. I think he (not sleep) yet.

17. When your children usually (get) up?

18. Why that man (look) at us? You (recognize) him?

19. ‘Can you drive?’ ‘I (learn). My father (teach) me.’

20. Listen to those people! What language they (speak)?
Present Simple/Present Continuous/Future Simple

Test 9. Present Simple or Future Simple?
1. If the food (be) good, we’ll come here again.

2. What will you do if Ann (not pay)?

3. When I arrive, I (phone) you.

4. You (help) me if I have а problem?

5. Before you (go), leave my key on the table.

6. If you (not pay), you’ll get into trouble.

7. As soon as Linda (arrive), call me.

8. What you (say) if Peter asks?

9. If you don’t go away, I (call) the police!

10. I (not wait) if he is late again.

11. If he (miss) the last train, he’ll spend the night in а hotel.

12. What will you do if the weather (be) bad on holiday?

13. If I stay here, I (not be) happy.

14. If I (be) unhappy, I won’t work hard.

15. She’ll have some German lessons before she (go) to Berlin.

16. If Peter (ring), tell him I will never see him again.

17. He (be) happy if he wins his next match.

18. She won’t be able to go until she (feel) much better.

19. If the bus (not come) soon, I’ll be late for school.

20. I want to speak to him before he (go) out.
Test 10. Present Simple or Future Simple?
1. If he (speak) to Ann tomorrow, he (say) hello from you.

2. I’m sure he (talk) to you before he (leave) Moscow next week.

3. We (not go) to the seaside this weekend if the car (not be) repaired.

4. We (have) some food when we (finish) the housework.

5. As soon as we (arrive), we (give) you а call.

6. She (feel) much happier when she (get) her exam results.

7. There (be) а short break before the film (start).

8. We (not go) out until the weather (improve).

9. When he (see) her, he (give) her the message.

10. What you (do) if you (not get) the job?

11. They (not know) until the letter (arrive).

12. Mike is а little boy. He (want) to be а pilot when he (grow) up.

13. Let’s have а drink before we (start).

14. Don’t worry if I (be) late tonight.

15. I don’t know when he (come) tomorrow.

16. He (phone) you tomorrow as soon as he (arrive).

17. I’m sure Ann will pass the exam. It’ll be very strange if she (not pass) it.

18. I wonder if Jane (come) to my birthday party next Saturday.

19. When he (come) home from school, he usually (have) dinner.

20. After Mary (finish) school, she (enter) the University.

Test 11. Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple?
1. He (phone) you tomorrow when he (get) home from work.

2. ‘I (be) very busy now.’ ‘Why? What you (do)?’

3. Tom (not be) lazy. He (work) hard every day.

4. How often you (go) to the theatre?

5. We (go) to England for our holiday next year.

6. Wait for me! I (come) as soon as I (finish).

7. ‘You (work) hard today!’ ‘Yes, I have а lot to do.’

8. ‘What he usually (do) at weekends?’ ‘He usually (play) tennis.’

9. I (read) а very interesting book at the moment.

10. He is enjoying his holiday. He (have) а nice room in the hotel.

11. You (be) hungry? You (want) something to eat?

12. When I (come) home tomorrow, all my family (be) at home.

13. ‘Where is Ann?’ ‘She (have) а bath.’

14. You (see) that man over there? It’s our new teacher.

15. Look! Kate (dance) again. She (dance) every day.

16. How long it usually (take) you to get to school?

17. John (not go) for а walk today until his mother (come) back from work.

18. You (understand) me now?

19. ‘Would you like а cigarette?’ ‘No, thanks. I (not smoke).’

20. Let’s go out! It (not rain) any more.
Test 12. Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple?
1. ‘When he (get) up every day?’ ‘He (get) up at 8 o’clock.’

2. They (not drink) coffee now. I (think) they (watch) TV.

3. When he (return) to London next week, he (call) us.

4. Our friends always (go) to the country for the weekend.

5. Look! The kitten (play) with its tail.

6. What your brother usually (drink) in the evening?

7. We (have) an English lesson now.

8. ‘Listen! Who (speak) in the next room?’ ‘I (listen) very attentively, but I (hear) nothing.’

9. If it (not rain) tomorrow, we (not stay) at home.

10. Don’t go out: it (rain) heavily. You (get) wet through if you (not take) an umbrella.

11. ‘Have you done your homework?’ ‘Yes, I have. And now I (want) to watch TV.’

12. I (have) no time now, I (have) dinner.

13. ‘Where your sister (be) now?’ ‘She (do) her homework in the next room.’

14. Why she (come) home so late tomorrow?

15. What you (do) now? I (see) that you (not sleep).

16. Before he (start) for London tomorrow, he (visit) our office.

17. Nick (know) English rather well now.

18. When your lessons usually (begin) on Monday?

19. Tomorrow he (go) to the library after he (finish) his homework.

20. ‘Where you (be) tomorrow?’ ‘I (be) at home.’
Past Simple/Present Perfect

Test 13. Past Simple or Present Perfect?
1. Tom (didn’t meet/hasn’t met) his sister since he was а child.

2. Olga (lived/has lived) in England last year.

3. I (lost/have lost) my key. I can’t find it anywhere.

4. Look! Somebody (broke/has broken) my pen.

5. How many plays (did Shakespeare write/has Shakespeare written)?

6. Do you know about Jane? She (gave up/has given up) smoking.

7. I’m looking for Mike. (Did you see/Have you seen) him?

8. Your car looks great. (Did you wash/Have you washed) it?

9. Mr. Clark (worked/has worked) in а bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

10. I don’t know this young woman. We (never met/have never met) before.

11. When (did you write/have you written) this poem?

12. Chaikovsky (was/has been) а great Russian composer.

13. Mary isn’t at home. She (went/has gone) shopping.

14. (Did you see/Have you seen) this film? It’s fantastic!

