Terry from the word


Пол Unisex
Другие имена
Альтернативное написание Terri, Terrie, Teri
Производное уменьшительное от Terence или Тереза ​​ или Лефтерис (Элефтериос)

Терри — это имя мужского и женского рода, происходящее непосредственно от французского Тьерри и, в конечном итоге, от Теодорик. Его также можно использовать как уменьшительное псевдоним для данных имен Тереза ​​ или Тереза ​​(женский род) или Теренс или Лефтерис. (мужской род).


  • 1 Люди
  • 2 Вымышленные персонажи
  • 3 См. Также


  • Терри Албриттон (1955–2005), американский толкатель ядра, рекордсмен мира в 1976 году
  • Терри Аллен (значения), несколько человек
  • Терри Андерсон (значения), несколько человек
  • Терри Антонис (1993 г.р.), футболист Австралийской ассоциации
  • Терри А. Дэвис, (1969–2018), американский программист
  • Терри Бадду, журналист CNN
  • Терри Бальзамо (1972 г.р.), ведущий гитарист рок-группы Evanescence
  • Терри Бекнер (1997 г.р.), игрок в американский футбол
  • Терри Боллеа (1953 г.р.), профессиональный рестлер, более известный как «Халк Хоган»
  • Терри Брэдшоу (1948 г.р.), бывшая американская национальная футбольная лига защитник
  • Терри Бранстад (родился в 1946 году), американский политик
  • Терри Брукс (родился в 1944 году), американский писатель-фантаст
  • Терри Брукс (баскетбол) (родился примерно в 1968 году), Американский баскетболист колледжа
  • Терри Бранк (1964 г.р.), профессиональный игрок. Стлер, известный как «Сабу»
  • Терри Бирн (родился в 1966 году), английский футбольный менеджер и бизнесмен
  • Терри Колдуэлл (родился в 1938 году), английский футболист
  • Терри Каллиер (1945- 2012), американский джазовый и фолк-певец и гитарист
  • Терри Карпентер (1900-1978), американский политик
  • Терри Кокрейн (1953 года рождения), североирландский футболист
  • Терри Кокрейн (канадский футбол) (1963 г.р.), канадский футболист
  • Терри Колдуэлл, член поп-группы East 17
  • Терри Купер (футболист 1944 г.р.), английский футболист
  • Терри Коннор (1962 г.р.), английский футбольный помощник менеджера и бывший тренер и игрок
  • Терри Крюс (1968 г.р.), американский актер и футболист на пенсии
  • Терри Дэниэл, игрок в американский колледж по футболу (1992 г. -1994)
  • Терри Дейтц (род. 1959) Американский участник конкурса Survivor и телеведущий
  • Терри Даброу (род. 1958), американский пластический хирург и телеведущий
  • Терри Эллис (родился 1963), американская певица и певица ongwriter
  • Терри Этим (1986 г.р.), английский профессиональный боец ​​смешанных единоборств, в настоящее время подписанный на UFC
  • Терри Фаррелл (актриса) (род. 1963), американская актриса и модель
  • Терри Луиза Фишер (1946 г.р.), американский сценарист и продюсер
  • Терри Фокс (1958-1981), канадский спортсмен и активист
  • Терри Франкона (1959 г.р.), менеджер Американской высшей бейсбольной лиги и бывший игрок
  • Терри Фанк (1944 г.р.), американский профессиональный рестлер
  • Терри Гиллиам (1940 г.р.), британо-американский кинорежиссер и участник Monty Python
  • Терри Годвин (1996 г.р.), Игрок в американский футбол
  • Терри Гудкинд (род. 1948), автор американского фэнтези
  • Терри Холл (значения), разные люди
  • Терри Хаскинс (1955-2000), американец политик
  • Терри Джонсон (значения), разные люди
  • Терри Джонс (1942–2020), валлийский актер, писатель, комик, сценарист, кинорежиссер и участник Monty Python
  • Терри Карл, профессор латиноамериканского Учится в Стэнфордском университете
  • Терри Кэт (1946-1978), американский гитарист, певец и один из основателей группы Chicago
  • Терри Келли (fl. 1985-настоящее время), Канадский певец и автор песен, спикер и артист
  • Терри Килгор (1961 г.р.), американский политик
  • Терри Кунц (1952 г.р.), игрок в американский футбол
  • Терри Лабонте ( 1956 г.р.), американский гонщик NASCAR в отставке
  • Терри Мэннинг (fl. 1963-настоящее время), американский музыкальный продюсер и инженер
  • Терри МакОлифф (1957 г.р.), бывший губернатор из Вирджинии и бывший председатель Национального комитета Демократической партии
  • Терри Макдермотт (1951 г.р.), английский футболист
  • Терри Макинифф, ирландский отельер и политик
  • Терри МакЛорин (1996 г.р.), Игрок в американский футбол
  • Терри Мур (значения), несколько человек
  • Терри Моран (1959 г.р.), американский журналист, бывший со-ведущий новостного шоу Nightline
  • Терри Моран (общедоступный слуга) (род.1947), австралийский старший государственный служащий
  • Терри Нэйшн, валлийский сценарист и романист, создатель Далеков и Давроса для Доктора Кто
  • Терри О’Куинн (1952 г.р.), американский актер, наиболее известный по роли Джона Локка в Сериал Lost
  • Терри Пилкадарис (1973 г.р.), австралийский гольфист
  • Терри Пратчетт (1948-2015), автор фэнтези, известный по серии книг Плоский мир
  • (1946- 2005), американский окружной прокурор
  • Терри Ричардсон (род. 1965), американский модный фотограф
  • Терри Ричардсон (лига регби), футболист английской лиги регби 1970-х и 1980-х годов
  • Терри Сэнфорд (1917-1998), американский политик и педагог, губернатор Северной Каролины (1961-1965)
  • Терри Шофилд (род. 1948), американский баскетболист и тренер
  • Терри Суини (род. 1950), американский актер, писатель и комик в субботу вечером в прямом эфире
  • Терри Сью-Патт (1964-2015), британский актер
  • Терри Вирго (1940 г.р.), лидер Британской Новой Новой Зеландии. Церковное движение
  • Терри Темпест Вилли Амс (1955 г.р.), американский писатель, защитник природы и активист
  • Терри Воган (1938-2016), ирландский / британский телеведущий / телеведущий в Соединенном Королевстве
  • Терри Райт (значения), несколько человек
  • Терри Йорат (1950 г.р.), бывший футбольный менеджер и игрок из Уэльса
  • Терри Цвигофф (1949 г.р.), американский режиссер документальных и художественных фильмов