15. Oh! I (cut/have cut) my finger. It’s bleeding.

16. Where (were you/have you been) born?

17. My parents (got/have got) married in а small village.

18. Agatha Christie (wrote/has written) 68 novels, 17 plays and more than а hundred stories.

19. I’m very hungry! I (didn’t eat/haven’t eaten) anything today.

20. When sending the telegram she (forgot/has forgotten) to write her name.
Test 14. Past Simple or Present Perfect?
1. It (not snow) this week.

2. You (see) the news on television last night?

3. Mike (leave) school in 1999.

4. I don’t know where my brother is. You (see) him?

5. ‘Where is your key?’ ‘I don’t know. I (lose) it.’

6. We (visit) the local museum the other day.

7. Ann is on holiday. She (go) to France.

8. When the last train (leave)?

9. ‘Would you like something to eat?’ ‘No, thanks. I just (have) lunch.’

10. The weather (be) good when you (be) on holiday?

11. We (not see) each other for а long time.

12. It’s the most interesting book I ever (read).

13. He (drink) too much coffee today.

14. What you (do) at the weekend?

15. John is hungry. He (not eat) anything since breakfast.

16. She (not go) to the library three days ago.

17. How long you (know) Bill?

18. Olga always (want) to visit Great Britain.

19. You (hear) from Jack recently?

20. Mark Twain (live) in the state of Missouri.
Test 15. Past Simple or Present Perfect?
1. ‘He ever (be) to London?’ ‘Yes. he _______. Several times.’

2. ‘What’s the news?’ ‘We (win) the tennis competition.’

3. ‘When you (speak) to him?’ ‘We (meet) yesterday.’

4. He (not call) me this month.

5. How long you (be) ill?

6. We (see) an interesting film the other day.

7. I (know) them for 2 years.

8. You (be) happy when you (be) a child?

9. I always (travel) by plane.

10. Where is Tom? You (see) him?

11. It’s the most interesting film I ever (see).

12. The construction (start) in April.

13. She (not call) me since she (arrive) in Moscow.

14. They (not go) to the cinema last week.

15. We (have) too many tests today.

16. What you (do) last Sunday?

17. William Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.

18. I (lose) my exercise-book. I can’t find it anywhere.

19. You (go) to the cinema yesterday?

20. You (meet) Ann lately?
Test 16. Complete the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense.
I (1)(go) to New York for the first time three years ago.
I (2)(meet) an American girl of my age called Laura. She (3)(be) very friendly.

‘You (4)(be) to New York before?’ she asked me.

‘No, I ______(5),’ I said, and so Laura offered to help me.

‘You (6)(see) the Statue of Liberty yet?’

‘Yes, I (7)(see) it yesterday.’

‘OK. What about the Empire State Building?’

‘Yes, I just (8)(climb) to the top of it. It (9)(be) wonderful!’

‘What else you (10)(visit) in New York?’

‘Nothing really. I’d like to go shopping but I (11)(not find) any good shops yet.

‘Well, let’s go to Macy’s. It’s the best shop in New York. So, we (12)(take) the underground to Macy’s and I (13)(spend) a fortune! I (14)(leave) New York two weeks later after a terrific holiday. I (15)(enjoy) it very much.
Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect

Test 17. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
1. While I (listened/was listening) to the radio, the telephone (rang/was ringing).

2. He (broke/was breaking) his leg when he (skied/was skiing) in the Alps.

3. They (listened/were listening) to the orchestra when the pianist (became/was becoming) ill.

4. Ann (played/was playing) the piano while Tom (painted/was painting) а picture.

5. We (saw/were seeing) an accident while we (waited/ were waiting) for the bus.

6. She (worked/was working) quietly at her desk when suddenly the door (opened/was opening) and her daughter (ran/was running) in.

7. While she (prepared/was preparing) lunch, she (cut/was cutting) her finger.

8. We (met/were meeting) while we (lived/were living) in Italy.

9. Which countries (did they visit/were they visiting) while they (travelled/were travelling) round the world?

10. (Did you work/Were you working) in the garden when I (came/was coming) home?

11. А strange man (walked/was walking) into the room. He (wore/was wearing) red trousers and а pink shirt.

12. (Didn’t you meet/Weren’t you meeting) your wife while you (worked/were working) in France?

13. I (saw/was seeing) you in the park yesterday. You (sat/ were sitting) on а bench.

14. They (lived/were living) in Canada when they (met/ were meeting) each other.

15. While I (listened/was listening) to music, my brother (did/was doing) his homework.

16. What (did you write/were you writing) when your computer (crashed/was crashing)?

17. As he (passed/was passing) the bank, а man in а mask (knocked/was knocking) him onto the ground.

18. Why (didn’t they visit/weren’t they visiting) me while they (stayed/were staying) in London?

19. Jack (drove/was driving) home from work when he (saw/was seeing) the accident.

20. Tom (arrived/was arriving) while the children (had/ were having) their bath.

Test 18. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous or the Past Simple Tense.
1. ‘What you (do) when the phone (ring)?’ ‘I (watch) television.’

2. ‘Was Jane busy when you came to see her?’ ‘Yes, she (study).’

3. ‘What time Tom (come) yesterday?’ ‘He (come) while I (have) breakfast.’

4. ‘Was Mary at school last week?’ ‘No, she (not go) to school. She was ill.’

5. ‘How fast you (drive) when the police (stop) you?’ ‘I don’t know exactly but I (not drive) very fast.’

6. ‘Your team (win) the football match yesterday?’ ‘No, the weather was very bad, so we (not play).’

7. ‘How you (break) the window?’ ‘We (play) football and the ball (hit) the window.’

8. ‘You (see) Jenny last night?’ ‘Yes, she (wear) a very nice jacket.’

9. ‘What you (do) at 10 o’clock on Sunday?’ ‘I still (sleep).’

10. ‘I (lose) my key last night.’ ‘How you (get) into your room then?’
Test 19. Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Yesterday I (1)(get) up at 7 а.m. That morning, I (2)(walk) to work. I (3)(not want) to go by bus because the sun (4)(shine) brightly and the birds (5)(sing) merrily. While I (6)(walk) past the supermarket, I (7)(see) something strange. А man (8)(pass) me and he (9)(sing) а football song very loudly, on his own! He (10)(continue) for а few minutes. Then he (11)(meet) а friend and (12)(stop) singing. I (13)(turn) round the corner and (14)(see) а friend of mine. He (15)(stand) at а bus stop and (16)(wait) for а bus. He (17)(tell) me that we (18)(be) late. At that moment а bus (19)(come) and we (20)(get) on.

Test 20. Past Simple or Past Perfect?
1. I (enjoyed/had enjoyed) the film even though I (saw/ had seen) it before.

2. I got up late that morning so when I (arrived/had arrived) at the station, the train (already left/had already left).

3. I couldn’t speak to them because when I (phoned/had phoned), they (went/had gone) out already.

4. We realized that we (met/had met) before as soon as we (saw/had seen) each other.

5. They (lived/had lived) in their house for twenty years when they (decided/had decided) to sell it.

6. My sister (bought/had bought) me а novel but I (already read/had already read) it.

7. As soon as I heard his voice, I (knew/had known) we (met/had met) before.

8. When I (opened/had opened) the door, the lesson (already began/had already begun).

9. She (painted/had painted) the wall before the children (came/had come) home.

10. The pupils (didn’t finish/hadn’t finished) the test when the bell (rang/had rung).

11. I (met/had met) Ann а week ago. She (just returned/ had just returned) from а business trip.

12. As soon as I (heard/had heard) а cry, I (ran/had run) out of the room.

13. I (tried/had tried) to phone John in the morning, but he (already left/had already left).

14. The children (didn’t clean/hadn’t cleaned) the room before their parents (came/had come) home.

15. I (finished/had finished) writing the project at 6 o’clock yesterday.

16. I (wrote/had written) the composition by 6 o’clock yesterday.

17. The teacher (understood/had understood) that the pupils (didn’t do/hadn’t done) their homework.

18. When my brother (returned/had returned) home, we (went/had gone) for а walk together.

19. He (told/had told) me that he (never played/had never played) football before.

20. She (was/had been) а nurse before she (became/had become) а doctor.
Test 21. Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Yesterday Ann (1)(see) a strange man leaving the house. She (2)(notice) that he (3)(wear) a raincoat, and she (4)(wonder) why because it (5)(be) hot and sunny. The man (6)(not see) her. He (7)(begin) to walk away but he (8)(stop) suddenly and (9)(get) into a blue car that (10)(be) parked near the corner. Ann (11)(notice) a large bag by the wall. She was frightened as she (12)(watch) a programme about bombs the night before. So she (13)(decide) to phone the police. By the time they (14)(arrive), the man (15)(go).
Future Simple/Future Continuous/Future Perfect

Test 22. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. Please don’t call me this afternoon. I _______ some important work.

а) will do b) will be doing с) will have done

2. He will come round tomorrow if he _______ time.

а) will have b) have с) has

3. By the time we get to London we _______ over two hundred miles.

а) will drive b) drive с) will have driven

4. He _______ back to Moscow on the 15th of December.

а) will come b) come с) will have come

5. If they start school at four, most children _______ to read and write by the age of six.

а) will have learnt b) will be learning с) will learn

6. By the end of this century scientists _______ factories in space.

а) will be building b) will have built с) build

7. I think I’ll stay here until it _______ raining.

а) stops b) doesn’t stop с) will stop

8. When you arrive at their place, they won’t be ready. They _______ the meal.

а) will still cook b) will be still cooking с) will have still cooked

9. If he _______, I will let you know.

а) will come b) will have come с) comes

10. By 2020, he _______ here for twenty years.

а) will have worked b) will be working с) works

11. ‘Have you decided how to spend the prize money?’ ‘Well, I think we _______ а new car.’

а) buy b) will buy с) will have bought

12. This time tomorrow they _______ а film.

а) will watch b) will be watching с) will have watched

13. He _______ at 7 o’clock tomorrow.

a) will get up b) will be getting up c) will have got up

14. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, she _______ in her office.

a) will work b) will be working c) will have worked

15. We’re late. The film _______ by the time we get to the cinema.

a) already starts b) will already start c) will have already started

16. If we take a taxi, we _______ to the theatre in time.

a) come b) will come c) will be coming

17. This time next week I _______ in the sea.

a) will be swimming b) will have swum c) swim

18. Let’s wait for Jane to come back and then we _______ dinner.

a) have b) will have c) will have had

19. Phone me after 8 o’clock. We _______ dinner by then.

a) will have b) have c) will have had

20. We won’t start until everyone _______.

a) will arrive b) arrives c) will have arrived

Test 13. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word

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Test 10. Fill in some, any, no, every.

1. I’ve met ______ people, but I don’t have ______ real friends.

2. ‘Is there ______ petrol in the tank?’ ‘Yes, there must be ______ left.’

3. I’m sorry but there are ______ cookies left.

4. Have you ______ idea what time it is?

5. She had ______ games, but she didn’t have ______ computer games.

6. ‘Have you got ______ matches?’ ‘Yes, I think I’ve got ______ in my pocket.’

7. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time.

8. Could you give me ______ examples?

9. I see him at work almost ______ day.

10. Everything was correct. There were ______ mistakes.

11. We get ______ letters from her month.

12. There weren’t ______ potatoes left.

13. There were ______ tomatoes left.

14. Would you like ______ milk?

15. I’d like to ask you for ______ advice.

16. Her car wasn’t ______ better than ours.

17. ______ of the information has already been used.

18. ______ country has a national flag.

19. It hasn’t made ______ difference.

20. ______ child can learn to read and write.