Вымышленные персонажи

  • Терри, персонаж из Aqua Teen Hunger Force
  • Терри Бернадино, персонаж из Reno 911!
  • Терри Богард, из видеоигр SNK’s Fatal Fury и King of Fighters
  • Терри Бут, второстепенный персонаж из серии романов о Гарри Поттере, Дж. К. Роулинг
  • Терри Чейни, главный женский персонаж в Конечная цель
  • Терри Коллиер, вымышленный персонаж в The Likely Парни ситкомы и фильм
  • Терри Кимпл, персонаж из Кливлендского шоу
  • Терри Ли, главный герой комикса Терри и пираты
  • Терри Мэллой, главный герой 19 54 криминальная драма На набережной
  • Терри Макканн, из сериала Миндер, которого играет Деннис Уотерман
  • Терри Макскотти, один из главных героев аниме-сериала Битва Би-Даман
  • Терри МакГиннис, главный герой в Batman Beyond
  • Терри Сорванец, из AwesomenessTV
  • Терри Милкович, из Бесстыдный
  • Страшный Терри, из Рик и Морти
  • Терри, из романа Хэтчет
  • Терри «Жаба», в фильме Американское граффити
  • Терри Кармайкл, персонаж из фильма Джона Ву 1996 года фильм Сломанная стрела

См. также

  • Терри
  • Тери (имя)
  • Терривилл

Terry is a unisex given name, derived from French Thierry and Theodoric. It can also be used as a diminutive nickname for the names Teresa or Theresa (feminine) or Terence or Terrier (masculine).