Test 11. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. Is there ______ meat in the fridge?

2. There isn’t ______ fish, either.

3. Can I have ______ coffee, please?

4. Take ______ book you would like to read.

5. She said ______ but I didn’t understand it.

6. He went to the shop but he didn’t buy ______.

7. There is ______ in the box. It’s empty.

8. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ______ to help me.

9. They’ve got ______ cheese but they haven’t got ______ bread.

10. I’m looking for my keys. Has ______ seen them?

11. ______ has taken my camera. I can’t find it.

12. He hasn’t got ______ eggs to make an omelette.

13. I heard a noise. There is ______ in the cupboard.

14. Look! ______ is sitting at the train station, waiting for a train!

15. ______ knows anything about her concert.

16. There was ______ selling tickets near the hall.

17. ______ Is in the room?

18. ______ student has to obey school regulations.

19. ‘Have you got ______ to tell me?’ ‘No, really’.

20. I walk with my friend’s dog ______ Sunday.

Test 12. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. There’s ______ milk in that jug. It’s empty.

2. She wanted ______ stamps but there weren’t ______ in the machine.

3. I’m afraid there isn’t ______ coffee left.

4. Is there ______ here who speaks Italian?

5. I’d like to buy ______ clothes but I haven’t got ______ money.

6. Would you like ______ juice?

7. She put her handbag down ______ and now she can’t find it.

8. Haven’t you got ______ friends in London?

9. We had to walk home because there was ______ bus.

10. Does ______ want a cup of tea?

11. I’ve looked ______ for my passport, but I can’t find it ______.

12. Come and have supper with us if you aren’t doing ______ tonight.

13. Are there ______ letters for me?

14. I’d like to make ______ friends, but I haven’t met _________ young people yet.

15. Jane is getting married to ______ she met on holiday.

16. Tommy is so nice. ______ likes him.

17. I can’t talk to you now. I’ve got ______ time.

18. I don’t know ______ about economics.

19. The accident looked serious but fortunately ______ was injured.

20. I am hungry. I want ______ to eat.

Test 13. Fill in some, any, no, every or their compounds.

1. I did Exercise 1 without ______ help.

2. ‘Would you like ______ more mineral water?’ ‘I don’t want ______ more.’

3. It was a public holiday, so there were ______ shops open.

4. My sister never has ______ trouble learning foreign languages.

5. This evening I’m going out with ______ friends of mine.

6. When we were on holiday, we went to the beach ______ day.

7. Why don’t you ask your father to lend you ______ money? I haven’t got ______.

8. Does ______ want a game of tennis?

9. What’s that smell? Is ______ burning?

10. I asked if ______ wanted an ice-cream, but ______ did, so I just bought one for myself.

11. Did ______ phone me while I was out?

12. Your face looks terribly familiar. I’m sure I have seen you ______ before.

13. She left the room without saying ______.

14. This doesn’t look a very nice restaurant. Can we go ______ else?

15. I have ______ more to say to you. Goodbye.

16. I have never been ______ more beautiful than Scotland.

17. ‘What do you want for supper?’ ‘ ______. I don’t mind.’

18. It was Sunday, and the town was deserted. ______ was in the streets, and ______ was open.

19. ‘Who was at the party?’ ‘ ______. Pete, Anna, James, Kathy, all the Smiths, Sally Beams and Sally Rogers.’

20. ‘Where do you want to go on holiday?’ ‘______ hot. I don’t care if it’s Greece, Spain, Italy or the Sahara, but it’s got to be hot.’


Test 1. What is the next number? Write it out in words.

1. 2, 4, 6, ______. 11. 10, 20, 30, ______. 21. 21, 24, 27, ______.

2. 7, 8, 9, ______. 12. 20, 40, 60, ______.

3. 2, 5, 8, ______. 13. 30, 60, 90, ______. 22. 31, 33, 35, ______.

4. 11, 13, 15, ______. 14. 60, 70, 80, ______. 23. 47, 48, 49, ______.

5. 3, 6, 9, ______. 15. 100, 200, 300, ______.

6. 4, 8, 12, ______. 16. 90, 80, 70, ______. 24. 53, 54, 55, ______.

7. 5, 10, 15, ______. 17. 3, 2, 1, ______.

8. 16, 15, 14, ______. 18. 0, 1, 2, ______. 25. 64, 63, 62, ______.

9. 13, 15, 17, ______. 19. 70, 80, 90, ______.

10. 20, 18, 16, ______. 20. 10, 30, 50, ______. 26. 77, 76, 75, ______.

27. 88, 89, 90, ______. 28. 100, 99, 98, ______.

29. 25, 50, 75, ______. 30. 15, 30, 45, ______.

Test 2. Write the following cardinal and ordinal numbers.

3, 4, 9, 11, 19, 30, 41, 42, 74, 85, 99, 100, 510, 900, 999, 1000, 2537, 5200, 10000, 1000000

Test 3. Use the ordinal numbers.

1. This is page one. This is the ______ page.

2. This is flat five. This is the ______ flat.

3. Where is chapter ten? Where is the ______ chapter?

4. He doesn’t remember page 20. He doesn’t remember the ______ page.

5. Book two is about travelling. The ______ book is about travelling.

6. He doesn’t understand lesson nine. He doesn’t understand the ______ lesson.

7. What picture is on page 21? What picture is on the ______ page?

8. She lives on floor eleven. She lives on the ______ floor.

9. Let’s talk about chapter eight. Let’s talk about the ______ chapter.

10. What is the date on page one hundred and one? What is the date on the ______ page?


Test 1. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.

1. cold – 6. comfortable – 11. new —

2. big – 7. easy – 12. expensive —

3. wonderful – 8. fat – 13. hungry —

4. happy – 9. bad – 14. hot —

5. good – 10. nice – 15. little —

Test 2. Write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives.