Gender Unisex
Other names
Alternative spelling Terri, Terrie, Teri
Derived diminutive of Terence or Teresa or Lefteris (Eleftherios)



  • Terry Albritton (1955–2005), American shot putter, world record holder in 1976
  • Terry Antonis (born 1993), Australian association football player
  • Terry A. Davis, (1969–2018), American programmer
  • Terry Baddoo, CNN journalist
  • Terry Balsamo (born 1972), American lead guitarist for the rock band Evanescence
  • Terry Beckner (born 1997), American football player
  • Terry Bollea (born 1953), professional wrestler, better known by his ring name Hulk Hogan
  • Terry Bowden (born 1956), American football coach and former player
  • Terry Bradshaw (born 1948), American former National Football League quarterback
  • Terry Branstad (born 1946), American politician
  • Terry Brooks (born 1944), American fantasy writer
  • Terry Brooks (basketball) (born c. 1968), American college basketball player
  • Terry Brunk (born 1964), professional wrestler known as «Sabu»
  • Terry Byrne (born 1966), English football manager and businessman
  • Terry Caldwell (born 1938), English footballer
  • Terry Callier (1945–2012), American jazz and folk singer and guitarist
  • Terry Carpenter (1900–1978), American politician
  • Terry Cochrane (born 1953), Northern Irish footballer
  • Terry Cochrane (Canadian football) (born 1963), Canadian football player
  • Terry Coldwell, member of the pop group East 17
  • Terry Cooper (footballer, born 1944), English footballer
  • Terry Connor (born 1962), English football assistant manager and former coach and player
  • Terry Cress, Winner of Canada’s Worst Handyman 2
  • Terry Crews (born 1968), American actor and retired football player
  • Terry Daniel, American college football punter (1992–1994)
  • Terry Deitz (born 1959) American Survivor contestant and television host
  • Terry Dubrow (born 1958), American plastic surgeon and television personality
  • Terry Eagleton (born 1943), British literary critic and academic
  • Terry Etim (born 1986), English professional mixed martial artist currently signed to the UFC
  • Terry Fair (basketball) (1960–2020), American-Israeli professional basketball player
  • Terry Farnsworth (born 1942), Canadian Olympic judoka
  • Terry Fator (born 1965), American singing ventriloquist
  • Terry Fontenot (born 1980), American football executive
  • Terry Fox (1958–1981), Canadian athlete and activist
  • Terry Francona (born 1959), American professional baseball manager and former player
  • Terry Funk (born 1944), American professional wrestler
  • Terry Gilliam (born 1940), British-American film director, and Monty Python member
  • Terry Godwin (born 1996), American football player
  • Terry Goodkind (1948–2020), American fantasy author
  • Terry Haskins (1955–2000), American politician
  • Terry Jones (1942–2020), Welsh actor, writer, comedian, screenwriter, film director and Monty Python member
  • Terry Kath (1946–1978), American guitarist, singer and founding member of the band Chicago
  • Terry Kay (1938–2020), American writer
  • Terry Kelly (singer), Canadian singer-songwriter, speaker, and entertainer
  • Terry Kilgore (born 1961), American politician
  • Terry Kunz (born 1952), American football player
  • Terry Labonte (born 1956), American retired NASCAR driver
  • Terry Lin (born 1966), Taiwanese singer
  • Terry Malone, American football coach
  • Terry Manning, American music producer and engineer
  • Terry McAuliffe (born 1957), American politician; former Governor of Virginia and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee
  • Terry McDermott (born 1951), English footballer
  • Terry McEniff, Irish hotelier and politician
  • Terry McGroom (1966–2016), American boxer
  • Terry McLaurin (born 1996), American football player
  • Terry Metcalf (born 1951), American football player
  • Terry Moore (disambiguation), multiple people
  • Terry Moran (born 1959), American journalist, former co-anchor of the news show Nightline
  • Terry Moran (public servant) (born 1947), Australian senior public servant
  • Terry Nation, Welsh screenwriter and novelist, creator of the Daleks and Davros for Doctor Who
  • Terry Nichols, US convicted accomplice in the Oklahoma City bombing
  • Terry O’Quinn (born 1952), American actor best known for playing John Locke on the TV series Lost
  • Terry Pilkadaris (born 1973), Australian golfer
  • Terry Pratchett (1948–2015), English fantasy author known for the Discworld book series
  • Terry Richardson (born 1965), American fashion photographer
  • Terry Richardson (ice hockey) (born 1953), Canadian ice hockey player
  • Terry Richardson (rugby league), English rugby league footballer in the 1970s and 1980s
  • Terry Rozier (born 1994), American basketball player
  • Terry Sanford (1917–1998), American politician and educator, Governor of North Carolina (1961–1965)
  • Terry Saul (1921–1976), Choctaw/Chickasaw illustrator, painter, muralist, commercial artist, and educator.
  • Terry Schofield (born 1948), American basketball player and coach
  • Terry Stotts (born 1957), American basketball coach
  • Terry Sweeney (born 1950), American actor, writer and comedian on Saturday Night Live
  • Terry Sue-Patt (1964–2015), British actor
  • Terry Teachout (1956–2022), American author, critic, biographer, playwright, stage director, and librettist.
  • Terry-Thomas (1911–1990), English character actor and comedian
  • Terry Virgo (born 1940), a leader in the British New Church Movement
  • Terry Waite (born 1938), British hostage negotiator
  • Terry Wogan (1938–2016), Irish-British broadcaster and television personality
  • Terry Yorath (born 1950), Welsh former football manager and player
  • Terry Zwigoff (born 1949), American documentary and feature film director


  • Terry Alderete (1945–2013), American businesswoman
  • Terry Babcock-Lumish (born 1976), American professor
  • Terry Baum (born 1946), American playwright
  • Terry Bellamy, American former mayor
  • Terry Bergeson (born 1942), American educator
  • Terry Berkowitz, American video artist
  • Terry Berlier (born 1972), American artist and sculptor
  • Terry Beyer (born 1951), American politician
  • Terry Braunstein (artist) (born 1942), American photomontage artist
  • Terry Castle (born 1953), American scholar
  • Terry Cole-Whittaker (born 1939), American writer
  • Terry Acebo Davis (born 1953), Filipino-American artist and nurse
  • Terry Dexter (born 1978), American singer-songwriter
  • Terry Van Duyn (born 1951), Democratic politician
  • Terry Ehret (born 1955), American poet
  • Terry Ellis (born 1963), American singer
  • Terry Farrell (actress) (born 1963), American actress
  • Terry Finn (born 1955), American actress
  • Terry Fulmer, American gerontologist
  • Terry Gabreski (born 1952), American vice commander
  • Terry Van Ginderen (1931–2018), Flemish television presenter
  • Terry Hu (born 1953), Taiwanese actress, writer and translator
  • Terry Huntingdon (born 1940), American film actress
  • Terry Irwin (designer), American designer
  • Terry D. Johnston (born 1947), American politician and businesswoman
  • Terry Karl (born 1947), American professor
  • Terry Keith, American geologist
  • Terry Moore (actress) (born 1929), American film actress
  • Terry M. McGovern (born 1961), American activist
  • Terry McMillan (born 1951), American novelist
  • Terry Meza (born 1949), American politician
  • Terry Neese, American political figure
  • Terry O’Flaherty, Irish mayor
  • Terry a. O’Neal (born 1973), American writer
  • Terry Oroszi (born 1966), American author
  • Terry Orr-Weaver, American molecular biologist
  • Terry Plank (born 1963), American volcanologist
  • Terry Pheto (born 1981), South African actress
  • Terry Reintke (born 1987), German politician
  • Terry Spear, American author
  • Terry Underwood (born 1944), Australian author
  • Terry Wahls (born 1955), American physician
  • Terry Tempest Williams (born 1955), American writer

Fictional charactersEdit

  • Terry, a character from Aqua Teen Hunger Force
  • Terry, a pterodactyl boss character from the video game Banjo Tooie
  • Terry Bernadino, a character from Reno 911!
  • Terry Bogard, from SNK’s Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters video games
  • Terry Boot, minor character from the Harry Potter series of novels, by J. K. Rowling
  • Terry Carmichael, a character in the 1996 John Woo film Broken Arrow
  • Terry Chaney, main female character in Final Destination
  • Terry Collier, fictional character in The Likely Lads sitcoms and film
  • Terry «The Toad» Fields, a character in the 1973 film American Graffiti
  • Terrance «Terry» Hawthorne, a character in the 1985 film Pee-wee’s Big Adventure
  • Terry Ives, mother of Eleven in the television series Stranger Things
  • Terry Kimple, a character from The Cleveland Show
  • Terry Lee, main character of the comic strip Terry and the Pirates
  • Terry Malloy, main protagonist of the 1954 crime drama film On the Waterfront
  • Terry McCann, from the TV series Minder
  • Terry McScotty, one of the main characters in the anime series Battle B-Daman
  • Terry McGinnis, DC Comics character
  • Terry Milkovich, from Shameless
  • Terry Silver, a character in The Karate Kid franchise
  • Terry the Tomboy, from AwesomenessTV
  • Terry Williams, a character in the British soap opera Hollyoaks
  • Scary Terry, from Rick and Morty
  • Terry, from the novel Hatchet
  • Terry, from the 2013 animated film Monsters University
  • Terry, from the 2020 animated film Soul
  • Terry, one of the main protagonists of the adult animated series Solar Opposites
  • Terry Benedict, casino owner, the main antagonist in the Ocean’s trilogy