1. cheap – 6. red – 11. difficult —

2. far – 7. noisy – 12. few —

3. hot – 8. terrible – 13. old —

4. cheerful – 9. late – 14. sleepy —

5. pretty – 10. bad – 15. thin —

Test 3. Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets.

1. Your TV is much (good) than ours.

2. This is the (bad) film he’s ever seen.

3. His accent is (correct) than yours.

4. A woman seems to get (young) every year.

5. He’s the (fat) person in his family.

6. This is the (tasty) meal I’ve ever eaten.

7. She has a friend who’s much (pretty) than her.

8. She’s the (beautiful) in the class.

9. A friend of mine married a girl who is much (young) than him.

10. Everest is the (high) mountain in the world.

11. The (bad) thing in the world is dishonesty.

12. I think she is the (good) person who ever lived.

13. She is (tall) than her sisters.

14. What is the (fast) car in the world?

15. Her flat is (small) than ours.

Test 4. Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets.

1. Your English is improving. It’s getting (good) and (good).

2. Who is the (famous) person in the world?

3. The meal cost (little) than I expected.

4. Are you the (old) in your family?

5. There are (few) public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries.

6. He was as (white) as а sheet.

7. This cartoon is (funny) than that one.

8. Who is the (good) student in the class?

9. It was an awful day. It was the (bad) day of my life. 10. Jane is two years (old) than Jack.

11. She is not so (nervous) as her brother.

12. It is the (busy) time of the year.

13. I’d like to have а (big) car than my old one.

14. That’s the (far) I’ve ever run.

15. The exam was quite difficult – (difficult) than we expected.

16. The (great) national holiday in our country is Victory Day.

17. Hard beds are (healthy) than soft ones.

18. She is the (slim) girl in our group.

19. Which month is the (short) in а year?

20. What is the (late) news?

Test 5. Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets.

1. These cakes are probably the (good) in the world.

2. I am (happy) than I have ever been.

3. The game will certainly be much (exciting) than it was last year.

4. For (far) information, please write to the above address.

5. The (old) member of her family is her Granny.

6. He did very badly in the exam – (bad) than expected.

7. He was the (fat) man 1 had ever met.

8. This is the (attractive) room in the whole house.

9. Our new house is (big) than the one we used to live in.

10. Jill can run as (fast) as Jack.

11. My brother has (much) money than I have.

12. This is the (bad) weather so far this year.

13. Travelling by train is (comfortable) than travelling by bus.

14. The bedroom isn’t so (light) as the living-room.

15. Tom is the (reserved) boy in this class.

16. It’s getting (hard) and (hard) to find а job nowadays.

17. Summer is the (dry) period of the year.

18. ‘What time shall we leave?’ ‘The (soon), the (good).’

19. It’s (cheap) to go by car than by train.

20. Tom looks (old) than he really is.

Test 6. Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets.

1. This exercise is too easy – can’t we try а (difficult) one?

2. England’s too cold in spring – let’s go to Spain where it’s much (warm).

3. She comes top in all the exams – she must be the (clever) girl in the class.

4. The temperature in July reaches 44 degrees – it’s the (hot) month of the year.

5. Let’s buy this video – it doesn’t cost that much – it’s (cheap) than the other one.

6. This book is not so (interesting) as that one.

7. California certainly has а (healthy) climate than New York.

8. When I passed my driving test, it was the (happy) day of my life.

9. Lying down in bed is (comfortable) than sitting on а hard chair.

10. That’s the (exciting) story I’ve ever heard.

11. I’d like to have а (good) pen than this one.

12. She is the (young) daughter in the family.

13. Australia is much (far) from Europe than I thought.

14. The (quick) we finish, the (soon) we’ll go home.

15. This is the (bad) restaurant in town; I’ll never come here again.

16. Actions speak (loud) than words.

17. The (good) things in life are free.

18. She was the (boring) person at the party and I sat next to her all evening. It was awful.

19. I have а (bad) headache today than I did yesterday.

20. You’re as (bad) as your sister.

Test 7. Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets.

1. I could hardly keep awake – it was the (boring) film I’ve ever seen.

2. The (high) you climb, the (far) you fall.

3. Bill is (rich) than John.

4. Prices have gone up. Things aren’t as (cheap) as they used to be.

5. Tokyo is (big) than New York.

6. Tokyo is Japan’s (large) city.

7. You certainly look much (happy) than you did yesterday.

8. The day grew (hot).

9. This is his (good) novel. The other novels are much (bad) than this one.

10. Jane is the (young) of the three sisters.

11. I get on well with my (old) sister.

12. This is the (funny) bit of the film.

13. He is obviously (interested) in sport than I am.

14. It was the (expensive) hotel we had ever stayed in.

15. (Good) late than never.

16. Where is the (near) post office?

17. He was the (bad) pupil in the class.

18. Cats don’t usually live as (long) as dogs.

19. Children nowadays seem to be much (noisy) than they used to be.

20. Henry was the (big) of them.

Test 8. Choose the correct word.

1. I’m interesting/interested in collecting stamps.

2. Everyone is depressed/depressing by the awful weather.

3. I think that airports are exciting/excited places.

4. I’m tired/tiring. I think I’ll go to bed.

5. The journey was exhausted/exhausting!

6. It’s not surprising/surprised that she’s busy. She’s got six children.

7. The teacher was annoying/annoyed because I had forgotten to do my homework.

8. He loved the museum – he thought it was fascinating/ fascinated.

9. We went to the cinema but I was very boring/bored because I had seen the film before. 10. I like this monkey. It is very amused/amusing.

Test 9. Put an adjective from the box into each gap.

1. What programme are you watching? Is it _______?

2. ‘I’m going on a safari in Africa!’ ‘Really? How _______!’