  • «Terry Taliban», British Army slang for Taliban fighters during the Afghanistan War of 2001 to 2021

See alsoEdit

  • Teri (given name)
  • Terri
  • Terryville (disambiguation)
  • Therry

махровая ткань, вытяжной ворс, неразрезной ворс, булавчатый ворс


- вытяжной или булавчатый ворс

terry velvet — бархат с булавчатым или вытяжным ворсом

- неразрезной ворс
- плюшевое переплетение
- амер. = terry cloth

Мои примеры


terry weave — махровое переплетение  
terry fabric — плюшевое трикотажное полотно  
terry loom — ткацкий станок для махровой ткани  
terry towel loom — ткацкий станок для махровых полотенец  
terry poplin — махровый поплин  
terry stitch structure — плюшевое трикотажное переплетение  
automatic terry towel loom — автоматический ткацкий станок для махровых полотенец  
terry cloth — махровое полотно; махровая ткань  
terry-loop goods — трикотаж с неразрезными ворсовыми петлями; ткани с неразрезным ворсом  
terry motion — механизм выработки махровой ткани  

Примеры с переводом

Terry greeted the visitor warmly.

Терри тепло поприветствовал гостя.

Terry’s new job starts a week tomorrow.

Терри приступает к новой работе через восемь дней. (брит., досл. через неделю, начиная с завтрашнего дня)

‘Oh, no problem!’ said Terry, ironically.

— Ой, да не вопрос! — с иронией сказал Терри.

I’ll get Terry to check the wiring for me.

Я попрошу Терри проверить у меня проводку.

You can’t expect Terry to take all the blame.

Не стоит надеяться, что Терри возьмёт всю вину на себя.

Terry seems to be in rather low spirits today.

Кажется, Терри сегодня в весьма неважном настроении.

You can talk in front of Terry — he’s one of us.

Можете говорить в присутствии Терри: он свой человек.

Right, I’ll leave this for Roger and Terry to sort, then.

Хорошо, тогда я предоставлю разбираться с этим Роджеру и Терри.

Terry fixed herself a cold drink and sat out on the balcony.

Терри приготовила себе прохладительный напиток и села на балконе.

Running his own business has really made a man out of Terry.

Управление собственным бизнесом сделало из Терри настоящего мужика.

As far as I’m concerned Terry is still a friend, end of story.

Для меня Терри по-прежнему друг, и всё тут!

Terry had a little misunderstanding with the police last night.

Вчера вечером у Терри возникло небольшое недоразумение с полицией.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Terry was so tired he couldn’t walk straight.

Terry’s going fishing at Lake Arrowhead next weekend.

You got us into this mess, Terry. You can get us out of it.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

terrible  — ужасный, страшный, громадный, внушающий ужас, внушающий страх
terrier  — терьер, поземельная книга, солдат территориальной армии
terrify  — ужасать, вселять ужас
terror  — террор, ужас, страх, гроза, тяжелый человек, беспокойный ребенок

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Terry said he had this new kid and his wife didn’t want to live in England. He wanted to tour. He hated being in the studio. terry liked seeing various bars the world over and getting smashed out of his brain. He was a sort of latent Keith Moon.

Andy Partridge



Perhaps variant of terret.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Terry is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Definition of terry in the English dictionary

The definition of terry in the dictionary is an uncut loop in the pile of towelling or a similar fabric. Other definition of terry is a fabric with such a pile on both sides.


Synonyms and antonyms of terry in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «terry» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of terry to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of terry from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «terry» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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75 millions of speakers

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havlu kumaş

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40 millions of speakers

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30 millions of speakers

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15 millions of speakers

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14 millions of speakers

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10 millions of speakers

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5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of terry


The term «terry» is very widely used and occupies the 5.264 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «terry» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of terry

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «terry».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «terry» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «terry» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about terry


Famous quotes and sentences with the word terry.

I will be the 43-year-old guy in the jumpsuit. In my estimation and my image of myself is that I am 23 and can get away with it. If I didn’t have the show, I would be in one right now. It would be denim, but I love a terry.

Terry said he had this new kid and his wife didn’t want to live in England. He wanted to tour. He hated being in the studio. terry liked seeing various bars the world over and getting smashed out of his brain. He was a sort of latent Keith Moon.


Discover the use of terry in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to terry and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Best of Terry Kimbrough Baby Afghans

These sweet wraps are just right for a special infant. Terry Kimbrough’s designs never skimp on charm, and this darling collection of 24 crocheted afghans is no exception.


Terry Funk: More Than Just Hardcore

The professional wrestler shares his life story, career highlights, and experiences growing up in a wrestling family.


Condemned to Repeat?: The Paradox of Humanitarian Action

This book contains documents from the former Rwandan army and government that were found in the refugee camps after they were attacked in late 1996. This material illustrates how combatants manipulate humanitarian action to their benefit.

Unquestionably the founding work of minimalism in musical composition, Terry Riley’s In C (1964) challenges the standards of imagination, intellect, and musical ingenuity to which «classical» music is held.

Department of Music The Hartt School Robert Carl Professor of Composition and Theory and Chair of Composition, University of Hartford, 2009


What Is Contemporary Art?

Inviting readers into these diverse yet overlapping art worlds, Smith offers a behind-the-scenes introduction to the institutions, the personalities, the biennials, and of course the works that together are defining the contemporary.


An Introduction to Historical Linguistics

The new edition of this popular introductory text on historical linguistics covers all areas of language change, with a focus on Australia and the Pacific.

Terry Crowley, Claire Bowern, 2010


Aikido in Everyday Life: Giving in to Get Your Way

Conflict is an unavoidable aspect of living.


Ideology: An Introduction

As well as clarifying a notoriously confused topic, this new work by one of our most important contemporary critics is a controversial political intervention into current theoretical debates.

This is the absolutely guaranteed 100% mostly true story of Terry Bradshaw: the man who gained sports immortality as the first quarterback to win four Super Bowls — and the man who later became America’s most popular sports broadcaster.

This book undertakes a lucid and detailed analysis of Eagletons oeuvre.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term terry is used in the context of the following news items.

John Terry says Petr Cech would be worth 12 to 15 points to Arsenal

John Terry also praised Petr Cech’s ‘unbelievable’ professionalism after the keeper was relegated to the Chelsea bench. Photograph: Andrew Matthews/PA. «The Guardian, Jun 15»

Terry Speaks fires himself as lawyer in murder trial; testimony gives …

Photo provided by the Kenner Police Department — Terry Speaks Advocate file photo by HEATHER MCCLELLAND Friends and family members of Jaren … «The New Orleans Advocate, Jun 15»

Remembering Gary Terry: ‘He was one of the best’

What I remember about Gary Terry wasn’t his driving chops – though he definitely had some – it was the way he treated his customers at the Richard Petty … «Motorsport.com, Apr 15»

John Terry signs new one-year Chelsea contract extension

Chelsea have announced that club captain John Terry has signed a one-year contract extension to keep him at the club until the end of the 2015-16 season. «ESPN FC, Mar 15»

Sir Terry Pratchett, renowned fantasy author, dies aged 66

Sir Terry Pratchett, fantasy author and creator of the Discworld series, has died aged 66, eight years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. «The world … «BBC News, Mar 15»

Chelsea captain John Terry is the best in the country and after …

John Terry’s inspired display against Tottenham in the Capital One Cup final on Sunday helped Chelsea land their first trophy since Jose Mourinho returned to … «Daily Mail, Mar 15»

John Terry hopes for a few more years at Chelsea before retirement

John Terry is determined to enjoy a successful conclusion to his Chelsea career by continuing to confound his critics. The 34-year-old, who is adored by many in … «FOXSports.com, Mar 15»

Water Leaks Into Astronaut Terry Virts’ Helmet During Spacewalk

Terry Virts performs a spacewalk outside the International Space Station on Wednesday. Three spacewalks had been planned, with the next one Sunday, but its … «Huffington Post, Feb 15»

Trumpeter Clark Terry, Who Played in ‘Tonight Show’ Band, Dies at 94

Trumpeter Clark Terry, who excelled as a leader and sideman in big bands and small combos during his seven-decade career in jazz, has died at 94. Terry … «Variety, Feb 15»

A statement from owner Terry Pegula on Doug Marrone

Terry Pegula has issued a statement in response to Doug Marrone exercising an opt-out clause in his contract. STATEMENT FROM BUFFALO BILLS OWNER … «BuffaloBills.com, Dec 14»


« EDUCALINGO. Terry [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/terry>. Apr 2023 ».