3. What time did you get home last night? I didn’t know where you were. I was very _______ about you.

4. The children are _______ and they don’t know what to do.

5. It was quite _______ that he passed the exam.

6. I was _______ with the film. I expected it to be much better.

7. I don’t want to read this book. It is _______.

8. The cartoon was very _______. I laughed a lot.

9. I don’t want to go to the match. I’m not _______ in football.

10. We were very _______ when we heard the news.

Test 10. Write the corresponding adverb.

1. quick – 6. careful – 11. hard —

2. bad – 7. nice – 12. slow —

3. late – 8. correct – 13. happy —

4. angry – 9. fast – 14. early —

5. good – 10. easy – 15. beautiful —

Test 11. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word.

1. I’m going to tell you something very important, so please listen careful/carefully.

2. Why are you angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything wrong.

3. Our teacher always explains the rules clear/clearly.

4. He was driving dangerous/dangerously.

5. Come on, Dave! Why are you so slow/slowly?

6. Jane is studying hard/hardly for her exam.

7. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He was here but he left sudden/suddenly.’

8. Her ideas are very useful/usefully.

9. He can understand people easy/easily.

10. Olga speaks English perfect/perfectly.

11. These jeans are very expensive/expensively.

12. Yesterday I came home very late/lately.

13. He always does his homework good/well.

14. We visit our relatives regular/regularly.

15. She always dresses nice/nicely.

Test 12. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word.

1. The boys played (quiet/quietly).

2. It was snowing (heavy/heavily) the day before yesterday.

3. He gave it a (careful/carefully) look.

4. He speaks (perfect/perfectly) English.

5. Have you seen your friend (recent/recently)?

6. She’s a (slow/slowly) runner.

7. She draws (good/well).

8. They bought a (nice/nicely) car.

9. She likes sitting (near/nearly) the fire.

10. She left too (late/lately) to catch the bus.

11. Have you seen Ann (late/lately)?

12. He tries very (hard/hardly) to make his family happy.

13. She (hard/hardly) plays the piano.

14. Computers are (wide/widely) used in schools nowadays.

15. I think she’s a (pretty/prettily) good singer.

Test 13. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word.

1. Use this chair if you want to sit comfortable/comfortably.

2. It’s not easy/easily to play football.

3. These flowers smell so strange/strangely.

4. He talked so polite/politely and danced so beautiful/ beautifully.

5. The apples taste sweet/sweetly. Help yourself!

6. I always feel happy/happily when the sun is shining.

7. Let’s discuss this idea serious/seriously.

8. ‘How are you?’ ‘I am very good/well, thank you.’

9. His English is perfect/perfectly. He always speaks correct/correctly.

10. You look upset/upsetly. What’s the matter?

11. The driver was driving too fast/fastly.

12. ‘I feel like going to a disco tonight.’ ‘That sounds great/greatly! Let’s go.’

13. It rained very heavy/heavily in London last night.

14. Quiet/Quietly he opened the door.

15. Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one?

Test 14. Complete each sentence using a word from the list.

1. Mary sang _______ at the concert last night. She is a very _______ singer.

2. Our holiday was too _______. The time passed very _______.

3. What _______ flowers! They smell _______ very too!

4. He asked me to ring back but I _______ forgot about it.

5. The children played _______ in the garden. We could hear them laughing.

6. You’re speaking very _______. I can’t hear you.

7. Linda likes wearing clothes. She always looks _______!

8. It is a warm day and the sun is shining _______.

9. The exam was very _______ and I felt very _______.

10. This little boy can’t ride a bicycle very _______. He is just learning.

Test 15. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

New York is the (1)(large) city in the US. Perhaps, with all its suburbs, it is the (2)(big) city in the world. It is one of the (3)(important) industrial cities in the country. Some of the (4)(old) historic buildings are there. Some of the buildings in New York City are the (5)(high) buildings in the whole world. Now New York includes five boroughs: Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Richmond. Manhattan is the (6)(small) in size but it is the heart and source of American policy. Perhaps, the (7)(expensive) office buildings in the world are there. The Bronx is a (8)(residential) than industrial part of the city. Queens is both residential and industrial area. New York’s two (9)(big) airports are both there. Brooklyn has (10)(many) people than any other part of the city – about 3, 000, 000. It is mostly a district of middle class people. New York has the (11)(great) number of factories, the (12)(large) banks and post offices. It sends out many letters and receives the (13)(heavy) mail bags. It is truly the (14)(famous) business city. New York is also called the cultural capital of the USA. There are a lot of museums in New York. One of the (15)(good) known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Test 16. Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

Fashion Through the Ages In the middle of the 18th century, some of the (1)(fashionable) rich young men in Britain copied the (2)(late) Italian fashions. They wore extravagant clothes, lots of make-up to look pale, and high wigs that were powdered and tied with ribbons.

In Europe at the end of the 18th century, women’s dresses began to get (3)(wide) and their hair began to get (4)(long). The (5)(wide) dresses measured nearly two metres, making it difficult to move around and sit down. To make themselves (6)(pretty), some women had enormous hairstyles. These were often decorated with flowers, feathers and even fruit!

After the First World War, the clothes of the swinging 1929s shocked many people. Fashions for women became (7)(relaxed) and (8) (free) than before. Their hair became much (9)(short) and dresses were not as (10)(long) and (11)(wide) as before. Their clothes became (12)(bright) and (13)(little) formal, to match the new music and dances like the Charleston.

Punk fashions were as (14)(aggressive) as punk music, which arrived in the 1970s. Punks chose the (15)(little) conventional hairstyles possible. They cut their hair in strange ways and often dyed it bright colours. They usually wore large boots, torn jeans and painted leather jackets.


The verb ‘to be’: Present, Past, Future

Test 1. Fill in am/is/are (present), was/were (past) or will be/won’t be (future) in the gaps.

1. She travels a lot. Yesterday she _______ in Paris. Today she _______ in London. Tomorrow _______ she in New York.

2. _______ you at home yesterday?

3. _______ you at home tomorrow?

4. I _______ in Great Britain last week.

5. ‘Are you ready yet?’ ‘Not yet. I _______ ready in five minutes.’

6. The weather _______ nice today.

7. My sister is going away for a few days, so she _______ at home tomorrow.

8. I _______ a pupil. I go to school.

9. _______ you in the country last summer?

10. It’s Tom’s birthday next Sunday. He _______ 11.

11. I _______ cold. Can you close the window, please?

12. You may visit Jane tomorrow. She _______ busy.

13. Where _______ Ann yesterday?

14. My brother and I _______ good tennis players. We like to play tennis very much.

15. ‘ _______ the soup _______ ready soon?’ ‘Yes, it _______ ready in a few minutes.’

Test 2. Fill in is, are, was, were.

1. There _______ three people in the photo.

2. There _______ a woman, a man and their child in our garden now.

3. There _______ an exhibition in our town last month.

4. I didn’t like the hotel because there _______ a lot of furniture in the room.

5. He was thirsty but there _______ no drinks in the fridge.

6. The furniture was very old, there _______ two chairs and a table in the room.

7. She is at her office now. There _______ a lot of people waiting to see her.

8. Today there _______ a lot of snow on the ground.

9. There _______ some chicken and fish in the fridge now.

10. _______ there any furniture in the room?

11. There _______ somebody in the kitchen now.

12. There _______ no one on the roof of the house at the moment.

13. There _______ no flowers in our garden last summer.

14. There _______ a sports centre near our house.

15. There _______ 26 letters in the English alphabet.

Have and Have Got

Test 3. Complete the sentences with is/isn’t, are/aren’t or has/have (got).

1. My brother _______ ten years old.

2. There _______ any flowers in the garden.

3. My sister _______ three children.

4. Tom never sees new films because there _______ a cinema in his town.

5. He _______ a good job in a bank.

6. _______ there a stadium near here?

7. How much _______ the ice-creams?

8. Can I _______ a cup of coffee, please?

9. My house _______ a garden and a balcony.

10. There _______ lots of good shops in this city.

Test 4. Fill in is/are/was/were/have/has.

1. Tom _______ lost his note-book.

2. This bridge _______ built ten years ago.

3. _______ you finished your work yet?

4. This town is always clean. The streets _______ cleaned every day.

5. Where _______ you born?

6. I just _______ made some coffee. Would you like some?

7. Cheese _______ made from milk.

8. This is a very old photograph. It _______ taken a long time ago.

9. Mike _______ bought a new car.

10. _______ Ann working today?

Present Simple/Present Continuous

Test 5. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Paul is good at tennis. He (plays/is playing) tennis very well.

2. It’s very noisy – Suzy (listens/is listening) to rock music.

3. Many birds (fly/are flying) south every summer.

4. Most students (don’t smoke/aren’t smoking) these days.

5. (Does Mr Black use/Is Mr Black using) the computer at the moment?

6. Jack usually (goes/is going) to work on Saturdays.

7. Dick isn’t at home now. He (helps/is helping) а student with his project.

8. (Does it rain?/Is it raining?) No, look, it’s sunny.

9. Cats (see/are seeing) very well in the dark.

10. You look nice, Ann. (Do you wear/Are you wearing) а new dress?

11. Japan (has/is having) many high mountains.

12. Every morning John (gets up/is getting up) at 7.00.

13. I’m sorry. I can’t help you at the moment. I (wash up/ am washing up).

14. (Do you go/Are you going) to the theatre tonight?

15. I (have/am having) а pain in my shoulder.

16. Jerry often (paints/is painting) pictures of different animals.

17. Derek is good at tennis but he (doesn’t play/isn’t playing) very often.

18. She’s not ready – she (cooks/is cooking) dinner.

19. (Do you always wear/Are you always wearing) glasses?

20. Turn the TV off – nо one (watches/is watching) it!

Test 6. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Listen! I (want/am wanting) to ask you а few questions.

2. ‘Where is John?’ ‘He (has/is having) а smoke in the garden.’

3. How do you make this cake? It (tastes/is tasting) wonderful.

4. Those jeans (look/are looking) great on you!

5. Jane can’t come to the phone because she (washes/is washing) her hair.

6. I (don’t like/am not liking) football very much.

7. We usually (go/are going) to the seaside in summer.

8. I (think/am thinking) of going to university.

9. (Do you study/Are you studying) for your exams at the moment?

10. (Do you see/Are you seeing) my problem?

11. Can you be quiet, please? I (listen/am listening) to the radio.

12. He (thinks/is thinking) that school is boring.

13. They (meet/are meeting) for lunch once а month.

14. Ann paid for the boat so it (belongs/is belonging) to her now.

15. John! Answer the door, please! I (make/am making) dinner.

16. I (don’t enjoy/am not enjoying) cooking very much.

17. It (rains/is raining) а lot in this region in winter.

18. I (prefer/am preferring) volleyball to basketball.

19. (Do you know/Are you knowing) what’s happening?

20. We (have/are having) а house near the beach.

Test 7. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. The telephone (ring). Can you answer it?

2. Be quiet! I (watch) this film.

3. What he usually (have) for breakfast?

4. My parents (look) for а new country house now, because they (not want) to stay in Moscow in summer.

5. We usually (take) а bus to get to school.

6. ‘Why you (smile)?’ ‘I (have) nо homework today.’

7. Where you (go) on Sundays?

8. I always (wear) nice clothes at school. Today I (wear) а white blouse and а blue skirt.

9. ‘Jane! Where are you? What you (do)?’ ‘I (clean) my shoes.’

10. Nick (live) in Kiev. He often (phone) us when he (not be) busy.

11. ‘Why you (go) to bed? It’s only 10.00.’ ‘I always (go) to bed early.’

12. I can’t use the telephone now. It (not work).

13. It’s late. I (want) to go to sleep.

14. ‘How many languages she (speak)?’ ‘She (speak) six foreign languages.’