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  • 1


    1) вытяжно́й или була́вчатый ворс; неразрезно́й ворс

    2) = terrycloth

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Terry

  • 2


    1) вытяжно́й или була́вчатый ворс; неразрезно́й ворс

    2) = terrycloth

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > Terry

  • 3


    1) вытяжно́й или була́вчатый ворс; неразрезно́й ворс

    2) = terrycloth

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > terry

  • 4

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > terry

  • 5

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > terry

  • 6


    terry текст. амер. = terrycloth terry текст. вытяжной или булавчатый ворс terry текст. амер. = terrycloth terrycloth: terrycloth махровая ткань (для купальных халатов, простынь и т. п.)

    English-Russian short dictionary > terry

  • 7

    Англо-русский технический словарь > terry

  • 8

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > terry

  • 9

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) > Terry’s

  • 10

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > Terry

  • 11

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > terry

  • 12

    1. n Терри

    2. n текст. вытяжной или булавчатый ворс

    3. n текст. неразрезной ворс

    4. n текст. плюшевое переплетение

    English-Russian base dictionary > Terry

  • 13

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > Terry

  • 14

    НБАРС > terry

  • 15

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > terry

  • 16

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Terry

  • 17

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > terry

  • 18

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Terry

  • 19

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Terry

  • 20


    вытяжной булавчатый ворс

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > terry


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Terry — is a name that means ruler of the people in Germanic, or uncertain, maybe soft, tender in Latin; it could also be a pet form of Thierry or Terence in English [cite web| title =The Name Origin and the Name Meaning of Terry| url… …   Wikipedia

  • Terry — steht für: Terry (Familienname)– dort zu Namensträgern Terry (Vorname) – dort auch zu Namensträgern Terry ist der Name folgender Orte: Terry (Indiana), Vereinigten Staaten Terry (Louisiana), Vereinigten Staaten Terry (Mississippi), Vereinigten… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Terry — Terry, MT U.S. town in Montana Population (2000): 611 Housing Units (2000): 387 Land area (2000): 0.705361 sq. miles (1.826877 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.705361 sq. miles (1.826877 sq. km) …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Terry’s — was a chocolate and confectionery maker in York, England. Its history stretched back to 1767 but in 1993 it was taken over by Kraft Foods. The York factory closed in 2005.HistoryThe factory started in 1767 as Bayldon and Berry confectionery,… …   Wikipedia

  • Terry IV — Terry Cuatro Datos generales Origen Villarrobledo (Albacete) Información artística Género(s) Rock …   Wikipedia Español

  • Terry —   [ terɪ],    1) Dame (seit 1925) Alice Ellen, englische Schauspielerin, * Coventry 27. 2. 1847, ✝ Small Hythe (County Kent) 21. 7. 1928, Mutter von E. G. Craig; bedeutende Shakespeare Interpretin; 1878 1902 Zusammenarbeit mit H. Irving. G. B.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Terry, MS — U.S. town in Mississippi Population (2000): 664 Housing Units (2000): 288 Land area (2000): 2.310274 sq. miles (5.983582 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.003412 sq. miles (0.008838 sq. km) Total area (2000): 2.313686 sq. miles (5.992420 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Terry, MT — U.S. town in Montana Population (2000): 611 Housing Units (2000): 387 Land area (2000): 0.705361 sq. miles (1.826877 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.705361 sq. miles (1.826877 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Terry — Ter ry, n. A kind of heavy colored fabric, either all silk, or silk and worsted, or silk and cotton, often called terry velvet, used for upholstery and trimmings. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Terry — m English: in the Middle Ages this was a Germanic name (composed of elements meaning ‘tribe’ and ‘power’ see DIETRICH (SEE Dietrich)) introduced to England by the Normans in the form T(h)ierri. (A fuller form is represented by the name of the… …   First names dictionary

  • Terry — Le nom est surtout porté dans l Isère. C est en principe l équivalent de Thierry (même chose pour les nombreux Terry anglais) …   Noms de famille

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