15. I (not think) Ann (like) me very much.

16. ‘Who is Richard?’ ‘He (stand) next to Jane.’

17. My father (work) in а bank, but today he is at home. He (write) letters.

18. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He (have) breakfast.’

19. John (not get) up very early on Sundays.

20. Oh, dear! This milk (taste) awful.

Test 8. Present Simple or Present Continuous?

1. Hurry up! Everybody (wait) for you.

2. ‘You (watch) TV?’ ‘No, you can turn it off.’

3. What you usually (do) at weekends?

4. The Volga (flow) into the Caspian Sea.

5. I’m tired. I (go) to bed now. Goodnight!

6. This train is never late. It always (leave) on time.

7. Don’t put the dictionary away. I (use) it.

8. Who is this man? What he (want)?

9. You look serious! What you (think) about?

10. He told me his address but I (not remember) it now.

11. Jane (not drink) coffee very often.

12. Please don’t make so much noise. Tom (do) his homework.

13. I (look) for Ann. You (know) where she is?

14. He never (tell) the truth. I (not believe) him.

15. ‘Tom usually (help) about the house?’ ‘No, he.’

16. You may phone Peter and ask him. I think he (not sleep) yet.

17. When your children usually (get) up?

18. Why that man (look) at us? You (recognize) him?

19. ‘Can you drive?’ ‘I (learn). My father (teach) me.’

20. Listen to those people! What language they (speak)?

Present Simple/Present Continuous/Future Simple

Test 9. Present Simple or Future Simple?

1. If the food (be) good, we’ll come here again.

2. What will you do if Ann (not pay)?

3. When I arrive, I (phone) you.

4. You (help) me if I have а problem?

5. Before you (go), leave my key on the table.

6. If you (not pay), you’ll get into trouble.

7. As soon as Linda (arrive), call me.

8. What you (say) if Peter asks?

9. If you don’t go away, I (call) the police!

10. I (not wait) if he is late again.

11. If he (miss) the last train, he’ll spend the night in а hotel.

12. What will you do if the weather (be) bad on holiday?

13. If I stay here, I (not be) happy.

14. If I (be) unhappy, I won’t work hard.

15. She’ll have some German lessons before she (go) to Berlin.

16. If Peter (ring), tell him I will never see him again.

17. He (be) happy if he wins his next match.

18. She won’t be able to go until she (feel) much better.

19. If the bus (not come) soon, I’ll be late for school.

20. I want to speak to him before he (go) out.

Test 10. Present Simple or Future Simple?

1. If he (speak) to Ann tomorrow, he (say) hello from you.

2. I’m sure he (talk) to you before he (leave) Moscow next week.

3. We (not go) to the seaside this weekend if the car (not be) repaired.

4. We (have) some food when we (finish) the housework.

5. As soon as we (arrive), we (give) you а call.

6. She (feel) much happier when she (get) her exam results.

7. There (be) а short break before the film (start).

8. We (not go) out until the weather (improve).

9. When he (see) her, he (give) her the message.

10. What you (do) if you (not get) the job?

11. They (not know) until the letter (arrive).

12. Mike is а little boy. He (want) to be а pilot when he (grow) up.

13. Let’s have а drink before we (start).

14. Don’t worry if I (be) late tonight.

15. I don’t know when he (come) tomorrow.

16. He (phone) you tomorrow as soon as he (arrive).

17. I’m sure Ann will pass the exam. It’ll be very strange if she (not pass) it.

18. I wonder if Jane (come) to my birthday party next Saturday.

19. When he (come) home from school, he usually (have) dinner.

20. After Mary (finish) school, she (enter) the University.

Test 11. Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple?

1. He (phone) you tomorrow when he (get) home from work.

2. ‘I (be) very busy now.’ ‘Why? What you (do)?’

3. Tom (not be) lazy. He (work) hard every day.

4. How often you (go) to the theatre?

5. We (go) to England for our holiday next year.

6. Wait for me! I (come) as soon as I (finish).

7. ‘You (work) hard today!’ ‘Yes, I have а lot to do.’

8. ‘What he usually (do) at weekends?’ ‘He usually (play) tennis.’

9. I (read) а very interesting book at the moment.

10. He is enjoying his holiday. He (have) а nice room in the hotel.

11. You (be) hungry? You (want) something to eat?

12. When I (come) home tomorrow, all my family (be) at home.

13. ‘Where is Ann?’ ‘She (have) а bath.’

14. You (see) that man over there? It’s our new teacher.

15. Look! Kate (dance) again. She (dance) every day.

16. How long it usually (take) you to get to school?

17. John (not go) for а walk today until his mother (come) back from work.

18. You (understand) me now?

19. ‘Would you like а cigarette?’ ‘No, thanks. I (not smoke).’

20. Let’s go out! It (not rain) any more.

Test 12. Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple?

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Test 12. Adjective or adverb? Choose the correct word. 1. The boys played (quiet/quietly). 2. It was snowing (heavy/heavily) the day before yesterday. 3. He gave it a (careful/carefully) look. 4. He speaks (perfect/perfectly) English. 5. Have you seen your friend (recent/recently)? 6. She’s a (slow/slowly) runner. 7. She draws (good/well). 8. They bought a (nice/nicely) car. 9. She likes sitting (near/nearly) the fire. 10. She left too (late/lately) to catch the bus. 11. Have you seen Ann (late/lately)? 12. He tries very (hard/hardly) to make his family happy. 13. She (hard/hardly) plays the piano. 14. Computers are (wide/widely) used in schools nowadays. 15. I think she’s a (pretty/prettily) good singer.

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1 quietly 2 heavy 3 careful 4 perfect 5 recently 6 slow 7 well 8 a nice 9 near 10 late 11 lately 12 hard 13 hardly 14 widely 15 pretty 

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